Tyranids: Very Hungry Bug Boys | Warhammer 40k Lore

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[Music] welcome everyone to the adeptus ridiculous podcast i'm one of your hosts dk diamantes and on this podcast we learn about the crazy wacky world of warhammer 40k from near lifelong fan brickie uh also if you enjoyed today's podcast please be sure to check out our patreon over at patreon.com adeptus ridiculous we have a bump and discord that has tons of amazing emotes and you can get tons of rewards like access to the blooper reel hd posters fantastic stuff like that but um we're gonna get into today's episode today is i'm calling today our cyberpunk 2077 video because holy [ __ ] look at all those bugs so bricky i did not think you would go that direction it's not even wrong i just i don't know i thought maybe because it was going to be like short so it's like it's going to be shorter than you expected or has less penis customization or like some something that else besides that that's just pretty good i don't that was the obvious answer to but i don't know why my mind didn't go that way yeah it was it was between make a cyber 2077 joke or raid right raids there i it could have been a fallout 76 joke true but i feel like you know cyberpunk was more on like the forefront you know fallout it's been [ __ ] for a while that that horse has been beaten to death it's been taken to the glue factory it's you know that's that's old news cyberpunk though everyone knows how buggy and [ __ ] that thing is that's that's true that that's true hopefully it gets better i i still haven't i still haven't played it yet i kind of i i just haven't tried it yet i kind of want to but i want to wait for it to work yeah wait for it to work there's good things there but uh like i said it's it's a lot of bugs also the campaign is very short like today's episode right it's gonna be a little shorter because it's the nids it's the news so for those nid fans out so that's a pretty die-hard knit fans and and the knit fans have been kind of like they're kind of like a battered housewife um they don't they don't get treated well by gw whatsoever they constantly hope it's gonna get better and it never does um yeah yeah i'm going i'm going deep in the barrel here knits are awesome nids are super cool they're super like uh awesome like the idea the concept they're all cool but gw has a way of telling their stories which is always from an outside perspective or from a survivor's perspective which makes them [ __ ] terrifying oh yeah but at the same time it means that lore wise we have very very little like back in the day necrons used to just be unthinking unfeeling robots with no motives or anything they were just like terminators and they said like you know that's dumb and they decided to make like dynasties and characters and all that fun stuff now the nids are just like mmm biomass and that's kind of where they are that's kind of where they stayed i i do kind of like the idea of it being told just from outsider perspectives because like we were saying uh before the podcast started it's like how much lore can you really say because they're just sort of mindless bugs that as far as i know uh when they conquer your planet they turn it into a giant soup plantation and just slurp it up um so how much how much lore like from their perspective can you really have but it is kind of cool that it's all just survivor perspective it's just like oh god i survived that [ __ ] nightmare let me tell you about this awful awful race of bugs that ate everything and then ate themselves so that's the weird thing about this here and is is that this is a relatively recent addition to 40k not in terms of like actually added but in terms of actually like like in the timeline the deteriorates first were found in uh year 40 745 like we're in like year 999 i think so they've only been around for 250 something years oh so warhammer time that is a short time a lot of imperials literally don't know uh tyranids exist like okay a lot of them don't know necrons exist if we're being honest we have the outsider perspective a lot of like imperials imperial citizens citizens have no idea what a necron is or what it's here and it is because they never they they know about the eldar they know about the uh the powers of chaos you know they know about that they know about the orcs um but they don't really know about the rest because either they couldn't talk about it or they just not been around for enough that's that's true they've never really encountered them they've never had a reason to encounter them they're probably they're going to counter the news from the space marines yeah if they've encountered them they've probably already been eaten because they're citizens so yeah actually that only makes sense yeah yeah it's it's kind of it's kind of weird it's a v it's definitely the horror alien it's so obvious that these are xenomorph-based uh characters it's not even it's not even like uh the the slightest of a of a um subtlety a very starship trooper z as well um this has a very good vibe of the uh like a guard versus niz is my favorite matchups because i you know i play guard it's got a very good like i'm doing my part and then the guy just gets eaten by the bugs um definitely some cthulhu vibes as well uh between like some of the technically monsters and also that whole thing but anyway let's talk let's talk about the tyrions let's talk about their history which will be very short and we'll get a lot more into like what they're what they do like their bodies and [ __ ] okay um so the tyranids are not from the milky way galaxy uh that's the that's the big thing is that they actually came from the dark space of the uh of the in between the galactical void kind of where um the silent king was chilling which is exactly why he saw them he was like oh no and he ran back so they he did see them yeah he saw them he went to go like be sad and then they roll past him he's like ah i think he came home yeah so time to stop being sad and start being scared so we don't know why or where um some people said that gilman did something or maybe it was tigerius i don't remember who but some ultramarine douchebag uh did something that got the tyranids to roll up or maybe it was magnus i think it was something during the horus heresy where someone did some big psychic thing and then the tyranids were like yo was that gamer girl feat oh no and then they moved their way over it's theorized there's no like 100 confirmed thing but that's the assumption when you said gamer girl feet i my skin crawled like bugs so thanks for that it's all very thematic and i hate it you gotta do the asmr thing where you just get really close to the mic you're like it's like everywhere [Laughter] my skin is crawling good security [Laughter] so they um so shy tells me it was originally the emperor's golden throne light but again like really we really don't know and it doesn't matter point being is the tyrannos came here um now there's a couple reasons as to why there's the theory that they're actually doing the halo thing where they're actually running from something and they're actually fleeing like something much more terrifying or perhaps some kind of like uh natural this glock disaster or they have the possibility that the tyranids actually uh you know consumed the goddamn galaxy and are just moving on again which is pretty terrifying yeah but the biggest and scariest part of the tier news by far is the fact that if you take a a picture of the milky way galaxy in fact i'll give you a little bit of a link here um okay if you look at a milky way galaxy there are different hive fleets there's hive like it's like different kinds of um you know different kinds of fleets so you have uh moloch you've got yormangander kraken behemoth hydra et cetera et cetera but each high fleet has entered the milky way galaxy from a different section oh so there's the good possibility that they might just legitimately be surrounded on all sides of the milky way is just nothing but nids and so it's a pretty spooky [ __ ] premise it's like oh man look at this gigantic fleet of nids coming out of dark space over on the bottom right hand corner and then like another size just as big arrives from like the top like what no oh so there's nowhere to run you're always going to have to fight through some tyranids if you want any sort of relief like if you want to from them you have to fight them well and flee wear though like this is the milky way this is the entire galaxy if you want to flee you have to go to like andromeda which god knows how long that'll take and and what if this hyundai's ate it all [Music] the tyranids are very scary there's so many of them they're they are probably with the exception of chaos actually maybe even with chaos they might be the largest threat in the galaxy they might be number one i think they are number one actually if the orcs got bounded together or binded together then they would be number one but they don't because they're stupid because they're big dumb them head they're hilarious but really they're very they're very funny but unfortunately they have this unfortunate this horrible disease called the dumb so the tyranids they basically did like a hibernation all the way across the way and they woke up and now they're very hungry so the first ever encounter with the nids was on a planet called thai ram now as we remember everything about tyranids is second ham so the reason they're even called tyranids is because they were first found at the planet of tyrann oh okay yeah tyranids tear and knits okay the pieces they're they're fitting together i like it i like it yeah cause nobody knows like if you know if you know certain named characters in the codex for nids they're almost all named as if by other people there's the red terror there's old one eye the swarmlord they don't have like actual like the name isn't just it's like some weird you know they think it was given a name you know yeah by a survivor that saw how feverishly they ate people or how big they were or their big red claws or something yeah it's it's good too because in the tyrant it was where high fleet behemoth arrived and the tyrant fight is like the big big opening behemoth i think is the biggest one too um tyrann as it should be this is the big fight where it was kind of great because even though they may have won it was a good chance to watch the ultramarines get [ __ ] bodied because the tyranids arrived on this planet ultramarines arrived and they were like what in the ever living [ __ ] is that and then their big boy their man their their boy man marnius calgar which is their chapter master he's known as papa smurf and um because gilman gillam and his grandpa smurf or granddad smurf but so he's because they're blue so like i get it like the primark is the emperor's sum the chapter master is like the leader of like the chapter of marines right um so he he went out on 1v1 the swarmlord which is like this big big [ __ ] tear in him and uh he got both of his arms and his leg hocked off and then his entire honor guard company escorted him out of there and we're all eaten oh and and then after after that they uh sent a big ass like emperor class battleship which thanks to the fact that um good old uh technology is backwards they can't recreate and so they sent it and like detonated its warp drives for to send it into the warp with a bunch of nids and like stop them from killing them all but but it's like that that's like the it's like the assumption of of um it's it's like destroying it's like burning your house down to kill a spider it's not i don't know if it's quite worth it yeah but it's the nids though so i mean it's a little bit more than a spider the um have shy posted a picture of that that stupid drip version of marnius calgar uh if you can notice he's got very large arm and and stuff and that's because he's got giant power fist arms now because he has no arms because he has no legs too right well he has one leg he's got one good leg okay oh that's why it's draped in that that that that red cloth gotcha because the other one sucks stupid yes any story that's like hey you want to hear about how the ultramarines got [ __ ] bodied i'm like yo i'm in they technically won they technically won the fight but like nah nah [ __ ] the alternates they didn't win [ __ ] they got bodied they got bodied so let me just train fans let me try to explain yeah yeah [ __ ] you luton [Laughter] what a bunch of blue [ __ ] you're giving me blue balls because i'm stuck constantly being edged by bad chapters oh [ __ ] ultramarine fans you know they're pretty alright but it's it's gw's fault it's it's blame games workshop so the tyranids with that whole thing it's it's mainly about trying to understand what the tyranids are that's the that's the big thing we need to talk about it's not i don't want to talk about the battles because there's just battles i don't really want to talk about like like all the major like i mean the characters maybe we'll have a different episode for but i want to specifically talk about just like the structure the physiology of the the tyrants that's what kind of makes them so terrifying so the tyranids have at its base core they are the hive mind um they're known as the forces of the hive mind which is also uh where they can do gene stealer cults which i guess we can talk about that a little bit but um the hive minds the idea is that the imperium have found that each and every single tyranny in its own right has a very limited consciousness but it all feeds back into a psychic synaptic idea to other larger bugs into eventually the hive mind itself so every single bug acts in a perfect unison they are all complete because they all share one mind yes and now obviously it gets wheeled down a little bit like i think if you remember the geth um it's like it's like one geth alone big dumb lots of geth gets smarter and then the big guest server it's kind of like that like legion was a thousand geth right which is why he was so intelligent so legion would be like uh like a swarmlord is like a hundred thousand death you know it's like a really big one and then the hive mind is like trillions you know it's yeah yeah yeah um so the high of mind we're not quite sure if the hive mind itself has like a physical form or property if it does it's probably out there in dark space completely safe and not actually like gonna have a problem but to an extent like tiny little ones like for instance these little guys called termagants or hormagants or ripper swarms river swarms like the size of like a cat i think and but they they go in like or maybe like mice but they they cover the walls and they look they look like they look like um like a wave like a legitimate wave of water because there's so many of them is that the scarabs and the mummy oh that's gross they run for they're like they [ __ ] eat you it's god that's that's that's okay yeah that's terrible and then like a turmeric gun i think is the size of like like a thing like a large dog uh termigons have like a little gun and um the horrigans have like little stabby little stubby claws um so they all have like different variants and such but the high but those guys themselves they're not very intelligent they kind of they're very instinctual they're like oh food and they run up to you and they try to kill you and eat you and or shoot you and stab you um though often because of that you'll have these much larger bugs things called like carnifexes which like the size of cars and then like actually i think car fixes are actually a lot bigger than cars but yeah they're actually way better than the cars like the size of a semi-truck it's also a gun in mass effect we got lots of mass effect references oh yeah that big [ __ ] pistol i love that gun yeah everybody loves that gun that's the best it's so cool the um it's not it's not the the m s the uh the matic though the real maddox enjoyers up and how on about here um but then you got like some big big tyranids like the there's like the turvagon which is like a mother version and it has a bunch of termagotts and like a belly and it like refreshes them you've got like the tyrannosite and the tyrant effects which have like giant poison spitting guns there's the toxic cream which is like this giant tentacle thing there's like all of these different uh the exocrine which is a giant penis gun there's like the the tithe mind are like super adaptable because they take biomass and they morph it and they adjust it and they and they like can create whatever they need in order for the job that they they want you gotta get people down little holes gonna send in a bunch of little termigons so you need some big scary bugs get ourselves a little bit of like uh some card effectses or maybe something like the swarmlord big guy like it all swaps around there but the hive mind makes it so that let's say let's say you get lucky and you kill off like a tyranid carnifex or something right uh-huh something big well all the termigons around there were kind of using it as like a synaptic node so when it dies all the terminals start going like they start like losing their [ __ ] they start like running in circles or like attacking the random [ __ ] they start like going mad because they've lost like the neural link oh okay um now obviously it makes them work a lot worse they're not like less of a threat they're still quite a threat but they start like kind of freaking out and being weird and causing problems and well like would they start attacking their own people because they don't have like would they attack other tyranids because they don't have that note anymore and they don't know what the [ __ ] to do and they're just going crazy i don't i'm not 100 sure my mind says yes or at least my mind will say they're not good enough at shooting or stabbing that they'll stab the wrong things accidentally so either tactical enough about it and you attacked these and you knew to attack these nodes could you actually like form a strategy to like not get [ __ ] over by the tyranids you could the problem is that the tyranids come in in waves that like blot out the sun like you know you know what okay so here's actually a great example um so the hive mind itself and this is one of the reasons why tears are so scary is that when a tyranny dies it doesn't lose the hive mind it simply loses the biomass itself so a dead tyranid does not feed chaos oh okay so so like if you were a person and i would have cut off your big toe your soul would not go to chaos would it no i suppose it wouldn't because you're not really you know it's just your big toe like it's not your soul okay that's what killing tyranids is like it doesn't feed the warp because they themselves do not have a thing now if the hive mind were to die that would be [ __ ] catastrophic if the hive of mine were to be sent to the war i mean i have nothing to back this up but i'm assuming it would either become a new chaos god or or it would just like completely wreck everything if the hive mind were to go there would be it would be as like probably significantly more detrimental than even if the emperor went because it would be such an absolute like destructive force but because of that sounds that sounds like the opening for chaos tyranids right there would be so many tyranid fans that would be upset if that happened they would be so pissed off um but the the thing is is that the tyranids do because the hive mind have a presence in the warp in general so tyranids are actually there's a lot of psychers there's a ton of tyranid psychers almost all the big monsters are psychers seems so weird it is a little bit weird like the nero throat looks like a bug with a giant brain and it like it fires up it fires a bunch of like laser beams and [ __ ] and or it would it would give like fancy buffs and stuff but the thing yeah shy just typed it i was about to talk about that is the shadow and the warp which might be the most terrifying [ __ ] ever so okay in the tabletop it makes it so that if you're near a tyranid psycher you have a harder time casting psychic powers but it's like if you take the warp it's almost like it's like a shadow moving behind you it's like if you're walking down during the golden hour right you're walking home and you've got that long shadow in front of you you know and then right to your right there is a shadow like almost equal length as yours but no one is walking to your right but there i don't like that but there's a shadow there so the tyranids have like their own manipulation of the warp so what would happen is deliberately as a high fleet moves into an imperial world the imperials the astropaths will try to like get a warning out but then they'll they'll open up the psychic um the like the side connection the warp and they'll just start losing their minds because the tyranids start reaching their way into the mind of the person and suppressing it so you literally can't call for help oh god so once they're on you like there's no calling for help it's just like yup you're probably gonna get eaten yep because you try you see the you look up and you see a tyranid fleet to like you wonder why the sun is no longer shining and it's because you look up and it's nothing but tiny dots covering the entire sky of tiernan's and then you're like oh no and then you open up a psychic link and then the tyranids are like no and they then they turn you off and they're like zip nope so there's no calling for help you'll never get reinforcements and and that's and that's that and this hearing is will descend upon you and eat your whole world and that's the problem is that biomass is what they eat they eat anything organic anything that has biomass people pets anything fauna and it all gets like coagulated and turned into more tyranids so that's what's really scary is like okay if you maybe can form a militia militia maybe you can form a fighting force if they've already eaten a third of the planet that means they're a third person like 30 percent stronger because they've turned all of your boys yeah they they send out spores and acid like they're they have guns the units have guns and the guns are made of flesh they're they're all they're all flesh-based weaponry and their ammunition is alive when they they fire at you it's tiny tiny viruses and micro and flesh-eating organisms that fly in a hurl of acid and it hits you eats through your flesh and then the tiny little bugs get underneath your skin and start consuming you ah gross that's disgusting oh my like at least if you get hit with a bolt or shot in the chest it's just like okay that's it uh instead you get hit by a gun that's potentially made out of scrotes and oh no more scrote guns yes grow guns uh last episode we had the scrote cloth now we've got the scrote guns uh because we have the mental capacity of 12 year olds but uh dude like virus shots and they just start eating you and i want to model a tyranid that has like the [ __ ] ball chin from like men in black and i want to make it i want to make a candidate he parts his entire gun's ammunition is specifically made from scrotes he goes around and he makes sure he makes like hey guys eat he could eat the humans but don't eat the scrotes i need them he loads them into his gun uh head on over to the patreon if you like this scrote-centric content at least for the night lords made sense that tyrion is they're just like oh yeah oh man jeez they're so gross i hate it oh oh my oh my god i don't oh oh [ __ ] shy just reminded me that i think the pyrovor does kind of look like is that an actual [ __ ] no that that's that has to be that has to be a photo oh my god it's not that's such a [ __ ] penis i was gonna say that's a very phallic cannon on that tear in his armored back uh holy [ __ ] i mean i thought the exocrine was the most penis looking one but hot damn i mean it's also it also has a lot to do with how these guys are painted like if you painted that cannon the same color as his armor it might not be so bad but maybe but that's that's some that's some phallic [ __ ] [ __ ] that is there that is super phallic also whatever that thing is that chai just posted like the white one with its mouth open and all those like tentacles coming out oh that was super hella gross and scares me that that's that was me uh that's the horror specs that is i hate it the horror specs the horror specs is really really gross um i hate it too they are super nasty oh no that i i just posted oh no all of our the audible guys and audible uh spotify guys and apple podcast guys are like i can't see it shut the [ __ ] up go to the youtube channel well there's that too but no i gotta i gotta actually check out the horror specs real quick let me look at it the hard respect is the ferocious tyranid beast created by the hot mine to consume biomass at a sickening pace in the later stages of a planetary invasion it is possessed by a rapacious appetite driven by the need to stay in infinite hunger few fools are foolish enough to stand in before feeding heart respects for it can devour an entire platoon of soldiers in a matter of moments shoveling victim after victim into its three-jawed craw without ever slowing down while also taking on vehicles and even fortifications without slowing down any morsel that pro proves too large to be swallowed in one gulp is seized by the horospec gargantuan claws and ripped crushed or battered apart with negligent ease oh my god i i think what makes that that picture of the thing that you posted so awful is like he's he's it looks like he's eating a little uh i'm assuming that's a an ultramarine because it's blue how [ __ ] dare you that is a tempesta scion and that is also known as a as a guardsman chad i am so sorry but the funny thing about it is there's this giant tear in it for anybody that can't see it there's this giant tear in it with his claws his mouth and their tentacles everywhere this guy has been latched onto by like tons of these tentacles it is very obvious that he is going to die and yet he's still holding on to this piece of metal like he's like i'm gonna get out of this i'm totally there's a chance i'm gonna hang on to this thing dude you're so dead just let it go dude but the emperor and the emperor the emperor protects man he's he's got like there's this thing that's like a hundred times bigger than him it's latched on to him with like at least three or four tentacles you sir are dead like just let it go let that little wrench go you are dead there are there is a lot of monsters that particularly cause problems we haven't talked about the capillary towers yet the the gigantic [ __ ] towers of tyranid biomass that spread around the ground turning the whole ground into a fleshy moving mass and and they gather all the dead like gathers all the dead biomass around the planet to allow them to just keep consuming it it's really really it's it's lots of body horror it's lots of like xenomorph um what's that i don't know what that's really referred to that like resident evil style horror where it's constantly like bulging and adjusting and like consuming like the blob the the movie the blob where the dude's stuck in the block yeah like there's there's like a term for that i don't know maybe it's just vorphobia i don't [ __ ] know what it is but whatever it is it's nasty turned the ground into a biomass organism that just starts eating corpses and gets stronger and then the very ground is your enemy now i think they usually do it as a way to gather dead biomass after the invasion um because they're gathering like little small bits on the ground like plants and and maybe like tiny animals so that's like an aftermath thing to sort of clean up whatever got left behind uh yeah it's a it's a post thing they generally drag all the bodies and uh they drag them towards these giant like digestive pools um which is actually an interesting thing um so there's this one particular thing so tyranids before used to only have one army but now they've technically got two they have something called jean steeler cults and we'll probably have an episode on them in a bit but gene still there's a unit called a jean steeler and it does what it sounds like it [ __ ] around with it with a genetic material but what you can do is you can create like like a cult like a tiny cult of of um tyranid-based like people so you start you know being a little different and you start believing in like the hive mind and your mind starts kind of changing and being strange and then after some time you start praying to like the hive mind to arrive and then you get these like little cults of tyranid uh jean steeler guys like in the bottom of like a major city and the idea is that they slowly will like cause a revolution and and therefore overthrow the government and do all this crap to prepare for the tyrannic arrival oh that sucks yeah they look weird too they got a little scrotum head speaking of scrotes um their heads do look like little scrotums and they look like they're like they actually have like a mad max like little rattling vibe where they're all underground like skittering around their weapons are very uh are very like archaic they use like rock saws and mining lasers and and like big sign like uh like um big like like traffic signs kind of like in fault three they use those as weapons and stuff um so it's kind of like a way to make an uprising i'll talk more about that on the gene steeler code episode but it's kind of a neat idea but particularly those towers and those giant pools of biomass of like uh acid apparently there's an interesting thing i didn't know about where right uh at the end of a tyrion invasion when the gene steeler cults go to basically um well you know jump into the [ __ ] pool because they need to now serve the hive minds and dissolve themselves as stuff apparently the tyranids severed their link to their minds at the at the last second and so in that last five seconds of falling they regain their mind remembering everything and they and they get to sit on the idea that they killed their family they killed all their friends and they betrayed the emperor right before they die this is the most metal [ __ ] of all time it's so [ __ ] up i mean yes it is very metal but oh man should you just like do you have to sever the link right there like yeah they don't want to die you know there's like all right let's turn let's turn us into into that [ __ ] it's brutal everything about the tyranids is so savage they're they're really sad but that's the thing is that like we don't know what if they have motives because remember that pardon independence day where uh the alien takes over the scientists and starts like speaking through them yeah yeah yeah but that hasn't happened yet and i kind of wish it would um because that hasn't happened and we don't know what their goals are yeah all we know is that they're here to eat yeah they're just here to eat us they they see us as prey and they've come to just consume we don't know if they have a an objective we've never spoken to them we don't we don't know like the only person who has ever been able to tap into the tyranid hive mind and live is an ultramarine of course it is i i will be i'll be honest i can't be too mad about this one it's this guy named chief librarian tigerius he's like the main badass um like psycher uh so he's the only one who has ever been able to get in to the mind of the tyranids and and survive just barely like just barely because it's such an overwhelming psychic power oh yeah because it's the hive mind it's what's linked up to all of the tyranids right so i imagine linking up with that thing is just essentially like a lesser person your head explodes it's just pretty much you start screaming and you just die yeah the uh the tyranids in their own in their own right considering the size and the power of them like there's a lot of things i haven't said but it's like it's hard to structure this video like that you can't use poison against them they're they're too they're too adaptive yeah they're they're um just they're all biological but they're too adaptive any kind of poison they adapt to within like within like the hour they've immediately created a new adaptation and like a vaccine for themselves and they just simply they won't get affected by it you can't you can't use bio weapons against them um they've got like their carapaces like as tough as tanks it's it's really really freaking hard to kill tyranids and that's the thing is that very often in lore if they do beat a tyranid force they beat off like an invasion fleet or an invading force but that that's kind of it they're very rarely actually doing any legitimate damage i i was gonna ask like have they ever really like beaten the tyrannous because it seems like the tyranids are kind of like the orcs in the sense that like once the tyranids on the planet well [ __ ] it just exterminate these exterminators the damn thing because it's way easier than trying to fight off these [ __ ] because they're just they're so adaptable they're so strong they're so swarming we've lost this planet tyranids are on it move out there's no point in even trying to salvage anything on that planet i mean often in a funny way like that is what they do they just exterminate us and he's here in the planet because there's just no point but at the same time sometimes they live because the thing the problem is that you can't do virus bombing because that doesn't work you have to break the entire planet something right yeah but that doesn't always [ __ ] work because these tyrannies are so goddamn resilient there might be a couple bugs chilling around there like i'm okay oh my god that's that's oof there's actually a awesome awesome story i like uh it's a guard story but i'll mention real quick so do you know what ogren are uh it sounds familiar but i i really couldn't tell you did you see that trailer for darktide with the gameplay trailer uh yes remember that really big [ __ ] yes okay so that's an ogre he's they're uh they're gigantic ab abnormal mutant humans and they're really stupid um but they're just they're huge uh there's one character called nork dead og he's like a a super good ogre he's got a bunch of medals he's my my favorite quotes where he's like the sergeant major asked me what my job was i said uh to do as i was told he said it was the greatest answer he's ever heard and slapped another medal on me i likes being in the imperial god but he has this great story where he would go and um he had like a commanding officer because his job is a bodyguard um commanding officer and it was inside this one tyranid known as a moloch and personally to all you tyranids players out there okay please use molochs okay i think i think they're better than you give them credit for for one but they're so [ __ ] cool all right use your goddamn molochs please like okay like this this is a moloch this is a mall oh wow he's a gigantic he's he's it's a gigantic whip coiled tail and it burrows underground and it pops up right beneath you and they're actually really big too they're like the size of like a like a um like a medium drink that's what's right minnie looks like yeah it's badass holy [ __ ] but there's a great story where the company commander of the garm was actually being eaten by by a moloch and it was and he was like clawing his way out of the moloch's uh out of the moloch's mouth and ship and nork is like i got your boss and he runs up to him and he [ __ ] takes his big forehead and the headbutts the [ __ ] of it cracking one of its mandibles and he reaches into the moloch's throat and he grabs the guy out and half of his body is is dissolved because it was in the digestive juices of the moloch and he's like so he pulls out half the oh he pulls out half the company commander he's like dripping in poison it's like i got your boss and he runs away [Laughter] obviously that commander must have died right or did they actually manage to like give him a robotic lower half or oh he probably got a robotic lower half i don't i i don't know apparently they didn't like him apparently he's kind of a coward but maybe he got shot later who knows um but she said something that was a little interesting inquisitor kryptman tried to preemptively exterminatus worlds that are exterminatus worlds that hadn't even been invaded yet to try and starve out tyranid fleets in advance yeah yeah though okay cripman is the oh i think the only inquisitor that has ever been removed from the inquisition because i think because he was too mean which is [ __ ] hilarious to me that's that is a wild concept where the imperium is like yeah you are you're a little too mean you're doing things a little too crazy not just no no no it's the inquisition we haven't even talked about inquisition oh okay do you know what the motto of the inquisition is the actual slogan the slogan what's that innocence proves nothing ah and he was too mean he was too mean even for the people i'm granted i kind of get it he exterminates entire worlds that didn't have people on that had like billions people on them to stop the tyranids from eating them to starve them i get the concept would have preferred evacuation first i was going to say you could evacuate those people if you know that the tyranids are coming be like hey guys tyranids are coming we got to get you the [ __ ] out of here and then we're just going to blow up the [ __ ] planet like why are you gonna blow it up with the people still on it yeah what if god damn it actually we really should talk about the inquisition at some point soon cause they're pretty big deal um but yeah it's just i it's hard to structure this episode because the tyranids are so horrifying and there's so much about them but really when you talk about the tyranids you're mainly just talking about like the different units like wow that bug is so cool look at that bug that's so it's so neat look at that terrifying hive minds you know it's what we've been doing yeah it's look at how cool the needs are yeah wait what what did shai say they also have tyranid waifus norn queens who are in charge of genetically designing new nids and stuff want to see some sexy fan art i think i may have blotted that from my brain is that canon like do they actually have like norman queens then i'm sure there are norn queens because they're probably used to um i think they they adjust and uh and they make new knits they make like fancier crazier new nids to deal with different problems gotcha but they're not like anime waifus they're just like these big blobs of pork that just spit out bugs i assume which is probably one of the most grossest things you could ever see because that's what the internet do uh i'm looking on google images right now and i can confirm that is what is happening can confirm do not like yeah i'm i'm gonna go ahead and take your word for it and not look that up the um the tyranids are well with the queens though the norm queens and stuff that that's one of the actual like fancy nice things about the tyrant is that just because they can consistently and consistently make more and more bugs trying to hyper-specialize against them is like nine it's like not impossible it's just it just it just doesn't work there are so many different tyranids and there are so many different horrifying horrifying creatures that they keep on building that here's here's a quote let me give you a quote let me give you a quote okay um this is from an inquisitor of course inquisitor bronislaw chevek whatever um there is a cancer eating at the imperium with each decade it advances deeper leaving drained dead worlds in its wake this horus abomination is thought and purpose which functions on an unimaginable galactic scale and all we can do is try and stop the swarms of bioengineered monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct we have given the horror a name to salva our fears we call the tyranid race but if it is aware of us at all it must only know us as prey the tyranids are i i wish i'd do more than just say the tyranids are [ __ ] insane but they are they are insane they are probably the biggest threat to the entire imperium and if i see a tyranted player a tabletop player i consider them nothing but a chad because they're super cool and i just they're just fun like you gotta like bugs you know you there's no like creepy girly bugs yeah yeah it's like there's not much lore there's so many characters to roleplay you're like i'm just gonna be bugs i like bugs gw does not like them oh um in the tabletop like i i guess they don't really have any well do they have name characters because you said like there are secondhand uh stories about specific tyranids that are maybe a little bigger they're maybe red or whatever so are there any like specific tyranid units in the tabletop that are like yo this [ __ ] though oh the swarmlord most definitely uh the swarmlord is basically is the largest synapse-based creature arou of the tyranny race ever spotted um oh that's the guy that hawked off uh the dude's legs oh oh okay gotcha gotcha actually i would let me let me tell you a story though let me tell you a story about my favorite tyranid character okay because we should talk about this yeah yeah that's that's the swarming he is a bad [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] is [ __ ] awesome and ironically ironically even though gw hates them on the tabletop i think he has a really overpowered what's that um so nids are not very good right now they're they're kind of mediocre um but he has a special ability that allows you to double move a unit so um basically you could take an entire giant squad of units or a giant monster and instead moving them like like you're like 24 inches away from each other you can move them like 10 inches and then just do it again so then you have like a 20 inch move and then that means you just charge them and it's really terrifying because then he'll take like a [ __ ] a giant like squad of like a hundred terminals or some [ __ ] and just like eat them turn one they're like ah yeah it doesn't mean like the turnips are overpowering anything are very good at all but that move in particular i'm like oh this makes me sweat um let me tell you let me tell you about [ __ ] old one eye though i love old one eye it's he's so cool um so here's the thing called the carnifex uh from hive fleet behemoth uh during the assault on an ultramarine world and he just like would bonk [ __ ] guard tanks like they were like bugs it was insane um however its rampage was only stopped when a random imperium guy shot a plasma pistol right through his eye and into its brain and it wasn't able to regenerate its eye but it was permanently scarred with a plasma burn on its eye um now however decades later a band of smugglers stumbled across the frozen intact body of it on the same planet they thought it out hoping to get bounty for the corpse and but then its wounds began to immediately heal and it slaughtered the smugglers of course and it did and so then on that world the calth world it just started doing its hive mind instincts and started mindlessly slaughtering stuff killing populations killing domes and then and then it eventually left over a bunch of termigons and jean steelers there as well and it started taking control of them like a little like a little boss little boss man and then so then an ultramarine guy because they they needed aids so some of the older marines came back they tracked it down and then finally they uh their big like sniper guy a guy named scout sergeant teleon made one and a one in a million shot that shot and hit it directly in the same eye socket and then it immediately fell down a gigantic ravine and was never seen again and then poor little one eye but but then it has been seen again but this time on different planets and now it's been told that old one eye has been finally brought down but it's been like 12 different reports of old one eye being finally brought down and old one eye has died several times not really because it keeps coming back but how did it get off world it's on different worlds like like it's the thing is it's like it's like a it's like a legend it's like a myth it's a legend it's the it's the legend of good old one eye if you if you don't eat your vegetables all the one eye will [ __ ] eat you at night kid yeah they're gonna say maybe maybe the hive mind is recreating a perfect copy of its scar and all but it hasn't been found yet either so it's still like the original might be still out there like no one ever found the body no it just fell down a ravine and they never actually got the body the the ultramarine guy tried to find it but he couldn't [Laughter] so where where the [ __ ] did he go also [ __ ] those smugglers that find a frozen tear and they're like you know what we should do we should throw this [ __ ] out no we know what that was about yeah i need some money let's thaw this [ __ ] thing out are you stupid look at this thing you want some cat hey man never underestimate cash cash money they needed that drip and they needed some money for it right oh that's here today i like all one eye though because i i have a cat named gidget and she only has one eye and so i'm i'm i'm a little sympathetic to the one eye go go get him get creations go go consume the biomass consume the biomass gidget they'll never be able to take you down so i know we normally talk a little bit about uh tabletop at the end of the episode and i think it's probably a good time to do so um let's do it they're not good um tyranids have have notoriously been kind of bad for like years i think i'm a little scared because i think when the tiered has become good we're in some deep [ __ ] um they recently have actually gotten some nice buffs and some of their big monsters from a thing called forge world are actually quite scary particularly this one monster called the democaryon um which is really cool looking but uh even so it's very much like they're not that great but they are like the big horde army bunch of big bugs with a whole bunch of little bugs running around with them um it is kind of cool though because they do have like synapse if you kill the big bug the smaller bugs are less effective so okay that's kind of cool i was gonna say as far as tyranids were concerned on the tabletop i would assume that all their units are super cheap because they're just a bunch of bugs they're supposed to swarm you maybe they're not individual the strongest but like you can you can put out like you know triple the amount of units that like i don't know an ultra rainforest couldn't you could maybe just have numbers instead of just like a few tanky units yeah absolutely that's pretty much how tyranids operate some people like to do a thing called tiernan monster mash which is just a whole bunch of big big bugs um it all depends i obviously i like a nice mixture it they're not great right now so it's a little bit hard to perfectly uh nail down exactly what their big thing is ironically i think they've got better shooting than they do melee um those are so weird those penis monsters things we saw earlier are actually really effective um particularly the the tyranid uh exocrine are pretty nasty but but yeah dude tyranids they're the great devourer is what they're known as with the forces of the hive minds oh they are very creepy and i i love how creepy they are but god they're so nasty they're super stupid all of their units are so gross and they do such gross things and it's just and they got scrote guns they got scrote guns i i like scrote heads yup it's all scro in this one this is this is i want this to be the title shy i want to i want to be uh tyranids in the return of the scrote the revenge of the scrub wait boys i found literal tiered scrotes oh no these are mines no they do look like scrotes i forgot about the s'more mines [ __ ] the revenge of the scrolls it all comes full circle just like a giant scrote at all full circle oh god damn oh i think i think i found worse ones okay we got we got stuff doing this before we get we got we got we gotta stop all right yeah anyway we gotta stop definitely oh my god those are screws i hate all right thank you everyone for watching this episode of adept is ridiculous uh who's next is it me it might be you i think it's you not because it was custodies which was me the night lords then the nids and then yeah so it's me again it's you again you know i think it's time i think it's time a dude i think it's time what's the time for what do you want i think it's time for you i think it's time for the imperial garden oh [ __ ] i think it's time for the guard i think it's time to get my my first my first eighth edition army let's [ __ ] go let's go it's time for the guard it's time for the guard time for the guard particularly because it'll allow me to preface into the fall of kadia which i think would be a very good episode okay i'm i'm i'm stoked i'm right all right well in that case thank you to everyone who's watching we'll see you next week for imperial gar my name has been bricky you can find me at brickie on twitch brookie on youtube bricky on twitter et cetera et cetera dk where can they find you you can find me dk diamonds every twitter twitch youtube except instagram one of these days i'll come into a shitload of money and i'll just buy that brand out but until then real dkdmonte's on instagram and of course you can find shy at quiet shy or quite shallow thanks to all of our patrons and to all of you people i'm currently looking at in the discord server you are posting some real curse [ __ ] i see that you've done that that what's that indian song with like they they deep fake that onto a bunch of marines and i don't like that and i'll we'll see you next week for more scrotes [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 429,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, tyranids, podcast, hive fleet, warhammer 40000, adeptus ridiculous, 40k, warhammer, warhammer lore, lore 40k, lore
Id: yXTPpATdkg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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