Warhammer 40k: Best Quotes - Part 1

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hi my name is Chris tester and this is a collection of speeches from Warhammer 40K I'm a British voice actor based in London and I grew up in the 80s and 90s playing Warhammer I've then been fortunate to professionally act in some of the video game projects that Warhammer are involved in such as Loki felhart in Total War II and also voicing some of the nurgle faction in Total War 3 but it's only really been in the last few years that I've started properly reading and getting into the 40K law which I found absolutely amazing and really getting into all of the black Library stuff as well if you enjoy my versions of these speeches then please do subscribe to this Channel please do share the video and also feel free to follow me on Tick Tock and Instagram at Chris naturally RP and also on Twitter or whatever it calls itself by the time that you're watching this at CG tester I was recently fortunate enough to actually be hired by a black library to a voice and audiobook which will be available later in 2023 and I also voice a couple of characters in a video game that I can't talk about right now which is also set in the 40K universe so I'd love to be able to keep you updated about those developments on the social channels too I greatly appreciate all the support and constructive feedback that people have given me about these recordings and if you ever have any suggestions for future speeches then please do feel free to email me at tick tockspeaches at gmail.com thanks so much for your time and now I'll cut to the chase thank you they shall be my finest Warriors these men who give themselves to me like clay I shall mold them and in the furnace of War Forge them they will be of Iron Will and Steely muscle in great armor shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed they will be Untouched by plague or disease no sickness will blight them they will have tactics strategies a machines such that no folk and best them in battle they are my bulwark against the terror they are the Defenders of humanity they are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear [Music] the fire is late and all that was is cast to The Wind we are committed he and I my brothers and our Legions all Humanity's Futures bound together in this circle of blood we are all the storm now the Imperium will fall and Rise by my hand or fall and fall and fall this van was supposed to burn in silence so that our war could be won before it ever truly began the angel's wings were to be broken at my feet and still failures come tumbling one over the other and on and on [Music] half burned to get our brother lives rebute wise rubute [Applause] through booty with his scratching quills and his plans and his hope to understanding too strong too damned perfect [Music] I wish he was with us you would say that I listened too much to altharius and norgar and that a war fought with deceit is doomed to fail perhaps you will be right the Hydra does not see all and now his blindness places a knife at his own back corax would have not made such an error or strange is it not that so many I wish beside me stand against me while at my back are only the flawed and damaged I am a master of broken monsters I cannot control them or their sons and they know it mortarion and Peter arbo and the rest they can all feel it they all know that this war is no longer something that can be guided only written out but they never understood me not truly and they understand less with each passing second they doubt they think that I've lost my way I can see it in their hearts pattern is the pride seeds have ruined driving them on feeding the Tempest and with such creatures I must remake the future a thousand battles ten thousand ten times ten thousand to bring about the new age with all the certainties of the past torn down all the beliefs that made them turn to ashes war on every front stretched across time until none could know when the final blow will come there is no disaster for all disasters serve me alone the storm Rises only so that the Thunderbolt may fall no other word of death is not even you perhaps that is why our father chose me perhaps that was his only moment of honesty it does not matter how the Galaxy Burns only that it does War master that is what it means my brother the strength to do what must be done [Music] do you see that do you see that [Music] you all is insulted as I am this is what they stand against us this is what they said this rabble we hold one of the mightier cities on the face of the planet the fury of its guns sends all skyborne enemies to the ground in Flames We Stand United in our thousands are weapons without number are Purity without question our hearts beating courage through our blood and this is how they attack us oh brothers and sisters a legion of Beggars and alien drags wheezes its way across the plains forgive me when the moment comes that they whine and weep against our walls forgive me that I must order you to waste ammunition upon their worthless bodies I have heard many Souls speak my name in Whispers since I came to Hell's week I ask you now do you know me I am remind us of the black Templars a brother to the steel Legions of this defiant World never again in life will your actions carry such consequences never again will you serve as you serve now no Duty will matter as much and no glory will taste us true we are the Defenders of Hell's reach on this day we carve our Legend In the Flesh of every alien we slay will you stand with me Sons and Daughters of the Imperium and our blood is The Blood of Heroes and large it the xenos de defina Sacred City they dare tread the secret soil of our world we will throw their bodies from these walls when the final day dawns Fury oh City run alien dogs come to me come to us all come die in Blood and fire for the Templars for the Legion for your elves reach you too my brothers my brothers what a sorry sight you've become traitors Heretics no better than the treasonous cultures we've crushed for the last 200 years did you learn nothing either of you I've heard lawgar's heresies already what brought you so low brother did the machine in your skull finally re-fashion your loyalty into madness favorite me dream they gave me peace Lord you know of struggle perfect son when have you fought against a mutilation of your own mind what have you had to do anything more than Terry compliances and polish your armor childish does he really come down to this so pitiably childish childish the people of your world didn't you great one which one of us landed on a paradise of civilization to be raised by a foster Father which one of us was giving armies to lead after training in the halls of the mccrackian highlighters which one of us inherited a strong cultured Kingdom only 12 of us had to rise up against the kingdom with nothing but a horde of starving slaves which one of us was a child enslaved on a world of monsters with his brain cut up by carving knives an honor the meaning of those words courage is fighting with Kingdom that enslaves you no matter the damn armies overshadow Yours by ten thousand dollars you know nothing of Courage honor is resisting a tyrant when all of us sucker and grow fat on the hypocrisy he feeds them you know nothing about them are still a slave angron enslaved by your past blind to the Future too hateful to learn to despiteful to prosper [Music] pity the Guardsman a weak sack of Flesh destined to die through a dead God that never cared it spends its pitiful brief life alone in his Foxhole with nothing to keep him company or to keep him safe than the cheapest most disposable of equipment perhaps the glow of his last Gun Barrel keeps him warm at night he as a servant of the powers I enjoyed the light of all this world and the warp has to offer power courses through my veins the gifts of the chaos Gods will soon overtake me and one day I may even Ascend what is the Guardsman to look forward to but a grim life and if he is lucky perhaps he will fill nothing as my ax sends his soul to Corn he lives for a corpse guard and he shall join his God as a corpse I shall spare a half second to think of him him and his kind then then I shall only laugh oh chaos you would love Monster but let me remind you within that weak sack of meat and Bone I'm cared for by his God and wept for by none beats a heart the human heart that carries with it the strength and courage of all mankind within that sack of meat is in sconce the hope the will and the fury of every man woman and child from every corner of the Imperium within that weak sack of meat festooned in thin armor and weapons only powerful in numbers beats the heart of a man and for Ten Thousand Years the hearts of men have beaten strongly in defiance of your so-called powers for Ten Thousand Years the hearts of men have stood United against a Galaxy that despises them for no reason says that they have the audacity not to lay down and die for ten thousand years your black crusades have been pushed back bringing down and made a mockery off by weak sacks of Flesh with cheap weapons and disposable equipment for that weak sack of Flesh the use of gleefully mock is no super soldier no Immortal Warrior no Creature cast by chaos like you he he is a man an imperial Guardsman drawn from some forgotten corner of the Imperium to fight for his species and for the safety of the people he loves here's a factory worker a farmer a storekeeper a father a brother a son a mere man and against creatures like you teeming and numberless powered by the very will of a thirsting God he holds the line and he has held the line for ten thousand years sir what's your excuse monster we've arrived and this is now that we perform our church in field key to the god Emperor oh I'm dying Lord and by the grace of The Golden Throne I declare exterminatus upon the Imperial world of python primaries and can sign a million souls to Oblivion the Imperial Justice account in all balance the Empire protects [Music] it is human nature to seek culpability in a time of clergy it is a sign of strength to cry out against Faith rather than to Bow one's head and succumb inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which fell typhen the ordo malleus but the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office to further fear them is redundant they hate them are heretical those more sensible will place responsibility with those who Force the hands of the Inquisition it's unfortune they may Foster this hatred into purpose and further rule their own fade by coming to the emperor's service yeah ultimately it was I who set these events into motion with a single blow of my hammer from the moment I understood the weakness of My Flesh it disgusted me I craved the strength and certainty of Steel I smiled into the purity of the Blessed machine the all kind of Flesh as if I will not Decay and finally one day the crude by her you call the temple will wither they can have my kind savior but I'm all for the machine is immortal even in death I serve the only science we do not know what our chances of survival are so we fight as if they were zero we do not know what we are facing so we fight as if it was the dark Gods themselves no one will remember us now we may never be buried beneath Titan so we will build our own memorial here the chapter might lose us and the Imperium I never know we existed but the anime the enemy will now the enemy will remember we will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the Stars burn out and the emperor vanquishes it at the end of time when chaos is dying its last thought will be of us this is our Memorial carved into the heart of Chaos we cannot lose gray nights we have already won why do I still live what more do you want from me I gave everything I had to you to them and look what they've made out of our dream this bloated rotting carcass of an Empire is driven not by reason and Hope but by fear hate and ignorance better that we had all burned in the fires of horus's ambition than to live like this the 13th the challenge what has happened to you father what faith decreed for me what do you mean how could you have allowed all this misery and strife to befall our Imperium I am not the shepherd Humanity seeks it was always my ambition that they would no longer alone all I can do now is to protect them as I see fit so that one day it may rise on their own and if they don't what if their flame is extinguished long before they realize your dream for you that map is what fate would have decreed for them why do you keep talking of Fate you had always taught us that Humanity would Forge its own destiny it was you police that made me believe I alone have the answers pride is the glory to sin which is why I suffer the greatest punishment and their suffering is it Penance or your solution to wither away while Humanity begs and pleads for their savior hoping that he might listen I have always had them [Music] I heard you when you cried out for me to stand you would you like to know the price that I pay to keep you alive of the billions the blinked out of existence so that you might survive you need not carry this bird alone you speak a fulfilling my vision Lord of Ultramar when my body of late shattered among her best of you I already knew my dream and died with them Father I accuse and not myself never ever were my gifts to humanity twenty shining beacons who would have Ash at us into a new age as the rightful rulers of the Galaxy yet none of you could rise above your personal desires and allowed everything I had given you to be squandered I will not allow us to go gently into the night do you hear me Father you may have turned your back on us but I will never betray Humanity as is your choice why why do you still fight only in death this Duty foreign I will not accept displays of humility from a man like you rise now forgive the indignity I see that you are hurt is this a dream or a vision neither I live I have returned to save the Imperium forgive me my Lord I failed I called all the chapters of the blood and lost them all to save bar the arcs angelicum is in Ruins thousands of Space Marines are dead and ball is devastated forgive there is nothing to forgive Dante you stop them when we arrived the high fleet was greatly depleted and easily destroyed as we speak the indomitus Crusade is scaring the system of the last remnants of the tyranids you have achieved what few others have and destroyed a major High Fleet Central I would congratulate you but there is nothing I can say that encompasses the scale of what you have achieved you have saved Baal from the hive mind Commander Dante and with it the greater part of this segmentum I'm sorry I am sorry I almost lost I almost lost everything please forgive me there is nothing to forgive [Music] there is always Beauty even in the depths of ugliness even in the depths of defeat your song raises us all above this realm of Earthly flesh for we are angels and warriors in equal part our devotion to our emperor and our Gene father is a paragon to which the citizens of the Imperium have long aspired now we stand upon the brink of death this will not change I say let us not go into the long silences of history but stride forward into Legend if the tyranids remained without guidance we might survive here Behind the Walls If Heaven would read out but they reorganize the hive mind is disrupted no longer and Librarians report the shadow Falls once more it is weak but it grows stronger with every passing minute coalescing around one potent Nexus if this is allowed to continue the tyranids will become of one mind again and they shall attack without mercy and we will perish him Within These Walls we have no notice of the fleet the void is Awash where the energies of the warp if we strike down their leader we may deal the swore one fatal death blow then save the worlds Beyond bar in this way we will win a victory of sorts but we will most likely die in the attempt millions of them remain scan thousands of us if we stay behind these walls they will overwhelm the last of our defenses in a few days this is the only way the shadow in the warp is a many-headed monster more ferocious than the Hydra of ancient times for it has a billion times a billion heads and all must be severed before it will die we have the plates we have the will let us carve the skulls of this creature are we not the sons of the great Angel are we not the Most Blessed of all adapters as parties our Primark was among the first to die but he lives Eternal in all our beings the meat and blood of our bodies are his host for ten thousand years we have protected his legacy within the fortresses of our bodies that time is it an end we are all death company now the sarcophagal I shattered their occupants devout and our future upon Baal has died with them the chapter is finished here but it is not yet dead our bloodline May survive in the Jean seed of our brothers elsewhere in the Galaxy it may not this question of survival is no longer hours to contemplate virtual gaze from the future and think of the present of now of what we might accomplish in these next glorious hours for if we must go into the darkness of Extinction let us do so with our swords in our hands and the wrath of sanguineous in our grasp when Tidings of this battle reach other worlds let them lift up their guns and say we shall not fail We Shall Not Die meekly through battle we remember and order the sons of bell who will say I who will raise his sword with mine who will bring burnished steel and raffle soul to the slaughter and let red ruin flow who will die in the remembering of Our Lord our flesh may be devoured but they cannot touch [ __ ] We Are The Most Blessed of The Emperor's Warriors the soul of Our Lord lives in the minds and hearts of every one of us we the red clad the blood hungry we The Rock the raffle and the pure we the sons of sanguiness most noble and glorious of all the primarks we hold more than his memory in our hearts and Minds The Great Angel we're not lurk here waiting for his end he would strike out seeking to destroy the leader of his enemies as he did when he confronted his brother Horus such a choice is now ours as it was our fathers if we do this we sell all surely perish but Baal May yet escape and play host to Space Marine still you and I will not be among them but the name of the blood angels and the score of other chapters who fall with us here will yet be known across the Galaxy for millennium I have worn this mask so long that mortal humans on a thousand worlds acquaintante with sanguineous one has become the other I have no need of a mask any longer I need aware our Lord's face he's in here in my heart I reel my face to you long hidden For Shame of the weakness age reveals I shall wear this mask when I fight in honor of Our Lord when I go into the final battle not as a poor facsimile of our father but let's Commander Dante son of bell son of the great Angel whose living body is the host of the Primark what say you Warriors first one final time and fly upon the wings of Wrath with our Lord into battle I commend you all O ye Mighty to the protection of the great Angel for the emperor it's ingridius there is no more Beauty to be had from life so let us then seek a Beautiful Death a beautiful death for the emperor foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] after all my son my greatest son you have suffered greatly for mankind you have earned your rest many times over Lewis of bowel secundus you've been a beacon of light in Dark Times I would Grant you any reward take you by my side free you from strife and pain yes please served for so long grabbed me the freedom of death I cannot I regret those things I need you that day cure suffering is not over please let me Rusty I'm sorry my son but you cannot rest not yet leave my son no no no no I face you at last my brother you make it sound as if you've brought me to heal it will beat me in combat after ten thousand years he remain purpose look about you I have it I have one you have not won yet if this is not a victory then I should probably consult one of your tedious manuals to better equip myself it's not over the father gave him his blood everybody see or did you take it off it's dead me I suppose it matters not he was not wielded against me fight me you coward do you think I would stoop so Lois to fight you my brother look at me you are so far beneath me I am mightier than you could ever be why would I waste my strength on crushing an insect like you instead you save your wickedness for my people who cannot fight back at all how Noble of you wickedness is that what you see I bring them salvation from the hell our father created I bring the majority of endless rebirth I bring them life you cast yourself as a war or Prophet but you are a slave I pity you brother you've deceived yourself it is you who is the slave the slave of Our uncaring Father who made us to do his bidding you who tried the path he laid out for you without question sure that the lies he told you were the truth to that stupid and trusting to question them yourself he never saw what he did to me the first time I met him he stole from me my life struggled it was nothing to him a bump in his smooth round to godhead he took one and worked and suffered for and he did not care he called himself the emperor what kind of pain was the presumption to claim such a terrible who takes and takes the affections of his sons and gives so little in return [Music] machines he created things like we are [Music] attract his way we should never have compromised my own principles but I did I was a champion of common people who I abandoned them for a galactic despot now I sell the people again if I'm a puppet of an uncaring Master then what are you a being who wallows in war power while crying hatred for the witch a blazing for corruption and disease you blustered long and hard against psychic power and claimed total fearlessness and indomitability none could match yet when faced with death the ultimate challenge you failed you do not know what you speak of you do not know what it was like I was shown the depths of suffering of a kind you could never understand and this death beckoned me I was given the power to withstand it I know no suffering I saw my brothers many of whom I loved all of whom I respected turned their backs Upon Our Creator and plunge the Galaxy into war as all Humanity reach for one golden moment of Peace brush it with its fingers and then I saw you and the other split upon it and tear it away I died at the hands of my kin I awoke to a Galaxy so far from the Glorious Enlightenment of the emperor it resembles the Catholic hell you turned your bag on all you claimed to stand for cravenly without a second thought where was my brother who could weather any storm whose body Shrugged off poison who would never ever give in what happened to him the mortarion of old would never have allowed this he would have died with honor you must have seen as your worries were transformed into these honking monsters what awaited you should you say yes to Salvation you who called yourself the strongest of us the redoubtable the master of any pain or sorrow how hollow these words seem to be now at least know what I am I look at myself and though I perceive many failures I know with unshakable certainty that I performed the duty I was created for that I fight for the preservation of mankind and you do not fight for the emperor I fight for what he believed and Advocates quickly you fight for yourself I remain a champion of humanity whereas you are the Lackey of evil then tell me reboot if I thought it was so good look me in the eye and tell me that he loved us all as any father should love his sons you've seen it and here's something that's different about you you spoke with the Montana tell me what did he say did he played to be released did he beg you to be set free from his Golden Throne oh my brother cannot be did you say nothing is our father dead well of course he is busy not many real sense beings like him Beyond mortality I use in misguided he sword and in a way [Music] grandfather who offers those who follow him the gift of Genius renewal you look at this land and you only see your nation it is a shame for you that Miracle's potential is invisible but you see a destruction I see but one phase in a cycle of death rebirthane decay it is colorful vital and so much more than our father's pale lies and all secrets it is timeless and eternal for everything that happens here is reflected there endlessly every moment can be accessed Every Lie heard every broken promise you we live Within far from merkel's garden into Realms where Secrets flock like corpse flies I found many interesting things there [Music] do you think it wants for affection I think what have crippled you and you'd lied live and useless in the man cage begging to die I might tell you and then you'll find words here will burn in your mouth but that is yet to come next fast I think you won't be needing those at all do not worry my brother my Scythe is sharp loved only a little [Music] do you see goodie man you follow the wrong master he is a cyst a pus-filled canker surrounding a dead thing lodged in the fabric of reality like a thorn or a piece of shrapnel it must be drawn out for things to heal [Music] do you understand now that this is what you follow of course you can't answer [Music] I doubt you understand anyway we will soon be in the garden of nurgle my brother the veils are parting I can see it already once you were dead this world will fall within it and become a jewel of decay you have damaged my network but not by enough and at the coming of your death one by one each of your worlds will pass from this place of cold void and uncaring stars into the grandfather's embrace [Music] I wish you could see it it is beautiful full of life and potential there are trees here and plants of amazing variety it is no balance it is not like that cold light you showed me not like him it is not like the materium at all with its pointless struggle against inevitability hear nothing ever truly ends but is reborn and dies and is reborn and dies over and over again everything here is given many gifts nothing no matter how small is overlooked and all share in grandfather's bounties there is no pain and because there is no pain suffering suffering is born gladly now tell me my brother compared to the hell our father has inflicted upon the Galaxy is that sound so very terrible [Music] I wish you could see it [Music] if only you would turn if you were nearly dead soon the pain will be over then you want that for it to be done hush now go to the grandfather and you will see he will make it all all right he will take the pain away forever master [Music] or he is surrounding a dead thing lodged in the fabric of reality The Thorn or a piece of shrapnel he must be drawn out for things to heal do you understand now that this is what you formula of course you can't answer I tell you to understand anyway we will soon be a regarding of Miracle my brother the failed supporting I can see it already once you are dead the world will fall within it become a jewel of decay enough damage mine at work but no fun enough and at the coming of your death one by one each of your words will pass from this place of cold void and uncaring stars into the grandfather's embrace [Music] it is beautiful full of life and potential and there are trees here and plants of amazing variety there's no balance it is not like that cold light you've showed me not like him it is not like the material at all with all its pointless struggle against inevitability [Music] nothing ever truly ends but he's reborn and dies and he's reborn and dies over and over again everything here nothing no matter how small is overlooked and grandfather's bounties there is no pain and because there is no pain suffering is gladly born now tell me brother compared to the hell our father is inflicted upon the Galaxy does not sound so terrible oh I wish you could see it if only you would turn you are nearly dead soon the pain will be over don't you want that for it to be done oh [ __ ] now [Music] all right [Music] he who will take the pain away I do not want to be here [Music] I do not want this present but I want the future that follows even less we stand against our own brothers and sisters with our backs to The Eternity gate and this [Music] is not a battle we can win if you have ever wondered how you will die now you know if you've ever wondered where your body will lie now you know you'll be killed on the last wall between hope and horror your body will lie there unburied staring up at a poisoned sky once the sanctum Falls Terror Falls with it and I tell you we cannot hold this wall you can see it yourselves there are too many of them and we we may last a week if we do the impossible more likely we will all be dead in three days [Music] perhaps my word surprise you frighten you but I will not lie not to you not to you who have come through 200 days of dread only to find yourselves here I've looked into your faces and seen what this water has cost all of you I have followed the flow of battles that each of you have survived to stand here on the final Battlement I see everything you've endured those stories written in the light of your eyes now the war Master offers you the LIE of Life promising a mercy his forces are incapable of showing [Music] last war and it falls to me Here and Now to tell you to stand against him one more time to give everything you have even your lives if it will hold this ramp hard for another day another hour another second that is what the moment demands of me is it not that I'd beg you to make one last sacrifice [Music] now I will not ask it of you you have already given everything [Music] you've already done everything asked of you hundred times and more you have suffered through a war of unimaginable Darkness one that has demanded more from you than any soldier in the history of our species is being forced to give exactly you still live [Music] I cannot conceive of the courage and resilience it requires for you to face this Dawn and look to the Horizon with a rifle in your hands where Horus has offered only lies I will offer you truth [Music] those of you that wish to run run leave this place not in shame at the duty undone not in surrender to the traitor's forces but with honor go with my gratitude for you have already given everything asked of you what right do I does anyone have to demand more do you you have endured harrowing Beyond account horror beyond measure if you wish to fall back into this sanctum imperialis and spend the last hours of life with your children then do so now there you go not only with my blessing but with Miami [Music] if you wish to leave the wall and take your chances in the Wasteland before the battle begins then in the emperor's name you've earned the right to try swiftly and carry with you the pride that you've already given a hero share in a war that none of us wanted but were forced to fight and if you wish for the truth I will give it to you gladly for you [Music] abandon this world if I could [Music] I could Primark in me the supposed demigod half of my heart craves life with a ferocity that shangs me [Music] take of the sky and never look back but I cannot I am half human and the human in me demands that I stay the prophecy death is coming today tonight tomorrow I know not the when or the hell only that I feel Fate's breath on the back of my neck and do not remain here out of immortality's Courage I remain here because if I am to die I choose this death I choose to die with my back to the last door I choose to give my life to buy another hour or a minute or even a single second of Grace to those who cannot be here fighting with me I choose to die here because I do not believe I have yet given all I can someone must stand and fight and if I have but one choice left I will make it now I will stand I will fight I will hold this wall knowing that the 13th Legion makes for Terror with all speed and if they cannot bring Salvation they will bring retribution whether I am alone or whether a hundred thousand of You Are by my side when the war Masters horde descends upon this wall they will find me waiting for them with a blade in my hand not because I can win but because it is right I did not know what delusion grips those out there who are once our brothers and sisters but I know it is right to oppose them [Music] I have spoken enough you need here no more of my fears and confessions [Music] All That Remains is for me to ask will you run [Music] is this it useful to draw me to kill me you betrayed us your sons you led us here to die there is no forgiveness for that none you must die by my hand the emperor's Justice will fall upon you not even full Grim the Illuminator can escape the life eater you wish me dead why it's because you think I betrayed you the legion a whole ride along your thoughts as you know if you could only see us now how beautiful each of us a brilliant son it's delicious do not do this why not I am your master and I can do whatever I like and I can Crush you or I can raise you up return to the Legion accept the gifts of the Dark Prince and you will walk up my side clad once again in flesh anything old friend I will sculpt you into something beautiful a God to these never never all we have left between us is that we will die together I am Rylan or of the empress children ancient of Rights venerable of the Palantine host and proud servant of the emperor of mankind beloved by all I reject you now and always I'm sorry if it sounds like I was offering you a choice I will remake you brother you will be my crowning achievement the flesh is weak for more than 10 Millennia we have lived up to this Maxim for more than 10 Millennia we have endured for more than 10 Millennia we have defended the Imperium mankind teachers on the brink of annihilation and relies on our indomitable strength to survive not be found wanted for we are the iron hands follow me Malcolm fellas your iron father and by the blood of the Balkan we shall be victorious here now the words of my ruling I'm a blind to the needs of the Imperium but nor am I blind to the realities of the hearts of men for him and speak of knowledge your power as though their abstract Concepts to be employed as simply as a sword or gun they are not power is a living Force and the danger with power is obsession a man who retains a measure of power will find it comes to dominate his life until all he can think of is the acquisition of more nearly all men can stand adversity but if you can stand the ultimate test of character that of wielding power without succumbing to its darker Temptations appearing into the darkness to gain knowledge of the warp is fought with power for it is an inconstant place of Shifting realities capricious lies no truths seek out after truth must have a care he is not deceived for false knowledge is far more dangerous than ignorance all men wish to possess knowledge but few are willing to pay the price all these men will seek to take the shortcut the quick route to power and it is a man's own mind not his enemy or Pharaoh that will lure him to evil wise true knowledge is gained only after the acquisition of wisdom without wisdom a powerful person does not become more powerful he becomes Reckless his power will turn on him and eventually destroy always [Music] face the unnamable creatures of the warp hidden Darkness such things and of a lesser Minds to know no matter how powerful or knowledgeable they believe themselves to be Secrets I've shared Service warnings not enticements to explore further only death and our nation away those who cry too deeply into Secrets not meant for Mortals I see now I've allowed my sons to delve too profoundly it matters I should never have permitted them to now even existed could never be known that no one shall suffer censure for this conclave is to serve Unity not Discord but no more shall the threat of sorcery be allowed to taint the Warriors of these starters and forth It's My will the new Legion will maintain a librarian's department all its Warriors and instructions must be returned to the battle companies and never again employ any psychic powers Faith with me he shall be my enemy and I will visit such destruction upon him and all his followers that until the end of all things he shall rule the turned from my light foreign is the syncopated BackBeat to the song the Rhythm beneath the rhyme that much fire that much misery that much pain suffering has always fueled the warp in random stains and Stigmata now we learn the virtue of control can you hear it can you hear the pain stirring the tides can you hear the crash of those waves Magnus can you hear how those black Tides beat a million Hearts bursting out loud as rhythmic as drums in the Deep cold the tides of the Sea of souls can be altered by mortal hands brother listen listen we are reordering the warp itself Magnus changing it through pain we're rewriting the song every life every death every Cry of pain across these burning worlds thins the veil between reality in the first Realm call it Hades or Hell jahanam naraka or the underworld call it the warp Call It Whatever You Will but I am bringing it forth unto the material plane calth was the Genesis of the storm Magnus I will make an entire subsect to suffer enough that the curtain Falls and the 500 worlds drown in the warp tell me you feel it tell me you can hear the million million demons shrieking and being desperate to be born upon these burning worlds it was a mistake we were a mistake brother another now I see it for myself and my own blundering I see it in the eyes of the mistakes I created just as surely as the emperor sees it in hours there is no sense of guilt only good intentions gone bad but this was not meant to be we are not meant to be the universe is correcting itself expunging the infection [Music] how could I have been blind to it for so long for Pride arrogance perhaps to think we were better stronger special a Horus is only following his true nature if we simply been denying ours will have been touched by forces beyond the emperor's own design well you know this brother as well as I do no good comes from that which in evil is born no matter the purpose or cause I look at Kurtz and I see myself do you find angron in your reflection how thin is the veneer that keeps us loyal Keeps Us civilized buff a chance it seems any of us might now have crossed that line or does the lion even exist or do we simply draw it in front of us as suits our own vanity but how could the emperor create such demigods with science alone Warriors that can withstand tank shells leaders whose every word must be obeyed creatures with powers far beyond any Thunder Warrior or legionary why do you think the emperor decided not to Simply recreate his children when they were lost what unique Gifts of Darkness did he pass to you to think that there was there was righteous Justice no whatever I did it served Humanity there is only one way left to Aid mankind and it does not include our survival O King of wolves well this is not our universe and it never was you cannot create Legends and myths in a laboratory you often spoke of the fenrisian notion of a good death if there is such a thing I desire it I should have taken it honest that for a time and again fate presented me with an opportunity but I denied it against Kurtz and Lorca I could have ended their vileness in angron how many has he butchered since I fled his axes rational sensible decisions weighing advantage and cost each time but mistakes all the universe does not want us it is unnatural that I survived visions Visions sent by the emperor I think not something else guided those that rescued me another hand moved my Warriors to intervene at isvan powers that we do not willingly serve still Bend us to their will through the manipulation of others I was not meant to survive his fan and all that has befallen us is simply a correction of that failing course there's not coincidence that we're here facing Annihilation once more [Music] I embrace my destiny I will let the darkness be expunged [Music] to be a salamander is to embody the true purpose of a Space Marine might compassion diplomacy soldiers for the fragile beings The Defenders of mankind protecting the lives of the innocent above all now but our loyalty is a badge of honor ah Gene seed was created with purpose by our God Emperor we will stop at nothing to secure a safe haven for Humanity and fight for the honor of Vulcan hailing from a treacherous and unforgiving World Nocturne made us the Warriors that we are today front our Legion in combat is to stare into the eyes of a thousand nightmares beneath our ceremite armor is torment encapsulated glowing red eyes genetically mutated charcoal flesh ah conflicts resolved by a furious wall of flame plumes of smoke lay in our wake burning to the ground all that stand in resistance to our Legion to be initiated and accepted into our chapter is to accept a new beginning to stand before the apothecries who dedicated their lives to vulcan's Legacy to accept their judgment to have endured meticulous apprenticeship to have hunted and annihilated that which you hope to become only the most admirable of men possess the ability to perform the storied achievements of Vulcan our will to defend his absolute to protect Prometheus to protect to the Elders of Nocturne to protect all those who call the Imperium home our duty does not waver to mistake the grace and empathy of a salamander for weakness is the pathway to a sweltering grave for All That Remains of our enemies is misery and Ash a trail is not tolerated Renegade will not be forgiven a trail of smolder and destruction follows the passage to the bounties on their heads into the fires of battle we are unfazed by The Infernal we have manifested our Genesee provides us unprecedented resilience infernal war is no concern to our Warriors I have burned many oceans of the zenos burned by my fire alone I've seen them scream begging for their lives thousands of the xenos the women and children all turned to Ash I witnessed this savatory I witness this purification the cleansing of their filth paved the way for the grasp of our God Emperor for the great Crusade never ends Humanity takes its rival place as the Lords of the Galaxy Fearless We Stand untethered in the monastery of Doom fighting with every last scrap of life and succumbing to death before we would ever consider a treat the Diabolical Blaze that Slaughters entire oceans Of Orcs the will to fight the desire to fortify the land that you inhabit will prevail for Prometheus for Vulcan and for the Imperium of man into the fires and battle on to the Anvil of War all I ever wanted was the truth remember those words as you read the ones that follow I never set out to topple my father's Kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced Pride the species to its marrow we're even half the Galaxy clean of human life In This Bitter Crusade I never desired any of this though I know the reasons for which it must be done but all I ever wanted was the truth all I ever wanted was the truth remember those words as you read the ones that follow I never set out to topple my father's Kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced Pride I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow reeving half the Galaxy clean of human life In This Bitter Crusade I never desired any of this though I know the reasons for which it must be done but all I ever wanted truth all I ever wanted was the truth [Music] remember those words as you read the ones that follow I never set out to topple my father's Kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced Pride I never wanted to believe this species to its marrow leaving half the Galaxy clean of human life In This Bitter Crusade [Music] I never desired any of this though I know the reasons for which it must be done [Music] but all I ever wanted was the truth [Music] they and not my hands this fact is forgotten by my brothers inexplicably it has always seemed to me the hands are strong to be sure and have created great things for us all but they are not mine and that counts for something they forget that the silver on my arms comes from a beast that I've vanquished it is the mark of a great evil that I ended and yet it persists Within Me it is alien artificial an uneasy corollary to the superlative physical frame given to me by my father I would struggle to remove it now the problem is not one of surgery I have no doubt my father's kiruchens could remake me entirely if he gave them the command no I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it fault is with my mind I rely on the augmentation given to me by my metal gauntlets so much so that the flesh beneath them now is Little More Than A Memory it is a crutch the silver the day will come when I will strip it from me lest I lose the power to master myself forever already my legion's worry has replaced their Shield hands with metal in my honor and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies they must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a Mania for them hatred of what is natural of what is human is the first and greatest of the Corruptions so I record it here when the time comes I will strip my hands of their unnatural silver I will instruct my Legion to recant their distrust of the flesh I will turn them away from the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of Flesh bone and blood when my father's Crusade is over for this shall be my sacred task when the fighting is done I shall cure my Legion and myself for a fighting is all there is if we may never pause to reflect on what such Devotion to strength is doing to us then our compulsion will only grow already I see the madness that path leads to and so I shall excise the silver from my hands in doing so I shall weaken myself and my sons but nonetheless it must be done the hands are strong and have created great things but they are not mine it is not enough we stand in the dust at the end of centuries of useless sin and endless failure the legion was poisoned and only sacrificed an entire world to cleanse it well failed we are the sons of the only Primark to hate his own Legion there again we failed we swore Vengeance on the Imperium yet we run from every battle where we don't possess overwhelming force over a crippled enemy we fail again and again and again have you ever fought a battle you'd struggle to win with no hope of running away have any of us have you ever since the siege of Terror itself drawn a weapon with the knowledge that you might die I will not see my life hauled away without meaning do you hear me do you understand me Prince of cowards I want Vengeance against the Galaxy that hates us I want Imperial worlds to cower when we draw near I want the Weeping of this Empire souls to reach all the way to Holy Terror and the sound of suffering will choke the corpse God when they surround of gold I will cast a shadow across this world I will burn every man but woman and child so the smoke from the funeral pirate eclipses the sun with the dust that remains I will take the echo of damnation into the sacred skies above Terror and raid the ashes of 20 million Mortals down onto the Emperor's Palace thank you then they will remember us then they will remember the legion they once feared faithful enlightened ambitious breathing in that a single decade a few Mist swipes of the pendulum we have gathered a sacrificed Accord that will be made Legend [Music] [Music] this purpose to which We Gather the skull to our foes it is nothing there is no meaning no purpose is [Music] [Music] billions will die innocent guilty strong and weak and honest and deceitful all of them they will scream you are bad and for no purpose but the Mighty God May Revel in their Bloodshed and United in this void of purpose fear or Duty we shall not long last be free [Music] for the blood God s for the skull Throne let the Galaxy [Music] [Music] while you have sold yours out of despair [Music] awake or a slave you were born a slave and the slave you remain your strength flees it does not belong to you it is your Masters and the trailer keeps you throttles you threats of blood [Music] will let me keep you here long enough to see your bastard Sons die they ask him is my skin a gift of sufferings in the hands of our brother you think that I would let you wield your weapons against me I taken no measure they will die here on this hill they will die without striking the glow all your best muggle sons of Slaughter they will die in your battered soul will watch as it sinks back into the dark you think I am weak but you have grown weaker angron I have learned I have remained my strength while you've sold yours out of despair you're weak you are a slave you were born a Slave and a slave you remain your strength flies it does not belong to you it is your Masters and the chains that keep you throttle the threads of blood are thinning the meal of Slaughter will only keep you here long enough to see your bastard Sons die their skin [Music] is my skin a gift of sufferings at the hands of our brother you think that I would let you wield your weapons against me I have taken their measure they will die here on this hill they will die without striking a blow all your best Mongrel sons of Slaughter they will die and your battered soul will watch as it sinks back into the dark [Music] we come to celebrate the all-father we come to remember his sacrifice his Ascension from the world of the senses and his victory over my brother the tractor we remember the dead whoever now Gather in the overvas their blades sharp their aim clean they are better than we are for they perished in the war to end all wars and their souls have been purified [Music] a lot of us those who remain wallowing in the drags are Fallen Gods having left us we have grown fat we have the Beast Within us but it has never yet been mastered so let us celebrate my father's Ascension let us remember what he was able to accomplish let us remember what he built and what he foresaw and then how we lost failed do not mourn the fact that he no longer walks Among Us for the Galaxy was too small to accommodate such souls he was of an age of Gods and we are slumped in an age of Mortals the light of the Stars will fade this place will grow old and the ice will crack we will forget no matter how much the skulls tell the old Tales what battles are left for us like the ones before my Fallen brothers are gone malcador is gone the leeches cluster Around The Golden Throne and Whisper of deeds done before they were born as if it were they who'd achieve them no doubt from all of this one thing remains true we were not on terror we were not there when the palace fell and that shame will pursue us for eternity it remains unfinished I have waited too long building this mountain squabbling with gullumin I will not grow old feeble limping around a crumbling inheritance I have an oath to keep there are beasts left to slay listen but closely Brothers there shall come a time far from now when the chapter itself is dying and our foe Shall Gather to destroy us then my sons I shall listen for your call in whatever realm of death holds me and come I shall no matter what the laws of life and death forbid at the end at the end I will be there for the final battle for the wolf time this whole world burned under a crusade I led almost two centuries agap foreign of God's arrival I suffered hallucinations Visions nightmares and trances night after night after night sometimes I would wake a dawn to find blood running from my eyes and my ears and our father's face burned into my mind of course I was too young to naive to realize what I was how could I know what psychic power boiled Within Me seeking a release causing you to know from birth how to control my sixth sense I am not Russ to be able to howl and have every wolf in the world howl with me my power's always fired in fits and bursts coming in feasts and famine I was eight years old when I realized that some people had pleasant dreams instead of endless nightmares where nothing could have shocked me more I reached a holy war in the name of a father who finally descended from above so the oceans of Blood and Tears shed in his name [Music] and simply didn't care I wasted my youth hunched over scripture and religious courtesies planning for the messiah's coming believing he would give meaning to all human life meaning that thousands of human cultures are forever seeking and I was wrong [Music] he brought as many questions as he did answers [Music] he was hollowed through Infested by secrets [Music] but I hate that about him he is a creature incapable of trust [Music] perhaps he did bring meaning but he didn't bring the meaning Humanity needs since then I have crusaded across his Empire for over a century raising icons and faiths In His Image and only now he objects after a hundred years only now am I told all I've done is wrong Magnus only the truly Divine denied their Divinity it's written thus in countless human cultures he never denied his godhead when he first came to cultures to take me into the start you were there he witnessed weeks of celebrations in his honor never once rebuking me for lording him as a god and since then he has watched me Crusade for him never saying a word about what I've done only now a monarchy did he bring down his wrath when he decided my faith had to be broken after more than a century [Music] all changed in that moment brother way I see the worlds we conquer my hopes for the future [Music] Kate's unconscious dreaming of the day God himself would arrive and Lead Humanity to the imperian I raised a religion in his honor for over a hundred years I have spread that faith in his name believing he matched every dream every prophecy every Mythic poem about the Ascension of the human race foreign [Music] my life was a lie that I have ruined countless civilizations with false faith that every one of my brothers who laughed at me for seeking a greater purpose in life was right to laugh at our Bloodlines only full that is salvation is it I say otherwise I say it is deliberate action against our Lord's Heritage and the work of the emperor himself you were too Noble to understand that is not salvation that is replacement these new worries will bear the colors of Flesh Terrors but without sanguineous is Fury there will be fleshed hair as in name only all my time as chapter master I have waged war on our rage to wrestle it into submission and use its strength to slay our foes we are Fury and from the time of Amit The Savage Lord to this day we have carried the white heat of sanguines's anger in US that was our gift and our burden the floor is what makes us what we are we're nothing without the struggle against it yet he would make us all ultramarines in revana there are a few of my Warriors left few true flesh Terrors and once we are dead the flesh Terrors will be no more no matter that these Abominations carry our name to betrayal not a boom Goodman will want us gone quickly and his own Warriors in our Stead open your eyes Dante these are numbered Sons they are Legions in all but name I've spoken with the newcomers they are only too glad to tell me of the avenging Sans plant wherever goes he leaves his men in place through the Codex he gave the adapter societies their independence he is more than willing to remove it from us but soon the chapters will be free in name only and these new Space Marines well he has the goal to interfere with the work of the emperor and if he is willing to do that what I suggest is treatment my words or his actions be careful of him Lord be very careful you are not weak my son father I am beyond your accusations Beyond speech beyond anything why do you think that I speak your Madness is finally complete no no no you are here I hear you you've come to face my judgment drawn by this offering I've made you were ever a bloody God I am no God you shall ever be you're here you are here you understand your guilt you have come to face my judgment you you I am punished enough there is not enough punishment for what you have done not in this life or in the next day you presume to understand what I have done what sacrifices I have made or what I now must suffer you have never known the depths of my pain for which I am grateful why why such Hollow words no father wishes his sons to suffer no matter what burns he is forced to place upon them an apology one next you will forgive me sanguineous warned me you might there was never anything to forgive you acted as you were made to but my plan was interfered with your sincerity was not your fault nor was it mine it's lies lies everything was as you intended there is nothing you've done wrong if only you and I could have met one more time I could have shown you back to the light how marvelous I am the night Haunter light is anathema to me Mike is within you all you and my sons you're born of light none of you are Beyond Redemption tell that to those who died nothing ever dies death death is a state of transition you have my forgiveness combat whether you want it or not never made but one mistake myself had from it all the evil you've perpetrated Springs have you chose to believe in immutable fight without choice there is nothing rely upon Choice the functioning of this universe depends upon Choice a single fate is one book in a library of illumitable futures and only one do you not see that you cherish this you chose to be Fate's Warrior and you believed in your own agency none of this would have come to pass you you made this happen and you chose to be the way you are trapped manipulated insane no no you said the Assassins to kill me you won me dead you determined what fate you've taught your belief my son is nothing but an excuse for your own feelings no no I cannot be forgiven after all I have done where would be the Justice in that I had no choice I had no choice
Channel: Naturally RP Voiceover
Views: 404,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, space marine, chaos space marine, voice acting, chaos space marines, warhammer 40000 space marine, black library, black library audiobook, black library 40k lore, space marines, space marines warhammer 40k, primarch 40k lore, roboute guilliman, sanguinius 40k, dante 40k lore, commander dante lore, angron, mortarion, the emperor of mankind, corax 40k, lorgar 40k, grimaldus speech, pity the guardsman speech, horus heresy
Id: sBIjKJLc8ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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