Minecraft mobs if they observed Opposite Day

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i know some of you guys out there have experienced opposite day before well today in minecraft we show you what mobs would look like and how they would behave if they observed opposite day as well but naturally we start opposite day with the creeper the one and only but opposite creepers they don't explode they feel dirt into the world so instead of craters they leave piles it's still pretty dangerous we've got one right over here he's even opposite colored hi little guy even hey really i mean i guess i just read it on the sign so i shouldn't act too surprised but it's always a shock to hear such an explosion of curry hold on a second i want to see that again can we just stop and appreciate oh even the buddies scared hey i get it man this is a dirty job because the dirt all right all right i'm sorry but you see it even works with spawn eggs if we just spawn in real quick oh it's like it's like playing minesweeper doing something except not at all but you know whatever it's fun can we do something like damage somewhere in fact i think we can hey guys you want some new neighbors what's good that's what you get for wanting seven emeralds for a pair of pants earlier oh what do you have for trade oh nothing doesn't want to trade me you might want to trade on this oh pig delicious friendly never done anything wrong to me boom haha that was awesome oh man i'm not an insane person how about in here okay yeah where am i huh am i good are we good is there a door where's the door lead how do i how do i get out oh gosh this is not okay perfect do i have my way we'll be back oh disgusting and they knew they were having guests over and they decided not to clean up it's embarrassing okay so next up is opposite zombies we're gonna switch things over tonight so these guys have time to shine opposite zombies are fast and love placing doors everywhere they're quite cute some would say they're all right caleb it's okay it's okay it's okay it's worth it just look at this guy he's so friendly oh my gosh yo the ultimate fan of knock knock jokes hold on a second look at you you really want to share this with me wow i even think i saw a half door pop up somewhere man the ultimate discount check this out still works mostly as planned hi you wanna you wanna stop there's not even a house around here man like what do you want can we just i'm now it appears to be only oak doors that they drop low quality i get it it's just you know it's not something you want to write home about but what would happen if we spawned in like a billion oh god well i should have figured the ultimate wow i'm gonna hire these guys to build my next home in fact oh my gosh this is maybe not a good idea look wow the biggest maze it's amazing it's adorable that wouldn't make sense that's okay there's just somebody saved me please oh my gosh that's awesome stop stop stop i need to get on top of something distance yes wow this place got so messed up now in theory you could actually make a fun zombie mob grinder for an auto maze generator at a moment's notice this would be something else ah much better a nice sleep oh gosh oh my gosh why what is this about i thought they only show up at night all right all right i get it i get it they want the attention it's because number three is the opposite phantom they spawn in when you sleep of all things and not only are they on fire but they don't appear to be taking any damage whilst being on fire oh this sorry right right good luck that's not not something i want to hear when there's like flying fire poo beasts heading for me oh my gosh what a nightmare in fact this is bad they're annoying someone called them a phantom menace oh boy all right let's move on because i don't feel like dealing with those guys we're gonna show you iron golems on opposite day instead and on opposite day they well they attack villagers so check this guy out huh well he's got his eyes on something someone where's he headed wow the most distant villager out over yonder i would give him a little bit of a closer bait huh couple villages here a couple villagers there instantly goes for the sad story also hates crops pretty sure i saw him trample one sad really doesn't even want his rose like he normally just makes quick work oh gosh hey you interrupted the conversation that's pretty awesome okay how about one that has some trades these guys are innocent as far as i can tell they're not trying to rip me off and doing anything how would we move this guy in a different area instead or just let do this thing you know not a problem where's he headed now is he looking on the ceiling hates roofs as well interior design not a favorite of his okay hold on a second how do i even get in here i'm pretty oh i see yo he's hiding what's good oh he closed the door doesn't he knows who's coming you better try a little bit harder buddy no that's it that's all she wrote he wants to you re yeah you think so you think he's not going to notice you there well you're you're you're analyzing how about a different golem instead the snow golem perhaps on opposite so this big black beauty is made with opposite colored snow and on top of that you can actually use it to attack in a meaningful way for once namely y'all ready check this out well oops i accidentally showed you another one for later but all you need to know is that he will shoot fireballs instead of snowballs and it will actually deal massive fire damage why don't we spawn in something that doesn't burn in the daytime bring your favorite crewmate skins to life with some sweet new headgear captain hats hunks of cheese soul-sucking aliens the usual or maybe just a suspicious block of dirt get ready because among us are hats out now in the minecraft marketplace he is now a better defender of the village than the iron golem this is i i say this you're awesome but now you're gonna set me in a fire homeboy it's not a good story all right look at them all menacing over there oh he's looking at me we gotta move on okay pigs right pigs right on top of you oh diamond hey wait it's i can't reach it why why can't i get the diamond every time i move forward it moves oh oh well this isn't fair anyways they dangle diamonds in front of you to move control you this of course doesn't work on a smart person like oh right yeah i mean he never fooled me with this one just get off no maybe i get the where's the two where's the diamond skeletons on opposite day they aren't just bones but also skin skin littens that sounds gross we could check it out hi okay well he still wants to attack but he doesn't do with a bow he actually does it with a sword this time so uh clearly still missing a brain otherwise we'd be able to see it through his skull but right now it looks like this guy could use some serious nourishment enderman on opposite day this one should be awesome as well now again instead of grabbing blocks they'll place them instead because the top of the day get it so they have blocks from the end and they get building we're spawning a handful of oh my gosh that is a lot of endermen and they all come equipped with their end stone so with any luck we should begin seeing these lovely enderman i don't know build me a palace of some sort so i'm just gonna wait patiently until um i get my palace hey it's begun that's all you're gonna do oh gosh well it's been about a half hour and um yeah you know this is about as close as they got i don't even know how they managed to place this one in the air but i figured we could use our uh doorman over here and between the two of them we might have a house in i don't know 10 years 2 000 years later well it's worth a shot all right so our next location takes us to the end get ready this is going to be good huh what whatever oh the nether great for the blaze well probably a little bit easier than the ender dragon we'll see what this one does though maybe instead of doesn't kill you on opposite day just completely kills you instantly oh wait opposite blazes are a bit more fluid than normal what does that mean oh i should have figured as much okay let me guess let me guess i should have known that's funny yo that's funny they still so they still catch fire in general but they'll catch you on water very nice oh they thirsty for me look at that their eyes are constantly on this is good yo literally shoot water at you also hate water also burn in water nothing they do makes any sense seriously water in the nether that's illegal all right this next one's gonna make a splash it's wither skeletons it's gonna be awesome because on opposite day wither skeletons have decided to be nice check it out they attack you you actually get regen now it's not the best regen because they can still shrek you real good but at least the region lasts a solid 10 secs or so so as long as you get smacked by him once or twice and then i don't know retreat in theory it could be a net game in this case he means serious come on stop i'm sorry get through so yeah they heal you how considerate while this makes them consider easier they can still well i could have done that about 20 seconds ago let's move on next location ah icebergs on the opposite day all right class today we're talking all about climate change cave spiders who cares about the environment ah just kidding game spiders they can't move quickly through cobwebs see watch we'll we'll test it out see he ain't moving quickly whether he's in cobwebs or not can you hey hey i'm okay now we gotta punch him first yes okay good now look at him well he sucks yo he's the worst embarrassment to his family no wonder they outcast him to a deserted island surrounded by glaciers i wouldn't want anything to do with you either you're not even gonna get my leftover baseball mitt seriously you get nothing good day sir i i was mad about that one at least oh just notice something cool so when you punch on them instead of poison they also give you regen friendly okay you're not okay i changed everything i said i still don't like you but not an outcast okay cows this one should be good cows now spawn in water there's sea cows ah ah spawn sea cow okay maybe these are just placed by brandon oh no no yeah okay well number 14 is the strider ooh striders on opposite day are much quicker out of lava so we're going to go ahead and saddle us up one as you can see here they are clearly distraught by their warm bubble bath look at him he's not having a good time not at all so sad guys we get five likes let's see if we can get him more involved now huh right on on there bubba hey hey and now he's less sad see he's less sad he was more sad before now less said and he moves at breakneck speed i mean he moves at okay speed but hey when you get on him and then right click on your goodie you know the the warped fungus on a stick check it out moves at a serious pace get on the water moves a little bit slower if you notice there he he had kind of an identity crisis where he moved faster for just a blip of time and then he slowed his roll because he knew his position in this hierarchy of the nether but you get back on here and things pick up in a major way yo that's exciting well it's okay no you don't get this oh this next area is beautiful oh i bet the next mob is going to be just as beautiful oh it's oh okay zombified piglet well in the overworld they apparently turn into regular piglets which is what they oppositely do in on most opposite situations so oh gosh okay yeah please don't attack i have children minecraft nowhere else well i don't i'm not details so it's interesting if you bring a piglen from the nether to the overworld does it become a regular piglet and then and then and then zombify and then unzombify i don't know these just become the rarest undead pig breed in all of minecraft probably [Music] all right i've been waiting for this next one guys it's gonna be so good opposite bees will kill plants they also reset growing crops to the first growth stage wow messed up can't wait to see that one okay let's spawn one in oh friendly kind of wow this is actually how ancient civilizations all starved it was just bees celebrating uh a made up holiday look it's kind of i'm a little upset yelling spotted more havoc the chaos oh my gosh how are they supposed to eat i don't understand but do they feast on like petals normally they pollinate now they're just it's strictly business strictly bee's yeah yo that's going nuts oh my gosh all i gotta do is like fly nearby them near beat them all right i'll stop well if it's opposite dave maybe i can attack one and they're all oh nope okay that's not that oh gosh okay it's bad stop oh just some weed to save me please i took it too i didn't mean it i didn't need it finally something a little bit more pleasant a husk on opposite day husks now spawn in snowy biomes instead of the desert that makes sense for opposite day so let's see what they do oh yo is instantly on fire okay wait what is saturation what the heck hold on well he just huh wait let me see so when he attacked me i got saturation you're literally when he attacks you you heal no way that's funny why they keep dying so quickly yeah so when they give you saturate when they attack you they give saturation restoring hunger oh oh but they always burn both day and night so they don't live long wow a rare sight for sore eyes my goodness okay can we okay just just take it all in lovely yeah it's a shame he don't last too long because he makes for the warmest hugs seriously next up is the stray on opposite day and of course spawn in in deserts oh it looks like he had a field day in this one huh anyways they wheeled speed arrows which speed you up wow friendly okay hi oh yeah i got his 20 second speed boost so they literally help you run from them when they manage to land a hit on you yo the the nicest bad guy ever he's like hey i heard you uh were scared of me so let me uh chop chop okay hey that's useful i might actually keep these guys around my parkour courses they could make a huge difference y'all ever seen those l boosts if you time a you get all jump right as you get hit with an arrow yeah sometimes they can help you and do they drop speed errors as well ooh nah opposite day right is the arrow that makes perfect sense even the airs are celebrating we got number 19 here the ghast ghasts can't fly apparently we're gonna set one on fire but anyways instead of shooting fireballs they suck fire in yo oh this would be cool great for removing the burning hazard okay let's see with any luck oh cool oh cool friendly literally inhales it all right let me eat autumn get it whoa feeding him but world's best dad i need like a new mug or something that shows how much i care about this guy oh you left hey finish your dinner much better and so naturally on opposite day for number 20 we decided to do the opposite of tell you about it which is just not telling you about it
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,627,104
Rating: 4.8813276 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, opposite, opposite minecraft, minecraft but opposite, creeper, zombie, phantom, iron golem, golem, pigs, skeletons, enderman, blaze, wither skeleton, cave spiders, cows, strider, zombie piglin, husk, stray, new mobs, new minecraft mobs, mob variants, new minecraft animals, how to play minecraft, what if minecraft, what if, we developed, we changed, so i made minecraft opposite, minecraft mobs but opposite, upsidedown, changed, update, minecraft update, new minecraft update, snapshot
Id: jAF0NM3PW5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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