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I gained 2lbs just watching that video.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/tuna1694 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Only thing I could think of while watching him grill the burgers was how much a long handled pizza peel would’ve helped. It was killing me.

But hot damn it worked out and it was gorgeous.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MikeGScott 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dang man I could get 120 smash burgers out of that ground beef!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PatrickGSR94 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was like watching uncut gems

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nattylight_Murica 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
we're celebrating today and we're celebrating with the burger a big burger okay a really big burger this is a celebration in honor of our two millionth subscriber you or followers max likes to call them two million that's a [ __ ] time and we were saying what should we do when we hit a million we will be what thought we brought the boys from New Zealand yeah we did weren't they fine and we still may do something like that though nobody can go freaking anywhere right now and just too bad but our celebration today you are at and let me show you our bun for our burger I made it myself it's this big it's a brioche fish burger bun I just want to eat the whole thing right now it smells so chance get in and smell that oh man so good but so what would go in this should we guess so here to show you just show you by the way I made this in this it's 12-inch a pizza pan or deep-dish pizza pan let me put this down we're gonna use this to help us with our burger part but here's what the burgers will come from this this is 10 pounds of ground beef it's a great way to celebrate but that wasn't enough for max max said how do we celebrate two million with a 10 pound burger we should celebrate two million with a 20 pound burger this ladies and gentlemen is how you buy ground beef at the wholesale level no pound or 2 pounds or pound and a half ten pound chubs of 80/20 angus ground beef now I've never made one before in my mind right now we're making four five pound patties I think that can work can't that work of course that can work so all we have to do really is form them get them on the grill but before we do that we wanted mushrooms and onions on these so those who are gonna start cooking right here on our beautiful Evo and this should be enough might not use it all but you'll see well begin with some oil one side one side let's throw the mushrooms over here and onions over here we'll keep them separate for now the mushrooms are gonna give off a lot of moisture and we'll just keep that out we'll keep that away all right this is just gonna be a process well just let them do their thing quietly here until they start to get soft and beautiful then we'll add to them and I made a bunch of bacon because it must be a bacon burger but I saved the grease which I'm now going to use lovingly to help amp up the flavor of both the onions and the mushrooms now that's gonna be good so now that most of the liquid is gone from the mushrooms we can combine them with the onions for one glorious melange but now we want to add a couple things and what are we gonna add we're gonna add this we're gonna add a little kosher salt and pepper of course nice a little garlic powder nice and to things that are really going to help us with flavor the first one is soy you know this umami thing we talked about the flavor that this will bring out and for fun right in the middle some butter and that is gonna make these the most luxurious onions and mushrooms ever bust it up let it start to work its way in look it oh my god the smell ridiculous that's gonna make one hell of a lair in this burger wouldn't you say oh I would say when you got it where you want it these will come off now I'll just live in this bowl and then we'll give them a quick little fast reheat right on here when we want them but we're gonna have our bun to deal with too so everybody off the Evo for now perfect now the beef so here's the thinking max this is 10 pounds I want to make four five pound patties so you tell me when I'm in the middle great this is just gonna be ridiculous okay so here's what we're gonna do using this this deep-dish pizza thing that I made the bun in we've got a piece of parchment in the bottom I'm gonna put all of this five pounds in here and then squeeze it down oh my god to make one patty this is pretty it's a good thing I'm okay with raw meat because if I wasn't this would be really horrible okay so here's one now I just need to make sure it's all flat and smooth ish here's my thinking max I'm now gonna take a baking sheet with more parchment and turn it up on hope this comes out fine I think it will there we go check that out well that just frickin fits now just I'm gonna season first the tops of each of these so we'll go like this salt and pepper and I won't be shy because it's five freaking pounds and some more garlic powder here and then another piece of parchment on top now we repeat the rest of this first chub goes in break it up with your hands like a animal flatten it out take it out seasoned with kosher salt pepper garlic powder and repeat and repeat again season season garlic put them right there are you kidding me wish I was crazy yeah so I apologize if you were grossed out by the mass quantities of raw ground beef but hey we're making burgers making a burger so it's got to happen what I will now do is attempt to grill all four of these I could only do two at a time and I got to get them on I got to flip them the whole thing's a little precarious in my mind so here's my plan I'm taking this pizza peel metal I'm gonna put a little bit of bacon grease on it spread it around to help me please please help me now because this top is seasoned that can now go down and be the bottom so I'll take this grease side I'll put it on here so here's what we do we take this guy we slide them under here now we flip this guy over like this and now look what we've got now we've got our giant patty with all the seasonings on the bottom ready to go right on the grill let's try it and oh boy it's not what I thought was gonna happen there we go 1 & 2 Wow now of course we'll season the tops you know my first fear was getting them on max my second fear is getting them off and flipping them it's not gonna be easy so there's nothing to do now really folks but let this cook let this do its thing it's been a couple minutes my concern is deepening on how I'm gonna flip this guy over I have no confidence right down ladies and gentlemen I'm less than confident this five pounds needs to firm up it really does before I can get anywhere near thinking about flipping it or I'm just gonna ruin it we're pretty hot I'm all sort of I'm on medium ish I'm trying not to because it's thick if I go too hot the outside will burn and the inside will just be nothing you know with a small burger when this happens you just move it to another part of the grill with a five-pound patty doesn't really work that well geez yeah I'm gonna try and do this well I don't want to be but I think I have to be here we go little resistance in the middle alright that works now what I don't want to drop it from too far away that's not exactly what I had in mind and I was heading in the absolute right direction for that [Music] holy Sh this is not what I wanted where's my other thing where's that where's they live one of these that's what I wanted is it for Patty's going on this yeah and this guy's going that's a [ __ ] Dre it's might have just become a three patty burger we think this is this is so sad for me just stop it everybody turn off I just can't even get I've got the gas off okay I might be able to turn it back into a you know this is telling me I don't really I like this I'll put them on Evo I guess I guess they're going on the yellow yeah Oh God okay there's no gas line none I don't have anything else of this yeah that's a guess that's what I have to do okay let's try this one all right so I should have thought about this I didn't I need hot things oh look at that well Thank You Jordan but so Plan B has us putting the other two on the eve Oh will this be any better nobody knows can't be worse and now here's the question how am I getting him off this is hottest here we go that was good number two Wow I go big they are that's crazy Oh salt and pepper so these guys are gonna flip much nicer I hope Wow Wow oh no the smoke is back and I'm gonna kick its ass oh that's two five pound burgers cooking how beautiful are they this really needs to be turned over like really needs to be turned over I don't know man I am scared well you know what tell you this you piece of [ __ ] not easy at all ladies and gentlemen all right so here's where we are we got these guys slips I've got the ones on the grill flip everybody's kind of just gently finishing I can start adding cheese I can cut the bun and then we're almost there honestly I just want it to end this has been so freaking stressful and because 20 pounds of burgers wasn't enough I bought 5 pounds of cheese I'll think we're gonna use it all will you try though let's start with the grill first so this guy looks bad because well he had the the accident but that's okay we're going to make him quite pretty with a blanket of cheese with a huge ton of cheese living on top and here no matter what happens there's still gonna be 20 pounds of beef in this all right let's close this up let it melt let's put cheese on these guys throw the lid on we're almost there right so let's start by cutting this beautiful bunt if I can I really don't want to jack it up please work with me here beautiful only condiment ladies and gentlemen Japanese Mayo we have so much flavor coming from elsewhere the mushrooms the onions with the soy the garlic and the butter and here we go we ready for patties so we're gonna start with the warm that had some trouble and that's okay isn't it so let's just gently put our friend on oh okay there we go all right let's get one more this guy can come on was I and now the two under the Evo looked like that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh let's try and get one of these guys one more just one more okay how's that right now we're bacon last but not least the mushrooms and the onions and the crowning glory would be the top vine and wow that was like a workout I'm not kidding I think everybody probably wants their head taken by that do you they kicked my ass I'm not kidding I thought the bun was enough work by itself but these patties I'm sure there was a better way to do it but in my mind this is what I wanted to do this is what I had to do I was called to do this the bun spells so good I just you could treat it like a giant schwarmann and just take your knife and do slices of it off the edge but maybe the way to do it is like is is is is to take a pac-man it take it like a pie should I do that yeah I brought a big knife where you want me to go you wanna go here where you can see just straight down am I gonna really do this just cut into him 20 pounds of beef a few pounds of a few pounds of cheese oh my god it's just this may have been a terrible idea cutting this church bells are ringing for me they feel bad for what's about that what the hell is going on in here come on man look at this look how nice these cook though the beef look at that side how do I eat this I have to have a bite max the only way is to do this turn upside down because I want some of the onions in there uh-huh I'll tell you something it's freaking awesome I know I must look like a little kid at a first birthday party the giant chocolate cake in it everywhere about all right it's not possible really to do this any other way yeah this is because you guys helped us get to two million that's an awful lot of burger it's an awful lot of people watching our nonsense I don't expect you're gonna make this but we do want you making all our other stuff thank you for being here it means a lot chance max the [ __ ] bong and me from our hearts you guys thank you so much
Views: 1,953,417
Rating: 4.815753 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, bacon, bacon cheeseburger, 20 pound burger, cooking burger, sam the cooking guy burger, 2 million subscriber special, million subscriber special, subscriber, cooking bacon
Id: Vm2R4GdhgsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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