I Pushed The Ripsaw Tank To The Edge Of It’s Limits!

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hey guys welcome to the vlog today's gonna be a good one let's go ladies and gentlemen today we are going to absolutely blow your minds because our minds are currently being [Applause] guys i'm sitting on top of a how tech rip saw this is like a half a million dollar duramax powered tank you may recognize this from like the fast furious movies and pretty much every viral clip that's ever hit the internet ever well guess what this belongs to my good friend justin from power age 4x4 this is my buddy justin i met justin what a couple years ago right that's right mud truck event today we're going to fornicate with these vehicles i'm sorry justin it's happening this is this is happening so basically we've got like a 600 acre playground here and we're gonna see what the vehicles are capable of because here's what i love about the vehicles that justin builds he builds these six by six humvees which when you see it you're like i think this is probably just all looks guys you are in for one of the coolest videos you've ever seen in your entire life because everybody's seen the ripsaw tank online but i'm about to show you the ins and the outs literally how it works what makes it go how capable it really is and why you need a rip saw for yourself so buckle up and enjoy the show well this is justin's playground he's got h1 6x6s he's got armored h1 he's got like literally every variation of the h1 you've ever seen so we're here to a see his build because that's what they do they build like like 100 the sickest ones in the world i don't i've never seen a cooler h1 than what these guys build he also happens to have like close to 600 acres of property here where we're going to take a look at the capabilities of some of these vehicles so this is something i've been wanting to do for a long time this man lives the life he knows how to have a good time and he's got some of the sickest vehicles in the world so basically today we're going to show you just this playground [Music] this is literally when i die and however it happens is how i'm gonna go out when i come to and there's that cloudy moment where i'm like where am i hope it looks like this i really hope it looks like justin's garage look it's got a rip saw um a rip saw i don't think anybody understands just how big of a deal that vehicle right there is that alone i think in the early days they were like 250 300 000 to buy one of those from uh the howell brothers now i think that their pricing is closer to like 500 000 and they're like doing very limited editions they're doing like some military stuff like i don't even know you can get one anymore and then you got this just the biggest h1 in the entire world i mean guys this is hands down look at this you got the any level dually f450 no 350. nah i'm pretty sure it's 450. and then just like you're out of room so you just take your other ridiculous hummers and just go just just stuff that one there stuff that one look look look at look at this one is that it's got either like a giant cannon or a camera i mean guys come on look at this this whole video might just be me geeking out on these vehicles this is this is literally every man's wet dream i don't care who you are you want one of these i don't care if you're an accountant i don't care if you don't like vehicles at all this is what everybody wants so this is a duramax powered tank um i got a chance to drive this thing last time i was with justin down here like for a few minutes and i've never stopped thinking about it there's nothing like in the world i mean other than an actual army tank but it's lightweight so it actually has the capabilities of like a combat tank but it's faster and it's more agile i mean probably not going to take a you know hit from a missile or something like that but who cares i i mean just look at this thing just right next to it is the 6x6 hummer i mean justin has there's very few people in this world who i feel like have similar taste to me justin's got to die in fact he's probably got better taste than i do because look i'm just kind of overwhelmed hey wait for us hey hey stop what you're doing stop what you're doing and listen to this i'm so glad we caught you huh hey listen we've been trying to get a hold of you about your car's extended warranty wait no actually we have another message for you and it's right here ever since we started vlogging again regularly we've had all sorts of companies reaching out to us saying hey can we promote this on your channel or can you run this ad and to be very honest with you we've said no to a lot of companies because we don't want to promote something that we don't actually believe in however we are here today to promote something that we do believe in that's why the sponsor of this week's video is credit mri now here's the deal the credit repair industry is full of a bunch of dirt bags let's just be honest there's a bunch of companies out there who promise you all sorts of stuff and they deliver absolutely nothing after you paid them and that doesn't work see i'm very familiar with the credit industry because i've been there done that and i found that honestly there's very few companies that i would trust to be able to go in and actually help repair my credit and credit mri is one of them and they happen to be one of the only companies in fact i think they might be the only company in the industry that does credit repair all performance-based meaning you pay them nothing until they actually deliver results guys that's a big deal because this means that you can go to them and say hey i got a late payment i got to charge up i got bankrupt check out whatever go ahead and go to work on it and they do and they go to work and if they get that item removed then they come to you and say hey check it out we got your credit score improved we got this item removed now you can pay the bill guys that's huge don't believe us this is what i want you to do i want you to click the link below use the reference code sparks and they'll erase your first negative item for free for free guys that's a big deal so here's the thing click the link below use the promo code give them a shot let them remove the first item for free if you like their service then tell them to remove some more and like i said you're not going to pay for anything unless they actually do the work which is a big freaking deal so make it happen guys thank you credit mri for not sucking in an industry full of companies that really do suck now we return you to the regularly scheduled programming to viewing pleasure if we can actually someone give us a ride drop you a pin that alone might be one of the best looking h ones i've ever seen and this is the kind of stuff they do really well they just clean up the body lines they they build custom panels slant back what do you got i do i'm overwhelmed right now huh i'm overwhelmed oh my look at that look look how red he is look how red he is he's overwhelmed like legitimately oh boy this is in super dangerous parts of the world i think like south africa it's really common to see like highly highly armored vehicles like this middle east areas like that this h1 it's got duramax in it but it's totally like the ultimate self-defense vehicle it's got an escape hatch it's got a smoke screen it's got like um it'll shock you if you get too close to it some of these things i know i don't know if this one has it but have you seen the ones where they have flamethrowers some of them have flamethrower like you could easily put flamethrowers on this thing so people get to like basically it's to prevent getting carjacked and uh if you're cruising around or if you're getting shot at you're good this is a sunday stroll on this thing the windows are like an inch thick fully armored fully ballistic like just sick dude can you imagine taking all these out at once going down the road and see what people think oh this is that mine this is a vehicle from the hunger games movie um it appears as like an mrap like a like a mind resistant vehicle um it's actually built on like a ford chassis so this is like you don't want to get shot in this thing because it's mostly fiberglass so it's basically a hollywood prop but super super realistic uh looking they did a good job with it um like this is like like a giant like plywood door but it looks steel it's cool they did a really really good job with this thing is it very plywood yeah it's like composite yeah looks like it's made out of uh mdf wood actually but uh it's so realistic looking like obviously if you're watching the movie you 100 think this thing's real because i'm two or three feet away from it and it looks real i'm just i'm just super jealous right now justin has an incredible collection of different vehicles the h1 limo full bed liner coating look at these lights this thing's got 40 different light bars on us i'm trying to do the tour here and the old magnet the rips over there just keeps on pulling [Music] this is what paradise looks like my friend pick one anyone which one do you pick put the comments below i'm waiting you know which one i choose so hard on the fully armored guy would be fun six by six really fun the rip stops fun i don't think i'm gonna be able to choose oh you're going to make me choose fine jeez let's drive a tough bargain [Applause] hummer should i take all my friends with me yeah homer got you guys camera limo just like take all my friends uh maybe six by six or so i'm probably gonna change a hundred times this is this is what i love about justin first time i met him he's like hey you wanna drive my rip song i'm like are you kidding me yeah i'd like to drive your rips off and then he just said just take it out just drive him just whatever just whatever you guys that's what they're called right that's right i'm kind of the same way like they're just things like trucks you know just just go use them what they're made for so basically what we're going to do right now is obviously i don't know if i want to start at the top and work my way down if i want to start the bottom they're all i mean they're all the top keys keys are all in them good luck i think we're going straight for the rip saw that's the plan right now uh where are we going is this straight out in the field and uh go across the trees in between i'm excited i'm excited it's it's not very often that i get like little kid excited right now i'm a little kid excited i'm in heaven right now i mean i'm actually i'm dead i'm in heaven this is what it looks like i'm currently sitting behind the wheel or the yoke that's my goal today don't break the rip saw oh guys nothing beats this this is the how tech ripsock 800 horsepower duramax tank and it's bad like i'm telling you right now basically let me just give you a quick rundown on how this works you got your yoke right here it's all uh this is your steering it's basically uh it controls like a brake and a clutch setup at the back and it allows one track to spin to the other and then everything else you got your break get your gas just like a regular pickup you got a shifter just like a regular pickup you got your heat ac stereo all your buttons your gauges you got passenger seats you got back seat which backseat doesn't have a ton of room but you could easily uh put four people in here uh two very comfortably two probably scared to death in the back super responsive like this steering right here so it's like an electric brake setup um that applies a brake on the rear differential and also i believe it engages or disengages like a clutch back there it's kind of an interesting setup so it allows one side of the track to have all the power from the engine and stops the other one from spinning so it's kind of like a skid steer oh you're driving through the trees right now this is this is paradise it's got ac the ac actually works what okay okay i think this is the part where i floor it ready guys i'm going 70 miles an hour no way no way i just did 70 miles an hour zero to 70 in like a few seconds in a tank no i have to have one of these not having one of these is no longer an option for me what's up alec um so if that gopro wasn't running i don't know what happened because it said powering off for the past 10 minutes so if we don't have that shot sorry guys let's go press fault the rip saw uh i mean what where do i even start this is how it turns this is how sharp she turns literally she'll turn on top of herself um one thing that it needs uh is a little bit better i mean obviously it's got three massive fans back there and they're doing their best but uh it's still just a lot of heat to try to pull out of that compartment there i'm super impressed with the 6x6 hummer dave is rallying that thing hard and it's keeping up like she's having the duramax sits right here drives a transmission right there which drives these big drive sprockets which then sling this massive track all over the place you think batboy is incredible if you were a vehicle that'd be you wrong justin can't even look okay guys you've seen me drive the rip saw but i want to show you how this thing works because it literally is like an engineering marvel this thing is a masterpiece everything about it track undercarriage system and then you've got the chassis and then you've got the cab the cab of this rip saw is actually air ride so it's designed to kind of like be suspended in there which is why the ride is so smooth and then on top of that you've got these king these are probably like two five two and a half inch coil overs with big bump stops this thing has as much suspension travel as like some of our desert race trucks these are the giant bogey wheels that keep the track in place um how brothers i think have this track specifically built for this rip saw um it's got steel belts in it it's either got steel or like uh like kevlar belts to hold the track together but uh it's got one two three trailing arms and each trailing arm has a shock on it so that gives the track the ability to flex at different points so rather than being rigid bogey wheels which is what most track vehicles are these things cycle up and down but they do it in a way that it doesn't put too much slack in the track system so that the track starts slipping and falling off because that's the biggest issue anytime you have a track vehicle that like does high track speeds the biggest thing you're gonna be worried about is having the tracks kind of derail right well not an issue here there's never gonna be a situation where you have enough slack in the track to be able to pop off and it's got these giant guides right here so these guides right here are what keep it on the bogey wheels the track design on this thing is just like i said a flat out masterpiece so what i love about the inside of this thing is it's like a truck literally you've got your brake you got your gas you got your gear shifter for the awesome transmission and then the steering is literally just a yoke like this kind of like a car kind of like an airplane but all the other controls got heat it's got ac all your lights gauges you've got driver passenger and you've got two seats in the back the back seats aren't huge but you could easily put a couple of doors back there if you need to it's got a sound system it's got a backup camera it's got a cb radio it's got these gull wing doors which are super awesome because they pop right open they're on gas struts so driving this thing is surprisingly very comfortable you know you see us hitting all these bumps and everything and you expect it to be super rough nope it's not it is buttery smooth the only difficult thing about this uh ripsaw to drive is learning how touchy the steering wheel is because what happens is this steering wheel is on basically it's not connected to anything mechanically it's all electric so it goes to a computer so all your input right here then goes into a computer which then controls the rear drive system which i'm about to show you which is where the real magic happens on this thing the power behind this thing is a 800 horsepower lbz duramax allison transmission but what's cool is compound turbo setup i think adam peeler did the power on this thing um it's just basically a truck engine you need parts go down to the gm dealer so that sits right there behind the cab goes into the transmission transmission goes out to the final drive in the rear which i'll show you in a second but they incorporated all these cool like storage compartments along the side right here so if you're going like out in the back country if you're actually using this thing like for combat you got storage it's all covered in linex the the whole canopy system is protected by a roll cage system so basically in the event that you ever got it upside down which i don't know how you would you're covered it's got a roll bar basically now this is where all the crazy black magic happens look at this so your transmission comes here into a curry differential the curry differential has axle shafts that come out kind of like it would on a regular truck but then it goes into this magical system right here it's got will wood disc brakes two on each side and then it has like a clutching mechanism so basically what happens is when you turn the wheel the computer sends an input back here to the hydraulic system and it applies the brakes on one side and it also engages a clutch which basically releases the drive power from the side that you're trying to turn and sends all the power over to the other side so it's super super cool basically picture kind of like how a skid steer works uh you stop one track power the other one turns this way turns that way if you wanna do a 360. one thing this thing doesn't do is it it never spins one track backwards and one track forward at the same time that's kind of like how like on a skid ster if you're doing a full 360. that's how you get that to happen on this vehicle it doesn't happen but at the same time you don't need it to basically when i want to do a donut i crank the wheel all the way one way it's going to apply the full brake on one side also it's going to um disengage the clutch on that side and then the other side is going to get all the power so this track is going to just be ripping while that track stays perfectly stationary just crank it and goose it set it and forget it so look back here what's crazy is this has a massive hydraulic system which controls all these giant brake systems and the clutch couplings and all that stuff but you got all your different gauges back here for hydraulic pressure it's got a redundant hydraulic system so if the first one goes out you got to back up hydraulic howe brothers are so good at what they do that they actually i think their company just got bought by textron which is like cessna it's uh it's basically one of the biggest machinery and equipment companies in the world so um it's got the smittybilt winch on the back here this uh drive system is so gnarly that it actually has individual blower fans that blow onto the discs brakes on each side to help cool it down like there's a lot going on there so once it gets through the final drive system so once it goes through the axle and through the final drive system and all the components back there then it comes out here to this hub which drives this drive big sprocket which then pushes the track so on a track vehicle you're never gonna have like front uh drive wheel and rear and you're never gonna have two drive wheels pushing and pulling at the same time you just need one in the rear and that's what spins the entire track so essentially this drive sprocket throws the track up over so it takes out all the uh all the slack down here because it's pulling tight on it and throws the slack up here and then you've got your big other um kind of your adjuster your big idler wheel this is what you can adjust to adjust the track tension and uh and then you got this what's cool about these vehicles is the approach angle is almost the exact same as the tracks so pretty much almost like a 90 degree wall you pull up to it and this thing's just gonna walk right up there you got your giant skid plate here which we definitely got a little bit of use out of uh you got your light bar and then you've got what a solid pulling anybody out you got like a solid almost two feet of ground clearance under there too which we're probably gonna get the shot of us driving over you murph so just be prepared for that ladies and gentlemen the rip saw also complete with a windshield wiper now it's my turn you [Music] log file check check on the log pile oh i don't think there's any words there's a bunch of sounds that have come out of my mouth ow you see that dude dude oh my gosh that's just insane insane you gotta go over right in here get in now we're taking old handsy boy for a ride i can't even figure this out yeah you're going to want that you're going to want every inch of that strap too guys this is the coolest thing i've ever driven in my entire life i know i say that a lot but i think i finally reached the pinnacle i've reached the top thank you for watching it is fun to my good buddy justin over there i mean this is just how cool is this guy i hate to say if he's actually cooler than you 100 cooler than me bro i mean is it real life it doesn't feel like real life it may seem really bumpy in this camera but this is a very smooth ride so [Music] so hey you subscribed [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me well guys i got good news we're done and it's not broken we came we saw he definitely conquered we didn't break anything justin there was a couple moments where justin was like i actually literally hit the log pile i saw justin go like this turn his back don't look like no just listening just listen make sure there's no weird noises but hey bro it's good yes we returned her just like we found her a little bit dirtier but here's the thing somebody had to give this thing the whole shakedown you know what i mean and as the owner you're never going to beat on it as hard as somebody who doesn't own it so i did it for you now we know what the weak links are and uh she's dialed but anyways guys listen if you want to see some of the baddest vehicles in the entire world follow orh 4x4 got instagram right and if you want a 6x6 humvee this is your man right here but listen i'm hungry it's time to go i don't know i'm gonna go before breaking so we'll die hope you get enjoyed
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 822,338
Rating: 4.9187012 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, instagram, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, Dave Sparks, hot tub, exploring, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, pokemon, charizard, trading cards, baseball, logan paul, jake paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel
Id: qaOwBLmbvgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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