We Tried EVERY Cheez-It Flavor

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- Which Cheez-It flavor is a king amongst munchies? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - We are so excited to finally announce something we've been secretly working on behind the scenes for a long time. It's our very own convention. - Yes. - Slash in-person, multi-day experience called- - [Both] Mythicon! - Yes! (crew cheering) - What? - That's right! We have cooked up an entire weekend of immersive, in-person Mythicality. It's gonna be in Austin, Texas, this October. We are transforming a ranch outside of Austin into a literal Mythical menagerie, so- - You think he's joking? - Saddle up and hold on because it's going to be a bucking good time! - He is not joking. You're gonna feel like you've been transported to another world and another time where everybody is living their Mythical best life. - Yes. It's gonna taste good. It's gonna sound good. It's gonna smell good and it sure as sugar is gonna look good because we're gonna be there, along with the Mythical crew. - There is gonna be lots of good stuff. I'm just gonna give you a taste of it. - He can't even get it out! - We're gonna have a special one night only main stage performance from us. - Yeah, that's us. - Rhett and Link. - Yeah. - There's gonna be a Mythical-ized carnival or car-ni-val? No, that's something different. A carnival. We're gonna have live podcast, including a special Ear Biscuits experience. Of course, we're gonna have some meet and greets. Of course, we're gonna have some surprise guest experiences. And of course, we've got so many more secrets up our sleeves that we'll be unloading over the next few weeks. So we also have a special ticket, a super mega beast ticket, and those people will get to have a brunch with us. That's a very exclusive ticket. - Us. - Brunch with- - [Both] Rhett and Link. (crew laughing) - It's the weekend right before Halloween. It's October 28th through the 30th. Tickets go on sale June 10th, but second and third degree society members get early access starting this Wednesday, June 8th. - Oh, so get on it. Tickets are limited because space is gonna be limited. - Yeah. - And it's only that one weekend so snatch them up, all right? - Yeah, find out everything you wanna know at mythicontickets.com and don't wait! Okay? - I'm excited. I'm saying it and it makes it feel real. It's one of those things where you're like, working on it. Team's working on it behind the scenes, but like, now it's real. - Yeah. - It's out there. No turning back. I remember the first time we talked about it. We were like, really? We're gonna do this? Of course, we're gonna do this! - Yeah, we gotta do it. - All right. Cheez-Its are the cheesy snack that managed to make one by one inch squares and is something iconic and that staying power is so strong that they have stuck around for 101 years. - Whoa. You think that by consuming Cheez-Its on the show, we will harness some of their power and last over a hundred years, too? - Well, if we ate every single flavor of Cheez-It out there, then probably. It's time for Gut Check Cheese It Edition. All right. The Mythical crew has rated every snack aisle in the greater Los Angeles area in order to acquire every Cheez-It flavor out there. That means 23 salty, savory, and swanky Cheez-It flavor varieties, all for us. After we try each flavor, we're gonna give it a score of one to 100, based on our gut reactions. - And the scores will then give us the top four. We'll try those once more and then officially decide which Cheez-It will officially be named the Cheese Knees. - And I've got a new scoring helper here. - Oh. - I think that maybe I wasn't looking down at it enough. Maybe I wasn't using it enough, so they wanted to make it more interactive. A little bit more fun. Look at that. - You know what actually might be helpful is if you just ate things and made faces and then I dialed the score in. Like if I just have this thing and I'm just like, looking at your face, but I can't do that because I gotta eat, too. - You gotta eat, too, man. - So we'll see how this goes. - Big boy gotta eat. - Let's do it! - [Stevie] Gentlemen, are you ready to get your cheese with a Z on? - I love Cheez-Its. - 100. - [Stevie] If you need to de-Cheez-It any point, I've been told that your pallet cleanser today is carbonated water. - Yeah. You know, de-cheese water. - [Stevie] A brandless carbonated water. Okay, we're gonna kick things off with the first category, which is classic flavors. Starting with the tried and true original. - It's good. It's got like, a little yeasty quality to it. I don't what it is. - Yeasty? - Yeah. Like a yeasty quality to it. - I'll give that a 77. - I'm gonna give it an 81. - [Stevie] White cheddar. - Oh, okay. - White. Sorry. I haven't figured out how I'm gonna do it without biting your finger off. Oh, yeah. - Is it a little bit better? 82. I think it is a little bit better. Just a little bit better. - 81. (number popping) - [Stevie] Pepper Jack. - Oh. - [Link] 49. - You know what? I thought it was gonna be better. It's still good. 71. (number popping) - [Stevie] Cheddar jack. - What? Y'all making up Cheez-Its now? - Yeah. What is that? - Oh! - Whoa! That's got a punch, man. - 85! That's good! - A 78. - Have I left enough room at the top of my scale? - [Stevie] Italian four cheese. - Mine just kind of resets if I go too far. One cheese, two cheese, three cheese. - I like that, but there's something almost a little sour in it. 63. Could have done with three cheeses. - 42. - [Stevie] Hot and spicy. - Okay. - Oh, yeah? - I do like that. I do like it. - I don't like it. 29. - It has like, a jalapeno flavor to it. I'm gonna give it a solid 72. - It's like I almost don't get cheese in it, though. What's a Cheez-It without cheese? - [Stevie] And that wraps up our classic category. If you wanna take a sip or two- - I do. - [Stevie] Please do it now. Up next, we have the specialty category, which includes all the Cheez-Its form factor varieties, starting with Snapped, which are a thin and crispy version of Cheez-Its. And first up, we have double cheese. - Oh, double cheese? - Oh, that's a big one. - Oh, that's crispy. - Is it double cheese? - It has almost like a sweet cheese. Did you notice that? There's like- - Yeah. - It's not what what I would call double. - As yeasty as I want it to be. - I'm gonna give it a nice 50. - I'm gonna give it a 64. - [Stevie] Cheddar sour cream and onion. - Oh, didn't know about these. - Intriguing. I like the sides of it. - It's more mouth size. - But it's like they spread the flavor out. - They didn't get as much sour cream as I wanted, but I like what I'm tasting. 67. - Yeah. 44. - [Stevie] Jalapeno Jack. - Oh, jack. - Not much to. - [Rhett] There's not a whole lot to get excited about here. - Write home about. - 51. I'm sorry. - I'm actually disappointed to the point that I'm gonna give it a 23. - [Stevie] BBQ. - Baby Q? - This tastes like it was dipped in McDonald's hot sauce. - Oh, my God. - [Rhett] I mean barbecue sauce. - Nine. This is not what I want from a Cheez-It. - I'm dipping below 50 for the first time, I believe. 41. - [Stevie] Next up, we have Puff'd which are airy and puffy snacks. Beginning with white cheddar. - Oh. It's like 3D. - You like how I'm grabbing it with my lips? - [Crew Member] Yeah. - So I don't bite your finger. - [Crew Member] I appreciate it. (crew laughing) - [Rhett] So this is gonna have like, a- - It's not bad tasting. - Cheese puffy. - Yeah. - It's not what I want from a Cheez-It, but I'm trying to evaluate it. - It's very soft. 33. - It has like, a Cheez-It left outside sort of quality to it, which I kinda like. 52. (laughing) - [Stevie] Double cheese. - Yeah, it's like it puffed in water and then it dried out again. - Are you lipping it? You grabbing it with your lips? Like you know how- - I use suction. - A horse will grab it with their lips. - Yeah. You're talking about donkey lipping, man. You're talking about a donkey. - Well, I'm talking about a horse because there's a hand close to it. - Okay. - Donkey lipping is something you do to yourself. Horse lipping is something you do to somebody else. - Okay. 39. - I don't even know what I just tasted. 50. (number popping) - [Stevie] Scorchin' hot cheddar. - All right. It looks scorching. I did not horse lip it. I did a tooth and a tongue. - That's a little grosser than what I'm doing. This needed that. This flavor profile was needed on this form factor. - Okay. - And it sent it to a 67 to me. - This one's hot, but it's also still cheesy. You're right. I'm pushing it up to a 54. - [Stevie] And last in the specialty category, we have Grooves. Starting with- - Like Ruffles? - [Stevie] Bold cheddar. - Grooves. It looks like a Wheat Thin. - That smells. That smells. - It tastes, too. - It tastes it's like bad cheese. - Yeah. - What happened to that? 21. - And you still with that. I mean, when I'm making that face, I'm at a 10. - Anything below 50 is an active dislike. So I'd have to literally hate it to get into the tens. - Can't give anything 20. - More Grooves. Did you score it? - Did I score it? - [Stevie] Well, you said if I'm gonna make that face, that's a 10, but it was uncertain. - Yeah, 10. - [Stevie] Okay. - When I said that, that's when I was scoring it. - [Stevie] Oh, your face was emulating the face on the. I couldn't tell. - Yeah. I mean, I literally using the thing. - [Stevie] Cheddar. - Oh, just cheddar Grooves? - [Stevie] White cheddar. - What about the whiteness of cheddar makes it taste different? Because it does. It's tangier. - It's better than the previous cheddar. I don't think I like the Grooves, though. - That's what it is, man. - I don't think Cheez-Its need grooves. - It's not a Cheez-It anymore. - They just need holes. - Yeah. It doesn't have that butthole in the middle. - 36. - 36. Totally agree. (Rhett laughing) - [Stevie] Zesty cheddar ranch. - Okay. Okay. That ranch is doing a lot of work. - But this is the only way to get zesty ranch. I'm gonna give it a nice- - That's a 52. - 59. - [Stevie] Scorchin' hot cheddar. - Now, I remember the scorching hot from before. - This reminds me of a Wheat Thin. You know what I'm saying? - It reminds me of when I said it reminded me of a Wheat Thin, like when I ate the first one. - Did you say that? - Yeah, man. - Wow. Then it must really be like a Wheat Thin because two people independently just said the same thing. - We're basically just eating Wheat Thins and it's making me upset. 39. I didn't sign up for this. - I like this one better than a Wheat Thin. 62. (number popping) - [Stevie] Good news. That concludes the specialty category. Please sip away because up next, you have the miscellaneous category. - Who knew there were so many freaking Cheez-Its? - But I think we're learning that- - They're not all Cheez-Its. - They didn't need to venture out. - Yeah, we did. - A lot of times, we do these gut checks and we find that they've done something different and it's an improvement. We haven't had an improvement on the original yet. - They went puffy. They went, all right. - [Stevie] Well, I'm curious what you're gonna think about the buffalo wing flavor. - Okay. But we're back to normal. - That's the consistency that you need. - It's accurate, but subtle. - I like it. Not a whole lot, though. - Little boring. - 69. - 37. - [Stevie] Reduced fat. - That sounds like fun. - It's not as bad as it could be. That's for sure. Just because my expectations were so low, I'm gonna give it a 57. - I'm gonna give it a 29. - [Stevie] Whole grain. - Okay. Still in the fun town. Doesn't do a whole lot for me. 50. - 47. - [Stevie] Extra toasty. - Okay. - Can we do that? Did they used to do this by accident? And we were like, oh, I really want them. I found that one toasty one. - I like the toastiness of it. It's not too toasty. It's just a little extra toasty. That might be a 79. - I'm sorry, Rhett. As a matter of taste, I am not on team toasty. - Okay. Explain yourself. What don't you like an it? - It tastes a little burnt, you know? Like, toasted. It's a bit much for me. It takes away from the cheesiness. I am O-H. - It just added crispiness. - My opinion, homie. - Yeah. - 33. - [Stevie] Extra cheesy. - Now we're talking. - It's extra cheese, but it's not the same cheese that was in the original. - It's a disappointment. - [Rhett] Is it not? - Yeah, it's not- - It's not bad. - There was one that had a lot of cheese that we loved. - But I thought I was gonna go 90 on this one, but I'm only going 68. - 41. - [Stevie] Extra big. - Okay. All right. - Okay. It's got five buttholes on it. - It's exactly the same. Just extra big. (crew laughing) And I don't know. I don't know how I feel about that because I'm kind of like, a normal person that's extra big. - I'm gonna give it a 73. - I'm gonna give it a 77. The year I was born. I'm an extra big man. - [Stevie] And that completes the miscellaneous category. You have now tasted all of the Cheez-It products. Your scores will be tabulated- - That wasn't bad. - [Stevie] So you may closely review the top four items and determine which is the best of the best. - We'll do it. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] According to you, the top four Cheez-It products in no particular order are original. - Original. - [Stevie] Cheddar jack. White cheddar. - Boom. - [Stevie] And extra big. - Extra big. - So what we just learned about ourselves is if you're gonna experiment with cheese that's around us, you gotta stick with the original form. - Yeah. - Or just go a little bit big. - [Stevie] Well, because also- - It's all we accept. - [Stevie] The one at the very, very bottom of your list was bold cheddar Grooves. - This one? - [Stevie] So that's definitively the worst. - And it's not that it tasted bad. It's just that it was a disappointment. - I usually get two in a hand when I eat them because I like the way they feel when you crush them against each other. Is that the same size? - Yeah. That's a good idea. - As a big one? - Yeah. Let's try. No. - So two of those. - [Link] It's not two X. It's like, one and a half. - The big ones stink of marketing. - Well, when you said that stacking two of the regular. Try to stack two of the extra big. - [Rhett] It might be too big for our little mouth. - Because I really liked the stacking two of the normal. - [Rhett] Too much for your mouth? - Too much for my mouth. - Flavor's exactly the same. - These are not nearly as good as the original. - Oh, well, I wouldn't go that. Not nearly as good, just because they're 1.5 times the size. That's ridiculous. - I'm saying it's obvious that these are better. You keep eating them, though. They're not as light and flaky. - I'm not ready to throw these out, is what I'm saying. I think these might be better than one of these. - Yeah. Okay, yeah. - But the original's still better than that. - Yeah. See, we do agree. All right. So which ones are these? - [Both] The cheddar jack. - Wow. - I mean, that's great. - It's so much easier than the original. - But it's a good cheese. - But if you go back and it's a good tasting cheese. Once you do that, it's hard to go back. - [Rhett] Yeah. I agree. - Which tells me this is better. - This is like if you're in a relationship and then suddenly you start dating somebody else on the next relationship who you like more and then they break up with you and you're like, I guess I'm gonna go back to that person. - No. You gotta keep moving forward. - [Rhett] You gotta keep moving forward. - Gotta keep moving forward. - Right. Wow. So cheddar jack, definitely better than original. Original's great, but these are just almost transcendent. - That white cheddar, though. I've gotta compare it to the original. - Dare I say white cheddar might be better than the original, as well. - It is. It's got more nuance. - So if you're dating original and you move on, which one do you wanna move on to? And if you wanna keep going in the right direction. Are we taking big? - See, you've forgotten about the big. - The big one's off the table? - Yeah. - I get one more for the road. - Big ones are off the table and then we're putting the original down here and then we gotta put the white shedder in the second slot. - Yeah. I completely agree with this. - Look at this. We can turn any box of cheeses into legged Cheez-Its and today, the ones who were getting that are cheddar jack. - You forgot what they call that and you said legged Cheez-It. It's called the cheese knees. - Oh, yeah. - That's what makes it a good pun. - Oh, yeah. (crew laughing) - And officially our legged Cheez-Its. - But they are leg. - Cheddar jack. - Cheese knees. - I mean, these are all great. You've done it, Cheez-It. You've achieved perfection in the cheddar jack. (celebrations popping) - I've never felt more confident about a gut check. This is just so clean. - Yeah. What about these big ones, though? - Grab yourself some chatter jack with legs. Thanks for subscribing and cleaning that bell. - You know what time it is. - My name's CJ. - My name's Daisy. - [Both] And we're from the Bay Area. - And we're asking will Cheez-Its Oreo? - Not a sponsor. - Dink it. - [Both] And it's time to spend the Wheel of Mythicality. - Such a ginger little bite. - Ginger little bite? - I don't know if you can learn if Cheez-Its will Oreo. - They put cream in a Cheez-It? Is that what they did? - I think they did. Now, we can't do it. Click the top link to watch us figure out some cheesy celebrity pun names in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Go to mythicontickets.com to find out about all the goings on at Mythicon! Tickets go on sale June 10th, so do not wait.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,532,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: TWd6_Eoey_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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