Did Superman finally meet his match??? | 262,000 Lb SUPER LOAD

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back so at this point you already know what we're headed to do this is the day before um there's a lot of prep for a job like this um right now behind me you can see 15 is just finishing up dropping off that wreck um and this is gonna be a little unique it's something we've actually never done um so it's uh we're thinking it's like a three hour drive um pretty sure sarge can make it but i don't want to bank on that count on that just in case something were to happen that's a long ways for sarge to drive plus it doesn't have air conditioning i feel bad for the guy that would have to drive that it's supposed to be 100 degrees tomorrow um so gosh 22 needs cleaned that's 22 we're gonna be bringing it um it'll be doing some maybe some winching but a lot for just anchorability um we are thinking that the pole is gonna be around a hundred thousand pounds which means we need to weigh 150 000 pounds um so we are actually going to be taking sarge but we are going to be towing sarge so andrew as soon as he's done there he's going to actually we're going to pull the driveline we're going to be towing sarge there we'll be i'll be driving truck 7 our medium duty we'll have obviously the rotator 15 so we'll have 22 either as just an anchor for anchorability and we'll have sarge so it's gonna be awesome there's a lot of prep that goes with this we're just out here trying to get everything sorted out i'm gonna i'm also gonna bring the recovery trailer which is behind truck 22 there it's got our cones um signs we're gonna have flaggers it's a big deal uh this thing is it's a challenge but we're so excited we love challenges we're really pumped for this there's 15 right there driving over to get ready to uh to tow sarge and then i'm gonna get truck seven and hook up to the recovery trailer and get all that ready and get all this going so we'll get to it all right so here we are we got uh 15 toe and sarge i've got the recovery trailer on truck seven and as you can see there we're got sarge hooked up we're just going to pull the driveline and we're ready to go i am going to go grab our headsets and radios for the flaggers to be able to talk back and forth and uh obviously headsets so we can talk back and forth and yeah they were ready to go in the morning i've got michael coming for the rotator mickey's going to come and drive 22. andrew's taking 15 and sarge i'm taking the medium duty and a couple of flaggers with me so let's get on the road [Music] cheers boy that thing's huge huh holy cow yeah i need to go over and stand underneath that tire so you get an idea oh my you know i'm standing by people get an idea because on camera no you couldn't see on that picture you can't even see how big that truly is compared to our rotator i know wow that is so big wow yeah are you the driver are you with the tow company oh okay any idea what just that weighs just the piece of equipment [Music] oh just that piece are you the driver how much does just the piece of equipment 160. so 260 combinations 159 900. wow gosh that's crazy okay yeah we came around the booster failed or the valve on the booster for the steerable yep that's how that's how these end up doing we we did one in um fruitland idaho same exact thing happened coming around a corner and this rear steer failed and it pushed him right into the to the hill just like that and uh so it failed and i got to this like well you see where i stop and like oh yeah right drag me back nothing you can do huh and the good thing is if it wasn't beyond there we'd have rolled over oh yeah we'd have been i'd have been done oh yeah definitely yeah it could have been worse so the only thing that's really holding it's that rock gosh that's crazy oh we got we got lots of trucks coming so we'll get her i know there's gonna be a spendy bill yeah but we'll get her out it is what it is right my boss knows yeah so he knows he wants you to just stay there for now and 22 is that what he said okay all right probably hooked to 15 or or winching what did he say oh cool just take the nose okay cool i wondered there's a pull out down below he can probably put sarge together down there but he won't know it i was telling mike that'd be a good spot to do it that's true dang it i was hoping he could do it right here actually well he probably could it's just where michael's at that first turnout and then you could just drive sarge up jeez look at that he was dragging it holy cow and he's against that rock yeah man that's a lot of weight i'm so glad we brought 22. that's so much weight all the weight on that toe oh yeah wow i can't believe that what was he sleeping yeah he was asleep i had to go wake him up at his house oh okay a little more farther down for safety good idea i think it's sharp edges yeah lots of them what else you're gonna do yep there he is i'll go help him put that together all right i got the driveline put back in on sarge finishing up putting all our snatch blocks on the trailer here and then when we're ready we will close the road completely and then position trucks okay i'm ready so we're gonna have 11 500 here okay and here we're going to have here we're going to have 24 000 with sarge okay and this will be 15. and here we have 25 000 here with 15. okay and then here we're going to have 48 000 with the rotator show off i'm just kidding so um what's that total amount of pull total plus 11.5 that's 108 500 okay plus okay 22 is going to be on the nose of the truck and that's another 14 000 pounds okay so a hundred and twenty two thousand five hundred so remember one twenty two five i'll write that down so it's 262 thousand two he can air it up so that that piece comes off the ground okay cool that will help a lot so that's rolling resistance yep which is mickey remember 13-1 yeah i'm just kind of paying attention yep and then okay so just on the rolling resistance so 15 degree gradient yeah this is a 25 of its weight rolling resistance another 5 that's a total pull of 78 600 pounds cool but some of it's not wrong we have some mired back there right with the trailer that's on the rocks we're going to be closer to 90 000. cool so we're within that and we have 126 users we have 120 2 520 usable 90. and we anchor that much too because of all the trucks right without him giving it help cool okay sounds good cool cool got all our our ends moused definitely have to uh mark all the t's and dot all the eyes on stuff like this i want to get a view of uh over here plus i haven't actually seen myself back here okay there's the meyer resistance because it's in the dirt and the trailer over there it looks like it's it's on the asphalt so okay i'll get some snatchbox put on okay [Music] so just to keep everybody informed what we're also going to do with rotator is boom out and get a high line and a lift on this right here this big old chunk of metal we can actually get a chain around that and get a lift going too or i didn't more of a high pole really than a lift yeah the radio yeah they do yep we we should have one too so that we can hear them i'm gonna go grab one out of the truck do you want to grab the headsets michael hey jacob they're gonna bring you some gatorade here in just a minute all right headsets sweet thank you yeah i'm coming have another car coming through so we got what what are we thinking now well we need to start thinking snatchbox what's going to go where yeah okay well you're going to have your sarge is not going to have [Music] so basically if i have one two three snatch blocks for 50 for 28 that's these three okay so then 15. okay so 15 needs one here yeah 15 is next to the rotator so this is 15. so do you want to just grab a snapshot off 15 or do we have one pulled out here for it well there's two behind you well i know but i don't know what we're using for seven okay well then we'll use this one for 15. right so this will be for 15. so we need another one off so we're going to use the two that are on 15. [Music] the other line is going to go down halfway down the chassis and it's going to go up to that blue line okay okay that's 15. 15 is done okay i'll go get a snatch block for seven then then the next one so you guys know what's going on that small record right there is going to be going to that very rare chain there's going to be two snatch blocks on it and three parts of the line that'll be going in that one sarge the military truck goes from the next train forward then this blue and white heavy wrecker will be next in line he'll have one line that's going to come down he's going to go to this first snatch block right here back to his truck and into that second chain there with no snatch block on it his second line is going to come down and then it's going to go up and grab that blue strip that we put on the piece on the unit up there that'll kind of give us a little bit of the next one will be the rotator it'll be in line you'll have one line coming off the deck coming through through this snatch block and back to itself then there's going to be one line on the boom hooking to the chain that's on this upper rail on the other side and then the other one on the boom is going to go up to that piece of equipment right there after it comes down to give us a little bit of a low pull now with all of that if we run the numbers if this thing is rolling on flat ground it takes five percent of its weight to move it so we calculated that in but we're going uphill 15 degrees is 25 percent of its weight so now we're at 30 percent of its weight but we have tires that are a little bit into some soft ground over there that's another 15 percent so we've calculated out we have to apply 90 000 pounds of pressure to make this thing move our trucks that we're gonna have on here are capable of holding a hundred and twenty two thousand pounds the rigging that we have on here is capable to 105 so we're going to be right there right there so because the only truck that we haven't talked about yet is the blue one but it's just going to be directly on the front jacob it's it's just going to be there just as a as an aid to help that's going to be the plan but i think we're at a point now just shut down the road we're going to start blocking throat we're just going to have to wait we're going to start setting up sounds so okay all right we'll get to it yeah i'll get seven in here kids can you put that on make sure that we'll let this truck go okay i'll bring seven okay hey wyatt jacob we are going to shut down the entire road now so both of you just going to go stop signs and we're going to start blocking up this road uh smashbox already on the line over there so i see the run oh okay you want to use blue [Music] bring it back to me so [Music] so okay i don't have tape yeah i know i don't like the angle at all in fact i'm gonna chock the tires that's tight geez that's tight fit got to be though to fit all these trucks in here this 28's got to go there maybe we'll be yeah i think we're good there okay okay okay got a load on set all right so while they're finishing up getting their trucks set up i'm gonna get some hardwood and we're gonna put this hardwood in between the duals for brakes works great he's so oh that's definitely a pretty good load there i felt that yeah on the trailer i that's much better is that where you want to be michael okay awesome yep yep okay you have tons of room on the front leg okay can you get it on there there you go go oh all right military specs are a little different um so we're good there so we're good there is this way that's you mike okay and keep moving them yeah but he's going to be inside those frames oh yeah that's because when you pulled up yeah okay i'm gonna go position on truck seven so okay yeah i'm really loaded oh yeah sarge is loaded the team's loaded he's moving [Music] he's moving oh yeah looking really good everyone just keep up okay i'm not even going yeah i'm not going i'm loose okay okay all right [Music] [Music] so catch up sarge here you go [Applause] okay [Music] that's all i'm doing yeah that's all i'm doing is just keeping it tight mickey too it's tippy okay yeah we're off the rock too i figured that yeah okay because we're getting close to that point [Music] so i'm getting close to a 90 on mine okay okay i'm getting close i got some room keep up swords there you go [Music] so good so so so it's looking really good back here so so i wish you guys could hear them talking but they're uh they're communicating right now back and forth knowing exactly how much each person's going so they're communicating back and forth go a little bit more on the high line go a little bit more but we're doing really really well here slow and steady wins the race on these things so that's enough to scare you yeah that looked good it rocks to us sounds good my yeah that was good we're way away from the rock and we're coming back up on the road how's 22 acting up there mike okay okay okay yeah this is perfect yup this is looking good guys hey michael pretty soon i'm gonna have to actually take this stuff off because i'm gonna come into the body of seven i'm free spoiled so it's pulling but pretty soon we're gonna hit the truck with my line okay all right so what michael was just saying is pretty soon i'm gonna take my stuff off and get out of here and we're gonna move the trucks down so that we can take it further so i'll get seven out of here i'll get seven out of here sorry all right so we moved it took seven off because it's too much of a 90. so it's not going to do any good it's going to just tip the truck over and sarge took the place of where seven was and so on they all just moved down so that we could pull this farther so we're doing good looking good looking good mike mike your drinks right here i was just talking to these guys that were on this end so i couldn't see a whole lot where i was never saying how much this these high lines were helping which makes sense as you have all this top heavyweight uh top end weight trying to go over they said it would try and tip tip tip and then our highlights was actually bringing it back over and uh we'd be in a lot of trouble if we didn't have those highlights because that is a lot of weight up high and that is way high so what we're going to do now is is now put the rotator's lines where 15's lines were right over there and keep these high lines on but he's gonna actually boom over a little bit so that we can get really good pull on that top end this direction as we use sarge 15 and the rotator to keep pulling the trailer back on the road and we're really close now we're way away from that rock because you guys can see all that other shot oh sure yeah it's too hot for a yellow coat it's too hot was it 101 today crazy round two is round two she's she's long far away we have really good rolling resistance [Music] now we have really good resistance out pulling you know you do it by himself now so trailer's dragging again on the asphalt so you're gonna have a little more resistance right now might want to have merit up all right the driver is going to uh air it up again and get that trailer off the asphalt a little bit so he's gonna do that now i'll watch it yeah i'm watching i'll let him know michael can let him know when it's high enough uh nothing changed on this corner that was dragging okay i should be better oh yeah that's better that's better already i can tell so so looks really good on this side so all right so the same thing that happened to truck seven has now happened to truck 15 where the line is getting too much of a 90 degree and so now we're going to take 15s and go back again over to where sarge's is pulling so we're going to be working on that now yeah i don't think you need sarge right now really good we almost got it uh what was happening was this truck now has got too much of a 90 degree angle on it and so he's to switch and go back and then we've got it it's real close now i'm glad you guys worked together what's that i'm glad you guys are working good at the team oh yeah yeah that's that's the best part of this crew is everybody working he's got a never him out oh okay there you go i just figured you guys from oregon okay cool awesome so [Music] so so so so so yeah that one's good okay uh you're you're good you're good that'll help a lot yep he is all right this should be hmm so so it's real close the trailer besides the jeep is almost on the asphalt but then you have the jeep still yet in the dirt yeah we're really close and 22. man it's just eating up that asphalt pretty bad yeah bad it's so hot out here it's just melting it yeah can you raise it more yeah it's destroying the asphalt it's taking out a bunch of asphalt over here it's taking out a bunch of asphalt over here so if we could raise it another block we'll just put the four in four okay that's what he said okay good good what four four should be better look at that asphalt there just just cutting it well it's 100 degrees right i mean it's just going to cut that up don't let me forget i got chips and sandwiches for everybody you want mike to go too right okay yeah yeah i honestly think pretty soon here we're gonna be okay if we just put 15 on the truck and go i think we got it i'm not over there now so there you can see how much we've pulled it here's where it used to be no not at all you know could have been a lot worse that thing's what caused it i know yeah that's the last one we did there was it was one of those windmills weighed like 250 000 pounds and same thing rear steering went like this and went into a bank yeah i mean you can't control we where he was way over there that thing went over yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you don't know as a driver you're thinking okay and then all of a sudden wait a second and your butt end goes in i mean it'd be hell the trailer itself right 95 grand is it really wow we're about 200 and 262 000 wow 260 thousand yeah that guy said 262 i think was what that's crazy oh it's a lot of weight yeah with birds you guys are nap aren't you yep yeah we live in middleton oh okay yeah cool very impressive yes definitely yeah it's opened up all kinds of possibilities for us things we never do that's right my dad only the best my son calls me superman oh there you go i try to stay young you you gotta take some pictures of these trucks and send them to him or show it to him did you okay cool yeah he'll like the superman see what we were gonna do we were gonna try to get the whip off oh wow they had one record come out of yesterday and i'm thinking oh you're kidding me yeah you're not going to be able to touch that don't touch that yeah when they called us they said they called around a bunch of places and couldn't find anybody that could even touch it called us i said yep we got it we got it it will come out i love stuff like this new challenges are just so fun because then you all you get together as your team your crew you sit down you figure out all the numbers and what we can do and all right we're super close we've basically got it on um the driver does not think he's gonna be able to get up to speed and get going from this incline and i agree with him so what we're gonna do is put uh 15 on front of him and help him pull up this road to get him up and out of here but we've pretty much got it all on the asphalt this is the last pull now and then like i said yeah we'll get 15 out there and pull them get them going on the road all right rotator's gonna reset and get this last last little go here so yeah you're you're real close the jeep is almost on the asphalt you're on asphalt over here all right he's gonna try and do it himself first but if not we're gonna have 15 come in front of him just in case so 15 is coming up here yeah you gotta get out in front of him just in case he can't make it up well he's gonna try it first without us pulling on him oh no break break break he's trying again break let's not try thank you we'll hook to you that's a lot of weight to get moving there's a lot of weight to get going i am he's trying he's trying there you go baby yeah nice job good job andrew [Music] okay someone tell tell andrew when that guy's gonna stop okay good there good andrew good andrew i do i do hey why are you there wyatt can you hear me okay okay wyatt go ahead and let your group down yep go ahead and let your traffic through wyatt okay and jacob make sure everybody on your end stops yeah she's gonna tell it back that way it'll flatten out down the other side yeah i'll tell it andrew can hear me uh one of the guys that knows this area well said about two miles but it gets really flat and then starts going down heavy okay so then they everybody stop the traffic then what you think we're gonna ask him michael was wondering if you want to try and do it yourself here it's up to you okay he's gonna try he's gonna try since he's a little flatter here okay it's detached go ahead go forward give him some room andrew okay okay i should be good i think all right that'll do it that was exciting that was fun thanks for watching everybody and god bless we'll see you all in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Country Repair
Views: 2,183,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Recovery, Super load, Heavy haul, Rotator, Heavy, Semi
Id: 2abN2kdoKmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 42sec (4182 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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