Abandoned Government Issued Battle Equipment FOUND In Abandoned Storage Unit For $510!

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Oh kiss hanka has fairytale welcome back to Grimes finds y'all today we're gonna take a look at that watch y'all remember the 510 dollar unit well I didn't tell you everything about yeah baby y'all check that out is it way down there I thought it was down here alright yeah so we are here at cattle mills we beat Jacob and Katie at unit 30 $510 I think it's a steal hey while we're waiting on the team dear let's get let's show them that military stuff get that military bag out and that uh the fence thing alright guys so we found this military pack in this unit but we didn't record it tell them about it let's tell them about it guys I'll show you a few things while we're waiting for the team to get here and then we have got to get this table set up we've got a little bit of shade there is an item that I think if it's real it could be worth thousands upwards to $12,000 I'll show you that when we get back to the house I found that in the unit after we quit filming yesterday but we found this in there also litter Izone DMZ is in between South and North Korea that same and spot where a spot that's the Saints famous famous spot Mary they miss a spot I'm Dyslexic dude but look this is actually a piece of the fence we haven't opened it not sure what that's worth but it's military-related alright guys so look why I know this unit is real because if you remember the boxes I said looked like they were from a shipping company and all the boxes had Burton written on them so look Burton he was definitely in the military I'm just gonna dump this duffle bag out yeah oh my gosh look ya'll I hope we find what matches this right now if we find an old-school m16 in there that's gonna be money all right so look we've just got D key so this will look ya'll hey y'all let me know in the chitchat and in the comments what did you call these in boot camp em B that's the hint I'll give you but what did we call these in the military all right guys let's just kind of pop some of this stuff up but this like to link it for his gun out cleaning kit so look we found a gun cleaning kit that's probably more of it I would not look these are the guards Knight's armament so we got gun pieces look his patches yeah these are cool and then we got oh look that's a hammer grip for a rifle y'all y'all that'll actually fit on one of my oars is this a tripod one okay so what else we have over here this stuff goes in your helmet it's padding for your helmet here's his duffel bag oh oh yeah look his little pouches more patches NATO what look it's Camelbak look these are military issued look at these cool little tactical glasses looks like there's a look there is another parent here y'all look at those so I don't even know what these are worth if one of y'all wants to look these up outside the wire goggles Smith Optics field kit so check that out those look nice look it's still got all the stuff in them yeah these are brand-new so y'all let me know what do y'all think these are worth are you doing helps when you put the right code down you know what I mean did you can redeem yourself redeem yourself got it I believe in you yeah look the muscles this beautifulness what some box yes that cameras going so you're blocking it and he's trying to do a shot let's get in between him and the camera ready guys okay just wipe it in the tub be sellable all right guys look good here all right so look again we paid 510 for this unit look down in here this is like off this close but there's some kinda what's that say boots I don't know if there's gonna be nice boots or not let's see fill out thank guys I'm not gonna take all this stuff out because I want to make a mess and y'all it's like 183 degrees in Texas this looks like it's meant to protects oh no it's not I thought it was I know a photo hang you roll your yeah yeah I saw this I thought maybe there was something new yeah there's stuff wrapped up what is it yeah that I can't huh I was gonna go hand you can't see it now it was a tell Scott telescope what's this a microscope kit oh they did wrap everything look even the little kids shoes er no those are Healy's that's a cute part secondhand fellow but alright that's it I started going through this box I just found this I haven't opened it y'all what if this is more expensive than the camera we just bought why wouldn't that be our look Sony Handycam look looks like everything's in here looks like maybe a backup battery yeah I might look at this yeah I think it's the owner and I hear the door shutting up they're trying to keep away from the owner so they don't kick us out look I have all I found hundreds of bees but look beyond in here there's all kinds of good stuff in this camera they wrap everything y'all like everything look at that like everything my father's you wrap that y'all everything is wrapped in me you think they're in here beats y'all if these are in here we made our money back I'd say it's assumed and then show them the rest of unit off a few handful and we've only gone through like these few boxes right here all of these boxes look what's that say zooming all that show glass no which one or which one do they tell you to pump point out okay Xbox but yeah usually so I have filled ah is that dynamic beat y'all look they do they're shiny and crispy until I dropped it yeah all right guys so these are the items we're taking and putting in the empty tubs that way when we get back that we can get this stuff listed a lot quicker this stuff's all going in the high bid and we're gonna watch the hive in close with you guys again like we did this Monday that allowed us to interact with you guys more I just liked it a lot more we're still able to offer you a lot of items be part of the sale together and interact so look last I'm gonna show you real quick is this I don't know what this set is worth but look here's a nice poker so it's a dealer set yeah so this is super heavy right here guys super heavy so this is a good sellable item to do I'm just going to spot checking some of these boxes oh it's an angel all right look this is a bunch of kid stuff but everything's nicely wrapped but why told Xena to get the camera light through I told her I just joked about that Sony camera but we were looking for a Nikon it was out of my budget y'all look Nikon camera what if that is upgrade to this camera that'd be awesome that would be awesome let's see this is the one that says Xbox well or glass it depends on the you are I read it and so I watched you read it it's all glass y'all look this is already getting heavy so here is that it's a lamp base or something good so we do have Xbox yeah controllers I know that the Xbox charger for sure oh whoa looks Lassus my glasses all right Lisa what's in the purse isin bag yeah y'all there's so many mice and rats in this thing never have I ever we don't care about that what are we looking for the Xbox you think they had a bunch of game maybe it's not it's college algebra which I cheated to go do you know what Condon says it's the Star Wars edition yeah no it's a 360 X Star Wars edition Oh what y'all hey we got to get off here let's look this up all right yes I made it to this box that said a nikon camera so first of all I found a radio speaker this PlayStation 3 game was in there this looks like generic PlayStation 3 controllers so well there's another one yeah I think this was a great Buy yeah 502 I'm confident we've already doubled our money I'm confident hey y'all saw with that other one so he just got all the cords wrapped up in here huh so I'm gonna sue I'm be honest y'all I'm trying to find that Nikon camera I'm trying to see if I get upgrade so look just a bunch of loose DVDs Sonic they're in there kept waiting upgrading y'all know that's the Nikon all right guys y'all look I found a Canon I don't know much about it but look it's right here it's the eo5 look it's got lenses y'all is that a lens what is in that but IB I kept joking about it look there's equipment for this canon yo you think this can is better than what we got it could be yo we'll find out if this works we are gonna upgrade that's wild yeah it's hot as balls I tell you all that today check it out so I just found this I was just digging I saw this I left it there we'll see what's in that in just second but y'all I found this it's got a price tag in it it says Gucci and then look 405 dollars look at that what a Gucci wallet so guys we have got to be in the money now if there's any naysayer it's about this unit right now you're just dead wrong let's see what's in this oh look at the metal not sure which one that is on the back but hey check it out we'll look that up on the back for military merit hey James here so hey guys oh yeah uh what was I saying oh I found this that's what I'm saying y'all look at this and I know what some of you are saying hi Justin man you got to give that back to him I actually might try to give it back but I don't know look here's the deal I actually watched jesus's video yesterday he explained it well he said all the people to get mad about is buying these and selling them those people were in a contract with this place first your first sympathy shouldn't go to them or hate should go towards us it should go against the owners of these places who depend on occupancy who depend on keeping their business alive and then people come and get units and don't pay their bills so like it's so weird the world's weird it's like everybody wants to get twisted at the one you should shouldn't be you shouldn't get that's just wild but anyway so check this out operation headquarters in Afghanistan guys this flag and the way the country is going now y'all might want to buy some of this stuff up this will be in the high bid auction this flew in Afghanistan hey guys y'all check it out all right I thought I'd get y'all before you actually start this said progear and last box I open its head pro gear and all her military stuff in it yeah it sounds like it's full of change or something you know I just like sayi yeah like to say it yeah what is that in there was it morphine shots or something eyedrops pretty close down the box yeah I'm so hoping we find a gun in this joint see what's down in here I'm not taking all of this out look earmuffs looks like they might have done some radio or field kind of wiring that's like a whole military get up another tool box down here it's got some tools in it I'll keep those down in there all right so that's what it is you don't know man these boots might be expensive yeah these might be like once for like electricians or something all right so I'm not gonna be able to show you all the story to people heads on the bottom guys rookie mistake this box back here it's full of like toys and they're all individually wrapped up but he'll Jordan that's a what year is this this is a 2011 that's Green Lanterns plane but I really felt they rocked the bat bobble up huh this one we didn't do nothing I sit here and watch the whole thing actually you watched it happen you watched it oh there's a trunk in here yeah how many thumbnails do we got out of one you shootin oh man space them out check it out I found a box full of media new DVDs like sets Law & Order CSI look at this crap - the video games they're all in here ps3 so I we have a ps3 and we have a xbox 360 Star Wars edition from this one and then look at all this media there's CDs and all this stuff so hey I think right here look at these I guarantee you this box right here this box right here would be at least 200 bucks yo it's raining whoo Thank You Jesus yes it is you'll argue with me while mineral water is falling out of the sky I'm sitting here watching waterfall that's what she does yeah Wow old adidas look at that does it kind of James II look well baby Nike little baby LeBron's little baby LeBron I don't know why are you saying baby LeBron because you're stealing my thing again yo spider-man Reeboks yeah are these for real y'all look at those shoes more 90s catapult yeah air walks I'm about to try to squeeze my baby feet in those but you know what I'm up where you get your flight you get down no time man you skate and you put your arm behind your back cause you're cool yeah I thought look it's signed let's be honest though this looks like a Garden Ridge special it's probably 1999 look did all that and then she's like bam bam but in two different colors off it's not just an X y'all don't know how to read art look she be had brown then green over there and then she said you know what a blue done that's art at the end of filming yesterday I was kind of we were picking up and I was kind of combining a few boxes and I kind of reached down in the bottom of the Wardrobe and pulled out this watch and we've sold a few of these and I think the cheapest one we ever sold that auction was fifty four hundred dollars the numbers are fourteen four three eight two alright guys so look there's the back you can kind of see it's really dirty but that unit I thought What did he say mm to that unit had been there a long time you could tell by the massive amounts of rat poop sticker over the surface of this thing it says BC be s or s B no so backwards it would be B CBS what does that mean I don't know if it's real I'm gonna have to take this and get some I look at or I'm I just auction it as is I don't know update seven days still no Ronit suspect but it was free I didn't expect it to be like speedy that's like postage right like I got took the free postage basically I think what I'm going to do is take some pictures on Facebook and post those on there and then you guys can help me Tina and I are not watch experts we're not jewelry experts what I will tell you is it's pretty heavy it says Breitling night or 1884 solely on IDing the chitchat down the comments let me know 510 bucks for this unit so far we found the Jordans we found the watch we found the designer clothes we found several cameras one may be an upgrade there was so much stuff in every box that was wrapped up and it was hot as balls you know it was like a hundred eighty degrees out there so anyway we are getting a trailer where to get the rest of that back here so stay tuned at 7 p.m. central time for a brand new video yo I think I might post seven days in a row just because we haven't done it and because we love you guys so much we'll see you the next you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 49,533
Rating: 4.8065982 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: y1polk14oaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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