Origins of The Sisters of Battle, or Why The Age of Apostasy sucked so much? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adept is ridiculous and today i don't want to waste too much time on the intro i mean i want to shout out the patrons at adeptus ridiculous for all their amazing support we're now doing weekly episodes and if you join at patreon or you offer any donations at patreon or whatever those things are called you'll get access to the discord you'll get behind the scenes stuff you'll get uh hd posters that are really cool and uh at one thousand three hundred and thirty seven dollars on patreon we will be doing an episode on the lamenters now me i don't know what the [ __ ] that means apparently the lamenters are pretty important and the discord thinks that i'm going to be hella depressed after hearing about the lamenters so i i got a i got a hot take i'm not i'm not a big fan of the lamenters i don't think being extremely sad is a is a good character trait um but the lamenter is is kind of like a man how how bad can your life get kind of episode and people like it's kind of it's half a meme half like well this isn't a meme this is just depression and some people like that's why we have one three three seven for that episode i was gonna say now i get it like if they're just a giant meme no wonder it's the lead goal uh yeah it has to be speak oh yeah it has to be elite speak absolutely and then at 2 000 we'll start making some uh some more uh warhammer content like mini painting uh we'll do some games some more hammer games obviously for the channel and stuff like that at two thousand dollars so i didn't want to waste too much time on the intro i realized i actually did waste a shitload of time but uh today's episode i'm sure brickie you are very excited about because we're talking about your girls we are uh mostly today is the age of apostasy um which i actually don't really know what apostasy means you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna look that up right now definition is the apostasy like uh like religious crimes or uh kind of the uh four religious crimes the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief which i would argue is ironic because this is like the exact opposite this is like too much religious belief yeah i was gonna say aren't the sisters like just anything that's heretical is just burned in hellfire or well not hellfire but you get the idea pretty much uh now naturally this of course is not going to be a sisters episode we'll probably have a whole episode like like you know how we had like our necrons war in heaven type thing we'll probably later on have like an episode on the necrons in general their hierarchy structure the different dynasties where they're at right now same thing with the sisters this is a more the founding of as opposed to like a dedicated episode on them but we're talking this is actually i'd argue one of my favorite pieces of warhammer lore because it okay so we just we just did avengers end game right we just did the horus heresy and anything past that feels like my newt um this is the exception i'm actually gonna be skipping over a ton of stuff after the heresy you have all of this [ __ ] you've got the great scouring uh rope mr robot girl a man is coming in he's riding the codex astartes and then he's like breaking up the space marine chapters and they're they're hunting the chaos traitors and they like they hunt them all the way like they have to like flee to the warp you know magnus is gone doing his thing like this like all this stuff but as far as i'm concerned this is like the spider that's like the spider-man far from home like it came out right after end game like was it bad no but it was like amazing it's just not you can't live up to it you know you just can't reach that level yeah it's the horse heresy how do you how do you live up to that i was gonna say like what what's there to talk about now like what's everybody doing how does like you know what's chaos doing what's what's the corpse emperor doing like where where do you go after you've i was literally about to say where do you go after you climax but anyway [Laughter] take a drag on the old cigarette and you get back to business right you go to you go the [ __ ] to bed yeah take a long boy that was a tedious three minutes right anyway that's go ahead the tedious three minutes you know you know when when you're out like when you're on the porn site and you just like like um it's a 30-second ad but it's really really good quality and you're like fastest hands in the west that's not my i still left for my buddy but god damn was a good one you okay tk if that stays in the [ __ ] episode i will be shocked if the if that co if that is removed from the episode i'm gonna raise hell metaphorically that is okay so with that aside the age of apostasy is a is a fantastic and a very interesting period of time i think it's because it's you're it's not about fighting chaos it's not about the the xenos aliens not about the tyranids it's about just what horrible things one man can do and how like the the selfishness of a single person's actions can can really topple an empire right and we're going to talk about arguably one of the most evil and horrible people in the imperium in ever and this this is a man known as uh gauge van dyer the most evil [ __ ] name i've ever heard g-o-g-e v-a-n-d-i-r-e gouge van dyer i mean like if you're a parent and you're like oh it's a baby boy what should we name it gauge gauge like you know what future you've set up for your poor child like they're gonna grow to be an evil bastard this is this is like the the epitome of evil bastards so uh we're at about the 34th millennia at this point so the horus heresy happened like like flat out year like early 30 um 30th or sorry late 30th early 31st millennium like like the turn of the of the what's up what's what's 10 000 years is there like a i know millennia is a thousand what's 10 000 is there a term for that i'm sure i'm sure there's got to be a term for that i don't know not that i'm aware of but well regardless it's that it's at that turn between 29 000 and uh and 30 000. uh but so now we've skipped basically three to four thousand years right now um during this period time gilliman was like you know taking all the the space marines boiling them down uh having them sent out to different areas he rose cooks astartes all this kind of stuff now naturally the emperor was was quite it was quite the fedora wearer right he was quite the atheist um we we we've established this unfortunately now he is entombed on the golden throne and you can't like it's got a lot of like died for our sins energy you know yeah it definitely does the the the whole thing with him and and that he has to fight off the the war monsters forever in all times uh because of magnus as [ __ ] up it it definitely does have a lot of uh died for our sins and is always protecting us and always watching over us vibes for sure right so naturally religion of the emperor starts to kind of show its its face which is quite ironic because the imperium is now moving directly towards exactly what lorgar wanted and was was there no one at this point because it it sounds like they're heading towards oh yeah we should all worship the emperor was there no one from like the old guard that was like um you guys realize that's not what he wanted right and he dude like did no one remember what happened to loregar or did they not care or were they just so like enabled grateful to the emperor that nobody they were just like nah he he deserves it a couple combinations of all of them uh unfortunately and in a particular issue of a little bit of bad writing i didn't really mention this like all all the primarks are gone um besides besides giliman doing his thing uh and eventually he gets mortally wounded and is forced to go into like a stasis chamber for a long ass time as well um but like they're all gone like like we'll talk about this in particular but jacket icon like went into the warps so did lehman rust they're both gone corvus corax is gone rogueldorn lost his like left arm or it was his right arm one of his arms and is like gone like everyone's gone and and so the leadership is quite minimal uh pretty much every single major primark is no longer in the picture and with that also it's when you think about like humans they do live longer but they're not immortal you know generations have passed thousands of years have passed that's fair that yeah i guess i guess with warhammer it's like oh yes you know 10 000 years have passed it's like oh that's not much for them and it's like oh i guess i guess things can kind of change and yeah for like you feel like you're a regular person right yeah yeah um so basically after some time there i mean there was an original church uh that started off and it it kind of it's hard it's a lot of like like semantics but i'm being honest i don't really need to get too far into it because that's not that's not our point here but um as time you know emperor died for our sins the whole thing little pockets of this religious kind of feeling has started to kind of like crop up right and and that means they eventually started getting really into like the worship of the emperor and and the worship of its own right of his own rights i think the first one was like the temple of the savior emperor which i believe was actually founded by lorgar uh but it was like reformed it's a it's a solid amount of irony because honestly loregar is basically getting what he wanted right now the word bearers are literally getting what they wanted um and now on the nose like it's just like yep this is what loregar wanted it's the church of the savior emperor and it's like wow he that's what he got massacred for yeah and i mean you know you discuss lorgar in modern day 40k and he's a horrible heretic but because you know part of the horus heresy but it's a lot of irony because right now everyone knows the imperium in modern warhammer as like the zealotus uh you know prejudice insanely religious group and that started both with a little bit of the hand of uh of lorgan the word bearers but also you know just that's the sheer nature of people you know emperor i mean he may have not called himself a god but god damn it the 10 foot tall golden plat clad armor who's the most powerful guy in the galaxy yeah you know he's still protecting us from the warp nightmares not to be seen though yeah you know almost like a deity so all of these churches start popping up in in tons of worlds and as time has gone on they eventually do create something uh called the adeptus ministorum which eventually is led to something called the ecclesiarchy now the ecclesiarchy is just it's the it's the church whenever you hear the word ecclesiarchy you think the church of the imperium the major imperial truth or the imperial cult some people like to call it because you know it's it's kind of whizz why why would it be um i do wonder why it's why it seems so culty yeah why would it be so culty you know just just put that dude to the state because he said big e is bad nothing i felt like about that that's not please it's just tuesday for the imperium is certainly tuesday so as this began growing up as we know in old school literature and all the church held tons of power i remember when i was when i was younger learning about history there was always one position over the king and that was like was it the bishop or like the pope or something right [ __ ] up archbishop yeah he was always the one guy who had more power than the king and so what as it started gaining this just huge amount of power and i mean it's a point where it even got a major seat in there's a thing called the high lords of terror they're like the the major individuals that run everything um it got its own seat as like the the ecclesiarch it's the ecclesiarchy and then there's the ecclesiarch which is like the the main guy in the on the high lord's terra so as this began you started around the i think the 35th millennium was where we were at and as time had uh came on the church started gaining its own like military uh it was called the fraternist templars basically imagine like a religious um religious like militia oh it's starting a templars type of deal yeah i mean it's called frater's templar so i guess it really works out yeah that's fair yeah okay yeah well easier but as it moved up and as it got more and more powerful and start getting really powerful and then the church that's getting really powerful now has its own militia and it became its own like its own like kind of bloated force and then we began to probably one of the more crazy issues which is where we get into mr ghosh van dyer walking into the walk you into the room so do you remember those warp storms that cut off areas yes well it happened again um in the early 36 millennia so around like 35 000 ish that started becoming a real problem uh certain plants were getting cut off that was becoming an issue you know other areas of humanity were getting stuck orcs were coming around being a being a problem uh the jucari were coming around being a problem everyone's everyone's being a problem that you know those are big problems yeah yeah tons of worlds start going straight into religious anarchy they started like flagging themselves and doing like like more worse acts of like penance for what they've done wrong because they consider like the emperor punishing them um okay they started going a little little drukarish where there like except they were you know murdering and hurting themselves dude you know as penance for their sins yeah these guys things got bad cut off because the emperor was mad at them and they like did something to anger him exactly so the current ecclesiarch was a man named paulus iii and he might have been the weakest baby back [ __ ] like of all the ecclesiarchs he was like such an absolute weak horrible leader but this was kind of placed there on purpose gauge van dyer master of the administratum was had made his way up into the ladder through just bribes assassination threats he he has just moved himself up the ladder and he specifically appointed this palace guy as ecclesiak knowing full well that everyone was going to hate him and so in a a muster of strength good van [Laughter] unfortunately that'd be [ __ ] great um van dyer walked his way directly into like the ecclesiak's throne room and was like i denounce you as ecclesiak and i denounce everything that you've done and had him immediately executed without trial without appeal nothing and and it's a coup you know it was a daring coup yeah and with that van dyer himself proclaimed himself master of the administratum and the newest ecclesiarch he was not only it was like imagine like the president but then he considers himself the president of like all departments of america like the um judicial branch that all like he he is like he has taken up both positions wow he is number one that's a big deal it's a big move that's a big power move yeah and so now that he has therefore taken up both the title of ecclesiarch you know like leader of the church and master of the administrative which is like the the more organized part of it basically a lot of people would consider this on pretty awful uh but you know they hated the other guy so much because he was such a little [ __ ] i thought that was a big step up from the baby bag [ __ ] some of them did some of them uh were not so happy now i i'm not sure how much of this might be used as like a as a major basis but i'm not quite sure which leader it was but i think i think it was like saddam hussein but there's like that really famous horrible video of like him staying on the podium and he kind of like asks who opposes me and then the people who stand up get like shot or something yeah they get taken out back and executed yeah yeah something like that that's basically what happened in the next few days many many people stood up to van dyer and his his actions and well they were executed they were immediately executed they were either they were declared traitor declared a heretic and immediately killed and this guy was such a little like a little baby anyone who was like you know van dyer um you know i believe in you but i'm not quite sure this is the best idea and he would go into like a petulant rage and it would just slaughter people in the thousands and like a guy like a high lord from a different uh like a hive city would be like you know van tire i'm not you know we're with you and all but uh we're not quite sure about this this exterminatus thing and he would like take out their civilians and like gun them down in front of him and be like you sure about that wow like if your high lord is mean you your whole city pays penance he he's a straight-up terrorist he's like he's straight up like i boy i will murder your civilians if you disagree with me and fear you into agreeing with me basically like we don't really know if he was a if he was like super unbalanced mentally before he became chief of everything but it became way worse he he claimed that he spoke with the authority of the emperor himself which is what a big [ __ ] deal but huge deal yeah he like he communed he spoke to the emperor like personally he says he did the thing these things um he would like he would go into trance-like states where he would like pretend to speak to the emperor like he would like walk around the palace just talking to himself as if he was talking to the emperor himself often he would enter insane rages insisting that everything he said be transcribed every word be written down but at the same time to not like like spy on him like orders that defied logic that would contradict each other and anyone who is like we can't do that it doesn't make any sense he would have executed jesus you're you're literally like you're the secretary to the president and the president is like go get me a diet coke but with but like it has but it has to be pepsi like sir i can't do that and then like kill him wow when you you weren't kidding when you said he was like the worst he is the worst often he would go to other worlds either worlds that were like stranded from the warp storms or something and he would expect a full blown parade a full-blown like like when they when they arrived he expected them to already know of his arrival without any given warning and if they were not prepared to give tribute often he would slaughter the population sometimes he would even exterminate the [ __ ] planet sometimes if you didn't if you if you weren't like hey gosh it's so great to see you here god love the emperor the moment he arrived and you provided to him money food wealth and especially women he would just [ __ ] like like gas your planet holy [ __ ] just for not having a parade ready and not like offering him tribute as soon as he arrives he would just exterminate the planet he is such a petulant [ __ ] he's the worst yeah that's putting it mildly that is oh boy he this is known as the uh the reign of blood by the way uh ghost van dyer's reign of what name uh who would guess um though i i knew he was pretty awful but like imperial officials doing exterminating killing people is not a very uncommon thing but there is one thing in particular that i really really was like wow what a piece of work and it was the breaking of lord phaedrus so god one of the biggest issues that he had was bringing the adeptus astra telepathica under his control this is like a contin the contingent of psychers uh-huh now lord phaedras was the master of the adeptus astro telepathica which is a [ __ ] mouthful but he was a like this is all psychers and and the telepathica has them like you know travel the warp and stuff um he was a super potion psycher and as such he like van dyer might have had like some charisma and [ __ ] to some people because he obviously was a horrible liar but being a psycher you can kind of reminds if you're smart enough and so he saw everything he saw his high end his intentions his like veil of of lies and his corruptness and after enough of this he used his psychic abilities to constantly stay a step ahead of him um and obviously van dyer couldn't just kill the guy because he'd be replaced by an even more powerful psycho so he had to remove him and in order to do so he lured the psycher uh the master of the psyche into a trap and he took a calexus assassin remember those um those sisters of silence that were like blanks they had no soul oh yeah yeah yeah so there's a special assassin temple called the collector's assassins which are described by the eldar the eldar the eldar as being as being the embodiment of pure evil oh wow they take those they take those no soul people and they outfit them with a fancy pantsy rig which like amplifies their their blank gene by like 10 times it is often seen that just them existing on the battlefield just them being near psychers has them like gouging their eyes out and like ripping their skin off because like constantly attempting suicide just because anything is better than being near this horrifying monstrosity oh no this is not gonna end well for the uh the leader of the uh adeptus estar telepathica whatever is that this is the big words going well yeah it's like that is a huge i was like oh i got this nope the um so he lured him into a trap using this assassin and being able to completely nullify all psychic powers uh in the area he strapped him into a life support machine where the assassin permanently severed his ability to tap into the warp permanently making him unable to be a psycho anymore which is basically akin to like cutting your nuts off as a as a man like that's that's like your thing you know that's your life imagine being able to read everyone's minds and just having it shut off oh man that might be worse like that might be worse than castration for a psycher cause like i mean yeah it's it's it sucks if your balls get cut off but like you're still you can still live for stuff if you're a psycher and you just [ __ ] lose that that's it that's a big deal that's not it is horrendous it in in fact it gets so bad that normally this operation would kill the psycho because these collectors are so insane yeah but they used a i can't pronounce this properly basically uh like a adeptus um mechanicus guy like a tech priest uh used a biologist to keep him alive and so he survived the operation which made him insanely depressed and he attempted to kill himself multiple times afterwards he attempted to take his own life like like five or six times jesus but every time he tried to every time he tried to take his own life van dyer was always there taking the taking the blade out of his hand or or not allowing him to like hang himself in the in the end this guy was completely broken and in that respect van dyer specifically said he would not tell the rest of the adept uh telepathica that he lost his psychic abilities who would therefore have him replaced or you know have him killed and he would not tell anyone so long as he did everything he asked and so and so he did so [ __ ] up and so he didn't oh that's so [ __ ] up mm-hmm he's that that right there for some reason feels so much worse than all the exterminators maybe because it's more personal but yeah like on on a scale of things like the the exterminating of a planet because they didn't have a parade should seem worse but like the deliberate just savagery of this just feels so like oh and it's so deliberate and it's so long lasting like at at least oh boy this is going to sound really bad at least when he exterminates as a planet it's just like it's over right it doesn't it's not like prolonged suffering like oh yeah that i get well it's like virus there's like virus bombing and stuff but oh well i mean regardless yeah it's just so much more personal and prolonged and deliberate and just it makes your skin crawl it really does uh but now on the other side let's get into a uh more fun topic let's talk about the brides of the emperor hey hey so um through a lot of like manipulation and and some more van dyre stuff he heard of the existence of a of a small group of i wouldn't say like primitives but like not imperium level um not like more than 21st century but not like not like anything crazier um now he heard of a small sect of warrior women on a planet known as san leor and he decided that to radio ahead to them and be like hey give me the parade and all that [ __ ] so i thought that's what you're gonna say get the parade ready basically so he went to this planet and they had a full-blown parade flowers and and and and uh and food and you know he was kind of going on his little thing and waving and everything and and all of these women at threat of gunpoint where were singing his praise and and you know all this wonderful stuff and he found eventually there was the gigantic church like the main temple and at the temple all these major these warrior women had the doors shut and said no no like man is allowed to enter this holy ground and the main woman went to uh van dyer and said you are barred from entering this place and all of van dyre's associates like immediately cringed like i bet they do no do that you're all gonna jesus christ but van dyer was calm some [ __ ] reason and this woman right here was named alicia dominica one of my favorite characters in warhammer laura and he calmly stepped off his like platform and went to her and handed her a bolt pistol and and walked back and said i am graced by the emperor himself you do not have the right to either bar me or harm me and he put his hands out and he said shoot me now this is this is like like an old school you know they're like not primitives but they're back in the day so he had a thing called the rosario song which is basically like like a force field like a fancy and vulnerable field so this this woman alicia dominica shoots him in the head and it's just like like a big invisible force feel like ricochets it blows up or whatever yeah yeah as proof that the emperor himself is watching over him oh what a [ __ ] i know right and so they were like oh my god he is and so they all they got on their knees they you know clapped their hands together they they allowed him entry like oh he obviously is now they the true um like uh voice of the emperor and so then he took them in they were originally known as the daughters of the emperor but he has now renamed them to the brides of the emperor and they had become his personal uh revenue of soldiers and bodyguards um now so that's they were his like his actual personal fighting army but they also had like the the fraternities templars but that was like imagine like the sisters were his marines and the templars were like his imperial guard oh okay gotcha that's the best way to explain it but they were trained by the uh by the imperial guard with all the skills and weapons of war and stuff and then constantly would would keep them as like really well-trained warriors and they were also his like silent assassins too often if he if he said hey this guy's a heretic kill him they would just immediately go up and gun the man down did they work not a single one he's like they're they're like his like you can't get more loyal than them you really can't yeah he truly they truly were the uh like the epitome of all of that man i'm just waiting for this ghost [ __ ] to get his like i really i'm hoping at some point let's just like yeah he gets his eyeballs taken out and shoved up his ass so he has to constantly look at himself or something there's a great quote in the emperor text-to-speech episodes uh the series where i don't know if you've heard much about that but um basically it's like a it's a comedy thing but they um they give the emperor a text-to-speech device so he can talk now and he's like a douche bag it's kind of good but he he is suck he's like you gave it to the most evil sounding guy ever goes van dyer that name just screams i'm gonna take your eyeballs out and put my penis into them and you saying that made me think of that the irony right i know the irony i i see what you did there eh um but uh they not only did the sisters or the brides whatever um they not only were his servants but they were also like companions they tasted all of his food in case that was poisoned uh they fed him when he when he was sick they nursed him to health uh which is why they have like that kind of nun uh like like you know uh hospital kind of vibe you know um they entertained him with like they were entertainers they sang they danced and they you know wow yeah i i got you yep yeah you you know what else they did i i i yeah i know what you're throwing down gosh vantire is a bad man fastest hands in the west right fastest hands in the west yeah because just you know he's a piece of [ __ ] um often of course often they would be sent out to serve as concubines for other high lords he liked um oh so like i i actually had to look up what a concubine specifically was referring to but it's basically like uh unlike unlike the first lady of the lord or something they would be his you know his uh his other servant women yeah uh so pretty not a good guy nope pretty much that's just so uh one time like for all of their like dancing and fanciness they were still pretty horrifying in in combat uh often a a holy a holy sinoid of people to what called tried to have van dyke assassinated a bit ago and what the brides did they went into the meeting chambers locked the doors and about an hour later carried the severed head of every single one of them oh and so the sisters didn't [ __ ] around then and they don't [ __ ] around now yeah they they jesus it it doesn't sound like you could get better bodyguards than that no and in fact it actually made the reign of blood even worse because now he had a fully extremely powerful fighting force on his side however there was one man who hardcore spoke out against him and that man was sebastian thor now if we truly had to think of a guy who might be the goodest of guys in warhammer this is this is up there sebastian thor is basically martin luther not martin luther king was also a great guy but martin luther like nailing the commandments on like the on like the church you know commit oh oh yeah not not commandments but like the the uh uh what was it common common sense common yeah that whole thing you know what you know what i'm talking about i know um he was just a humble a humble priest he was a priest a preacher and he would constantly like he was just such a insanely motivational speaker he would constantly go to worlds and talk up the power of the imperial truth but he would start continuing uh consistently denouncing the lord of uh the lord highlord [ __ ] terror goes vandyer and often many many assassination attempts on his life were were you know attempted but they just he was always one step ahead of them and this became a real thorn in gauche van dyke's side and eventually he would practically lead like like a religious crusade sebastian thor that is constantly gaining his own group of fraud in his templars and his own uh like kind of i'm not quite sure how to say i i want to say his procession but you know his own what what's the what's the group in a church called like like the people is that recession or is that like sure oh yeah i guess he's more of a thor in his side eh huh because he's sebastian or you know [Laughter] um the uh but he started getting like quite a following and this led over to both the adeptus astartes which is the space marines of course and the mechanicus who both of them were kind of like oh i don't like this gauge guy but naturally they're too busy you know killing chaos and orcs and yeah they had their own things to deal with but with time the chapter planets like the the planets that all the primarks were born on and the forged worlds and the mechanicus started to became practically fortresses where you could go to survive the horrible amount of anarchy and death that was basically present everywhere in the reign of blood it was almost like a safe haven and because of that many many space marine chapter masters and high fabricators of the mechanicus found sebastian thor in his news and either allied with him or swore to protect him because yeah you know they were like yeah holy [ __ ] this goes guy is a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's that's an understatement but yeah yeah they believe that he went against like the machine god and everything he's the machine god stood for uh often the van dyer would like would ask the mechanicus like to forcibly make him all this crap and they'd be like no however eventually with enough time sebastian thor gathered an insane following and that was when another coup i guess or more of a revolt would finally spark going over to tara uh which you know is earth for if you forget because some people forget that um going over to tara with large fleets of space marines and mechanicus vessels they began practically like trying to get him removed get him getting the [ __ ] out of there yeah there was just one problem there's an entire like gigantic military force of fraudus templars and sisters of battle and they were way too powerful in fact they caught they fought consistently and van dyer was like yo my generals my high lords of terror guys go out there and deal with those space marines and mechanicus and they were like no that's [ __ ] suicide are you [ __ ] me and then of course they were executed for not doing it of course of course because this goes yeah yeah because he's a [ __ ] douchebag like all of them were like [ __ ] that i ain't fighting the space marines are you [ __ ] me uh and you know and then every time they said no a sister of battle would unsheath her sword and then cut his head off because because yeah that's how it works that's what he does that's what they do so that's what they do so so does he have any fighting force left or did they finally i guess we're going to go fight them well they did basically they held up in the ecclesial palace the imperial palace uh this thing is the imperial palace i'm not sure which palace it was but basically all of the templars and the sisters were so trained so powerful that they couldn't break the siege i mean i mean they probably could with enough like firepower but this was like this was terra this was the holy area of the emperor himself they were basically held up in the emperor's like emperor's palace right so you can't just bomb it that's it and you can't really and then you had all the issues like the populists and they kept on trying to get through to the palace and they couldn't get past the sisters and they couldn't get past the uh the the templars would you know his little militia but but during this entire frame of time that's my favorite [ __ ] part of the story i love this during this entire part the adeptus custodies the golden boys right the the watchers of the emperor himself they were kind of didn't have a horse in this race they their job is simple protect the emperor nothing but yeah but one the main guy again in the captain general i don't know if it was val constantine valdorf it was trajan velores but one of the major captain generals was kind of sitting there watching now this is cool thing i don't know if i mentioned it before but it's called the uh blood games that the custodians would do and basically they would take half the custodians and they would attempt to break into the palace and and kill the emperor not actually but like attempt to do so as if they were the enemy and this would allow them to consistently shore up their defenses and figure out stuff so the imperial palace is just a maze of hidden passageways and secret entrances and all this crap that allowed the custodians to traverse because in case of of any kind of battle now because of this the captain general you said things to escape from the imperial palace and go meet with the marines and the mechanicus and ask them what the hell is going on and they've been basically telling him everything going on what the hell is happening all this crazy [ __ ] and because at this point it's becoming a bit of a danger to big e and everything and they kind of yeah yeah you need a little bit of a horse in the race so after learning about everything this custodian would eventually enter the room with the major contingent of sisters alicia dominica being one of them and he would meet with them quietly and personally and he spoke with with uh alicia and told him her everything what van dyer is what he's been doing all this kind of stuff and she she would not have it she she refused she was so loyal like like you know the custodian is obviously extremely like appreciate uh appreciated yeah but it's not enough right yeah so he saw no other option so what he did the custodian the captain general he left like four of his personal bodyguard as hostages for the sisters and he escorted alicia dominica and her personal five bodyguard warriors named arabella lucia mina silvana and catherine also which is the uh triumph of saint catherine which is the model uh that was you can purchase as the sisters now oh um that like coffin dance that's actually the the corpse of catherine who was here for this oh okay which is kind of cool but he led them directly into the golden throne of the emperor himself like they stood in front of the corpse of the emperor himself and nobody knows what happened nothing has been recorded no one has said anything but when they stepped out of the room uh alicia dominica eyes it would be would be misconstrued as the center of the sun she was [ __ ] appalled and enraged to a level like never before seen she was so insanely angry and she like took her and her six or five other women and marched to van dyer and i quote you have committed the ultimate heresy not only have you turned your back on the emperor and stepped away from his light you have profaned his name and almost every destroyed almost everything he has driven to build you have perverted and twisted the path he has laid for mankind to tread as your own decrees have stated there can be no mercy for such a crime no pity for such a criminal i renounce your lordship you walk in the darkness and cannot be allowed to live your sentence has been long overdue and now it is time for you to die and as she said these words to van dyer he like shaking his head and like [ __ ] like his body trembling in a sense he might have been like so divorced from reality that he barely even understood what she was saying and his last words and this is the only thing about gauche van dar that i find [ __ ] funny is quote i don't have time to die i'm too busy wow it is the only chad thing van dyer has ever done oh i hope she [ __ ] him up something good i hope he gets like unsheathing uh dominica's power sword she took one swing and his and uh at his head and decapitated his body right there on the spot which is interesting because van dyer's force field rosarius just happened to fail him at that time oh which is kind of a thought process of like the sister's ability to create miracles because of the emperor's will kind of it's somewhat assumed that maybe the emperor was like no rosarious for you and right right like that just head decapitated from his body and gauche van dyke would cease to be i will be honest with you there was a part of his like man i really wanted him to have like prolonged suffering i really hope he got me capped yeah i was like man if they could like hook him up to a machine that like constantly tortures him for all of eternity i really dig that but i guess decapitation will have to do it's i mean it's pretty [ __ ] badass i absolutely love this story like the concept that even the custodian of the emperor couldn't sway them so she had to be taken and her bodyguard personally to the emperor himself and then they just emerged from that room with no no record of what happened just like enraged all of the women were like in their own right so excited to [ __ ] like decapitate the son of a [ __ ] i'm sure they were um i'm curious what happened in in that room what did did ms just commune with him you think or possibly possibly he spoke to them like did he has like he still has like a psychic power he can't people who can't talk because his face probably doesn't work but um because it's just you know it's just a skull yeah there's a good chance that he might have honestly i'm not quite sure but that's not really the point this is one of the few points of like of like subtlety that warhammer has somehow she found out and boy did she let him have it she absolutely did um all of these six women have uh been immortalized as saints so this is known as saint dominica the triumph of saint catherine yeah um uh alicia dominica is easily one of my favorite characters in all of 40k lore i find her in like she was the one who went to van dyer and was like you do not get to go in this room and then you know she stood up to him mm-hmm and then she was the one who stood up to him again yep it's so cool so after that uh sebastian thor became the new ecclesiarch um he dismantled almost all of van dyke's quote unquote reforms and political changes he segmented the uh high lord's position multiple times to the senatorum imperialis the minastorum the ecclesiarchy he basically created checks and balances um he completely dismantled the fraud in his templars and issued something called decree passive which means that the ecclesiarchy could not maintain men under arms quote-unquote men underarms is that how they get around that okay now naturally the church does need a fighting force so they do so with this large group of the uh brides of the emperor they were then renamed to the adeptus sororitos also known as the sisters of battle and they were now their own group to uh to fight for the church in their own right um and that's about that's about it that's that's the end that was the age of apostasy um the sisters are now on their own thing they have their own orders alicia dominica uh is the was the saint of the order of the eben chalice my personal favorite uh order we'll talk more about them in the sister's episode but um she she as well as all the other saints have died because they're not um they're not like immortal yeah but she actually died to a traitor last gun shot um she uh she she was under fire in a battle and she was i think she was staying like over a hundred gunfire wounds to her arm to her armor and everything and it and still stood up until one final last gun shot pierced her heart because her armor was weakened and broken and that's how she finally passed jesus that's some armor that's a badass jesus oh they're they're so cool saint catherine was the same way they now tote her dead body into battle in the coffin dance model which if you if you haven't seen that model oh my god it's my favorite model in the whole game like i'll show it i'll show it to you later but um because obviously we're on a podcast they can't see but for those of you viewers listening go look up the triumph of saint catherine model it's so cool but um yeah no it's i love this this story i think it's so cool it's it's a little bit more like a little more personal oh yeah you know it's gauge van dyer and just how terrible he is and it's nice that it's not zinc being an [ __ ] it's not an orc like wah it's not the eldar but [ __ ] slash into oblivion it's just it's just this one really corrupt man who got his comeuppance and it just feels good i like those smaller store well it's not small but more like hyper detailed stories i think this would make for a really good like film the uh yeah you start like you have alicia dominica's the main character and you have the big climax ending with her going to the emperor room and [ __ ] that'd be so cool yeah it it's set up really nicely where you you get like this obvious [ __ ] villain goes van dyer and his sort of rise to power and how awful off how awful uh he is and then you just sort of you know you you get to that point and and he finally gets his comeuppance and oh i i was so happy that he actually did get killed it's like oh yeah he's still leading today he's found a way to immortalize himself and you know i was like oh if that happens son of a [ __ ] nah nah nah good old sebastian thor led the ecclesiarchy all the way to the end of his life he uh good for him he might legitimately be one of the best like the nicest guys around in terms of warhammer lore he's pretty fantastic cute cute comment section you going um actually here with someone nicer yeah his name was his name was vulcan and he set an eldar child on fire i can't wait for that episode when you find it i'm so excited uh though i will i will say with this episode basically being done i will say i am so excited because on the next episode we are doing what shai wants we are talking orcs oh wow we're doing orbs no don't don't don't say [ __ ] don't no don't do it that's the sun it's too late well it's they're fun guys right they say that because they're saying war but they have like the the cockney british bouncer accent oh so it's actually more of like a wall it's like not it's like you know war wah it's not like it's not wag yo i didn't know that i thought it was just the wow like that was just some crazy wart i didn't know that it was like oh yeah it's just it's just their coconut way of saying whoa i i didn't know that yeah it's great i love it so you learn something new every day the orcs all talk in like the the bouncered cockney british accent it's so silly but that will be our next episode i'm excited um until then to all of our patrons thank you so much for listening it was fantastic i got to have my fun little episode shai is getting her next one uh as for all of you on patreon ridiculous or such depth is ridiculous we thoroughly appreciate your support uh we have all these different options coming up both the elementors episode and also some other gameplay stuff i'm sure me dk and shai will have a fantastic dawn of war a couple of games which will be really enjoyable uh we'll probably play some mechanic kiss things like that and from there of course uh this has been weekly episodes starting up and this has been pretty great doing this the mondays that we record are kind of the highlights of our week and we're really happy that you've been enjoying yourselves as well so dk where can they find you everywhere you can find me twitch twitter youtube dk diamantes except on instagram real dk diamantes until i make a fortune and just buy that [ __ ] name out on instagram hell yeah you can find me over at bricky on everything basically everywhere i stream quite often got my youtube stuff all is good and shy you could find at either quiet shy or quite shallow on either twitter or youtube etc which if you'd like you can visit that's ridiculous on twitter as well if you'd like to see some of the updates as well as awesome fan art and things of that nature and all met i forgot about the fan art request i wanted this episode oh what's the fan art request i wanted a little like a doge meme a doge as ghost van gogh van dyer and he's like mr emperor i assure you having all the brides of the the emperor walk around barefoot is essential to the running of the ecclesiarchy i'm going to mention that in the beginning of the orcs episode because i really want to see that people might not have listened to so far but but the best part is then he wouldn't be gauge van dyer he'd be doge van dyer let's [ __ ] go end the episode end the episode
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 537,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer lore, 40k lore, warhammer, sisters of battle, Age of Apostasy, Reign of Blood, Goge Vandire, adepta sororitas, warhammer podcast
Id: iK9Ds64WEbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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