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Okay, let's have some fun. Rank these in order of how much you want to eat them.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

My list:

  1. PB&J I’d add powdered sugar like a monte cristo
  2. Lobster just because I like lobster.
  3. Mushroom Ravioli toasted ravioli is a thing and it’s good.
  4. Avocado slices- I’ve had good versions but I’d rather not eat hot avocado.
  5. Brussels Sprouts
  6. Penne
  7. Apple Pie Udon
  8. Pizza- I’ve done it before. It’s good.
  9. Meatballs it’d be higher up but I think Sam over did it. Many of us have eaten this before if you like meatballs.
  10. Hard-boiled egg
  11. NY Steak
  12. Ding Dong I’m wary. Sometimes the cake just absorbs the icing in the middle. But I’ll take deep fried sweets.
  13. McDonald’s cheeseburger sounds gross but i bet it’s good.

Sorry for the weird formatting but I didn’t want to list out all 13. Figures I’d just reorder the list. And I realized I missed udon. I’d probably put it in the 11-12 range.

Also this was the first decent video in quite awhile for me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/monkeyman80 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ok I want this to be a series, best episode in a while. Will give my list shortly.

He could do an episode with different batters. An episode with different breadings. "what's the best way to fry cheese"? Etc.

"15 ridiculous things you might make 1 of" is more fun than "totally epic insane thing I'll never make"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gzilla57 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

For the record, deep fried ravioli is a St. Louis staple known as toasted ravioli

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nattylight_Murica 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
we've wanted to do this for a long time and the day has finally arrived it's deep frying experiment day or deep fried experiment day so i have a list of the things that uh we're gonna deep fry today and by saying them right now up front means that in an hour and a half when max is tired and wants to go home and cry he can't because we've committed them to cardboard and here they are this is how we roll at sam the cooking guy chicken scratch illegible on a piece of cardboard actually two pieces of cardboard it was too long the list was too long i had to i had to do this and the list reads mushroom ravioli lobster on a stick a new york steak brussels sprouts hard-boiled eggs meatballs avocado slices penne edamame udon pizza slices apple pie and ding dongs what you think amazing thank you max again no opinions a good list there you go thank you and chance said what are you going to start with and i'm going to start with the cleanest thing possible just some straight penny i think it'll make a nice snack and better than eating them cooked and cold let's dump them in just like lawrence olivier the nazi dentist in marathon man lined up his utensils here's what i think i'm going to need today we've got the big fishing net we've got the super long chopsticks if i need to break something up we've got regulation tongs long ones and then my favorite little fine little sieve thing for picking up small things i'm going to be using this for the ding dong that's for sure and here we go some of the items will have a dry batter some will have wet but to start off we've got previously cooked penne pasta with nothing on it and we go into the oil and like anything that goes into the oil we want to just make sure that it's not sticking together wow even though i cooked these quite a while ago and dried them really well all this bubbling is because there's a lot of moisture in it oh they're sticking so remember the key to today ladies and gentlemen experimentation we don't know what's gonna work what's not gonna work i can tell you these guys might be okay i don't like the sticking so far but it's all right see the sticking is not good but you can definitely feel that they're starting to get a little a little crispy on the outside i think we're there and like many things that come out of the fryer while they're hot what you want to do is hit them with a little salt we'll do that put them on our baking sheet that's a good sound right now a little kosher salt i like that sound and hey hey new favorite snack try one chansey nice that's pretty good huh wow and i made i warmed up some uh tomato sauce earlier holy sh all right yum like really yum and that was in maybe about a minute maybe a minute and a half all right next while we're still got a fairly clean uh oil set up brussels sprouts and they go and down they go whoa whoa it's splattering like crazy that's because of moisture oh but they got really green really fast look at them wow all right i think i need to do a little bit of this so these were just cut in half just the bottoms just ever so slightly trimmed and it looks like they're all just separating many of them like crazy which is fine to be something you could top put in a salad get them crispy and we're there hope they come onto the baking sheet look how great they look and salt look you could use chili powder or you know paprika anything you wanted but i thought for our purposes today this would this would be great look how beautiful they are telling you these on top of an existing salad there's a little crunch especially to the the just the random little pieces yum all right next up edamame and we go and down we go whoa hey fellas see how close it is to the top that's why you must adhere to your deep fryer's rule about maximum oil oh these are going to be like snackable wow can i just say i know we do a lot of cooking and it makes sense for us but a deep fryer is one of the best things we've bought and we're there we're dripping we're shaking as much as you can when they go to the baking sheet salted nice i love that of mommy i think a little longer do a gun crisp beer but damn are they good all right who wants a meatball yes yeah meatball time store bought spicy italian meatballs in and down so far everything's been cooked these are not cooked we're going to need these to get to about 160 degrees and then we'll be eating them oh i'm excited about these ones i really am and oh yeah yeah look at those hang on now it's a little dark yeah should we have a bite so let's see what we got here well it's cooked it's hot as it's super crispy let's have a bite i definitely dig the crust on this oh god hmm i'll tell you something it's really freaking good that crust is giving it like a whole new thing i wouldn't want any darker than this but yum tell you what how about we go from an italian meatball to udon udon udon and down no idea this is really a wild card for me i have no idea how it's gonna work out like i do want it to separate maybe i should have done that first actually now that i think about it i really need to be where you are max i can't i just this is too hard such a baby well i'm just trying to do the right thing here uh i really should have thought about it before instead of as it was going into the oil well i kind of thought that the oil would do its thing to it you know like help separate it the problem is freaking giant noodle ball oh man this sucks this is not what i wanted hey sometimes you fail on experiment day it's true i mean i can feel the crunch happening here but i just really can't wait to be in my spot no i'm just trying to do my job man and you're like right up my ass with that camera yeah stay over there damn it chancy can see them just find a different place to stand i like you over there it's actually not too bad i don't know and oh they come look at shake shake so the deal would be once these are done they come out and then you've got some stir fry or something you drop on top hey get out like that yeah you know what they'd be incredible with like a really saucy kind of curry or something mm-hmm they're really good they're really good like this i keep that in my head it's making me think about something down the road but let's not stop here new york steak let's go time to throw in a nicely seasoned new york state not sure what will happen we're gonna find out let's check our temp pretty let's just have a quick look go right in here and i'm expecting it to be somewhere around a hundred oh yeah not even oh it's gonna be really dark on the outside before it's cooked all the way through the inside that is gorgeous i'm quite tickled at how that looks right now let's let it drip a second we'll take them out and try them and we're down so what do we think looks nice looks pretty doesn't it let's cut it oh hey now look at this hello pretty i know for you that's basically well done but look no actually i mean look there's a little gray around the outside but considering how the thing was cooked let's try it huh the crust is amazing the taste is really good not oily like at all somebody give you a bite you'd be like hmm that's this delicious freaking steak and i'm not that big of a fan of a new york the rib eyes at the store when i went were too thick i knew that would be impossible to cook through inside and get it where you want on the outside it wasn't gonna happen and this was uh this was waiting for me so i picked it up and i'm quite pleased now we can begin the coated section start first with things that go in flour and then work up to our batter cool first up mushroom ravioli mushroom uh ravioli store-bought of course could have made them but i thought for today this is gonna be just fine i'm trying to keep one hand wet one hand clean you know how we do this this is only two steps one into the egg and then into bread crumbs and i'm not using my beloved panko because they're a little jaggedy and i didn't really want that for these i just wanted a simple little coating like this so we'll just get these guys all done and then when they are off we go to our buddy for the day our fryer and we're off and down they go and unlike the meatballs in the steak because these are already cooked we're cooking for color on these not temperature so these will not take very long not too hot we want to be able to stick them in our mouths of course that's what she said god oh god he goes of course yes well you have a one track mind buddy you can see it's been like 30 seconds they're already getting some pretty color on them so if they if they these might need a little help getting on their backs or their stomachs or whatever side is not currently up just keep them flipping that guy's bubbling and becoming a problem child they're puffing well we go 10 more seconds and then we'll check our kids out all right here we go all right let's get these guys out oh crispy little fellows love it oh those are pretty oh sh i mean if you can see it's not all that pretty because it's mushroom pate but the crunch that you get off of these as opposed to just having them boiled in water amazing and my tomato sauce which by the way is on the website it's called everyday tomato sauce it was a fantastic we'll put a link below so good next same treatment but with avocados i've had a thera gun for a while it's the handheld percussive therapy device that releases deep muscle tension and when i say deep i mean deep and why because it uses they're ready for this a scientifically calibrated combination of depth speed and power let me show you how it works it's not just beautiful it's simple to operate one button back here and so this is 750 rpms it ramps its way all the way up to 2400 this is some kind of power just check this out 2 400 revolutions per minute that feels good on my hand but when i take this nail and i start to work my upper arms my back and the crazy thing is you heard it it's quiet like like a like an electronic toothbrush when you're trying to release some deep muscle tension this is what you want and the gen 4 theragun it doesn't just feel good it gets to the source of the pain by releasing tension using their signature percussive therapy it gets sixty percent deeper than straight vibration alone the oled screen and design make you feel like you're holding something from the future and the theragun app learns from your behaviors and suggests guided routines that's pretty damn incredible there gun is trusted by 250 professional sports teams like real madrid and elite athletes like paul george deandre hopkins maria sharapova and hundreds of thousands of customers and me with my new exercise routine and my theragun in my hand i'm a very happy boy so you can do this you can try theragun for 30 days starting at only 199 go to sam right now and get your gen 4 there gun today that's sam and down they go these are not going to take long like the ravioli they're already cooked well they're raw but you know what i mean we're only going for color here folks and if you've not had a deep-fried avocado i think you'd be very surprised at how delicious they are hey now fellas just drip off there a bit guys and then we're munching i mean eating i mean having a bite look how beautiful wow crispy [Music] i forgot absolutely need salt because i mean an avocado it's creamy it's delicious but it's lacking in that one part that makes it no natural salt in here oh my god but crispy on the outside creamy on the inside opposites are tracked in the best way and i have an idea here's what i think is really fun you're making eggs benedict you got the english muffin you've got the canadian bacon or ham whatever you're using then you take two of these guys set them like that on top of the canadian bacon and then the poached egg goes in the middle of it and hollandaise over the top of it huh huh how's that for something we might have to do that on tick tock we could do that on tick tock uh let's make some batter for batter fried stuff our batter process starts with flour corn starch little baking powder salt pepper and now we add a beer to this two beers to this sorry i forgot i doubled the batch pour this in let the bubbles subside for a second so think sort of thickish pancake batter you don't want to mix it so it's so smooth a little bit of lump in here is okay some lumps are fine a little bit of lump a little bit of lump all right first things first hard-boiled egg because i think this is going to be tremendous so in we go nice coating we'll take it over and we'll drop it into our fryer and we're down come on buddy do your thing real nicely let's have some fun there's our egg looking beautiful coming out and then going in is lobster on a stick it's quite likely you think a hard-boiled battered egg is crazy but there's not and the beer so good but let's check the lobster [Music] oh look at that that is lobster on a stick oh it's hot it's crap well let's do this let's take it out let it cool for a sec but right away we'll put in our peanut butter and jelly like this oh that was this is not smart oh yeah this kid's gonna need some turning oh it sure is all right let's turn this beast oh my god and while the peanut butter and jelly finishes time for a bite of the lobster on a stick that is damn delicious the beer is really making a difference here oh my god look you can see the coating fell off a bit but the beautiful white flesh of the lobster in there you got some of the pink right there on that side the steam damn it that is freaking delicious right pbe and jay up comes our sandwich now comes our ridiculous pb and j let's take it out gonna let it cool because it would be insanity to have it now and we'll replace it with pizza on a stick and this will have to be turned of course but that's fine that's fine that's fine and there it is deep fried pb and j that looks like crispy as crispy af man look how nice that is oh snap let's have a little corner bite shall we because why the heck not i'm actually feeling good about this right now i don't know why i'm surprised that it's that good because it is i had no hope for this especially since we asked it the first time by not battering it this is what we've been waiting for could be the best thing so far pizza pizza pizza on a stick oh god i'm not kidding somebody asked me can pizza get better let's do that again can pizza again nope not now somebody asked me can pizza get better can you help that was a stupid question yes it can get better it's incredible but you want to see what we got next come take a look and as a surprise we thought we would deep fry mcdonald's cheeseburger wow it's a mess uh-oh i think i got your mcdouble by mistake i don't know how that happened fine but what did you do i don't know that's what i said three patties in there there might be i don't know i mean it's huge i think it's probably ready to come out [Music] there's our friend and our hefty friend should i cut it and see yes huh oh look at that hey pretty look at the steam man dang it's a fine looking ridiculously big burger and uh well it's truth in advertising we added a little cheese before we threw it in the fryer because we want it to be cheesy you can't get mad at me for that you get mad at me for this though that crunch oh my god oh my god oh my god let me speak directly to alan mcdonald now alan look you've messed up a lot of things this is your opportunity buddy you go to the big board meeting tomorrow you say guys i got an idea we're deep frying look you've already got the friars you know they're there holy god you know go good with this dessert dessert maxi do you know what these are dessert yep the small round thing is the ding dong and the oval shape thing is an apple pie let's taste and we had to end with dessert didn't we fellas we had to let's have a look here the apple pie looks like this crispy look at and max's favorite he's been waiting for this are you ready max this is your ding-dong my friend and honestly i have like zero interest in trying either of these i'll take a bite of the pie i mean they look good i'll tell you this you could smell this ding dong frying oh screw it i'll have a bite of both i mean we got to go out in a big way right i'm only doing this because because i love you guys here you guys and i feel like i got to end this some way so a little bite of the ding-dong chocolate not my favorite thing by the way though what deep frying did to this i could actually get behind and now we've all had an apple pie deep fried at mcdonald's so does this stand up who layers of freaking crust in this the baked version and then the fried version oh my god boys is there anything we made today that wasn't improved by deep frying no have we made a huge freaking mess yes are we happy yeah oh yeah right thanks everybody thanks for hanging in try this at home be careful because this stuff's hot but try it at home send us your experiments send us your experiments failed even you
Views: 716,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, deep fried, deep fried experiment, experiment, cooking experiment, sam the cooking guy deep fried, sam cooking deep fried, sam the cooking guy experiment, sam cooking experiment, experiment day, cooking experiment day
Id: Uc3n90gy_44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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