We have come for you! Konrad Curze & The Night Lords | Warhammer 40k Lore

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[Music] welcome everyone to the adeptus ridiculous podcast i'm dk and this podcast is all about learning we're going to be learning about the ridiculous world of warhammer from lifelong fan bricky because i am a relative newbie and we gotta give a huge shout out to all of our patrons over at patreon.com adeptus ridiculous because bricky we are less than 50 dollars away from the 2 000 goal so [ __ ] i didn't realize i didn't really get that close hot damn 1978 dollars per month as of recording this episode so we are right there and once we have that two thousand dollar goal we're going to be uploading a lot more to the youtube channel a lot of gaming content more uh mini painting and stuff like that so again if you enjoy the episode definitely go over to patreon.com adept this ridiculous sign up you get access to our discord which is always bumping and we have we have emotes all over that joint um yes we do we just got a new one i'm not sure who that is i think it's a harlequin oh it's it's keckarack so so the garlic queen god is called keggerock no one knows how to pronounce it so it's kekarek it's just it's just it's just the total biscuit lol facebook with the harlequin yeah i did not understand the reference and now i love it that's right we haven't done harley's yet that'll that'll be eventually it's going to become our new motto where we just constantly say that'll be in a future episode because you said that like a thousand times actually yeah with with the new once we hit the 2k me and shy were actually talking about doing the book club idea uh where we could actually do like every month we read one book and then we can have a like a video discussing our thoughts on the book and everything and that could be kind of like an additional episode we could upload at some point in the beginning of the month um she told me about that i i'm on board because i know there are a ton of books and i would love uh any excuse to get into it so head over to the patreon support it oh yeah and you also get like outtakes and bloopers because i am always ruining the intro and that's usually what the bloopers are all about but not today shy not today uh we also have really cool hd posters uh so definitely go check out the patron but today we're doing night lords and uh the only thing i know about night lords is they're blue they have wings and apparently they're terroristy so it's that's the episode take us home bricky all right my friends so remember 9 11. it's pretty bad right i'd say it was pretty bad so conrad kurz looked at that comrade kurz was like i could do better and then and that is the story of the night lords so okay okay so no matter because jesus so no no meme no meme i knew i think the night lords may have been my least knowledgeable uh like space marine legion i i think i knew more about every other chaos legion more than i knew about them because i'm trying to think of all the other chaos legions out there i'm trying to think of like uh like the emperor's children the death guard the apple okay i can't necessarily say i know much about the alpha legion but that's that's not fair there are so many other ones like even the iron warriors and all i knew plenty of night lords i knew jack and that's all right i gotta say i'm a i'm a bit of a believer i am i was floored i normally only have about two pages of notes i've got four i am conrad kurz is a really really interesting character this this episode i don't know if shai's gonna name this one like the night lords this episode should really be called conrad curse and the night lords or something like that because this episode is almost entirely dedicated to conrad kurz he is a really well written primark i am so surprised i hope the five night lords fans are really happy right now because this is great i'm i'm so stoked there have to be more than five night lords fans because like i remember when we were pitching ideas for the next one like night lords were popping up everywhere for me like in the discord people like oh i gotta see how dk reacts to conrad curse and the night lords uh i was seeing that my twitch chat like oh hey when you guys are gonna cover the night lords because oh my god i can't wait to see like they got to be kind of popular right a little bit maybe maybe just because they're so like brutal that it's kind of interesting but you know maybe maybe we should just get into it and then you can find out for yourself yeah let's just let's just do that so uh the knight lords are the eighth space marine legion they're chaos undivided which means they're one of the few chaos marines that didn't actually follow a specific god they're just kind of like like spread across the whole deal they just kind of follow whatever like you know death guard plagues to nurgle yeah a thousand sun is a scene they're just kind of there there's a couple people like that i think um like the word bearers and horace's boys at the time oh um they just follow chaos in general yeah they just kind of fall like they're just like the will of the dark gods as opposed to particularly being in the pocket of a specific god most of the guys don't like that uh but it's more of like a well whatever i'll just deal with okay yeah um at least the chaos yeah at least you're working for us so as we remember as you know good old zinc sure whoever yoinked all the primarks from the big ea's lab and threw them across the galaxy now mr conrad kurz landed on a planet called nostromo um and the stromo is a human hive world so it's one of those like imagine new york but across the planet type thing yeah yeah um and it's cool cities yeah just pure cities and it's world okay well first things first the dude flew into the planet so hard he like blew through the crust and went very close to the molten core of the planet and then he like had to punch his way back to the surface as an infant so he already started off bad but he got heated into the planet so hard he went through the crust and came close to the liquid magma core of the planet very close so this is a mining world this is a mining world this world is has like a bunch of adamantium which is like a thing in this not just like a wolverine thing like anime team is a legitimate thing um and so they mine it a ton so probably it may have been like a little bit brittle or whatever but he just went like whoa and he had to punch his way out now nostromo is practically a character like this planet i was literally streaming minecraft yesterday and i wanted to download a mod to increase the rain and make it perpetually night to make it like a nostromo city because nostromo orbits a dying star whose light barely touches the planet so this is a planet in perpetual darkness it is a it is night forever and it rains a ton and it's just it's it's noise night there's no sun and because of this place for night lords yeah that's actually that's where they get it i get it i get it coming together the pieces are coming together yeah um now most of the planet lived in complete abject poverty the wealthy of course owning a lot of the mining stuff the nobles and the lords but because of that crime was completely unchecked this is an entire planet of detroit okay oh this whole planet was detroit and their depression was massive due to the lack of sunlight and stuff and honestly the only thing keeping the population growth in line was suicide when that's your only form of population control that's that's a warhammer that's this is a super warhammer planet this is so warhammery it might as well be the poster legion for warhammer so whenever i think of video games i tend to think about like who has had the worst time like who's had just like the worst time in games and i think like oh like joel from the first last of us had a pretty bad time and i i keep thinking about different people and i think about you know what isaac clark from dead space had a really bad time you know yeah conrad kurz is the isaac clark so he was not taken in by anybody he grew up alone he was not given a foster family he lived and raised himself in the hive city killing feral rodents and and feasting on them in in corners of dark machinery rooms he was slept where people couldn't see him and him like many of the other people on that place were like super pale because of the no light no i'm sure and of course adding to the fact that he had no family no friends he was completely alone he also was plagued by consistent and constant visions of a dark nightmarish future and every time he went to bed he had nightmares of just like everyone dying he had nightmares of his own death he had nightmares of the people of of um of nostromo calling for his name he just was caught like constant visions of just destruction and even as a child he had to kill and murder people to live um and eventually as time went on he kind of just felt like people were kind of weaker than him because even it's like a 10 year old he was a primark so he would like body 20 something year olds yep um and sometimes he ran out of food so he would kill and he would cannibalize because he had no he had no food yeah you know it's just like that plane crash you know you got to make a decision do you die or do you cannibalize the rugby guys yeah i think so yeah yeah i remember that that was [ __ ] yeah yeah that was that we'll show us this yeah but this is like the conrad did anything good happened to him yeah did anything good ever happened to him well let's let's look kinda so okay eventually eventually either like some kind of like maybe like a inner being or like a personal pride or maybe divine or divinity from the emperor or just something he was determined to bring a nostromo some like kind of justice right so as time was going on gang members criminals like rapists they were found like just kind of disappearing they just sort of stopped showing up uh but then they would show up as their bodies would show up crucified onto the walls and and mutilated uh large sheets of their skin would be hung off of bridges and their heads piked onto railings um severed bodies severed body parts clogged storm drains this just keep happening like all of these criminals would just go away yeah and then it's hard to feel bad for them but holy [ __ ] well most of them it was criminals if i'm being honest oh okay um so then this became like a story he was then deemed as like the night haunter which is the name of conrad kurz that's his nickname the night hunter okay um what about some people considered him like an avenging spirit angel of blind just as the murderer of murderers all that kind of stuff right okay um gang members were sent to go get him to stop him and they would return with no eyes with their eyes plucked out and no hands but their tongues left specifically to say the simple phrase i am coming for you and now he started he started small he started like eventually someone was getting mugged and he'd go help then he would start tracking down the muggers then mafia syndicates then syndicate leaders he he [ __ ] he even saw suicide as a crime so if someone was going to kill themselves he'd go to them and then like murder and mutilate them so they don't kill themselves oh god wait wait i i know i know i know okay i'm just like this is really adept it's ridiculous because he saw suicide as a crime so he mutilated and murdered the person so so it's like he's like trying to send a message right that's obviously other people that like so he's like don't kill yourself don't i thought you were just getting like oh yeah you know if you were going to commit suicide and you found out about it he'd find you mutilate you torture you but leave you just enough alive that you would regret trying it again or something but no just no he you just kill you the punishment for crime is death every crime was death you see after one year crime rate dropped to near zero the night haunter was a a horror story you told the children uh like there was no curfew enacted for the laws but personal curfews of like don't go out past 10 were taken into effect conrad himself went to the hierarchy of rich nobles and the criminals and said hey like kneel to me or die some did some didn't and with that some died and with that he became the first ever self-imposed ruler of nostromo he was the first monarch let me let me let me read you a quote from good old conrad kurz this is going to be so that isn't it this is him addressing the gathering of like nobles he says by reason by truth i have learned how your hearts and minds function with that lore i brought peace to this culture at the cost of freedom peace reigns as i reign i wouldn't expect your little minds to understa understand you are a little man with little dreams you've ushered in the peace of the graveyard a piece at the cost of surrendering all choice but freedom the city lies in terror forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulders yes yes but every sin is punished but punished by death no matter the crime no matter the scale of the sin the people of the city live in silence lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you yes listen listen to the sound of raw silence is it not serene so it's weird because like he's like batman and the joker the joke is that he's like batman because the batwings and everything but he's batman but yo i'm gonna cut your penis off and put it in a storm train like he's very weird he's like super murder batman which is indeed very weird uh jesus he's boy um but hey that crime rate though right zero almost nothing flatlined good for him i think so he was known as the dark king of of nostromo and would rule through fear alone as he just hunted people who didn't agree with him sometimes he was benevolent sometimes monstrous the the people of the city of the the world they shared increased efficiency in the mining and export of adamantium the output they they shared the wealth as they shared fear like after a few decades there was zero crime actually zero literally numb the city was completely silent after a certain period of time he had no need to hunt people anymore because anyone he did hunt he would he would publicly broadcast to every tv in every household that he forced to put in there and he would take the criminal and he would mutilate and torture them on camera and broadcast it to the entire planet oh wow he's like look at this criminal and now watch as i like pull off his legs oh god in the tv he installed in every house every single house purpose efficiency went up tenfold the people became rich the entire planet prospered it became a paradise besides the fact that it was dark as [ __ ] it was always raining but it's in terms of like financial paradise sure it was as good as it could be i mean there's not a whole lot you can do about fixing that it's always dark it's you know it's a dying star so but damn the fact that you could get a planet like that that was just all murderers and rapists and just to zero that no one wants to be mutilated by a like a by a ten foot tall pale greasy haired monster yeah that's a lot of murder so can you guess who came i mean if i had to guess is isn't it always the imperium or emps that shows up at some point you know it biggie's on his way of course now naturally though kurz knew this was coming because he still was forced into these like nightmares emperor arrived and basically so so it's kind of con assumed that kurz had like some kind of psychic foretelling like did you ever watch that one simpsons episode where ned flanders would touch people and he would see how they die sounds vaguely familiar so it was an old stephen king book called the dead zone where a guy would touch someone and they would and he would visualize their death um that the symptom was called the ned zone because you know he kind of had that his nightmares and fear kind of had this psychic foretelling like he would dream of terrifying things of his own death of his brothers killing each other by the hands of like each like each other he would dream all this stuff but he just wouldn't say anything because he basically dreamed the nightmarish future and he just knew it right like emperor landon with his whole crusade with his like thousands of ships like blotting the sky and he came down there and this giant lockstep of soldiers and all these people were watching and like oh my god holy [ __ ] like what in the goddamn hell they were scared into submission they saw this just insane failings of people in fact because of the way nostromo's light was anyone who looked directly at the emperor was permanently blinded he was because he glowed so bright with his golden armor and flaming sword that their their pale skin and their retinas couldn't handle it so like they could like see him on the corner of their eye but if they look directly at them they were blinded forever they were permanently blinded it went blind i mean i guess it's basically so little light on the planet that even the an emperor is so [ __ ] he's such a bright larger-than-life character that yeah i make sense oh it's it's like it's like getting though some guys who were trapped in a mine for a while like a bunch of albino guys and be like flashbang out like it's just not it's not a good idea it's fair that's a that's fair representation of it okay gotcha so all of them made their way up to the dark king's throne as he's sitting there just totally quiet and four smaller than the emperor but four men stood in front of him and the first one walked up uh and greeted him first and his name was rogel dorn the primark of the imperial fists and as kurz saw him his like mind's eye so they kind of call his visions um he saw the the man being dragged to his death by a hundred murderers in a dark dark tunnel and then the second person that stood up was a man named lorgar and he saw him surrounded by a psychic fire beaming into the sky the third one was ferrous manus primark of the iron hands and he saw him with isle of an eyeless head being clutched by an armored warrior which was uh when he got it decapitated by fulgrim in the battle of the dropside massacre i was gonna say these sound like some accurate visions yeah and then the last guy was fulgrim that he that walked up as well and i forgot what fulcrums was actually i don't know filgram had a vision he just saw that sexy body i think he was just like oh my gosh though but then after that the emperor went up and before he could speak kurz saw a vision so terrible that he immediately dropped to the ground and attempted to claw out his own eyeballs before the emperor grabbed his hands and stopped him and i quote it says the emperor said be at peace conrad i intend to take you home and then conrad curtis said that is not my name father my people gave me a name and i will bear it until my dying day and i know full well what you intend for me i sounded more like a pirate than batman but good ever dude is the leader of the orcs the free buddhas [Laughter] the free but had buddha get into this dude the free free buddha no he had the buddhists get into this man god there are no buddhist religions bad remember it's i know i know i know so anyway biggie took them took good old curse and he brought his legion of course uh the night lords and the night lords used pretty much nothing but like a cold quiet efficient display of brutal force the night lords were just like like a blunt object of terror and they were really good at it they were really good at it but problems soon came um as soon as conrad left nostromo immediately peace was gone the moment he bailed it went right back into lawlessness just complete chaos again oh no and and with time the new recruits that they would get from there were not the finest warriors they were gutter scum criminals and this is kind of the concept that the night lords as a legion because the legions normally normally comes from terra and so they kind of like they're bolstered in that way so they're pretty normal but it started to kind of corrupt the legion from within as these criminals and bad and like other problems came from the stroma the legion became a little worse a little more terroristy and curse of course led the legion and they took after him and well you know [Music] that's that's the weird thing about them is that the nightlords weren't like a necessary terrorist thing like they enjoyed murder and slaughter just because they liked it there was no like deep dark red they just they just enjoyed it because they were made up of like criminals and horrible people from the stramis yeah and and they're just yeah they're just like they just liked to maim there's no if ands or buts they just slowly became to really enjoy what they were what their job was and the emperor used it quite well he's like he would use them as terror troops he would normally he would like have a planetary governor who would refuse a tithe like i need a hundred thousand guardsmen the governor was like no and he would be aware of that and he would send out the night lords and often they would be like oh okay and then we just give them their dudes and then sometimes we would have and i quote we have received your offer of surrender and reject it we did not come to receive your supplication but to enact judgment the time to surrender has long passed the verdict is written by your own hands now is the time to die okay i'm sorry here's our dude it's like too bad too late you should have done this you die sir sir the time to put your test on the online portal was exactly one hour ago you have failed the class forfeit your life jeez i mean what better terror squad to have though right that's what they do i mean they're really good at their job they remember the flayed ones and the necrons so like you you showed me earlier the night lord raptors which was the old um the jet pack group of night lords yeah if you look at them they're donned with heads and skulls and skin draped all over their armor like oh yeah they are aren't they yeah like a flayed one the fl a flayed one in a necron it has a virus where it uh like it doesn't make any sense that it hungers for human flesh it has an insatiable appetite to drape itself in human flesh or hunger for human flesh which makes no sense because it's a robot these guys are just like yo skin and they just like slap it on them yo skin and then cut it they do it because they think it's cool and fun the necrons are literally like disease not disease but they're they've got something wrong with them yeah it makes no sense but they're just like they got a problem they're just like whoa so first sent you the picture of those minis i didn't notice that that was flayed flesh now i'm like oh god they are terrible that that is those are decapitated heads and that's that's a literal flesh loin cloth out of context that's a little weird to say but the man the man just takes some dude's scrotum and he just puts it there that's like a little he's like oh we've got to use a loincloth so you can't see my junk but i'll cover it with another dude's junk i'll cover it with more i'll cover my scrote with more scrote [Laughter] it's like double bagging scrotception dude nostromo recruits um they continue to poison the legion and as the poisoning continued he started having far worse dark visions his nightmares got a lot worse his legion fighting other legions that kept on plaguing him he saw his own death constantly now he realized his homeworld state and he really tried confiding in his brothers about it but none of his brothers cared they none of them liked him they they saw him they saw him as a pale creepy gremlin because he had he had like jet white skin and greased the he they saw him as a freak consistently the only person who showed him any real respect i think was horus because horus was nice to everybody and i think fulgrim um i might be i might be a little wrong on that one so i don't think me but i think fulgrim was one of the only ones that was like okay with him um this reached a breaking point though he had a big mission with the emperor's children which was uh fulgrim himself and the night lords and the imperial fists which was rogueldorm and uh he immediately had an insane nightmarish vision fit and he collapsed to his knees and he started like freaking the [ __ ] out so fulgrim rushed to his aid and through like tears he told fulgrim everything he told him all the visions he's been having the heresy his own death he told him everything he could he confided in his brother and fulgrim took this information to rogueldorn and we haven't covered rogueldorn yet but he's been brought up a couple times but not in depth i like doran a lot i think he's really cool but if you looked up in the uh the dictionary stick up its ass you'd find a picture of rogueldorn he is such a like by the book like emotionless just he's super he has he doesn't have a lot of sympathy he's very like cold calculated oh god this is gonna end well for uh for our night lord buddy then isn't it well good old dorne did not take this lightly these statements and he went to go confront conrad kurz uh and then when fulgrim went to go see what happened dorne was found unconscious on the ground with large chunks of skin missing from his torso and wonder what happened well curse was still there he he didn't leave he was in complete tears he in guilt and anguish he was like bawling and because he didn't know what the hell he was doing he it's like he's like looking at his bloodstained hand like not able to control himself so he was then taken into custody for this obviously sure um and while they were trying to figure out what to do with him because they're like he's our brother he's obviously has a problem something's wrong with him after they decided if they figured out what they were planning on doing they went to go to a cell and there were two completely butchered and maimed imperial fist guards and he was gone and so what he did was he took a ship and either through a twist of fate or the warp just being or chaos gods he traveled all the way back to his home planet of nostromo and his brothers did not follow suit they or they tried to but i guess they were too slow the warp slowed them down or something now nostromo being up the horrible horrible place had upped its mining efficiency pretty heavily so a lot of the core and the crust of the planet was rather volatile kurz saw this planet his upbringing the source of his visions the source of the corruption of his of his group he saw it disgusting and it's thinking back into its own way as a planet of criminals and that the they thought the emperor would like would understand but no so conrad kurz did the only thing he thought was best he was like this big red button that says exterminatus oh i was worried that's where you were going [Music] and he went well blammo and he fired one single lance of light into the molten core of nostromo and like that billions upon billions of people just immediately died i i um i post a picture of what the planet looks like it is uh just the molten crust just cracked and burned the entire surface of jet black wow that's that's extreme it is he it's almost like it's almost like when you've got a problem with yourself and this is a physical embodiment of everything wrong with you so if i destroy this if i destroy this poison i'll be okay again i'll stop having nightmares i'll stop feeling horrible it it didn't i was gonna say it didn't work did it because this is not a hammer and that'd be way too easy i say way too easy oh he just blew up a planet his home planet too easy but yeah there's no way that was gonna solve all his problems i'm okay now guys i'm fine don't worry about it yeah i'm chill now bro so after doing so he thought the emperor would understand like he he the emperor consistently would try to reprimand him for being too terroristy but he never did anything the emperor was always like you better knock that off cursed it's a little too terroristy but he never punished him he he felt like the emperor was just trying to save face you know he was trying to be like his finger at him and not actually doing anything no he didn't do anything and he's thought the emperor would agree with him like the the the emperor was very angry it's like you said specifically to use the power of force to thwart those he doesn't agree with like he allowed sanctioned terrorism and destroying a planet of criminals is somehow not acceptable yeah fair and like it wasn't true criminals yeah what the emp has done with the [ __ ] he's done he's like you [ __ ] hypocrite yeah and personally a lot worse than just exterminating us a planet full of criminals yeah it's he's he's kind of a douche so curse is like [ __ ] you dad not only did you not show me any love all your my brothers hate me i've got something wrong with me and i don't know what it is and i can't fix it and so after that i'll do another quote it says i have seen darkness witnessed it in my dreams i am standing at the edge of a chasm there is no escaping it i know my fate for it is the future and nothing can prevent it coming to pass so i step off and welcome the dark this is kind of the the turning point for conrad um yeah when when horus finally turned traitor he was more than willing to join both out of anger and and just because he got to kill more people yeah i was gonna say it probably doesn't take a whole lot to push conrad into being with horus and with the heresy and turning on the imperium i'm sure that was just like hey you wanna and before i can even finish like yeah sure yeah yeah i'll go with you yeah sure okay i'm down hey let's do it like horus was like you can kill and murder and maim as much as you want and him and his legion were like [ __ ] yeah sign me up it's an outlet it's like he's like at this point i'm just i this is all i can do this this satiates me i need something so it's just a good outlet for him it's like an outlet for his rage yeah um obviously like i mentioned earlier he doesn't pledge to a single god do you remember the uh drop site massacre yes yes so uh ferris manus was killed by fulgrim they they uh like did like a flank on vulcan and everything so vulcan was captured by by conrad uh vulcan of the salamanders that is um but vulcan because of the way they write nowadays is a perpetual which means you can never truly die right um so he'll just like kind of rebuild himself from like practically the atoms he exists of okay which is in my opinion stupid but um it's it's just what they did i for a while vulcan was like those characters that was just super badass and would never seem to die he would survive crazy things i guess they wrote a reason why it kind of underplays the coolness of it but basically he can't die he can consistently regenerate himself it doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain though he he still feels everything so so you know take for what you will you know maybe living forever in 40k isn't a good thing no if you're gonna feel everything that's that might be more of a curse than a blessing yeah but conrad at this point was really going off the deep end he was going pretty crazy so he decided that the best thing that he could do was to torture vulcan consistently he was angry that he can't seem to kill him so he instead took sadistic pleasure in torturing him and even though it enraged him that he wouldn't die he he took a hundred bolters and close reigns shot him he had him stripped and flayed he like threw him on a narrow lock into deep space he he took psychers and he would uh [ __ ] with his brain so that he would constantly be forced to do like a noble task save a civilian or like save a child and make it so that he would fail every time just to constantly run into these mental ringers and he kept he just kept going this went on for god knows how long and vulcan the entire time would not break his mind would stay there like his body broke oh yeah yeah but his mind would not would not break because vulcan's a [ __ ] boss i was gonna say like getting tortured for that long and having a body that never dies and constantly feeling that and constantly like hi [ __ ] like he must have gone crazy he must have gone bat [ __ ] insane because it's like at that point you're just like please kill me like i want um yeah well he couldn't but i'm sure at that point vulcan is just like oh god i [ __ ] hate this power yeah yeah at that point he's probably like man this sucks this is [ __ ] like he died he was like he was like bludgeoned to death he was like stabbed he's so much [ __ ] it was stripped like he was put into like like strip naked and just thrown at the airlock he was like thrown into like the engine the machinery like everything that could have happened to him happened to him um eventually he wanted he still wanted to break his mind so um we haven't talked about perch robbo yet he's the primark of the iron warriors uh him and doral doran have like a like a feud but percharabo is like like like a seizure guy but basically he's really good at building mazes and [ __ ] okay so he created a gigantic maze nigh impossible to understand like completely impossible it was kind of it was kind of crazy what exactly he had but basically it was like a mental labyrinth that had featureless walls and strange geometry that made it impossible to map out and escape after like three turns you couldn't map anything else and it was it was basically the concept that like okay i want to make vulcan go crazy by trying to wander this labyrinth and eventually go insane because obviously killing him doesn't work i need to break him this way and at the end of the labyrinth was vulcan's gigantic hammer he has this really big hammer which is actually super cool um but basically the entire point in his war hammer ha well you know to get him there but vulcan being the boss that he is eventually found his way after a long time and he did the impossible reclaimed his hammer used it to uh fight 1v1 curse a little bit but he had a secret teleporter in the hammer and he teleported away and so he got away and this made curtis very upset you don't say after all that work after torturing him for that long putting him in the maze oh man yeah i'm sure he was not a happy boy no he was not um there's also a couple very interesting things that he did like he fought lionel johnson there they had quite quite a crazy duel i don't really want to get too into that one mainly because i didn't get enough i didn't fully find a good way to talk about it without like skimming over way too many details perhaps we'll talk a little bit more about it when we do dark angels but i i don't i like the character of kurz more than the actual like fighting that he does so gotcha so as this goes it is very very like he's starting to become like a real gremlin like between his pale skin and how far he's gone he is ugh he is not he is not happy so so you know the heresy happens horus died he however unlike the rest of his group and friends that went to the eye of terror he just went to the eastern side of space and just continued to like terrorize people and murder people because out of the sheer anger of failing he's just like well [ __ ] you i'm still gonna murder people so he just kept on he just kept on going like he would not stop just doing what he loves he he absolutely adores it and as time went the emperor was like okay it's about time for this to be over so he sent about half of the cowardice temple that is an assassin temple entirely made of i think it's mostly female um assassins that wear like they they're people do a lot of porn of them um they have like a a black skin tight suit but the idea is that they have a drug called polymorphism which allows them to adjust their body structure to like go as crazy as to look like an orc like they can take the face of anybody like they they're it's perhaps like a shape shifter okay um but they um oh yeah very handy yeah but he said like half the whole temple to go get him and one of them named em shen or machen it's like am apostrophe shen uh was the singular lone agent posted a picture that's actually the death cult assassins uh shy i'm calling you out on this one that's the uh that is incorrect let me i got this bada bing there you go i was gonna say i can see why people make a lot of porn of them i i get it you got it like the title that's called assassins baby another day yeah um but the cowardice assassin and m shem was there and was kind of like purposely allowed to get in there now like at this point curse was like a naked hunched monster in his ship and his last last words were your presence does not surprise me assassin i have known of you ever since your craft entered the eastern fringes why did i not have you killed because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all i have ever said or done i merely punished those who had wronged just as your false emperor now seeks to punish me death is nothing compared to vindication because this is the dream he's been dreaming about all his life yes him in his ship with the assassin and the last thing we saw of curse was his crazy black eyes and a lipless cruel smile and at that point conrad kurz was killed and shen is the only non-primark the only mortal to have ever killed a primark and conrad kurz kind of submitted himself to death and that's the story of curse jeez that's where we're at the um that's the night lords are still around the neighbors are still around they're still they're still operating they're still crazy you know they still operate today still cause tons of terrorism they're still awful um nightlords are still plenty around there's actually a couple of books on them that are apparently quite good that i haven't read yet but where where are the night lords based now that kurz is gone are they still out and they can't be out like in the eastern fringes they're they're just dead i don't know exactly what part of the of the um map they're in because i don't remember when exactly he died but it wasn't too long past the heresy so it's been many years oh okay um but there's still i mean it's the same thing like the black legion was horus boys and they're still quite popular because of abaddon and yeah there's still plenty of that going on but yeah just because the primark's gone doesn't mean doesn't mean the legion is done no because the iron hands are still like super popular oh yeah ferris is dead so so kurz only died because he let the assassin kill him right like if he wanted to like if he really felt like oh yeah i i don't want to die right now he could have easily stopped it it's assumed we don't know exactly how far he degraded uh we don't know exactly to what extent he was just like a total gremlin but it's generally assumed that way because to him his visions everything he constantly talked about everything he warned people about never ever ever listening to him and he's kind of like you know death is suitable or is not as bad as vindication like i would much rather be right in this situation than to uh than to survive and yeah so there's um oh i don't remember if it was in the story of troy there was someone that was like the gods gifted them with like perfect prophetic vision but the but the flip side of it was no one would ever believe them no matter what they said no matter how many times they were right nobody would ever believe them so even though they were always warning people that this [ __ ] horrible stuff would happen no one ever believed them it always came to pass that was your cross to bear kind of reminds me a little bit of curse now a little bit yeah that makes sense it sounds like it yeah i mean that's kind of that's kind of cursed this thing is he's like i would a lot of people d or think that um kurz actually had dissociative personality disorder oh um and the idea is that his benevolent kind self was one part of him and the night hunter was the inner persona that he constantly had to deal with and he kind of in a sense had two separate kind of personalities constantly in clash with each other the the terroristy deep underbelly part and the normal hymn and the only reason that the night hunter part succeeded was because nobody gave a [ __ ] and nobody listened or even cared right right and the idea is that possibly at the end of his death that's kind of when the normal hymn was there and he was like okay i i can finally be free and be and finally die damn curse had a rough life didn't he curse did not have a good time from the very get-go he almost gets yeted into a [ __ ] planet's core has to survive punches his way out he punches his way out as an infant uh spends most of his adolescence like alone on a planet full of scum and criminals i mean hunts them down finally gets to like be the leader of the planet emperor comes and kind of [ __ ] all that up oh god what a shitty life what that's that kind of sucks for him it does i i guess i should say this just in case technically we don't uh there's no footage of kurz's death um as the assassin left to kill him like they had like camera feeds that cut out kind of thing so there it's so technically there is no visual confirmation of the kill but the assassin said she did it and and you know it's if they're gonna pull some gw [ __ ] and bring him back i'll be thoroughly annoyed but i think most people are in agreement that he's he's pretty dead yeah like well with the way that story goes there would be no reason for him to like really try and fight that off or like survive right because like indication right yeah it makes complete lore set i'm assuming if they bring him back the people who will be the most angry are the night lords fans because it very much is like it works with his character and if he does have the dissociate personality problem then it works even better yeah it's it truly does feel like a um it's a fitting end for him and it's it's definitely a good reason why you should maybe become friends with a quiet kid at school before he yeah before before he goes and and hangs your buddy up by his innards yeah and where's wears his uh the flesh of his flayed corpse as a kilt or something yeah good that's the kind of kilt yeah it's like look at my new kill guys it's made from your friend that's lehman russ's problem with all the scots oh oh i actually yes i forgot that shai wants me to say something about the assassin that killed conrad because she is no longer alive oh okay so um the death her death had been foreseen by his visions as well uh he he knew that his legion would like let her escape um but he also knew that um or the talus valkorin which is one of the called the soul hunter it's an apothecary or a former apothecary of the nightlords he's like one of the night lord characters um and the entirety of his legion would disobey his final orders and pursue the assassin in the name of vengeance and so she was relentlessly pursued across the galaxy uh by a night lord talon master and the former apothecary and she eventually met a horrible fate at the hands of the apothecary despite initially holding talos at bay he blinded her with his acidic spit deafened her with his augmented scream and impaled and disembowelled her with his chainsword and then tore her body to pieces that's a very warhammer vengeance death isn't it it is uh however despite her death her video recorder built into her like suit uh did manage to reach tara which had the final words in the assassination of the night hunter so um she so it makes a lot of sense that he is definitely dead because they wouldn't have gone for vengeance that hard yeah but uh yes so she she does die as well in a pretty horrible death for killing the knight lords but which is surprising they caught very because lord death that's a very night lord way to exact vengeance yeah so real quick uh are the since we always thought have to talk about the tabletop a little bit um are the night lords pretty good in the tabletop are they not that great i know they have minis i don't know they're i don't know if they're good if i'm being honest they're pretty [ __ ] but that's not really a night lord it's not really a night lord's problem that's like chaos space marine problem um they haven't got their codex yet which means that they haven't gotten the fancy new tools which is mainly more hp that the marines have gotten um that's the main thing is that for a while marines only had one health now they have two but the chaos ones haven't been updated so they still only have one oh so they're pretty yeah it's pretty bad for them um they themselves have a couple particular abilities that i find incredibly good um okay like uh they have um they're mainly about leadership so if they're near people they lower their leadership which makes people run away from like a morale thing uh which isn't very it isn't very good it's not a factor very often in warhammer in the tabletop but it makes sense like from a from a point of view yeah yeah absolutely um no they're they're fine they're their main thing is raptors which are these uh marines with like gigantic uh jetpacks but personally they have some i think their best part is their stratagems which is some fun uh abilities like the and the names are so good like oh uh make make you harder to hit it's called in in midnight clad or uh from the night pray on the week flay them alive we have come for you um there's some there's some pretty great ones i know right uh personally they have one called vox scream which is my favorite it's um it makes it so like if you have like an aura that makes you more powerful like a six-inch thing it turns it off the actual flavor text says hideous screams of an aggressive technovirus infiltrate the communication systems of the target temporarily rendering it uh incapable of command that's kind of cool that sounds that sounds helpful um shai just posted a picture of their new terminators and they look i i i actually look pretty [ __ ] cool i got to be honest yeah they look hideous in in a great war-hammery way because they look nasty yeah yeah yeah they look gross like they've got all that flayed skin one of them's i don't know is he standing on organs or is that a rock oh [ __ ] he's got a big pile of organs under his foot yeah that's a big pile of i was like anybody lords it's such an important thing night lords yeah and he's wrapped in the flesh of humans he's got that flesh loin cloth again they've all dude he does got that fleshly cloth they've all got it they're covering their scrotus with more scrotes he's got the double scrote yes grosception that's you'll scrop me up scotty let's not make that a t-shirt idea everybody throw me up squad scotty let's not do scrotum based merch ideas eh i just i respectfully disagree if we're gonna do any merch idea it should be doge van dyer oh absolutely every episode needs a cameo from our boy doge van dyer the doge variant of the man that is literally worse than hitler actually we might have merch coming out some pretty soon actually oh yeah yes i'm getting i'm getting it worked on right now i've got some good i got a good feeling about it so oh [ __ ] it's some time it may come soon stoked excited is there any questions any concerns um let's see um i don't think there are any two big concerns um i i thought it was kind of weird like as soon as the emperor shows up like and as soon as like kurz has like this crazy vision of everything that's going to happen um i i thought it was weird that he just immediately was like oh yeah i'll go with you empson sure take my night lords but i mean i guess you can't fight the emperor you can't fight that yeah he's the imperium legion like you have to even if you think it's a bad idea and you've got visions of oh [ __ ] this is gonna end bad you can't fight that with just what you got with the knight uh lords you kind of have to become subservient right so that and also we we know that he was very big into like i want to like fulfill like these are my visions like this is my my path even if i don't like it i have like a duty to fill to fulfill it in a certain way oh okay so so he he wanted to fulfill those visions that he saw like he wanted those to come to pass well not necessarily but i i was kind of hard to describe but i think maybe you know that's actually a great [ __ ] question i'm actually not 100 sure how i would describe that to me it's more like the idea of it may like by following this path he might be able to stop it or more primarily it could be more something on the lines of like if this is the path he's dreamed of it's the path he knows so it's the path of less for like fear i don't know i i can't really i don't know i'm sure someone in the comment section will actually on this me on this but um i'm not quite sure i think i should i would need to read the book i have not read the night haunter book oh gotcha um and if i did that i probably would know but okay that's actually i'm kind of considering when we do when we do book club stuff if we get to that patronage uh i think the first one we should absolutely do is gaunt's ghosts because gaunt's ghosts is an absolute fantastic novel it's the one i always recommend to people but once we're done with some of that maybe we can do one of the night lord novels because i think i've been told they are very very very good um they're like some of the best which is surprising to me because night lords but anyway anything else dk can i can i uh can i uh penny for your scrote figure out what our what our next what our next topic might be there's too much scrotes in this episode well i hope you're excited because we're talking bugs this time because we were a little bit too mean we were too mean to them in the custodian episode and i think it's time that we give them a little bit of satisfaction so tyranids will be next go let's talk about the great devourer and what might be the largest threat to the entire imperium more than chaos i am excited about the tyranids i've heard a lot about the tyranids i'm stoked and they got some [ __ ] weird minis they look [ __ ] disgusting there is i'm so cool they're so scary and they are so down to join patreon.com for watching this episode uh dk where can they find you you can find me everywhere dk diamantes twitter twitch youtube uh instagram real dk diamonds until i get rich and famous and can just buy the brand but i'm big um i'm bricky you can find me bricky everywhere youtube twitch etc you can find shy as in quiet shy or quite shallow on multiple different platforms as well and with that i hope you're explaining oh bring some bug spray for the next episode we're gonna need a little bit of vince oh man god would i want to rage shadow legend sponsor for the next one oh my god bring the raid raid this tyranid episode brought to you by [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 436,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer lore, warhammer podcast, podcast, 40k lore, lore, adeptus ridiculous, night lords, Konrad Curze, chaos, chaos space marine
Id: nqhCCdbmkDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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