We Recreated ALL the Items on McDonald's International Menu! | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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I commented this on YouTube, but it likely won’t get seen. Smoking bacon is the best bacon you’ll ever have in your life. Do that more often.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bunnybudman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You could try to recreate polish "lumberjack burger" from McDonalds. It's mostly available in the winter but is actually pretty good. And I would love to make one at home using some amazing recipe from someone who knows what he's doing ;)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drajvver πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way he says "Mc" has always made me smirk.


Is that a Canadian thing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarthVince πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How do you get international items in USA?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theskillwithin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe someday Sam will answer this: what oil do you use for frying?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlightOfTheShortGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why didn't he use actual stroopwafels? Pretty disappointed in that. Everything else was great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnnyCostanza πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
today we're not reviewing the for international menu items from McDonald's we're making them [ __ ] McDonald's it's popular right now right now in the planet where we are it's popular to review these I can't think of an easier job I can't think of any easier YouTube channel then sitting in front of the camera and just eating some oh I taste beef there's cheese on this I'm not sure I like the way it sits in the box that's what's going on out there I've watched some of these reviews people should be ashamed of themselves one guy reviewed the the one with tomatoes the chicken sandwich from Canada as you know I'm not a fan of tomatoes but I'll try and keep an open mind this is the guy you want reviewing your food this guy what else does he hate mayonnaise steak cheese what other issues does he have that it's bleeding through somehow he managed to say then I'm very persuasive and getting you to try things but that's not what we do here we make we make [ __ ] that you can make and that's what we're doing today with these four examples of McDonald's new international menu items that have come to this country and by this country I mean the United States so let's look at the lineup shall we and number one is the grand mix Stream bacon burger Nick extreme extreme extreme and number one is the grandma extreme bacon burger in this hails from Spain ladies and gentlemen and look people keep saying there's nothing Spanish about it I don't get it there should be piquillo peppers and whatever manchego cheese here's the thing this is not meant to be a Spanish burger this is merely a McDonald's burger that's popular in Spain that's it take the country out of it really other than the fact that it's popular there so this one has what they call McBay consol with smoked bacon two slices of goood cheese quarter pound burger and more sauce on the bottom I've had a few bites of another one should have stayed in Spain ours you're gonna like next from Canada is the tomato mozzarella chicken sandwich there's two versions crispy and grilled we got the crispy want to taste because that's the one that I want to make so you've got bun you've got what they call herb sauce you've got lettuce you've got a couple sad little slices of roma tomatoes you've got what they call creamy mozzarella it was never creamy creamy would be spreadable this is just flat mozzarella then you've got the chicken and more sauce below it again this is another example of it's not the food from that country it's just the food that's popular in that country I'm from Canada nobody's walking around hailing misses our national food trust me nobody ours for sure will be better next up or the cheesy bacon fries from Australia ready for this max cheesy bacon fries and there they are look at that they should be ashamed of themselves okay now granted it's cold and it's sat here for maybe half an hour since they've been delivered but come on cheesy bacon it's like bacon was an afterthought hey Larry you have any scraps of bacon left on the counter wait who's that guy we make fun of Ellen hey Ellen you dick yeah hey Ellen do you have any scraps of bacon left over you can just shovel on top of this little sad pile of fries and cheese and finally the stroopwafel McFlurry from the netherlands there's caramel cookie pieces caramel and vanilla ice cream there's the pieces there's the caramel there you go cookie pieces caramel vanilla ice cream and you can see there's a bunch of chunks in here I had a bite I thought it was sadly lacking it just wasn't all that great but apparently it's a worldwide favorite so somewhere in the Netherlands people are going apeshit for this thing give me that stroopwafel Kasich stroopwafel McFlurry it may contain tree nuts peanuts or eggs or anything else we're not sure what might fall into that one we're making these things alright let's get busy shall we one of the components is thick cuts applewood smoked bacon and that's what I'm cooking here you piece these guys over let them continue cooking while we starts our grand muck extreme bacon burger sauce so as far as I can tell the sauce the McBay concern for word kind of burger sauce that consists of three things generally Mayo ketchup a little mustard for Tang I looked at it there's like the tiniest little bits of pickle in it so we'll put in some dill pickle and then we're gonna add one thing at the end to help with the smokiness of it but I I didn't have to wrap the Japanese mail that I used because people ask about it all the time we'll put a link to it but this is how it comes Kewpie mayonnaise by the way I'm not endorsed by QP as much as I would like to be because I love the hell out of it but people ask all the time what is it where do you get it if you don't live where there's an Asian market of literally any kind Korean Japanese Chinese or at all which which which all carry this it's available in Amazon took a picture and some that's where that I had a quick one that way Kosta Hollett oqp thank you I like to think we had something to do with that so it comes in a bag take it out well I'm showing you how to unwrap something it's the kewpie unboxing video by sam the cooking guy this guy comes off like this back on now you've got the flip top and we begin so put some mayo in here I'm gonna make a little more than we need because we'll also use it for the the chicken thing with a small change to that too so then a little ketchup always can this not come out nice the first time thank you I know the coolness I have a cure stand by and here's the answer you ready powder coleman's I always keep as a backup but I also use it if I'm making a rub and stuff like that so it's very simple little bit goes in you have tiny bit of water to it and with a little bit of water we mix and of course I didn't put enough in it's too watery so I'll add some more it's probably gonna be too much that's pretty good actually so which is that a little bit of this then the pickle so we got a little bit of dill honestly I saw the smallest flecks there may not be it may be something else I suppose it could be parsley or something like that but it looked like the smallest little flecks of what could be pickle so I'm gonna do this and if it's not right someone can kiss my ass because it'll still be delicious how could a little dill ever be a bad thing and didn't we go last but not least to help with the smokiness a little liquid smoke it's basically liquid campfire you smell this you're sitting beside a campfire someone's just made you a cocktail and poured it through burnt campfire woods it's unbelievable but but but it's very strong it's very concentrated so just the tiniest bit and by tiny bit I mean like oh that's too much honestly that's do you see that that is too much that would absolutely ruin this so that's how much I want what is that 16th of a teaspoon anyway we'll put this in and we'll mix mm-hmm mm-hmm and we taste it's pretty good smokey just like the muck bacon sauce I mean you don't really know what it is you can go online and you look up the ingredients but by the time you get through the phosphate 28:19 and the xanthan gum and that you can't pronounce you got trying to decipher and that's I'm not a food scientist if that wasn't obvious okay sauce bacon you can stay there max our Bacon's ready beautiful it's beautiful dang it's beautiful bacon the grand muck extreme bacon burger gets to pieces I made four because well cut a little white onion and we need some for this and the Canadian chicken sandwich so I'll cut extra perfect we have to get our Gouda cheese ready and here's the problem I have it's square I can't find square Gouda cheese I found round and I found this I thought this guy would be easiest to deal with but then I realize now I've got this wedge so here's what we'll do we'll cut these outside pieces off and we'll peel it this is about the right size so if I cut here I can probably get two pieces this way is what I need I don't have anything better to do this with so if you start yelling at your screens now I'm not gonna hear you and it won't matter anyways God just be careful I am just don't want to get up okay we're gonna be fine and I'll cut the other one off of this side wish I had a slicer that's what I wish I had that I don't so I can't complain or vote oh there we go two square pieces the sauce is ready the cheese is cut the onions are sliced the bacon is done we're missing the burger let's go so this this is a half pound of 80/20 ground beef 80/20 means 80% lean 20% fat the guy at the sports that I said you want 80/20 or 90/10 and I said I would take 75 25 if you had it because more fat is just more flavor you know the drill we have the shirt so there's a half pound so I just really need like half of this I could shape it by hand but I thought I'd use this little guy cuz because why not it's fun so the grandma extreme by the way isn't something that's got extreme in it shouldn't it be bigger than a quarter pound you know what there's an edge here I need to push it at the bottom one piece of [ __ ] I mean I don't know what's extreme about this I mean it's in Spain their food is amazing it's been hardly be extreme there okay but we're ready for this give it a touch of oil a little salt and pepper same thing on the back side and down she goes on Evo and we're not cooking for a long time we're cooking for a good time because we do not want this thing to be overdone you're going to be able to watch the color change up the side a little bit while it's cooking we'll throw our buns on to get them a little color and yeah we're ready to flip the burger and add our first piece of cheese beautiful beautiful and we're ready to build here's how we start bottom bun and some of our muck bacon sauce oh look it I'm spreading it out nicely not just in 1/2 inch space like McDonald's and now our second piece of cheese goes on and now the top burger with the cheese lovely lovely lovely and now the bacon two pieces that we'll cut in half because that's what they did know how they had them go like this that's ridiculous let's go like this there's no right or wrong here that's for sure and then the top bun with more of our McBay consol again not being cheap and last but not least a little bit of this white onion that we did we cut up really beautifully so we'll throw it on here on the bun most of it will stick like that and we go on top I gotta say it's pretty good to me man and now we should have a bite but before we do let's just look mine there's mine there's mine there's yes mine just came off the grill yes it looks fresher but still I don't know there's just something about it but it's a fast food place that makes a billion burgers so what are you gonna do let's try it though shall we let's what looks certainly damn good sauce everywhere Bacon's really good the extra smokiness of this it's a nice thing you'd like that good is it's good it's all my favorite cheese for a burger but it's good doesn't come from Spain but and it's drippy its drippy because there's lots of sauce in here the cheese is melting and the the burger I don't know if you can still see there's a little tiny bit of pink in here and that's kind of where you want to cook your burger too unless you're one of those people that freak out every time I cut up in a steak and there's some red so we all have choices people eat the food the way you want just don't make the same thing all the time and my vote for at least this one is our version versus their version but this is one of for one or for next up the tomato the hills are cold the tomato mozzarella nobody move next up is the is the tomato mozzarella grilled chicken sandwich from we'll start by making a little piece of chicken and here she is it's okay looking chicken crispy it's a bit bleak I think but but we can do better we will follow the rules though and you remember I made a little bit extra of the sauce to go in the in the the the grand muck extreme bacon burger hashtag nothing extreme about it and so this has what they call an herb sauce and I've tasted it and to me it tastes like they've added basil to it which thinking that there's roma tomatoes mozzarella cheese you're not far off from putting together a what's it called a caprese salad right with those pieces so basil would work or a margherita pizza right tomatoes cheese basil so we need basil I could buy fresh basil and chop it up and put it in a butterfly I just thought the thing wing at me I didn't know what it was so I'm saying I could have just bought fresh basil and chopped it up but it's going in here is they then incorporate well I didn't think it would so I bought this what's here that is this basil stir and paste it's it's basil that's been turned into a paste look how easy this is gonna be take this little lid off so I got probably a quarter cup of this sauce from before let's try a teaspoon of the pace look at gorgeous color next we taste tiny bit more it's actually pretty darn good and it's a pretty close in flavor to the sauce that I tasted in this guy that's stuff in there right this is done we need onions that we already sliced we need some roma tomato slices that we can do here here this is interesting check this out so when we bought these today we bought two of each so we could taste the one version and keep one version whole for pictures so this one has two pieces of roma tomato clearly not from the same size roma tomato somebody got the literally the short end of the stick here but so let's see because I heard there was supposed to be three and here's the one we've been eating ah third evidence of a third somebody [ __ ] up hey McDonald's that's not right and it's kill him bill the sauce placement let's go say two square inches nothing around the outside your first bite if this is your first bite right there you're getting no sauce it makes me insane all right let's cut these tomato sorry next thing is the chicken so a crispy piece of chicken requires in my world two things it needs to be brined that just means that this is sitting in a buttermilk mixture I've pounded it relatively flat and I've added pickle juice and sriracha to this for a little flavor kick next it goes into seasoned flour regular white flour kosher salt and pepper I think there's going to be enough flavor coming from the sauce that I don't need to now add chilli powder and stuff like that which I like to do but I don't think I need to do that for this so our goal now is very simple we take our chicken out of its little brine that it's been sitting in for about an hour and a half let most of this drip off and then straight into our flour Boop and now we cover completely and then we go lovely lovely lovely so now you're just cooking chicken you look generally you could use colour as a guide but if you want to be super certain then get a good instant read thermometer and yank it when it's you know about 159 160 it'll raise another five degrees while it rest and just know because the oil doesn't come all the way over the top of it we're gonna need to flip this guy you know about five minutes all right so we're give them a little turn that's not what I wanted there we go oh it's gonna be good oh it's gonna be good and we're there so how do we come let the extra oil drip put it on here you can put our mozzarella on me they use one piece I like to just gonna leave that now you just get our buns ready okay little extra color but we're gonna be fine now here's how we start with some of this herb sauce next comes our chicken it's hot it's very hot it's very hot I didn't have to use just my fingers for that the cheese is already on we'll put the requisite three pieces of Roma tomato McDonald's that's here who's ever in the back let me help you one two three one two one two three that's how it's supposed to be and then we get some lettuce a couple pieces of lettuce to make this pretty and then more sauce on the top bun like that yeah okay got it a little dark it's gonna be fine look I covered it up and then last but not least more of this thinly sliced white onion let's stick so beautifully for a little crunch and a little bite and this guy goes on top and there's your there's your your canadian-based tomato what's up the hell is it called I can't there's your canadian-based tomato mozzarella chicken sandwich and we did the crispy version because I wanted to and now we are going to taste it but as we did with the grandma extreme bacon burger let's look at ours and theirs ours and theirs ours and bears and I know what you're thinking Oh Sam you're a dick you've hidden all the stuff on the inside well let's revisit there are the two tomatoes in their original position can't even shake them out a little bit of said let us yes it's cold but still which one do you want to eat [ __ ] that one let's go Maxie just just one look just one look before this happens Oh Oh it's a freaking mess which by the way this sad little fellow would not have been because they didn't put enough sauce in the chicken was kind of dry that little herb thing is just like that make that little dressing add the herb that the add the basil stir in paste never bought it before glad I have damn that's good the chickens crispy the mozzarella is nice and melty the onions do give a little bit of a kick and that sauce with the herb in there is for Darrin good but wait don't stop there this is only two out of four next up the cheesy bacon fries from Down Under and here they are here's what we're shooting to be better than you've already seen these I mean please that's it this is it look I understand that all that this stuff was pre weight you know certain amount of fries certain amount of cheese sauce bacon but for god sakes we'll start by making like the world's easiest cheese sauce the world's easiest come over here Max's take care of it okay we're just cooking some bacon dice it up in the pan it's going to be decent pieces unlike our competition in that box and here we go with the cheese sauce we want three tablespoons of butter that in my mind looks like that once it's melted we have the same amount of flour your tablespoons and we mix now I'll take it off the heat because it's gonna start getting too Brown and it don't want that the goal at this point is mix it until it's a smooth paste and you've gotten rid of that raw flour taste well it's a really hot man I'm going to turn that down when it's our there I just can't put it down yet they move over for sec now let's just start right here for a second so at this point we'll give it about a cup of milk that's about a half and you're gonna see what's gonna happen now I can put this back on the heat you're gonna see this is gonna start to thicken but before it does quickly my bacon is right there on the edge and I need to get it off so I will to a plate with paper beautiful I'm happy to do this with my left hand because max refuses to go on the other [ __ ] side of me so this looks all jacked up and the bacons burning it's not my fault it's Max's okay back to the cheese sauce which you can see is now gotten all clumpy because I had to take the time to do the bacon backwards with my left hand cuz Max won't move and a little more milk and once this is beautifully incorporated and thickening up somewhat we start to add our cheese oh boy and here's what we've got we're gonna put a half a cup of Monterey Jack in and about a half a cup of sharp cheddar and this will mix look you can see how cheese saucy that is gorgeous right if it gets too thick on you add a little bit more milk but you should be fine and then we had a couple things about a half a teaspoon of garlic powder maybe that's a quarter teaspoon how about a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder about the same of chipotle chili powder and if you only have regular chili powder shame on you because the Chipotle is so much better but you'll find that out one day on your own and then you'll be sorry you didn't listen sooner and then they'll hit a salt and pepper and guess what our gorgeous cheese sauce is done so we'll turn it to low leave it sitting right here I'll go grab my fries and we're away to the races okay so I didn't need to make my own fries when we're doing all of this stuff so I bought thin ones like McDonald's but here's a tip when you make store-bought fries out in the freezer and then you bake them when they come out and they're still warm just give them a little salt and pepper I don't care what else you're doing people eat fries plain and you don't want somebody picking up a shitty fry they doesn't have any flavor to it that's a nice crisp fry with some seasoning by itself it's gonna be great but we'll make them greater so we're gonna put our fries in here so I can do this how's that stack look max - good now you're ready for this [ __ ] yep you sure you're ready cuz I'm not sure you are holy Sh you should smell it from here just a tiny bit more like you don't want to rob your guests you don't want to rob you remember cheesy bacon fries comes the bacon and my work here is done thank you very much I'll be here all week don't forget to tip your server sure bring in to look emotionally acting and just like with the other two things we've made what would you rather have these or these hang on that's not fair you can't see it you just put it on a bit of an angle there you go these were these these are these and look I know there's a lot more of these than there is of these and this cheese has been here less time I just think if this is what they're doing they got to step up their game they need a little bit more bacon maybe make the pieces a little more substantial and it looks like you only got half an order am i right yeah maybe four sakes get a smaller box or something let's screw it this is what we want we want one of these kids so let's get some jelly right here she's hot out all right bacon for sure because there's lots but the spice of the chili powder and the garlic powder and the cheese sauce Wow damn it is it good hmm so if you've learned anything with this it's you want this and maybe not this but how to make an easy cheese sauce quick by the way you could put on tricking you anything that could go on some crazy ass Benedict go on top of a burger you could use it for nachos but one more it's dessert it's that coupe fun waffle McFlurry from the netherlands you're gonna like that are you like my version and finally ham d McFlurry the mm-hmm I got to get the name because because the name is important the it's the stroopwafel McFlurry it's from the Netherlands they say it's vanilla ice cream crispy caramel waffle cookie pieces at a rich caramel swirl I don't know what crispy caramel waffle cookie pieces are so I'm gonna help us get there in my head so for the ice cream I'm using dulce de leche which as you can see it's delicious vanilla ice cream with swirls of caramel through it it's a cheat right off the bat but a delicious one this goes in here along with the rest of the ingredients come on fella and by the way the difference between good ice cream and the ice cream is a huge difference so get something good next a waffle cone thing we'll put some of this in for texture you hold a little back of we need some milk to thin it don't know how much yet you might have to add more ice cream I'm going to give it an extra shot of caramel because we can on goes the lid goes on the base and we go yes this ladies and gentlemen now we're talking that's what we want so let's do this let's give it some more cookie and one more thing to help it along and that will be a little Jack Daniels and now we'll give it a little splash because whiskey and vanilla and waffle I'll go together brilliantly final mix well we come let's do this let's take a little bit more caramel and we'll rim our glass and after adding a little bit more ice cream I think we've we've done it ladies and gentlemen I think they say and here we are at the end we have mine and we have theirs I don't have their equipment so this might be a push they might win mine theirs let's find out so using the McFlurry spoon with as some of their caramel or ice cream or whatever in it will taste this guy a nice amount of sweetness lovely caramel and by the way that little Jack Daniels did not forget her YUM and now this one with crunch era but it has been sitting in my freezer okay I think if I could get mine in that condition I'd like it more but that might have one I have to be honest I think that guy one where we learned today we've learned that reviewing food is a piece of cake making food is not we've been here a long time you ready to go home max we're both ready to go home we've only had one little spat we still love each other but the point is you've learned some things that you can take away and make and they'll be delicious so thank you for watching thank you for subscribing thank you for liking thank you for for hitting the notification bells so you find out when we put up new stuff and we're on the road to a million and by the way and by the way will be Japan the 23rd to the 29th of next month and those of you that are there already starting to reach out saying hey we get together for a drink or something we're gonna reach back out to you thank you for that with like six or seven so far we could have a fun little what's called meet up a little meet up a Japan Meetup cool all right thanks for watching go make something good
Views: 1,897,621
Rating: 4.8942189 out of 5
Keywords: McDonald's International Menu, McDonalds, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy mcdonalds, homemade mcdonalds, mcdonald's, fast food, taste test, mcdonald's international, mcdonalds international items review, mcdonalds international items, mcdonald's worldwide favorites, mcdonald's worldwide, international mcdonald's, international mcdonald's items, fast food review, fast food recipe, cooking mcdonald's food, cooking mcdonalds at home, mcdonalds recipe, best mcdonalds
Id: Ec0vVdMrhyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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