Jago Sevitarion (Sevatar) - Understanding 40k Lore - (Night Lords)

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the early years of your life have an everlasting impact upon you and this is true for the man that became yago cevitarian like many of the astartes of the nightlord's eighth legion his home was nastrama a hive world perpetually dark due to its pollution clogged atmosphere and the fact that it was circled by a slowly dying star whose light was unable to penetrate this fog and reach the surface the humans of this world are easily identifiable by their pale skin and pitch black eyes suited to the environment without light only the wealthy could have formed an astronomic idea of illumination leaving the rest their populace to bathe in the world's darkness luckily the geology of nostromo was nothing short of priceless as the world's unusual crust had unprecedented amounts of the naturally occurring adamantium the presence of such abundant qualities of this valuable metal meant that the cities of nostromo enjoyed a very profitable commerce with their neighboring worlds the vast majority of the planet's people worked as labourers whilst a brutal and cruel wealthy watch from their towers the word untouchable could never be more appropriate to the nobility of nostromo who ruled with an iron fist this world had only five major hive cities named in sequence from nostromo prime to the stromo quintus each of these cities hubs and surrounding regions were scarred with foundries and refineries as each hive city was shaped and molded behind this single resource and only true source of relevance in the galaxy these dark cities were easily identifiable by the mile-high smokestacks that bloomed up at the perpetual night continuing to add to the pollution-clogged atmosphere that blocked any chance of recovery inside these gothic hive cities there were mazes of bridges with narrow alleys and poorly lit streets the further down one descended into the denizens packed layers the more destitute and lawless it became if the absence of warmth and the bright sun was not enough even the atmosphere on the surface was a thick smog dust smoke and the reek of chemicals filled the air and worked into the flesh of every man woman and child diminishing away the years so the best of their life could offer was a slow decline all while working a backbreaking job in the countless foundries most directly next to the source of their own ill health compounding the never-ending darkness and vile atmosphere was the absolute poverty the majority of the world lived in the destitute pay in the foundries and the mines was combined with the poor availability of basic necessities such as clean food and water murder theft and extortion was integral in the strahman society especially within the lower levels it was in reality a constant battle for survival taking from others eliminating rivals or threats was the only way to keep those who you cared for alive the only sense of justice was in the hands of the individual though heavily deterred by the under-hyped gangs and private thugs a destitute existence likely preyed upon by the rampant criminal gangs and a corrupt governing aristocracy compared to the silver spoon of the nobility the average nostromon was born with a knife in their hand ready to do what was necessary most having to choose affiliation with the hive gangs just to get by with all of these horrifying factors that made up daily life it resulted in the most heartbreaking of truths the population's numbers of nostromo were not kept down by war sickness or murder but in reality self erasure no joy happiness or warmth reached a majority of the people of nostramo a life with no future destined to be corrupted by sickness or murdered a place many would consider a good representation of a cold dark hell it would be at the edge of nostromo quintus where the boy yago civitarian was born adapting to this brutal world meant learning to survive amongst the gangs and thieves that ruled the streets for those who knew him even as a young boy he was known for his arrogance part of the problem was that he was so rarely wrong was he born lucky or underneath his pale and cold exterior he was just intuitive constantly to be right made it hard for him to take other people's opinions and observations seriously his mother told him that he would grow out of it that he would become better with people despite living in a literal hellhole it seems that even as a youth he desired connection and a bond with others and perhaps an opportunity had come for this talented ruthless young nostromon boy i believe it was during his youth that the world nostromo saw the rise of the ruthless vigilante known as nighthaunter it was the primark conrad curse that over the years began ravaging the streets of nostromo brutally torturing any person who dared to commit a crime this night haunter had become an object of fear and hate within the city finally appearing before the nobles that had survived his vigilante purge the nighthaunter became the first monarch of nostromo for the first time in living memory nistramu had some version of fair and temperate rule until the word of some injustice had reached his ears he would then hunt the guilty through the streets wearing them down and then killing and mutilating them this unpredictable pattern of benevolent wisdom and hideous vengeance ushered in a new level of efficiency and honesty the world had never seen before other cities around the planet followed suit quickly in an attempt to keep the night haunter from their doors within a lifetime jaguar cevitarian's world had changed though this new world of peace and honesty would not be his home for much longer everything had changed on this drama with the coming of the emperor of mankind as he landed on nostromo and led an imperial delegation to the center of nostromo quintus the citizens of nostromo adapted to their near constant darkness could not bear to look upon the radiance of the emperor of mankind most wept is the healing light he projected reflected off the rain-slicked streets into their faces those brave enough to look upon him directly were blinded at the end of the broad road leading to the nighthaunters royal palace the primark stood waiting for the delegation to approach and with the meeting of conrad kurz in the emperor the world of nostromo joined the growing imperium of man like with many primarks before their homeworld became the new recruits for their own legion of superhuman warriors the legionnaires astartes for an entire generation including the young boy yago civitarian they will be selected to join the eighth legion the night lords the eighth legion even before reunifying with their primark conjured feelings of fear and dread even in their origins the legion's first recruits came from underground prisons and gulags condemned to never see light again or breathe free air they lived out their lives in fear and blind darkness there was no law in these lightless prisons and survival existed only by the blade only the most strongest and most ruthless survived in these subterranean warrens and those who did grew in the cruelty and the cunning that surrounded them fed by a constant influx from the high cities above the prisons sinks for an entire epicenter of madness and murder amongst the bloodshed and fear children were born cradled in the dark and raised amongst death those who lived over a standard decade were pale silent creatures who had adapted to the darkness and mutated with their conditions they were nicknamed the night children and even the most savage killers on terror would not seek them out by choice it was from these pale dark children the emperor of mankind would create the first warriors of the eighth legion people from all walks of life have talents and uses something the emperor clearly understood the gene seed of the eighth legion had been well paired with the human stock of its first recruits and if anything it seemed as if one had been made with the other in mind besides accentuating their paleness of their skin the jeans he gave the sons of this underworld the ability to see through the darkness to a degree far exceeded that of the other astartes of legions this gift was also a curse forcing them to see the light of suns and stars through filters and flare buffers even though the now that they walked in the light of the world above the wars of the eighth legion were always sons born in the dark crafted into men in the dark so why has the emperor chosen these pale murderers to be representing a force in the galaxy i believe it was for the simple idea that some people could not be reasoned with he gave the eighth legion the role of bringing those to heal whose sins of the past could not live on in this newborn imperium of man when such crimes required not simply crushing but retribution the emperor deployed his eighth legion such action seemed well suited to the eighth legion was there other consequence of their genetic inheritance or a combination of their origins and indoctrination the warriors of the eighth legion seemed to have tended to bend their morals to deliver the emperor's justice there were no shades of grey in the eighth legion's moral universe no degrees of guilt or innocence this retribution was delivered cruelly and unquestionably for the emperor of mankind had taken these thieves and murderers and raised them up to be gene enhanced warriors they would have to be willing to do the dark and evil things that others wouldn't have the stomach for the warriors of the eighth legion were creatures made to live in the dark and to fight for a war in a future of light [Music] in their core they were warriors fighting for a future that would have no place for their kind this mindset has often been the extremely contentious philosophy even throughout human history even in our own world the culture and inspiration for this legion's doctrine reflects the infamous valad tepes during the middle ages this falakian voivo during his rule committed brutal atrocities to his enemies his fondness for impaling his enemies on stakes in the ground and leaving them to die earned him the name vlad the impaler he inflicted this type of torture on foreign and domestic enemies alike notably as he retreated from battle he left fields filled with thousands of impaled victims for the pursuing ottoman forces using overwhelming fear and dread to cower his enemies breaking them apart psychologically piece by piece he gave those who stood in his way his vision of the perfect future the justice he felt they deserved an added that suits the primark comrade kurz and the nightlord's legion perfectly yago cervitarian and many of his newly recruited nostramians life had reflected much of the eighth legion and now he and his brothers who like the legion were born in the darkness set out to conquer the galaxy in the emperor's name immersed in the tactics and culture of the eighth legion the night lords nostromo and its citizens had joined the imperium of man uniting with the burgeoning human empire and the new recruits from this world began to fill the ranks of the eighth legion much like with many legions the reunification with their primark would begin a shift in culture and tactics dictated by this new leadership for the eighth legion they were taken over by conrad kurz the nighthaunter quickly adapted to the teachings of the imperium studying the complex doctrines of the lee jones astartes under fulgrim primark of the third emperor's children who is renowned amongst his brothers for achieving perfection in every facet of life conrad was soon accepted as the leader of the eighth space marine legion that had been created from his own gene seed which he had renamed the night lords although he and his legion excelled in many theaters of war they began to perfect a unique art of war under the tutelage and doctrine of the emperor this brutal legion had excelled in delivering swift merciless justice of traitors and enemies but something had begun to change over the first few years the night lords were moulded by their primark into an efficient humourless force of zealots conrad encourages legion to decorate their power armor with the images designed to inspire fear in their enemies a tactic that proved incredibly effective gone was a swiftness of a crushing defeat replaced by a slow bleeding war of annihilation and psychological horror just as how the night haunter had brought his homeworld of nostromo into complete unflinching compliance soon rumors of an impending presence of the night lords would cause a rebel star system to pay all outstanding imperial ties cease all illegal activities and put to death any mutants and suspected traitors the reuniting of the primarch and legion was the beginning of a spiral that would see the night lords descend further into horror and nihilism but why would this barbaric warfare be allowed within the great crusade because for every non-compliant world with a small number of rebels or enemies that were butchered or tortured beyond human limits thousands of worlds that had heard these atrocities would not dare rise up and suffer the same fate sparing the million or so who would have died in a war disease or starvation that would have come to them people were not happy but they were alive dissuaded by the infamy of this cruel punishing force it was this new legion that iago severtarian was trained in from the previously edge of a hive city to a legion field with many cruel warriors perhaps this indoctrination and tactics began to poison the legion twisting its purpose and making many night lords simple murderers gifted with the strength of demigods for yago and his fellow brothers these tactics came directly from their primark the son of the emperor of mankind with his cold upbringing on nostramo this was all conrad knew he had committed heinous acts and atrocities in the name of peace and now so would his sons ironically it was the figure of the night haunter that punished murderers and criminals and now he had molded an entire legion of them over the years of the great crusade it was clear that he came to despise his own genetic sons but he was still their lord far from restraining the eighth legion he drove it on bringing peace through atrocity to planet after planet perhaps sometimes there seems to have been caused for such methods and others it had not after repeating these atrocities on countless worlds it'd become clear that for yago and the night lords they were beginning to enjoy it they had become not necessary monsters but simply monsters kurz quickly began to lose some of the control he had over his legions in nate's savagery they were becoming increasingly desensitized to things that would have scarred and shocked us to the very bone with this perversion of this terran-born eighth legion they were matched in depravity by the nostraman-born recruits even amongst his brothers iago sevitarian was known as a brutal and arrogant man even as a child he always seemed to be right and with the pairing of their primax jean seed this ability only increased amongst the new recruits he proved extremely gifted and supremely ruthless even a dishonorable combatant even upon entering this brotherhood he was struck with the same problem he had felt his entire life establishing connections iago had no friends or brothers in the legion just fellow warriors his interactions with everyone was sarcastic and deprecating because perhaps he didn't really care what they thought of him ironically it was his unflinching smugness combined with the battle prowess that led many of the savage nightlords to reluctantly appreciate and like him they were all demi-god killers so they were clearly respecting this cunning and brutal astartes and he had not gone unnoticed and began a meteoric rise through the ranks of the night nightlords even standing out amongst the nightlords must have meant that he had done awful things deeds enough to earn him infamy amongst this brutal legion as the years of the great crusade progressed the iago servitarian joined the ranks of the cryoroptera the primark's most trusted advisors as he served the prime marks directly he had now proven himself not just to the legion but to conrad there was no question that there was none more deadly more cunning and surprisingly more loyal after decades in the legion javo servitarian became the first captain sevitar of the eighth legion the night lords thiago what would come to define and alter much of his life is the bond he had with his gene father the night haunter conrad kurz to all the legion's austerities their primark was the reason for their transformation their leader and in some way a surrogate father figure that they would strive to impress and live up to with the argo being elevated to the rank of first captain he and a selected few became advisers to the deeply troubled primark of the eighth legion over the continuing years of the great crusade this bond between them would only strengthen as conrad began to confide more in his first captain likely not fearing judgment from the equally cruel and depraved warrior this degradation for the primark and the whole legion was not going unnoticed and many of the other legions and primarks decried the actions of the nightlords kurz even stated that he did not hate any of his brothers save corrects the two were extremely similar in the appearance tactics and upbringing but unlike kim korak had retained his humanity and dignity despite his hellish upbringing curse himself did not know if he hated korex out of self-loathing or the fact that he saw the raven lord as still holding on to naive ideals despite his upbringing for his part clorox stated that he hated nothing about curse save his methods of waging war during the carna and retribution these two primarks almost came to blows unable to reconcile the differences in ideals it was now that we see jago had somewhat of a calming influence over curse convincing him to withdraw a standoff with korax and his raven guard only one other person in the entire galaxy the emperor had ever managed to reason directly with curse perhaps we could never call this friendship but there is clearly a level of trust that iago and conrad have one that even the lonely primark never had with his brothers struggling to establish bonds between brothers is something that yago himself struggled with too a struggle that became apparent when he had jewelled sigismund of the imperial fists the only warrior to ever beat him to a deadlock in over a hundred standard years of warfare the duel had lasted almost 30 long long solar hours sweat swearing and a clash of iron against iron iago managed to finish the duel by headbutting the templar using the night lord's methods of victory at any cost but unfortunately disqualifying himself it broke the rules as well as sigismund's winning streak true to his nature sigismund had done nothing but laugh taking the losing stride and sharing that moment with his brothers and friends iago was an immensely skilled warrior enough to beat one of the most skilled duelists in the entire imperium but he envied sigismund for so effortlessly bonding with all those around him yago light sigismund is a cut above most other space marines but like his primark he again continues to fail to establish a sense of brotherhood he was sarcastic deadly arrogant and annoyingly always right this machiavellian attitude in the face of danger had made many of the legion admire and respect him but the cost of seeming unapproachable and subsequently feared like many of the primarks he may have wished to be more normal to be amongst equals but iago was special and held a secret that was the roots of his problems a secret that only his primark knew the first time that they had met when the emperor passed his decree following the council of nikea the night lord terenborn chief librarian zaros sought a private audience with iago who had been left in temporary command of the nightlords in their primark's absence he demanded that iago give the emperor's judgment against the legion's librarians and against him to be given orders by one beneath him enraged iago and he leapt upon zaros and struck him in the chest knocking the chief librarian to the chamber floor he then rendered his judgment that zarust was cast out he would no longer be of the eighth legion and was condemned to death should they ever meet again azaros made to leave he tried to argue with yago that the legion had stood for something once the first captain rolled his eyes and dismissively waved the former chief librarian away before he could stop himself zarov's rage got the better of him and he summoned forth his innate psychic abilities before he was even aware that he had lost control he had used his powers to slam the first captain with a wave of energy into the primark's command throne as he slammed savitar's head into the throne he angrily cursed the first captain and is debased to strahman brothers for tarnishing the eighth legion but before he could continue iago activated his own hidden psychic abilities to strike back at zaras all this time from the young arrogant boy on nostramo who'd always seem to be right he was in reality a psycho iago had long repressed his abilities which were more often used subconsciously rather than his direct will his powers made him different as an astartes especially in combat he did not quite understand how it was possible but he was able to run faster and tire more slowly than most of his enemies his psychic abilities gave him the edge to stand out amongst his brothers but were indirectly the cause of his loneliness and distance from them in the eyes of the night lords he became this untouchable warrior who had left countless bodies in his wake feeding the dirt and the scavengers of battlefields he became the prince of crows the great crusade had progressed for over 200 years and the eighth legion barely resembled the terran forces that had departed to conquer the galaxy for the emperor with the integration of the nighthaunters tactics of psychological warfare and the influx of recruits from nostramo the legion had become a disdained band of murderers in their fellow legion's eyes the effect of yago and the legion committing atrocities regularly had the disheartening effect of making them numb to it in fact the very cruel act that they had punished and others they came to enjoy turning into more twisted sport or a disgusting craft in fact iago and many of the other night lords wore flayed skin of the innocent victims in accordance with the imagery of fear their primark encouraged they waged war in a way that spared many from death but for those in their sights the release of death was a gift they were condemned by many of the primarks who were disgusted by the way the nighthorn during this legion wade war the words people use to describe you have more meaning than you would think for if the nightlords were called thieves murderers and cruel what reason would they have to try and be better if the world had condemned them to this box unfortunately the night haunted psyche in these latter years was continuing to decline despite the close counsel of yago and the crypteria it must have been disheartening for iago to see his primark crumble and suffer like this but he was his lord his father and he stood by his side for over a century when the night lords received news of their home world nostromo falling back into its volatile and corrupt ways iago knowing his primark so well likely saw how comrade would take this kurz then returned to nostramo with the nightlord's legion in full ready to give the world the justice they deserved he destroyed the dark world utterly with orbitable fire from his fleets that cracked through the world's crust and destabilized its volatile core cracking it open in like an egg until only fragments remained drifting in the void kurs viewed this atrocity as a rightful punishment for his homeworld's return to its corrupt ways during his long absence on the great crusade this world had never accepted or loved him and that had formed him into the night haunter and filled his legion's ranks with the debased and cruel recruits iago and many of the nostromon nightlords had become desensitized killers and their twisted sense of loyalty was to the nightlords and no one else but not all could just willingly accept the destruction of this imperial planet or their home world and mutinies began to flare up during the fleet's bombardment for those who would not fall in line sevitar and his atromentar brutally put them down teleporting from ship to ship and fighting their own astarte's brothers in brutal ways that would strike fear in the hearts of anyone else who had the courage to rebel with the destruction of their homeworld and the ostrichization from most of the imperium all the legion had left was each other chastised desensitized and unrewarded for the victories of the legion had brought to the emperor and the imperium yago and the nightlords were at the point of their greatest discontent where they were met with an offer logar aurelion of the word barriers spoke of the emperor's lies about faith in the gods and his plans for eradication of the adept as astartes at the end of the great crusade that possibly a better future could be under the war master horus the rightful second emperor of mankind the true emperor one who would reward the brave warriors of the imperium when lorger had finished speaking the first captain cevitar was the first to declare death to the false emperor and in doing so he became the first living soul to utter those words that would echo throughout the millennia the cry was taken up by other voices and soon it was roared across all the traitorous legions and the dark betrayal of istvan was conceived such was the standard of depravity and sense of independence that the eighth legion had no need to even purge part of the legion in preparation for this betrayal with the denouncement of horus the emperor tasked seven whole space marine legions to bring that traitor to justice as the night lords deployed first captain sevitar led his first company elites the actual mentor to the surface upon this fan five they eagerly awaited the withdrawing loyalists on the slopes of the ergol depression the battered black armor of the raven guard warriors came towards the unified nightlords and word bearers force after a moment of chilling silence iago and the other nightlords and traitors unleashed their bolters engaging the wounded and battled loyalists during the ensuing chaos of battle the galval brac of the word bearers legion revealed that they were demon hosts for the denizens of the warp their flesh and ceramide had fused and warped into a new bestial form making them out as amongst the first of the possessed chaos space marines thiago i think he always felt like a monster on the inside but these marines were possessed real physical abominations enhanced by foul denizens of the warp rather than their own strength after the battle when logar's favored son argel tal approached savitar to congratulate him on his victory the first captain removed his helm and spat on the ground by the word bearer's feet civitar's attitude was openly hostile to the word bearers was this the future loga had spoken about had he fought for over a century tortured innocence and even destroyed his home world for them hughes future and purpose was he really fighting for now following the massacre upon isfahan 5 the war master sent nighthaunter and his nightlord's legion on a campaign of genocide against the imperial strongholds of the heralda and thramus in the edgiest subset of the eastern fringes thus protecting horus flank and delaying the dark angel's legion from reinforcing the loyalists this brutal contested campaign known as the thramus crusade dragged on for nearly three standard years after countless engagements over a year a parlay was called and the primarks were accompanied by two warriors from their personal honor guards sevitar was one of the representatives of the night lords and when the lion arrived at the meeting site he was flanked by his own honor guard master alajos and paladin coursewayne when the honor guards gathered the words spoken were unpleasant and rang with savitar's famous sarcasm during this unpleasant conversation corsway noticed sevitar's gauntlets they were painted arterial red cevitar explained that it was a mark of shame within the eighth legion a warrior's gauntlets were marked this way when he had failed the primark gravely enough to warrant death he would wear the stain of his failure upon his hands until this execution upon the hour of the primark's choosing this was an old nostramine gang tradition the hands of traitors and fools were tattooed read by their families to show that they were marked for death though though he was a dead man walking he still had labours to perform before he was allowed to die corswain inquired which one civitar was a traitor or a fool to which the first captain replied that he was both with the crumbling mental state of his primark conrad kurz denounced even his own first captain and likely only friend of being a traitor and a fool and in reality was he wrong savitar was a traitor to his emperor and as loyalist brother astartes and ironically he was a fool because he followed his primark conrad kurz when next the two legions fought the dark angels executed a meticulously planned ambush upon the nightlord's fleet whilst it was in transit across the sub-sector this saw the nightlord's legion broken and their primarch were mortally wounded after having faced his own brother lionel johnson decimated in the ambush the night lords under severtar scrambled to create a resistance to the dark angels and rescue their primark it was now that severton knew that they had little chance of finding their primark in the bowels of the dark angel ships so he reluctantly used his shameful power that he had kept hidden he reached out psychically to the primark linking his mind in an attempt to bring him to battle and joined the remnants of the legion it was in this moment that savitar inside the mind of his own primark that he unleashes his true thoughts and feelings that he had bottled up for more than a century he chastised conrad as he only gave excuses for committing heinous deeds in the name of his just utopian future whilst his brothers never had to resort to such tactics to achieve the same goals he butchered and tortured people into compliance because it was the easy way not the long hard road of peaceful means severton knew what he was a monster raised in the ways of the cruel eighth legion who may have thought that all this evil was part of a necessary better future but that was a lie it was either for a future of an uncaring emperor on both sides and all he had left was the nightlord legion a loose band of traitors and fools rousing his primark with his controversial words cevita and a splint and nightlord's force made an ambush upon the dark angel's flagship however there had come a cost for sevitar using his repressed abilities as they began to go out of control ending up with him losing consciousness later cevita is found imprisoned aboard the invincible reason upon awakening he is in terrible pain from his psychic talent and he believes that he is dying during his imprisonment seventar is contacted by the astropath aletani from the astropathic choir of the invincible reason who seeks him out to ease his pain and stop his psychic talent from killing him with his mind and body tearing apart in the confinement i believe that he'd reflected in all that he had endured from this difficult early life on nostramo where he has struggled to connect due to his repressed psychic abilities to joining a legion of demigods and finding the only bond he had ever had with his primark enduring his primark's teachings of fear and brutality in the name of justice which had desensitized him so much that he even aided in the destruction of his homeworld nostromo he had developed a personality of sarcasm and savagery to cope with all this darkness but in reality i think he would have given it all up for connection and purpose as savitar is putting his mind back together with the aid of the astropath this girl warned him that they had been discovered and the young girl was beaten until her spine was broken by the marsh of the choir an innocent person had shown him kindness and connection and was unjustly hurt enraged sevitar managed to escape his custody as the alatani takes control of the twelve dark angels escorting him cevita made his way to the ashopathic choir quarters and methodically killed the master of the choir bellowing out for all to hear i am justice i am judgment i am punishment i believe it dawned on him that he was born to punish the cruel and put fear in the hearts of people who harmed innocents his psychic powers came under his control and he was filled with a new sense of cold purpose that he had admitted had deluded him for decades perhaps never a noble and honorable man but there was something that he could be a weapon of justice and punishment he was no traitor or fool he was iago savitarian the prince of crows you
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 117,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, Azreal, Jargo, Night Lords, Sevitar, 30k, Jargo Sevitar, Jargo Sevitaroin, Night Haunter, Konrad Kurse, Horus Heresy, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, total war warhammer 3, vulkan, dark angels, sleep, calm
Id: E7I-XfP8bgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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