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hi everyone in today's video i'm going to be saving you lots of money because i'm sharing my three favorite quick and easy boba recipes after this you'll be able to satisfy your boba cravings whenever you want and for a fraction of the price don't want to put on pants to go get boba no problem don't want to spend five dollars or more on a cup of boba no problem craving boba late at night but all your local boba shops are closed no problem i got you with these delicious fast and simple boba recipes let's get into it hi welcome back to cooking with maymay today i'm showing you three boba recipes that are so easy so fast and these are basically just recipes that i like to make whenever i'm craving boba which is like every day so let's get started okay so now we're at the stove because we're gonna start off by boiling the boba so i have a pot of water here and just gonna turn it on high and wait for that to come to a boil so during this process of like waiting for the water to boil and then we're gonna cook the boba i like to prep the rest of the drink so that way we cut down even more on the time and it's just super quick so that being said the first recipe i'm gonna share is for my quick brown sugar boba so i'm actually gonna move this to a different um burner burner a different burner and then i'll show you guys how to prepare the brown sugar syrup so i have my small pot right here and i'm gonna add my brown sugar this is about half a cup of brown sugar i'm gonna add a few tablespoons of water just about two and then i'm just gonna turn this on and get this going and wait for it to reduce down into a nice thick syrup so then while that's going i can check up on my water and it is boiling so i'm gonna put in a good amount of boba i'm gonna put like two cups ish maybe one and a half to two cups once we add the boba we're gonna wait for all of them to start floating to the top make sure you give it a good mix so they don't stick to the bottom and stick all together and now that they're all floating at the top i'm gonna put the lid on and let it sit there for about five minutes now we can check in on our syrup it's definitely getting thicker oh it's looking like a really nice consistency so this syrup that i'm making on this pot is specifically going to be used for the brown sugar boba but all the boba that i made in the pot is going to be split between all three of the drinks that's why i made so much boba and so for the brown sugar bobo we are making the syrup because you know the whole highlight is on that brown sugar boba whereas the other drinks they have like other components to them so those i do like to soak them in brown sugar but i won't necessarily use the brown sugar syrup for them if that makes sense all right so the timer just went off our syrup is looking good and now let's check on the boba so now we turn off the heat oh they look so good chewy and soft so we're gonna go ahead and drain this and add some brown sugar and now we have all the boa right here and what i like to do is i'll just like put some brown sugar in there you wanna do this while it's still hot because the heat is gonna just melt that brown sugar and let it soak in all that sweet flavor i'm probably just gonna add it all in because i like my brown sugar boba nice and sweet okay so now that we have our boba ready we're going to be using this for the other drinks as well but for the brown sugar boba drink we're going to use this as well as the brown sugar syrup so let's assemble the drink i'm going to add my boba and my syrup and the best part about making boba at home is that you can decide how much boba you want in your drink because you know sometimes you're out of boba before you finish the actual drink right that's the worst feeling so when you're making boba at home that won't happen i'm mixing that syrup and the boba together and the idea is to get that nice syrupy coating on the cup like that now i'm gonna add a few ice cubes and your choice of milk and my favorite to have with brown sugar boba is this horizon brand and i usually get the two percent and it's so good you guys when i went to new york and i had shin futong in new york they also used the horizon milk and there it is there's our brown sugar boba so fast so easy so much cheaper than buying it from the store i mean it's a no-brainer honestly all right taste test time [Music] oh yeah nice and chewy got the sweetness from the brown sugar the milk is so good it's really just a perfect way to highlight the beautiful brown sugar boba i know i should stop drinking this because i have other bubble recipes to show you but i just can't resist it looks like i'm gonna have three cups of boba in one day and i'm perfectly okay with that okay so this next recipe is for cheese tea and if you are thinking that that sounds weird it's actually a very common drink so usually it is a tea of your choice so usually i get green tea and then they top it with like a salted cheese foam and it's really good when you drink them together so this is an easy recipe that you can make so that you can save money make your salted cheese at home or i also know a lot of people that are too scared to order salted cheese drinks at boba shops because they don't want to spend their money on a whole drink that they don't like so this is an easy way to just try it at home and see if you like it so first we're gonna grab a mixing bowl and add four ounces of cream cheese and then also some sugar i have two tablespoons in here but i recommend like one to two depending on how sweet you want it and i want mine to be sweeter so that's why i went with two tablespoons and also of course we need salt for the salted cheese so usually i do like 10 to 15 like turns of this salt i would say it's probably like one teaspoonish and you can adjust that depending on how salty you want your salted cheese so now we're gonna try to get them incorporated a little bit and then to loosen it up a bit i'm going to add about 1 4 cup of milk and that should help it get incorporated better you might need the help of a knife to get that cream cheese out of the whisk when you're stirring it so i think we mixed it pretty well we definitely don't want any clumps in there and so next we're gonna take half a cup of heavy cream pour it into a separate bowl and then we're gonna whisk it until we see some like medium peaks this of course would be much easier if you just use a mixer but i'm doing it by hand so i'm breaking a sweat so now that we've whipped our cream and it's the perfect consistency let's bring back our cream cheese mixture and we're gonna basically just add that all in there now we're gonna mix them together and our salted cheese will be done it's like the perfect texture not too liquidy not too thick and it looks so fluffy now comes my favorite part which is assembling the drink so for the tea i'm just using this brand and they have really good teas and i'm lazy to brew my own but you could totally brew your favorite tea so i'm gonna be using that tea but first we have to put the boba in and then i'm gonna put in the ice now the tea i love green tea especially jasmine we want to leave some space on the top for the salted cheese foam gonna pour a good amount of the foam on there yes oh my god this is giving me like delgona coffee vibes because of the fluffiness on top and there is our green tea with salted cheese doesn't it look so good it literally looks just like the ones that i get from like happy lemon so usually to drink cheese tea they recommend to just sip it instead of like using a straw and mixing it up i know some people that like to like mix it up so it's really just your preference but i'm gonna do it the classic way [Music] oh my gosh i've never tried it with the tea that i bought and it's so good with that tea oh my god this is so good never buying cheese tea from a boba shop again no that's a lot i definitely still will buy it from the tea shop but this is really good to hold you over at home and of course i have to get some of that boba on the bottom too i always have to bring in mom for the taste test she loves being the taste tester yes i do so this is a salted cheese the foam on top and then jasmine green tea and the boba nevada so you just zip it [Music] i'm liking it is it good yeah i know you like your sweet and salty together so i love the sweet and salty am i do i have a mustache no no you're good oh good good so we have one more recipe to go you'll probably see mom come back and be the taste tester for that so let's get started in the meantime i'm taking this oh okay i can make myself another one all right so for the last recipe we're gonna need this big boy right here and we are making papaya milk which is literally one of my favorite things to drink in taiwan and it's actually quite hard to find here in the states so might as well just make it at home it's super easy so we're gonna need our frozen papayas i just went ahead and cube some and stuck it in the freezer for like two hours it's probably not that frozen so we might need to add some ice but ideally they'd be completely frozen so i'm gonna go ahead and measure out about one cup of papaya we're gonna dump it in there then one cup of milk and about half a tablespoon of condensed milk this is optional i just happened to have some condensed milk so i decided to use it but i'm sure you can also sweeten it with sugar and stuff if you want and then since the papaya is not completely frozen i'm just gonna add like four cubes of ice so let me see what the consistency looks like it's actually really good i just think it definitely needs some more sugar so i'm just going to add some more condensed milk in there this is the kind of thing that you want to like taste test it because you never know how ripe your papaya is going to be and also depends on how sweet you like your drinks anyways adding a few more pieces of ice and let's give it another go taste test time oh that's a lot better i just needed that extra additional condensed milk so that's it so easy and now all we have to do is assemble our drink so i'm gonna put in my boba pour in my papaya milk ah and there it is it's so easy and simple and now my favorite part oh wow perfect sweetness goes so well with the boba i actually don't usually drink it with boba in taiwan but it's so good in it i have to get mom to come try mom what do you have for me this time this is papaya milk oh and with boba of course i think you'll like it wow i have a very strong papaya taste and it's not that sweet right perfect everything very flavorful and very very nice custom made for mom i'm gonna take this one too oh okay well good thing i have more because mom keeps stealing my drinks okay so i hope you guys enjoyed this easy boba recipes video let me know what was your favorite down below and which one you want to try because i definitely want to hear and if you guys like this video make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn on the bell so you get notified when i upload give this video a thumbs up and i'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: feed meimei
Views: 803,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy boba recipes, quick boba recipes, fast and easy boba recipes, quick and easy boba recipes, fast boba recipes, easiest boba recipes, instant boba instructions, instant boba tea, instant bubble tea, easy brown sugar boba recipe, how to make brown sugar boba easy, easy papaya milk recipe, easy salted cheese recipe, easy cheese tea recipe, cheese tea recipe, happy lemon salted cheese recipe, feed meimei, boba tea recipe easy, bubble tea recipe, easy bubble tea recipe
Id: Zn3QaOcimrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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