Youtube Feud w/Felix

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Jack: You are- Pewds: SORRY I'm not drinking G-Fuel. Jack: No you're on my channel now, so you're drinking the Same Great coca-cola Taste With zero sugar now with a hint of Added Vanilla! Pood: Enter the Code! J: I don't have the sponsorship, I just keep saying it so I will get one. P: They stole my design! *Banjo Music* Jack: Coke Energy! Pood: tHAT'S MY DESIIIGN! P: I never actually copyrighted the wave maybe I should do that.. J: How did the waves come about? P: I thought it looked cool, okay? J: It does, it looks very nice*Swedish accent* P: I'm not in the shot. J: You're not even in frame. P: It's me, Pewdiepie! J: You're out of frame- er, out of focus. J: Do we look like brothers? P:I'm always in bad quality. P: We look like a couple of broskis. J: A couple of bros. *wow cute* P: Look how tall I am .. this is great. J: I'm- Everyone calls me short, and everyone calls you tall for some reason. I thought you were taller than you are before I met you. And then I saw you on a plane, we were both going to PAX at the same time and I was like 'That can't be him, he's way too short!' so I didn't say hi Pewd: What the fuck??? *genuinely offended* J:Everyone, this is what Felix ACTUALLY looks like This is like when you finally get your first HD television And everyone's like 'Oh my God the news reporters are so ugly in real life!' *more offense* P: I feel like I look better in this light! This camera is amazing J: Yeah, you should maybe get and use the one- P: Robin seems like such a good editor too J:Yeh, he does tho, he does a lot of color grading. Makes it look nice P: So what are we doing today? J: I dunno ¯ J: You- we had the sugge- idea P: Don't blame this on me, alright? J: WE had this idea to do Youtube Feud P: I have to stay so close to you, it's so weird!! *tWo BrO's ChIlLiN iN a HoT tUb FiVe FeEt ApArT cUz ThEy'Re NoT gAy* *look at them having fun uwu* J: I felt your ear on my head! P: Oh, I'm sOrRy J: We're gonna do Youtube- P:Waitwaitwait It's like- if I stand here, I'm completely out but slightly... different J: Yeah that's how lenses work J: I like your shirt P (mumbles): I like your shirt *... what is going on* J: Thank you. It's Cloak (yay) P: Enter the code PEWDIEPIE J: Into Cloak, and you'll have to pay the same price as everybody else J: This is the whole video it's just us fucking around and not actually recording anything J: We're gonna do Youtube Feud where we autocomplete the Youtube search bar P: yes J: And then try to guess what it is? P: That's the goal we haven't tried it out yet it might be shit but.... We're innovating :D We're changing the game J: you don't need quality content on Youtube You just need a snappy title, J: a snappy thumbnail P: You calling me out bro? J: No I'm calling both of us out I'm calling EVERYONE on Youtube out Everything that's here on this homepage right now I'm calling you out P: BRUUUUH *Cute poses with the same great Coke taste* P: this lens is so tight I can't I have no you have this giant room but I have to stay J: yeah that's you gotta go back like vertically you can't go back horizontally J: You can write something on my whiteboard if you want P: Just do it anywhere and see if it works *CODE PEWDiEPiE* P: here's a meme template J: *laughs* what and I'm like- *The Scream* *poor camera can't focus on them both at the same time, it's too much* *more laughter* J: There's your new meme for the day J: Okay P: okay NEXT. MEME. P: Next meme *so pigmented* J: Allllllright. So, you go first, put something in P: So what was the goal? What- *Coca Cola Zero with a hint of vanilla SLURPPPPP* P: The rule is... P: Simple. P: Um. *silence, wind blowing, crickets, a tumble weed is rolling somewhere in the distance* J: Okay, so you type in... something (P: okay) J: the start of a search term. J: And I have to guess what it is P: Okay P: Uh Jack- J: And for every time I get it wrong, I'll buy some of your merch *excited Pews* P: "Jacksepticeye is _____" J (in background): Oh no P: *laughs at the results* P: What the hell is this? J: I'm gonna guess one of them is: "Jackscepticeye is dead" P: BRUH J: Is it? P: Yeah J: Fuck yeah! P: What the hell-? J: Cause I did a video called "Jackscepticeye is Dead" P: Ohhhhhhhh J: I've died in 2016- P: And they're like "ISHEDEADISHEDEAD IDON'TGETIT" J: Did you (P: Deadpool?) did you, think I was dead? J: "Jackscepticeye is a furry"? P: (shields the screen) J: I'm not a furry on camera *hiZZUK?* P: hAhA YoU'Re a FURRY J: Oh the (beautiful) Dogbeef video J: Wow my internet's so good P: *exhale laughs* J: So glad it's loading P: Okay, can't be bothered *Laughter* P: Alright we'll do- J: What what do I win? Do I win another shoutout? P: You win a shirt J: No I want another shoutout. :| P: C'mon J: It's been YEARS since you gave me a shoutout P: Alright I'll give you a SHOUTOUT J: Pewdiepie... uhhh can't ____ P: Sing J: Oh it's not there bro P: Bruh J: Wait no keep guessing keep guessing you got it wrong so you don't get the victory of it yet P (thinking): can't J: What can't you do on your channel? P: I can't do anything J: *laughs* P: Swear!! *Celebration time!* J: Yes! I mean, damn that sucks "Pewdiepie can't cross a bridge" P: Phuck *in asmr* J: Oh you can swear here! P: that might've been a BEEP J: You're such a BEEP *even more offense* P: Whaddiya say to me? J: I said- P: you fucking BEEPBEEP *laugh in unison* *I can't believe these 2 are almost 30 years old* P: You're a... BEEEEEEEP J: I can't believe you'd say that on camera This is such a shit video P: Okay, next challenge J: Remember kids, 'Original' doesn't mean 'Good' P: Okay... "Jackscepticeye ____" What's the top thing that shows up? P: Wait, no I actually I want to ask you. Why does it say "jackscepticeye ignores crying fan"? OH because of Dogbeef! *laughs* J: U you reacted to this! P: I did and it was so fucking funny J: It's so good J: God I look so different J: What happened? J: Youtube Life is hard *pewds laughs* *both laugh more* (Back to the game!) P: "Jackscepticeye can _____" *Jack forgets about the game* J: Oh I'm supposed to guess? (Insert Robin facepalm) P: Yes, you're supposed to guess, you dummy J: Jackscepticeye can of coke J: umm... jackscepticeye can... J: Oh shit, that's a good one J: Jackscepticeye... J: Oh fuck! What can I do? P (whispers): NOTHING *OOOOOOOOHHH* J: Jackscepticeye can sing? J: I feel like that might be one of P: No, no no no J: No? P: No J: jackscepticeye CAN... dye his hair green again? *laughs* J: Jackscepticeye can Happy wheels? *both giggling* P (reads): "Can I get pregnant?" J: Oh, that's the pregananant P: PreGANanananANT! J: Pregnart J: These are the same one J: Oh! You Laugh You Lose #3 J: That's so long ago P: That's so long ago... P: A year ago?!? J: Wow "You Laugh You Lose" J: and then mine is "Laugh?" J: and then Mark's is "Don't Laugh" J: We're all very original P: Changing the game! J: See? Youtube's all about snappy titles and thumbnails J: Don't do the same as everyone else (P: yeah) Go against the grain J: Wait why (reads) 3 Furry Heroes, you did a video called "3 Furry Heroes"? J: With me and Ken? J: Oh, Bloody Trapland P: This camera makes me look like such a phcking creep *oh god* J: Oh God, that picture. Why? J: *in some Eastern European accent?* Ohmygod, Markiplier is laughing in the thumbnail but it's says DON'T LAUGH P: *same Eastern European accent* It says Don't Laugh, we both laugh! J: *what is this accent?* That's cause we both making fun of our titles and thumbnail J: That's me reacting to you reacting to me and Mark P: Oooh okay I see J: *the accent is back* It's meme on top of meme P: We should watch each other's- J: You phcking Lerun*? i looked for this word and couldn't find it anywhere* P: LeruM? You call me phcking LERUM? J (simultaneously): Lerum P: you call me phcking Lerum? J: Where's your spray tan, Lerum? *Bowser laugh* P: Did you see the video? Where they do the spray tan? J: Oh noooo P: Because Joel (Roomie) already has, clearly, a spray tan and he just gets another spray tan J: NOOOO J: Nooooo J: I like how he's (Roomie) insulting him (Jonas) P: But he looks the same! J: He looks the same J: Maybe we should get spray tans. *dun DUN* J: It's me playing with Deadpool P: Oh Ryan Reynolds (P: He's Pikachu) J: He's my friend now J: *this accent* He recognized me in Japan P: Oh really J: yeah J: Robin, cut out all that shit, it's pointless P: Robin, do not cut that out! (Back to the game again) J: Um, "Pewdiepie has _____" J: ooooo P: Big penis J: It's not there P: It's not? J: No... funnily enough P: Pewdiepie has a mental breakdown J: You're just looking at it! *laughs* P: Oh I wasn't supposed to be doing that? *what a shit* J (reads): *the accent is back* Pewdiepie has a mental breakdown and breakdown reaction? P: It's all cause of these fuckin meme-fuckers J: Oh my god J: This is way too much editting P: this is insane J: Oh, FlyingKitty is the one that made "This is America 2"? (P: Yeah) J: We should watch some of your like really old videos P: yeah, why not? J: Jesus, 7 years. What is wrong with you? J: Get a real job. P: .... okay. P: Hey remember Façade? J: Jesus, people are still playing Façade, now. J (mumbles): I should play Façade J: I should go back to playing Facade P (cringes): Oh god... P: Is it me that smells? (smells armpit) P: yeah J (smells armpit): yeah J: The fucking sink in the background P: What you got a problem with sinks in the background? J: Yeah broo J: Look at that glowup P: What is this video again? J: I don't know J: Pewdiepie Comes Over to my House and We Don't Do Anything *10/10* P: Okay wait. "Markiplier is ____" J: BITCH P: yeah that came up J: Markiplier is... J: feel like he's probably dead as well (XD) P: Yeah J: Markiplier is dead? P: Why is everyone dead? P: Wait is Pewdiepie dead? P: Yeah I'm dead. J: You dead? P: Yeah, I'm dead I'm dead, bro J: What are you doing? P: I'm looking at... if you're actually dead P: Bruh J: I know (P: bruh) that's a decline and a half J: You stop uploading twice a day and YouTube's just like: "Hey-" P: Look we were the same! And then T Series *both laugh* J: I need my own T Series P: *still laughing* Holy shit J: JaCkSePtIcEyE vS. NiNja *with a Swedish J* J: Oh yeah! *white dad version of shoot* P: *with accent* KeEp SuBsCrIbInG tO jAcKsEpTiCeYe come on guys J: *with accent* Yes I need more subscriber. P: Why do we become Eastern Europeans? *valid question* *both laugh* J: I'm doing the thing you do where its like fucking Scandinavian *????* accent P: I'm Scandinavian P: It's different P: This is a really good stream, I like this (in unison) : 2 people watching J: It's me and you P: Is Jacksepticeye- J: Everybody in Ohio are asking: "Is Jacksepticeye?" J(reading): How tall is Jacksepticeye? P: Yeah, how tall is Jacksepticeye? J: What does it say I am? P: 178 P: BEEP J: BEEEEEEEP J: That's fucking bullshit, Mark's 179, you're 181 still P: and that's a fact! J: I'll get a fucking measuring tape RIGHT now P: Let's do it bro P: Lets fucking do it. J: Oh my god you're so tall I can't even see. P: How tall am I? J: Oh my god you're 180- *laughs* 181 *these children* J: You actually are 181 P: I toLD YOU! And now we've proven it. J: Wait, how tall am I? J: Oh, I'm going to be so sad if it's less than 180- or 178. J: Just fuckin guess P: 173 J: 173!? *insert shocked Pikachu meme* P: Bruh J: well then Mark's is way off. You can't be 181 and me be 173 right now P: Got 'em J: It's not that fucking different P: Okay, let me just take off my tiny insoles J: Okay P: Let's get it for real J: This video is just 2 idiots hanging out *10/10* J: You are 178 *look at this boy pretend to be shocked* P: Whaaaat? J: Yeah P: What the fuhhhk J: It's almost like we're ... basically the same height J: Bruh P: bruh, BRUH she's 169 *in unision* : BRUH J: 1.5 P: She can't go on roller coasters J: 5 foot 6, 170 P: Respectable height P: 170 is a respectable height J: You hear that guys? J: Anything above 170 is above respectable P: Respectable height J: Oh, we should check to see if you have any feet pictures on WikiFeet *yo wtf?* P: I already checked I don't think I have any *I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THIS WAS A THING* J: I'm not wearing socks right now I could just show you my feet so easily J: Oh ~ WikiFeet Men P: No J: WikiFeet Men~ P: No! *Sean is way too excited* *in unison*: Ohhhh J: Ew what are you doing? P: What is this? Why am I there? J: vlog P: Is that how many people click on this shit? J: Oh my god, 424,000 people clicked on your feet. P: What the fuck? What the fuck? No, that can't be right. J: You just uploaded a picture of your foot to - *both laugh* P: Yeah don't show this, Robin don't show this. J: Don't edit - don't, don't J: AND what was this video? J: Still winning. P: Keep subscribing goddamn it, thank you for watching and don't subscribe to me. *EDM plays* J: Bro fist. This is how we actually quit YouTube. It's just a- (P: okay I'm done now.) a shit video like this. They're like, J: "That's the last thing they ever did?"
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,307,225
Rating: 4.9778781 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, pewdiepie, jacksepticeye and pewdiepie, youtube feud, google feud, funny, collab, pewdiepie and jacksepticeye collab, memes, google myself, challenge, guessing
Id: KH1mydfGppU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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