We Got Stuck In An Old Mineshaft Elevator 900 Feet Below The Ground At Cerro Gordo!

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Great to see Heavy D's perspective! It was also cool to see what was happening up above at the same time.

I kind of winced a little, though, when Heavy D tagged that other YouTuber in a challenge to see who could stay down there the longest. Gotta say I liked the vibe of the videos when it was just Brent there all on his own...this feels kinda, idk, tacky? Probably just me LOL.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheCatAteMyGymsuit 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

"I've got to do some research on what makes dynamite blow up" HA! classic

This line could even be used when you need to leave a party early.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kaonashi_NoFace 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
the earth finding all sorts of times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we just showed up at cerro gordo uninvited we're also getting ready to go 900 feet below the ground in the union mine [Music] so [Music] the first time down wasn't smooth at all you know we actually had to get out of the cage use the sawzall cut off part of the guide rail to let the cage pass by some tight spots but i think we got those tight spots taken care of that's the only other time you've been only once so there's no necessary guarantee that we're gonna make it all the way down did you bring your sawzall i did not we'll take one down i'll get one brother we have to uh actually i should bring a harness to because let's say we do get stuck what you have to do i will probably do it unless you guys feel comfortable you have to get in a harness tie yourself into the cage go underneath the cage so then you have all the exposure below you to then cut yourself free and let the cage pass let's go okay so well guys um obviously there's a this is you know you've seen us explore mines before and those were mines where we could just kind of walk in walk out this mine uh we are literally at the mercy of what this big old elevator wants to do um lots of old parts lots of old metal lots of old uh stuff rubbing on each other and if today's the day they don't want to rub on each other anymore we're going to be the first ones to find out so old stuff rubbing on each other all right so uh fun turn of events here since we showed up and surprised brent with the uh five ton he has decided to surprise us with a ride down to the 900 foot level of the union mine why is this important well because brent has only been down there one time ever uh this will be our second or brent's second trip uh mine and dave's first trip down we've got the whole crew here we got the hoist operator we got tim we got uh brent's whole crew of guys that are very familiar with this hey uh brent when was the hoist built okay so this hoist that we're getting ready to trust with our lives taking us down underground was built in the 1800s so big old iron winch line um look at that bad boy so basically the way this is gonna work this is nuts the hoist operator sits right here and uh he basically this big break right here is what controls the speed of the drum here's the hydraulics that control the big hydraulic motors over there that control this giant drum getting us up and down guys this is freaking wild um i'm i'm i'm just i'm literally like ecstatic right now because we will be the first people that have been down here i bet you maybe 10 people have been down to this level uh in the last 100 years and rumor has it below this level is another 1100 foot level that is supposedly accessible from this level who knows if we'll find it but if we do it's gonna be awesome so take a look at all this old equipment show you what uh what we are trusting our uh our life with here is pretty awesome um another thing i just learned is that as we go down they've got a big bucket of grease and oil and stuff they're going to be greasing all this up as we go because apparently they don't run it often enough to be able to grease it like super regularly so we're going to maintain it while we go this is awesome buckle up guys because this is going to be a very interesting uh video hi brent worst case worst case scenario if the old elevator gets stuck we've got a sawzall [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are we doing we're going down the mine how you feeling fantastic i feel so good i've been dreaming about this since we've been so stoked um i'll give you guys a little pov there just uh yeah that's what we're working with all the way down we are currently this is really bright thank you we're just about to level 86. i would be lying if i said i thought it was going to go fast didn't think it was going to go this slow actually right there good lighting that's a little too harsh to shine at the left turn it down it just made an awful noise that i didn't like at all why are you doing that silly goose all right so um as you can see tension's already running pretty high here in the elevator down to level 900. um just we're just about to 86. a few inches later this is freaking nuts brent i mean dude looking at how they had to stack timbers the whole way the entire way down at least it's roomy shaft yeah spacious bruh have you ever had three people in here luckily in a gopro it probably looks like we're far apart from each other no it's uh it's a tight quarters first time for three for three and we got a decent amount of time going down yeah so uh we're about three minutes into the trip and we have about an hour left 57 minutes and our walkie talkies are still working which is nice when did the walkie-talkies play on the before so let's go back to them clear before we had to use lights the whole time but these these ones should go all the way to the 900. yeah um have you looked on them we already got a little argument so that's good we got out of the way um it's making some weird bopping noises but other than that um yeah we're still trying to look for the cool stuff much much much later this is red are you looking at the sh bottom of the shaft but not quite the bottom of the shaft just a 900 we're not even a level 86 yet which is kind of weird because i feel like we should be definitely feels like we're more than 100 feet maybe we pass it i'm just following tailings what's the uh gauge say uh about three minutes ago you guys were at two fifty 275 wonderful thank you so we've been here about 15 minutes ish maybe 20. they're about 400 feet down so creeping up on halfway still see a faint light down there we still got good radio communications so all is good i guess tell us not i can't stop thinking about you just sneezing and falling off in there making me nervous i'm feeling super lightheaded i think you should lean forward more yeah go ahead and just dangle your feet off there making me sick johnny took a running jump over this last time we were down here and then he climbed down the ladder down to 86 feet i want to do without a rope i'll climb down the ladder so i got to do a let's turn this off real quick i gotta do a quick plug for one of our sponsors which is uh rugged radios dave look at that light turn down a little bit right there let's see so um brent and his crew have some long-range radios that work pretty good however as of right now the communication is working better with our rugged radio we got much more clear sound uh for example long s antenna uh we're like level maybe 300 400 by now and uh watch i'll make a call to jim hey jimbo can you confirm you hear me loud and clear so that's uh that's pretty awesome so rugged radios big shout out to you also rugged radios um you might want to look into senator branson's videos can't quite see the top we're in here is that crush yeah look at that strawberry crush oh that looks delicious try it see if it's still good hey how's my light doing my light doing good on here it's doing great yeah good things hey dave your cable's getting pretty weird you guys got to copy everything okay well we're sitting here and they just passed the 700 foot level and uh his cable we heard you barely this cable's been perfectly still the whole time now it's starting to bang out just as they hit 700 feet the cable just started banging around all over the place and getting real squirrely squirrely weirdly enough bad boy and jackknife jim are in charge of safety on this trip yep i hate that so much it's not even no i hate looking at it but i feel fine that's the worst part looking at it because if you're just sitting there wouldn't think anything else different yeah our phone and they're way down there oh my gosh good that's keep keep pulling you there that is bonkers everybody i really want to go down the ladder it looks super well built it's the coolest look at the back in the day the bell system so when we get back to the top i'll show you that photo in a sign in a picture from the 1800s really yeah i was like hey hey he's back he said cool off i guess okay well um so here we go here's your brain bucket look it's a food cage capacity for men only we were under capacity so are we good to leave stuff right here then yeah they're not taking it off is this a is that the orc hold on a second how heavy is it wait youtube's been here check check radio check for the future people i am playing artifacts check check radio check dude what the hell are we talking look at that like railroad track crossroads all right we got plenty of battery in gopros do you want your brain bucket no i'm good for psychology if it gets real wild we will how heavy is this so um there's a four cart down here there's an older car that we really want to try to take to the top we'll find a way we'll find a way i don't think it's too heavy i think if we could probably finagle it maybe clean up some of these uh fallen timbers over here because obviously that used to come down to the track right yep that would go right into the cage so we could move some of this stuff pretty easily and uh is there water down here i'm pretty sure that i'm not going to let us leave here until we bring up that work hard we might tour we might tie the work cart to the bottom of the elevator and take it up with us we'll see um but uh let's go see this way out go that way first yeah which way you want to go let's go right here we go i'll go ahead i got the brightest light all right here we go that way it's a light bit you know it just it's completely different rock down here like this like bedrock like this is like solid heavy-duty stuff yeah like every level feels a little bit different yeah look at that guy i don't know somebody holy crap this is nuts july 16 so coming up on our first collapse here our first cave in i don't this probably wasn't a collapse this was probably stuff they mucked and never hauled out or they they backfilled it in there because they don't take it out right imagine having to take weeks from night her feet back up yeah no no thanks just dead end over here no keep going it's uh the thing that interests me about this level uh it's like all these water signs you see right yeah water water water water the 700 where i got water now so old sticks of dynamite right there say dynamite yeah we're just not going to even play with those i'll give them some space yep dynamite deserves all the space that it wants this is just like a disneyland ride dude trying to take little 900 feet underground it's an old uh powder room like dynamite room because of the door they would put that on there to keep people out of there yeah have you gone back in there [Music] see if we can avoid stepping on any sticks of live dynamite much better so are you keeping that livestream yeah all right so currently we are in a powder room which is uh where they used to keep the dynamite and stuff and we're going to try our hardest to not step on any old unstable glycerin i don't like it i don't like it oh boy yeah have you been through here yet no all right territory uncharted territory we just walked into what we thought was a powder room but it keeps going so we're gonna go [Applause] no no no no no i think that's the end of the road maybe more of mine is 1150 but if it is they took the 900 down they had a fault so then it went off to the sides that went around it just tried to drive it lower yeah but nobody from understanding has been able to find their way into the 1150 level all right uh main light died so we're gonna be all right so this is kind of the end of the road here this is a super soggy part where you can see it's caved in before um obviously a lot of moisture still muddy down i wonder whether that's true or not yeah that is just full collapse right there i'm dynamite talk to me lots of uh unexploded dynamite and are you going to touch it that's what that people want to know that's why in your comments below should you touch it what's going on with every voice in my head right now is telling me hey man what's it feel like you are i mean it's pretty unstable right the dynamite anyways well i think maybe one person should touch this dangerous thing down here next to the dynamite because that thing so if you like dynamite on fire it doesn't explode it needs an impact to impact the nitrogen to blow up so this goes into that and that blasting cap is the thing that that's way down in the dynamite and then that pops and then that pops the dynamite but these things if you ever see old miners that are missing a finger it's because of blasting caps really because if you start messing around with those you play with this it'll like blow off the finger wait this one says stop stop it get some help stop where are we stopping you not going any further [Music] break my ankle 20 pound hammer hey oh [Music] yeah straight i'm stretching hey the exits this way david yeah oh that's a nice door wait broom handle oh yeah so you gotta bring up those signs oh yeah that's the one the blue sign is the one i'll show you a photo of that's in black and white it's pretty crazy did that that must have been innocent maybe i should get that going again yeah that would be cool damn wow corbett 29 1929 1889 it's a new record right yeah until we got 88 right there and here's an 80 it could be 88 it could be 82. damn except that says 1982. there's some carbide oh yeah you want carbine yeah there you go you been down this way yet uh yes i've been this way but i haven't been it goes right i didn't go right i trusted this guy that there's nothing to the right this guy is oh that's right it's so wet back here is that the fault in it i think so yeah well it's roomy down here yeah you got a right a left and a center and a steady drip oh yeah there's a lot of water down here so you went right i did not go right oh you didn't go right you went i said this guy i went left this guy went right and then i trusted him but there's nothing there but anybody else right i went straight yeah i was here to go right all right choose the right take the lead i promise there's an egg up here guys okay i'm following you man i trust him i'm the fastest swimmer [Music] something there at one point that way yeah it goes farther back to that right too that's crazy because i do i'm way into cool stuff all right wow it keeps opening up um okay blasting caps all over the place so watch out for those on anybody losing a finger there's an old carbide can pretty cool tobacco okay that's gonna be a really weird clip on the gopro with no context and we're in an area that nobody's been in for a very long time it's a weird little [Music] carve out it keeps going up that way there's these little bump outs along the way oh there's something cool like a tin of some sort [Music] that's cool it's an old canteen i think that is really cool that's a huge that's a man who's on level 900 thirsty oh gotcha there's another can up there now you're all right we're in a good spot we can dodge him [Music] and one takes me out and i take mine out we go to that back to the bottom it's a quick way to keep going yep damn that right there knife well there it is check out that that's pretty sweet all right i think that's you want this brent you know i was taking out myself last night play out the muscle it takes how do you think i bet you that's every bit of every bit of 100 pounds [Music] nice work take that again [Music] flip it that way the sign let's get it further up on that lip over there there we go i like that hold on [Music] yeah you're to the edge now over here you can yep coming i mean it's over the lip but one more big kick hell yeah the the hoist has an oar cart in it once again once again all right let's go with four so what do you think this was awesome best adventure yet today heck yeah we're coming home with some uh decent treasure actually great treasures it's probably the first time an ore buckets ridden up on this hoist in 100 years all right um so we are on our way back up from level 900 and we ran out of room down in the main elevator um so i am currently riding on top there's still room for you come on down is there i don't feel like there was a ton of room left i mean you just have to get close down there and we got the ore cart in there there's a little bit of room yeah this is way more comfortable up here i'm not gonna lie yeah uh elevators double decker and we are headed up to the top we um what was that roughly almost three hours down there the plan was like an hour um but we come bearing treasures all sorts of fantastic treasures uh we did not make it to the 1100 level 1150 whatever it is um she's she's sticky um but our adventures here are not done i think it's gonna come we did actually find a huge chunk of galena actually and uh we should have brought the rockhampton and a canteen so we got some mining to do and the uh oh the winch is just not sure how much it likes this or not so we're stuck the 700 right here [Music] can they see any damage on the rails above can you guys see any damage on the rails above something's not right [Music] [Music] they bring too much weight back up with them [Music] you can't talk to them yet all right well let's see if we can get it rolling again yeah radio check i can hear you okay we are all off the cart so you're good to go again we are all off the cart standing on level 700 so go ahead and try it again we're doing some oiling to make sure everything's functioning properly uh hang tight the only thing hanging tight right now is the elevator so they're about down 700 feet they were on their way back up they made it 200 feet up and the cages of the cable is bound up yeah i can't they go down right no they're oiling it up right now the rails will bow inwards and the cage will get stuck at that point it'll go down easy enough yeah go ahead if we can get it past that little bit it'll come back up it's still below [Music] go come up 10 feet one more wrap go so they're stuck 100 feet below where we [Applause] [Music] keep going are you guys on board keep going everybody they're on board keep going up all right going up while we're on board all are alive well bail got another half hour might as well talk to the old ladies i knew i could have written on the roof it probably should have been dangerous but you're working your way up and like a little lock works its way off yeah it's in the head yeah you want a helmet for sure you should have gone down here i know still can't yeah yeah jim just drive back to hunter and go down so they're about 86 feet down now and uh i can see them with my light now and uh they're sitting on top of the cage that they wrote down in which means they've got something inside of the cage and uh and uh we knew there was an order cart down there and a bunch of other cool artifacts but there's got to be something pretty big for them to be on top of the cage otherwise it would just be inside of the cage with whatever it is so the equipment can handle it you know and i suspect that problem we had earlier might have something to do with them bringing a walk heart up can we switch sides me and you yeah the sunlight [Music] go [Music] it was it was pretty incredible that was wild we uh we found some cool stuff that we're bringing up i feel like a minor right now just covering yeah like 17 16. grease [Laughter] say something for the camera dude all right good we're good this is probably the uh largest artifact taken out of the union mine at least during my time here wow but when you ask hey did you pick up any extra weight oh we knew what you did tim tim was like there's an old mining cart down there i bet they grabbed it and i was like knowing my boss was there a little bit of a fight ah [Applause] thanks oh we did it treasure we got some loot we explored every square inch of the 900 level and that place is incredible i feel like i just came through a time machine a lot down there a lot going on and uh 900 feet down on a 150 year old lift yeah it's a pretty good day we found an oar cart which is still inside there you'll see here some b-rolls a little bit heavy to carry out the door down this jack which is also not super light found some drill bits a pic picked out yeah we actually use this to pick out we mined carbide tin we saw some carbide in it who got the dynamite anybody pick up the dynamite we were all too scared to grab the dynamite i got to do some research on what makes dynamite blow up so should i pick up a dynamic because there's like 10 full sticks of dynamite uh we found a lot of collapses we found some areas where if we went and spent some time digging we could probably make it through a little further um but man that's a shiny box yeah lots of shiny rocks look at how shiny that rock is they get any glitter in my beard yeah i think i got them too i think the biggest win today though is we put the hoist to a pretty good test yeah we know what the hoist is capable of what do you think was she maxed out did it really stop again it stopped it i didn't stop it it stopped it started started to shake really and the pressures were fluctuating like 800 to a thousand and then it stopped really i bet we had a thousand pounds on there yeah so what happened is that happened right before that happened about 15 feet shy of level 700 so i was riding on the roof i jumped off dave then climbed through the roof jumped off finally brett came through once we got our weight off it was enough to kind of push through that sticky spot because the problem is those timber guide rails at one point it was grease now it's tar so it's literally just like pine sap holding us right there bows out just a little bit so pinches yeah right there yep it was smooth right that was uh we were down there for quite a bit longer than we anticipated we told the boys here that it would be trouble if we were there more than like an hour and a half we ended up being like roughly three hours it's almost seven yeah we went down to 245. um that was incredible dude thank you yeah thank you i'm honored to be able to have been part of that uh you'll see the footage we got real creative trying to lift that ore cart because the hoist stops about right here from ground level and then the rest is just a bunch of pile of garbage so we built a nice wobbly jenga yeah we created like this little django system that we walked it up got it on and now that's a piece of history that's going to go straight to the museum that's the biggest like i said the biggest treasure i've put out this is also fairly big anyways uh hugely successful day here at sarah gordo totally unexpected for all of us the fact that brent didn't know we were coming with the truck the fact that we didn't know brett was gonna be able to get the guys here to come help uh run the hoist so big shout out to the fellas here you guys are awesome yeah thank you big shout out to brent for letting us you know invade your town and this is just the beginning we still got a lot of work to do here and after being down there we got some ideas in fact i think we're gonna cut from this straight to a call out we uh we filmed a little video down there for he's the guy that's kind of got a little bit of a following on youtube he's starting off without further ado we're gonna go ahead and cut right into that ladies and gentlemen we are currently 900 feet below the surface of the earth in the union mine here at cerro border california and we've got a call out we got a challenge for the one and only mr beast listen mr beast we know you're competitive we know that you love these challenges where it's the last man standing but we also know that you don't always get to participate in your own challenges so we're putting one on for you we want you to come out here to the mine and compete against myself my best friend diesel dave and the one and only mr brent underwood to see who has the balls to stay underground the longest no watch no phone no communication with the outside world you will literally have no idea what year it is so are you in where are you is what we need everybody to do tag him call him fax him email him whatever you got to do to get mr b's attention we want that man to come prove that he's really as competitive as he says he is right here at the home of mr brent underwood at sarah gordon california so hit my pager and let's line this up [Music] [Music] the earth finding all sorts of trees they went from like on to completely gone so and this guy was a champ and driving you should have seen it all of our lives we just all of our lives were the best driving once again by heavy duty we were just doing some carving we had to literally yeah only way hunter was in the back the only way we could stop was literally by carving he was trying to turn around i thought you're just being a freaking i know everyone's like hey what are you doing i threw it in park like within the first couple seconds oh you did yeah i was trying to reach over there and pull it apart oh no i put it in park right away you put it in park and you were like dave dave devon he's like bricks around and i was like hunter's gone i'm gone everyone's gone we were out of luck there for a second okay pump it a little bit pump it close it okay okay let's do the other side all clear [Music] he's a scaredy cat yep get this pressure back we boiled the fluid in the calipers because obviously we have seven dudes in here and a bunch of gear so we're super heavy and this is a super steep grade and uh i wasn't i was being careful i wasn't i wasn't riding the brakes i was just kind of like you know on and off but you did great man he did great close close alex [Music] give me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,007,989
Rating: 4.9569058 out of 5
Keywords: Trucks, Tractors, Heavy equipment, Ghost town, Cerro Gordo, Brent Underwood, Ghosttown, Ghosttown living, Exploring, Mining, Abandoned, Desert, California, Gold, Silver, Wild West, Heavy d Sparks, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel brothers, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Tiktok, Whistlindiesel, heli, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, zion, diesel trucks, giveaway, ASMR, vlogger, Heavy D Sparks, Rzr, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Diesel, silver, gold, 6x6, cleetusmcfarland, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: l4HCx26hmtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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