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welcome to the first episode of Ti why today we're gonna be cooking so what am i cooking today I'm cooking it um I fully recognize that omelettes aren't really that complicated to make but you got to start from somewhere and this is the first episode in the past when it comes to making eggs I haven't gotten too much past scrambled eggs with some turkey thrown in it's good but it's nowhere near as good as an omelet they're their own quesadillas in some ways it's an embarrassment in others it's just my laziness it's probably because of one great fear that I have the spatula spatula stressed me out flipping like a Friday you only get one shot it's easy to mess up I mess up all the time and when it comes to the omelet you got to get a good flip so besides the whole spatula thing not wanting to flip it I also thought it'd be a really cool first vlog because the whole you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet I did this vlog a lot of the things that I'm working on it's about taking risks you do have to break a few eggs got to make some mistakes and I think that's part of the process first I start by going to the mothership of all recipes Pinterest some of the recipes were complicated some of the recipes were too healthy one was a frittata and one was just right this recipe called for two eggs salt and pepper diced ham cheddar cheese and I got a good a gray pepper and a stick of butter got the ingredients I got the kitchen set up that's the most important part I'm gonna go with just a classic omelet ham cheddar and green pepper I'm not sure necessarily if the green pepper is classic but if you have the true test of whether or not I made a good omelet is if someone else likes it so once the food gets back here actually want to make her one too when I do that I won't be using ham I'll just use the green pepper and the cheddar saps more of a veggie person anyway so they were ready for first they were gonna make on this vlog whoop okay so I'm not really much of a chopper Sophie and I usually cook things we have the conveyor belt like she chops things then she hands them to me I put them the skillet I cook them i saute them i flip them in stuff where i just mash them together I started the psalm with by chopping a green pepper I'm about to spill a lot of seeds a lot of seeds in there I tell the camera how proud I am that chopped this green pepper in half I also spill more seeds right there this reminds me of that one episode of the Powerpuff Girls were like the broccoli aliens came down and brainwashed all the parents looks like this thing like looks like all of their brains and then to eat this thing the aliens go away fun fact one thing I notice every time I start chopping something is I immediately want to be a hibachi chef oh that guy that can just like flip knives around I know soft just tried that in the video I want to be that guy I want to figure out how to actually do this we got the green peppers chopped let's grate some cheese could have gotten shredded cheese but that would have defeated the purpose of the DIY so I went with the grater this was way harder than it needed to be this is me grating from the wrong side as bad as I think I'm doing with this grater right now I will say it's like one of the most satisfying things use it feels like an eraser that I'm erasing away boom shut it jeez okay so I have all my ingredients chopped and prepped I'm actually pretty happy right now I think it's gonna be a good omelet still nervous about the flip it does stress me out but whatever we're gonna start cooking this up let's do it slicing butter is very satisfying I hope you guys enjoyed that I thought this is gonna be the coolest shot in the video I want to get a close-up with butter burning I didn't realize the pan was super hot and dirty and so the butters is melted and burned immediately this is me realizing and me throwing it in the sink so I didn't do a very good job reading the tutorial it was really fun to make that sizzle in this pan I don't know if this pan was clean and that might have been wild sizzling so I'll clean that learning as I do it that's not how you do it it also smelled really good it smelled like candy I left the pan on the stove and it starts smoking and I notice in three-two-one I'm not good at cooking just let that one pan on there for a little bit started smoking if you see smoke it's okay but the fire alarm might go off I'm gonna try using this thing I don't know if that des thing but I feel better about it so in the past when it comes to eggs this is typically the step that I would just basically stop take whatever meat or vegetables I would had put it into the scrambled eggs just throw it into the frying pan and just like mix it up into like a scramble this is the complex step I'm gonna be putting milk and salt and pepper in there which isn't that complex ok the eggs are on I try to get a pouring shot of it I didn't get it oh my god forgot the structure Oh all right guys well I burn the crap out of it um I kind of took my eye off for a second it looks like the surface of Mars but I'm still gonna do a taste test on it and I still got one more shot miss afiya's omelette I'm just kind of mad because I felt like it was going pretty well then I couldn't find a spatula at the last moment flipping it wasn't a problem actually I just misplaced a spatula she's like weirdly I was talking about the spatula I mean this bad juju right now I'm gonna put some salt in my hand spin around three times and you know thing I let's throw this over mine I better go clean it up actually I don't know what happened this doesn't taste that bad might look like a crusty turd but it's cut it kind of works I mean like who would have thought lots of salt a lot of ham a lot of melted cheese it tastes pretty good like the outside casing it's kind of like burnt pizza I'm gonna eat no one enjoy this whole thing so I shouldn't speak with my mouth full but I can't wait now to makes off her omelet I'm gonna nail it I'm gonna do a good job I actually really really happy with this this came out really well all right so Sofia is coming home in like 15 minutes I thought about how I did it last time I'm gonna use multiple pans I'm gonna go as fast as possible stops me home any second now so I gotta go quickly here I'm gonna film the whole time so let's freakin do it guys we got this I feel like I got a lot better that time it was a lot less hectic and I have the spatula down smells pretty good hopefully it tastes good we'll see in a second all right so ready to try it I am what do you think I think it looks really good it looks like you did a great job really yeah I just pierced it by accident you don't think it looks like a ripe banana I think it looks like a quesadilla to me that's what I was saying that's like a quesadilla it smells really nice it smells like a professional omelet what okay I got some green peppers is it hey good no it was good I was kidding okay that was a joke I think it's great I'll need the rest of this the egg and the burned outside of the egg is really nice I meant to do that so first thing on TI y success or what do you think Soph approved nice I will eat all the things that you make me I mean us I mean me what well if you're gonna eat them all then you okay anyway that's good that's one that's good so it's the next day just finished editing I was really happy how the omelette came out I can't wait to make my own all the time if you're still watching you like this video like and subscribe I had an official tally for how many times I did thumbs up in the video apparently I do this all the time I did it nine times over the course of the video hope you liked the video thanks again for watching hope to see you next time on TI why
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 463,808
Rating: 4.9729829 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, first, episode, TIY, firstvlog, Try, It, Yourself, Omelette, Cooking, Tyler, Safiya, Ty and Saf, Tyler and Safiya, Safty, Nextbeat, TryItYourself
Id: tEvlPOFUhUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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