i'm scared to open these anime mystery bags...

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how's it going everyone this is the anime man we're back my boys in the hands-on area my favorite place to get my hands on so if you guys have been around on my channel for a while you would know that i used to be pretty i don't want to say well known but i used to do a lot of unboxing videos because i'm just a classic youtuber like that and if you guys know japan has a huge history and culture surrounding these mystery boxes or mystery bags i i don't know if japan was the one who originated it but they're certainly probably the most well known for it and if you guys remember these little weird boys up here then you would remember that i unboxed these weird little things in my last mystery box or mystery bag unboxing which i'll leave down in the description or boom there it is up on the screen right now but i was snipping around akihabara the other day with my boys as i usually do and i happen to stumble upon some more strange anime mystery bags now the last anime mystery bags that i unboxed were depression bags in other words they were full of really crappy and dumb anime merch that just got me straight up to press so i kind of knew what i was expecting before opening those bags but uh these two bags right here that i'm going to unbox today i just i just don't know what to expect so yeah as you guys can see there's some there's a big fat question marks on these bags now if you guys can recognize the coloration of these bags and you'd know that i got them from the same store in akihabara named liberty but this time these are like actual straight-up mystery bags like the fat question mark here it says which means open it and just do a whole bunch of now as you can see there's two different colorations here this is the standard uh question bag that just has a bunch of questionable stuff in it 2000 yen about 20 bucks for this one this one however is a little different this one has a rainbow uh [ __ ] microsoft word clip art looking [ __ ] gradient question mark right here because this one seems to have a little secret little anime girl with a heart what does that mean who the [ __ ] knows but this one is also 2 000 yen but since this one has a little bit of a secret i think we're gonna leave this one for later but first and foremost let's open up this uh standard question bag right here now if you don't know usually these kinds of mystery bags right here that you get from liberty in acaba usually have some kind of theme around it it either has to do with some kind of series like some famous series like right now they have a lot of micro academia stuff a lot of demon slayer stuff a lot of sao stuff a lot of fake ghost stuff or they have to do with some kind of just standard genre in anime like this one is full of cute waifus this one is for you yaoi lovers out there etc but this one is just straight up no [ __ ] idea so i genuinely don't know what to expect from this um i think it's just gonna be a lot of questionable [ __ ] in here but yeah let's open it and find out together shall we now again because this thing is taped like a [ __ ] i'm just gonna i'm just gonna cut it right from the top ah now i'm just going to reach in here and just start pulling them out around them but a lot of there's one big thing right here which i think is pretty standard with these kinds of bags and then there's a few small things so i'm going to pull out some of the small things uh okay boom i don't know who or what this is uh but he's apparently someone just decided to just draw the line art and forgot to color this boy in because this guy is pale as [ __ ] right now so yeah good start i guess let's let's keep going shall we uh what's this oh [ __ ] dude nothing questionable about this at all it's a [ __ ] jojo art tray that looks like kira from uh from diamond is unbreakable part four i [ __ ] love jojo as you can as you can tell right here i am happy with this dude jojo merch always welcome in this house i'm gonna i'm gonna put you right let's put you right there i guess okay what is this oh okay it's an attack on titan pen okay what about this oh what the hell is this chick again i think she's from azure lane please correct me if i'm wrong but i feel like i've seen a bunch of dozens of her okay i think there's another badge right here what's this one what the oh that actually made me go for a second there it's anzu from yugioh but at first i was like what the [ __ ] is this art style dude it's so strange but yeah that's stephanie anzu from yugi i guess the most questionable thing about this particular badge is why this art style why not just the standard yu-gi-oh style it's like all right okay what are these things right here what's this oh [ __ ] it's a bunch of clear files from barca test of the short gun your god this is a [ __ ] throwback holy [ __ ] oh there's five different sets here i guess we got the d set i assume let's open this up man this must be old because first of all it is dusty as [ __ ] but second of all back at the test was like a 10 year old series at this point maybe more oh dude hell yeah so first of all we got this one right here which is nice opens up all the way to double clear file which is pretty handy but then this other one is just screaming in culture look at this pretty boy right here now for everyone who has seen bhakta testo you would know this is [ __ ] awesome and if you haven't seen bakato testo then just know that hideyoshi isn't a girl and he isn't a boy he's hideyoshi that's actually [ __ ] hilarious i i love that they made hillary dress up like this that's that's that's so that's that meme is so on fleek okay i think we have another clear file in here what's this oh okay dragon ball gt normies what is that i would like to assume this is from a gundam series of some kind but please let me know in the comments if i am in fact wrong about that what i do find slightly hilarious is when i was putting this guy together i had to make him sit on the ball which uh yeah seems like it hurts quite a bit my dude i wouldn't be that relaxed if i was you okay i think this is the last small one oh of course it's [ __ ] mercury and yeah there's only one big one right here what what is this what is that i think it's pre-cure but that that is not pre-cures face i think this is one of those like strange like uh series of figurines that have like those like big eyes and whatnot i think they look ugly as [ __ ] personally but i don't mind pre-cure but you have to understand my slight confusion when i opened the box and the first thing i saw was this but yeah that's the standard one so far i get there's nothing really like about it i guess maybe the fact that there is like zero theme around this particular box um but yeah i mean i'm i'm happy about this little like jojo thing i got can i can always dig some of that jojo merch you feel me dark other than that nothing too strange i do [ __ ] say though my favorite thing is this hideyoshi that's just beautiful all right but let's check out this second one right here now this one has a secret so i'm really hoping that this secret is something really special i swear to god if the inside of this one is like exactly the same as the one we just unboxed i'm gonna i'm gonna scream you know what's one thing as well that i just noticed is that since there is no theme in this how do we know which one the secret one is oh what's the oh there's something very round in here i assume it's a gotcha but let's see yep it's a gotcha lots of limbs and a penguin what the [ __ ] is this i guess we gotta put it together holy [ __ ] guys it's what is it it is from a series called usunia what all right you're [ __ ] weird you're going in the you're going in the strange corner right here with the boys oh finally some some actual class on this shelf of weirdness right here i swear to god if that was the secret we're in for a ride all right what is this oh i picked up two things here oh god what the [ __ ] well first of all i found this boy um i don't know what it is but it says china at the back here so suffice it to say i'm gonna get coronavirus sometime soon and then there's this thing um it's a it's a sand timer i guess i mean why the thing is it doesn't even tell me like how long this is supposed to measure it's just a yellow crappy sand timer it's not even anime it's got like some food on it cool the [ __ ] out of here okay what do we got next another ballpoint pen but this time it's got chris on it i think the other one had ironman on it cool now i have two attack on time ballpoint pens [ __ ] all right come on what's give me something that's like worth a secret what the [ __ ] is this guy what is this guy first of all this boy's got yowie hands for days jesus christ that i i would [ __ ] get a hug from this guy any day soon but also like just what is he he's not anything he's made from like rubber he looks like a [ __ ] like like dragon quest villain or something like a me what what are you i'm putting a bounty on this my boys i'm putting a bounty on it if anybody has any [ __ ] idea who this [ __ ] is please put it down in the comments you guys did a good job with this boy last time so this time he's on the bounty there's another one added to the what the [ __ ] shelf right here that shelf is getting weirder and wetter by the day all right what do we have next what's this what wait a minute we have a pair of shoes a bag and a children's hat um just looks like a [ __ ] like missing child's like case report it didn't come with the kid it literally just came with like the kids belongings what why whose are these who who's that is it yours this shoe is probably a bit too big for you but maybe the hat will fit nailed it all right what's next what is this oh another keychain of who the [ __ ] come on give me something that's like secret what is the secret thing have we already pulled the secret thing i don't [ __ ] know who is this is that a boy is that a girl whomst is this okay i think we've got some more clear files in here oh okay you know what this one's not too bad it's a uh it's a sticker collection from uh puzzles and dragons which is like a really popular app game here in japan do i play it sure [ __ ] don't but i'm going to give it to my friend who is a massive puzzles and dragon stand so hey at least that's something oh wait there's one more small thing in here what's this again who okay this is a clear file oh it's puzzles and dragons again yay don't care and looks like there is only a big figurine left this better be the secret i swear to god oh okay it's rebecca rosalini from lupin iii wow that is very that is very minor first of all i didn't even know they made a figurine of rebecca from lupin iii let alone i think there's maybe like five people watching this video who have even heard of lupin iii before so it's like to everybody else it just seems like this random blonde hair cheek but that's fine i like living the third so i'm pretty happy about that but that's it that's the [ __ ] end first of all let's think what was the secret thing is it this guy is it is it the questionable guy with like no face the the rubber man i genuinely don't know what was supposed to be the secret of this it just says secret if in all honesty everything in this [ __ ] bag was a secret but yeah i guess uh that's it for these mystery bags 4 000 yen worth of [ __ ] right here um i guess it was kind of worth it to some people i mean i got the jojo thing which is cool i'm always happy with that and i got like these like puzzles and dragon stuff which i guess i can give to my friends but other than that it's just like who's to ask for this but yeah guys hope you enjoyed that uh if you're in akihabara and you come across these uh questionable bags right here then i guess if you have 20 bucks to spare then why not grab one and see what you can pick up at least it seems like it's not the same [ __ ] in each box it literally is like they just got a bunch of [ __ ] that didn't sell and was just like left over and they were like [ __ ] it let's just throw it into a mystery bag and hope some idiot youtuber buys it and makes an unboxing video out of it but yeah if i find any more weirder mystery bags in akihabara because i'm sure there's some more weird [ __ ] that exists in the dark depths of arcabra then i might make a video on it but hope you guys enjoyed that also again if you haven't checked out my previous uh depression box or bag unboxing then i've left it down in the description below so definitely go and check it out and yeah i guess uh let me know what your favorite item from these bags were um i'm just very confused i guess with the giant question mark on these bags it served its purpose i am thoroughly confused right now but hey at least we got to add more to the what the [ __ ] uh shelf up here god that shelf is just so strange anyways guys hope you enjoyed this unboxing if you did make sure to leave a like and let me know what your favorite thing was in each of the bags and i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching as always like favorite if you enjoyed subscribe for an event keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 951,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, i'm, scared, to, open, these, mystery, bags..., ???, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, unboxing, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Id: MXKowCGv2eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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