Creating A Custom Lipstick At The Bite Lip Lab

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If it was cheaper, I'd get a custom Tyler. What colour would a Tyler lip shade be? Baby blue. Hello friends and welcome to another video. It is I, Safiya, Coming to you from Tyler's sister's apartment in New York City. 1909... Just kidding. It's 2017 now. Whaaaaa...? Today we're gonna do something I've been wanting to do for a really long time, we're gonna go to the Bite Lip Lab and make a custom lipstick. We're in New York City, visiting Tyler's sister right now over the holidays And the Bite Lip Lab, happens to be, also in New York City So, We're goin'. Someone tweeted at me about the Bite Lip Lab the last time I was in New York, so in September, and since then I've wanted to go SO badly. If you guys don't know this about me already, I'm a lipstick fiend. I think I have actually a normal amount of other types of makeup but when it comes to lipstick I'm a crazy person. Besides seeming really fun, making my own custom lipstick is gonna give me the chance to nail exactly the lip color that I want. At Bite Lip Lab, they don't make the "liquid to matte" lipsticks, they just make the normal lip. sticks. But even so, you could mess with the color, the finish, and the smell, and pretty much like everything you want. I'm most excited, obviously, about being able to choose exactly how it looks, but also, I've eaten Bite lipsticks before, in a video, and they taste great! We tried to get into the Lip Lab yesterday actually but the wait list was completely full and they were completely booked up with appointments so we're gonna try and get there before it opens today and wait in line to get on the wait list for today and see if we can get this custom lipstick a-made. You're gonna be so excited, you're gonna be like Augustus Gloop. I am the Augustus Gloop of lipstick. So you're gonna get sucked up a choclate tube? Yeah So it's Friday morning. We are here on Prince Street at the Bite Lip Lab We're leaving tomorrow so we had better hope that today makes it. She said that yesterday she was able to get a couple of people in off the wait list Well we're here, first in line! I have five layers on so I'm not cold, I'm ready to go I'm fresh outta the shower, my hair is still wet so it's gonna freeze. Do have a few things from Bite already. My favourite is Kale which is a dark green colour. I don't like the food kale, but I do like the lipstick Kale. Out here for 20 minutes and it's pretty cold Is your hair frozen yet? It's not frozen... but it's crispy It's crispy! *laughs* Because we were kinda crazy about it and we were there first, we actually got to do the appointment right away. T: You excited? S: Yeah, I'm really excited. So we were waiting in the freezing cold and then suddenly, I was making my own lipstick. It was a little bit of a whirlwind. Ooh! It's a very nice lip scrub. Are my lips peeling? So at the Bite Lip Lab, there are two options: One of them is that you can choose from 200 of their premixed shades, mix in your own scent and then, mix in your own finish OR there's the bespoke option which means they will custom mix a lipstick for you and you get two of those and then some extra goodies for $150. I ended up choosing the $150 option which I know is really really pricey, but I wanted to bring you guys along so you guys could get the full experience too. I feel like I have two categories of lip insanity. I'm either looking for a taupey beige type colour or I'm looking for a dark-as-night type colour. Definitely something dark; not super super black, but kind of like a blackened red, brown. Taupey, greyish browns and then dark, dark colours are my two favourites. Those are my two camps, my lipstick camps. So we decided to start with a nudey, beigey colour. This is awesome! The mixologist was SO good. She completely understood what I was talking about, and whipped up some really awesome shades from the beginning. She put together a shade that was sort of a chocolatey, nudey brown. I liked that a lot but I just wanted to see what it would look like lighter so she mixed one that was a bit lighter. This is #2 At first, I thought the lighter one was a little bit too zombie-ish so we tried out a third version. I kinda want this sheet of paper I mean obviously you can't, but I just wanna frame it. This is like the first one, but a little more matte. I mean I think it looks really good! Now I have it on, I think I kinda like the second one Okay, this is the first colour... and this is the second colour. We're deciding to go the second one. Now that I look at this more, I feel like this is a harder colour to find. I knew right away I wanted a dark red, ox blood type colour The mixologist nailed the ox blood colour pretty much the first time. *noise of approval lmao* You look like Khaleesi when she was eating that horse heart. I mean I think that's the intended look. And then she kinda pukes and she looks up like this Well I mean if you think I look like Khaleesi eating the heart, the name of this shade will be Dothraki. THE HOARD Dothraki Screamer? *laughs* Dothraki Screamer is literally their front line of calvary Oh I thought that was a gross GOT sex act. Take 2: a little bit lighter. We tried a slightly lighter one just to see, and the lighter one was really pretty too, but the darker one just felt so perfect. I do like this colour though too, but I agree it's more like a cabernet. It's more like Tyrion Lannister '"I drink and I know things' rather than Dothraki Screamer. I think I like the first one, yeah. At that point, I was having a great time naming the shades. For the grey, zombie-ish colour, I think I'm gonna call it Mrs Norris. Filch's cat! In my head, Mrs Norris looks something like Crusty So the kinda greyish beige-ish was kinda an ode to her fur After we found the perfect shade, she mixed up a fun, royal blue colour just for fun for me to wear around. *semiwitch noise of approval* I feel like the Dothraki Screamer left some blood behind. I'm tryna cover over it, yeah. Out out, damn spot! This is very much um... It's a Ravenclaw Quidditch robe! So what would you call it? Harry's First. Too rude? This is the flavour station. OOH the vanilla smells really good already Does the scent mess with the texture of it? Maybe I should get mint so it will make my breath smell good since you say my breath's so bad. Put that mint in the coconut, minty minty coconut. She'd been writing down the little fractions of each pigment below every swatch. Alright, this is my finished paper. Mrs Norris, Dothraki Screamer, Harry's First. And then she went to the large pigment closet and got the exact measurements of the larger pigments and mixed them together in a bowl. Okay, this is Mrs Norris before she gets mixed. Dothraki Screamer. I see that large chunk of black pigment in there. That seems about right. Put them into a bowl and then put them in the microwave and then when they were liquefied, she would mix them up and then, swatch them next to the other swatches Something about the Dothraki Screamer colour had just been on the money all day. We got it on the first try, that one was perfect already. I wanna paint our house that colour Mrs Norris, as she is want to do, was a little more difficult to get right on the nose, but after a few tries, we finally got it. Mrs Norris is a difficult cat so it makes sense that it's hard to match this shade. Then she poured the mixtures into a mold and put the mold on top of a freezer for a few minutes and waited for them to solidify into lipsticks. My children! *neheheh?* But they need to put clothes on because they're naked. Oh wow! These are awesome! They're alive. THEY'RE ALIVE Oh, and you're also gonna get this scrub and the lip mask. Okay, thankyou so much! I have my two colours, Dothraki Screamer and Mrs Norris and I can't wait to use them We have to wait about 20 minutes until I can actually put them on. But that's okay because I think I'm gonna wear this for the rest of the day just for fun. But I cannOT WAIT So here is the final finished product! They give you some extra stuff like they give you a lip scrub and a lip mask in this cute little box BUT the real prize is these two bad boys They come in a little tissue paper thing ... just destroying that, don't worry about it. The final lipstick tubes look like this I like the tubes They have little lips on 'em I'm gonna swatch these guys for the very first time I can smell the coconut mint I think that was a pretty good choice The coconut mint smells very good and very much like a vacation This one is Dothraki Screamer Where are my dragons!! And this one is Mrs Norris *meows* *hiss* *meows* Basilisk *petrified* If you guys couldn't tell, that was me as Mrs Norris, seeing the Basilisk in the puddle, in the hallway, and I got petrified. One thing that's pretty awesome about Bite Lipstick itself is that it's a pretty natural brand, so it smells good, it tastes good 'cause it's edible. It feels pretty good on your lips. It's very moisturising. It is not a "liquid to matte" lipstick though so you do have to be careful about it shmearin'. It's a shmearer. and by that I mean I feel like I have so many lipsticks but I've never been able to get involved in the actual creative process of making them, AND naming them. Naming them is super fun. I thought that getting to tinker with the pigments and watching them mix them, and put them in the microwave and freeze them, was super super fun. They actually give you these pigment cards so if you want the same colour again, you can reorder it. Though it is expensive, I would say it's worth it for a one time experience. I think it takes the idea of personalising your makeup to the next level. Kind of reminds me about how my grandmother told me she used to melt her lipsticks together to make one that would match her sari. I don't think I'll necessarily be doing it again but doing it once, was super super fun. *strange cat noises* Thankyou guys so much for watching If you like this video, click the Like button. If you wanna see more videos like this, click that subscribe button Here are my social media handles. Check out my NextBeat. I vlog live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. It'll be fun. I'll be there; you'll be there; we'll both be there. Until next time(; If I just keep raising my eyebrows, eventually it'll get funny.
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 11,943,946
Rating: 4.9577026 out of 5
Keywords: bite lip lab, custom lipstick, bite beauty, bite lipstick, DIY lipstick, safiya buzzfeed, safiya, safiya ladylike, ladylike, lipstick, beauty, makeup, custom makeup
Id: gcR1H3HwbEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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