EVACUATION! A Fire Is Coming To Our House!

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Alright guys. I literally just got a phone call and it said "This is the city and" "You are officially on a pre evacuation notice." Okay. You might need to sit down for this guys. Seriously, we just got a pre evacuation notice. There's a fire coming right over the canyon. So that means there's there's a very real chance that we are going to be evacuated at any second. This is what the email said. It was a message that said it's a pre evactuation, I'll read it to ya. Pre evacuation notice here. This is pretty scary. Like we actually had a fire near by us. When we went to Disneyland this summer, but we just left anyway, and we're like well, I hope our house doesn't burn down. But this is what we just got. Pre evacuation notice. This message is for residents near the canyon area. Public Safety is standing on an alert for a pre evacuation notice. As the fire and the canyon is spreading and the winds are picking up. We would like our residents to be prepared in Case of an evacuation. Please make sure you have any necessary items ready in case you are evacuated. These things include, but are not limited to food, clothes Medication and any important documents. At this point you do not need to leave. Once again, It's only a pre evacuation in order to prepare in case we are told to evacuate the area. We will update you any information as soon as it becomes available to us. And I actually got a phone call They said that there's high winds that's blowing the fire in this direction. So this was an actual person calling to tell you that? It was a recorded message. They went out to everybody in the area. But literally the fire is right over the mountainside and we can see ash in our yard. It's like snowing right now. And my dad came in the house and I was like what's on your hair? And there was tons of little white speckles everywhere from ash. Because the ash is falling because it's coming over the canyon and If it's actively coming this direction and the wind is blowing it this way. And they're saying hey get ready because you might be evacuated. That means there's legitimately a very real chance that at any minute we're going have to leave. Oh my goodness So we need to get everything ready to go just in case we're told that we have to leave. Okay, and now now we have to tell you and I know we haven't done like a vlog style video in a long time. But I wanted to show you before I found out about the pre evacuation notice. That we are working really hard to make an awesome booth for CVX live. But at this point if everything burns down, we might not even have that. Well, the house isn't protected. So even if we brought everything in the house and the house burns down. There goes our booth. Okay, a lot of other houses would have to burn before our house would burn. That's true. I hope none of them burn. Let's just say that. So I'm going to show you guys exactly what We're doing currently. We need to get packed though.. We need to get food and we need to get The clothes and everything loaded up in the van just in case we have to leave right away. I think we should clean out the van and get it ready and loaded just in case. Because if they tell us to leave that's serious. This isn't a joke. This isn't just pretend, like there's a legitimate fire coming this way. Look. Look at the ground guys. Look at this ground. You can see All this white powdery stuff. This is ashes. It's yellow. Look, I just I just wiped my finger on this ash right here. Seriously guys check this out. This is in our front yard. We have ash. That's fallen In our front yard, it's everywhere from the fire that's coming. And you can see it's really really yellow. Almost the color of like a really beautiful sunset. But it's not all day long. It's not late in the day. It's like early in the day. Steven we just got a pre evacuation notice. This is just up our street. And over here, it's so smoky. Okay So that's the plan for now. Yeah. We'll just be on call ready and waiting. And then we'll give you a phone call and let you know if we're Heading your way and then we'll be staying with you until It's safe to come back and that's the plan, but it might not happen. Okay. All right. We'll talk to you later. Okay. Thanks Jennifer Love you, too. All right. Bye. So. Anyways, I just called my sister. She's the closest to us that has the space for the whole family and so I kind of just gave her a call and let her know that our back-up plan at this point or our plan at this point is To come and Stay at her house with her. And hopefully she's okay with that. Okay, I think that what I need to do is actually make a list of the most important things at this point that I don't want to forget. And once that's done I can start grabbing some..grabbing those things and making a pile. Because I've never had to do this before. Evacuating it's kind of scary. And because I'm filming it. It almost feels like it's not real. I'm like no, I'm just doing it for the video. No, I'm not. This is actually happening and that's really freaky. So I'm just gonna write down what I want to not forget. But if that's up Stanford and that's where Mike live right there. And this is my parents house so it's pretty close. Wow. I got the feeling like if I knew how close it was then I would be hurrying a little bit more. Okay, mom has decided because we had some it's actually in our church ward we had half Of them get evacuated They're a little bit further away than us and then a town, Elkridge and Woodland Hills that are not too far from us Are also being evacuated. They were on pre evacuation just like us and so I think we're literally going to just Put everything on hold. All of the projects we're working on for CVX live We're just gonna hold everything and pack everything into the cars and At that point we might be able to just keep working. But if by that time they say yeah, you're on evacuation notice. You need to leave then we will but... Even if we just pack everything and have it in the vehicles and the vehicles are ready to go then that's okay. I think that that would be better than having to scramble at the last minute going "Oh we're not ready." So we're getting ready to hit the road. We're gonna go do some exploring and see if we can see this fire up close and personal. It's gonna be interesting But we wanted to give you guys an idea of what we're dealing with. Mama already wants to sit on my lap. Your butt's too big. Sorry, babe. Bye guys. Get ready to go. It's my first time driving in this thing you know that. Oh my gosh, you can see the smoke. Oh look at the texture on that. It says poisonous gas. It is. Methane. Cause you've done mining right? You've done mining. You've been in there. So that's saying don't go in there. Okay family council time. Okay, we need everybody. James run around the house get everybody tell them to come into the front. Tell him to come into the front room and we're gonna have a meeting with everybody . Maddie's the one who's been telling us. She's like by the way this just happened. Well, it looks like we might be at least packing everything tonight. This is an mandatory evacuation. We legally have to leave? Yes. Could they like come into our homes and arrest us if we don't leave our house? Yes, you have to leave. It's because you're literally, it's like committing suicide if you stay when the house burns. Wow, we don't have a choice. If they mandatory evacuate, we have to leave. And so we're literally at a point where it's coming from two different fires coming towards us. They're both coming. Converging. Basically we need to prepare so that we're not caught off guard and like, okay We have to leave right now and then we can't grab the stuff that we really want. Okay. He says thank you for your wonderful response. So many of you have responded with offers for housing and assistance. As of 5:15 p.pm today. This is an hour ago Covered Bridge canyon is on mandatory evacuation. KC and Greg are on the Carl canyon and working with Relief Society elders. I am at the state center coordinating help. If you want to help send me an email wait for instructions. For those in the valley, Pre evacuation time should be used to prepare emergency kits closer. Inventory property for insurance. We gather important documents find homes for animals, etc It is also time to move large valuables. Please don't wait until mandatory evacuations to consider moving large priceless possessions putting yourself and love ones at risk. I invite each of you to pray for the firefighters and ask for the Lord to protect our communities. Apparently they just evacuated Elk Ridge and Woodland Hills. That's so close. It's just over this mountain. It's right there. All it would take is some really strong winds and we're next. There's another fire that is just south of us here. And I was up there this morning. And we have basically there's a mountain Another mountain. And it's on the mountain , the third mountain away from us and it's coming this way. What we're planning right now is we've got Alyssa get stuff in the driveway. We need to bring it in the house. We're gonna put it in here or in the family room in there. We're not going to load it in the trailer? Cause if the house burns down, then we've lost all that. Honestly, if the house burns down are we really gonna be prioritizing CVX stuff on top of the rest of our stuff? Our house burned down. Sorry. If our house burns down are we still gonna go to CVS? Let's just hope that our house doesn't burn down. Guys we've gotta move all that stuff. We've got to get valuables. We need birth certificates. Phones, technology, journals. Titles, insurance information. Any photographs that are not digitized. All right. I'm grabbing all of my electronics. I got the backpack in my bedroom. I'm just gonna load it full of all of my Laptops and computers and cameras and memory cards and batteries and spare batteries. Any gaming systems, my drone. GoPros all my electronics, I'm gonna grab first because those are the most valuable possessions. They're not priceless, but I don't really have a lot of priceless possessions. So I'm gonna start with those and go from there. Meanwhile, Becca is getting the kids ready to go. For me, I don't realize how many electronics I have until I actually start packing all of them. I'm like.. Dang! I have a lot of electronics. Like seriously cameras, external hard drives chargers. Don't say that or somebody might break into our house. Video game controllers, but they're all going to be with me. So none of them are getting left here. All right, I've got this backpack is full of hard drives, computers, cords. I've got my drone here. I've got a bag of clothes. Bag of clothes ready to go. Hey Ryan, how you doing? Getting ready. Are you almost all packed up? Yeah, I already have in my car. You're all ready to go aren't you? Other than some special things that nobody knows about. All right, Ryan always has secret strange things in his room so. Honestly, here's the thing like there's a very real chance that we're gonna be evacuated any minute and if we are, There's a very real chance that I mean. I don't want to seem very real but it's possible that our house could burn down. Like seriously guys. The crazy part about that is I'm not scared. Like I don't feel afraid. Because I don't know, I just feel peace. Not that it won't get burned down, but that if it does everything's gonna be all right. So here's the crazy thing Just this morning. We had this house appraised. And a guy came in took pictures and measurements. Which is pretty interesting because Once he's finished with his appraisal. If this house burned down, we'll have an up-to-date accurate Valuation of the houses current value. So if the house burned down and we got paid out for it We would know what it was worth. Which is kind of interesting. I really hope it doesn't burn down though. That would be really a pain. Okay update. It is the end of the day. It's still looking very yellow, but it's the sun is going down. And the smoke has gotten worse, the sky is kind of blue over there. But over here, It gets really dark and smoky. And you could see it a lot better if it was a little bit earlier in the day. But the news is that... The fires, there was two separate ones. Now they've burned so much that they've joined together into one massive fire. And so we're not gonna stay the night here. Even though we're just on pre evacuation notice. We're not gonna stay the night. We're gonna go up to my sister's house because This is too risky. And it's really stressful waiting at any second to have somebody say: "Okay. You've got to leave five minutes." "You gotta go right now." So it's like Okay. Well then I think we're just gonna pack up and we're gonna head out tonight. Go to my sister's house and we'll be safe that way. And it won't be so stressful. Plus, my mom has heart problems. My dad has back problems. My sister has a broken leg. And all those things are reasons to get things done ahead of time. So that nobody's gonna hurt themselves getting out of here at the last minute. This is a very surreal feeling Because everybody's on the street. In the neighborhood and everybody's doing the same things. Which is grabbing their stuff. Packing it into their cars. And leaving. And it's kind of creepy end of worldish. They're leaving over there. We've got some people over there. So here's a really good view of the smoke is coming around us all. Around and then on this side, it's just so smokey. All around. And then you go back around there's the blue. This is a stressful CVX time right now. Yeah. Not just for CVX, but the fire too. Here's our box for a dragon. Can't forget our pet dragon. This is Ash on On the back of the car. And it's snowing right now, snowing ash. Oh, well, this is an even better. Look at that. This is all Ash on the top of the car. All of it. And Ellie's in the car, but that's all ash. Close by and where's the what was the other one? That other one's Orem. So it's farther away. But it shows how just how big it is because you can see. That's how it looks from Orem? Oh my goodness. Yeah, it does it feels like it's it's so strong here you can just Like you breathe in and it's like man we are so close. The smoke is thick in the air and the ashes everywhere. So the wind through the night is going to get really bad because we live in a place that gets really windy every single night. And so we've decided we're leaving. We are evacuating and that we will stay Up to date with whatever news comes from the place and stuff, but we're still leaving regardless. All right guys, so As you probably heard the fire is just about here. And I'm going through the house turning off lights and I've got I've got all my bags packed as you can see. I've got my backpack. I've got this bag. We are evacuating We are leaving right now, we're getting everything loaded up and we are going. Because the fire is just around the corner and we do not want to be here when I gets here. Okay, we're in the car. We're all packed up and we're leaving. It's really crazy. And I'm a little bit like shook. But I can't keep filming because I got to drive. So, I'll see you guys when I see you and I'll let you know where I'm going. I'm wanna say something.. please Can you not tell Sophia All right, hey Rebecca. Okay, I got it. You good? Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks Jennifer. You're welcome. So we are in our RV now tonight. We just got here. We got all of our stuff. Put the kids down to bed. It's so nice being able to have a place that we can be in that's comfortable, where we can have all of our stuff. I've got all my bags over here. With all my backpacks right here full of computers and electronics. Cameras and everything. So we are set. We are evacuated and that fire is coming to our house. And at this point we don't know what's gonna happen. But we're hoping and praying that everything is gonna be okay. And he's snoring. Stuff we didn't want to forget. Here's our suitcases and all the kids. Everybody's safe and happy. Charlie always sleeps like that. And James is in there. What a relief to be here, to be home, to be safe. A home away from home. I am in the bathroom in the RV right now. But I just wanted to say that just share with you a couple of the Things I'm feeling right now. And one of them is I'm just so so happy. And grateful that our whole family is safe and that everybody got everything that they wanted to get out of the house. And it was actually really hard for me to Mentally say what would I not want to get burned? If we left this house. What stuff would I...like it was just so mentally taxing on me to think Okay, what's top priority and what stuff that I would be okay with if I never had to see it again, you know? It wears me out just thinking about it. So anyways, Everybody's asleep. Everybody's safe. My family is...we're at my sister's house in her yard in the RV. And my family, all the rest of my family is in with Jennifer in her house. And... We're all good, we're all safe, but it was draining mentally and physically To leave the house like that, and I hope that it doesn't get burned and I don't think that it will but We really... I especially did not want to Get an evacuation notice in the middle of the night or like it 3 or 4 a.m. And be like, okay. It's time to go. when But everybody's sleeping and tired and we weren't quite ready, you know, so that was, it was very good. I think to be prepared and just leave and spend the night somewhere else And grab the things that are most valuable to us. And we'll see what tomorrow brings. I have no idea. What we're gonna do tomorrow, but we'll find home soon. The one thing that I'm very happy about is because we lived in this RV for two months already. It feels like home and it's not so scary. And all the kids are happy and taken care of and we already had everything we needed in the RV. So we're not, not without Anything except for things at our house that We obviously didn't grab or I couldn't grab that Oh the heater just turned on and scared me. Anyways, it's time for me to go to bed. But I just wanted to share with you some final thoughts for the day. And the thing that I'm most grateful for is Anything that's the most important is that we're all here. We're all safe. We're all together. And really, family is the most important thing anyway. So we have everything we need. If our house burned down we'd be okay because we have each other. And I'm so grateful.. To Heavenly Father, to God who can take care of us and provide for us and protect us. It's all because of Him. That we're blessed and watched over. Okay. Goodnight. ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'PAUSE THE GAME' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 8,249,487
Rating: 4.7637258 out of 5
Keywords: evacuation, evac, evacuate, fire is coming, fire, wildfire, forest fire, utah fire, coal hollow fire, bald mountain fire, fire fighter, pre evacuation, natural disaster, real fire, fire threat, there is a fire, fire coming, smoke, lots of smoke, smoky air, burning, the beach house, beach house vlogs, treasure family, when adventure calls, we have to leave, disaster, run away
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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