We Have To Recover This Very Stuck School Bus Before A Huge Storm Hits ⛈

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ladies and gentlemen we have got one hell of a vlog for you today this one is an absolute doozy loading up the record five ton can only mean one thing we got a fantastic recovery to work on you see our boy hunter he has no hunter right well he just called and apparently he's stuck and when i say stuck he is really stuck he took his bus out to the bonneville salt flats to do some camping or i don't know what he was actually doing and it's some and if you know anything about the salt flats or the great salt lake you guys have seen like my excavator where it got stuck like when stuff gets stuck out there it gets really stuck so the bus is a giant school bus and it weighs probably 25 30 000 pounds so this is not going to be an easy task i think he's way off the road too so i don't think there's anywhere to winch from i'm pretty sure he's like a mile off the freeway which we don't have a mile of cable on the truck it's fine we're gonna go out we're gonna save him we're gonna recover his bus from the grips of the great salt lake what we're gonna use is the 510 record obviously it's got multiple winches on it and then oh man i've been waiting for this moment for a long time freedom bus the freedom bus is gonna go save the day you guys know that the bus we used in the tug of war video [Music] so we actually built that bus specifically to be able to travel across soft terrain like the great salt lake we were accessing the island a couple years ago so it's been sitting for a while um hasn't really gone on any missions i don't think we've ever used it for recovery missions so we're gonna load it up on the kenworth and the lowboy which it's gonna be a very oversized load full of oversized permit but uh we're going to load that up and we're going to head out to montfill salt black and see just how bad hunter is really stuck but buckle up because this is going to be a fun one guys the big day today we're going out to the desert to save hunter and guess what we're pulling out of retirement the one the only freedom bus freedom steel region we're coming to save you hunter let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] actual hell is going on here it looks like you're loading a massive bus in front of some houses move it or lose it fun fact about this bus is before it got turned into the monster bus i took this bus down to southern utah and filmed a mountain bike video with it where we jumped off the top of this bus this this bus and i go way back actually i kind of like it we're not sure if this is legal or not right you ask that question every single time you see us this boat legal like i mean i know you why would you ask that question i'm just sitting here we're here to review the boat not the not the legal status because i mean it's a genuine question our width and height just dropped that measuring tape we had earlier i got you [Music] [Music] so uh bus weighs like 35 000 pounds i was just shy at 40 actually it's not light all right guys hey we're gonna take a quick break from this vlog because i want to talk to you about something a lot of you have asked me to show more of like my home life and my personal life and i plan on doing that and i have a hard time transitioning from work mode to home mode i get burnt out so i have to find like a good balance but i found something that helps me a lot it helps me make that transition to be able to like unwind at the end of the day like jumping online wikipedia and all these different sites and just digging in and like gathering as much knowledge and information as i can which is why i'm super excited to tell you about skillshare again you guys already know i've talked about them before they've sponsored videos they sponsored this one but i keep talking about them because it's actually it works for me um so right now i'm watching this class on it's a master class on real productivity how to build habits that last um it's by this entrepreneur named thomas frank and basically what he did is put together like this hour-long master class with all these little hacks that you can implement in your daily life to like use your time better and have a more productive day it might just get more out of uh the hours in the workday which is a big deal for me because i'm constantly trying to optimize and like like do better and accomplish more and that's why this is perfect so skillshare is this website it's like this online community full of tons of different classes and teachers and people just like you and i that are there to learn they literally have classes from like uh photography graphic design animation um marketing entrepreneurship personal development basically anything that you want to learn is probably on here thousands of videos and thousands of people on here learning together what i love about it is for curious people and for like lifelong learners like me uh there's no ads being on here you're gonna learn to be able to do something tomorrow that you couldn't do today here's the deal guys skillshare since they're a partner of the channel they want to give you guys a free trial membership so the first thousand people to click the link in my description below you're gonna get a free trial membership so it means basically you'll be able to claim a free login id go there and use it and see if you like it i know that i like for me i look forward to this every day when i come home from work and i just want to unwind and i can spend anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour just like absorbing all this information and then i feel productive i feel like i use my time wisely close my laptop and then i unwind go to bed and i wake up smarter it's pretty awesome and it's a good deal so guys check it out i love it i'm gonna keep using it and i think you should give it a shot too all right we're all loaded up we're ready to go find hunter now you guys know that i love the good recovery mission like i i'll jump at any chance to do this kind of stuff but man did he choose a freaking hot day to get stuck like there's storm clouds which is nice dude i am completely drenched a couple quick facts for you this bus we built to be able to cross the dry lake bed here in the gray salt lake dry lake bed is is kind of a confusing term because there's a lot of soft spots in it so this bus has monster truck tires 66 inch floater tires however the bus is still pretty heavy so um the reason we're taking this is because this might be the only vehicle that can actually reach him because if he's sunk that means he's in an area that's super soft so hopefully uh the bus does what it's supposed to do we've already seen the bus pulls really well because we did the tug of war video and it beat every vehicle that we have like easily uh it's got a ton of power a ton of weight so as long as we can keep it from sinking we're gonna be good to go we're also bringing the wrecker five ton with the winches and bunch of winch cables just in case we need to be able to reach from a dry spot i'm pretty sure he's well off the beaten path so it's not like we can pull him from the road we're gonna have to get out in the lake bed and risk getting stuck ourselves in order to be able to rescue him so um it's about uh an hour hour and 15 minute drive out to the salt flats i got the kenworth all loaded down bus is strapped down with pretty much every chain and binder that we have so uh now it's just a matter of getting out there diesel dave just got a call um so he's not gonna be able to join us so we're on our own we got a whole bunch of guys here so should be good and hopefully this wind keeps on uh bringing some of this cool air in but i got a new co-pilot today which is mr ethan what do you think buddy this is incredible this is your first recovery mission this is like most people's worst nightmare is to like do a heavy machine recovery yeah it's like you're so comfortable it's like picking your kid up from from like soccer practice like that's how comfortable it it's incredible it's even it's even more enjoyable to pick my kid up for talking practice actually believe it or not this is like my element you're like you like get the call like hey we're stuck out here you're like yes it's like christmas morning most people dread those phone calls i love them [Music] [Music] we need snacks but we won't fit under the bridge so we gotta jump in the other truck it was like a just a middle of the road trip nothing crazy normally we're like two or three hundred bucks this is only like 80. we pretty much bought everything they had so [Music] i made that corner i feel like you can score it in that like golden crispy crunchy on the outside like doughy in the middle who knew them awesome oh no this one's 15 9. yeah we're good [Music] all right 15 9 is our limit that was right there i think we're like 15 5. all right guys so as you can see the weather out here today as we try to recover hunter's bus is absolute trash um it's crazy there's huge storms rolling in so that means there's a lot of wind and when there's a lot of wind that means the audio on any of these videos is absolute garbage and if you know anything about me you know that i'm a lighting snob and i'm a sound snob like i can't watch a video where the lighting's terrible and i can't watch a video with terrible audio i mean i will but if there's a way around it i always try to find a way around it that's why i'm going to narrate this a little bit for you explain to you what's going on because this is uh this is wild this is funny what happened out here um so we obviously built this giant school bus the monster bus uh on an episode of diesel brothers right and i built it for a client um that client ended up becoming a partner of mine shortly after we built the bus for him because we built it to be able to access the island out in the great salt lake that i was an owner of well we used the bus it did what it needed to do and then we ended up selling the island and so they didn't need a giant bus so i was like i'll buy it back so i actually got it back um and i've been super pumped on it and as you guys have seen we use it a little here and there um we used it in the tug of war video out here in the back lot and it absolutely punished every other vehicle that we had to tug a war against i'm pretty sure it'd actually be two vehicles tied together i can't remember exactly what the details were but it's big it's heavy and it's powerful it's like a 1999 uh bluebird rear engine uh school bus um it's got a cummins 5.9 engine all the parts on this bus are pretty much monster truck parts uh the tires are 66 inch bkt tires which are the exact same tires we run on monster jam um it's got the big b lock wheels that we run in monster jam it's got lockers front and rear on those axle tech axles the axles are a little bit lighter than our monster truck axles because we're not doing any jumping of this bus i mean yet i'm sure probably at some point maybe that'll happen we don't get to use this bus as much as i would hope so when hunter mentioned kind of where he was and what was happening i was like i'm in and this is the perfect opportunity to use the bus you made it found one glove one glove it's better than no glove normally you find the left club because both people are right-handed and only favor the right hand well this time i got the right glove so today i'm winning this is crazy i mean i've been out here a few times but never like this kind of all exciting so we're here unloading the bus uh i think we saw hunter on the way in way out there he's like a couple miles off the road here and looks like he's pretty buried the problem with the salt flats is this side over here is the bonneville speedway which is like pristine beautiful hard packed um east of here it gets soggier and soggier as you get closer and closer to the great salt lake and it looks like he is in a pretty soggy spot so the plan right now is we're gonna unload the bus um with all the ropes and cables and stuff and go try recovering him with just the bus if we have troubles there with the bus or there's any issues then we're gonna have to grab the five ton and unload it but for now we're gonna leave the python on the trailer and see if we can do it just with the bus see what happens all right so we got this the bus on the salt um we're officially on the lake bed this place is packed there as you can see are people literally everywhere and uh this is kind of the moment of truth i have not had this this bus out in a long long time so hopefully we went over it before we left mechanically to make sure it was good but you never know there's always that weird stuff that pops up the custom vehicles but one thing about riding in this bus that videos and pictures don't do justice is it's literally like riding around on a cloud it is so cushioned here right so like just going over those like eight inch curbs yeah i didn't even feel them like we're riding on pillows with the nitro shop and we've got it this is insane it's like riding around in your living room i tell everybody that's the best way to describe riding on this bus it's like taking your living room off-road so uh we're headed i think kind of about that way he's a couple miles over there and uh it's really really really windy so i apologize in advance that audio is going to probably suck so most of talking that we're going to do is either going to be voice over or here inside the bus to block us from the wind no yelling on the bot the best part is people are so confused like you got like a car sitting there taking pictures like people just don't even know what to do pretty sure there's like a church choir going on there is like a wedding or something and we're obviously definitely going to go do some circles around it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right we found them uh coming up on them right now as you can see right there this is the part where i got to be a little bit careful because if he's stuck that means the ground is soft around him granted i got a lot more floatation than he does but this is just where we kind of like inch in and kind of feel it out before just like driving straight up to it so i would love to not get the bust stuck it'll take a lot to get stuck but and they are very they are definitely sitting on axel 100 [Music] at least they're smart enough to bring a dirt bike and they got a jump and everything made they've been here for a while now you can see a lot of moisture in the ground here um it's definitely a softer part of the uh of the lake bed over here so i can see why they got stuck and that bus with those uh you know stock tires and stuff's got a lot of ground pressure that noise you're hearing is the scs transfer case it's got those straight cut gears in there so she is loud like very loud we head over towards him and as we start to get close i see his bus just sitting there on the axles like literally sitting on the body it is buried and he was in one of those spots where it looks dry in fact the lake bed looks like the rest of the lake bed but all sudden it just starts to get a little bit soft so as we pull up i'm obviously curious to talk to him figure out what happened because i don't know the full story yet i just know they were out here goofing around but this is where things get really interesting hunter apparently was ghost riding the bus meaning he dropped out of the driver's seat went out to the door and was like waving to the camera and was trying to do something goofy fell off tumbled like beat himself up and the bus kept driving and then the bus just continued to drive until the point where it just sunk in the soft mud with nobody in it which makes this whole thing like so perfect like i the fact that that's how he got stuck i'm not even mad it's actually i'm not even mad that's amazing like i'm pumped to be out here um i'm pumped to see what the freedom bus can do the fact that he fell off while he was ghost riding like it's just it's it's too perfect we pull up to the bus and um we back up to it because the original plan is to maybe just pull hunter's bus back out the way that it came because obviously if we keep going forward it's going to keep getting softer so i just have a high idle pulled out right now see it okay let's we could try go different shots [Laughter] so we hook up to it um and just you know give it the first tug and it puts up a much bigger fight than i was [Applause] expecting uh all right she's uh i just started the first little poll and it's actually given us more resistance than i was expecting we just dug a little bit of a hole so i'm gonna have to uh give it a pretty good tug here so here it goes [Music] something broke the first big hit that i uh gave it it ripped that you know receiver assembly basically right off the bus i thought it broke the shackle or the income rope which would be very difficult to do obviously it didn't that was not ideal [Applause] so it just ripped the monster hook clean out of our bumper okay so new plan i'll turn this damn fuss around apparently our tie point there where we tied the hooks into the bumper wasn't as strong as we thought it was because it just literally ripped it right off things just got interesting [Applause] getting interesting just rip that uh tow hook right off i thought it was a shackle it broke first but i was wrong this is all wrong can't put it in reverse and go hey hey let me get it let me get you talking to him again this time i'm going to hit it just a little bit softer a little less slack in the rope so as soon as you feel it start going you see my tire start spinning just just give it because the problem is i'm starting to sink over here and if i sink then obviously we're screwed so uh here we go hey yeah no worries dude it's coming it's coming as long as we don't get stuck just creep the big girl out every pole is good but that's also burying us [Music] yelling at the door sensor back there yeah [Music] and then we're just digging ruts for him too yep here we go oh my gosh so we broke the hook on our bus now we broke the hook on hunter's bus and we only have a few more poles before we're buried because every time we hit it we are digging these massive trenches uh because we're spinning a little bit not trying to but just all this weight pulling down so we have he's like halfway out but we got a few more poles uh and i just hope the crust doesn't break because if this crust breaks we are in quicksand and then it's it's a bad time for everybody that means we're stuck that pisses me off here comes my gosh he is so buried and now he's going through our ruts and our runs are getting big not ideal here we go the problem is we're dealing with so much just dead weight that every time i hit it hard i mean the bus has got the power to pull it hard but it keeps breaking everything and we broke the other hook and good great grand wonderful oh no fresh out of hook points on hunter's bus so now our option is basically go to the axle axle or frame somehow that's always scary though it's a wrist that is a roof you go to frame you pull real stuff off [Applause] let's try that the problem is this front end is just dead weight dragging through the mud so now we're going to go try pulling it forward this is where things get really they could get really really quick because every time we move we're softening up the ground because we're pushing water to the surface yeah you can hear them talking out there they're saying every time we back up the grounds just so uh we've only got a few more tries before we are dealing with a giant mud hole here so we're gonna go around the front one of the issues is his motor's in the front too yeah you got a lot more weight up there so that front end has the two wheels [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] oh broke the frontal linkage on his bus he has no more throttle it's not ideal and uh [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] looks like a boat [Music] ah this one getting a little warm got a bird's nest in there that we weren't aware of so that was like full throttle full power full everything and uh had to hold it wide open to keep him from breaking through that crust again that's not bad for a bus that's just been sitting in front of our building for the last three years the only time it's driven was when we did that tug of war other than that it just kind of sits there as a display vehicle so i'm not mad at all it did pretty well but now it reminded me there's a bunch of stuff we need to tune up on it to keep it ready for stuff like this so we'll get back to shop and figure out what exactly we're gonna do [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right well we did it uh that was one of those deals where we rolled up on it thought it was going to be way easier than it really was because it didn't look like it was that stuck but you forget how heavy that thing is so it took uh obviously a little bit of finagling back and forth ultimately what i think did it is we hooked uh closer the buses together so that the tall bus was able to pull up on the front end and kind of lift it out of that muck but it still did not want to come out we had to pull him a solid quarter mile before that bus uh finally broke up on top of the crust here so now we're in a safe place now we've got to be able to get both bucks we got to get both buses back to the truck and load it up and uh this bus needs to cool down a little bit because a bird decided to build a nest between the two radiators so we let it cool down and uh load up so hopefully hunter doesn't get stuck again i mean at the end of the day i'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it just reminds me that i'm really glad that you know moments where i decide to keep one of these crazy vehicles that we've built and people questioned me that why are you doing that you don't need another big vehicle well yes i do because even though the monster bus is not going to go on every recovery for it you know with us and go do every you know job there are jobs that only it can do and i'm pretty sure this was definitely one of those jobs so anyways guys i hope you enjoyed the video hope you don't mind me sitting here explaining to you what was going on because like i said the audio was so bad out there that we couldn't even hear ourselves talk so let alone be able to talk to a microphone on a camera and finally i just want to remind you to subscribe because we're almost to a million subscribers when we get there we're doing another drawing for one of my polaris vehicles and one of you anybody who subscribed to the channel you all get opportunities to win and it's not just one time every time we hit 250 000 new subscribers man every single one of you that's already a subscriber or new subscribers or whatever we're putting your name in the hat again so it's uh you get a lot of chances of winning and we've had a lot of winners that are super pumped so stay subscribed and if you haven't subscribed click the subscribe button and join the party because guys we're just getting started hope you enjoy
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 4,542,066
Rating: 4.9118104 out of 5
Keywords: Recovery, Stuck, Mud, Offroad, Diesel brothers, Heavy d Sparks, Matt’s Offroad, Monster bus, Yankum rope, Whistlin diesel, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus, Cleetus Mcfarland, Freedom bus, Diese Dave, Heavy d sparks, Heavydsparks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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