Minecraft But Foxes beat the game for you...

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Minecraft but fox has beat the game for me in this video I'll recruit a bunch of foxes to beat Minecraft for me and there are tons of new Fox types like the golden Fox to transmutors or the shadow Fox to duplicate my items and a super powerful Fox item will be violent in the final fight against the Ender Dragon can I use the power of these foxes to beat the game let's find out guys we're almost at half a million subscribers so if you haven't subscribed already please make sure you do so otherwise this guy he's not gonna fight for me what he got dirt oh oh you don't want to share okay well I'm gonna have to make you my friend One Way Or Another We're gonna beat the game with you in fact there are foxes everywhere we're right by a tiger vile this is extraordinarily convenient how does it happen ooh there's one that's sleeping I bet you we can tame him with the sweet Bears I know it works the same for me too oh you give me some berries and we on the same team baby okay he's asleep so how about we try and find one that is you know not asleep hey buddy are you mine now oh he's just the same as my friends you just take my food and runs well if we can't tame him with berries there might be something we can craft to tame him instead all right let's give it a look see huh let's see oh that looks different what do we got we got some options ooh portal Fox oh this one's glowing Ultra Fox whoa look at the recipe Diamond Sweet berries oh man we got a while before we can get our hands on that but let's see what we can do for the time being let's see mining Fox hey okay this is easy cobblestone wooden pickaxe Stone sweet berries can we make sweet berries no well we can get the rest for now maybe we can get them from I mean I didn't get any stone sweet berries last time I went mining but with any luck oh how about it right there right as I said it okay perfect hey how about it all right simple enough story four wooden pickaxes and now we should be able to make yup mining Fox upgrade look at that oh recruit by throwing stone pickaxe at a fox mining foxes will mine when you sneak with a pickaxe oh oh perfect okay well we can make three pickaxes right now look at that oh I love all right wake up it's time to work oh look at him he's got a fun little helmet and everything oh look that's awesome okay well that's one okay here's two there you are no okay you don't want oh he's got something else in his hand I said two there we go and we go get the little baby hey oh I want a little baby minor come on a minor Miner oh look he's gonna you are adorable I'm gonna put you to labor child labor my favorite just kidding all right boys get to work wow they mine so fast and we just got so many berries amazing I knew they were fast but I was expecting that that is insanity okay keep on going lovely that is oh my gosh oh oh we're about to get overwhelmed no no get away bat at least we spawn like right here uh oh boy okay well we're gonna make quick work of these guys in the meantime yes thank you and thank you there's got to be a way to make these guys fight for me I bet you I missed let me see let I wanna let's see I think I actually saw something absurd in there yeah buff fox look at that oh my gosh oh we can make that pretty quickly we need Stone sweet berries bones and zombie flesh well we're only one bone shy and so we just need to get our hands on some zombie and some skeletons yes perfect I will take one of those thank you very much and with any luck yes oh we got some extras okay and we can make the upgrade right now for these buff boys okay let's see hold on where was it where was it there it is buff fox look at him okay recruit by throwing raw beef at a fox but Fox is muscles oh and iron sweet berries can now be mine is that a fact let's see did we get any iron sweet berries for our trouble maybe we will on this round maybe oh my gosh okay uh uh well I accidentally just destroyed our way up so why don't we oh no not again get away from me hey big bad bad bad okay we just gotta get beef where's the beef okay well there's a whole mess of foxes right around here hey uh yeah it's a family affair this time around yes yes wow I ain't bad by one do you see someone is clearly skipping leg day though although I'd never say to his face you ready for some games big guy he's got like a little workout bodybuilder man bun ponytail too that's awesome hold on I'll put these guys in the test get em boys hey yeah I got what nuts on them oh my gosh it's a good thing we we need more beef anyways wow Relentless we gotta do nothing okay we should have enough beef but look who I found in the middle of the day alright now this is the real test go ahead get him hey right by me no bad oh music to my ears ooh don't mind if I do these might come in handy later okay we're gonna go take two now get me some iron loving on it so fast it is legit the best and we need to get our hands on some of these iron sweet berries that I saw we should be able to get them now from mining iron wouldn't that be something lovely there we go baby I like what I see Iron sweet berries and a whole mess of iron while we're at it dude it is unandy these guys know how mine oh my gosh look it just keeps going and going yes oh there's another one oh perfect grab you okay what can we make with these ooh we can make a frost Fox that sounds exciting and a shadow Fox yes and stick around guys because we still need to make this Ultra Fox I want to see what this puppy's all about what this box is all about anyways we also have enough iron now to be able to go to town on some armors yes yes yes thank you very much get you nice and popped off and we are way more equipped baby Baby Shadow Fox needs ink sacks and frost Fox needs buckets of water but that's more than fun because we can make our walk it's about it right now just like that and hey we'll be able to find ink sacks where we find water presumably perfect we got everything we need right here boys attack get em I love all that and I'll take care of the rest okay they're uh really taking the sweet time all right Frost Fox what do you do guys special announcement have to tell you only two weeks available on the log.zip Crave the cave t-shirt and you're not going to want to miss out on this it's soft and comfortable and the design is amazing so act now by checking out the link in the description below look at that that is awesome we need more more I tell you boom collect collect do not pass go I have no idea what I'm saying we got four of them now okay hold on I gotta see this true it's true that's amazing oh my gosh so awesome hopefully I never need to go underwater for anything ever again okay so the other thing we can make right now is the shadow Fox I want to see yeah let me see what do we whoa recruit by throwing an Ender pull out of oh we got some remember yes they increase your strength and your attacks cause bleeding Shadow foxes can duplicate items feed it and ender pearl then the item you want no way okay okay okay okay okay hold up we need to get our hands on some Diamond stats we can start duping diamonds down with mine let's get it oh hey something oh gosh with the silverfish constantly how y'all get down there already oh we got a mine shaft oh gosh amazing oh made it freeze no way oh my gosh this is so useful well I'm gonna punch on him punt punt yeah he's Frozen in place oh my gosh this is very very convenient yep you are Frozen as well bro well if we're already by a mine shaft we should be able to get to Diamonds oh awesome very very quickly dude oh my gosh it just goes all over the place this is fantastic oh that did not make him blow up that would oh we're getting just totally walloped on oh gosh I need to oh not how it's gonna happen hey oh there's so much going on oh my gosh oh remain maybe diamonds well I need a game I composure I'm stressed out now it did say I can walk on lava ah I don't know if I want to test that you know right away but well there's water right there we can actually just maybe jump to oh gosh I'm nervous I'm nervous okay okay well I guess we can find out pretty quickly huh no no no okay we can skip thank goodness okay diamonds diamonds diamonds we should have a pretty decent chance of oh gosh oh gosh oh diamonds whoa what are the odds of that yes we got one really we we legit got one oh it doesn't matter we can dupe them okay where's the oh I forgot to make it oh we gotta go back to the surface now but meanwhile check this out bro so awesome guys if you haven't subscribed to accomplish the craft again what the heck are you doing that's not what I meant And subscribe oh and hey that was a happy accent we got some gold berries for our trouble okay sure why not okay back at the surface I think yep there's a fox okay we're gonna get a shadow Fox guys look at this awesome whoa awesome looking so good okay so then what how does it work feed it and ender pearl then the item you want to do okay so here you go you ate that now oh guys we're going oh he he don't want to give me the diamond yo we're gonna get two diamonds for our travel nice whoa whoa whoa we got we got 10 diamonds for that what oh he's my new best friend where'd he go I love you baby I love love dude we can make it we we can make a chess play right now that's probably the best thing we can do yeah okay nice and safe oh wow we got a few more to go wait now's our chance look does he bleed does he have he's got a bleed effect on him wow we're way stronger this is so cool and look we have one more ender pearl I could get some more diamonds for our trouble right now hey go buddy Bagel buddy nice we got 12 diamonds huh what did we get blaze powder what oh we should have had him duped the gold sweet berries in fact what can I what can I make with the gold sweet berries let me see we gotta be close to this oh my gosh we got to be real close to this let me see with the the ultra fox fox so there's Ultra Fox oh boy another right uh how about the golden Fox okay so we can do that okay there's also a fox Cannon oh gosh that's expensive and a fox portal man well let's just head back we can get gold berries and maybe we run into some Enderman at the same time so wait wait here's some gold that's what we needed did you drop it didn't drop one oh actually it dropped a few oh dude you get this much gold like we're seriously gonna need to find oh an Enderman oh get him please drop a pearl drop a pearl drop what I need it I needs it yes we got one oh I wanted two so we could dupe the pearls okay I would save the ender pearl but at the same time we actually can make 10 Gold Blocks right now and instantly get the golden Fox upgrade so where is my shadow Fox friend hey buddy it's time do your work nope that's come on do your work I said yes ah yes perfect so awesome okay let's make this golden Fox I am thrilled now we gotta go back to the surface recruit by throwing golden edited Fox feed them gold blocks to transmute ores huh Diamond Sweet berries can now be mined okay great well well I spared y'all the trouble okay we made it back we got a golden box in hand oh whoa so when I that's how I got the blaze powder when you walk over lava I see okay that makes a lot of well I don't know how much sense it makes but we found out we got the blaze powder at least dude now all we need to do is get our hands on some ender pearls and then oh yes okay meanwhile let's see what the golden Fox power does huh what do you got whoa whoa let me check oh can we hold on hold on we can maybe we can get the gold back because at this point I've now used a lot yes okay sick oh my gosh okay well that should definitely have paid for the gold blocks we just used man nice oh diamond wait actually that means can we emeralds oh wait did I mine okay good we still got enough gold but then maybe okay let's get smelting I just heard an Enderman I just heard an Enderman okay before we check them out Let Me Oh I thought maybe we could get another right well okay but look oh he's right there okay please please we need if you can oh gosh okay yeah handling boys seriously oh my gosh I've just run away right away right away just handle handle the end of it please is he good did he break up oh yes yes yes good yes oh yes yes yes yes it's Pro okay hold on where's my shadow Fox foxy baby foxy lady there you are let's see how it works no that's not you come back yes yes it works and we can just keep doing it bro we could technically go to the end of the End Dragon right but I need to get netherite okay we'll get in a second but just look at the sweet sweet experience oh my God oh my God it's so good and we got Diamond berries too that's very useful yeah I had a little bit of fun with the duping power of the Shadow Fox let's get our hands on some netherite you know this shouldn't take too long legit didn't take long at all okay you all right cook you up netherrite scrap now where is the homeboy yep and just like that we got it so if I'm not mistaken all I need to do at this point is just combine some yup yup yup yup now where's Shadow got me a shadow I know you need bye come on baby I need some more goodies there you are all right all right get handle it boys okay Duke and yep look at that yes blockify and as you probably would have guessed we went the whole mile we got all netherite we got everything baby and we've got enough to make the final three Fox items you all ready let's get our hands on the ultra Fox yes baby yes recruit by throwing a netherite Ingot at a fox Ultra foxes give you Buffs and access to the elusive Fox crossbow okay I get behind that in fact I see a friend right here that's just begging to be an ultra come here a lady boom huh look at you Rainbow Oh I got some whoa look at all these luck speed strength oh my wow awesome but hold on I want to make that Cannon let me make the fox Cannon oh and we got the fox crossbow whoa money hold on hold on I won't make this cannon where's the cannon at yes baby okay here we go Fox Cannon yes Yama used this thing on the dragon I cannot wait to see what it does and the last thing we need to make my friends is the fox portal um indeed portal Fox Okay recruit by throwing I've entered a fox portal fox has morphed themselves into an end portal better stand back okay well we have what we need to make an Eye of Ender right here so now let's just yes he didn't you got it yeah go go ahead yes good how come you didn't you're supposed to uh this little guy stole it oh well that's one way to do it all right let's take on this Dragon huh baby baby baby place this cannon down and go to town look oh it rotates oh it shoots foxes at the dragon what bro we can just take out the crystals with the crossbow actually based on the damage we may not even need to insane huh look at him he can't even live wow wow finish him off finish it off we did it hey subscribe to comments to crafty
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 2,058,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, foxes, fox, foxes beat minecraft, foxes beat the game for you, minecraft but foxes, villagers beat minecraft, minecraft but, fox update, new mobs, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft but foxes beat the game for you
Id: S0f7_iswBHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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