Cash Castle! High Risk Coin Pusher Jackpot!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so uh we have a gambling addiction so we uh came to the gas station and hey guys so check it out i have 50 bones how much oh yeah 50 bones okay 50 dollars and so gina you show them yours but we got you at the same time oh all right so we have a hundred total dollars because the rules are you can't like play with the same cut for some reason so 100 all right guys so we came up with the strategy we came up with a strategy so you're going to start in the center right yeah i'm going in the center and i'm going to the left and then you're going to go to your right and then i'm going to go to the center then you're going to go back to so you see what we're doing we need a lot but it's in the center that's why we're going equal it looks like total there's 100 200 wait 100 356 356 bucks yeah let's save 100 points is i got last time i only did a 20 20 roll no and then i bought 10. [Music] so you did 30 last time yeah because then all you super duper uh like all you christians who got it a lot of so-called christians are the meanest comments they are yeah would you believe that they got it all together all together and if this becomes a problem where i can't like pay my written stuff then we'll talk then it might be a problem wait what did i call that thing the wiener it is the wiener strap this guy's got weird oh whoa man that blue thing did a cartwheel trap in the center and it'll fly off and hit it good good that's the weanest cannon i'm feeling good at first it's like the five dollar bill though i know now i'm not going i bet this is a 200 winner game for all i think for all of us well then why wouldn't hey sir thank you yeah we hadn't done nothing we have been it's not moving [Music] you have to wait until there's oh well yeah until the the trays at a certain spot upgrade is no it's called a coin trap come on i'm gonna count how many we have in the tray before i empty my cup my cup is almost empty oh yeah i got a white one don't know what that means i'll take it up there and he ain't gonna count stuff he's just gonna reach in the cabinet drawer gave me a bag of rice one time i'm peru what me wanting to play a coin game makes you think i came from weirdo and then we'll count oh we do that quite a bit down there all right it was more than 7-5 i'm out again come on like this where there's no lift like i've got oh oh my god are you even watching this what your 50 is very close what i didn't even realize i'm not even joking y'all i did not even realize that 50 bill was right there look you see it it's right there yeah all right i'm probably already felt defeated i was already like reading the comments in my head hey man you're just losing weight man all right that was the last one i had in my hand whoa you still got a lot of a lot of quarters yo i'm about to get 50 back i'm gonna be your hero you're my hero every day you're leo dicabrio and then you're gonna kill me by not letting me on the raft that's like big enough for three people it was pretty crappy wasn't it she was hoping that uh that it didn't make it she slept with the help oh i'm for real that's why she killed it about it she's like she didn't want that to make it back to land that she's left with the broom guy or whoever he was and she killed him just because that is my assessment titanic all right hey we got a blue chip yeah we got shoes worth a can of beans to go with our backyard so what are these oh i'm just really talking about you are talking about fried rice i like fried rice fried rice you might catch them say something breaking the song like you were singing you know what my entire life i've wished that real life was a musical [Music] [Music] coin push or review like that that might be the best titanic review hey y'all right now not in the chitchat in the comments hashtag brian spines movie reviews if you want more of my movie reviews and maybe i'll just set up a whole thing and do a movie review of the movies that i think are ridiculous y'all let me know in the comments all 7 000 of you who might watch this video hey man it's a coin push i don't like the direction you're going with the freaking channel just so you need freaking suggestions hey you know what the direction of the channel it's my life cool life changes yeah and i ain't changing my life we'd love you to be here but you can't be freaking supportive just like not being a butt like yeah a non-butt all right dangleberry non-dingleberry bite okay so we are we're on your last uh two handfuls of her cup her cup is now officially empty oh whoa did i want a 50. no it got it fell over where it fell over oh that's some cheap horse nuts i didn't even notice one that failed i'm sitting here talking i don't know why i'm watching back there i'm sitting here aiming for the wiener strap where are you going because that's what you do we're gonna we haven't even counted y'all y'all get ready for the count how many chords do you have left this is my last one okay all right so one two three yeah so uh let's get all of that out and put into let's count it okay all right guys so we had 23.50 in quarters and now we're gonna go see what the uh what these little guys are worth we got two blues and one white all right guys so check it out we have uh oh it was 23.75 plus 250 plus 250 so another five so that's like 27 something and then y'all i ain't even playing what i tell y'all indian i'm not just saying he's indian because i'm trying to describe him i don't mean the name racist way fool's gonna freak out because i called him indian i didn't mean anything bad about y'all look you gave me a bag of beans i told you two how do you give something like five bucks in a bag of beans like what is the world coming to all right 23.50 let's make it work all right let's go right here you keep the cuts the only thing we can do is go for the center i feel like yeah i think so because if we get that to fall the right way like we could get yeah 50 cent [Music] premature [Music] no hope for jack [Applause] a second he touched her [Music] come on oh look it's gonna fall yo hey look look at all these chips this might be worth like a thanksgiving dinner or something hey all right can i just have like yeah [Music] oh look it almost went in it did oh i bet that's the deal you got to get quarters to hit it to make it go in i've got like five over here [Music] boom oh yeah oh my gosh all right y'all that was like six freaking chips that was the fiverr come on baby oh my gosh you just got a white one all right hey guys do we have more in the cups oh here we go here we go ready for more trips i've got one more come on wait for these two to fall oh yeah oh wow yeah we do yo we might get our money back so we both have a handful we have about a quarter of a cup i almost feel like we should spend another hundred dollars if we don't win this thing like that's where you're supposed to say uh oh that's where you're supposed to be the boy some reason well that's two hundred dollars but if we get all of it there's one red one in there oh you're about to yeah [Music] ah [Music] yeah just keep going fast i'm pretty sure that wasn't even closed yeah we just trapped all the wings trapped oh my gosh holy crap hold on a lot okay we're not gonna look y'all we're not gonna look until we how many fours we go yo we still got like a quarter of a cup yeah yeah boy we got at least that 10 bucks you only need to play yo so if we have at least like 15 bucks in there yo i think we can win the cash oh deuces come on man come on man all right guys so here's the freaking chips i'm just gonna hold on to these right now and wait till it's like can a pineapple day or something so and we got a five dollar bill how many quarters do we have all right guys and we got 14.85 and i'm putting every freaking of it in there you mean 14 yeah yeah boy already making big freaking movies [Music] yeah i got another bag of babies [Music] it's like a third of the way hanging on look at how many are hanging over the edge all right let's get the quarters uh i'm out let's see what we got all right guys we don't have much left we have like uh maybe like seven dollars so we're gonna put it all in the well we still have a lot of uh chips it could be worth cash that's true actually i know we do have at least 750. so we're not out of this yet [Music] yo i'm gonna try to zoom in and show you how close this is oh crap my freaking camera's gonna die did you bring the extra battery yeah all right so i'm going straight up to center i'm going all out balls to the wall going for the catch yeah you just keep feeding me those keep feeding me though we're just going we're going listen to that listen oh yeah that was like 8.95 come on keep going come on we know we're doing go fast i'm going all in the center hole y'all going in the center coin hole here we go come on now you've got to be freaking pooping me sideways i turned the freaking camera off take the battery why does it do that when you change the battery up all right here we go all right hey [Music] [Music] here we go y'all freaking better please give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down ah come on feed me feed me i haven't dropped anything ever oh my gosh come on baby today [Music] yeah leftover bbq nice oh yeah look at that big hug look at that big old thing come on come on babe i mean i got probably [Music] oh yeah look no now i'm double holding it right here double hole what's gonna happen [Music] yeah come on this is double fisting it oh i'm getting pretty fast look at that babe come dollars in there like on at this [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 8,554
Rating: 4.7710843 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, rob lunkers, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, sourcing, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, challenge video, coin pusher, high limit, high limit coin pusher, coin arcade, arcade
Id: CeRw1ua-TWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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