This Huge CAT Dozer Was Abandoned In The Mountains So Now It's Mine (Will It Start??)

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guys today is gonna be a good one i always say that but i really mean it and the reason why is because let me just walk you through what's happening here we just jumped in the helicopter flew from our shop to this extremely remote location in the utah mountains the reason we're here because we are going to rescue an old cat d8 bulldozer that i bought with one stipulation i had to be able to get it off the mountain and i don't think it runs the guy that i bought it from says that maybe the final drive's broken something's wrong with the track system really have no idea what to expect they said it did run when it was parked like 12 years ago keep in mind this cat hasn't ran for 10 or 15 years now these old d8h dozers are notorious for giving fuel give them a battery and they'll fire right up so i'm hoping today we can at least figure out whether it's gonna run drive figure out what's going on with the tracks however we've got like a solid at least three or four miles of gnarly mountain terrain that we can't get the truck and trailer into which means we have to bring the dozer out of it so the plan will walk you through this we flew in with the helicopter today we're meeting hands and bud here in a minute with the truck ranger tools all the stuff that we need to be able to try to get it running that's today then we're going to fly back to the shop and tomorrow we're going to come out with another cat dozer a big d8t you're seeing da dozers right just a little murphy little montage of dozers for me those are d8 dozers these machines are monsters now the one we're picking up is an older probably 70s model this thing weighs without the blade somewhere around 50 000 pounds with the blade probably close to 60 70 000 pounds doesn't have the blade mounted on it right now so the plan if it doesn't drive under its own power is to hook it to the other d8 and literally just drag it out of these mountains you guys thought that recovering the excavator off the island was a tricky recovery that was all just a flat straight pull this curvy windy gnarly mountain canyons that we're trying to get out of this and i always say this is going to be the most complicated recovery we've ever done because just the sheer size of this deadweight machine buckle up because either way it's gonna be exciting and entertaining let's go find those murph if you had to pick if you were stranded here and you had to survive and you had to pick one of these guys to help keep you alive when you choose hunter or jim dang i don't know they're both good hunter can like manufacture stuff he's basically like more jeezy but then jim bob like he's straight to the business get done like let's get the out i'm trying to go home so you're picking one i'm sorry hunter you just got eliminated it's in that scenario it's not a fair question though because jim is the only guy who would keep you alive in that scenario that was true hunter would keep himself alive all right guys story time for you so last week i was traveling through uh costa rica mexico and a few other countries and i had the most frustrating experience i got on my phone and i went to log on to my online banking because i needed to initiate a wire transfer for a payment i need to make well as soon as i went to go log on my bank kept on kicking me out i was like what the crap is going on why is it not letting me log in and then i realized it's because i was in a foreign country and my bank is based here in the united states and it thought that a hacker was trying to log in from somewhere else in the world and get my information so i appreciate the fact that my bank was protecting me but i became super frustrated because i couldn't log in but then i remembered that i have surf shark vpn on my phone sur shark vpn is a virtual private network and all i had to do was click bam connect and then i was able to choose which country i wanted the internet to think that i was in so even though i was in mexico i said nope i'm actually in utah click utah the location changed it here on the device bam my online banking let me log right in with no more issues because it didn't think that somebody from a foreign country was trying to log in you can do this with netflix to access media content that's not available in different countries and more importantly you click this button and all of your browsing becomes private and secure so if you're on a public wi-fi network and there's hackers sitting there waiting for your sensitive details passwords banking information bam search vpn covers it all up encrypts it and protects you from people accessing that sensitive information and keeps them from stealing your identity and it's super easy to use literally guys one click bam you're connected and protected now here's the deal your old pal heavy d is going to hook you up if you click the link in my description below it's going to take you to the surfshark website use the promo code sparx and it's going to give you 83 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transfer tank uh we got the giant everybody laughed at the bumper everyone laughs at my bumper choice i love it i've wanted one of these for a long time because you can just do anything you hit anything it's no big deal we got a smittybilt winch if any of these gopros don't work today yeah we've got oil we got hydraulic oil we got tools we have batteries we got fuel we've got a good assortment of stuff here to hopefully see if the dozer will actually run if we get it running then we'll be able to figure out whether the tracks function or not see my biggest concern is that we'll have to drag it out with the track binding up that's going to suck that's like 60 000 pounds of dead weight just dragging the same issue that i was concerned about the excavator on the island remember if the tracks freewheel then the other dozer will have no problem pulling it out a new d8t dozer has a lot of power so we could probably still pull it out even if the tracks are bound up this makes things way more complicated so hope for the best here [Music] here she is cat d8 h dozer one of the most popular dozers ever built they built like 50 000 of these things this is the machine that built america built like the hoover dam built all the major highways like this is one of the most iconic pieces of equipment you'll ever see and it's been sitting here for since 2012 supposedly so what 10 years maybe and it's what was used to cut all these roads up in here until something happened and nobody really knows exactly what they say something with the drive with the track and i'm seeing that they started doing work on it like there's a bunch of stuff kind of like partially removed so i have no idea what to expect we're gonna dig into it but what we gotta do is we regardless of whether we get it running or not we have to get it from here clear down to that valley through all these winding roads and that's where the other d8 is gonna come in handy there's gonna be one hell of a recovery i'm gonna remove this lock using a binder nobody knows where the keys are so we're gonna just try to binder it off might be a good idea it won't be a terrible idea easy enough do that easy there we go it dries a bone you go to the bottom oh hydraulic all right so no hydraulic oil we got a funnel good news is we got buckets of hydraulic oil i just want to make sure this is the hydraulic oil tank which should be here's the plan here top off all the fluids so i'm gonna fill the hydraulic oil reservoir the engine oil hunter i'll be very honest with you this is my first time ever working on an old cat d8 um i've been around them i just never had to work on them so you're going to see me kind of uh guessing a lot of stuff today the nice thing is equipment's equipment pretty much the same i was going to pop a hole in it so event but then i realized we got to use this for fuel so i'm going to be patient 10 seconds later [Music] i guarantee you i know who's got cooling i love gas stations especially small gas stations that serve steak i guarantee they serve steak their hotbox has never cooled down since 1983. somebody started doing a service on this thing and the owner told me that somebody did come out and try to do a little bit of work on it i don't know if they ever got to the point where they tried to start it but what's cool about these old cats is i don't think this one has it anymore but they used to have a pony motor mounted on top of the engine that was used to start the engine so a little gas engine fire it up like a lawnmower engine and that's what was used to start this engine see a little tail pipe on the front there that's what that's before a little pony motor might still have it it's got electric starter electric start right now yeah so they convert them luckily they have a conversion to convert it over to electric starter because the pony motor is just a lot of work and it didn't really work that well so instead now it's got a big starter motor but back in the day they didn't have starter motor technology that was like big and strong enough to be able to crank massive engine like this it's like a 15 liter engine it's a monster this is the third bucket so we're going on 15 gallons of hydraulic oil and this tank is probably a solid 40 gallon tank hydraulic oil is at least now present where before it was empty um we're gonna check the fuel we think the fuel in here might be supposedly it's got a full tank that's like 15 years old and 15 year old diesel never ideal this is where the old pony motor used to sit like a little gasoline lawnmower engine and that's what was used to actually start these dozers but now we've got electric battery or electric starter on there which is nice i'm seeing some loose connections actually so much room for activities with that look at all this floor space so good aerobics in here so many activities a lot of room in there yeah oh they're all right next step is we're gonna hook these batteries up with a 24 volt battery system we got two monster uh heavy equipment batteries here we have 500 pounds worth of batteries here this filter right here internal filter is that the filter 522.79 really wow all right let's see if she's got any juice ready all right all clear that is fairly anticlimactic um let's see [Music] i don't know why this starter switch has got two positions you think the starter switch isn't doing anything so now we got to dig a little deeper and figure out uh we can jump where's that uh pry bar there's a lot of power in those batteries it's nice that's good that's good she's been straight over right that is nice i completely welded the end of that screwdriver close snap got a lifetime warranty let's try this again want to crack a fuel line motor turns that's a good sign the start switch does not work for some reason we got to figure out uh why the wiring doesn't work there but we can do with the screwdriver for now as you can see the key homemade key is starting to it's only got a few a few birds left in her 24 volts on those giant batteries turns into a welder real quick so now we're gonna crack open the fuel line uh bleed some old fuel through it spraying it with some happy spray this is acting as if it's fuel for right now but uh as you can see here with this date very limited instructions here 79 was the last time this uh here filter was uh replaced so we're just going to take it off now our starter switch should work which means our pre-heaters they're basically glow plugs should work so this is all good this is this is good stuff right here guys making progress now we just hope the motor's good sound good hey murphy did you ever get back to me on how you would get this out of here yeah so i would uh hire a guy named dave sparks i'm the guy huh and i would tell him hey i'm gonna give it to you for free and if he starts it it's his there is fuel coming through which is good sign which means the fuel pump was if you were stranded in the middle of nowhere call it a desert island middle of the mountains whatever it is and you had to choose one of the gang to help you survive or just to be with who would you choose hold on to survivor to be with because there's still two totally different things well you want to survive don't you and you also want to enjoy surviving you want to thrive you want to yeah you want to thrive here's the deal who would you choose choose your character starting with bud choose or would you choose hunter choose your character or pants pick me you know you want to or bad boy character or don't like jim bob the murphy man look the camera or me drop in the comments below who would you choose to help you survive thrive enjoy your time in a bad situation what that question really was is give me an ego boost until bad boy he sucks if you want to get it you can do that too i feel like it's turning over way easier than it should you think so i mean i know some of these big engines will just flutter right to life but there we go [Music] oh i'm concerned that it's not trying to start with starting fluid that leads me to believe that there could be something internally not happy with this engine i hope not though not milky decent you got throttle pulled all the way back what's that at the bottom what's what what this over here [Music] she runs she runs really well so the reason why it wouldn't start is it it's got this big valve down here basically you kind of take compression off the engine when you have it on the start mode you spin it and then once the starter's got her spin and then you throw the valve over and that's what gives the engine compression and stuff like probably opens or closes the valves or something so um sweet it runs but the drive mechanisms are all i feel like they're gummed up so now we gotta figure out what's going on the linkage but that's a really good sign add an oil to the final drive we just put 20 gallons of oil in the transmission which is half a lot that's probably more than half so hopefully that starts building a little bit of pressure pretty much at the bottom line yeah that's a good sign hopefully that builds some pressure in the uh clutches and the pumps in there so maybe we'll get a little response out of the levers now wow [Music] this is a really good sign [Music] hot damn you see that we might not i mean i don't want to count my chickens yet because we don't know how far she's going to make it on that bad final drive but we might not need the other dozer to get out of here which is like bittersweet just sweet are you just backing up a little bit and then back up and release i wonder if that track if it's binding in the final driver yeah that's just sweet man if you get out of here that's just sweet well drives and it runs really well now we got oil in the transmission um one of this track keeps locking up and that track has no tension in it so there are there's obviously something not right with the tracks but it might not be so bad that we can't drive it to the trailer i think it's somewhere where it's easy to work on but basically what we're gonna go do is we're gonna go buy the gas station um buy it run run the owners out of town uh get some water some anti-freeze um food if they don't have food that gas station's gonna be the biggest disappointment why do you think there's food there because it's small town gas people haven't talked a lot about it i think their experience or this gym i think you may have been there once don't kill my buzz right now guys what you're looking at is 100 american deliciousness any cafe that looks like this i guarantee you is the best food you've ever had but it's the hardest decision you've ever made and if it's got john wayne on the menu for duke himself it's even better so currently going through the menu here and uh not disappointing sandwiches hot hamburger hot turkey hot chicken your entrees chicken fried steak graham what is round round ground rounds like a beef just like beef patty steak like a hamburger barbecue ribs eight ounce sirloin all i'm saying guys is buckle up because this is going to be good we're about to do a small town food review whatever whatever the easiest to start with whatever whatever you recommend just bring out a couple of two or three easy starters i can't believe you tried to order sirloin steak right when the nice lady said it was bred real thin today i'm trying to run three different places and you animals were like give me the sirloin it's unfair fairness you don't know how fast you made this i imagine it probably does so if you need to it's not good enough let me know i mean it's all right but enjoy thank you seven bites ever in those rules potatoes a little bit it's wonderful fantastic that's real good yup she killed it killed it been fast i knew she would never doubted the first i go special is good with me burger's good he's looking at me drinking my root beer floor i can't look away he got very small on his face too at one point i heard him say let's get it on his eyes back how about that lunch break the best lunch big event we came to this town knowing that the gas station would probably be a hit we had no idea it's going to be a home run like that though full blown they had a pool lounge they had the most well-stocked gas station i've ever been to and then the most delicious restaurant that i've had homestyle cooking in a long time and had a freaking grease gun you know if a gas station's got a grease gun that's a good gas station so now we're back at the machine we got grease we got water we got antifreeze we're gonna give her a run for money we weren't planning on even making it this far today so we're gonna go for broke now the fact that they had a grease gun this just got me all smiles right now what's cool about these old dozers and pretty much all heavy equipment the track tension is controlled by grease so this grease fitting right here we squirt grease in there that moves that big rod forward tensions the tracks science [Music] just put a little grease in here in the tension of the track just gonna figure out a way to secure these batteries [Music] this track is binding up we knew it would but i just don't know how far we want to push it because eventually it'll get to the point where it locks completely up literally just trying to drag the blade snap the chain three-eighths chain just broke completely in half which i mean chain breaks all the time but that doesn't look like it's that buried but between the weight and the dirt pushing against it it don't want to move missing the blade end caps the blade is buried that's a big blade you might not be getting it out without the other dozer so good news is we got the dozer running and moved to here the bad news is the final drive i think has finally done its flash drive like i said did his final drive nobody's gonna let me have that joke you guys are just gonna find i'll keep doing it i don't know guys i think this final drive might have done its final drive [Laughter] i don't know guys i think this might have done its final drive we got the dozer as far as we can get it today without another dozer this track is completely locked up the final drive is just it's toast day one getting the d8 out of the mountains is in the books we got it started we got it driving a little bit we found out the final drive done its final drive it is completely broken and so now we come back tomorrow with a bigger machine a newer d8 and we're just gonna drag that thing out of here i don't know if the video is doing justice for just how gnarly this terrain is but we've got a solid at least two or three miles of windy gnarly mountain roads to drag that completely dead machine out and remember as we're dragging it that one track is completely bound up so it's literally just dragging dead weight out of here so it's gonna get wild as we come to a conclusion for today's episode we ask ourselves so many questions find out next time on the next episode
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 849,561
Rating: 4.8970828 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, instagram, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, hot tub, exploring, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, baseball, logan paul, jake paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel, freedom500, freedomfactory, racing, cleetusmcfarland
Id: RA1tKYct3R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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