Ugly Shirts and Casino Buffets

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okay so we're on our way - oh this is my is my intro okay you're not doing my trademark intro like you're in drilling call and welcome - hello and welcome back to my channel losing your value hello and welcome back to my channel I get nervous twitch if you could do without leaning in and that's better hello and welcome now we are in the car on a road trip on our way to Coachella what you guys might have seen in Sophia's long actually she's wearing the outfit right now plot twist we're not actually attending Coachella Valley Music Festival we're just going to see if we can if we're allowed to stand outside and ask people if they would wear this to a music festival it's yet to be seen if we're allowed to interview people or if anyone really wants to talk to her the last ones big people are like a little bit in party mode I feel like going into Coachella alright we got it finally I need some coffee I did before I just want every box man we're going to talk about - this is a good duo right now Taco Bell the old Starbucks yeah buddy are you guys ready for the next level food porn I got a case or Rito they make a burrito inside of the quesadilla ready we get that slow-mo cheese cool a shot I mean didn't want the food as visible picture up there how's that Taco Bell sittin it sitting in your butt it's not my butt yet we are about an hour away yeah well fed now I've never been to Coachella before we're going to get there we're not going to go in still have to be eating like we're going to Coachella I think we're not even going in one thing you can do is we always hear about this place called the morongo casino on the radio but you know those ads that you have in your hometown I just like play on Lube - yes I've heard they're at a million times and like one time we went out the pawns range I saw it maybe all the way back or PETA impromptu clicks today we go to morongo go in there will be a Kevin James show not building right there in Toronto that's Hall thing right [Music] pillow dress to the festival we go this little blue guy is like a prominent part of the vlog right now what's his name the combin akela are we close very well we're very much 10 minutes away I can't wait for my own version of this festival outfit this is my tutu so if you guys are expecting a DIY and how to do this at DIY come at you I can't wait to see what people have to say I'm a little giddy all butterflies in my stomach okay guys we are here it's pretty epic out here you ready Soph yeah I'll get your shoes I'm going like for full weirdness with my ladybug on wait let me straighten it out Felix Eilish yes when I was buying this due to the guy was like please tell me this is for something very weirded out it we got our extra teachers here just in case somebody also want stood on this awesome style alright well thank you for your honesty alright have a great time Coachella guys thank you I was originally afraid that we're in a rat to choose to give away yeah no one wants that people do not want them people do not like this shirt we're over three yeah and technically goes one of our interviews with three people were over hi yeah the lady behind the camera when we were interviewing Adriana was like that's one shirt oh that's horrible if you wanted to to peel boxes because we can send them to you seriously had a couple security guards and cops say you can't film here you can't go in there there is no entrance over there I think they definitely thought they were trying to jump over a fence at one point we are now in the desert no ticket to Coachella which I'm fine with but we have some driving to do maybe some gambling in morongo he's in Toronto at this point why come all the way out to Palm Springs and not go to Morocco ah majestic morongo he looks like a giant Jolly Rancher it does I never envisioned this day like I never thought that they would come I never really thought about actually going tomorrow though but now that we're here I'm really excited this is a day of impulsive fear exactly we saw it we're like that is a giant purple building are we really going to drive by it right now we've heard so many ads about it so we're going in I think Sophia's shirt describes today it's a day of excess it's a day of tutus on shirts it's a day of going outside Coachella not in and a day of going into morongo I really want to stop by their all-you-can-eat buffet we have to freeze things you have to eat our work I haven't been to a buffet in Kabul year I'm very excited I called it a noodle spring roll sille add noodles spring rolls orange chicken and then it's topped with raw mushrooms and cucumbers and tomatoes the only little buffet to me is hitting all the corners the world and everything is pretty real well represented over here awesome Italian chicken somewhere underneath there I got pad thai and more chickens bread and garlic right bread I did expose that I wonder forget I didn't egg already [Music] all right Tyler taking the lap bison to dessert that we got what do you think Tyler lemons are I'm pleased I definitely satisfied after that meal we are like the best is probably the noodle and in the pizza the peas madidus things like Chuckie Cheese I which I like personally remaining cheese pieces I love sort of like laser tag pizza I even like college dorm or even cafeteria dude like you feel a little bit of everything everybody like I had like a little mushroom risotto with orange chicken it sounds crazy but it's delicious I like this sorry excuse me I'm a Berber now men's burps all watching the vlog I'm going to ether uh sister Claire I think we have the rare opportunity of leaving a casino in the green vehicle e8r our money for an event okay so that was Morel go honestly I will say one thing I don't know if Tyler notices because I don't think that he sat down on a toilet seat the toilet seats they had that plastic covering where he pressed the button and it pulled out a new plastic cover yes I love those plastic covers that like turn you as you want to talking about weird like a plastic wrap and then it rotates around when you press apply we didn't do any canceling oh yeah surgical strike in and out yeah to buffet it like met maybe even exceeded my expectations great variety good food actually I liked it I think I definitely have a little bit of a stomachache but that's probably because the quantity of food that we ate it is one of those days where we've consumed coffee Taco Bell now all-you-can-eat buffet so I think that we should just wait a little bit before we pass judgment on whether or not we're going to peel in our stomachs first marala go experience a win apparently the toilet take the very second we came here you know at least once in our lives now when we hear those commercials in the radio like I can picture that I know in that that's morongo they didn't mention their toilet seat they should have decel importantly that is be selling point the selling point for me so how to refill this outro because I know they had like a little booger well it was a big booger in my nose during the last outro so I'm refilling it right now here's my new outro if you like this video smash or gently tap the like button down below if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe to this channel we're doing behind the scenes stuff challenge videos maybe some shows like t iy it's coming up so definitely subscribe down below and if you guys subscribe but you haven't hit a little bell icon yet to have that and you'll get a notification every time I post here is my next beat we do a lot of daily vlogging and QA there there's a live chat so we can talk to you guys get to know you guys better it's a lot of fun for us I hope there are no hookers this time that would be pretty disappointing I think we're good and if there are boogers there then I just cut that out but anyway so thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 418,047
Rating: 4.979032 out of 5
Keywords: safiya nygaard, tyler williams, vlog, daily vlog, behind the scenes, bts, ugliest shirt in the world, ugly shirt, tutu shirt, casino, coachella, no-chella, casino buffet, morongo, buffet, food, road trip, taco bell, saf and ty, safiya and tyler, couples, couple, boyfriend, girlfriend
Id: C7OlT-oDb78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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