Jumanji In Real Life! Can We Escape?! The Full Movie!

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you guys hear any drumming I keep hearing this low like it almost sounds like a bum bum drumming sound in this area by the garden box what [Music] [Music] and ever our adventure [Music] hey shows your hunters welcome to be chaste so you guys voted and it's been decided today we are going to be playing we found this buried in the yard that's right so now is the time today's the day I'm really nervous but I think it's gonna be fun open it yet it can't really be real though it is probably just microchips or something yeah so I think it'll just be fun let's just try okay you guys ready all right James and mom are going to find a way to leave their world behind [Music] there's the pieces okay so we've got two dice here Oh what colors there's I'll be your dad I'll be green yeah sure green goes over here should I put it in the spot where justice oh it starts right here yeah it just went into the space all by itself it's gotta be just magnets that is so cool yeah check this out guys can you move it you guys this is getting real okay all the pieces are in place what do you think you kind of play Jumanji I put my piece there first maybe actually go first I think you have to go first yeah because in the movie it's focused okay I'll go first then okay all right where's the dice and here's the dice looks like we got a an eight sided dice and a regular six Etios I don't know it's just what game came with I guess okay here we go [Music] 7/7 guys it's moving what he likes your taste your party better move post taste we better move look for what what's gonna happen you guys hear that sounds like a low growl wait where does that come here drop the game grab the game go go go guys go boo boo did you guys hear that ah okay we have to keep that door locked and just leave it that way I don't mean the game is real that's right no going in that bedroom Maximilian Charlie they're all safe and out of the house that means we thought it was just pretend we thought it was just a fake fun game but it's real I don't know it's gonna be in our room you have to finish you finish then it all goes away that means the only way to get rid of the lion in our bedroom is to finish the game just do it really fast like roll just quickly everybody take turns like as fast as you can okay okay I think it's I think it's James's turn next hey are we ready that means we have to play okay okay James Oh everything's still the same place it's James turn next five seven don't you get seven - it is moving moving seven you've landed on another Rhino [Music] there's a plague within the air it is so thick others just there that's it the skies turn green that was poisonous gas shut the door shut the door all the way make sure it doesn't come out here you can't even see it very well but it's so green in there right now the whole room it's filled with the poison gas okay well you mentioned going as fast as we can through this game I mean somebody rolled and then I rolled right after there might be two horrible things that wouldn't even let us get out of room that's true we might just have to take it as it comes take it one step at a time okay that means you guys we have a lion in our bedroom and poison gas in our living room the only way to get rid of it is to finish this game back I think you should take the next turn are you ready okay Corbin the game made the lion appear in our bedroom and it made the poison gas appear in the living room there's no way of getting rid of it you're just done with this game okay look it's your turn are you orange okay you prepared [Music] building five six seven [Music] the crowds open up the Thunder Wars lightning cracks and down at Poor's OCD right here it's gonna rain well there's no rain in sight it's a sunny day look at how clear the skies [Music] [Music] [Music] scooting there's more certain to get dark you're sure you're not getting wet over here stay close people everybody needs to stay close long as we stand with the usual state drag history there's so much there's 30 counts of the most where can we go what can we do it's really pouring out here you guys coming down hard alright guys I think this is a safe enough spot the breathing is it's still coming down okay and I think we're safe from the thunder and lightning as long as we kind of stand there so we've got a little bit of protection here from the rain but are we set it up braking and important to take this turn quick maybe it'll make the rainstorm go away hey Corbin [Music] what doesn't what does that mean [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] even if it was just to get away it's all wet you bunches all wet I'm gonna dry it off right now all right I think it's all dry now I got so many mosquito bites I think but I think I'm gonna be okay high from everything else mosquitoes everywhere out here and there's fog and there's mosquitoes outside and a crazy storm outside right now this is getting crazy you just need to take a break before we get back to the game yeah okay that was crazy outside yeah the lightning storm yes you guys attacking stormy outside you can see all right let me get the game for you I bet I'm sitting in the pool is pumping your whiskey away better huh [Music] alright guys it's time for the next one we've got to do this as quick as possible I mean there's so many things in the house right now I'm so glad Ellie and Charlie and Max are all with a babysitter right now I'm not here so that they don't have to deal with any of this oh my goodness okay it's my turn come on big number [Applause] [Music] no ten I hope we can get to the end of it three four five six seven eight nine ten it's a message it says thousands of teeth swimming around you it's a fish feeding frenzy and they just found you [Music] [Music] yeah you got lucky mosquitoes you guys that was really really scary I feel like I'm living my flesh off I'm trying we are seriously running out of places to stay that is safe we've got to finish this game as fast as possible I have this much like how you holding up James are you okay I mean you've been attacked by poison gas and the wine he knows okay I'm starting to get itchy thank you mothers mosquito bite or anything from all of the mosquito bites because that was fun who's turning the next mine visit James is changing I just went straight to okay here we go okay okay are you ready yeah one two five six seven eight nine ten Wow knickknacks fun sisters man a giant reptile is scary and he moves undetected in Eastpointe me all right so what do you think scaling green means [Music] [Music] [Music] I got the game wait wait wait we have to do it slowly but there's still poison gas in there it'll come out whoa everybody hold your breath the poison gas is gone it's both of us with poison gas Allah mosquitos are gone okay the back door and all the fog must have escaped yeah shut up shut the door for sure it looks like the storm has dissipated too I guess it's not gonna last forever right I'm a really wet I want to go sit maybe I can change my clothes I'm just gonna check and see if he's silly okay just in case okay here we go the line definitely definitely still in the room okay so nothing's actually left yet except the storm has dissipated we should go if we go into a small space then we can close it after us maybe we'll stay and keep contained whatever whatever comes out of the game we can keep it like you have a closet anywhere maybe the boys let's go in the closet then you guys that's a good idea okay let's set the store to whatever happens like let's continue here this turn is next so James just went that means it's your turn Rebecca I think it's your turn maybe you could use this shelf right here the Shelf will work just as well as anything this shelf in here when are you gonna hang up your church Pope but yeah okay we'll have to get you some hangers [Music] okay you ready here we go all right Becca please grab the dice it'll give it a dinner roll okay 99 9 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a slithering serpent disguised on the ground it will wrap you up and drag you down on the ground [Music] [Music] you think that's the only one [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah there was at least two there is one that was underneath the door and then there was something that came down no I think it was like remember how we can try to contain it to that room you might get out from underneath the door though let's put something in front of the door okay get like a towel we can stuff a towel underneath the door one pillow or blanket usually that one right there grab that blanket okay okay there we go it's stuffed put something heavy on it or something okay flipping around like crazy that was totally a Cobra those things are very venomous it could kill you in a vise wow I'm so glad we got out of there I know did you see I did will you grab of course I saw and you wrap it really like right out of the air oh we can't go in there cuz of cobras we can't go in our room because of the lion we can't go in the pool in the pool room because of the alligator or and the piranhas outside so it does look like the storm has stopped it wasn't a permanent thing I can't go back outside bushes or something all right mosquitoes anything I don't see any mosquitoes okay if you hear mosquito buzzing sounds recovery better just right okay it's gonna look real quick here now the poison gas is gone guys look there's a mosquito cloud right there it's going by it's far away it's not coming over here I think we're okay I think we're okay though let's go to the side of the house I feel like we need to just stay outside maybe because that way if there's any poison fog or something it won't get to us yeah how are you guys all feeling are you guys feeling okay crazy just still water in your ear oh I have to say though being out here in the Sun is definitely nice I'm able to to dry out because I was so so soaking wet from all that water so it's nice being out here in the Sun for a little while okay who has the game that's gonna sit up okay let's put it right here and let's play the next turn whose turn is it Corbin's turn okay here we go are you ready Corbin yeah okay this Corbin's turn it's it's appearing pretty flowers there's flowers out there in the movie they were big flowers those are huge [Music] get the game get the game okay okay one nice thing about big scary flowers is they don't move anywhere right behind you let's go let's go back in the house guys let's go back inside quick maybe the flowers won't be able to come inside here okay are you okay those were really did anybody get shot I saw there was a couple of spikes that whizzed right past me they were shooting up poison needles are you okay you feel okay maybe you should sit down for a little bit you might have stood up too fast okay let's play the next turn quick it's my turn it's mine and I'm ready to go sure okay let's go in here and let's get this set up right here yeah I like the idea of being in the room so we can trap whatever comes out okay all right like a dice lucky dice hopefully I get a good roll here six seven nine ten eleven there's words it says a hunter from the darkest wild makes you feel just like a child well no hunter he's probably coming after us right now what if he's watching this house there's somebody out there [Music] there you go stay together [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay just switch that's just my testers urban area okay he's hiding okay let's lock the door lock the door lock the doors okay lock the door lock the door okay whose suite is next he's trying to get him I locked it though let's I think it's too late for that let's get the game set up a gin stand hurry up and go okay hurry up to set it up quick stream is trouble in a second you're only 12 away I'm getting really close it's done I could do that in one roll cuz it's eight and six sided dice I could get 12 one more turn in the game's over okay it's James's turn though and I think we should go as fast as we can before the hunter finds his way in here he's not there still go for it buddy [Music] three four five six seven please okay there's words mysterious force can dirt up by sheer keep playing the game or you may disappear disappear James since he's gonna disappear no James pretty feeling okay can you still hear us then we just can't seem like it's invisible but he's here he's like totally gone James are you there can you hear us you can't responding no Becca you should take your turn quick okay maybe he'll come back okay are you ready seven one two three four five six seven into the jungle you must stay until someone rolls a five or an eight oh no Rebecca's gone she got sucked into the game just like in the movie she's stuck in Jumanji right now korban she got sucked into Jumanji but mitch is trapped in the world James disappeared mom's gone inside Jumanji it's just the two of us now one of us has to roll a five or an eight to get her back okay the hunters got to be around here somewhere still we need to get out of here [Applause] [Music] let's go okay Corbin it's your turn dude you gotta set it up somewhere fast um he was just in there let's go back in let's go back in here okay you saw us in here before which means he might not look in here again quick he's coming let's go the front yard okay put it down right here maybe we'll roll a five run eight right here put it down the play quick okay okay it's your turn bud grab the dice and roll as fast as you can okay [Applause] but that doesn't count to bring mom back even though you got eight because it's actually 14 you got a 14 dude so it doesn't really count if I got me but that's not really that's right I know but you're getting so close to the end that means we're getting really close to finishing the game you got a 14 dude one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 [Music] Oh mom and James to be back cuz wine and from this guy he's in a bad mood oh no he's hungry it's not food what does that mean getting the idea the game is not food so coming in from the sky okay hold it don't let it go it's a bird it's coming [Music] look put the Corben the bird it got the game it's flying away Oh No Corben the game is gone and mom is trapped in the game and James's disappeared that bird was feisty oh my goodness okay we gotta find it we gotta follow it we're in trouble you guys all know Corben what are we gonna do okay guys so Rebecca got sucked into Jumanji James has disappeared it's just me in Corbin we still have to finish begin the game the bird came and stole the game what are we gonna do but we're doing I started to think about it I can still see the bird it's way off in the distance let's get the van in let's fall that's my idea let's grab it okay that's a great idea I've got the keys let's go the bird we go I think we can catch up to it a little bit hopefully it won't be able to get too far okay let's go core begin the day and get the VIN rin rin rin and you gotta get buckled up to quit hop in get buckled okay I think the bird is still up there if I hurry I think we still could follow it okay I can still see the bird just up ahead okay I think we're gaining on them imagine I'm just gonna have to be really really careful I'm hoping that the roads following here we go we're getting to know them guys this bird hasn't landed yet it's just flying it just has the game in its mouth that's no idea where it's going it's almost like it knows what estimation which is I lost the bird you guys we are falling and we're right on its tail and the one behind a really big tree and I haven't been able to see it ever since and I kind of stopped what what where I see it okay all right I think you're right okay let's go yeah it will right in the backyard at that house it's kind of circling around the the roof it stopped okay I'm gonna park let's check it out okay come on Corvin let's go birth here okay the bird has been circling around this old house I don't know what's special about this house may be nothing but check it out it's going in the roof look it just went inside the ceiling of that house there's like an attic or something it just went inside isn't maybe there's somebody here and they'll let us in oh no I hope there's somebody here okay let's see still lettuce and snow hello is there anybody here anybody home oh don't work seconds a little bit open hello I'm sorry there we go is there anybody home it's dark okay hello is anybody here sorry I'm sorry I don't know he lives here but maybe we could just go upstairs on the fast to get the game and get out of here I'm sorry if there's anybody here we just have to get this game out of out of the Attic here we'll be real quick I promise okay is it do you see the bird careful not to scare off the bird is the bird up here there's the window the game look at that there it is the bird must have left after I don't see the bird anymore maybe after the bird flew in here just left the game that is so weird all right I'm gonna shut this window so it doesn't come back just in case it decides to come back maybe this is its home or a nest or something okay whose turn is it is it my turn who it was no world the bird I think you did that means it's my turn next okay I'm gonna roll the dice and I'm getting really close to the end you guys I think this could be it alright so here's the dice here we go come on big number seven four and A three oh I'm so close I think I only have a few pieces away one two three four five six seven oh the words are appearing it says at night they fly you better run these winged things are not much fun it's bats [Music] that is really creepy I can hear bet I can hear back everywhere sounds like sounds like they're in the wall [Music] [Music] i trapped him up there corbin i trapped the bats in there yeah oh my goodness you guys that was that was absolutely terrifying let's go back James hey just seconds ago oh my goodness cuz it's your turn in the game if we keep playing then you reappear we followed a bird up Bert that sucked into Jumanji and a bird took the game and we followed into this creepy old house there's nobody here apparently [Music] if you roll a five or an eight mom will reappear I hope you get an eight too cuz mom needs to come back we need her bad if we expect to beat this game we need to have fun back there with us okay James it's your turn bother are you ready you got a real name so mom can come back four or five will work just as well are you ready okay [Applause] [Music] every spots gonna come back run four five six seven eight it twists and turns and tears up the ground it swirls and warm this walls of towers play there's a tornado we gotta get to the basement quick miss tornadoes come in fast and I'm afraid it did rips up the house the basement might be the safest place for us to be hiding I know you're wearing all this weird clothes I was I was in the game I was in the jungle oh my goodness it was only like a half hour no it was like weeks are you kidding me no okay let's get to the basement quick there's a tornado coming right now okay go go go go go I ended up stepping up it's mom's turn perfect timing she's back you guys she's back she was trapped in Jumanji are you sure that you're okay how was it four weeks living quarters I saw it was really really hard and I got hurt a lot that scratched and just oh it was so bad you don't do the scratch on your face yeah there's an animal's meritless all the things that are the game was there look at this oh my goodness are you gonna be alright I'm fine I don't like that's all let's just get this game over with I'm so sick I'm so happy you're back okay let's get it set up it's your turn Rebecca okay Rebecca you're 16 away from the end you're really close roll as high as you can and with any luck maybe your next turn will be your last and we'll beat this game okay you're really close is that what's the highest number I could possibly get I think 14 is highest but if you get a 14 you'll be 2 away which you're guaranteed to win at that point so just roll it best you can [Music] did you guys hear that that tornado is hitting closer and closer that's pretty good we'll help you out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's get out of here that's right here this is put down the game let's do the next role but thinking about the decor will leave the game already and we can get out of here it almost bit me you guys it was this close to biting me that was the biggest spider I've ever seen in my entire life Oh me the creeps there's spider webs all over your back okay I don't see any spiders though okay no spiders oh that was really gross Rebecca I'm so glad you're back I miss you so much and I was really worried because a bird came and took the game that's why we're in this weird house a bird came that took the game and freeway and the bird took you right out and flew far away I don't even know whose house is this but hopefully they don't come home and we can get out of here already let's finish this game and get out of here Corbin are you ready bud okay get the dice we're still close okay go five one two three four five [Music] and steak but now the drum begins to shake well the house it was caving in oh my goodness I'm glad we got out of there quick okay that means all the animals and creatures are crushed okay it's my turn next and I'm this close to guys I guarantee I'm going to beat the game up I thought I heard something in the bushes let's set up the game quick and let's get this game played let's go we are so close to finishing I've never been this excited to finish a game I'm so ready for this to be over like a jungle back down yeah does that sound familiar to you dear you're trapped cupped in the Jumanji jungle fer weeks you said yep okay finish this game I'm only a few pieces away thanks for getting that ready okay here's my piece if I get a 1 2 3 4 5 only is a 5-2 win that's got to be easy okay so many combinations here we go 2 3 ok the words are appearing it says they grow much faster than bamboo take care or they'll come after you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like an it's like nothing ever happened oh oh my goodness oh that's so amazing we beat the game back into the board game everything got sucked back in the game and it's it's like it never even happened I think you're right hide the pieces away from should we get rid of it you guys I think it's way too dangerous we thought it was just and but it is way too dangerous - I think we need to get rid of her right now you wanna play games go that's good no not playing again [Music]
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 2,161,843
Rating: 4.6121607 out of 5
Keywords: jumanji, real life, jumanji in real life, jumanji 2, jumanji full movie, jumaji movie, jumaji the movie, full jumaji movie, jumaji all episodes, the beach house jumaji, real jumanji game, real life jumanji, the beach house, beach family, family plays jumanji, can we escape, playing jumanji, escape, funny, cool games, how to survive, jumanji board game
Id: 0gY2AEOB7dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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