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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous my name is dk and through the adept it's ridiculous i've slowly been learning more and more and i think i can safely say i know a little bit about warhammer 40k now thanks to bricky who has been sort of guiding us through the twists and turns of all the ridiculousness of warhammer but before we get into today's episode if you enjoy the podcast please head on over to adeptus ridiculous where you can get tons of benefits for joining the patreon or supporting the podcast be it uh hd posters that are very nice uh you get access to all of them you get access to all of them not just this week's not just last week's but all of them uh and outtakes and blooper reels and stuff like that so if you enjoy the podcast is ridiculous also brickie before i throw it over to you do you realize that we are less than five dollars away from hitting the nine thousand dollar goal and you having to do an alpha legion episode [ __ ] i was hoping for that kind of reaction so you know i'm just i'm just letting you know you gotta prepare for an alpha legion episode because it is a hundred percent going to happen okay i'm gonna get ready good luck you want to tell everybody about but about the book club and the merch now now that i've dropped that bombshell on you yeah uh book club the book for the next month early july will be gaunt's ghost the first installment the first and only you do not need to read all nine just the first book it's god's ghost it's amazing definitely read it the new minis are actually on pre-order right now if you want to grab them as well the rules actually look pretty good unlike most of guard and yeah i know it hurts yikes and also if you want to check out any merchandise or check out the link in the description we've got shirts hoodies and doge van tire stickers today we're doing a wonderful world years episode but i want to preface this by saying we're doing it a little different so for a while we've done a legion chapter episode and it's mainly been about the primark because that's kind of the way the chapter goes yeah but instead those generally end up being like an hour and a half really long so what we're gonna do instead is today we're going to talk about the world eaters and angran and then we'll talk we'll do this this one's on anger on today this week engram and the next week will be on world eaters i'll have some additional stuff we'll talk more about some of the world of years characters what they're up to nowadays a little bit more about their traditions that kind of stuff and we might actually like retroactively do some more on the prior legions perhaps we'll talk a little bit more about like the night lords like the ultramarines uh in a more basic sense after we get this stuff done but i need to finish reading um the nightlord's omnibus before i can get that going oh i'm almost i'm i'm looking forward to uh more supplementary info on the night lords because that was a great episode love the night lords love curse uh but uh really looking forward to uh angron and not so subtle naming scheme 40k in the curious case of the not so subtle name i wonder if van gran's angry right anger on engron the curious case of of subtlety what is it so am i supposed to get jumping into this because anger on like curse i was like ah he's just big angry man his corn the blood of the blood god and then i read him and i'm like wow this is sad this is this is sad and then i kind of felt bad because i always i think i i think me before this podcast before i had to do a lot more uh looking up stuff research i was very much like an imperial where i kind of only knew what imperials would know so i was like anger on yeah it's that idiot who who's always angry and stuck nails in his brain and make himself angrier that's not quite the case from what little i know about like warhammer whenever anger on comes up there's always like oh angry me angry me spiking pale head but then there's always like these comments like yo maybe don't make fun of him so much because it's actually like super hardcore depressing why he does that and why he's so angry and it's actually a lot more complex so oh i i i am i won't know more well i don't want people i don't want people to gatekeep angron's feelings because that's that's that's pretty a low low you can hit but uh there is definitely interesting so emperor mount everest or himalayan mountains whatever tubes zinc or whoever flying out of the galaxy engram landed on a quote civilized world far far away in the galaxy called nuseria and new syria was technologically advanced actually decently but was ruled over by a very wealthy elite in palaces and villas with slums and favelas all around past them you ever seen that famous picture of brazil where it's like a gorgeous uh like uh coatteller or like you know skyscraper and then just cuts right next to him just just straight up slumps yeah and it's just like all these like they're basically living in like trash heaps and they're just these stilted yeah it's hot yeah so it's basically like that and the oligarchic rulers used consistent regular gladiatorial death matches in these huge arenas distract the lower class from their pover poverty so it was one that's like with a big wealthy elite used gladiator arenas to make the impoverished less angry and a slaver was the first to find engron way up in this mountain and ingram was bloody and battered surrounded by alien corpses high up on the mountain um imperial record doesn't really know what species they are some think it was eldar who was trying to kill the primark because they foretold what he would become um which i gotta be honest i don't like eldar a whole lot but having them all get [ __ ] by an infant sounds like a little bit of a disservice to the eldar so oh that's true cause he'd be an infant at this point right very young grown a little infant just dunking on him yeah so so maybe maybe not eldar maybe they were like maybe they sent like three civilian elder like he just strangled the kid in his crib i don't know either way ingram was super wounded but alive and he was taken by as a slave by the planet's ruling masters they're called the high riders which i mean yeah that's cool uh and he was brought to a palace at the most powerful city-state and he was sold as a slave to the ruling clan of house falcier now he was still a frightened young child at this point and the first thing they did with him is it took him and 99 other guys and he was going for tonight battle royale gonna get down angra wiped out tomato town and they [ __ ] threw him into a pit and then they started pouring acid into the pit oh as if the rough match wasn't enough no like here's acid you know you gotta raise the stakes go kill your fellow friends and so you know chug chug here uh [ __ ] fortnite dab there rick sanchez in fortnite andron was the final one to live and stood on a big plot i hate that those are all actual fortnite references like just you wait dk they have rick sanchez and fortnite wait till they partner with gw wait until we have ultramarine in in fortnight it will happen that would be that would be kind of cool though like rick sanchez rick sanchez in fortnite is like oh my god i didn't think i could cringe any harder at fortnight and then they [ __ ] but at least an ultramarine is like it's a warrior he's a big guy and you know dunking on an ultramarine from like a 12 year old dunking on ultramarine sounds like the funniest [ __ ] ever to me so let's go i'm all about that life i want to make it more dark make it like a [ __ ] dark eldar archon in fortnite or like a succubus in fortnight get just like a slave just slave i want to play as far as this fortnite slave i want to play as drukari slave dad give me twenty dollars for my v bucks dracari got the victory royale and he was um he got number one of course he survived by standing on like a little pillar with the acid and killing everyone else so he was brought to the most popular arena in the entire capital he's given the name engron thalkir which means child of the mountain um which you know he was found in a mountain that makes sense you get it you understand yeah um so anger after our fortnight conversations um so anyway he grew up he grew big of course he was forced to take part in the gladiatorial games all the time he was a huge fan favorites he was known as the lord of the red sands um also because he would actually like spare those that fought really well he was known as the unbeaten as well however during this period time of him being like this god tier fighter he resented his slavery heavily he tried to escape constantly he was like always i also had a dog i think oh yeah i think shy posted a picture of him there he is um he does have a dog doesn't he yeah he's he's a he's a crazed ass he's a crazy [ __ ] gladiator man even his dog is angry look at that dog he's pissed even the dog is that's a little little anger on little ang a little angry little egg we gotta have a whole story about engron being like the most angry son of a [ __ ] and then like whatever his dog comes by he's like are you angry little aang and duck's like wolf like me too i love it i love it print it so at this time though like was he angry i guess but he was angry at his confines just he was constantly trying to escape his um uh slavery right eventually he grew this huge bond with an older gladiator known as an animus animus iguotello is definitely a lot of like uh old rome a little bit of that like little bit of uh the the old gladiatorial thing you can get roman glasses yeah i mean ultramarines are like yeah ultra means like the rome people obviously but this is like a different variant i guess um but uh he was another gladiator he grew kind of a bond with this autonomous guy and he eventually became kind of like a father figure to him and they fought together and they killed many gladiators together two of them including two berserk ogren that had these implants in their head uh known as the butcher's nails which we'll talk about oh yeah those will come up again eh um eventually because they just thought it was such a good [ __ ] time the higher-ups forced the two of them to fight each other and they did and was like no and he and then he flat out insulted them in front of the crowd he was like you you lily livered ass you stupid [ __ ] little aang tell them woof that's what i thought too so this is really turning into gladiator like with uh a little bit i yeah i'm i'm the best gladiator i'm not gonna do what you want [ __ ] you thumbs down me all you want i'll do my own [ __ ] that's a lot of gladiator gladiator slave fighting hates the higher yeah there's a lot of gladiator in this yeah um i mean it's okay it's a good movie but you know subtlety um however because he refused he was forced to actually get the butcher nails into his head as punishment now the butcher nails oh that's how he gets um yeah that sucks the butcher nails these are from the dark age technology these are old old tech and they're chordal uh chordal implants that are are dug deep into the [ __ ] head of the person and they boost adrenaline increasing the strength and aggression in battle but they also remove the warriors mind of all reason caution and morality they literally reward rage with electrochemical pleasure and they deaden the enjoyment of anything else besides rage they they like you become super angry and it'll like uh get your brain like um electro uh electricized like electronics what the [ __ ] it it it gets all those pleasure receptors going yeah um words words that's energized it's a [ __ ] up tool yeah that doesn't sound happy fun times yeah and with them in his head they he was sent immediately against his father figure and just like ripped him into pieces and when he regained his senses he saw what he was done what he did and he was thrown into a depression that apparently and this is [ __ ] silly to me but they said he unleashed a howl that lasted for several days which i don't know if a man could scream for multiple days but it was he was still pretty [ __ ] sad like you can you can say that he got sad without being like yeah he howled for an entire if no he didn't no i don't believe that but point being he's really sad oh yeah super depresso absolutely so after that this is when he went for like full on about rebellion another escape attempt that he tried and failed which reminds which reminds me you're probably wondering how the hell does he keep failing these escape attempts when he's [ __ ] anger on um it's because the higher-ups they're not like this isn't like a super backwater gladiator world like they have guns they have they have armies they have tanks like this isn't just backwater gladiator stuff this they have a military force yeah especially the higher-ups too because it's it's impoverished and it's super high class so i assume they would have some pretty choice defenses to stop rebellions like the the lower class from rebelling they've got yeah i i can see that you feel it um now during this whole last big rebellion thing in the lord he recommended the largest gladiator pit fight of all time like like thousands of people and he actually conspired with all the other gladiators all the other slaves as they kind of all saw him as like the best of them to all kind of revolt together now in that giant you know fight when the fight began they all turned on the guards and lost a ton of people due to firearms but they were able to actually overwhelm the guards and escape with about 2 000 gladiators stealing weapons and and pouring into the streets yeah now over the next few years the rulers sent many armed forces to capture all the different gladiators who began calling themselves the eater of cities however often often they were all beaten by anger on in his you know military prowess sure however combination of like attrition and hunger started to really take their toll and with time only about maybe a thousand men and women were still alive at this point uh just due to like attrition and stuff and i think people did you say were in the in the in the fight that like overturned was it ten thousand he started it was it was a lot thousands maybe ten thousand all i know is that two thousand escaped and then one there's one thousand left uh and at this point during this period of time anger was chilling doing whatever he was doing planning or whatever and then a man known as big e was scary he was in his ship looking down at the whole of what's going on he was really impressed he was like wow i like it when you fight back against against you know good old oppression i like that you're fighting for yourself this is great so biggie teleported down with a big you know legion of of uh custodies and was like hey oh wait no uh that's the wrong one um ingrained that's not the world wrong he he teleported down and he was like ingrown good job man i'm proud of you hey check this out it's a bun is a whole contingent of space marines all for you you you can get the 12th space marine legion the war hounds and ingram was like no oh he turned down biggie he literally refused outright he said he said that he would rather die with his slave fellow slaves than desert them he he flat out refused he's a good boy what a good boy these are like these are my my friends these are the people i've been with for years like these are this is these are my people i am i will not desert them i refuse and he and the emperor was like what the hell and then and then the emperor left he he's like [ __ ] okay and so he went back to his ship just like like flabbergasted dumbfounded what the hell he actually refused me what what yeah who refuses big e like i i figured once he was like oh yeah i [ __ ] you biggie biggie would do some sort of thing or he would be like oh yeah well [ __ ] it i just killed all your people now you've got nobody to stay here with so you're coming with me [ __ ] um damn he just he just left just oh okay fine stay here in time [Music] shut up shut up you so at the end of the as as he left and as the years went by the last thousand of them were on oh i think i think it maybe it's not the mountain that he uh landed on or a different mountain but they were all making their way up the mountain kind of being held back by about like seven separate new syrian armies like completely outnumbered completely outgunned and this was gonna be where they make their final stand like this is this is the end right yeah and and what happened is that then out of nowhere ingronn just disappeared oh just did he just houdini'd it and the because the emperor forcefully teleported him onto a ship oh no and completely leaderless engron washed from orbit as all 1000 of his gladiators were overrun and murdered by the armies and completely destroyed they all died every single one of them what about aang did aang make it out i don't know if egg made it out oh no little little egg didn't make it out no the worst timeline oh god if he wasn't angry before boy he's gotta be stark raving pissed now he well in fact he was so [ __ ] angry that he immediately turned to the closest custodian and proceeded to beat him to death [Laughter] which is impressive it's the custodies holy [ __ ] that's so that's some anger he is [ __ ] mad and the only way he was put into submission was through the emperor's psychic abilities and and um angram was like you had a teleporter why didn't you save them like you could have saved them all and emperor said that he had bigger grander plans for mankind and a group of random slaves on a backwater world is not important enough oh what it's like holy [ __ ] dad you why are you such a bad dad like i oh my god because i i got to imagine if he was like oh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna save all of them i'm gonna teleport and grown and all of his people up here you're all saved you're now gonna form your own new chapter with all of your friends and it's gonna be great maybe then he doesn't you know turn to chaos maybe you know maybe maybe don't like reprimand your batman character for doing what you told them to do maybe don't kill the father of your stinky man just be to make a point maybe not let your your son's closest friends all get murdered in front of his eyes and be like ah they weren't important and if i i didn't save them because they're [ __ ] worthless oh were they important to you nah don't worry about their [ __ ] trash oh you're so bad at this biggie was literally like what you've done emperor what you've done you now are only going to have like a ghost of a son and empress said a ghost would suffice so now this so engron obviously took control of the war hounds uh legion the 12th legion however when i say take control no no oh no he was a rage-filled bitter person every time a member of the war hounds went to his chamber to ask him something he beat them to death every single time until until one man one man named captain karn and you'll be hearing karn a bit soon of the eighth assault company was really [ __ ] tired of anger on beating everyone who talked to him to death so he went into he like i'm gonna meet my primark and he went into the chambers and he was immediately beaten by hancron [Music] but but he was able to resist it for quite a bit and actually a good fight he put up a good fight and that made anger on see his legion as not quite as terrible as he thought they would be they're not bugs that he needs to squash they they grew a bit of rapport with each other even though their first moments together was engrod beating the living [ __ ] out of him but he was like okay maybe my legion isn't entirely worthless so they started to grow a bit of rapport with each other talked about traditions and gladiator stuff and he eventually then okay finally took over the war hound legion however he renamed them to the world eaters as one he is no hound dog of the emperor and two the gladiators back in the day were known as the eater of cities remember yep yep as soon as you said they were called the city the the the eater of cities i was like oh is that how he gets the name worldly isn't that okay and i and i can totally see how he would hate the name warhound because [ __ ] the emperor right [ __ ] the emperor [ __ ] the imperium [ __ ] everything they stand for yeah i get that that makes sense the uh it's it's quote time dk oh let's go let's get a good quote let's hear it so this is from karn uh who's also now known as karin the betrayer but we'll we'll discuss that later the emperor need a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the imperium he needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds the world leaders were not that weapon we've all drawn drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood and we've all felt the exaltation of winning a war that never even needed to happen we're not the tame reliable pets that the emperor wants him the wolves obey when we would not the wolves can be trusted when we never could they have a discipline we lack because their passions are not aflame with the butcher's nails buzzing in the back of their skulls the wolves will always come to heal when called in that regard it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves they are tame collared by the emperor obeying his every whim but a wolf doesn't behave that way only a dog does that is why we are the eaters of worlds and the war hounds no longer and and you say you you say you say these guys turn to chaos eh you said just just a little you say these guys don't follow the emperor right is that what you them going to chaos is the least surprising thing of all even if it's still sad yeah it's like oh traitor legions are happening so we've already lost the world eaters right yeah okay people are going traitor okay so we've lost the world eaters we'll just i we don't have any confirmation i'm just going to go ahead assume that's yeah just give it a shot yeah so so when the ingrowns brought a door uh aboard he was put to sleep by that guy makador or makgador so malcador they they just they put him to sleep with a psychic power because makador is like a ridiculous psycher and they decided to check out his his butcher's nails because they were like the hell and they found that they were not properly used for a primark as obviously being a primark a little different than being in a like a regular astartes they created things like emotional instability but removing them they were so coiled into his brain and so deeply fed him that removing them would kill him and it split slowly also damaged the subject's ability to reason the nails would slowly kill ingram and you would probably die before the great crusade even ended like no no longer was angron having any pleasure in anything that wasn't the sensation of anger everything caused him pain like talking caused anger on pain thinking walking eating cause sleeping caused anger on physical pain oh wow that's so [ __ ] up that's that's not a great life to live no i mean you know living 40k and great in general but this is a particularly bad life this is the worst timeline yeah it is like no he he already had a [ __ ] up life but now literally everything causes him pain except rage like it wasn't bad enough that he had to watch all of his people die and be forced into essentially more slavery with the emperor but now literally everything he does is pain great jesus and the emperor in all of his wisdom went to malcador and said you keep this between us don't tell anybody don't tell anger on don't tell the day he's dying he'll be dead before the great crusade ends but that's fine because ngron's a liability whatever man yup piggy is such a piece of [ __ ] i know look this is this this is why i i when i start the tabletop i'm i'm playing chaos because [ __ ] the corpse emperor man that guy's a douche because a douche that guy's a [ __ ] douche you know you guys saying like you're from pittsburgh that is a [ __ ] douche [ __ ] douche no at least not from cleveland like so ingrown went working on his legion right he decided to go full on blood for the blood well not go on full blood but like blood in combat was the only way to do true skill their training involved live fire fights like real blades fighting pits gladiatorial combat these were the tests of the astartes they all he also and this is one thing i'm not quite understanding of and hopefully shy might maybe help explain this and if not shy then maybe a comment section um he actually had the astartes under his legion add the butcher nails to their brain as well or at least attempt to put the butcher nails into their brain but it proved quite difficult because the old dark age technology that's what they were so creating a perfect construct for them was really difficult because they were already in his damn head and every time he tried to put the butcher nails into one of his astartes it had 100 mortality rate every single time they tried a different variant it would kill the subject um shy do you know why he put them in their head like he he really hates them in his head i would think he wouldn't want to put him in their head i mean i get the idea of making them better at combat but i feel like he would kind of be i don't like would he not want he wouldn't want to give them the same torture i was gonna say it seems like he doesn't really like his like maybe he respects them a little bit but he kind of hates them so he's like you're gonna suffer the way i suffer because you're mine and i hate you [ __ ] biggie he's the douche and i thought maybe but at the same time like the i think the only primark that truly truly hated their legion was curse i don't think angrong hated everyone well okay maybe he hates everyone because he's anger on but like not particularly there we go as far as i heard they wanted to get butcher nails in their heads too because he was their dab they figured the only way to understand and accept their [ __ ] up doubt would become as [ __ ] up as he was oh that sounds like that sounds like a loyal starting thing to do that sounds like a loyal yeah loyal to the primark i believe that's quite the twist actually because i mean it started off with like yeah i'm just gonna beat all of you to [ __ ] death because [ __ ] you and [ __ ] the emperor but damn that it turned around to the point where they're like yeah we want we want to understand you pops put put the brain spike in my head even though what in my head but i want a brain splint too wow karn how come dad lets you have two brain spikes i want two brain spikes two okay no he's dead [ __ ] apothecary get a better one so after trying to put brain spikes in not working uh it became the great crusade of course and anger on it refused to acknowledge most of his sons since none of them were even strong enough to survive the butcher nails implantation one time i [ __ ] loved this one time he simply abandoned them he hijacked a frigate and left he just left he went for the milk guys i'll be right back you keep fighting you're doing great uh dad's gotta go get some cigarettes be right back it's like dad still hasn't come back and all of us are almost dead they he they he was gone for two years oh he they found him on a backwater world living like a savage hoping that someone would come and put him out of his misery and kill him whoa had mega depression i don't know if he was as depressed as kurz was but he had some serious depression so while he was on this backwater planet was he was he doing a lot of combat and raging because if he wasn't his life was probably miserable if he was just like slumming it up in like a jungle then he was just literally living a life of pain and suffering because he had nothing to rage and kill he was probably maybe killing the animals or something i don't really know what he was doing there but he just wants someone to kill him uh the person who found him however was that man karn and he chastised him he was like imagine your old gladiator friends imagine if they had seen him in the state that you're in right now imagine if like the last surviving slave was was widening in a hole hoping for death and like you know i mean that that that spurred anger on to go back to his legion but you know ingram was still not pleased with that but it did get him back to normal um i was gonna say you want to piss off angram that sounds like a great way to do it it's a very good way yeah he anger on became known uh as the red angel he hated the title he despised it because there was already an angel his name was sanguinius and he loathes sanguinius i'm sure he's like the only i think some of the only primarks that hated sanguine is because i think sanguinius is like a great guy to everyone yeah i was going to say you couldn't be more of a polar opposite to anger on than sanguinius right one is just rage hate the emperor this is all [ __ ] stupid i hate everyone please everybody and me die and sanguinius just loves everybody he's great to everyone emperor is my emperor is my best buddy dan [Music] opposites these two he saw sanguinius with the psychic powers and everything like that it's kind of like a a problem where as he for all of a ngron's fault he saw himself as his own man you know right now this is a fun thing and i'm excited i really am excited to talk about this thing um so angram he had a rule if when in the in the great crusade you have 31 hours a normal nussarian day instead of 24 you know to take over the world that you're trying to go for that in the great crusade the subject of the world you have 31 hours if you do not take it in 31 hours one out of every 10 space marines will be forced to be beaten to death by the other nine oh for your failure oh well that's a great way to inspire everyone to move real quick and actually do what they're supposed to do because uh you don't want to be that one out of nine uh no you do not so then we enter this situation called the gana organa massacre this is probably one probably one of the the best like like the biggest uh turning points in this situation i think so in the world of gana organa whatever there was a group of really ill humans in a colony of like a thousand people give or take and they accepted imperial rule completely peacefully they were like really uh they like the necrons or whatever like really cancer riven or whatever they accepted imperial rule totally peacefully kept in live in these little stasis pods there's like a thousand people there it's a tiny little colony however the world went completely silent and so angram was sent to go find out what happened and they found out that these people were actually being kept alive through the use of artificial intelligence [Music] [Applause] sent down his people just to deal with the problem with the usual 31 hour mark issue sure now this caused a certain guy named centurion mago or maego to make a really hasty poorly executed landing because of that fear of the time limit turned out that the world contained a thousand humans but billions of simulacrum humans billions of robotic forms of humans that were actually just ai's in human looking bodies like blade runner style all being controlled by the thousand humans in the the tanks oh then that's a bigger uh oh it's a big-o and those billions of humans started to overwhelm them hard oh i mean that is a billion ai robot things simulacrum bots that's so with that they actually got over rammed and they were eventually able to subjugate the world or at least make their footing with uh some more heavy artillery and like tanks that they eventually arrived with but they didn't meet the time limit so the centurion mago was uh when they were ordered to kill the people he flat out refused which angry found humorous and then in time instead you get to kill the first one you you're killing the first which he also refused which then anger on went [ __ ] ballistic and killed like a couple dozen warriors in the room until his librarians and psychers were able to subjugate him to sleep which he then didn't wake up from oh he just did he just stayed in that sleep for a while just he wasn't waking up he wasn't waking up well i mean hey you win some you lose some i'm sure the rest of the legion was i'm sure the wrestler was like you know it kind of sucks that our leader is not waking up but uh it's kind of a dick nobody's dying now you know i don't know yeah 31 hours dummy [ __ ] so so while they were figuring out what to do with their leader asleep one of the apothecaries actually found a stable method of implanting the butcher nails by reverse engineering the technology from this genome place and would now to implement them into the legion with the first person implementing them on was our good man karn when engron finally awoke he saw his legion with the nails in their head and he command them to make get their way back down to gana and finally fully take over the world and um eventually the mago guy led a resistance group against him didn't work he died rest in peace but with the new butcher nails it was like it was like chump change killing through these robot humans was extremely easy they were just slaughtering them to the point where it was so incredibly harsh that they they the the astropaths across the sector felt the sheer volume of death um wow which is almost weird to me because i i thought that um they like had just robots but yeah you wouldn't think a psycho would feel a robot dying yeah i may have read that wrong but point being lots of death lots of and it was super easy now yeah super easy and then eventually karen made his way inside the actual thousand-person chamber in which they all like got out of their tanks and they were pleading for their life and karen was like lol said cardin the betrayer la mao who then immediately slaughtered every single one of them single-handedly lamau poggers play of the game goes to karn for massive bloodshed and no mercy good job jesus so the massacre on gana the emperor not a not pleased he was like that wow subjugate the world don't kill all of them and so he was like hey hey lehman russ go deal with him and i was like and i was like we've heard this one before we sure have this [ __ ] [ __ ] leaving russ oh man it reminds me of little aang now now i'm sad oh poor [Music] so basically russ arrived on gana and they kind of just met on in like a field just together you know very classic thing and leaving russ was like hey you are to stop putting nails in people and take them out and stop killing humans and ingram was like no la mao yeah i'm sure that went over real well you know i i was totally expecting anger on to just be like oh sure my bad yeah right okay so they fought each other obviously uh it was kind of a stalemate apparently both sides recorded that they won but both sides believe they secretly lost kind of weird hell of a fight she said once it's like that one submarine uh battle way back when i forget what was called but it was like both submarines thought the other one had died and they left oh that was like some it's like world war ii or one of what something like that but it was a silly little story um anyway the heresy comes ingrown joy joined joyfully stoked like hell yeah man absolutely so [ __ ] lutely there's any other option besides the imperia and big m's and i can destroy his people and i can hopefully overthrow him sign on the dotted line like that no problems needed easiest choice i've ever made so with him joining the the you know heresy we all know what's going on horus all this kind of thing um oh hey chai gave me a quote hey ah you kept that mule core fair on russ kept his kin friends the lion kept luther humans brothers and foster fathers saved and raised into legion rants but not me not angra no did the emperor teleport his gold wrapped custodians down to help me and my army no did he free the war hounds in order them to battle fight alongside me no did he save my brothers and sisters the way he spared and honored the lion's closest kin the way he honored corpharon no no and no no mercy for anger on anger on the oath breaker ingram the betrayer and he's [ __ ] right yeah i mean you can't really argue with him big e was a [ __ ] idiot that's mm-hmm so a reminder do you remember in the giliman episode the ultramarine episode they had that big battle with uh the word bearers and the fedora lex chip you remember that right did you see the edit of the ship actually being fedora i did see the fedora legs it was [ __ ] great the best so uh it was found out of course that was the kelt crusade and obviously it was found that the nails were killing anger on at a faster rate than than preferred so loregar recommended they actually returned to nuseria where the gladiatorial owners were and learn more about how they function by the masters who put it in his damn head makes sense so loregar promised to engrom they would learn all they could and then they would burn the planet to ash because of course that's what ingram wants sure um so they when they landed there the first place that angron went was to the mountaintop where his gladiators made their last stand and all he found were bones exposed to the elements of a thousand people and little ang oh no all there with i with like some with bullet holes in the heads and just like skulls exposed to the elements and that right there was too much for anger on to bear like i think i think he like broke down sobbing i don't quite remember exactly what he did but it was he was [ __ ] sad i i can imagine those are his people if he loved anyone it would have been them they were slaves his friends those who was raised with who we fought in bloody combat with and yeah i imagine that would be a bit much to deal with yeah yeah so he went to the palace and he learned that the tale of his defense that was told to the city afterwards was that he that engron fled as a coward with his tail between his legs and left the rest of his gladiators to die now this was not a nice revelation to anger on nope and that was the worst it was in fact so bad that he killed everyone in the room and then he told his legion to kill everyone in the city and when they were done with that kill everyone on the planet and this is when the ultramarines arrived of course as you remember from our little prior previous previous story um okay so that was when the hero they arrived uh then they had their big fight remember gillian was fighting loregar and then engron kool-aid man through the wall and he's like wow that's actually an orc thing he was like oh yeah oh yeah yep and as they were fighting there's a fact that was emitted in the gilan episode when they were attacking each other gilman got a good punch on angron's chest plate right and it actually knocked a skull that was hanging from his armor off on off of his plate and gilliman you know the skull rolled towards giliman who then crushed it underneath his foot because you know gilman's fighting him uh-huh and it was one of the skulls of the gladiators oh no one of his best friends he took some of the bones and stuff from his uh from his best friends and put it on his armor as to like you know symbolize yeah yeah and gilman was just like crunch and that set anger on into a bit no kidding you don't say please tell me more so so yeah he he started going mad he was whacking the gillam and going going but of course we remember this one butcher nails were killing him he's getting a problem turned into uh correct this is exactly when lorgaard does this like [ __ ] and then brains marinara sauce and then hey and then he turns into a demon uh and this is what he did a big [ __ ] demon this is what he turns into the demon primark um now obviously gilman fled we've been over all this thing past this nuseria did die as anger on and hoped every living soul on nuseria has been killed and ingrained in his new demon primark form returned to the ship and immediately slaughtered every librarian in his army uh which are the psychers yeah and this was the last point because lorgar was kind of offering anger on and stuff to the wills of corn anyway during that hamuna hamana obviously because he turned into a corn demon but korn saw engron kill the last psycher in the entire goddamn army and corn was like yeah yeah encore let's go i hate psychers [ __ ] whoo it's true that would make corn very happy wouldn't it he was stoked and so that was basically the point where they fully fell into corn that's when the the full point when they went straight full on corn demon now they're fully traitor legion fully chaos fully under corn's reign they literally had engron literally went to card and said slaughter the lower decks of slaves and bring their skulls to me and build me a throne of skulls on my ship wow that's hardcore yeah it's pretty cool oh boy i'm sure he i'm sure they actually did too like he i'm sure that wasn't just metaphorical like he probably does legitimately have a skull of thrones on that ship doesn't he skulls are blood for the blood god skulls for the skull throne fair fair i don't say that for kicks they don't so our last bit to talk about was the siege of terra now the royals got fully corn right now engron wanted to be first in on the palace first guy but the emperor's psychic psychic defenses made it really rough and would probably kill him but he didn't really give a [ __ ] and horus and stem chose the death guard to be first in and angron was like oh and then he started murdering everyone in sight on his ship oh oh okay i mean i guess i feel too sorry for him because they're all chaos anyway so he [ __ ] cares if they get murdered right yeah he doesn't give a [ __ ] okay uh now during this period of time we have newly favorited best girl uh this now we're gonna talk we're okay la tara serene or saren captain la tara saren or whatever she all right all right listen dk we're going to talk a lot more about her next week okay but okay there there is a i have never seen a woman walk with [ __ ] nuts of tungsten with ovaries of pure titanium like this before let me make this let me make this clear she she a immortal human was the captain of the flagship of the world eaters whoa she was the captain and she's just a mortal human woman there's there's no psycho powers she doesn't have does she at least have some power armor or something like nothing she is there she is in that picture right there bottom right oh that's all and she is arguably one of the most ruthless world eater characters out there we'll talk we'll we'll talk more about her in next episode don't you [ __ ] worry oh all right don't you [ __ ] worry but point being since she was the captain of the ship of the conqueror she was like well anger on is not doing his thing again but she might kill the tech priests that handle the ship's reactor um okay i'm gonna i and then she conspired with this night lord captain and sent karen to go deal with anger on and and then karen got his ass kicked but he slapped a teleport homer onto engron's chest and they teleported him away and they teleported him into that maze that was built by perch robbo that conrad kurz used to break vulcan and torture him right right right right yeah they teleported him in there to just lose his mind in for a while until the actual psychic defense barrier ontario was down and then they literally opened the airlock and yielded him from the ship into the deep space onto earth and and he came down like a meteor and he landed on the ground like a feast they were like go away god get him he's [ __ ] airlocked yeah they just they just sucked about the airlock and then he was like when they [ __ ] landed like a meteor on the surface no jet pack no [ __ ] embarrassing just like here i come jesus christ i when when you said they put him in purchase maze the first thing that came into my head was all i could picture was like uh that juggernaut saying in the x-men movie where he's just plowing through walls and i'm the juggernaut [ __ ] that's like all i can imagine him doing he's plowing through every wall just hoping to get to the exit like not even caring about strategy which way have i gone he's just he's just [ __ ] barreling through every ball he sees that seems like the angry way to get through a maze it's the anger on way the angry so this is where i'm probably going to end the episode obviously they lost obviously they had the bail we all know this this is all aware yeah they had to leave you go well for them yep it did not but engron and all the world leaders post heresy will be something that i wanna i wanna talk about in the world eaters episode so i'm ending it at a bit of a cliffhanger we're gonna talk more about karn next episode we're gonna talk more about latara sarin oh yeah we are should i get to work on that poster all right oh are we gonna have another waifu poster that everybody can print out and and okay never mind i won't wait the game wrong dk i hm it's it's a lot more complicated than i thought right because like whenever someone's just angry i'm just like oh he's angry there's a butcher nail that's making him more angry whatever he's chaos cool cool cool but like man what a [ __ ] up life he had like pre-spike and then post spike and then the emperor just totally [ __ ] him over i i do like anger on though and he is he is a lot more complex than than i i thought he was gonna be i thought it was just gonna be an angry boy that enjoyed murder and it is it is so much more complicated than that it really it really is and it makes i think it might be the one primark that makes me hate the emperor the most yeah because like he makes a good point he he couldn't teleport his [ __ ] custodians down there and help them he could have done he could have teleported them all up he could he could have done that so much and he just chose against it yeah it would have it would have could have done to stop this and just make angronde like him he like yes that's the thing is you know there's an old quote i forget what i think it was from house of cards the tv show with kevin spacey which isn't which isn't great for me to quote kevin spacey anymore but the quote was good and he was making a call to some guy and his his quote was like it's an inconvenience for me but means the world to him yep and i'm just like like emps you could have sent down a couple custodies even just yourself and you would have fought for maybe a day at max max not even that probably for for emps he probably wouldn't even take him a day and and you would have had the full support of your son and this all would have maybe not happened but you just you couldn't be [ __ ] to do it you couldn't be [ __ ] bothered you know as much and that's the story of the m's with most of most of his uh kids turn into chaos is like you could have stopped that you know like if you weren't such a petulant man child you could have stopped that right honestly it's honestly fine that i find myself enjoying the chaos primarks more because i think their stories are always generally tragic or sad or have depth and it's like that's just so much that's so interesting yeah i mean gilman's story is good because of his resurrection as opposed to his actual story story um but like i i need to read up on dorne and stuff and more but the other ones reading with dorne i forgot he's illiterate you're right i forgot oh anyway all right now i'll take us home now you can take us all right thank you everyone for watching this episode that's ridiculous mine has been brick you can find me bricky everywhere also we might have a new merch ready for next week a brand new merch let's go brother let's go let's go brother where can they find you brother oh yeah dk diamond is everywhere uh twitter twitch youtube we don't talk about instagram because they're not razzle-frazzled yeah dk diamante's everywhere and you can find shot at quite shy quite shallow it's about what she feels like we'll see you next week for more world eaters and for tungsten ovaries latara serene [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 305,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, world eaters, angron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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