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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast my name is dk diamantes and today we are going to learn about all the wacky crazy wild and ridiculous things in warhammer 40k from our almost lifelong fan brick i don't think it's been lifelong but it's been a while um so if you enjoyed today's podcast please head over to adept is ridiculous and consider supporting the podcast you get access to our discord to bloopers and bricky's favorite thing all of the waifu and ab posters and i believe celestine and gray facts uh have a pretty spicy uh poster where they are getting to know each other so if you enjoy the podcast head on over to adeptus ridiculous um yeah what what do you what do you what do you think about that bricky uh shai said they're praying together but the way you [ __ ] say this you act like it's porn and like there's there's literally nothing nothing and there's no it's not a nif there's not a nip oh to be slipped excuse me i think they are fine art and that's how i'm describing them if you think that that's what it sounds like that's what you want to see i'm i'm the anchor that brings you back to the [ __ ] surface that gets your head out of the clouds it's fair um for oh my my side of course do check out our merchandise over at or you can check out in the description for them just ridiculous hoodies shirts and doge van dyer pictures however there's a couple bits of housekeeping that shy would like me to tell all of you number one our next poster is in fact a la tara syrin ab poster god [ __ ] damage especially after the conversation we just you know that you know that meme you know that meme where that person's like two of you guys your friends right you're gonna say yes and i'm gonna say no because of this [ __ ] i love it this is the best episode ever already then the next one is book club is this friday which will be day after tomorrow in terms of when this episode is being released uh make sure you finish reading god's ghost first and only before them uh and then the third housekeeping business is alpha legion that will be next week it'll be the episode after this one i know it took a little bit of time to get there but i finished i'm finishing up the alfarious book for my research so it will be next week's awful legion do not worry we will not delay too long after that that we also have the more guardsmen party reading we will probably be doing that most likely in july so you should be getting more of that this month and last but not least i have one more thing i wanted to do oh i haven't told dk and shy about this but i had a great concept um so my my girl my girlfriend recently got horribly horribly drunk and uh with with all of my friends up in la and a couple of my friends threw up on some people's cars and it was just they it was [ __ ] horrid great start i'm really excited they had a drink called the la waters which is about four and a half shots of alcohol and it makes the the drink look like a brackish gray blue hence the term l.a water and i was thinking to myself how cool would it be if we did a custom 40k cocktails and so i decided that for our 11 our eleven thousand eleven k mark on patreon me and dk will come up with three or maybe i'll come up with them and then you'll drink them uh three custom uh three custom warhammer based cocktails and we'll drink again like the garson party and you know we should do dk we should [ __ ] just peruse memes that the people send us warhammer memes while we get shit-faced nice in fact so much so so much so that i even was going to name one of the drinks that forget me juice from the goddamn scola episode and i already know it's going to be in it so you better prepare your [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh no if it's forget me juice it's gotta be something that's gonna really [ __ ] you over you're gonna do some [ __ ] with absinthe aren't you i hate absence though and so no but it'll be just as devastating so anyway if we hit 11k that's that's past that i do want to get into this episode because i'm excited because it's [ __ ] night lords it's night lords overall because we did curse we'll still talk a little bit about kurz here but as you know you boys uh is a newly found night lord simp well you've only just now accepted it like we've known that since the night lord episode like how many times have you brought up the books i'm reading the books i love the books i love and aaron was like oh you should get a night no i'm i wouldn't do a night no guys i wouldn't do and it's like we we knew man this ain't like a new thing you you're only just now admitting it once i finished the books i was like okay i think it's time and then i read the more recent conrad kurz novel that came out like a couple of years ago and i'm like okay it is definitely time oh yes so yeah i pretty much am building the nightlord's army now maybe maybe we'll show it off to the fans once it's there but let's talk night lords let's do it with my knowledge of a couple of the books and all that and i'm sorry i think i'm getting a lot more i can there's even a bit of nostromon the language that i can tell you about okay um which is fun because uh in the the trilogy they actually speak nostromon a bit and it's it's very interesting language it's very um they they refer to it as gangsters poetry where it's very fluffy and very like meant to sound all sly when reality it's kind of just said by douchebags okay i liked it i kind of like that it sounds fluffy but it's just it's made for gangsters yeah like like one of the nostromo uh phrases is a srila la la rail which is [ __ ] that mates with dogs that definitely i was not expecting that i that's it you're right that sounded so like fluffy and like oh yeah that sounds nice and it's nope yep like this there's also another one called like corsia say which means breathe now but literally translated means breathe now but actually it's more so like breathe now while you still have the chance like beware oh okay so that's like a warning yes that's like that's a warning breathe while you still have the lungs to do it exactly there's also one more one that i i mentioned i like that so hosha am thiele which is this vessel is cursed you know so it's very fluffy it's very like um and for a horrible horrible group let me let's start with the quote this is a long [ __ ] quote dk and i apologize all right i brought a lunch it's fine excellent um this is from talis valkorin main character of the night lord's omnibus trilogy uh from the third book okay um this without too much of a spoiler um he says quote it is not enough we stand in the dust at the end of centuries of useless sin and endless failure the legion was poisoned and we sacrificed an entire world to cleanse it we failed we are the sons of the only primark to hate his own legion there again we failed we swore vengeance on an imperium yet we run from every battle where we don't possess overwhelming force over a crippled enemy we fail again and again and again have you ever fought a battle you'd struggle to win with no hope of running away have any of us have you ever since the siege of terror itself drawn a weapon with the knowledge you might die i will not see my life horde away without meaning do you hear me do you understand me prince of cowards i want vengeance against the galaxy that hates us i want imperial worlds to cower when we draw near i want the weeping of this empire souls to reach all the way to holy terror and the sound of suffering will choke the corpse god on his throne of gold i will cast a shadow across this world i will burn every man woman and child so the smoke from the funeral pyres eclipses the sun and with the dust that remains i will take the echo of damnation into the sacred skies above terra and rain the ashes of 20 million mortals down onto the emperor's palace then they will remember us then they will remember the legion they once feared so if we want to want to set the tone for the episode this dude's like yeah 20 million children i'm gonna take the ashes and just sprinkle them over [ __ ] the emperor's throne yeah he's gonna rain them down a storm of ash and blood over the [ __ ] theory of holy [ __ ] that's uh that's a that's that's some [ __ ] it's some [ __ ] it's it's a very night lord's thing and that's the thing i like um so a little bit more about obviously the night lords the color scheme they have is very much that like blue and red yeah um they're obviously the eighth legion we all know that uh they are compo comprised of obviously the companies i think normally the first company is normally the terminators in a in a legion or a chapter and then it kind of goes from there um they for instance they're actually made up of claws so it's claws like claws are like squads basically oh okay so instead of calling them a squad they're just like oh first claw yeah yeah first claw tenth company is the the group of um of the book that's kind of and the terminators are actually the first the first company and they actually have a special kind of terminator for the night lords they're actually known as the achromentar um the actual mentor the atra mentor such weird names like gw naming is so confusing sometimes it can be and i mean yeah a [ __ ] that mates with dogs uh the attra menta are are pretty neato they're obviously the terminators but they actually have a bit more of an interesting concept when they have all their chaos bits so they got like the big tusks of the terminator helm and stuff but often their shoulder pad is actually of a lion of an old nostromon lion that used to be in like the plains of this of the of the planets and it was apparently a very like a kind of a really strong ass lion yeah and so it's kind of neat to have like a regal lion be the shoulder pad of of the nightlord's terminators that's yeah a regal lion for kind of scummy douchebags that just want to kill everything for awful awful people yeah the uh one of the more interesting things about of course nostromo is a really big part of this legion's history and one of my favorite parts of it because nostromo is is really it's like a character in its own right really that planet you know the the sunless world the planet of endless knights the dead planet because girls was like die oh that's right did did did kurz um the extermination he exterminated right yep i was gonna say that's that's what made it seem so strange because like the having the lion on the shoulder pad is like kind of cool and everything but i was like i mean that's a that's a regal animal from nostromo and like if kurz exterminatus the planet would they really want like a reminder of nostromo the kurds hated nostromo more than almost anybody uh because because that was the issue is that kurz kurz was batman right yeah he is since the difference is that you know literally someone tried to kill themselves and he was like that's against the law your skin's gone now i'm gonna wear it on my screw here it goes uh actually the person who tried to kill himself was a woman so no scrote's there oh actually speaking of scrotes all right dk i i need to ask you a question you probably get daily all right okay i'm worried about this question sorry dean caiman did from scrotes but whatever go ahead do you respect your balls yes i do why yes bricky i do indeed respect my balls excellent if the nightlords invade you put a gun to your heads because because your balls are forfeit all right thank you yeah good advice thank you i will keep that in mind if the fictional nightlords ever uh ever invade uh california good to know like how you said california was such like a they never touched this place why would they ever lie california is clearly the shining beacon of light that no one would ever touch right oh yeah and then the texas guy in the in the comments is like i said i hear my comic formula yeah anyway uh night lords sorry i had to i had to look this up just so i could i could have this for the video there we go just could someone edit that as with the night lords [ __ ] with some night lords wings yeah shy put some it put a night lord helmet on the smiley face yeah yeah we'll leave it to the people go ahead yeah yeah um so well so kurz i i will should talk a little more my curse because all right it's interesting thing about about him because he's obviously psychotic a lot of people a lot of people think that he had like a split personality issue or a multiple personality disorder where on one hand there was conrad kurz and on the other hand there was like the night haunter the crazed man and like the good man um i don't believe that i actually don't like that theory i think it lessens the moral interesting implication of him because for him obviously he despised the night lords he hated them um and as the night hunter you know he eventually brought the entire planet into submission and the planet was completely free of all crime and then he left and when the planet started to degrade into crime again they like he left and they were begging him to come back like can you imagine begging that man to return i mean i i can sort of imagine it because like when he was the night haunter like there was there was no crime none i mean granted he is very strict uh but there's no crime and he was a great leader apparently when there was no crime to be had he was benevolent he was kind he was intelligent so i i could see wanting him to come back because if he leaves it's just gonna descend back into chaos and crime and it's gonna turn into a dank world of just malevolence and hatred and crime is gonna run ramp and it's gonna be awful again so i mean yeah if you're in a strawman which i don't know why the word nastraman sounds really weird to me it works better it works better with a russian accent [Music] yeah i guess it does yeah it has a good like yeah um but yeah i could see actually wanting conrad to stay on nostromo well yeah well he would like to do it a little bit because he also was you know plagued by horrifying visions um oh yeah but he you know curtis even said himself quote i will be vindicated soon and the truest lesson of the night lords will be taught do you truly believe i care what happens to any of you after my death like he just hates he hates his legion because he was he was supposed to be mr justice man that's all he believed in was justice and when the the legion's ranks were being swelled by nostromo's horrible poisonous murderers and all it's it was a bad thing it turned his legion into the ver into the people the criminals the gangsters that he hated um a great a great scene from the strombo as a boy is walking home and he's just walking home from school and he looks to his left on an alleyway and he sees uh a like a rape in progress and his buddy his buddy shoves him along he's like don't look the gangsters will recognize your face and he goes home to like a single his single mother who uh rolls up her sleeves when he comes in because her her arms are tattooed with her owner from the uh the owner's name from the gangs right oh jesus and the whole area is just a depraved like like it's sort of a crime and and the some of the worst kinds of crime a lot of night lords were murderers before they were teenagers and rapists by the time they were oh [ __ ] i mean i knew nostromo's was was hard but jesus that's that's a lot it's it's a lot it's hard to yeah it makes it difficult for me to be like yeah i really like the night lords considering they're all like the worst of the worst before becoming like the night lords they were just the scummiest scumbags you could ever imagine just awful horrible murderer criminals and ugh yeah that's fair i mean granted they're not much better when they became night lords but that's true you know at least at least they were you know but i think space marines oh yeah goody a starting a space reason they've done anything wrong yeah a little bit of a step up they've taken one step up the ladder kind of woohoo and grand yay but on another side so obviously the whole concept because kurz's big quote is death is nothing compared to vindication his last words right yep yeah because visions were vindicated he was right he wasn't crazy uh the visions were they all came true right well he was most certainly insane uh he even was he was most certainly crazy but his his insanity really kind of became a thing near the end of his life um it wasn't really that bad prior i mean he was he was definitely tormented but i wouldn't call him like completely insane until later right um kurz particularly had this the issue where he could see the future and the thing is is that sanguinius like could also see the future but sanguinius because they're i mean they're all spikers you know to an extent oh i realized singulanius was a psycher i guess i guess i just figured he was well he's he's a primark right and i guess primarily yeah have a little psycho in them because he was a bigger psycher blood angels have i think a decent amount of psyches um but he saw all the good futures sanguinius saw the best outcomes which is of course a nice bit of irony um because that's because he's dead yeah um kurz saw the worst futures like from his infancy he was seeing the worst kind of stuff like when you have to think about him as like a kid imagine a kid who sees the future and the future involves all of his brothers turning on his father and his father sending an assassin to kill him oh boy that that'll i yeah i guess that'll [ __ ] you up a little bit in the head yeah and and these and the futures kept on coming to pass the thing and the concept is that these are a variation of the future right sanguinius has the good curse has the bad and he's tormented by the bab so in a sense the idea is that in order to be vindicated he kind of did things that would therefore cause the bad future to occur uh example there's a great part in his primark book when he is chasing a young boy on a rooftop who is attempting to uh diddle a lady and um he eventually gets stricken by these horrible visions right right and he's actually given two separate visions on one vision the boy does not attack him and he goes up and they and they speak with each other and the boy eventually reforms his actions the boy grows old he actually gets more of the gangsters on his side and they start reforming the planet in a more civilized way crime goes down through working together the boy becomes a mentor almost like a son to curse and the young boy dies on his death on his death bed with cursed beside him but like i lived a good life i did good things nostromo was better because of us on the other side the boy grows for his knife and shanks curse in the ribs he doesn't kill him but the boy escapes and he becomes the guy who escaped the night haunter i made it and then his influence starts to wane and the the justice like the crime becomes more popular because they're not scared of him anymore they might start fighting back more oh and then it becomes worse and so the boy walks up to kurz and kurz is like i've seen i see one future this is not worth taking the risk and so then he grabs the boy by his throat and like cracks his windpipe you know wow but then he look he looks to the side and he sees the boy's knife and it's pretty far from reach [Music] but he he's just kind of like no matter it was i i couldn't take the risk oh so he's not so so curse isn't just seeing one timeline he's seeing like he'll he'll see like uh variations and branches in his sights like he'll see the boy becoming a good person or the boy becoming a murderer and sort of like dethroning him and he can sort of be like uh oh uh i i think he mainly only sees the bad i think this may have been this is the first time i've ever heard him see not bad so i think it was just a fluke because i was gonna say if he constantly sees both sides like couldn't he like actually try to make a better future because which kind of sounds interesting because it's like he's like oh yeah i can see good and bad but i'm actively choosing bad because i'm a [ __ ] and i'm just i've been playing with these visions i don't want a happy future i want the darkness and he's just making this active choice to just go the dark path that was the concept of the vindication part where right kurz was a monster right yes yes and the problem is that if his he was so like sunk down in the concept of fatalism right fate yeah because if if like his future is wrong you know let's let's say because he saw his death from a young age he saw his death at the hands of the assassin and if he stopped the assassin which he absolutely could have done yeah then that proves that sanguinius was right and that kurz became a horrifying insane monster of his own will not because that was his destiny how can he handle the concept that everything he did all the horrible things he did was uh make him a monster because he liked it and not because he had to oh i i guess that would turn him into an even bigger monster he was like oh yeah i knew you were coming assassin shank um and he because he couldn't stand the possibility that he himself was the monster yeah uh because he like his whole life he's like okay the emperor proved to me that this this is what the emperor wanted of me the emperor made me this way why do i plague these visions why do i have all his problems because the emperor made me he made me this problem he made me this way so it's the proof it's vindicating the fact that the emperor made him a monster yeah i wonder i wonder how it would have turned out for kurz if very early on like he like has all these bad visions and like before he becomes like a horrifying monster he actively like tries to change his visions and not end up dead by an assassin well that was the problem is that he was thrown into a into a one of the worst scummy or drama yeah with no parents no no teachers he was like he was literally alone and and starving yeah it's kind of hard to look on the bright side of nostrama when it's complete darkness all the time right ah the bright side give me that give me that drum roll let's go let's go um but i said that i was gonna talk less about kurz and then we talked all about kurz so let's stop with curse for a bit okay he's just so cool though it's hard usually night lords like you okay you know how you know how when i i call perch harabo primark of the iron warriors a petulant man child yes a lot of people get mad at me for that because perch robo's neat uh and and they're right but here's the thing is that it's not like you're not ad mech viewers this is not binary he can be cool and a petulant man-child curse is an interesting sympathetic character he's also [ __ ] insane oh like yes you can be both it's i'm okay with that there's a gray area here i can't say anything about purcha because i know nothing of him because i think the only time he's been brought up was when uh he's the one that made the maze that vulcan got put into right and his hands you are at the end of it yes i'm learning let's [ __ ] go anyway but yeah that's all i know about perch robbo is he likes to make cool [ __ ] like that maze and vulcan gets stuck in it but yeah people really like the iron warriors in fact maybe we're delaying the iron warriors just to spite them yeah but no not really they're neat but i haven't done the research on them yet so we'll see okay i'm sure i'll come around to them more like i did anger on but at the moment i like to make them upset um you want to know a funny an interesting thing yes and i would love to know an interesting thing the night lords justify their actions quite a bit and it kind of [ __ ] up in a kind of a [ __ ] up way though because like lehman russ right or gilman they send an attack force to the planet to put it into submission during the great crusade okay the night lords killed about like only a thousand people and then they and the planet fell to them oh is it i would assume so if they only killed a thousand people it has to be that like they killed those thousand people in such a savage awful horrible grimy disgusting way that the rest of the planet was like nope surrender you are correct but the concept is that through the use of fear fear is the only way to guarantee compliance so by killing by spreading fear you can actually take over a world with a very la a small lack of bloodshed nice which is kind of weird because you'd think if anybody wanted more bloodshed it'd be the night lords yeah but but they're supposed to be about justice at least in the beginning oh right right in the beginning when they're still with the imperium and they're still okay that's fair yeah the terror tactics i mean they do they do still like it especially as they got poisoned um but even so for example in a little thing called a lesson in darkness which is a small little short story i believe there's a great tidbit where the nightlords brought a planet into compliance by attacking an enemy ship above the planet taking it over and bringing it into the atmosphere uh just just hovering and the entire capital was celebrating because they had fought off the nightlords and then they opened some of the pods and started throwing the flayed bodies of the crew into the crowd they were just like they just went he opened the open the airlock and started throwing down like skinned bodies onto the people so it was raining flayed bodies on what would have been a celebration for them killing the night lords yep and and then and by doing so they actually stood there and waited and allowed the planet to go into fear-based anarchy and and broadcast their pleas for safety to other planets the system to conquer the system they conquered the system without setting a [ __ ] foot on the planet whoa they they are they are what's the term um they are results on a budget holy [ __ ] that's crazy that's his whole would you like uh would you like another quote dk i would love another quote this is from jago cevitarian also known as sevitar uh who is probably the second best known night lords character around even shy threw a picture up really fast oh [ __ ] um quote because the wolves kill cleanly and we do not they also kill quickly and we have never done that either they fight they whim and they stalk back to their ships with their tails held high if they were ever ordered to destroy another legion they would do it by hurling warrior against warrior seeking to grind their enemies down with the admirable delusions of the noble savage if we were ever ordered to assault another legion we would virus bomb their recruitment worlds slaughter their serfs and slaves poison their gene seed repositories and spend the next dozen decades watching them die slow humiliating deaths night after night raid after raid we'd overwhelm stragglers from their fleets and bleach their skulls to hang from our armor until none remained but that is the quick execution the emperor needs is it the worlds go for the throat we go for the eyes then the tongue then the hands then the feet then we skinned the crippled remains and offered up as an example to any still-bearing witness the wolves were warriors before they became soldiers we were murderers first last and always oh my god that is boy this guy's surname is literally the condemned or the prince of crows fitting i do my name my [ __ ] wrists have have goddamn razor tallies now from that edge i know right jeez oh my ah god but i mean i guess it is fitting because you know like he said they're they're murderers they were murderers first and that's that's what you do you're a wolf looking for a quick kill you you want to see the suffering you want to see a slow drawn out savitar is a bad man he's a cool guy savitar is like one of the most loyal knight lords but he also doesn't take any [ __ ] he also he also constantly like uh kind of he kind of argues back on kurz a few times oh [ __ ] really yeah savitar is his first captain uh so he was the commander of the atromentar the terminators and he is i think he's one of the best duelists like in space marines um that's that's a pretty big deal he one time i think someone was about to beat him i forget who wasn't a duel and then he cheated and beat him anyway he just like sucked my dick in the straw rules i love it okay oh there it is there it is um yeah he had he finished the duel looked on and oh he headbutted the guy therefore disqualifying himself um but he thought it was fun uh punk bonk but savitar was also the first man to ever declare the phrase death to the false emperor he was the first guy to ever say it first one good for him what a what a chad i think we can give him the chad title good for him i i'm not really doing savitar enough uh real enough real justice here because i haven't read the uh the prince of crows or or whatever the name of his book is that he hasn't made but i think it's one of the i think it's one of the goddamn horace heresy books that i'm just too worried to just jump into yeah um maybe maybe uh viewers will be like nah it's great you should read it but he he does sound like someone that like if he had a if he had a book that would be a crazy book to read through and all of his actions and just how he is i'd i'd read it i'd check it out it was actually rather interesting because he actually had red wrists do you notice that in the picture uh oh yeah he does his his well his gauntlets are red but yeah uh so this is actually this is i [ __ ] love this legion and how much they incorporate their planets culture into their stuff i didn't realize how many space marine bodies were in that picture behind him oh yeah there's a lot wow um his uh his red arms are actually in the strawman gang tradition uh which means the back in the day the hands of traitors or fools were tattooed read by their families to show them as death marked the sign that no gang or family would tolerate grave failure but they were condemned and still had labors to perform before they were to die so they're basically they're basically condemned and they still have [ __ ] they need to get done but once the thing is done their gang leader would kill them uh they would execute them they were death marked for whatever reason traitor fool what it was called stained sinners red and so they they kept that tradition by uh painting the armor right around the gauntlets [ __ ] so savitar was actually one of them and one other person asked him which one he was a traitor or a fool and he replied both and we never knew why oh oh okay so at some point he was a a treacherous traitor or a fool he said they said he was both yeah so he did some foolish traitor he did something to earn him the sinner's red uh but we have no idea what it was so at some point when his task is done is is is the uh leader of the night lords gonna kill him well uh it's too late now it is said that he died during the siege of terra the actual final battle but here's the thing is that it's said he has died there and everyone you know like the mandela effect um i've heard it you i i've heard of the mandela effect but i don't think i know exactly what it is it's like it's okay there it is it's a shared false memory phenomenon um that it's it's the idea that like you either believed or was or thought of something that was true and then you just kind of believed it was true that's a very short way to describe it but um it said that he died during the siege of terror but even like kurz like kurz was chilling near his end of his life and he asked for savitar and like bring savitar and i need to speak to him and like savitar's dead my lord and he's and he goes like wait what what the [ __ ] do you mean no he's not you're an idiot yeah and it's like he died on the siege of terror is it oh [ __ ] oh no he's like oh that's right i forgot but other people are like some people don't believe savitar is dead they they don't they they say he's dead but a lot of people don't believe he's dead but we have no idea where he is it's never recovered he's never recovered we don't know where he went uh savitar was an interesting guy so it's a little bit curious to see what he could have ended up doing but savitar is one of those people that he's like maybe he's gone maybe he's not he's got a cool mini though it's a 30k mini but it's a cool mini oh [ __ ] that is a dope mini wait that that's savitar's mini his his gauntlets aren't red [ __ ] idiot they should have painted it red yeah that's what the hell why is it a i'm going to kill someone oh damn brookie's going night lord i'ma damn it someone's going to get their scrotes yanks like he's he's got the scroll cloth too good for him good good good choice good good choice my man good [ __ ] so do you remember when the lion and gilman were trying to find sneaky gremlin imposter curse on uh ultra bar yes so there was a thing called the thames crusade or thramus crusade this was during the horus heresy i think this is actually what takes place during the whole uh prince of crows thing um where they fought the dark angels quite heavily and uh this involved a there's a ton of fighting with the horse heresy we've covered quite a lot of this um but the main interesting thing is that the eventually the dark angels ambushed the night lords after the night lords were being douches and problems and to say that the night lords got curb stomped would be an understatement the night lords got like battered i think they lost a good like 80 percent of their men in this in this crusade or something that might be that might be an overestimation that might be a hyperbole but i think i think the night lords have one of the smallest chaos legions of the founders jesus eighty percent they lost that that's not just getting slaughtered that's oh i mean put them on the protected species list because i mean god that's near extinction the night lords just bodied uh like i think they actually might be one of the least remaining first founding like personnel um their their legion is really small nowadays and during this fight with the dark angels and after getting their asses slapped um there was a small bit of nightlord's fleet that actually teleported onto the dark angels flagship called the invincible reason and who teleported on there was a man named carmine curse first captain jagos savitarian and about a dozen of the atromentar terminators um no actually a lot of terminators did a dozen survived um savitar was captured and cursed for months evaded and and hid and stalked in the shadows of the [ __ ] flagship of the dark angels no way he was he [ __ ] vented dude he actually vented for it was he was playing the most insane game of among us ever incredible he was literally like just in there the whole for like months lion was there he was searching for him personally on the ship and he's like what's that meme of the guy in the cabinet and like the soldiers are aiming the other direction so was was uh was was conrad like killing people or was he just looking for savitar i think he was doing both um eventually he actually he eventually is um uh would have he escaped and that's when he made his way to uh mccrag with the ultra mars system and all that that's so crazy to think about just like sir sir someone's dead again he's like god damn it again where is the son of a [ __ ] so we already know how after that he got captured and then he eventually got eated out into space um in like a little stasis chamber he eventually was found by like pirates and he was taken back to his planet um this is after the horus heresy though because curse wasn't there for like the siege of terror or anything yeah um but yeah it's kind of funny uh this is actually a kind of a big deal this crusade is a large reason why the dark angels are a problem now um we don't talk too much about the dark angels but there's a joke that dark angels are actually chaos uh i i have the fallen the uh the old chaos vampires right oh that yes that joke on that forgot about that one um the the thing is like a large we haven't talked about dark angels yeah we'll eventually do it but i was being serious when i asked that question i know which is why it was so funny i was dead serious i don't know i don't know i hope shy puts that clip in this episode just to have a context oh yeah yeah yeah i kind of want to do dark angels there's a dark angels there's like so that's like the the is that like a chaos vampire thing what do you what do you what i don't know [ __ ] you're the teacher you're supposed to teach me um but obviously like the dark angels themselves they had an issue where some people went traitor and lots of stuff the fall in they're really really [ __ ] um paranoid but this betrayal on their homeworld happened when the lion and his boys were out fighting the night lords so the concept is that they were very they were distracted from this betrayal gotcha and that ended up uh example like increasing the problem but yeah um kurz and the boys eventually made their way to another planet known as seguelsa um so guelsa was also known as the carrion world oh great good i i bet that's a fun vacation spot well it's where kurz ended up making his screaming gallery yeah i'm assuming the carrion world is full of carrion which is what dead decaying flesh so yeah i'm sure that would be a great place for a screaming gallery oh well the screaming gallery the fl they're not dead oh that's true oh so after after 20 20 years of building a giant palace on saguelsa with like hundreds of thousands of slaves he made his screaming gallery you know the gallery where the walls and the ceiling were made of people and the floor was made of people and faces and heads and they were all alive and they were all screaming all the time yep yeah if if you were in the screaming gallery where would you want to be placed i would that's probably a good idea that at the corner yeah yeah or the corner corner yeah you don't want to be right in the middle if you're right in the middle it's like oh no i don't want my face stepped on no definitely although there's someone in the comments like yeah i want to be in the middle because a step on me curse yeah but it's like a bunch of night lords that do it and so i guess yeah but you know i'm not here to king shame you know we made dozers you're goddamn right [Laughter] oh watch like doge van dyer and stuff like they like curse gets back into a screaming gallery and he looks down he sees a dog head oh it's like he's like what the [ __ ] is this like don't worry about it don't worry yeah yeah long long live coast guard goads whatever curse is that a dog is that a doge head down there shut the [ __ ] up i love it send in the sororities prisoners the barefoot [Laughter] this is awful this is awful the screaming gallery was already terrible now we've turned it into a meme guarantee the feeding gallery oh oh no it's just everyone is turned upside down so it's just their feet sticking out instead of their heads and faces all right listeners uh who's gonna be the first to make this into a reality who's gonna be the first artist that that tries their hand no this has to be the next comic of of the skull of virginium is the feeding gallery oh no we're so [ __ ] dumb i know we are i cannot i cannot emphasize that enough we are so [ __ ] tough i love it ima imagine imagine me last episode making a admittedly rather lukewarm take uh be a take like it's not even we know warhammer people can be very very that way but like imagine that imagine me be trying to be like making a take like that and being like yes so this gallery right it's covered in feet it's just covered like let's talk about the feeding gallery like the two the two sides of of men [Laughter] jesus christ so but let's get let's get this train back on track right yeah he makes the screaming gallery in his palace because he's conrad kurtz he's [ __ ] up he's a night lord it's a night lord thing to do it's a curse thing to do yes it is it's a very curious thing to do um but actually i don't really have much else to say about the screaming gallery besides that uh seguelsa was just like they're kind of the second world to take over after the loss of um classical uh nostromo right so it's kind of like their hq now yeah yeah uh but shy says she wants to cut out the feeding gallery she's you're better [ __ ] better [ __ ] not you leave that in that's culture and class this is why they come to our stream yeah or our videos sorry whatever um though just to kind of i mean we're i was kind of rounding out the episode anyway a little bit um when it comes to like the actual game at both the tabletop and in terms of the how they fight they tend to like raptors a lot imagine like jet pack troopers that fly in the air with like big old chain swords and kind of screech down from the skies raptors are the they're like the jet packs for a second i was like wait what the [ __ ] is a raptor and i just imagine night lords just you know rolling in on an actual like dinosaur raptor yeah um they also really don't like demons uh really yeah they they tend to hate demons um demons in most of are seen as like like the opioid of the weak if right because because these people have like this idea of justice in the concept of because kurz also didn't like demons never became a demon primark either um that's true cause like would you consider the night lords chaos they're not really chaos are they they're just a traitor legion that's the interesting thing it's like oh some people do declare maybe some slight allegiances in the night lords like you know maybe a couple claws might like be a little corny here or they might like say blood for the blood god before they fight but they don't like demons themselves um iron warriors also don't like them um and so in a sense like you could call them you call them chaos because some of them might serve the dark gods a bit more and they also work with people that serve the dark gods and often sometimes demons do work with them in a sense but they don't like them gotcha and they think that if you are like a demon if you accept a demon into your life or you accept a demon's assistance you're like a weak individual or you made a mistake oh okay so they're a traitor legion but that's a better way to put it chaos legion i mean we'll call them chaos because that's what they're classified as but a traitor legion would most likely be a better way to describe them gotcha um that being said they sure [ __ ] act chaos um yes they do but they always acted that way though like even when they were in the imperium they were still like using awful terrible traits not traitor tactics but like terror tactics yeah terror tactics um though a good way and i think a good way to round this out is that i really like the night lords because they are probably one of the biggest underdogs in in 40k um their legion got slapped by the dark angels they are crushed they're almost like scavengers often their armor is like stolen from other people their weapons are taken from the people and like the imperial aquila is like scratched out or chipped off they cover things with their with skin to hide like a salamanders marking for instance um often often their slaves do large amounts of jobs more than regular slaves would do because they need the personnel in fact slaves are actually quite the commodities sometimes people have certain night lords have their own slaves and sometimes those said night lords will kill the slaves for fun uh because you still are on a night lord ship but sometimes the slaves are incredibly valuable in fact they are there's even a coin a fancy nostromon coin that has a picture of curse on it and like engraving occurs and on the other side it says ave dominus nox which is the uh which is the catch phrase the main phrase of the night lords uh very similar to hydrodominatus for the alpha legion or uh for the emperor for the emperor's children um well they have three they have three main phrases they have we have come for you yeah which is the big one uh they also have in midnight clad which is kind of that makes sense yeah that's kind of like the ready for battle you know i stand in midnight clad um but the main one is ave dominus knox which in the strahman means hail to the lord of night um nice and so that coin often resembles uh protection if a slave has that coin then it is assumed by other night lords and by the slave that they are under the protection of their their astartes lord and harm to them will be met with punishment okay so if you got the coin you don't have to worry about a night lord shanking you in the back because he's bored oh you still have to worry about that plenty but uh you have you have at least a little bit of a of an assurance that maybe it won't happen as quickly if you have like a like a 40 chance of being shanked now you have like a 10 chance of being shanked ah it's still worth definitely worth having that coin yes definitely worth having yeah get that coin uh slaver boy um but the the night lords they're very underdog they're not doing well their legion is faltering and they don't they don't have like good leadership um after savitar died his successor was a non-nostromon-born person and it made a lot of the atromentar unpleased so the atromentar kind of fizzled out and started becoming bodyguards for like various people they liked it's not really a first company anymore um they just kind of fizzled their way out and a lot of the night lords are content on just kind of raiding for plunder and just surviving and that's one of the reasons why that first quote is enjoyable that i mentioned earlier where he keeps on saying like it is not enough you know he wants to stop being just these scavengers and instead become like a true force again which the knight lords currently are not yeah they're it seems it's it sounds like you said they're just content being scavengers and plunders and uh whatever we don't have to be that good hmm yeah and so that's one of the interesting things and one of the parts of the book where it's like no it's time for more it's time to become more damn they're basically done as war bands now random ships are our war bands and each war band is kind of off doing their own thing there's no organization really there's no them working together you know they're just kind of out becoming raiders and so the concept like obviously the night lords are very bad people uh both from a chaos point of view and to an extent almost an objective point of view because they're murderers and rapists yeah i was gonna say it's it's it's pretty much all-encompassing yeah no matter what lens you look at it through they're pretty bad but you cannot really show a little bit of a mild bit of sympathy in the sense that they're a dying legion they're a dying race their planet is dead and in another sense like they're they're you almost kind of want them to succeed you want them to get revenge because the galaxy and the emperor in particular was like yeah you guys are going to be used for terror tactics and then afterwards he was like oh my god you guys are so terrible why are you using terror tactics you know yeah it's like you [ __ ] stole this too god damn it so we're supposed to do it you definitely feel like the night lords were almost almost betrayed first before they became the betrayers um cast aside like it's like it's like the it's like the bully whose dad beats him oh yeah yeah i i suppose so they were just they were born into it they were born they've known nothing but uh terror and being awful and being murderers and criminals that's what they were born into that's what the emperor wanted them to do that's all they know yep and then in a sense you know it almost makes you like i'm obviously wanting them to succeed as a sign of good writing in an objective sense these people are all terrible but yeah let's be let's be honest the imperium isn't a whole lot better no when you truly think about it um yeah what's that meme where it's like like admit it if if 40k was real you would be joining the tao and i'd be like yeah yep yeah i would i i 100 would i would want nothing to do with the imperium the imperiums yeah they're terrible but until then [ __ ] the towel um unless unless it's the far side enclave unless it's the far side off unless you're part of the eight then you're all right are you ready for me to uh butcher some horrible nostromon before we end this episode oh [ __ ] yeah dude all right i'll wet my lips for this gross aerate it warm it up okay cover all nine thousand taste buds uh that cream pure vanilla oh god i regret everything i remember a documentary where they followed around some ice cream taster and and that was like the exact quote that anyway go ahead i'm sure shy will put the video um sons of our father stand in midnight clad we bring the night or or you could do velja chalet which stands for i love you wow that doesn't that's just huh doesn't seem like something a night lord would say unless they were saying it ironically as they were like stabbing you and bathing in your blood well it's it's no strawman you know perhaps uh like a slave on the ship or like a commander or you know it's okay it's the strum and it's not just the the space marines gotcha um god night lords is this is my fa this is my favorite legion i have come around salamanders are still a close second i still love you sally's uh but i there's a certain level i love depressing slavic media i love to i love depressing russian stuff in general and i really like the aesthetic i love the planet i love how much culture that they have and i i think they're they're just really fascinating and i feel so bad just calling them emo edge lords in the beginning they they are they are but still more complicated it's it they are evil edge swords but like there are more layers they're like an edgelord onion like an outside lord onion it's edgy gloom so beard but then you peel back the layers and it's like whoa and then you start crying yeah and in the middle of that is a rose you know there's a you know you know it's complicated it's complicated it's complicated i didn't expect them to to boost up to your favorite legion though that's nice there's something about like a true underdog story they're they're very like very underdog i the the books helped so far i've read four nightlord's book the trilogy and the comrade curse one and they're all just like incredible i they're they're probably like that trilogy that trilogy are the best books i have ever read in 40k whoa yeah like number one that's that's high praise it is and you've been in the books for like nine years you said uh well i read gone skills way back when but yeah yeah um i it's just the point the point is just the fact that it's it's rare that i go from a legion that i thought was just edgy edge lords until i made the first comrade curse episode and then i started reading and then i started doing more and now we're here and the viewers have watched me groan they've watched my my enjoyment grow and it's your evolution they watched you start off as a little uh larva and they watch you cocoon and blossom into a bloody terrible scrote butterfly and god damn it do i love my scrotes so my name has been bricky thank you for watching this episode of adeptus ridiculous i will see you in the next one for hydra dominatus you can find me bricky at everywhere twitch youtube etc dk you can find me at dkdiamandi's everywhere twitter twitch youtube real dk diamantes on instagram because whatever tk yeah i just realized something oh did you what what you're gonna say are your scrote colossal in the dryer and you forgot to take them out your name is the initials for dean cayman it's my first and middle initial but yeah it's fine oh my god dean caiman dk you were dean came in the whole time how did you oh my cover's been blown in the episode i can't [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 405,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, night lords, Konrad Curze
Id: 2lDvr75Q2yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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