Corbin Turns Into A Bandit! Power Of The Beetle Necklace Revealed!

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previously on the beach house never been to do it but that's opinion why he'd barely went in the exact same door that we hid in there and there's the bells too what is it let's give it to Audrey and have her take it to her joy that's really it's not us okay here you go it's definitely spot okay that sounds good whoa guys let's go now [Music] our adventure come [Music] okay we are here at the house that mr. e sent us to I just wanted to let you guys know we're in the most awesome beautiful house and it's actually called the beach house so if you would ever if you ever want to stay in the exact same place that we stayed and you like catching lizards and if you like catching lizards anyways it's a really beautiful home I'll have a link in the description below if you want to go you can book your own vacation to the exact same place that we stayed and we haven't even had a chance to look closer at the necklace that we found at the bandits hideout so we're gonna do that right now and I'm so excited I know yeah we didn't get a very good look at it was because it was so late and it was so dark outside so I really we just tried we just needed to get out of there you know that looks like a beetle it totally does so there's like this pearl up here is it just me or just that little thing the little thing that's does it kind of look like a skull oh that's totally a skull yeah that definitely looks like a skull on the top of the beetle why would why did it have a skull on the top of the beetle that's so interesting yeah and then like there's these little stars with diamonds on the inside of them right here and then a star with a pearl hanging down and then this one also down here has a star and a pearl and then there's weird gemstone on the inside I like video and I don't I don't know like I just get this weird feeling anybody messing with it you know like have we ever gotten like okay this is gonna be a really weird topic but have you ever like gotten jewelry or something from like the thrift store and you it has like a feeling attached to it this kind of has a feeling attached to it like and I can't like quite pinpoint it it just creeps me out yeah I've had weird feelings with jewelry before anyways I think it's really cool and really interesting maybe what we can do is just put it with all of our stuff all of our treasure but I want to put it away do you think that there's anything significant about air or do you think it's just a random necklace I mean because we don't know where it came from you just found it on the floor it's strange like it looks weird and I just found it but I think for now let's just I think it's just a normal necklace and I'm gonna just put it away okay okay so I don't want any of you guys to get into it [Music] okay so you guys can't play with it I don't want you guys touching it until we can find out more about it because we don't even know where it came from or what it is or anything but does that mean that it's connected to the band it's like is it an artifact or is it just a random no like honestly I think it's probably tonight so random Netflix will go hide it somewhere well I think I think it probably just fell out of like a treasure you know how they have lots of treasure and artifacts maybe maybe when they were hauling stuff in through that tunnel it just fell out okay so alright I'm gonna go put it away okay sounds good okay so where do you want to put it I just want to be careful with it until we find out more about it you know okay okay so the necklace should be safe in that drawer I don't think any of the kids are gonna mess with it and we are here at this house and we are concerned there's a possibility the bandits could find us I don't know how they could or would but we want to take precautions so we actually like have set up security cameras all around the house paranoid so we want to make sure that we're prepared and protected and so we've got security cameras so if anything happens we'll know about it yeah so I think we're gonna be good and let's it's I think it's about lunchtime so let's go get some lunch and I think we're good to have a really fun day today [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] how can I destroy the beach houses practice 1a find their treasure but they didn't bring any on this trip what else can I do to spoil their plans they ordered from your necklace treasure that they brought hmm we need to come up with a plan [Music] alright family what's going on over here so we've been back from our trip down to st. George for a little while now just a few days and we've kind of been hanging out filming a bunch of videos having some fun yeah thanks I have to say though I've been noticing something a little bit strange and actually I think we should probably go talk about this over I think so too Rebecca come over here shut the door please okay I didn't want to say this out there with all the kids around but we've started to notice that Corbin is actually acting kind of strange ever since we got back so yeah he's not been himself ever since we've been down and back from our trip to st. George yeah so I don't know what's going on so anyway I don't know what's been going on with him but I think we should probably talk with him about things just see how he's doing you know we love all of our kids he's been acting like naughty you know and like the things he does I'm like wait right this is it it's almost like it's not his normal self right it's weird but something seems familiar to me about it I don't know if you think the same way but it seems like I've seen something like this before so I don't know yeah but it's just familiar but I don't know where from where I recognize it but I think we should go talk to him about it so let's just go see what he's been doing and see if maybe he can tell us what's going on why he's acting strange hey Corrigan can you come here what mom first want to talk with you for a minute come sit down we've been noticing that you've been acting kind of strange lately I don't know you just kind of seem like you're not yourself lately I feel better than ever really no you actually don't look very good either like your eyes are like they just look a little bit different you know yes okay all right come here well I just want you to know that I love you no matter what okay okay what if you do you know like have you noticed you've been acting a little bit differently I've noticed that I feel more better than when I had ever felt like really like in what way do you feel better in a cool way you feel cool okay all right I like it when I'm right this way okay I have to just say what I'm thinking you're kind of acting like a bandit I wanted to be a bandit for Halloween so I'm just practicing really oh that makes me feel so much better okay you can be a bandit for Halloween that sounds good how come you want to do bandit for Halloween okay bandits are like they kind of steal all of our stuff uh-huh all right whatever you can be a bandit for Halloween all right okay ha ha ha they're falling for my plan they don't even know what I'm doing right now it's gonna be fun trick I've turned into bandit am I'll never change me back I didn't do you the car and don't it's right outside of our window it's just staring at us this we don't have it's what you're wrong no that's not mine it's just hovering right there oh my goodness wait it's staring at us no how did it know where we are [Music] just split to the basket oh my gosh everybody we need to get out of this house okay there's someone I think the bandits are watching us so everybody grab a bag grab some clothes let's just leave here as fast as we can because I think that they might know where we are good okay get ready to go fast from our last trip ooh sounds like dirty clothes in there okay let's just get out of here okay Colton are you ready to go Becca let's grab our bags - and then we got to get out of here keep it locked don't go outside yet we're gonna be right back guys the windows because they can see you oh there it is okay I got my back okay let's go I got my backpack I think we're ready to go are you ready to go okay hang on is everybody ready to go guys come here who's that maybe maybe it's the family okay let's go what is that someone's out there do you think it might be your mom and dad or Ryan I can't tell I can't tell who it is by looking out the window okay wait hang on let me let me open the door okay I'm gonna do it [Music]
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 1,765,238
Rating: 4.7591734 out of 5
Keywords: bandits, corbin got turned into a bandit!, treasure hunt, cursed necklace, clue, we found a clue, mr. e, mister e, mystery, the beach house, skit, treasure hunters, bandits are spying, who are the bandits, who is mr e, suspense, transformation, family fun, family fun skit, he's a bandit, we're being watched, beach house vlogs, we're in danger, bandits got us, finding treasure, escape the bandits, the bandits found us, corbin is a bandit, double agent
Id: d7Q7gbIgwwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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