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Those are my go to burger - they're fantastic! I recommend toasting the inside part of the bun on the flat top too. Like Sam said, the original version doesn't have sauce, but I usually add some to mine too (standard fry sauce with mayo, ketchup, mustard). It's also great with a few dill pickle slices/chips.

If you like burgers - look up George Motz and watch him make this, and many other regional burgers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HipX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I also have a mandolin and am scared to death of that thing. Took one fingertip to learn my lesson.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fatmike88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, the "Oklahoma Onion Burger" is just a fancy name for a big ol' Ohio White Castle slider ...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sparky614 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That evo grill top seems to be off kilter? Someone please grab a spirit level!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
the oklahoma onion burger is a classic and you could either travel to el reno oklahoma to have it or you could just watch us [Music] it's a good one and you're gonna like it assuming that you like onions because they cook with the burger not in the burger on top of the burger gets smashed and it's going to be fantastic key is though you got to be okay with onions max we know anybody who's not okay with onions oh a little boy greg grampy yes little greggy rempe can't have this burger ladies and gentlemen i say if you don't like onions get with the program sparky figure out how to enjoy them and yes there's people they're like i can't eat raw onions they repeat on me you know that expression do you remember this do you know that repeat on me do you know that do you know that expression it's an old school one it means that you keep burping or something they repeat on me this was a big discussion we asked everybody to tell us in the comments do you like onions and people yeah about a million comments like onions some yeah oh yeah some people like onions yes sorry so if i'm making fun of you for not liking onions get with the program sparky come on they're so good they add to everything so here's what we have to do we gotta slice the onions we'll start with that then we're going to grind our own brisket for the burger because we have a new grinder and why the hell not when you can make a burger that is going to be so good you won't want to have it any other way and then that's pretty much where we're done and then we're eating it out and going home onions first now okay i'm starting with white onion you could use yellow white has a little more bite to it and i really want to taste it so i'm going to use this and you really want them as thin as possible look i i can do it with a knife but i'm going to try it with this small little mandolin i had a bigger one you may remember i threw it out a few months ago because it was a piece of s so i'm not sure if this is going to work let's find out oh it's perfect it's exactly what we want what we don't want is to slice our hand into ribbons and you have to be super careful with the mandolin because they're honestly like one of the most dangerous things ever i took the tip of my pinky off once oh did you yeah god i'm sorry i'm getting close and it's starting to scare me so get rid of that and continue with this guy we don't need that much but we are gonna make this a double so let's make sure that we have enough that looks pretty good to me so just the last thing before i stick them in a bowl is i'm just gonna pick them up over here to the sink and just you don't have to be too anal about it but squeeze out you know most of that water you don't really need it in the bowl great now we can move on to our brisket this is our brisket it's beautiful it's a bunch of fat here how much fat do we want boys not an insignificant amount because that means flavor fat means flavor wrong shirt oh yeah yeah uh typically when we're using ground beef we want the 80 20 blend 20 fat 80 percent uh lean so we'll try and get that out of here uh we'll make these smashable thin ish patties so i don't need too much and i certainly don't need all that fat so i think i'll try and go here and see what this gives me and i need it to be thin enough to go into my grinder so this is maybe maybe a little extra fat here than more than i need so cut some of that off and then i am going to need a little bit more i can see so just give myself a nice piece here and let's see what these guys weigh by the way if you want a little scale i think this thing was like 12 bucks or something it's really great it does ounces milliliters uh pounds so let's see zero ounces milliliters yeah not milliliters what is it milli seconds mill joints millicock milligrams is that it sounds right yeah yeah so this is this is 6.2 ounces which would give us two three ounce patties so i'll just cut a tiny bit more and make them a little bit bigger and let's see great seven perfect let's grind it everybody got your earplugs in because i've got the ar 73000-14 g about to rev up and here we go and in go our pieces dang how beautiful that is beautiful and we're there all right let's see what we got let's get rid of this you're a subscriber to the channel right you're not you know how easy it is just go down and hit the button and you'll be a subscriber you'll be part of the club it's like the mickey mouse club but with really good food and and no dumb ears hey it's the 21st century and if you've not gotten yourself a pair of wireless earbuds yet you're making a huge mistake and you're missing the boat and by the way the ones you want are raycon you've heard me talk about them for i don't know oh maybe a couple years now i love them and here's why six hours of playing time seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design for a comfortable noise isolating fit let me show you another reason why i love them here they are it's this little tiny charging case you can't even see it it hides fits in your pocket but when you open it up there they are charging but you're ready for this move keep watching keep watching nothing nothing they don't follow they stay in it's like magic have you ever had ones that fall out like you you're standing over a toilet and they okay well you shouldn't be standing over a toilet bite watch it's like this in turn magic ready this in turn magic and there they are they're discreet you don't know you're wearing them and by the way if you work from home they're perfect if you want to listen to something without bothering anybody underneath your house they're perfect i use them back and forth between my restaurants they're the best things ever here's the thing raycon is absolutely disrupting the electronics industry by designing premium wireless audio for about half the price did you hear that half the price of other premium wireless earbuds and they do things differently from other brands from the way they design their products to the way they price them they come in a variety of fun colors and patterns with a variety of fit options and by the way look no dangling pieces hanging off my head they're snug they're close noise isolating fit and i love them oh and they were designed by ray j the actor musician wouldn't you want a musician designing something that you're going to be listening to audio with and people like snoop dogg and melissa etheridge are huge fans okay so what you do it's very simple click the link in the description box or go to dot slash stcg for 15 off your recon purchase that's by sdcg you'll get 15 off your raycon purchase and check this out you have a money back guarantee for 45 days raycon prioritizes their customer experience from start to finish okay so let's make a couple balls shall we plates will i ball this and if you don't have to scrunch it together too tight then don't bother because keeping it loose like this is going to give you a better juicier end product i can see that my sizes are not totally accurate here we'll season on the flat top but for now we just want to ball this up so we're ready those look good right perfect a couple of little pieces you know what i think we can make some burgers let's all right here's how this is going down we're using as our lubricant of choice today little beef tallow which we know is just rendered beef fat so we'll put it in this area where we're going to put our patties down and we go like this we've got one and two the smell from the tallow is amazing let's season salt and pepper salt and pepper and then a little garlic powder on each and then the fun part now we come in with onions and don't be shy with the onions anybody because if you like onions then you want a lot of them fantastic and now we come and we flatten [Music] beautiful oh it's gonna be great you know what we do now we wait we wait and we cook burger patties the smell is a 12 out of 10 right now 12 out of 10. so take your time because you've got onions on top you're only going to get a chance to crest one side of them so make sure it's a good crust because you really want that texture that it brings all right and when you're ready to flip when you've looked and you've got a nice little crust underneath we go like that and like that and now those onions are really going to get a chance to start to caramelize and burn up even a little but wait before anything else happens on goes our cheese now we wait and when they look gorgeous and when the cheese melts as they are we'll take one we'll put it on top of his buddy and then everybody like this and off we go okay before they go on the bun is soft that's the the system but we're just going to give it a little mail which may not be the system but it's my system and i like it and i want to go with just a tiny bit of garlic paste just a little like this oh sh now look now when we come oh yeah yeah that and then that and i don't know how this is gonna get any better well eating is gonna make it better all right well it's a damn fine looking burger soft bun on top all this gorgeousness and the juiciness of the whole thing let's just cut this kit in half we've got this abundance of onions just flying out from inside this i'm very excited we're all very excited because the smell of this of course a cooking burger is a good thing but all brisket cooking burger is something very different and filled the entire outside with deliciousness and and and three two the little texture here that's what you want no one of the best burgers i've ever had not kidding brisket really added to it the onions which i adore really added to it and that little bit of mayo with the tiniest bit of garlic paste on the bottom it's a game changer doesn't taste like garlic just tastes delicious now i gotta share it with these clowns we need comments for our next regional burger yeah you got a regional burger up your sleeve that you want us to make let us know we'll do our best it is so good please make it if you're new here and somebody told you about us and you like what you're seeing subscribe to us hit the notification bell that just means that we tell you when new episodes are up which you can pretty much count on every monday wednesday and friday thanks for hanging out with us don't eat the same thing all the time we're here to help improve your food world we really are from the bottom of our hearts we truly mean that right boys right there you go see ya
Views: 766,710
Rating: 4.9223847 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, oklahoma, oklahoma cooking, oklahoma onion burger, onion, cooking onion, cooking onion burger, sam the cooking guy onion burger, Oklahoma onion burger, cooking oklahoma onion burger, sam the cooking guy oklahoma onion burger, cooking burger, sam cooking burger
Id: iPuVIng1hNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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