I Tried A Full Face Of 7-Eleven Makeup

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Hello friends and welcome to another video. Today, I'm gonna be trying out a full face of 7-eleven makeup. That's right. 7-eleven has evolved they are now competitors with Sephora. Just in case you guys don't know, 7-eleven is a 24-hour convenience store that I and many others frequent for chips. Now when you think about it, I guess it makes sense that 7-eleven might want to sell makeup I mean they sell a lot of things beyond snacks like airhead flavored slushies chicken wings and bugles they also sell toiletries like Razors and toothpaste. So if I saw them start to sell typical drugstore makeup brands I guess I wouldn't really be that surprised But this is their own makeup line which did surprise me. Their line is called "Simply Me Beauty" which they launched about a week ago And everything is supposed to cost between three and five dollars So think in the couple of Big Gulps throw in a bag of Funyuns range. So let's head out to our local 7-eleven, pick up some makeup and see how it is. Cause I like makeup. And I also like snacks. Saf: Nothing like a good morning run to 7-Eleven. I would like a taquito for breakfast. Tyler: I think I've had a taquito for breakfast. It's not bad. Okay, so we're at 7-eleven now, I'm gonna head in and pick up a full face of beauty products. They have 37 things I don't think I'm gonna get all 37, but I'm going to get one of each category, to create a 7-eleven look. So let's go for these two, oooooh nooo nooo please Tools, and lip stuff So something I noticed that they didn't have at the last store was some type of like setting powder or powder. So as we're going to the next 7-eleven, I'm just gonna see if they also have a display and just like poke around a little bit. But we're mostly going for snacks. So we tried to be a little more incognito this time. Basically, I got some spicy snacks for later to really, you know, give the makeup a run for its money We've got some taquitos for now. Tyler's about to dig in. Tyler: God bless. and then we've also got this down here It's not just a super gulp or a big gulp. It's a double gulp I've literally just bought more Diet Pepsi than anyone should ever drink. Tyler: You might turn into aspartame if you drink this whole thing. Saf: I did actually find some translucent setting powder in there. It was down by the tools. So I think I've actually got everything now We were kicked out of the last one, but that won't stop us from getting the setting powder Tyler: I think of us getting kicked out is all the evidence you need that this video was definitely not sponsored Despite the Super Gulp (correction: double gulp) next to me. Alright, so we're back with my 7-eleven haul. This double gulp is really sweating right now It's really just it's-it's all over the table. alright, so let's dive into the makeup For scale, my head. Alright, so let's dive into the makeup. I'm gonna try it on all now and then wear it for the rest of the day and see how it lasts, how it is, what happens. So let's start with the, um, Eyebrow stuff usually I start with my eyebrows So I've got this dark brow powder and wax. I usually use an eyebrow pencil, so I don't usually use this method But I think I do the wax first. I don't know if that did much besides maybe cement them down. Alright, so here's a little bit of this darker powder Oh! I'm making quite a bold brow. So that's the choice for the day. This is a matriarch of a caterpillar family. Tyler: It's like the monarch. Saf: Literally We just spool it out a little bit Just kind of smooth things over. The weird thing is they're kind of feathery So they don't really look like they've been drawn on with a sharpie, They're just very wide. So let's move on to the eye shadow I'm gonna grab an eyeshadow primer and slap it on real quick, and then we'll keep going. Alright, so my eye shadow is this aubergine matte and shimmer eyeshadow collection. Tyler: Looks edible. It does not smell edible. What is an aubergine, is it like an eggplant? I feel like it must be a zucchini Tyler: I'll look it up. It's an eggplant. Saf: It IS an eggplant! Tyler: It's another word for eggplant. I've watched Veggie Tales. I know my vegetables. Alright, so I'm just gonna grab some of these colors and put them on I mean this is just the base shade but it seems to be on And doing what it's supposed to be doing. And then I'm just gonna go into a couple of these deeper shades I would call that more of a pumpkin than an eggplant, but maybe that's just me Oh this shade at the very bottom is more of the eggplant shade. This like more reddish purple in the middle is quite brown Orange-y, though. It's a little bit of like a pumpkin spice surprise. So next is concealer and foundation They only had three colors for each product, so hopefully this works. Alright, so I'm just gonna squeeze a bit out on here I don't want to just use my fingers because of all of the taquitos So let's go with the beauty blender, and you know what taquitos in your face I mean I want taquito's in my face, but not necessarily on my face. Oh, yeah, I think that looks like a color That's gonna work. This is the lightest one They have though so if you were like super pale it probably wouldn't work for you It smells like sunscreen kind of reminds me of the summer of the summertime. I think that it feels pretty nice on the face It's just it's looking a little shiny. I do look a little bit like an Academy Award You know some type of golden man I do have translucent powder though, so hopefully that will help all right So next is the concealer also in the color light I'm feeling pretty good about this color match, so hopefully this will be the same color It's nice and like a little bit on the watery side it looks like it's not gonna Be like super full coverage, but it does not feel oily You'll just do a couple of strokes to cover up my mustache just for good measure I kind of like this concealer. It does seem to blend in very well, although I would have liked like a little bit more coverage for my under eye bags Suitcases, totes, fanny packs? my under eye fanny packs. usually right now I use the loose setting powder to like bake everything down I don't have any loose setting powder because they didn't have any at 7-eleven But they did have this translucent all shades matte powder Oh, oh, and they've given me a little sponge and little mirror alright So I'm just gonna use this big brush and just try and set everything down. Oh, it's it's flying up. I'm dreaming of a translucent Christmas I mean it does seem to be mattifying how much it's mattifying. It's unclear This is like the first thing that worries me a little bit. Just because I do create oil I'm an oil producer if you will so I'm just trying to put as much setting powder as possible to start out with alright So now that I used the setting powder, maybe we should go in with the eyeliner So this is the liquid felt tip eyeliner in black, so it definitely looks like a felt tip marker. That's definitely the vibe I'm getting there's a little wing There's a little wing template, so I'm gonna drag the eyeliner across and try and finish it off. This is pretty matte. It's a little bit inflexible like it is like a marker It's not like a brush at the end at all But it does seem to be doing the job as long as it doesn't run out of ink I think this is pretty legit alright, so next I'm gonna do all my cheek stuff So I've got a bronzer for contouring a blush and a highlighter This is the matte and shimmer bronzer in Sun glow I'm just gonna grab like a little contouring brush put a little bit of that matte bronzer on there and do the thing that looks pretty good actually I'll put a little bit under the double chin, maybe it's a little bit on the warm side, but I actually like it alright So next is the color blush in the color coral. It's quite an orange shade huh? Oh there it is At first I couldn't see it funnily enough the orange kind of complements the like pumpkiny color on my eyes I didn't really go in for the darker color It's a little bit intimidating to me so Let me just do a little bit of Translucent powder just to blend it in slightly and then we'll highlight so this highlighter is called the radiant highlighter It's kind of like a yellowish color and like a more orange rose Goldy color clear It is I can see it in person. Can you see on camera? Yeah a little bit? It's a pretty subtle highlight I think in general the cheek products blended in pretty well though, so I'm pretty pleased with them overall They like rose orange Gold highlighter doesn't help the oscar effect But maybe that's just what we're going with so we just have lashes mascara and lipstick left I thought I would just stop for a little taquito break is it good It's pretty cold, but it's so good all right, so these are my fake lashes, and I pulled out my lash Glue right here, but they actually give you a little bit of lash glue and like a little bit of a container up here So they're just like 7-elevens got your back So there's not that much lash glue in this thing so because I'm gonna have to do a couple of attempts I'm gonna use my lash glue just cuz I'm gonna run out of theirs nope well Good to see you, too. Let's just put a little bit on here Actually think these lashes look pretty nice and natural the biggest issue is going to be my ability to put them on well alright So after my fake lashes, I'm gonna use this volume and length mascara in black Oh wow, so it's like a rubber brush which is cool And they've got a nice spiky ball at the bottom for your bottom lashes If you look at the formula it looks to be like very Elastic almost does it look like melted cheese a little bit reminds me of the taquito I just ate I miss it already alright, so these are my fake lashes with mascara on them I think they look pretty voluminous from far away It kind of gives like a soft look, but I think that from close-up. You can really see like the amount of lash I've got going on there's kind of little while spider eyes alright, so last, but not least is the lip color This is the lip crayon in the color blush. Oh wow this is more orange than I expected. That's a cheeto I don't dislike it with the rest of the look But it's definitely now like I look like I look like a cup of butternut squash soup I guess because it's called blush I expected it to be more of like a peachy nude, but this is a hundred percent mac and cheese besides that it smells and Tastes like a Crayola crayon so it's got some good nostalgia vibes to it, but with this lip color This is my entire 7/11 makeup look overall everything was definitely usable some things were a little bit better than others But there was nothing that just straight-up didn't work I'm gonna wear it for the rest of the day and see how it lasts alright. Let's go I'm taking my big gulp out on the town, but You know just want to show you guys the first sip and see how much the big gulp straw would take away from my lipstick Definitely a mark on there this lipstick isn't like a liquid lipstick or a matte lipstick So I don't expect it to be super transfer proof, but I did get a good nice skid on there I've made an alarming amount of progress on this video You're very drinking like two cans of coke, so it's been like an hour. I did my makeup look pretty good. It looks great It's not too warm out. It's actually kind of cool out so I think that the oil is being suppressed I think I should probably stop soon. It's just too much aspartame. I think the lipstick is definitely fading a little bit But it's actually looking less orange in this light and also with some fading It's looking more like the color that I thought it would be so I'm very pleased actually We're gonna take this away from you're drinking too much of this stuff It's like very warm. It's really flat. There's no bubbles left. alright, so it's been about five hours and um This is where I'm at with the double gulp, but I think that the lipstick has pretty much faded off at this point But I will say that like four to five hours for like a non liquid lipstick. It's pretty good I didn't love this color, but there were a couple of other colors of this product Which I may indulge in. so next I've got these flaming hot items I have actually gathered a decent of shine and oil as it is I'm sure you guys can see so I'm gonna reap outter up Just a little bit just to give it a fighting chance And then we'll see how the makeup stands up to some spices snacks Hot Cheetos and takis like Mordor You taste so good. I love this video. I'm just allowed to eat Junk food. It's been a really healthy day I would say don't try this at home kids alright I'm gonna keep eating these and then we'll check back in once. I got there some some moisture alright. I'm I'm done I didn't finish the bag, but I think I think I have to be done. I'm craving broccoli now Okay, so this is my face after all of the flamin hot snacks Unintentionally actually what's going on? Is that my nose is running and my eyes are like Slightly watery but besides that I don't think the flaming hots really did much besides the taste amazing I think that just wearing the makeup around for a few hours did a lot more so for my final little segment tonight I'm gonna be using the 7-eleven makeup remover wipes because Some wipes are good at removing the eye makeup and some not so much and also We've got another taquito. The Monterey Jack ones are definitely the best they were out of them So we have to get the Triple A Which aren't bad, but not quite the same all right? So I'm gonna try and like take off like half my makeup so you can see how it does these are taking off everything except for the eyeliner and the Fake lash pretty well it does feel like I have to kind of pull on stuff a little bit But when I look at the face it actually looks like really clean. Oh yeah there we go Goodbye I wouldn't say I would replace my current makeup wipes with these ones But they get the job done in a pinch same with the chipotle chicken taquitos They're not the Monterey Jack ones, but in a pinch so that was my day wearing 7/11 makeup I probably look really crazy right now so maybe I'll try and like talk from one side or the other so I've divided the products into things that I like and Probably would use again and things that I probably wouldn't use again so over here I've got the translucent setting powder the eyebrow gel the concealer and the BB cream and on this side I've got the eye shadow the blush bronzer and highlighter the lipstick mascara Eyeliner which fell over and the makeup wipes the only thing not pictured is the fake lashes which I don't usually wear But the fake lashes that I had were just as good as any other. I've tried I would say that my least favorite product was probably the setting powder Unfortunately, I just don't think it could really stand up to the oil glands on my face my favorite product out of all of them Though was this eyeliner marker. I thought it did a good job I thought it was easy to draw with and went on very matte But still pretty comfortable and as long as this thing doesn't dry out I think this is a winner so overall I would say I had a mixed but pretty positive experience with this 7/11 makeup my insides had a similarly mixed but less positive experience today with the double gulp Taquitos and flamin hot snacks that I ate today, but you know it was for science thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to Smash that like button And if you see more videos like this make sure to smash that subscribe button And if you've already smashed that subscribe button make sure to also smashed a little bell icon in the middle to turn on post notifications So you get a notification every time that I post a big shout-out to Jasmine for watching Thanks for watching, Jasmine, and I will see you guys a next time
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 10,966,898
Rating: 4.9448061 out of 5
Keywords: i tried a full face of 7-eleven makeup, 7-eleven makeup, 7/11 makeup, 7/11, 7-11, seven-eleven, 7-eleven, makeup, beauty products, cheap makeup, simplyme beauty, safiya makeup, safiya beauty, safiya full face, full face of new impressions, full face of first impressions, safiya nygaard, safiya buzzfeed, safiya ladylike, safiya and tyler, safia, safiya
Id: 6i9UUvxhAlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
Reddit Comments

WOW that bb cream was shiny before she powdered it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 189 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Inspiredlikearabbit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked this! I don't live in the US so don't have 7-11 where I live, but it's still entertaining to see people investigate and try super cheap make up to see if it genuinely can perform well.

I also really appreciate how when she does these videos, Safiya doesn't have that snarky tone some other BGs seem to have when they try $1 make up/cheap make up in general, like they expect it to be bad and don't give it a fair chance.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 228 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/almaupsides πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh I love how thorough she is

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Littlefootwolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved this video - it’s clear in every video Safiya makes that she puts a lot of hard work and careful consideration into them. She truly goes the extra mile - like how she got kicked out of the first 7-11 for filming and she went to a second one for snacks/powder so she could do a true full face / test. She’s def one of my favorite creators on youtube right now, and I’m still peeved at Buzzfeed for being so shady towards her. Ya girl Safiya is creative, funny, and thriving. Love her!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 217 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kathxcake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

...a big shoutout to Jazzmyne for watching, thanks for watching Jazzmyne.

Her saying this after really going in with like 5 SCHMASH right before had me dying. This vid already has more views than that buzzfeed video lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 211 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gnuchan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was really happy to see someone review this. I kind of want to try the mascara.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/worldoflines πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has that outfit been seen in another video already or is she filming another clothing-related video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vidaDelColor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun video. The eyelashes weren't bad. The color match for the skin makeup was pretty good but man, so shiny! I'm an oilier girl too so that would be bad news for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dripping-peaches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think Thataylaaa just posted on snapchat that she is shopping for 7-Eleven makeup! I wasn't sure what the snap was about until I saw this post and kinda recognized the products! haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/annakournikova πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
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