Will it run after 81 years 1929 gmc truck

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so today we have a 1929 gmc i know it looks a lot rougher now than it did in the thumbnail and the reason for that is as soon as we pulled it up out of the hauler that road was so bad sitting on the trailer the termites quit holding hands and the whole thing just about fell apart i ratchet strapped it all over but it's still that wood just basically broke into a million pieces it does have the old stove bolt in line six in it that was the first overhead valve six cylinder chevy ever put out and the hood did this number it kind of just falls off when you open it well maybe not yeah it does but as you can see we got a six cylinder in here it's complete the key is even in the old ignition so i believe she was a runner when she was parked we got this big old winch back here not really sure what it was used for it was out on a farm in the middle of nowhere so it's just been sitting there for ever hasn't ran in about 70 years 71 years around there since about 1940 was the last time this truck was ran didn't have a very long life and it don't have very many miles on it but compared to today's miles however many that is i can't really tell that's a whole lot of miles it is manual brakes and by manual brakes i mean as hard as you can push that brake pedal it pulls these rods that's about all the brake you get out of it i already know the motor stuck but it shouldn't be too hard to get unstuck because this is a lot easier than them old flatheads it's a big big huge engine for the little bit of horsepower it made but it was groundbreaking because the amount of torque and also is the first overhead valve engine chevy put out we're going to pull these plugs but first we're going to get rid of all these dirt dauber nests and get a bunch of this junk out of here because don't want to drop it down in the engine i know a lot of people said a leaf blower or a shop vac i don't have one that'll reach out here but i'm going to take this hood off and we'll look at this now that i got the hood off you can see this side is just covered in rat nest i've already got a bunch of this out of here earlier to see what parts i'd need for the carburetor but it was all there and the only problem we got about here where there's a hole rusted in that but we're probably just gonna duct tape that and call it good and there's a few other things it looks like it's got a million miles on it because there's more oil on it more blow-by than just about anything around here like i said motor stuck stop okay uh what well never mind uh the motor's not stuck it turns freely don't ask me how that happened because just a second ago the motor was stuck i guess it decided to come loose so that part of the problem's already out of the way she should run now i guess we'll try the electric starter here in a second and clean them points and stuff and throw the plugs in it and put some marble mist drill down the cylinders just in case but hopefully you guys can see that that i mean it just turns as smooth as can be well not now but compression stroke yeah that thing's turning smooth as can be so that's good sign not exactly sure how that happened again because it was stuck i guess when i rolled it off the trailer it came unstuck you never know what these things it's a chevy well the gmc so it don't want to die i'm gonna clean a bunch of this stuff up here in a second as you can oh my piece of wood fell out we got to put this guy back this piece of wood's been here for at least 70 70 years just sticking in there holding that cool wire on so i've cleaned off all around the spark plugs i'm still really surprised that engine's spinning already which is a really good sign cleaned off all through there with some brake clean and i also shot vac all that because i got it close enough to the shop where i could drag an extension cord out here also clean this side off so there's no more rat nest so we're already ahead of where we were earlier about to pull the plugs out some of them are 15 16 and some of them seem to be 13 16 i think that one is well i figured that'd take a lot more to get out but this one's easy to get out so i'm gonna pull this and see what she looks like let's see i knew them were bigger than what the parts store sold me they don't look bad there's no rust on them or anything well they say i'm sure they're champion yep champion reg u.s patent office made in usa they don't look rusty there's a little bit of surface rust on the end of it it's not bad i've seen a lot worse and i'm still run so we got a pretty good chance with this one let's try to these spark plugs have them little retainers on them i thought i already flipped all of them that gum well we'll move on to this plug then we'll just skip them if we can't get the retainer off see look at that they're loose already oh no i didn't have it on man about to say one may be bigger than a that one right there is bigger than a 15 16. this one may be two or maybe i just can't get it on there now it's bigger than a 15 16 which is crazy what about this one bigger than a 15 16 surf so it's got to be at least an inch so i'm going to go get an inch socket and see what that bigger than an inch but i think i might be able to get onto the small end of that i'm hoping because an inch don't fit down in there very well kind of weird that that they're all mismatched it's not really a bad well that's loose too it's not really a terrible sign that spark plugs are mismatched but normally it means they didn't do all the maintenance at once and they're just trying to get by but with as much blow-bys on this engine i figured it was worked pretty hard back in its day and probably burning so much oil and losing so much oil they couldn't keep it on the road and now that spark plug has two little sparky boys i know the name of them but i can't think of it so put that in the comments but there's two of them on that one probably two of them on this and too i bet you and there might have been supposed to be two on this one well that's the same one i had listen i mean nope different plug entirely all these are pretty dadgum loose let's see and i dropped it that's okay no it only has one not much corrosion but a lot of carbon on it so we got a third of them out pick this back up let's see if it'll fit on any of these other ones no [Music] nope and i figured as much so the holes in that dead gun block are about the size of a quarter galley oh you can you can reach all the way down in there probably fill the top of the dad gum piston in the cylinder oh no that's carbon well it don't feel actually terrible in there honestly so i'm gonna go get the moral mystery they say we should have a new jug of it and we got some pv blaster and a whole box of other stuff and while we're at it we'll grab the plugs here and see if they gave us too small oh boy yeah that's way too small i already tell you that looks like she ain't gonna be running today because we don't have the right plugs unless we drive back to town and we may do that here in a minute we just could throw that on the ground yeah i can put the whole plug in the engine so them are the wrong ones gonna have to get some different ones but since we oh be real careful with that that guy got left behind by the shop vac and the brake clean don't know why already making a mess now this is going to be our compression builder i guess that bull must be slinging some big pistons the more the better maybe oh that one's almost completely full we're gonna make a mess with this but that's okay oh i can see it down in that one too let's try and get i should have got that bendy funnel that's what i was gonna do but just didn't get it that gum sometimes ah that'll just have to do it's got a child safety lock on it for some reason this marvel mystery hill i hear it draining down in there there we go probably good on that one it ain't going to take a whole lot it's already free i just want to get some wool down in there and let them ring soak for a bit and i'm gonna get something to get them out so it's not a 216 cubic inch stove bolt not sure why i thought that that right there's a dead giveaway how the cooling system is because on a stove bolt it's right here i just walked around that four million times and didn't notice it took the spark plugs being wrong for me to think this probably ain't a stove bolt but it's a 310 cubic inch buick engine from 1929 so it's the same year as the truck pretty sure it probably came in this thing factory but that drive right there is a dead giveaway so is that just kind of walked around it and never noticed it over here there's a plaque that says buick on it i did fill all the cylinders with marble mist drill now the next thing to do is get all this stuff loose and the gas pedal's down there the kick down starter dude which is there and the gas pedals here it's just a mess that thing won't move gonna have to work with a little bit at least the shifter's free i mean it shifts pretty good reverse and all that it shifts into now we're gonna check the oil i haven't checked the oil in it yet because it turned over and i got excited well it has oil but it's sticky oil it's more or less grease um yeah that was a glob of grease so it's basically turned to grease not sure if i have enough oil to fill this giant engine up yet but we're gonna pull the drain plug and probably put some diesel fuel or something down in there and drain that out because that stuff's not going to lubricate and i don't want to mess it up because it's a neat little engine and no need throwing out the babbitt bearings or anything like that in it because it's cool old motor and i think she's gonna run i'm gonna give this whole truck the first oil change it's had in about 71 years today well right now at least i hope you guys can see i got you on the head cam because that's about the only way you'll be able to see what's going on underneath here like to see here i should have laid something on the ground hopefully you guys can see i'll aim it up a little bit more oh might be a reason it's not had oil changing so long there we go well we got the exhaust delete underneath here oh i'm running out of room now here we go gotta aim that camera up some more i guess there we go it looked like it wasn't very oily on the top side but it might be oily down here and oh that that was water not a lot of water though oh no that's pretty liquidy where'd my old plug go oh oh no oh there it is yeah there's some water in it maybe a lot of water i wonder how it got in there maybe has a bad head gasket it does it smells like gasoline like old old gasoline but it should have been evaporated out of there by now let's get throw that dude right there and we're gonna let that drain for the next seven to eight business days while we find a rag now she is still pouring out the oil well that stuff right there looks like iodine don't look like old name don't smell that cool either i couldn't describe the smell of that don't smell like kerosene i don't know what that is and it's still draining we might run out of drain pan before we run out of oil is it the marvel me no the marvel mysterio's staying level in here so it ain't just seeping past the rings just yet so we got somewhat of rings left in it now the goal is to find how many gallons of oil this thing takes and it's still draining and it's still draining oh there's some chunks chunks are always good that's just high performance right there i'll go grab i think we got just five quarts because that's what them 216's taking that's what i thought was in it and it gets to have the fancy old today we got some royal purple high performance because it was on sale and it's 10 w 10 w 30 is what it takes i believe it takes a thinner oil than most of these old ones even though it's still draining we're just gonna wipe that off oh not too bad full mark and everything's still on there so we should be good to go in a minute the starters still stuck so i'm gonna have to pull it off in a minute i was hoping i could get the bendic not the bendix the kick down in it i keep wanting to say bendix working back and forth because it's going to be a job to try to wiggle it out of here i'll have to remove this plate here i believe and a few other things to get it out and this is riveted on for some reason they liked rivets back then but it's probably better just to pull it out anyway give it a good cleaning up just to make sure we don't mess it up and well we gotta give these cylinders a lot longer to soak so i'm gonna get to finding the wrenches and getting enough courage to pull that off because don't want to mess with the brake rod well that might be the easiest now that ain't the easiest way easiest way is just to pull this off and hopefully shove it through the bottom because the nose might fit between there they made things easy to work on back then so shouldn't be too hard well the oil finally decided to stop draining out of there there's no more in it i did get the starter out of there it took a really long time so i'm not going to bore you with that part of this whole endeavor because it took longer than it should have but it's over here on this other car and as you can see i guess they made the internals out of the in these out of stainless steel because that doesn't have a liquor rust on it i'm not sure how well the camera's zooming in and the springs must be stainless steel because they're not rusted the inside of this starter looks almost brand new i did clean it with brake clean to get a little bit of the corrosion and stuff off of it but there's nothing wrong with it this starters go to work it just wanted to clean it up make sure it was good the only bad thing about it is the kick down right here is messed up it doesn't work it's frozen and i can't get the bolts off so i'm have to weld some nuts on there probably or something like that to get them off because we need a new kick down hopefully i get one ordered in here or i might just jump it from there because you don't exactly have to have the kick down because that just gets power into here you can just jump it off with a piece of wire or a jumper cable so i'm gonna get them nuts off there and get back with you guys or get them bolts off their screws out of there whatever you want to call it and then we'll see if we can put her back on there the way she came out bolt her back down and get that old engine whirling over get her some juice to her and she might fire i was able to get the little kick down off of there without messing anything up or whatever you want to call this starter bud without having to weld onto them either i just tapped on them with this little i guess it's called buffalo this little impact type whatever and they eventually came out after i did that about 30 million times and we're ready to see if she works there we go works just fine still got a little brake clean in there but she works just fine now it's just to put her back on there and see what we get so now we got the starter back on there and fixed and everything i turned the motor over a little bit to move the pistons to a different place in the cylinder before i leave tonight i'm filling them all back up with marvel mist drill because a lot of it seek leak seeped through what i was trying to say and we need to add some more well don't have to just gotta add some more to hopefully rehydrate them rings overnight it'll take spinning it over and probably getting it warm before they pop back but it's best to give it the best shot you can and don't hurt to feel them full i think that one's that top well up towards the top because not sure where that one's at i can't even see the marvel miss drilling that one or this one well this is going to finish off this jug it seems well that one's falling a long ways must be right towards the bottom and we'll hit number one again there we go there goes another gallon of marble mystery hole and i wait for around for a second or two and see if it's how fast it's seeping past the rings if it starts coming out the oil pan we know something's and if you can see that that let me go around here let me angle that up hopefully you can see that that is marvel mystery oil just straight moral mystery leaking out the oil pan this thing has absolutely no rings in it or at least one cylinder does and it's probably because it's been sudden forever let's give her a spin and see where we're at here i see that one coming up no it's going down that one's coming up had it the wrong way around that one's coming up now try to move them around a little bit in there but i'll put the plugs in it and i'll get back with you guys tomorrow so it's the next day and well i took taking out all the spark plugs cleaned them up i did order some from the parts store they'll be in tomorrow if we can't get these working real good every bit of that marble mist drill put in there yesterday is gone so we have some of this no smoke stop leak we're not trying to keep it from smoking i don't really care how bad it smokes we're just trying to get some compression to it there we go and this stuff hardly goes down a funnel so this will be fun oh maybe it will we're not going to put a whole lot in each cylinder and it may take a week for that to get down in there should take a while a long while maybe i can just pour it directly into the cylinder no it won't reach so we're gonna wait for that to go down in there we'll pour some more on top of it to maybe make gravity work a little better on it so i shot backed it all up got all that nasty junk out of there and now we're ready to spray with a little bit of brake clean by a little bit i mean quite a bit now the choke's got a weight on it there we go now she's closed up hopefully she's got enough compression oh we better hook the battery up we'll forget to do that again so hopefully he has enough compression so i'm afraid she's going to start spinning but nothing yet no nothing so whoa so she does hit scare you to death let's see here probably only hitting on one cylinder but she does hit can't really get her going fast enough by hand but nothing yet but she did hit so she is getting spark if only the dadgum starter would work i think she'd be running just don't know why i decided to quit working see that's getting juice oh there we go maybe no that ain't working okay somehow the starter started working there that was lucky she did try to hit she hit once so all the plugs are in there i've put all new spark plug wires on it they don't look the best not out to impress anybody with these we're just throwing them on here see if we can get her running just generic plug wires like i said before i did have to cut the ends of them off they look a little rough cool's on there that's a good old cool about shock you to death so it should have enough juice in it cool wires hooked up i forgot i've forgotten to do that before but this time i hooked it up i sprayed some carburetor cleaner or whatever brake clean in there and we're gonna see if she'll hit [Music] see here oh there we go i'm gonna put you guys on the tripod because i'm probably making you all dead so yesterday when i left off i told you guys i was gonna put you guys on the camera stand and spin it over and see we could get it to run but we didn't have enough compression yesterday so i filled all the cylinders completely full with a concoction of everything from oil to some penetrating fluid and everything and i've been taking the plugs out and as you can see this cylinder is completely full still i was trying to crank her over and uh it wouldn't turn over i thought it all drained out of the cylinders but this is full this one's got quite a bit in it this one's still full now one one and two are not very full i think one's just about empty if we still don't have compression here in a minute once we get all this fluid out of here and if she ain't running i do have some grease in the back of the truck we went to harbor freight and got a bunch of tools you'll see that in a future video when we build this 40 model had to get some stuff to sand blast the frame but other than that we got some grease that we'll put in on cylinder one two and probably number six because i think we're gonna need it but we're gonna give her a little crank over and if you can see all that fluid pushing out of there oh that one's well number two had fluid in it so that's a good sign so it's been a few days since we worked on this whole truck i did get it hidden just a second ago off camera for some reason it wanted to start and try to run so i'm gonna try to do that again and hopefully i can keep it running we are just using a little bit of brake clean at the moment because hopefully that'll give us enough flammable fuel and it's kind of more or less already aerosolized for it because gas just won't do nothing for it so i'm gonna give her a couple cranks and hopefully she'll fire it off for you guys come on girl you got to watch out cause the backbone about kill you that's fine [Music] no she's smoking so since we know she runs for a little while i'm gonna undo this fuel line down here it comes out of this canister i believe these are kind of like vacuum canisters i'm not exactly sure what they do i'm sure someone in the comments will tell me what they're for but i believe that's what they are i'm almost positive because there's two of them and the fuel comes through here and basically the vacuum's what pulls it through here and out of the tank underneath the seat so we're gonna undo this line and fill it full of gas and hopefully it'll fill that updraft carburetor and hopefully she'll run just about everything in these old updrafts is basically indestructible even after sudden for 81 years it should be like brand new because for some reason these old trucks like this were built so well they just didn't die i mean it set for 81 years in the woods well just say 50 years in the field 60 years in the field and then it set for another 30 years in the woods and well the engine wasn't even locked up so that's pretty surprising in and of itself i've had cars that are only parked for 30 years and the engines are stuck solid well we may not get that line off there too easy but if i can get her off there that'll be quite a bit of fuel it shouldn't drink that much on startup there we go now we're going to fill that full hopefully oh no fill up that gummy we're making a mess it was not in the plan it's leaking down there we're leaking everywhere i believe the carburetor should be full now maybe not yet the carburetor should have fuel in it now we're still going to spray a little bit on that and hopefully we haven't flooded her out i'll move you guys back here you can see let's see here yeah we got a jacked up tripod here bear with me there we go angle you guys down so the sun ain't blocking you i'm gonna hook the pool up and hopefully she'll fire off now that we got cool power we're going to go back to cranking i've about wore a hole in the bumper right here from hand cranking this thing but that's how it is sometimes oh just that easy boy she's on there she wants to run i'm telling you she's ready god bless america there we go come on come on girl you know what to do come on she's trying she knows what's good for her and that's right just i can't keep up with the fuel supply gotta be real careful because the carburetor overfills itself real easy we're gonna go until we get it running there we go wow i don't know if you guys can see that but let's see had to shut her off because she's running a little too good and we we don't have no water in her just yet but i'm gonna say that's a success of getting it running now she does smoke so dad gumbad it's ridiculous i mean if you've ever seen some smoke this holy crap god i might i've never seen something with blow by this bad yeah she'll run poor old girl spewing out all her guts have anyone left after that let me check here precious little so she does run we did answer that now i'm gonna put some oil in this thing moral because she was full a second ago but she kind of decided to puke her guts out i'll bring you guys over here and let you see i did the mosquito the neighborhood so don't have to worry about them anytime soon and down through here that's all the oil that's spitting out through the exhaust i'm hoping that was oh i forgot that thing be hot but i'm hoping that was left in the intake well not yeah not the intake but the exhaust manifold for me getting them rings to come back to life if not that means that's why it was parked because there's no rings left in it they may come back to life but i'm gonna drop the oil pan bolt drain the oil one more time and i may go to town and get some thicker oil for the old girl because it's getting past some rings just a little bit but she does run which is a good thing we are running royal purple 10 w30 i think that's a little thin probably a lot too thin so probably some 50 weight in this thing i'm going to say but it runs pretty good i'ma check the radiator situation and get back so we got the old truck running after 81 years which is pretty good i think she didn't want to run there for a while but we got compression everything got her up and running she runs pretty good except for the clouds a lot smoke she pushes out but i think that'll go away once she runs long enough i still got to put some water in the cooling system because it just pours out down there on that side i'll have to fix that later on and also going to fix the cab where it's not falling apart if you guys want to see in another video let me know and we'll put it in another video when we fix the cab and all the other stuff and we're going to go through the fuel system probably because it's a neat old truck probably going to keep it because i haven't ever seen another one but thank you guys for watching 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Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 3,148,319
Rating: 4.9002266 out of 5
Id: arxOB5u9kaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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