The Best FIVE GUYS Burger at Home | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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This one was pretty disappointing. It seems as if Sam has no clue how Five Guys works. He didn't make a Five Guys burger, he looked at a random one and made something that kind of resembled the components. There isn't even a typical Five Guys burger since it's always customized to whatever you want on it. They don't season their meat, either. He has no clue about why the fries are in the bag that way. Sam has definitely never been to a Five Guys. It sounds like Max has been there, so I don't know why he didn't mention any of this relevant info to Sam. Why they ordered the weird ass mix of toppings and then recreated that as if that is what a Five Guys burger is is the worst part, though. It makes no sense.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnpisme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those are some pretty bad examples of 5 Guys burgers. Also weird toppings for a typical 5 Guys burger.

And the burger flip was pretty cringy. Can't that fancy cooktop get hot enough to cook a decent burger?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stringfellow-hawke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My biggest issue. Five guys is proud they don’t salt their burgers!! I don’t care where in the burger realm you fall. Salt is somewhat assumed on the burger?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/monkeyman80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why not make the burgers again, these were torn, burnt and looked nasty

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/junkiesietze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's five guys burger day the question we're asking is how close can we get to the original let's find out if you don't know Five Guys Burgers and many of you always you're not from America I don't are they outside of here yeah we saw one in Paris so if you had one in Paris Bonjour and way to go cuz you can have it but if you haven't don't feel bad like this is a waste of watching for you because what you will get at the end of this it's just one [ __ ] awesome burger we hope but let's inspect the actual Five Guys burger first and see what we're making shall we burgers please here we go little greasy often the sign of a good burger so don't don't don't take that as anything bad this is interesting because this is a hold on standby well I have a Cajun fry or two quite good this is interesting because I don't know any other burger places that wrap in foil oh yeah don't think so right so some people say they like this some people say they don't like it because it makes everything inside too soft but soft is one of the hallmarks of a five guys burger let's bust it open and it does have some cajun fries shrapnel on it but that's okay well clearly if this is what I'm thinking I'm gonna have to squish the [ __ ] out of mine a little bit but let's inspect so here's the deal we have our CD bun now there's a question about where the ketchup mustard and Frank's stuff goes so this appears to have could be ketchup and Franks I think that's ketchup and Franks and mustard and a few little pieces of lettuce a couple of not ripe tomatoes and then the burger - we got a double and interesting what they do is they don't do burger patty with cheese on top the cheese on both these is facing into the middle and then underneath is there's ketchup mustard are you seeing yellow up here I think this is it certainly looks like mustard and Franks I think it's mustard and Franks on top mustard and ketchup on the bottom yeah that's what that looks like you know look this is delivery burgers is certainly not going to look like this in the store but let's have a bite so a bite and of course the goal is try and get everything in in a bite so it led us tomato here one sheet that was so civilized I know I mean I know you're a big fan of five guys I think it's okay I'm not in love with it it's definitely soft yeah uh you for sure you for sure taste of Frank's hot sauce we're just does if you don't know Frank's Red Hot that's what it is it's a staple certainly in this country and probably everywhere for for buffalo wings it's basically the the hot sauce of the buffalo wing world or buffalo chicken any buffalo thing world but so it's okay ours is gonna be better and why will ours be better well it won't be squished it won't have been delivered with a delivery person who by the way there's this call it an urban legend I don't know I think going around saying that delivery people can you pass that back to I'm the delivery guy I'm bringing that bag they say this goes on I'll make a left just a couple fries they're not gonna notice and in this case look up take a look in here the fries are not in anything they're just like there they weren't out that little cup but then it's just like they put the cup in and just flung a few other handfuls in let's make this burger and stop duck by the way okay here's a pole if you're a food delivery person have you ever this don't for the sake of fun lie about this if you're a food delivery person have you ever reached in and had something out of the bag that's make this as scientific as possible scouts honor never been a scout be honest now let's make a burger we start with the beef here we go we're starting with 80/20 beef that means there's 80% lean 20% fat thereby giving you a juicier burger so this being one pound we're gonna separate these guys and I think I can do this with my eyeballs into four four ounce patties a little bigger on this side max yeah close yes still bigger on this side should I get the scale or am i okay okay now this goes into this goes into Alex good right be Freddie next the vegetables tomato and lettuce you need some shredded lettuce for this they use pieces of lettuce but it was like max do I have permission to use this you do cuz I want if you don't want me to no tomato we're making for two burgers so I just need four so we're good put them on here this and we're fine now what we're doing is cooking actually let me take that back scratch everything that I've said in the past 14 seconds here's what we need to do we need to get our buns prepared because the burgers are gonna cook rather quickly and if we take them off and then we started effing around with the bun that's a mistake so we'll prep them now we'll get them ready now how's that good oh look this one's already pre squished just like theirs that's not there we go okay well throw these guys on and start getting some color on them and while that's happening now our burgers so we put a little oil on the flattop and then we push down and we swish and we go one two today's four and we squish look we've done this before this technique is going to give you a great freakin burger oops a lot of surface area for a lot of crispy crust and Oh last guy okay now we season with salt and pepper salt pepper salt pepper salt tougher bell pepper the buns are ready let me take them off nice Oh perfect now we're just waiting - these guys are almost done on that side and then we'll flip them but before we flip we can dress our buns so we go like this the bottom of each gets ketchup top gets mustard and the hot sauce and it gets some tomato in each lid some lettuce you know what max we're ready to flip a piece of cheese goes on each one two three four new pieces for and it's broken and you're ready for the big move so we take this guy and it goes on there and this guy goes on here now we can put them on our buns max1 oh damn Oh hugo's was there we take our buns and we top like this there we go so here we go let's wrap one this kid here orders ready sir so does this foil make a difference in this steaming it's soft it's actually softer than that maybe that's why they do it I don't think this is a bad thing actually you know can I have a bite of my own burger smells good all right so a few things the smashing technique is fabulous lots of crispy surface area it's a great thing to do the the cheese facing not patty cheese patty cheese but patty cheese cheese patty that's like a big amount of cheese when you bite into it the Franks is a nice touch I'm not a fan of mustard it's pretty [ __ ] burger actually and by the way better now look yes this one's been ordered way back and the driver sat on it with it in his pocket or something for an hour or while I was eating our fries but they just went [ __ ] crazy with the sauce I've never ever in my life seen a burger like that from there what you're not seeing any my tomato I feel like I gotta bring my my tomato forward here well bit it's look what if I put this in foil and put it in my pocket for half an hour and then brought it out it might look like that it's still and all the sauce might have somebody put way too much sauce on it maybe mine doesn't have enough sauce it's a cheesy disaster it might that might be a great fun bite it's not even a cheesy disaster it's a saucy disaster should I have that bite that looks like a good bite to me actually alright so I got to do it now I have to do the proper comparison right here this is that bite yes fine there's a bee don't move there was just a bee about to like your ear and not in a good way he's gone they're both frickin good except there's that mustard undertone that I'm not in love with all right so let us know what you think in the comments about five guys or or drivers stealing fries and don't forget our merchandise which by the way this is not I think I'm in a little trouble there's on sale to the end of October and you can get that 20% off by using the code was it last chance last chance it's a horn dormady get him you think I don't think he wants us he wants the bird boy that's proof right you got three burgers here okay 66% chance he was gonna run it to mine but if that doesn't mean he loves the burger hey buddy oh Jesus Christ and with our little bee friend here consuming my most delicious five guys look alike burger will end it's time to say thank you for being here watching subscribing dude you start to freak me out of it maxes out when the camera goes the show's over so see ya [Music]
Views: 1,352,516
Rating: 4.8254004 out of 5
Keywords: five guys, five guys burgers, five guys burgers and fries, best burgers, best five guys, five guys homemade, sam the cooking guy, burger, sam the cooking guy burgers, cooking burgers, burger recipe, how to make burger, best burger recipe, best burger, five guys burger recipe, easy burger recipe, easy burger, easy recipe, sam the cooking guy burger
Id: u2voTz16Rng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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