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Wow...Uncle Ryan spent A lot of time and effort making this happen :) Makes me want to start hiding things around the house for my kids to find when they're older.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/shekshishekki 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
What is happening? We found a note in our closet that has other People's things in it I wonder no joke this is so weird look at that I wonder if the people that lived here before left it in this so cool says aloft in the Attic So you open it up, yeah What do you think this is? Nope, that's so weird I saw that and I was like okay We have to film us I have no idea it says beware the secrets of the Forgotten treasure Huh? It might be from Ryan, From Ryan? Yeah, because he's playing on the treasure hunt Oh.... Interesting I don't know because it's been there a long time wouldn't Ryan have told us about it I don't know, What is this? Really dusty, it's been there for a long time maybe a hundred years Really, yeah? Dude, where are the secrets of the Forgotten treasure and then that says a loft Natick maybe we should? I've never seen in our attic people. I haven't either well. I guess he D like Who wants to look up there with a flashlight What do you see in there mom Don't fall What is it? Really awesome order we're trying to find treasure we might become This is really old don't touch it. There's another letter clue. Yeah, it might be Let's go to the table, this is an old-fashioned writing it says fragile that means it's probably really just like Ryan's butter chip, maybe it's a pirate chip inside a bottle. This is really really cool Okay, this is all Open it Becca. yes Current resident current resident this is really exciting. I can't wait Hey whoa Hidden secrets card the way in the case you want What's inside here, maybe that's more information I'm afraid of breaking it it is fragile Till to reveal chill should we put it in the fridge or in the freezer? Yeah, let's get in the freezer? Their words on it. Yeah, are maybe I can just take this thing off North East Room on basement level there's a clue that I do rebel find a drawer on bottom, right? Pull on it with all your might once It's out then look below to a your partner to and fro now you have a dancing shoe gosh I wish that there were two which drawer on the bottom right let's go check out. I think it's in your bedroom James. Oh My gosh you guys is better you guys would never be able to find a clue in here because your room is so messy On it with all your minds wait underneath it there might be a thing that like unlatches That's been there for a long time Maybe hundred years. Yeah, check it out Whoa So you go upstairs and out of this messy room, yeah? Nuts do you think there's something no there's four nuts How do they get a note inside of a pennant there's a fakeness Washing laundry turn around. There is something to be found upper cupboard middle back. That's the wall you need to hack Well it's been down there for a hundred years washing laundry yes, turn around There's something to be found upper cupboard middle back That's the wall you need to hack turn around upper cupboard middle middle back That's the wall you need to hack so we have today. Maybe there's something behind that wall The note listen close and you will hear the sound of ocean in your ear unless Object blocks the way if that's the case it cannot stay with some closing you'll hear so it's a view this big seashell You can hear the ocean the ocean listen guys Okay, let's let's read that note sound do you hear the ocean? Hold it out the door while looking high ceiling blocks the clear blue sky clever vents from what clever or 11-11-11 vents from left to right count to four and hold on tight remove the screws and and Beyond the vent you will find a clue, that's that's right. That's rent bridge, okay Let's go look in the back under the house how many events So there's the loving Vince it's either that one from left to right cuz it's like which left or right? This would be the left okay Is there something there Washing laundry Turn around There's something to be found lower cupboard middle back. That's all you need to have what? Over cupboard middle back Yeah, this is an antique this could be worth [$100] Wow lower cupboard middle back Corbin get away it has nails in it Box A Box A box And Wagnalls new standard dictionary of the ENGLISH language 1945 For 754 phone to definition 36 36 downstairs Okay, what's next stairs below the stairs on the lower floor as downstairs rooms column 1 this definition 23 north west page 250 column 1 Bedroom bedroom says downstairs Northwest bedroom west wall upper left corner rectangle de polish Let's go down series. Ok Ryan's bedroom is the northwest room which is where we're going the northwest Yeah, there's this is the next clue Northwest bedroom west wall. That's the West Oh Ryan Ryan Put them in the front closet so I brought them down and put them in his bed like days ago And they're still there that means thinking has been making his bed with this girl Okay, okay, so west wall upper left corner rectangle Well I think I can kind of see something here oh Here try try breaking it oh It's just like the one upstairs here. I got I got a tape like two keys upstairs This is... Awsome Oh my gosh, we really are demolishing this house What do you guys think do you think Ryan will be mad Ryan's a pretty good guy Secrets there's a note behind the pixi or whatever that thing is the angel Oh? Wonder how long these books are fin here. Let's read the note Okay the first thing it says is secrets of a familiar state Open at the readers date-based Now is the time not to rest but to continue on.... Eternal quest hour! Yes, this one says secrets on it Secrets? State open up the readers gate No now is the time not to rest but to continue on eternal quest? So open if the readers game yeah Yeah, holy cow There's a book full of books wait continue. I continue on eternal quest I don't know if that's supposed to open up Just by pulling on that That is so cool All sorts of secret stuff in here let's do you want to take it back upstairs, let's go back upstairs Guys step away from home. She's flinging knives around Last time she flung a knife she sliced her finger open and had to go to the emergency room I feel bad melting this wax It's so cool. What if it like explodes because you're putting a lot of heat on it Don't do it Told you told you told you Anymore I think we have to milk I told you. I told you. I told you it broken. Look it out. I told you Oh wow I told you it's gonna break. Let's go in the other room Okay in the bathroom down the hall pipe from ceiling to the wall Pry the board with bending nail procure the package you have male pipes room side Bending what did it say something? Try to board with bending nail you think it's fine this. No. I think that was here when we got here just Why are you scared the bathroom down the hall to the wall ceiling to the wall Oh Pry the board it with bending nail. This is the board Wait this one's coming off easier There's a package in there, huh Boy too much The serious package from mr.. Three Cassette old secret technology, this is like ancient technology So this has something that's written in Morse code right here What's dot dot dot just three dots just three dots is s. Oh well. Let's write down what this says But it also could be Dada - which is V Snap the first word is snapped there are spaces Gooood Snap I did I did try and do it with the book, and that's I got SN But there were so many options if there wasn't spaces so I couldn't see the spaces snap Pencil ha ha there's a crack down the middle of this pencil So note inside of a pencil Okay, I'm glad this is not in Morse code Yeah, I was hard. It was really hard to figure out westward bound Outside the door now be crowned forevermore Why look for eyes what's inside so outside the back door cause it's in the West yeah now be crowned forevermore Slide the latch and open wide look for eyes. What's inside? I think I might know where you're where it's talking about - I think that's where it is? okay A cat A cat here film it film it so you can all see there's something weird in there Can you see it the cat fell backwards Oh Step up we're using a trash can for the stand. It's buried up ahead you got it Oh, Take it this Oh My gosh, that is so heavy a weird cat thing and it says shatter on the bottom Shatter Let me through it to break it Wait everybody move out of the way so it Waits sharp it's sharp edges Says go inside and down the stairs now you can forget your cares But it'd be he or she find a door of.... 2 foot 3 2 foot 3 what does that mean maybe it's the door in your bedroom to Have to show this When inside then turn around this clue isn't on the ground Hung with wire of brilliant black wire cutters are what we like Careful not to break the glass or I'll have to kick your.... Well, let's cut off their We can't break the glass I think it's the room of 2 foot 3 I think it's in your bedroom that little bedroom door. Let's go check Here we need wire cutters. That's what make a cool little room for the kids to play in finally Do you see it. yes! It's Right there. All right, let's go In the hand and revealed by secrets at my command Window and what did I see a small box hidden in a hollow? Tree if I mean, it's outside, there's a hollow tree outside I guess we gotta go check it out nice the one that's the big long crack. I don't know maybe. Maybe? let's go check Let's go see You get to grab it How did it get in the tree from a 100 years ago There for a long long long time 52 the Braille alphabet everywhere the Braille alphabet uses six Braille cells to form letters Oh my gosh Oh My Goodness Braille is the language that they use so that when people can read did you know when people can read by moving their fingers? They move their finger across the dots and that's how they read carry that piece of Corbyn that pretty cool Yeah, so this is a code written in Braille They feel those bumps, and that's how they read that's pretty crazy enough But they sure have done it with flax and felt the letters and not theirs Okay, we would decoded it in the shed there is something in red glow to the floor It is a door it may be a squeeze, but get on your knees. Don't stub your toe magical show well Let's go look in the shed yes There is something red. It's a door. Oh, there's a red door back here Magical show so I thought that a pirate left this vision here But I.......... recognize two things something that was a puzzle to get apart and that whole pension you recognize those yeah because Long time ago. I saw Ryan working on the pencils drilling a Pencil with it's a half. Well. It was just just like real pencil Like real, but then he's drawing this whole like this and it sound Wow, you guys were gone at California. I saw I'm working on that puzzle thing Do you think Ryan took this treasure in here We have a magical show back here. I want to see what it is Don't stub your toe magical show I've never been down here before oh my goodness What is that Becca? There's a plug in the hog in the wall in here is there? Yeah come on in? It is really scary, and I'm really tall and I don't like being in scary small places Another note ah Another bunny to breathe it sounds like let's just say does it say shatter on the bottom Maybe we just have to break it out. Okay. Let's take it out Say Crack and break, and you will see that there is more inside to free hidden within a Potter's shell Resides your nest show and let next show and tell do you want a break do the honors Becca? Okay, you ready to break it, okay? Go get the money Oh unless there's another nose Korban with the money thing what all these nickels Deciphered the clue Decipher the clue, this is a really cool food We're figuring out how to read it, but this is really awesome. There's a key There's a little there's a little triangle here, and oh right here Nothing around this one and that little signal right here Okay, so the first one here the old symbol Represents that symbol and so because it's a bottom right we're gonna go to the bottom right which is you use this one has nothing? So we're gonna go to the bottom left which is an N This one has a little triangle, so we're gonna go the triangle and we're looking for the one on the Left which is a D There's an O. Which is the oh we're going to the top which is the e? Justin has a little symbol, and it's the top middle which is R So it's under is the first word pretty cool under the rock okay what Rock what about this rock? Oh look! Maybe maybe he works Go get a shovel, where are those little garden shovels, oh, it's a really big Looks like like it was already kind of coming apart a little bit Let's take it in the house A mini sword that was holding it together. Oh my gosh. What the heck is this thing it's a time machine Do you have to put in the code, I think maybe read the clue John 8:32 John 8:32 we have to find the Bible the Bible verse 32 says And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Huh they always make work oh That's smart truth Good thinkin James you shall know the truth the tea you th This icky Boy like it's cruel, it is do you know how to read it no, okay? Let me help you then since a key is given, but you must wait Just be patient Trust in fate open tresses in plain sight need a hint Above the light well the last place we were when we got this was under the rock outside That's not in plain sight Under the tresses implant Southwest wait..... Didn't even see that and what does it have what is that a picture of? That's a compass and a flying man at the bottom or something And then the Southwest is kind of underlined there. Yeah, so maybe go to the southwest Open trusses. This is what tresses are like in the attic Above the light there's only one light here What?!?! And there's another note on it. No, okay, let's go I'm trying to save all these little foods because I think that they're really cool. This is a long trainer How long we been working on this so far hours an hour you started at 2 o'clock, and it's probably almost 6:00 right now Wow 5:30 stop and get dinner. Yeah, I haven't eaten anything Like like we've literally been doing this treasure hunt non-stop Collecting dust hidden in a tomb you will find your treasure beneath this room At the end we found this in the garage, I think there's no like a room on Collecting dust hidden in a tomb. You'll find your treasure beneath this room Okay, we're in the garage We have a lot of stuff we need to get rid of in here Yeah, let's shove all of that into that show Stick your finger in that hole you're more brave than Terrible as a mother. Do you want me to stick my finger in the hole come on stick your finger in there? I think we've been working on this all day There's a tomb down here Here I got a flashlight for you, don't drop it down there Here Becca A treasure trax It's like big and heavy Michael you're gonna need to come down and join your wife. Yes, you are get down here Can't see a thing. Oh, sorry. Oh my goodness gracious. Oh my goodness gracious It says congratulations always remember Tupperware persevering Oh Perseverance and teamwork in the midst of tribulation is rewarded In the end The treasure of Hubble Creek is yours OKAY You know what I bet it's gonna be nd I bet and I have the key right here I am going to Nananananana We just found the treasure We'll just take the money and leave to go Over the top of it, she's like big we have a million thousand We found the.... TREASURE!
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 31,053,043
Rating: 4.39079 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunt, we found a treasure, real treasure, real treasure hunt, national treasure, treasure chest, clues, finding a treasure, hidden treasure, amazing treasure hunt, how to make a treasure hunt, coolest treasure hunt, treasure hunting, michael beach, the beach house, awesome treasure hunt, worlds best treasure hunt, real life treasure hunt, family treasure, insane treasure hunt, look what we found
Id: 2CYsMzcHVcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2016
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