Juicy Grilled Chicken & Steak Kebabs | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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it's kebab day we're not doing just one kind or two kinds we're doing three kinds of kebabs just I love the smell of charcoal in the morning it's fantastic it's there it's just the greatest thing ever and even if you don't use charcoal for your outdoor grilling needs let me suggest that you don't use those instant light chemically treated little lump pieces of poop but you will probably cause cancer now look somebody will say no that's not fair and I'll get sued I haven't named any names I'm just saying lump charcoal that's the way to go and I do understand that regular charcoal briquettes are okay too but the chemical stuff I don't forget that but I digress and it is a kabobs I will admit one thing right up front I didn't want to do today I wasn't interested in kabobs somebody else was you've only been putting it off for three months three months I've said this before we talk about what we're gonna do I suggest something 90% of the time max much closer to your age than mine says no I hope with this he goes no it's not like I'm [ __ ] suggesting a Metamucil porridge I'm suggesting things that I think you would like like a really badass clam chowder in a bread bowl would you like that cuz the 30 holding 31 the 31 year olds like oh yeah and I know oh yeah means [ __ ] oh that is never happening so here's my poll question to you New England style clam chowder with bacon and onions and all great stuff and hot sauce on top in a crazy delicious bread bowl is that something you would like or oh yeah no max he never says the no part but that's what he means oh yeah so if you want to reach out to match yourself here's his email max at I'm a little [ __ ] calm that doesn't matter now what matters is that we're making three kinds of kebabs I forgot the name here's what we're doing we're doing chicken steak and lamb the first one will be chicken and we're making buffalo chicken kebabs yes how fun will that be and of course there'll be a little blue cheese thing to dip them in after the second will be beef and there'll be a teriyaki beef kebabs spicy teriyaki beef with vegetables interspersed amongst the pieces as Max's all just I see this beef with the vegetables and the colors and the whole it's like some dumb drug lace dream that the kid was having looks like you kids do these days ecstasy is the only thing I don't know I don't know whatever and the third will be like a lamb with with with I don't want to say Indian spices but but you know that that's whole spice flavor profile thing and a little dipping yogurt deal thing after be fantastic what do you want to start with you pick go ahead little voice your steak first the most work okay I'm gonna cut the beef after I'm gonna do my vegetables first I want my vegetables about the same size pieces about like this right because the steak will be like this you don't want anything too big hanging over the edge you don't want a piece of steak like this and a vegetable like that cuz it's gonna interfere and it's not gonna let the steak cook so both the same size roughly we start with the most delicious of onions the red onion I got to take that back I don't mean the most delicious I mean in this case because really my favorite onion is the green onion this will be coming into play lay I believe but for now we cut up these and some peppers okay so sorry we'll just cut the ends off and then let's get rid of this peel also known as I don't know what does is called skin paper yeah also known as drippy and then what I say I want pieces about that big and here's how this is gonna work get this guy off I don't know how this is gonna work if I do this and I do that and I do that so let's do this watch once cut this in thirds maybe more this this nope I went from thirds to eight so we have these guys these pieces they're gonna go on like this okay like this right so should be enough red onion should be enough red onion now we've got some red pepper so we're just gonna cut the sides off yes this is a bed remember the green handled one did I had oh yeah somehow that broke I didn't want to talk about what happened I have no idea no one's talking but the guy that made that joan james KO simony made this one for me he say he said he's a knife maker should we put his name on the thing yeah well put his name as a link underneath he's a great guy and this knife is both amazing and [ __ ] terrifying all at the same time these we want about the same size is what the red onions will be so they'll be about this big and now how about a little yellow pepper with that cut the same way all right let's cut some steak and then we can skewer oh that was wrong let me try that again take two nope gosh take three take four why will they just not do what I want I got I got two gotta get ready take five here we go I'm using a Flay because it's tender it's delicious and it's great so the fat like here don't really want we'll get rid of the excess fat here look a little bit is fine but we don't need too much so okay so we want to cut little little guys like this so here what's important for me in a kebab in a skewer is that the pieces are relatively bite-sized I don't really want to give somebody a skewer and then a knife and a fork if they just want to hold it and go and eat it they should be able to do that that being said I want them to look impressive so maybe slightly more than a mouthful is perfect there's a thought in my head about that expression that I'm just not gonna complete us let me just talk to my wife for a second see honey I do have some what's a word filter filter I do have a filter baby all right so here we cut these guys beautiful and now we skewer here's my skewers and I like these long ones that are wide because they I think they hold this better it's just me but here's what we do we take a piece of meat and on it goes me to try and confine my stuff to about here and I'll show you why when we're over there cooking you do a couple of beef and then I'm gonna go some onion let's go onion pepper onion for here beef so your goal is just make these any way you want them right and and there's no order there's no correct there's no incorrect it's what feels right to you so this feels right to me I just want to intersperse some of the beef some of the onion some of the pepper and then just carry on till you're done yes Louis yes so this next one I'll do slightly differently they do not need to look exactly the same the one thing you do need to respect when you're preparing proteins to be skewered they must be all relatively the same size we say this all the time because if they don't they're not gonna cook at the same time a big giant four inch piece is not gonna cook the same way a two inch piece is going to so don't make your life miserable Louis no need there's the dog so barky okay there's our beef I love them let's put them on our plate down they go chickens nests we'll start with the little sauce for it and it looks like this Frank's hot sauce classic start to buffalo chicken butter I'll put like a half a stick in or three quarters of a half a stick and some honey and this will start to melt on the flattop now we prepare our vegetable for the chicken and that is celery what what yes it's kind of a unusual skewer thing but it's what you have with buffalo chicken wings am I right or am i right right so let's do this I'll just clean up our ends of it and make these about the same size maybe mmm about the same size as what our chicken will be now cut our chicken and it looks like this what am i using max thighs or breasts I why because they're a hundred times better so quickly cut a little bit of this extra fat off because we don't need it we'll cut these into pieces we can cut and we skewer which way do I want to go here let's go in so this is probably gonna be obvious but we're going celery chicken chicken chicken maybe unless we change it up celery chicken it's all good whatever you do do what you want there are no boundaries here there are no rules so these are done on the plate they go go nice they're all looking racks third and final and next up is lamb but not lamb pieces like these guys it's the kind that will take our skewer and do ground lamb and do that it's very the Turkish version Persian is it it's it's it's Middle Eastern it's a Persian it's it's all that so we start with watch problem we start with some lamb and here and we have the following okay some cumin ground yes thank you thank you some ground coriander we've done this before max what's coriander yes max good boy good boy way to go it's the herb version the ground version of cilantro garlic powder max smoked paprika max more kosher salt max squeeze of chosen avocado oil max put it off to the side max and then max will cut some red onion I like little fine bits of red onion in my lamb so do this till it's small enough don't cut yourself I'm talking to myself yes you know honestly most of the time when I cut myself it's because I've been rushing except the last time I cut myself I was just reaching for a knife in a drawer now I didn't even show what the fix was I bought something to keep that from happening all right well this is this and this is this you take your onion you go like this and then do you know what you do max say we mix with coz here right here you don't even have to reach for anything because when you reach there there now watch again in we go so I like a little bit of oil in this because I feel like it I know makes it better it makes it a little richer and if I if I make these in approximately two piles and then rinse this hand off then you'll see how this goes I got a shoulder washing my hands I had a series on Discovery's health channel for a year and they were the most ain't no [ __ ] met and by the way that line probably means that they would never hire me again but a they were super anal and it's difficult to work with them and be its television and actually who watches that anymore but I would do something and then you I wouldn't show washing my hands and they would in their notes oh here's how it works with a big network you shoot the show you edit it roughly and then you send it off to them and then you get back notes that come from some producer level person at the network and it's like at 2 minutes and 48 seconds the camera was on the tomato for about half a second too long what at 3 minutes and 38 seconds after touching the chicken we didn't see wash your hands I don't know why I'm doing this voice cuz I don't think that they actually sounded like this and we're like but I wash my hands I go but we didn't see it do you think the people are like so like they're gonna write you one day and go we watch Sam the cooking guy and he made chicken he didn't wash his hands and we didn't wash our hands and we got sick and now we're gonna sue you cuz if that's what's going on you got a way more effed up audience than you even think you do and and your Discovery Health mate Louis and your Discovery Health so then how about you create a show called people that are too easily influenced by what television hosts do they don't like me for that kind of stuff probably why I don't have a show there anymore you know what happens when these executives get involved thank you by the way that's why I love YouTube love it I can do what I want if I want to say someone's a piece of [ __ ] I say someone's a piece of [ __ ] but this is me I'm not saying anything to be inflammatory anything I say is how I feel and I feel that the discovery executives were way too [ __ ] anal and they were you're plenty inflammatory without even trying you know okay so here's how this goes down I've not done this before but here's what I think I want to do I'm gonna take my skewer my flat skewer I don't think this would work with a round one I don't think it would spit and I'm gonna try and do this oh I bought way too much and you know what my other problem is I probably shouldn't have put that oil in there cuz I don't because now it's not wanting to stick how's that look look okay you just fix the top of this oh geez oh this is gonna be a problem I don't know how to fix this worth breadcrumbs I'm feeling I don't want to add breadcrumbs oh why did I add that stupid you know why I added that stupid oil oh God here's what I've got this is all the bread crumb I've got we're gonna do some of that but I do have hemp seeds that could work and just because it's here and I pulled it out some coconut here's what I think as I mix this then I'm gonna say to you forget the oil that I added look I'm a fan of it I think in a paddy it it richens things up a bit but when you need something to stick to a skewer like this maybe you forget the oil because it just slides right the f off I don't know what to do maybe I'm making it too thick or too heavy now it's got coconut in it seems to be working okay don't say anything please see what happened yet to open up your mouth the second you said something it fell off like I've watched these guys in other countries in other cities on TV on YouTube make these things and they don't have a problem like I'm having I don't know what the lesson is here coz I'm not getting it it's not working for me we had stuff like this when we were in Jordan I watched some of it being made that wasn't made with this nearly this much difficulty I think once it starts to cook we might be okay I do have a sense of maybe why this is happening that I will share with you at the end ok keep it a secret from now let's visit what we've got right here here's our butter honey and Frank's red smells ah may zing like ridiculous and that will baste a little bit after it gets going for our beef skewers look part of my attitude is if you make a big chunk of it you don't have to make all of it so I've got bottled teriyaki sauce wine I have not bought before so we'll keep the name a secret in case it blows we don't want to hurt their feelings and in case it's great well they could pay us so teriyaki sauce goes in here well baste with that but I want to give it some heat so I'm gonna add some sriracha and then we'll just mix this it's - and for our lamb I think that's about it and I believe we're ready to go so let me take this max you ready to bolt over do it let's go yeah we're almost there right here's our fire in our chimney and now I'm gonna put it in here like that let me just brush it out of it try and make it even across this back side the heats gonna be in here so here's how this goes down we'll start with our chicken skewers I'm gonna give them nothing but a little kosher salt at this point on both sides and they're gonna go on I like this beef same thing there we go and Lam not the same thing because it already has salt in it and [ __ ] wait till I share my secret no no no don't where's it falling don't want to wrap it in tinfoil but I might have to oh well it's not the same and you two are in trouble you'll find out okay so Jilly had a suggestion let's just wrap this I know why it's not working and I cannot share that at this point so we're just gonna try this see if we can get it firmed up it's very hot for anybody that's decided to hang in through this episode thank you and that's really all right feel good about yourselves why is it our fault it's gonna be your fault you're about to find out look we're cooking pretty huh once it starts to get some color like these are all doing beautifully now we'll add the sauces so let's take our teriyaki sauce and start to apply if you put the stuff on too early a sweet sauce like this it will just burn up and that's not what we want so that's hot but once you turn then you're legit then you can start to go you know the chicken gonna get this so could I have marinated these yes so I have I don't know I'm not convinced I should have so tiny bit more here and return look at that color look at that smoke that's amazing dude I am jacked for these I mean excited okay so let's go over here quickly the buffalo chicken skewers deserve a a blue cheese thing so blue cheese and we will add the following and that is some sour cream a little mayo a little celery salt because of the celery right and you need a little liquid so we'll add a little extra tang by putting in a little buttermilk and now max we will mix you just want to break up the mother curved you see that mm-hmm you just want to break up the clumps of the blue cheese as you go YUM oh my god it's gorgeous wait while we're here the other thing we need to do is make something for the lamb because we should so I'm only gonna give it one thing some sriracha and there because it's already got all the amazing seasonings we'll just mix sriracha with sour cream for a cool delicious dip now back to our skewers I can tell they're just falling in there we go well let's see hold on this one might be getting there actually but look we just dropped on you know I don't want to taste it the little ash ash a bad thing could ash be a bad thing I so wished it worked out I got an idea though let's just put these are almost ready shall we and when they're done they're done and off they come they're gorgeous six of them should be gorgeous but I'll take what I can take all right and look but wait before we get to these let them sit for a second watch this I have an idea a little oil we split it around then we take this that didn't work we make a little patty we put it there what do you think I know the reason I know what happened here I know the mistake that I made that caused these things not to not to go on that and stick so let me just throw these three guys on here and while would they cook we will taste the chicken and the beef and then we'll come back to these guys and look at them gorgeous I'll just try one right off the end yeah they're gonna be hot how am I doing this I don't have a fork hmm that sriracha just kicked in it would have been way too sweet that's my biggest problem with most store my biggest problem with most store bought teriyaki sauces is they're way too sweet that was not because I added the sriracha mmm so good okay chicken so we'll go to this kit first because the celery fell off there the seller didn't fall off here I know celery's a weird thing to grill but I think it's gonna be good it's it's not porous doesn't take a lot of the sauce you get a little bit but there's nice flavor from the grill but now the chicken oh boy oh my god is that good you have to do that whether you do it on a skewer whether you do it with what's that called celery it's fantastic and then you take a piece and you get in this little blue cheese dressing that we just made on this grilled buffalo chicken kebab and there is a home [ __ ] run oh my god I'm not [ __ ] you or you or you that is wait let me turn my uh let me turn these guys this is rather impromptu and I don't have my spatula but this will work look at the beautiful browning and crisping that I had hope for I can't wait any longer let's take these guys off or at least that one off I'll kill that here that Chris penis deliciousness one delicious well seasoned lamb bite that was supposed to be on a skewer but didn't make it I know exactly why I didn't make her he's been telling us it's our fault the entire time so here's the deal I know and you know who David Olbrich is you guys know david dobrik is a youtuber right yes very successful he's a cool guy he has a habit of doing things for his family and friends but his version is giving them new cars and stuff like that I just wanted to give something today to Jilly my daughter-in-law that she doesn't normally get here so the reality is is this is not lamb at all this is beyond burger ground beef and I but the problem is regardless of the hemp seeds hidden and the panko and the coconut that I added it won't stick it's a completely different consistency and I did not take that into consideration but I'll tell you one thing this bite was really [ __ ] good and with the sriracha sour cream even better so will you come have a bite with me yeah I know I know but you got a couple more patties to come home so she's not miked up and this is jelly Max's wife my daughter-in-law see a real girl he's not gay not that there's anything wrong with that right you never know what are you telling us okay here take take the fork try it just like it is I think you should try it first yeah the crazy thing is coconut in there would you eat that oh yeah but I feel like everyone else would too I think people would too that's right so whether the point is and once again and somebody's gonna say we're sponsored we're not sponsored by them at all this is all me for her no remember me saying in the beginning will you try so that stuff yeah so I thought I would get him to come in here and try all three of them and then when it didn't work out and then I dug that was when it was gonna work out and then when it didn't work out I thought I'll just have you come just try this one by itself so it really was my only all your fault because I wanted to do something for you so was either this or give you a Mercedes and I thought oh okay go away no all right so that's that's the end make the kabobs they were all great the buffalo chicken I think wins and I'm gonna say something I'm going out on a limb here I think if this is stuck and now I know all about it and there's no way that this could ever have stuck to the to the skewers that's pretty damn good if you have non meat eaters in your family do something nice for them and this could be something that you do nice it won't go on one of these things but and I'm wearing a similar cooking guy t-shirt in Japanese you can't get any more but you can get all kinds of other sambacooking guy merchandise for yourself for your friends and family thank you for buying a ton of this we had a we had a Astro the little dog over on that side of the fence we had a a Black Friday thing thing get code promo promo sale we had a Black Friday sale and you guys bought a time and that's over but we're gonna do another ones through the end of the through the end of the holidays yes yes and the the the code for that is F max F the letter F max ma X so funny this is so fun it's not fun it's not funny who knows what that lines from anyway thank you for hanging with us somebody in the coments does somebody knows what that is make these honestly [ __ ] with your family in a good way make something give Uncle Joe who is a starch I'm never eaten that kind of you know hippie crap ever give him a burger made out of this or a patty made out of this or something just don't try and put it on a skewer whatever you do and by the way what I did with this the seasonings that I did with this would work with lamb 100% this is freakin delicious it would be delicious sir with lamb because you'd have the lamb taste not because it's an animal just because it has the lamb taste that this does not have and I'm up almost 100% certain that if you took lamb and went on here it would stick you could cook it and you'd be happy [Music]
Views: 2,010,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, steak kebabs, chicken kebabs, steak chicken, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, sam the cooking guy kebabs, kebabs, best kebabs, sam the cooking guy chicken, kebab, kebabs recipe, best kebab, best kebab recipe, best chicken kebab recipe, best chicken kebab, best steak recipe, best steak, cooking kebab, cooking chicken, cooking steak, juicy chicken kebabs, juicy steak kebabs, juicy chicken
Id: 5oBXPWyIVq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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