We Stayed In A $25,000 Hotel Room In Vegas

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I'm just curious... How can they afford all of this? I love them to death but how did they go from torn overused hand bag to $25 000 hotel room?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Saratakk 📅︎︎ Feb 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you actually the hangovered in this place you'd be bankrupt [Music] hello and welcome to another video today we're going to be giving you guys a tour of the 25 000 a night hotel room we stayed in for our bachelor slash bachelorette party in vegas we don't always try to get the hook up when we're in vegas in fact we never try we usually just like walk around the fashion show mall or try to get into the gordon ramsay restaurant but this time we wanted to live like influencers just so we could say we did it at least once now this video was actually filmed a little while ago when we went to vegas back in october with our groomsmen and bridesmaids for a joint pre-marital fiesta it wasn't quite the hangover levels of debauchery no one yanked out their own tooth wilst blackout but we did have a great time and we definitely wanted to share with you guys a look into this extravagant suite you see that stuff over there that's still our hotel room so let's start off by saying a huge thank you to the west gate for putting us up in this hotel room for a weekend it was in a word gilded the whole place has a very classic over-the-top vegas feel in fact this is actually where elvis used to perform back in the 70s and our suite might have been where elvis used to live while in vegas and if it couldn't get more vegas-y we were also next door to barry manilow's suite that he stays at while in residence at the westgate though i can't say we had any manilow sightings that's all to say it was an awesome once in a lifetime experience so without further ado here is our bachelor slash bachelorette party hotel room roll the tape hello why hello there hi welcome to my crib come on in this is our uh barry manilow version of vogue 72 questions slash cribs slash where are we how is this happening how is this happening yes all right so welcome to this giant westgate sky villa which is where we've been staying for our bachelor slash bachelorette party bachelor bachelorette is like incredibly difficult to say we're here it's a bachelorette bachelorette bachelorette bachelor party so i'm just gonna flub it up every time um shall we take a tour of the villa of the 14 000 square foot 14 000 square feet 14 000 square foot villa all right so this is the entryway come this way into the foyer yay one thing you'll notice right off the bat when you look at this foyer i'm not sure if that's the right term but that's what i'm calling it is the multiple horses many horses the many horses there will be a few more horses in this tour i actually asked about the horses and um our hosts said that there was no reason for them and it just happened so this is not a particularly horse themed place but there are many horses here ignore our bags in the corner you could just not film those i tried not to but i i'm trying to fight the sunlight also it is sort of like dusky time so we might lose the light halfway through our tour but you know we're just living there's also some turf down here oh i was going to draw attention to the turf there's like a grassy knoll it could have been a koi pond once upon a time it's probably good that it's not a koi pond you don't want to michael scott it no just another thing that i would like to draw attention to is the ceiling because there are many like renaissance style frescoes oh and there are more horses up there oh there it is look at those cherubs cherubs and horses there you go it's very dramatic yeah i'm not sure if the horses were not intentional because it feels intentional it feels intentional all right so that's the foyer shall we go this way yeah all right let's continue on here we have a marvelous bust of julius caesar is it caesar maybe i don't know if caesar's ever that bearded i don't know there is no title i'm just assuming he he's there just me and my dude my friend my statue friend and then you know we have more of this like large hallway uh we have a grand grandfather clock a grand father clock right here oh see that's the same guy right i didn't realize there was a second one really i literally the entire time thought it was just one of them you're just having like lots of deja vu wait there's literally a second bust right here yeah we have two sides of the hallway someone else may be julius caesar maybe not it's just beardy we're gonna call him beardy one and beardy too okay got it yeah i almost walked to that painting that was bad um should we go through that that direction we should go through this this grand hallway over here sorry i'll go through the pillars okay let's go through the pillows i'm trying to give the full experience here sophia i'm walking backwards i know you are so um this is the main room the main living area living sitting dining everything area basically i'm gonna pivot this way first and then we'll see the other angle what would pivot which way like this you go that way in this way okay oh wow do you see it that was a good move yeah okay that's that yeah there's like a sitting area and then like a bar all the way down there and then there's like another little sitting area kind of like to the right that sitting area is great by the way yeah these are uh borderline orgasmic lazy boys over here now they're not facing the tv but that's okay for the most part this one sort of is yeah what about this one try this one this one's got the leg up thing no i like it well i can't show off the lazy boy action here stop my hairy legs uh yep sorry i just want to show everybody it's very comfortable over here okay i'm trying to highlight the pros and the cons of this hotel room if you want to do a oh hello did i do a quick pan right here yeah a quick pan yeah uh you can see the uh king arthur table as i've called it it is very king arthur a very large round table very sturdy marble just a a hunk of a table and then we have a grand piano one of tyler's groomsmen actually knows a thing or two about pianos and says this piano is very schmancy it's a hundred thousand dollars apparently yes it is so cool but again i question who led us in here we asked who left the dogs out and who led us in here one thing i want to note before we go into the outside area is another horse there is another horse but completely accidental do you think some guy goes hey i just realized there's horses everywhere they're on the ceiling we painted them we bought them he's like that's just a coincidence it's just a coincidence it all just came together yeah it was just like elvis presley sitting around be like i like horses let's get some horses in there all right shall we go outside before the sun completely sets off the sun is setting on us let's do this let's do it we're fighting the earth rotation right now is this a reveal is this a reveal can you see it i kind of hello and welcome to our pool yeah we got more turf here some good stuff two things so many things so many things there's so many things one is yes this pool is encompassed by our hotel room like that's our hotel room and then that is also our hotel room yes so like it's not like oh this is like the end of it and two is that yes this pool is just for this room basically it's only for this room how's the temperature of the pool by the way it's not just like a giant hot tub is it no it's a pool no it's a pool but it's definitely a warm temperature good temperature yeah it's nice it's not like a swimming temperature it's like a sitting temperature i did not enter that pool so i was just curious oh i did it it was fun okay yeah all right so that's basically this situation shall we go to see the master bedroom i'm waiting for it all right let's do it let's go in this way okay let's go this way this is the only hotel room i've ever been in that has two different hallways yeah awesome all right shall we yeah let's go this way this way oh look here's someone to greet us i was looking at this person earlier i do not know who it is a nice painting i don't know who it is either i can't actually glean much from her outfit or anything no she's got a giant golden egg oh yeah all right so we've got like this little like um study area over here we did not much studying i would say but there is a study here yeah shall we go to the bathroom or the bedroom first we should go into the bedroom because we're in the bathroom for like 15 minutes that is fair it's very deep all right so this is the master bedroom yeah tada oh yeah it has a great view of the pool and then also the like sort of sitting room yeah but to be fair people have great views of you i think i was walking around here my undies a few times and i got seen but that's okay i think my favorite part about this room is like the fresco behind the bed yeah because there's like a whole like column situation and then if you can see there's like windows to the fresco yeah i was saying it kind of looks like cher's mom from clueless oh yeah oh yeah i see that all right there's one thing i want to show you guys before we go into the master bathroom okay but it's also a bath okay so right off of the master bedroom is this tub yeah like sunken into the floor giant marble tub this is like for some reason to me like one of the most like luxurious things about the place why because it's like a giant jacuzzi sunken into the ground like next to your bed because it's just like so superfluous right it feels a little like high roller hugh hefner it does kind of like old-timey villain a little bit you're an old-timey villain okay i think you're gonna say donnie osmond almost like you know like you are like a tom jones like a vegas performer actually what we were told is that this tub played the role of liberace's tub in a movie one time the other thing is we have not gone into the bathroom yet but this is not the only tub in the master suite alone this is the third tub actually you guys will see the tubs okay so we're going to the master bathroom right now guys we've kind of hyped it up and i feel like it will live up to its expectations all right so here is the master bathroom it is very marble and very full of places to bathe like so filled with places to bake there is one shower two showers two of showers one a shower to a shower one large bath in this situation and then what's interesting to me is that one would expect that this would be like most of the bathroom but there's like a lot of stuff back here yes there's like a lot of things space like i don't know well this is 14 000 square feet total i'm gonna say about 4 000 square feet this entire place is closet space vanities and bathrooms yeah cause here we've got one vanity one vanity a chest of something that's the path to narnia a like full walk-in closet back here basically a water closet over here you've got you know your toilet your bidet they're very bidet heavy have you taken b-roll of the bidets yet tyler they're really dark unfortunately they're not gold bidets um so i haven't got a great shot but i think everyone gets the idea they're not solid gold bidets i'm offending i was let down about that specifically they have gold hardware at least yeah they do yeah okay i'll give another shot yeah just i mean it's okay that's the bidet and the toilet you know i never really use bidets they really i don't know what i'm supposed to do i'm missing out is that your way of saying you use the bidet i mean when we were on our asia trip there you have bidets everywhere well that's not the same thing i mean a good electric bidet it's the non-electric bidets oh electric bidet you know they just have so much more accuracy okay here is another water closet yes have you just been following me everyone's totally disoriented because it's just a labyrinth back here yeah and there's another bidet and it's really the same bathroom it's the same thing but there's another one yes it's kind of like the busts it feels like one big loser just a little bit yeah all right so that was this side i guess basically we saw the bathroom the bedroom the prefects bath and we saw the hallway and we saw this lady right yeah we saw the pool we saw the main area the foyer the horses the horses we saw all of the horses some of the horses and now we have to go see the two other bedrooms and they're adjoining bathrooms which we can't get to particularly fast we have to go like back that way basically shall we let's go all right so now we're back in our sort of like first hallway kind of i've got a julius caesar to either side that's how you geo-locate us right now yeah do your plane directing tyler and the king arthur round table unidentified roman man busts all right should we go this way do you want to go this way first this is a good one this is a great one this is a bedroom suite inside of the suite it has this like nice little like i don't know like tuscan or like roman garden vibe to it are we gonna have to censor these statues maybe uh well after closer inspection i think so all right so then this is the bedroom um as you can see there is a mirror on the ceiling very scandalous and it only has the bottom half of the bed which is i think more scandalous in its own way it is it is kind of more scandalous although from here i can see the whole bed i guess it depends on your angle so in this bedroom you have a bed and then you have another like fresco column situation back here i like this one because it has a lot of perspective to it you're like in a garden it's bringing it full circle you're in a garden um and then over here unfortunately it is nighttime now so we can't see out of the window the store took a long time but this is a viewing position yeah a viewing room so you can imagine me here with some coffee in the morning just sitting and looking i suppose you need places to sit and look it looks like literally a mirror right now because it's nighttime but during the day you can see out of it that's like that that tower thing oh you can see something yeah that's what you can see all right shall we go deeper oh yes all right so that was the bedroom and the lookout point now come into the bathroom more statues more statues hello statues another study area they say we know you want to go the casinos but maintain your studious nature party hard study hard there you go and this room is the room i like to call the uh minnesota of bathrooms it's the land of a thousand bathtubs i did not get that no i was a slow burn this uh became like the like girls bathroom this weekend just because there were like so many showers and so many mirrors in here this bathroom is less labyrinthic than like the master bathroom but there are more places to base it's not smaller so you can see you have one bathtub two bathtubs it's an oprah one shower yeah two shower you get a third shower back there incredible um no it's it's it's a water closet okay sorry i don't mean to say that like i am disappointed because there are still four places to bathe in here and what's great is you know you could all see each other you could have someone in the giant bath someone in the oval bath watching the people in the showers it's very greco-roman yeah you know it's it's it's just it's a party and they have another bidet i think our bidet to bachelor slash bachelorette party participant ratio was pretty impressive definitely i feel like bidet's outnumbered guests we were like new zealand per capita ratio very strong very high okay so i think that's actually it for this suite but we do have one other bedroom suite to visit it's our last one if you're keeping track we're in the final rung here all right this way it's actually right by the entrance but it's like we didn't want to go in there first no no no no but it is secretly next to the entrance it's for fast exits yeah if you want to sneak in and out then this is the bedroom for you come this way i think this room is sick by the way actually here it is the third and final bedroom suite inside of our giant hotel room once again i do enjoy like the perspective we've got on this fresco here i like the sort of like immersive feel yeah it's like hey is this hotel room not big enough for you well here's an optical illusion don't miss another study area and also a giant old-timey globe which is kind of cool actually it is cool i wonder when it's from well it says america so it's like at least 16th century-ish yeah i don't know i literally have no idea all right so that's the bedroom area and then we have another bathroom if you guys thought that we had enough of bathrooms you were wrong you were so wrong sorely mistaken yes what were you thinking i don't know look at this hallway into this bathroom this is so much space they don't even just have walk-in closets they have like walk-in closets yeah you have to like move through them oh you walk around inside of them it's walk around closets all right so wait i don't want to go here first okay i want to note the bathtub don't forget the onyx bathtub the onyx bathtub and the fireplace and what seems like a precarious phone right next to it but you know who's keeping track this shower is one giant shower with two entrances this is a sensual shower why is it a central shower well you know if you've got two entrances presumably there are more than one person in here wow that was grammatically so incorrect so yes so there is one door to the shower and then this is another door to the shower back here maybe if you just refuse to enter and exit through the same door this would be perfect for you you're like no i have to just walk in a straight line and then we go ever deeper ever deeper yes yes more mirrors another water closet let me turn the lights on do we have a bidet do we have today even a question yeah we have a bidet of course literally why would you even ask that i was just making sure no there is a bidet for every toilet and there is a bidet also for every person all right so we've got water closet walk-in closet vanity full-length mirror two-door shower sink bathtub what's over there same situation same situation all right let's take a look it seems like pretty um i don't want to say standard because it's not standard but for this hotel room the standard set of rooms that come with your bathroom is two sets of walk-in closets and two water closets two vanities and a partridge in a pear tree exactly all right so i think we've seen everything there is to see in this hotel room mostly mostly i can't guarantee we got every single square inch of it because there are so many of those square inches but that's like the general layout the general idea definitely the wildest and most extravagant hotel room i've ever been in and probably will ever be in it's pretty amazing it's i don't wanna say a monument but that's the word that comes to mind it's like a monument to las vegas definitely the whole place to me like really conveys like classic and archetypal vegas where it's just like bold ostentatious and ready to party i mean there's two doors in that shower come on guys come on thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to smash or gently tap that like button and if you want to see more videos like this you can smash or gently tap that subscribe button and a big thank you to the westgate for letting us stay in this wild hotel room i'm going to be honest it's gonna be a wedding present that's hard to top it's not on the registry no we didn't register for this but somehow we ended up here here are our social media handles and here is our cat and we'll see you guys next time bye vegas until next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,806,558
Rating: 4.93788 out of 5
Keywords: we stayed in a $25000 a night hotel room in vegas, vegas hotel room, vegas penthouse suite, elvis suite, elvis vegas suite, westgate hotel, tyler and safiya, tyler williams, tyler hotel, safiya and tyler hotel, safia
Id: KdkOKsrWfL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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