Lunchables Taste Test Tournament

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- Which Lunchable will be named the top of its class? - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning! - Y'know, Lunchables really have America in a nostalgic headlock. Not only are they the best selling lunch kit by a mile, but according to the head of marketing at Oscar Meyer, isn't that a job you'd love to have? - Oh, yes. - A quarter to a third of Lunchables are consumed by adults. - I thought you were gonna say dogs. - Yeah, it's already in the... - Wow, a quarter to a third, and I mean, how do you get that information? And it's probably an undercount, because you know adults are not really admitting to this. - Right, and a lot of adults pose as children. - Yes, they do. (Stevie laughs) - The point is, Lunchables is a habit that you can't break when you move into adulthood, which is why we're embarking on a journey to figure out which Lunchable is the best for everybody. - That's right, six lauded Lunchables will enter the ring, but only one will emerge victorious in this colossal cafeteria kerfuffle! Which plastic tray of processed provisions will be named Valiant Valedictorian, and which will be left crying to teacher? It's time for The 2023 Last Lunchable Standing Showdown! - [Stevie] All right, boys. We surveyed the Mythical Beasts on their favorite category of Lunchable, meaning we counted all of the cracker stacker types as one category, all the pizza types as one category, and so on, you get it. And with only six categories, the results were extra important because our top two vote getters have earned themselves first round byes, and automatically advanced to the second round. Now, let's take a look at our seeds over at the board. And a hello to Jordan from Sporked. - Hello. - [Link] What up, Jordan? - How's it going? - Good? Let's address the hat. - [Rhett] Can you spin it? - Don't be confused, it's just me, Jordan from Sporked, I'm still the adult you know and love, but I'm wearing overalls and a cropped baby shirt, and also a fun hat. - Wow. Thanks for the orientation. - Yeah. - [Link] So number one seed we have the pizza Lunchable. - [Rhett] And our number four seed, we've got Uploaded subs. - [Link] Then we got chicken dunks, number five. - [Rhett] Number three seed, nachos. - [Link] Going up against mini hot dogs at number six. - [Rhett] And our number two seed, also getting a bye, cracker stackers. - [Stevie] So at the end, the winning Lunchable will be named the King of the Cafeteria and be placed inside the coveted Golden Lunchbox. - We have a golden lunchbox? - Real gold. (rock music) - All right, so we got our fifth seed chicken dunks versus our fourth seed Uploaded subs. Let's start over here. - Yeah, and so there's two types of Uploaded subs. Link, why don't you assemble the turkey and cheddar sub, I'm gonna assemble the ham and American sub, and there's other accoutrement that come with each one to complement it. - Now, I took my school to lunch every day. - You took your school to lunch. - You know what I'm trying to say. And, I never once had a Lunchable. - I didn't, either. - Never once had a Lunchable. - The ironic thing- - And it started in the 80s, right? - The ironic thing is the reason that it started in the 80s is because they wanted to increase bologna sales because bologna sales were lagging, and then they found that if they put them in other things, people would eat them. And the whole time, the reason I never got into Lunchables is because my family was supporting big bologna. - Look at these little round... It's like pepperonis, but it's turkeys. - It's little turkeys. I have little hams. - I'm making this sandwich as if we're only biting the ends. - My dessert is a, 'cause we gotta go through this whole thing, my dessert is a sour Fruit Roll-Up. Just so you know. I'm gonna get a bite of this. - My dessert is two Hershey's kisses. - Link, you can bite that side. - I bet it's kinda the same as... Like a ham sandwich that your mom would make. No mustard? No lettuce? - Lettuce? Really? - No kid wants lettuce. And then they give you a water bottle and a Kool-Aid single. Is this just new to me, or is this new to you, too? - I didn't know about any of this. - You don't buy this stuff for your kids, do you? - Oh, gosh, no. - "Tear here." Man, the amount of effort this takes. - I think you gotta drink a little bit first. - What is this, freaking Breaking Bad? (crew laughs) - I don't know what we're teaching to the kids these days. - Look at that. Instant Kool-Aid. - You have to shake it. Shake it! Shake it! - Shake it? Sorry. Sorry. - You think the powder naturally just perfectly distributes itself? - It kinda looked like it did, Jordan. At first I just thought you were getting really into the episode. "Shake it. Shake it." - Yes, my kings! - All right. All right, I shook it a little bit. - [Jordan] Thank you. - Mkay. - Well, that was an improvement. I know what Pringles taste like. - There's too many things to keep up with, I gotta remember the top so I can shake. - A sandwich without a chip sucks, so, I'm glad that they added the chip. - [Rhett] I know what Cheez-Its taste like, but I did have one. - We don't have to decide between these two, because we're deciding these as a unit. - You're right. Well, there's a whole lot there. - So that's fun, there's things you can do wrong. Over here, this is what's really throwing me for a loop. Oscar Meyer breaded chicken, white meat only. Ketchup, with starch added. - [Rhett] Good. - Capri-Sun fruit punch, and Nerds candy. This looks really healthy. - Well, here's the thing, though. It's just easier to eat, it's just nugs, man. It's just nugs. I mean, look, I'm already eating. - They're cold. Cold... - Room temperature nugs, man. - It's like a different formulation of chicken nugget. - I mean, if you're hungry, though, it's not that bad. - It's like... mushy. - Nothing better to follow it up- - I don't really like my nuggets with ketchup. I'm more of a nuggets and barbecue sauce. So it's making that decision for you. - Here, see what Nerds taste like with it. - That's dessert. - Now a Capri-Sun is a big improvement over some shaked up Kool-Aid. - And then, 'course, this is always the precarious part, but. - You can use the straw and then I'll just use the hole. - 'Kay. You're just gonna use the hole? - Yeah, I'll just use the hole. - And then I'm gonna get a little Nerds. There's not nearly as much here as there is over there. - Mm. Capri-Sun is so good. Even straight out of the hole. - So you're thinking this beats that? - Well Capri-Sun is better than that, but... What are we doing here? I mean what are we trying, which one tastes better or which one we would give to a kid? Which one we like the most? - Which one is better. I mean, these nuggets... - Which one would I feel happier if it was lunchtime and this was all that I had to eat, after I had been like, learning about science? - Honestly? I didn't think I was gonna do this, but, I think I'm voting for the nuggets. Because it's just, this is the tiredest sandwich ever. It's mostly just bread, I mean look at that. - Yeah, but it's got a dessert that's not Nerds, it has a starchy little side. I just think, I'm just saying, again, lunchtime rolls around. - You wanna have a little activity. - And you'll get better at making the sandwich every time. By Friday you will be a sandwich artist. - There's more things to trade. That's really what bringing your lunch comes down to. - Right. - So, I think the Uploaded- - These are better than I thought they were gonna be, I will give you that. - Jordan, we're gonna let the Uploaded subs move on. - Okay. - Let's see how that happens. - [Rhett] Just like that. - Just like that. - [Link] And it has defeated the chicken dunks. - Wow, I don't think Chase has ever done it that squarely on the first try. - [Chase] Hey! - Yep. And, chicken dunks, they gotta go away, but they're gonna go down in a blaze of glory, in the Mythical school bus that is going off a cliff. (crew chuckles) Honk honk. - Ah... (screaming) We'll get better at that, too. (rock music) - All right, so now we got nachos versus mini hot dogs. I didn't know this was a thing. Mini freaking hot dogs? - Well not only did I not know it was a thing, apparently it's hard to get, we couldn't even get it in California, we had to call Mikayla's parents. - Out in Texas? - Whenever we get in a situation that we just don't know how to get out of it, we call Mikayla's parents. - [Both] Audwyn and Nedra. - Thank you for sending this mini hot dog Lunchable, but let's start over here, 'cause you got two of these. - So these are just the reg nachos over here, and then we've got Uploaded, which I've been told is for the teen market. Slightly more substantial portions. But as you can see, the form factor's a little bit different, right? 'Cause you just got like a bag of chips. - Oh, and when you open this... Oh, I messed it up. - And just so you know, this is a kid chip, and this is a teen chip. This is what happens to your testicles as you go from a kid boy (crew chuckles) to a teen boy. If you're lucky. - [Stevie] Why did you pause for such a long time? - Because when you're talking to kids and teens- - I hope he was second-guessing. - You have to, no, no, I wasn't. Sometimes you pause for emphasis because they need cues. - [Stevie] Oh, yeah, yeah. Can you, you guys both have, you're quite large men. From my perspective, and I believe the viewers, what coin would you say that was akin to? - This is the size of a dime. - It's a nickel. (crew laughs) - Just to put things into perspective. This is larger than silver dollar. - That's larger than a silver dollar, this is a nickel. - Yeah, yeah. And of course, we still got the shake it up drink. - Is this a whole meal, though? This is not a lunch. This is a appetizer. - If you're the kid who brought this, this is your lunch. - There's nothing wrong with it, but it's not freaking... - It's not hot dogs. - A box with like two cute little hot dog buns. Open that up for me. And then two cute little hot dogs? - I would've been trouble if I'd known about this. I don't know what year this thing came out, but, I'll tell you right now, I was a hot dog sandwich guy, as we've covered several times on this show. - Ketchup and mustard. - But I didn't know I could be making it, I mean look at that. Look at these, Link. - [Link] It's just so fun. - Look at that. It's just two little buns. - That's just so much fun. And then- - Take a bun, give me a wiener. - Get your own wiener. Now, this is what your wiener, no. (crew laughs) - Yeah, right, yeah. You forgot to pause. - And then, what I'm gonna do to that, is I'm gonna add a little, here, you wanna add some ketchup, and then we'll switch up? - I'll go ketchup. I'm really resisting the urge to hold the wiener up with two of the chips, just so you know. I wouldn't do that kinda thing. If you wanna do that at home, if you're following along... - Grab your Lunchable. - If you're one of those fans who always makes sure that you have all the same materials that we have, first of all, thank you for doing that. Second of all, feel free, in the privacy of your own home, or van. To take a wiener and two of the chips. Do whatever you want to with 'em. - We've also got a Capri-Sun, which, that's a nice one. - It is a nice one. - You have ketchup on your forehead. - Yeah, I thought- - How did that happen? - Well, I thought that maybe that was gonna happen. - All right, so let's dink it. - And sink it. - And sink it. - [Rhett] Now it's a cold hot dog. - It's a chicken dog with pork added. - This is exactly how my hot dog sandwich would arrive to my mouth. But the thing is, is that my mom assembled it at like eight AM. So it was all mushy, and this is not mushy. - I don't love hot dogs, but having made my own, and it's like cute and little? - I prefer a Kit-Kat over... - Kit-Kat. - Over a Fruit Roll-Up. - And a Kit-Kat works too, because, you break it apart. There's a theme here. So they've done like, there's a motif, y'know? - Okay, I think we've been won over by the wieners. - Yeah, we have. - Hot dogs are gonna move on. - Move those on, Jordan. - All right. - [Link] Are you surprised my this motion, or is this where you thought we were headed? - I'm surprised, I will tell you, the nacho Lunchable was my favorite Lunchable. That was like on my birthday, I got to bring the nacho Lunchable to school. - But it's not a lunch, right? - It is a dream. It's not about whether or not it's a lunch, it's about having something that your parents, you know, you wouldn't be allowed to eat nacho cheese and salsa and tiny little chips on a regular lunch day, y'know? My mom was making lunch, these were kind of expensive. So it, y'know, it's fun. Should I eat some of anything, or, I'm so hungry, what are...? - Not yet. - Later. Later, you can. In the meantime, here's your nachos, Jordan. (screaming) - Man. That did feel bad. (rock music) - Going up against our number four, Uploaded subs, we have our number one swooping in, we've got the pizza Lunchables, two types here. The Uploaded deep dish with pepperoni, and then the original pizza with pepperoni. - We actually had these on Good Mythical More at one point, with you, Jordan. - We did, yeah, Link and I preferred the regular ones, and you liked the Uploaded. - [Rhett] Yes. - 'Kay, so I'm gonna go again with assembling this. - Yeah, so the Uploaded is just one large disc. - So just getting a little taste of that. And then how do you get the cheese out without...? - With your little fingers. - Just your little fingers, though. I mean, that feels like too much. - [Link] So many pepperonis. Oh, gosh, yeah, that's a whole thing there. - But it's just a deep dish, man. - See, but I made that one for you. The best part about this is that, again, you can trade. I'm just really into the economy of lunch, school lunches, and just the barter system. - [Rhett] Wow. I did all the pepperonis. - Take a bite outta this one. There's, you can make up to three of these things. - [Stevie] So Link, you made one for Rhett, and then one for yourself, and Rhett, what was it that you did? - I made one for us. (crew laughs) - You can only make one. - Mm. I stand by- - What is wrong with this dough? - See, you get a little extra pep. What's wrong with the dough, what do you mean? - It's like cardboard, dude. - The dough of the Uploaded's better. - Uh-huh. - Well, that's what I told y'all last time. - [Stevie] That's my bad. I'm gonna say it's our bad back here, we thought that Rhett did hold up two of the deep dish, and now knowing there's only one, you know, it was nice of you, Rhett, to make one for you to both share. - It was the only thing I could do, really. I was up against the wall. - Now, what else do you, you've got some Trolli... Look at that. - I got little sour mini gummy worms? - Again, we don't even have to compare between the two of these, they're one thing. 'Cause going back over here, I'ma tell you right now, a sour roll-up? - Not as good. - What? Sour roll-up is awesome. - Well, everybody's got their opinion, man. You're eating it wrong. You're supposed to unroll it. (crew laughs) - I knew it was rolled up, but I forgot about that. - When was the last time you had a Fruit Roll-Up? Huh? - It's been a while. - It's got your teeth marks on it. I mean, they are pretty cool, I will admit. But, it comes down to pizza versus subs, man. I mean this is, y'all were right, the number one seed is the number one seed for a reason. - It's so much better. Just in terms of the fun of it. - Okay, we're moving pizza along, not that unexpected. - [Link] Ooh, that looks good. - And that means we're taking the Uploaded subs, and we're sending them over a fiery cliff. - [Link] Yeah, we are. Oh, we're at capacity. - Uh-oh. - Honk honk. Oh. Learn from that one. Sorry. Or not. - Oh. Wow, I like the little narrative there that got added. (rock music) - Hey, we wanna remind you, head over to Jordan, you wrote a article going in depth about Lunchables, right? - I did, yeah, it's perfect. - I'm told that it's perfect. You need to check that out. - It's the perfect companion piece to what we're doing here. Also, listen, you need some recommendations, everything you need to get ready for a game day party, well, go over to, because there's updated frozen wings rankings, there's the best White Claw flavors, the best tortilla chips, best dips, et cetera. Put it all together,! - Mm-hm. All right, so we've got our number two seed, been sitting on the sidelines now, cracker stackers. Classic. - This is what, when I think of Lunchables, and I have very limited experience with them, this is what I picture, right? - So we got the ham and American, turkey and American, and light bologna. - Could you pass me the light bologna, just because I feel like I'm taking a stand for bologna here. - And I'm gonna go with just a ham stack. Now there's no type of condiments that comes with this, you just... - So this is just a classic stack right here, I guess I could go with another cracker, but. - That's good. Now you might say this isn't a lunch, either. It's a nice hors d'oeuvre, but like, there's plenty of it. - But it's not a little hot dog, look! It's not a perfectly little assembled hot dog. - But how does that hot dog taste, my friend, compared to how this tastes? There's just something about this that is just... It's like a savory s'more. It's the perfect little stack of niceness. - Get another bite and tell me how it tastes, man. - I remember, I don't even wanna bite into it. - You gotta do it side by side, man. That's what this is all about! - Why is the hot dog so cold? - Because it's been sitting in the room. - Why is this cold? Because it's supposed to be. - Listen, there's a lot to like about this, and maybe it's my own personal nostalgia, and my experience with hot dog sandwiches, but this is like, my mom began something, and then Lunchables perfected it. You know? It's like, her idea for this hot dog sandwich was great, it was beautiful, and then they came along, and they said "No, no, no, Diane. We see your soggy hot dog sandwich, and we create two nice little hot dog wieners for your son." - Right. - And I will be forever grateful. So I'm on team hot dog. Yeah. - You're voting for that. I'm clearly not. I'm over the cuteness. We need a tiebreaker. - [Stevie] Well I hope you're not over the cuteness, because you're in luck, our tiebreaker today isn't just any old tiebreaker, she is an expert in Lunchables of all kinds. She stands at an impressive four foot 11, she's eight and a half years old, and she's a student of life and the third grade. Please welcome Matt Carney's niece, Emmy! - Emmy. Hey, Emmy. - Hey, Emmy. How you doing? - Good. - Are you hungry? - Yeah. - Do you eat Lunchables on a regular basis? - No. - Oh. - Do you aspire to work at a Hot Dog on a Stick one day like your uncle? - No. - Why not? - Because I'm not the biggest fan of corn dogs. - [Rhett] Oh. - Well then I can see where this is going. - Well don't tell your uncle. - What about cute little hot dogs, though? - Listen, I don't want you to have to eat one of ours. There's a specially prepared one for you right here. - Can I have a napkin? I don't like ketchup and mustard. - Okay, yes, all right. - What are you gonna do, you're just gonna rake it off? - Yeah. - All right, I like that spirit. - Mkay, yeah, let's just wipe that hot dog right down. Let's give her the completely clean one. - Oh, look at that, KG. - Thanks for going the extra mile. - So just a plain hot dog. - This is gonna be a slightly different experience. (Rhett guffaws) - She likes it. - So you love it. You love it, it's the best thing you've ever had. - What's happened? What's wrong? - It isn't good. - [Rhett] It's not good, okay. - But I will note, there's a Capri-Sun, and there is a Kit-Kat in there. But then over here, you wanna make yourself a stacker? - Which one you want? Do you want ham? Do you want turkey? - I like ham. - Okay. - Okay, yeah, go with that. - Well that's the turkey, actually. This is the ham. - Oh. There's the ham. - [Matt] While you're doing that, hi, Emmy, it's Uncle Matt. - Hello. - [Matt] I'd like to own a mistake, 'cause that's what we do when we're grown-ups, Emmy. - I know she's not four 11, if that's what you're... - Oh. - I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, 'cause I was like "I don't know, I'm really tall, and I've lost my point of reference, but..." She might be three 11. - [Matt] I'm barely four 11. We made a, I... Put one extra one in there, so think four foot one is closer to the truth. That's on me. - This is much better. - Oh, much better? - Much better. - Okay. - And you haven't even eaten the Oreo, so, yeah, I'm with you. I'm already on the record. So, tell Jordan that it moves on. - It moves on. - Thank you. - Okay, there we go. Cracker stackers moving on, which means, you know what? Emmy, because you seemed to dislike those hot dogs so much, why don't you put it into that bus and just throw it over the cliff? (screaming) - No hesitation. (rock music) Final round, pizza versus cracker stackers. - So no big surprises, number one seed versus number two seed. - Yep, yep, yep. - I mean, we both prefer this version of it, so we might as well give it its best shot. - And I'm gonna go, I haven't had a ham, so I'm gonna make a ham stacker over here. Well, I was gonna start, but... - [Rhett] Now, if you're comparing that to pizza... - [Link] Don't. - It's real bad. - Do not. - But we're not comparing it to pizza, we're comparing it to just a cracker with some meat and cheese. - It's fun to make yourself a pizza at school, but wouldn't you just wanna get the school pizza? The rectangular pizza? - I was a school pizza guy. That square cooked pizza? And you know what, that's a really good point, Link. Because, you're gonna be eating this pizza next to a guy that's got square pizza that's been cooked. Most likely. - This, on the other hand, is so much better than the sandwich. - It is the purest form of a Lunchable. - It's just so good! - It's not that great, but, I do think it's better than the pizza. - It's the savory s'more. It's the future of food. - Okay, all right, so what we're saying is that number two seed, the original Lunchables, the cracker stacker, moves on, which means that the Uploaded, or non-Uploaded, pizza is taking her drive off a cliff. Do the honors, Link. - You're all gonna die! Boop, boop. (screaming) - And, going into the Golden Lunchbox is, get all of 'em in there if you can. I'll force it closed. I don't care. They're hard to handle. Yep. Take it with you. - All right, congratulations, cracker stackers. The Golden Lunchbox. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Now you say "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is. - Hi, my name's Kyle, and today we're gonna be tasting some Capri-Sun, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Kyle knows what's up. Click the top link to watch us discover the craziest and cringiest social media campaign fails in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Getting ready for the big game? Get recommendations for everything you need for a great game day party, including frozen wings, best White Claw flavors, best tortilla chips, at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,239,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: e5R4PNfPVwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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