Epic Treasure Hunt Full Movie!

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[Music] what is happening we found a note in our closet that has other people's things in it i wonder no joke this is so weird look at that i wonder if the people that lived here before left it in there so cool it says a loft in the attic should we open it up yes what do you think this is a note that's so weird i saw that and i was like okay we have to film this i have no idea it says beware the secrets of the forgotten treasure this might be from ryan from ryan yeah because he's playing on a treasure hunt oh interesting i don't know because it's been there a long time wouldn't ryan have told us about it no it is this is really dusty it's been there for a long time maybe a hundred years really yeah read it it says beware the secrets of the forgotten treasure and then it says aloft in the attic maybe we should go look in the attic for the treasure yes yes we should how are we going to look in the attic we don't have anything a chair another clue that's cool it's called the attic oh i'm scared of spiders i've never seen in our addict before i haven't either i could see daylight really yeah [Music] this is really dangerous what do you see in there mom i think i see something what is it don't fall what is it can i stick with you this is really awesome gordon we're trying to find treasure we might be two pirates mom is getting in the attic careful you see something oh my goodness what what oh what what oh oh whoa this is so old whoa oh don't touch it guys this is really old don't touch it there's another letter i think it's the next clue yeah it might be oh this is really awesome let's go to the table this is the old-fashioned writing it says fragile that means it's probably really really really old it's just like ryan's pirate ship maybe it's a pirate ship inside a bottle this is really really cool yeah really cool okay this is old old old viewers oh wow san francisco look at that one it's a scroll do you want to open it becca yes it's mom's thing this is so cool current resident current resident this is really exciting i can't wait okay i'm going to open it first okay read it whoa hidden secrets guard the way in the case you want to see what's going through what is it i'm afraid of breaking it it is fragile oh my goodness whoa chill to reveal chill should we put it in the fridge or in the freezer yeah let's put it in the freezer let's do it this is really cool let's leave it in there for a minute i'm gonna go wash up the insulation off now words are coming out where is that coming out okay are there words on it there are maybe i can just take this thing off northeast room on basement level there's a clue that i do revel find a drawer on bottom right pull on it with all your might once it's out then look below sway your partner to and fro now you have a dancing shoe gosh i wish that there were two which drawer on the bottom right let's go check out i think it's in your bedroom james oh my gosh you guys's bedroom you guys would never be able to find a clue in here because your room is so missed northeast pull on it with all your mic wait underneath it there might be a thing that like unlatches or something oh maybe it's underneath look at all the dust on it whoa that's been there for a long time maybe 100 years yeah take it out [Music] should we go upstairs and out of this messy room yeah yeah there's a baby in there this is a really special thing it's a baby in there what what are these whoa let's look outside old nuts do you think there's something in there i don't know there's four nuts it's breaking whoa how did they get a note inside of a nut there's a fake nut washing laundry turn around there is something to be found upper cupboard middle back that's the wall you need to hack nothing in that one it's moldy well it's been down there for 100 years washing laundry turn around there is something to be found upper cupboard middle back that's the wall you need to hack turn around upper cupboard middle middle back that's the wall you need to hack so we have to a wall maybe there's something behind that wall because behind this wall is the microwave oh maybe that's so crazy though should we really break it that's so crazy that a pirate would leave their treasure in here or whoever whoever it was there's just like hammer it just hit the wall they painted over it pretty good really okay i got a one it's tape [Music] oh my goodness spring there's room in there do you see anything james oh starfish what whoa whoa take it in the note listen close and you will hear the sound of ocean in your ear unless a object blocks the way if that's the case it cannot stay listen close and you'll hear so it's gotta be this big seashell oh listen a note listen you can hear the ocean on here let me see right here do you hear the ocean listen guys actual sound okay let's let's read that new note here listen ellie listen to the sound do you hear the ocean it goes like suckers i don't think that's the treasure okay we haven't even opened up the note yet over here this is interesting it's it's like a folded out the door well looking high a ceiling blocks the clear blue sky clever vents from that clever or 11 or 11. 11 vents from left to right count two four and hold on tight remove the screws and and beyond the vent you will find a clue that's that's right that's rent rent okay let's go look in the back under the house how many vents are there wait a thing right there oh there's 11 vents it's either that one from left to right because it's like which left or right if you're out the door and looking up then this would be the left okay michael's on the band is there something there there's a box up there i'm scared of spiders [Laughter] whoa [Music] washing laundry turn around there's something to be found lower cupboard middle back that's the wall you need to hack what it's a it's a crown lower cupboard middle back yeah this is an antique this could be worth a hundred dollars that actually is a crown lower cover lower cover oh wow lower cupboard middle back oh my goodness that's scary corbin get away it has nails in it i wonder [Music] a box a box whoa a box and that one doesn't have anything written it looks like a book oh wow yup it's a book trunk and wagnalls new standard dictionary of the english language 1945 3754 column two definition 36 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen three five thirty six downstairs okay what's the next stairs below the stairs on the lower floor as downstairs rooms column one definition 23. north west page 250 column one definition 11. bedroom bedroom says downstairs northwest bedroom west wall upper left corner rectangle demolish let's go downstairs okay ryan's bedroom is the northwest room which is where we're going the northwest bedroom then it has a pirate ship in it that's a kissing bug i almost demolished this ball just got going we're finding treasure real treasure yeah there's this is the next clue northwest bedroom west wall that's the west wing oh ryan lion you know the funniest part about that is i he put them in the front closet so i brought them down and put them in his bed like days ago and they're still there that means that he has been making his bed with the skeleton okay okay so west wall upper left corner rectangle whoa i think i can kind of see something here wait wait wait wait knock on it oh you can hear a different sound here try try breaking it oh it's just like the one upstairs here i got i got is there tape like the keys upstairs oh this is awesome oh brian will be really new uh-oh i hope ryan can fix this seriously oh my gosh we really are demolishing this house why not be mad what do you guys think do you think ryan will be mad i love that mad brian's a picture good guy but he likes everyone that's true everyone oh there's an old bookshelf up here and there's a note a note there's a note behind the bird look at that secrets there's a note behind the pixie or whatever that thing is the angel oh i wonder how long these books have been here let's read the note oh i have i think okay the first thing it says is secrets of a familiar state open at the reader's gate gate now is the time not to rest but to continue on eternal quest this one says secrets on it secrets of a familiar state open at the reader's gate now is now is the time not to rest but to continue on eternal quest okay so open at the reader's gate ew that's gross money yeah holy we go whoa i don't know if that's supposed to open up oh wait look at that wait it's a it's a secret door thingy just by pulling on that little hole holy [Laughter] oh oh my gosh that is so cool we got a cool house michael all sorts of secret stuff in here let's do we want to take it back upstairs let's go back upstairs i'm excited about the money it's got a seal on it it's got crosstalk okay guys step away from mom she's flinging knives around last time she flung a knife she sliced her finger open had to go to the emergency room i feel bad melting this wax this is so cool what if it like explodes because you're putting a lot of heat on it don't do it well it's on fire by itself no it's not gonna a explode came off told you told you i told you i told you what don't do it anymore i think we have to melt the legs oh i told you i told you i told you you broke it look at that i told you that's perfect though oh wow i told you it was gonna break let's go in the other room okay in the bathroom down the hall pipe from ceiling to the wall pry the board with bending nail procure the package you have mail pipes from the side to the wall bending what did it say something about a bending nail try the board with bending nail you think it's behind us no i think that was here when we got here that just it's only being hit with my nails you can see a nail right here oh why are you scared in the bathroom down the hall pipe from ceiling to the wall ceiling to the wall oh the wall pry the board with bending nail this is the board wait this one's coming off easier oh look at that now i see a nail look there's a package in there huh package the strings don't pull it too much i'm trying to you see the package in there yeah i'll pull it out mysterious package from mr three oh it's like morse code this is like ancient technology so this has something that's written in morse code right here what's dot dot dot just three dots just three dots is s oh well let's write down what this says or right but it also could be dot dot dash which is v dot dot dot dot v snap snap the first word is snap there are spaces good snap i did i did try and do it with the book and that's i got sn but there were so many options if there wasn't spaces so i couldn't see the spaces snap the pencil there's a crack down the middle of this [Applause] pencil there's a note inside of a pencil whoa okay i'm glad this is not in morse code yeah that was hard the morse code was really hard to figure out westward bound outside the door now be crowned forevermore slide the latch and open wide look for us what's inside so outside the back door because it's on the west yeah now be crowned forevermore slide the latch and open wide look for eyes what's inside i think i might know where you're where it's talking about too i think that's where it is okay do you see anything look at that a cat here film it film it so we can all see there's something weird in there can you see it the cat fell backwards oh we're gonna need to borrow a ladder step up we're using a trash can for the stand it's buried up ahead you got it here it is oh it's heavy whoa take it oh my gosh that is so heavy a weird cat thing and it says shatter on the bottom shatter shatter that means we have to break it no don't we have to ready wait everybody move out of the way so we don't get anyone else to get attacked by katniss katniss [Music] and keeping all this money oh yeah don't touch it don't touch it it's shattered the letter that came out of the cat says go inside and down the stairs now you can forget your cares whether it be he or she find a door of two foot three two foot what does that mean maybe it's the door in your bedroom james yeah maybe we have to show this this is so cool the way that it's folded and written on when inside then turn around this clue isn't on the ground hung with wire of brilliant black wire cutters are what we lack careful not to break the glass or i'll have to kick your huh something's cut off there oh your butt so we can't break the glass i think it's a room of two foot three i think it's in your bedroom that little bedroom door let's go check let's go again we need wire cutters this would make a cool little room for the kids to play in by the way okay here's the wire cutters do you see it yes right there all right let's go it's all written backwards flip it look in the mirror in the hand and reveal by secrets at my command command i looked out the window and what did i see a small box hidden in a hollow tree does that mean it's outside there's a hollow tree outside i guess we gotta go check it out maybe it's the one that's the big long crack on i don't know maybe let's go check because let's go see oh oh that's what ryan you get to grab it good job set it down and rub it off on the grass so that there's no spiders oh you're creepy it comes with ryan made that ryan made this yes how did it get in the tree if ryan made it i know that he's inside of it how did it get in the tree from 100 years ago charlie wow lion did this it was not over well then what about all the other old stuff that's been there for a long long time whoa wow that's so cool it's dusty too the braille alphabet the braille alphabet uses six braille cells to form letters oh my gosh that's just a lot oh my goodness do you have an app for this that is the question do you guys know what braille is right underneath it no braille is the language that they use so that blind people can read did you know blind people can read by moving their fingers they move their finger across the dots and that's how they read give me that piece corbin is that pretty cool yeah so this is a code written in braille they feel those bumps and that's how they read that's pretty crazy huh but they should have done it with blacks and felt the letters and thought there's a okay we've decoded it in the shed there is something red load to the floor it is a door it may be a squeeze but get on your knees don't stub your toe magical show well let's go look in the shed yes yes yes there's something red it's a door oh there's a red door back here magical show so i thought that a pirate left this treasure here but i recognized two things that thing that was a puzzle to get apart and that hollow pencil you recognize those yeah because a long time ago i saw ryan working on a pencil drilling a a pencil with it's a half drill it was just just like real pencil like real but then he was drilling a hole like this in it and while you guys were gone at california i saw him working on that puzzle thing oh a pirate didn't so you think ryan put this treasure in here yeah we have a magical show back here i want to see what it is don't stub your toe magical shovel now i stopped my ankle there's a whole bunch of stuff down here wait what do you mean i've never been down here before oh my goodness what is that becca there's a plug in the on in the wall in here is there yeah come on in it's so scary it is really scary and i'm really tall and i don't like being in scary small places another note another bunny to break i think it sounds like does it say does it say shatter on the bottom maybe we just have to break it let's bring it out okay let's take it all out i'm reading the note magic guys what does it say crack and break and you will see that there is more inside to free hidden within a potter's shell resides your nest show and next do you want to do the honors this time becca okay you ready to break it yes okay whoa more money more money money money wait wait wait hey james go get the money is that like the end of the treasure or something oh unless there's another note there's another note there's another note careful where you step you guys don't touch it james corbin james is gonna go get the money thing what is that all these nickels should i open this up can i sit down decipher the clue is the cypher the clue decipher the clue this is a really cool clue we're figuring out how to read it but this is really awesome here's a key there's a little there's a little triangle here an o right here nothing around this one and that little signal right here okay so the first one here that little symbol represents that symbol and so because it's a bottom right we're going to go to the bottom right which is a u this one has nothing so we're going to go to the bottom left which is an n this one has a little triangle so we're gonna go the triangle and we're looking for the one on the left which is a d this one has an o which is the o we're gonna go to the top which is the e this one has a little symbol and it's the top middle which is a r so it's under is the first word pretty cool under the rock okay what rock what about this rock i bet it would be oh whoa look look look look look look at that symbol symbol that's the same symbol oh clue where's blue maybe maybe legs ew those are disgusting in fact go get a shovel one of the little garden shovels oh it's really big oh whoa let's go clean it off and open it up looks like the like it was already kind of coming apart a little bit should we bring it inside now let's take it in the house oh it was a puzzle wow a mini sword that was holding it together oh my gosh what the heck is this thing it's a time machine wow do you have to put in the code i think maybe read the clue john h john 8 32 we have to find the bible what the bible verse 32 says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free huh hey we should make a word truth oh that's smart truth good thinking james you shall know the truth from the t r u t h i figured it out it's a key it is a key it's a clue let's see let's see smart boy it's like a scroll it is do you know how to read it no okay let me help you then it says a key is given but you must wait just be patient trust in fate open trusses in plain sight need a hint above the light well the last place we were when we got this was under the rock outside but that's not in plain sight though well it is in plain sight under the trusses and plain sight is there something else on there south west oh wait oh so i didn't even see that and what does it have what is that a picture of that's a compass and a flying man at the bottom or something and then the southwest is kind of underlined there yeah so maybe go to the southwest treasures open trusses this is what tresses are like in the attic oh my that's not trusted a framework typically consisting of rafters posts and straps above the light there's only one light in here and there's another note on it no okay let's go let's go i'm trying to save all these little clues because i think that they're really cool this is a long treasure hunt how long have we been working on this so far hours and hours i think we started at two o'clock and it's probably almost six right now wow it's 5 30. i have to stop and get dinner yeah i haven't eaten anything [Music] like like we've literally been doing this treasure hunt non-stop there's so much danger collecting dust hidden in a tomb you will find your treasure beneath this room we're almost done guys i think we're almost at the end we found this in the garage i think there's a like a room underneath there is let's go check i want to see collecting dust hidden in a tomb you'll find your treasure beneath this room okay we're in the garage we have a lot of stuff we need to get rid of in here there's a room underneath here yeah let's shove all of that into that shelf stick your finger in that hole you're more brave than i know i've been doing all the brave stuff today there's a reason you have to stick your finger in that one we'll do it that's why you don't he was willing to do it and you scared him i hope you feel terrible as a mother do you want me to stick my finger in the hole no mom's gonna stick her finger in there [Laughter] okay i think we've been working on this all day whoa whoa that goes down a lot what it's in there oh there's a tomb down here don't fall in guys here i got a flashlight for you don't drop it down there oh my goodness rebecca wait what don't step in my eye what don't fall in corbin what mom don't fall in right mom down there come close come i'll hold on to you so you can look oh treasure whoa i see treasure whoa hold on to you oh hold on whoa you can trust me i'll hold on to you what treasure a treasure chest you want to see it do you want to see it ellie do you want to go together oh dusty in here okay becca are you gonna bring the treasure chest up here it's like big and heavy michael you're gonna need to come down and join your life down there yes you are get down here we can't see a thing oh sorry oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness it gracious congratulations always remember tupperware perseverance oh perseverance and teamwork in the midst of tribulation is rewarded in the end the treasure of hubble creek is yours whoa that's stupid open it up okay open up the treasure okay open up the treasure okay let's open the treasure whoa you know what i bet it's gonna be empty i bet and i have the key right here wow this is so cool dad open it i am going to no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Applause] wow we just found the treasure can you believe it i have i was holding the baby [Music] um we'll just take the money and leave the gun yeah we that's been hanging out with us for the night they helped us film a little bit today so we gave it away check it out this is all that's left i we found out something very interesting about this trunk we thought it went all the way down with money but it didn't so guys what we found out it had a false bottom in it we were starting to give it away and then we were like whoa so we wanted to bring it home and get a video of what okay yeah i did not want to open this up in front of everybody so let's take a [Applause] look my goodness holy cow all this time good money what what is that another clue let's open it let's open it oh my god i got a letter opener oh my god [Laughter] that's some letter opener oh i got it sorry it's her is there anything inside of it is this another clue did you notice something strange we will have to rearrange every clue that came before lead you to an open door refiners fire on the mend now you know there is no end does the treasure keep going i'm searching through the treasure chest uh-huh i noticed that there's this thing in here what right here yeah and it's gold but it has marks like it's been by the way ryan's home okay hey how's it going welcome back so where did you find this in the treasure chest in which church like in the treasure chest that we found yeah underneath the hidden board yeah it has marks in it this is a different type of metal this is not gold oh oh my gosh that's heavy i think we should read it again can you hold it yeah because i think it goes with it yeah that is really good here i have it you want to hold it ellie here try to lift it i got to go the bathroom i can hold it right and you have to go potty i gotta go i don't even know hold it wow that's really heavy is it metal it's like it's just metal that's painted well i guess ryan was saying something about this he wanted us to reread the clue the last one oh the end or the beginning that's right it was kind of like a was that inside of this i think that was inside of us we have to look at the video and re-watch it did you notice something strange we will have to rearrange every clue that came before lead you to an open door refiners fire on the mend now you know there is no end and rear end of the horse there is i don't think that's what i was trying to say okay it was point look at there's an arrow pointing right at the bite of the horse pretty sure that's what in me remember now notice how of all the letters this one's underlined lead did you notice something strange you we will have to rearrange brian says every clue that came before led you to an open door let's mickey mouse red do you think that this is what is lead really heavy maybe or maybe it's pure gold and that's why it's heavy but ryan said he didn't think it was actual gold ryan's like i'm on the toilet wait for me you have to bite it take a bite and that'll tell you if it's real oh let's see if it's real gold you you're reading it wrong listen listen listen this is a soft metal linda listen listen listen listen linda listen this is a soft metal lead is a soft metal okay that's why it has the ding marks in it but so is gold yeah but this is not gold when it's like on the there's little spots here that look like it's been dinged and it's not the color of gold anymore you kept on saying lead will lead you to an open world past tense and we've did it it's passed but look at this part look now you know there is no rear end it's pointing right at the horse butt so so what if this is lead what does that mean instead of gold what if this leads us to a treasure chest and gives us money to buy the [Laughter] what else to say refiners fire on the men oh should we burn this well what would happen if you tried to burn it like melt it look at this though it looks like there's imperfections here what if there's something inside of it look at there's like little things all through it let's try to melt it and see what happens how do you melt lead a refiner's fire but i don't have no refiner's files beautiful it's really small look at his giant pimple on his face i hit my head on some trim and i split the wood it hurts so bad and then i got a splitting headache i'm sorry the only thing i can think of to try to melt this is a lighter or a candle like torch or a map and a little torch do you have a you do have a blow torch where did it torch where is it at [Laughter] go get your blowtorch let's try to melt this thing we're gonna melt this piece of lead led you to an open door what if this is more treasure i don't know let's find out wait there's probably some money in it okay we're going outside because we don't want to have any toxic fumes oh you want to melt it in a cookie sheet let's melt it into this cardboard box that we're just gonna throw away anyway that's mold metal oh i don't know anything about molten metal it'll light on fire it would have to be something like a cookie sheet okay i have this oh we're getting a nasty old cookie sheet okay everybody step 10 feet back i'm gonna step far away only ryan's allowed to get the toxic fumes in his lungs i'll fast forward to the cool part okay he's melting stay back guys wow stay back stay back stay back this is molten metal that looks so turned because i don't want to it's like a candle it's so weird it's keeping the gold on it and it's just dripping underneath underneath it looks like liquid mercury i need to switch off my thumb starting you're gonna have to get closer i think i am better at it because she is um there's something on the inside what if i accidentally there's something on the inside and i'm burning it whoa whoa there's definitely something inside that what if it leads us to the real treasure in the canyon there's a treasure in the canyon yeah a real one so a lot of you guys have been asking us to revisit the treasure chest i know that there was a lot of really cool stuff that we found under the false bottom you guys have been asking us for a long time what do you think of the prospect that maybe there is more to the treasure hunt and maybe it goes on and it's not over yet i'm really curious what's inside this we're almost all the way around we have to be really careful because stand back corbin stand back whoa it just fell over whoa be careful don't touch it don't touch it is it wait wait turn it up can you turn that off it broke right along that crack is there something inside of it but i don't know how to get if i should burst that's why oh that's why the cement wasn't it's cement that wasn't burning and there's a metal tube inside of the cement i don't want to touch it because i'm afraid well don't touch it no no no no no oh my gosh oh it's breaking off whoa what is that inside yeah is that can you pull that out hold it with something else something i'll break it it won't break i might need to just work on it a little while longer i can feel the heat coming off of this thing not a corn dog ellie i'm not gonna break it but i'm afraid of you using 10 like it's a dinosaur that's a million years old and you can't like break it or else you'll destroy existence you might go all the way until 10 o'clock in the night time if it's a trigger i'm just afraid of you breaking it with that torch yeah yeah you're doing a good job what if we just destroyed something priceless got it i knew i could get it it looks like you can unroll it hang on i don't want to touch it yeah let's let it set down let's no it's very very hot yeah don't touch it we might need to let it cool before let's dip it in some water or should we try to just kidding we're putting in the freezer refiner is fine because if you look at it from this angle it has stuff in it it looks like it's coiled up like it's like something raveled looks like it's raveled uh something looks like some type of a metal sheet it's like coiled up why don't you open it it's very hot yeah i don't touch it it's very hot this is being really cool we're cracking it open yeah i'm trying to see if maybe i can unravel it there's something inside of it what if there's it looks like there might be writing on it but i'm afraid of you pushing that thing into it do you think they might be writing on it yeah huh the writing is in dots almost like something pin pricked a whole bunch of dots on it this is the writing i think this is gonna be hard i can tell oh it's it's written like with pokes yeah like something made a whole bunch of poke marks in the middle it's regular writing right what do you mean regular writing like english i have no idea if you look right here you can see little poke marks this is absolutely crazy next part [Laughter] it's like it's the next part of the treasure hunt i think you're right goes on and on until it ends [Laughter] it never ends it never ends it never ends dude this is so cool yes it is what if it says back to where we were at first off i don't know who did this but we found it in the treasure chest under the false bottom and it looks like it might keep going this is so awesome all right look at this now there's a secret message on this we gotta see if we can read it whoa i can read it is that made of like copper or something old older houses that made of brick the color of your finger prick blood oh red brick red brick oh this is the color of your finger prick this is good creepy are you excited this was my face one dad was talking about a lot [Laughter] let's wash this off okay you just told me what what if it's from your mom's house because your mom's house has kind of like a red brick really yeah it could be let's see if we can read the rest of it all right michael just barely finished cleaning it off and now we'll bring it into the light to read it there is a house in san peek county with it comes a lot of bounty older house that's made of brick the color of your finger prick the sidewalks are a work of heart although they may have grown apart below the window north and east behind the symbol begin the feast window north and east becca i think it's my parents house your parents live in stampede county they have a red brick house and there's a heart sidewalk in their front yard okay i think we need to go to your parents house let's do it i i think we should what do you think james yeah i think you are right should we go right now okay we're all in the van and we're headed down to stampede county to follow the rest of the treasure hunt [Applause] this clue is leading us to my parents house we're here let's break apart a house and find some treasure we're here at my parents house let's read the clue and then i'll tell you why i think it's this house there is a house in sanpete county with it comes a lot of bounty older house that's made of brick the color of your finger prick the sidewalks are a work of heart although they may have grown apart below the window north and east behind this symbol which is this symbol right here that was also on the rock in our last treasure hunt begin the feast okay there's the heart shape it's the heart-shaped sidewalk and it's an old red brick house and look at this look if you look in right here this house was built in 1897. yeah it actually says 1897 on it so it's definitely an older house we've got the shaped sidewalk all right let's find the north and east window i think this is the northeast window north northeast northeast or east north this is this is the northeast window right here let's move this couch north and east behind this symbol so we're looking for a symbol we're looking for a symbol guys move the couch further can you move the couch out of the way completely yeah what if it's like a national treasure where there's a brick and it has a symbol we have to pull out the brick and it's like hello well maybe i have to ruin your house look for the symbol like this guys i think i know what things say there's a hole did you find it no that's not it keep looking what are you looking for it says behind this symbol begin the feast there's another window over here that is also kind of like the northeast section what did it say now what did it say we found the symbol what's it say behind this behind the symbol behind the symbol begin the feast i think it's let's go in the house sweet really well behind let's go behind the symbol in the house okay i think we just need to look on the other side of the brick i think there's nothing to eat in this kitchen i don't think it's in here i think it's on here what if it's behind the floorboard i think it's behind the brick i want to rip out the break like a national i don't know if you're supposed to rip out the bricks yeah let's do it don't tell that okay i'm gonna start carving away at the mortar i'm gonna do it becca i don't want to break the house i'm gonna don't tell dad you're the lucky dad's in the backyard oh he's coming don't do that oh a wolf it really is behind this brick oh the beauty of butter knives i'm beginning the feast with my butter knife and water hey try this one just make sure you're working on just that one brick not all of them why not just one brick it's a good thing you got cushion on your hair this is like national treasure what if there's a treasure in every house in the world maybe there is last time there's a treasure in our house and now there's a treasure in this house what if it's a pair of old binocular glasses [Laughter] how do you guys see national treasure totally doing what they're doing it looks like it's a false brick like it doesn't even go all the way in yeah it does it's coming out a shelf what is that it looks like poop and i don't want to touch it look there's a pirate ship inside hey that's it wow i love that it's so this is like this is so old i don't know if i want to rip this off of here i think i just want to get this note out this is like legitimately really old wow i don't need tweezers do tweezers help nope oh wow wow well there's something else inside ready all right hey there's something else in there though can you break it what's that that is so delicate don't break it wow maybe you should get it out i'm afraid then you'll get the blame if it's this is my house standing now right where you are the next clue is not that far in the attic that's a decoder pin look at how the the numbers and letters line up when you move it there's numbers here and numbers and letters on the inside all right rebecca okay it says read that clue the next clue is not that far in the attic dormer bound that is where the clue is found dormer bound in the attic dormer bound up there up on the shed up there not that far to be found in the attic dormer bound i put my decoder pin on what's a dormer dormer is a thing a roof like this and there's one right above right here it's not very far away and it's the only dormer we have is it one of those things and you get to it from behind in the attic okay let's go to the attic that isn't very smart it's scary let's go it's above where we got the grip so this is the door it's above this door that we're trying to get to and i guess the attic is right over here and it connects all the way across this attic goes all the way across up above your parents room yeah turn the light on they're right here michael oh is that where it's done i don't know if you can get over there from here yeah i can't i know i've been over there but i've but the thing is you don't see a dormer all right kids we're gonna go check it out you guys stay close okay we're all the way in here okay we got a flashlight we got a flashlight look at this look oh oh there's the symbol that i feel like we're in the right spot we're in the right spot what can you push it all the way no whoa you guys never found this i've never seen this in my entire life and i've lived here for for a long time like this is where you're going this is where i grew up so there's something in there wow go grab it there's the dormer now we're above that room whoa grab that stuff i'm the cameraman go get him you have to get closer i got a good shot this is a good shot go this is dirty looks like a huge stack of records here and a record player oh my goodness that's so crazy wow okay oh that's heavy here you go ryan records shouldn't be heavy really no these are very heavy don't break it let's take it out of here okay it says little orphan secret message we need to get a duster wait there's a clue right here read this clue okay use in conjunction with the radio orphan annie secret society decoder pin 1937. this says 1937 on i swear i've seen an old movie where they were talking about getting their christmas story that's is there something else on the back proper use of the gramophone is oh make sure the sound box is vertical and has a sharp needle needle behind the spring wow that's not electrical you don't look at it you're gonna have to wear it more than that that's just barely starting to really wind it [Music] should i stop it and rewind it oh wow this is so cool it's too fast boys and girls thank you so much for joining us this evening to continue your specialists don't forget to ask your mother for a glass of rich chocolate this is hard to figure out and we just need everybody to be perfectly quiet so that we'll be able to hear it i'm gonna actually stick the camera inside of this giant golden horn i think it's called the grandma phone i'm gonna stick the camera in there so that we can hear it as clear as itself let me write this down okay let's get a paper [Applause] [Music] we were finally writing it down and we were listening and we were being so quiet and then all of a sudden michael's phone rang and it took forever to get it all set up the right way make sure to drink your ovaltine so what you put it on e11 this so you find 11 and you line it up with the letter b okay so 11 and b are matched now they gave us a series of numbers and those new numbers correlate with different letters and i spelled out the first word which is mysterious what so now i'm going to do the next one which is 11 which is serious oval teen one eight is oh it says mysterious board top step on the right step on the right mysterious board top step on the right no let's go to the stairs mysterious board top step on the right top step mysterious board top step on the right this is the top step open it up james does it come open i don't think i can there's a hole right here top step on the right so let's why not step on the top part top right oh oh it has this oh it's got the symbol on it too whoa is that a weird animal looking thingy are you going to grab it james careful be careful with it careful no it's not like it has money in it whoa okay now don't shake it i want you guys to be very careful with this because there's something on the inside don't break it it's opening oh my goodness all the ancient money come on pig open up it's an old piggy bank there's a note inside there's a note do you guys have that better tweezers or a butter knife or something what the vinery cipher the veneer cipher i got it okay don't rip it though be careful this is very old it's been in here for over 100 years i think so we don't want to break anything else in there piggy spit it out i think we got all of it okay so this is the veneer visionaire cipher key word is spin your treasure and there's the clue red wolf all right let's see if we can decipher this thing so we have used the cipher we figured out we couldn't put any spaces in it we had to get rid of all the spaces and i was able to hit decrypt and i got the message and the message says the ceiling under the stairs use the gramophone crank the ceiling under the stairs use the granite let's go look we just decided to use the internet to figure it out yep sometimes the internet's best the ceiling under the stairs through the stairs let's look for the symbol because that's what we've been doing and finding it okay uh wow i've never been in here there's a hole i'm gonna squish kids there's kids that are gonna get squishy i've never seen that before you've never seen what that oh that separate board here i've never seen that and i've never seen that either i've never looked up actually probably because you're afraid of spiders or something we need a chair or do you want me to lift you up we need a tall chest careful that might pop right open and hit you in the head can you open it oh wow oh dust in my eye wow i could probably greet you up there becca okay you can do it whoa there's something in there film it film it yeah there's definitely something in there whoa watch out if you guys look you might get dirt in your eyes whoa i was not expecting that huge of a thing wow so it looks like we've got some old type of like a piano thing and are these legs it looks like it and i bet it i bet if we attach the legs but it has a thing so let's read the thing first this is known as a multi-cord the sound is made with air and board there is a secret held within but first you'll need to plug it in even though you'll want to frown make sure the keys are weighted down further press the copper plate then it will reveal your fate okay i think it said push all the keys down don't make a horrible sound or something there's a secret held booth in but first you'll need to plug it in it says notes on it but i don't know what these notes are [Music] in sequence with copper plate it says so that's a b okay right b every good boy does fine yes the top one's a b what is so that's a b a b right there [Music] so we need to play this one yeah that one that one that one yeah a that's an e flat so it's got to go up there is that right yeah and then there's another sequence higher because you yeah you won't have room for the two bottom notes if you don't know it higher so right here in sequence with copper plate what is that push on a copper plate at the same time where's the copper plate there's no copper on this that i can see what's this there was a clue hidden inside of it that was pretty much wow let's unplug it because it's loud [Laughter] okay what's the next one oh this looks confusing already a number above a number below alternate which way you go so the first number is five and there's a five above which is next to a v okay i just wrote a v and then there's another five which there's a five way down here and there's an e above it and then the 13 above which is here and there's an n next to that then and then 20 below right there there's uh there's a 20. pretty sure that's zoe there's a 20 right there next to a t vent that makes a word okay we got it all ciphered and it says vent to the west continue the quest i was thinking about this and at first i was thinking outside outside of the house and then i realized that there is a vent right there and there used to be vents right here but they got covered up with carpet so i think they're just not even here that's so that is the only west vent that is the only one that's the central event do you guys know this is a really interesting old house fact these vents were how they heated the whole house they would turn on their stove and get it heated up this room would be the warmest room in the whole house but the hot air rises and it warms these rooms so there's a bedroom up there that's getting heated through that vent and i think that room does has been updated with a new vent but this one that's all that it has and they just leave their closet door open because the vent is in the closet and it warms the whole room it's really cool so do you want to go and pull that vent off and to the west i'm going to go upstairs because i think that that would be the easiest way to get to it come on guys let's go okay come on guys i think i don't know how to get there pull it off okay let's get started and move it out is there anything in there that you can grab there's a thing right there to open up oh there's a door yeah hold on to james hold on to the back of james so he can pull it open don't fall in james i can't maybe twist it see if it is a twisty one whoa do you want to grab it or do you want me to i can grab it i think i can grab it let corbin grab it okay go ahead excuse me there's something on top so don't drop it grab the letter first on top whoa oh it got dust all over the camera yeah there's a book i'm holding here get it now it's okay i'll grab it i'll grab it nice i have a dusty nose i'm starting to get allergies from all this dust victoria queen one rupee oh interest india india company east india company 1840. whoa all right what does it say whoa out of the house page 127. that's the united states 10 cents whoa fractional currency oh what does that say it's so fragile redeemable for all united states stamps wow this is like so fragile 10 cents let's go out of the house page 127. i want to look at page 127 out of the house page 127 should we get out of the house what does it say beneath the shade beneath the shade okay let's go outside of the house okay i think it's right there something up in entryway here out of the house yet beneath the shade what's the next clue rupees and emeralds page 396. to fill your bowls hold that james oh another one 577. beyond the medallion 688 688 the confederate states of america five dollars that's a five dollar bill oh my goodness okay we figured out that all of them in the book were one clue out of the house yet beneath the shade a central flower to lend you aid rubies and emeralds to fill your bowls beyond the medallion of the four schools all right i actually knew this one for like i looked at it four four times and i was like is that a clue because it has skulls on it i think you're right and then i rock okay let's go open it up let's go do it wow that thing looks so weird it like it blends in so well but then once you look up closer it has like skulls on it and stuff this thing has been here the whole time i've known you and i don't even remember seeing skulls what is that not what i expected there's nothing on it oh what the heck all right i gotta get it but i can't reach it from here okay i mean i might be able to reach you you can you can put you on my shoulders and have you oh my goodness nobody move the ladder don't climb on it she was just holding it for you what is that now what is that not a crown here just take it it has spiders in it is it really oh spider webs it's been up there for like a hundred years well i want to see if there's nothing else it's got rubies in it okay okay wow that's so cool can we each have one ruby yeah i want a blue one and then the pink one here's the pink one foreign remember these are very valuable so don't lose those rubies are they sharp they're very sharp too oh check it out this is like folded paper grandest room in all the house sitting quiet like a mouse another clue below a drawer the one that's closest to the floor pull it out and look behind are you surprised what did you find that's the closest one to the there is a built-in over there but we would have to move the couch and stuff but that's the only thing that would have been built into the house the only kind of drawer i think we can pull out this drawer bottom drawer and look behind what are you surprised what did you find or something like that oh i see something here careful there's mouse poop oh okay i'll have to wash your hands bring it to the table what is it oh wow you gotta really hold this thing open which one is the paste no it's a pastry let's read the note drawn below you see a map bottle buried stone that's kept pace by pace you need to measure when digging down for further pleasure use the key that's on this map if you want to fill the gap door to the basement start at the northeast corner of the house two and one half feet one place equivalent i think i know which one this that's the kind of stuff that they would measure stuff on maps out in the ocean with is that what a paste is do we have to measure this this treasure map with that to see how many paces it is or something so this is how the house is right now becca okay this is the door of the basement there's the fence this is the backyard where the tree is there's a tree right here this is the window to the laundry room and there's oh so this is kind of like the back patio area where the hot okay oh yes so we have to follow the pace this path to the x does that make sense i think i know where it is measure that put that uh measurement on there like that yeah okay two paces out so that's five feet two paces west because this is west from the corner of the house and the edge of the fence yeah it's five feet and then we need to measure how far it goes down okay or we could just measure this and we would have a bigger twelve and one half feet is five paces equivalent so measure that this is five paces right here that might be it is oh it's a little bit more than five paces a little bit more yeah and then measure this distance five paces so that's ten paces fifteen plus that's one pace right there okay which is two and a half so fifteen all right let's head out into the great outdoors we got to go to the corner of the house that's the door to the basement so this corner right here which is the edge of the corner of the house and the fence is also right here it's the edge of the corner of the house and the fence so this is where we start our measuring house so we need to go five feet out this way yep five feet right there right there's five feet then we need to go how many feet this way let's go 14 feet now okay that's right we don't have the measuring tape so we're just using the yardstick we found it jessica wouldn't give up i broke a rock break it but there's something there's a stone right there right there yeah and there's something underneath it okay let's just keep digging all around it and then we can get it out here michael hulk hook hulk oh there's a square oh no me the ball is in that square oh cool we worked hard for that one i don't want to take this one in the house because it's just so dirty oh yeah so i'm just going to open it up out here oh wow okay now let's go in the house yeah that one took a lot of trial and error to find let's go see what's in it guys come here my hands are all wet can you dry them up it's a no there's a note in there and some coins oh my goodness i hope it didn't break anyway wow yeah look at this odd to overlook at first every other letter versed well begun is half done turn your tail and then you run that's really hard to understand okay i'm gonna put these things on here and then it came with this odd to overlook it first oh are they using mine try going the other way with it or the rose the rosettes [Applause] in to the east bedroom tee now we got to flip it or something oh wait whisk no twist be twist uh headroom yeah there's a twist nail two wisps so we just hang on you gotta show it okay so the last thing we read was bedroom bedroom and then it said and this is a t now the note says turn your tail and then you run so we're gonna flip it around and then put the cipher back on here twist twist twist the nail behind the wall uh keep go scroll it down on the trim of the doorway there it is that's the clue let's go do it is that a full clue what does it say leading in the e leading into the east bedroom twist the nail on the wall on the trim of the door nail behind the wall on the trim of the doorway i think i know where that's at okay let's go on the door leading to the east and the door leading to the east this is the beast a nail on them oh wow there's nail on the trim of the door twist it noah now i'm going to twist the nail okay and now it opens right up wow grab the fork wow is velvet all right let's let's lock it up and go read the notes this is such an old fork that is not a fork it's a three because it has three pokes to have four let's go look at it downstairs bathroom corner bend you will need to money lend silver eagle on the wall will not turn last one fourth turn left one fourth fall a quarter one fourth quarter will fall you have to put a quarter into it and then it will open one do we need to use one of these no let's use a let's use a regular quarter you will need two money wins so get a quarter silver eagle on the wall silver eagle a quarter back with all three orders one fourth here's a quarter let me buy one quarter that's it okay where's the corner here's the bath downstairs bathroom here's this is the corner bench right here oh there's a little corner slot is this and it's still wrinkled look it says so we will not turn this one for fall it turns though but will not turn so you have to put a quarter in and then it'll oh my goodness really what if it just starts popping out gumbo or toilet paper that would be nice what the heck [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness that's the water you're going this time no way i'm way too fat that's a little kid ladder look at sarah arrow leading up that pimper nails corbin let's do it again let's do it again wait i want to see the bucket there's a little bucket on here dude look at that oh my gosh that's the coolest thing okay watch out wait wait wait let's get the oh you just want juliana you turned it too far hey try it again try it again you know what this is a rip-off i just wanted more quarters i know you wouldn't reset it right oh you got it okay now pull the case out already let's get to it you got it we got a heavy heavy heavy bag then there is a ladder with an arrow pointing up somebody's going to have to go up there let's read the clue first okay okay what is this so first i'm noticing is that there's some type of note here on the handle i think it's money it looks like money money is a note that's true what the hell there's words on the other side yeah we see it up and above a secret room yet a tiny ladder could seal one's doom another door i will reveal only if you watch the reel the real oh is this a real and look at all this dust and you wonder what everyone sees no way it's time to watch the reel i'm kind of scared a little bit right now oh why michael i don't know what's gonna happen i think we need to take this out we're gonna need a dark is this a projector like an old-fashioned projector yeah that's it eight millimeter maybe you'll have to help us with this one dad do you know how to use this thing we could figure it out with this i think it goes on here it looks like a bobbin hey we need to take it out look it up on youtube yeah look it up on youtube okay so i just watched a youtube video figured out how to use an eight millimeter projector and it's really cool like this is way cooler than i expected yeah we're gonna put on this chair right here and we're gonna put it up against this wall this is exciting okay so i'm gonna focus we need to turn off all the lights okay do you need something over this window yes we can yeah there's something over it yeah yeah let's cover the window i almost like want to get more eight millimeter tapes just yeah but it doesn't have any audio there's no sound but yeah out of it yeah so that's why they had like text on the screen what people were saying because there was no sound my love blah blah blah how dare you oh my just kidding wait a minute we need jared to play the piano yeah oh that'll be perfect okay jared i need you play the organ and come over here and watch it let's go plug it in and you can play the organ while we're watching the projector and then it will be like themed castle films here comes the circus oh that looks creepy silk candy is that cotton candy yeah wow i'm soda pop wow step this way to the big side show wow those are real slaps nothing right now is showing any clues yet i've got the camera and we've got the end of the movie i guess it had stuff written on it yeah all those letters that we saw there at the end of the movie are actually written onto the tape and we can read it from right here put it up against the window okay you can see from the window right now north bedroom bookcase remove shelves unhook pinch slide slide north oh it's being repeated over and over and over and over and over and over again north bedroom bookcase read it all make sure your bedroom bookcase removes shelves unhook pinch slide it's repeated all right we're going up north bedroom that is my parents bedroom so hopefully they're okay with us doing this because there's another door on the other side of the ladder and we're about to go see the other side of the door remove shelves there we go whoa what is it there's some type of there's a pinch no wait wait what does the clue say move shows unhook pinch slide oh i didn't realize that twisted i just wanted to try and see if it did it does unhook now we've unhooked it now you can pinch this and slide it slide and you just pulled it out of the hole right there oh my gosh wait we need a flashlight we need a flashlight i don't have my flashlight because my phone is charging oh there's something in there oh that's really crazy oh there's a lot of cobwebs in here yeah oh i see you climb up uh i don't know if you can get all the way up here storage room door look there's a note on that says peephole storage room door okay i want to climb up through that one here michael you're gonna you're gonna get this and wear it on your head and i'll go climb up through you can't climb it's too small james will barely fit i'm skinny enough okay come on up [Music] i'm coming up becca you can't fit i'm gonna try come on up dude how do you do that he climbed the steps there's spider webs in here yeah there are spider webs look at that look at that angel over there it's so tiny i know come on up are you coming up that way did you climb the ladder don't get stuck oh becca i told you i'm skinny i will prove that i am not that friend you want to get the angel get it i don't know if i want to even touch it peephole and storage room door but what if it's too wide for my eyeballs that would be so funny i'm gonna try sticking my eyes on there wow that's so funny oh wow where is this this goes into the laundry room oh is that the laundry room yep that is weird look through the peephole that's so creepy just like in the movies [Music] the next strange thing is this bricks on wood with the chain and then right here i have no idea what this all is yet but it looks very interesting and i really want to try and it's like chained to the ground and then look over here this angel is completely butt naked look at that that is a butt naked angel anyways i don't know why there's an angel in there but that's really creepy wait whoa what there's stuff underneath here too oh and there's a note under there she's getting something okay let's go out and then we'll figure this out and then we'll do the rest of the stuff so there's a lot of things i feel like we didn't touch or mess with in that room yet because i want to make sure that we read the notes the clues that are on here first all right this one was by the angel once the treasure here reside but the weight thereof turned the tide this treasure found but never spoiled the finder of forever toiled many stumbled on the path but only gained the dragon's wrath seeing so many falter there the angels wept and thought it fair that clues of time be hid a way to come forth at a later day through faith and hope with every trial you turn pure and lose the guile after you have rose in might upcoming treasure used for right if you promise to be true you will get the final clue but for now until that time you will get another rhyme well i think that we accidentally found this clue we found a rose which is the next one because i just was looking very deeply in there and i found this one anyways this was underneath the stairs in that room as you're coming out you saw that and hidden in the corner yeah don't you think we need a break starting now it's yours to take ponder as you sit and stare fondly at the lever there a riddle on the chain below when it's solved it will let go a riddle on the chain below when it's solved it will let go so maybe this this is the same thing a riddle on the chain below when it's solved it will let go there's a chain up there strapped to the floor we're gonna have to figure out this riddle in order to get the chain undone oh is it the same riddle is the chain upstairs the same thing i don't know i didn't really look at it that deep okay but that's cool okay you ready show me how to do this yes so it goes up like this okay and then it goes in like this and twists at the same time and then you can pull them apart wow so here it is i just need to do it just like on this tiny practice one that i had did it nice job that scared me really bad [Music] are you gonna grab it i didn't even know this was here i mean this whole house i didn't even know any of this right there this is spiky i think this is where the bats come out okay this is real let's take this all downstairs so we've got a viking hat and we've got like a bone chain thing here wow this is for when you guys are misbehaving oh my all goodness a simple clue that's out of place a viking helm and a warring mace yet moving on we find a purse coins within but nothing worse hmm should we go and see if we missed anything we find a purse we we need that statue of the the thing and that's why that angel and me that's what we're missing hmm [Applause] [Music] we're going back in there's a purse somebody's going to climb in a note yeah i'm not going to be able to sacrifice themselves it's very dusty up here and he's okay getting out of it it's not easy to get out of there let's go take a look it is so dusty i probably washed my hands 20 times already today because i get so dusty are you dusty are you all dusty it looks like somebody walked all over your shirt we got the peanut gallery in here telling jokes all right we'll get cleaned up so we can read this next clue okay [Laughter] you know what i think we ought to start calling this house to treasure house see this is the unglorious part that they cut out of all of the movie getting shot all the dirt and all the dust and all the disgusting stuff that gets all over you yeah you've actually got a big glob of something attached to your body the bottom of your arm you got it look at that a horse and buggy wow in a barn built long ago a horse and buggy went to and fro looking up you will see the beams except one is not exactly as it seems well bad guys more this is like hard as a rock it's like this is real i'm gonna put these back in here this is really interesting a lot of these old coins that are like this those are blue they would actually pinch off pieces i don't see any right here but they pinch off pieces to sell some oh yeah like that like that that edge is like cut off they take a chisel they go tink tink tink because i didn't want to give a full coin to pay for something so they give a part of a coin pieces or they would have not enough and have to have a little more yeah in a barn built long ago okay horse and buggy went to and fro looking up and you'll see beams except one is not exactly as it seems all right [Applause] oh look right here there's a board right here that's not the same as the rest yeah and look it's got a little latch right there it was so convenient is something gonna fall right on my face i don't know close your eyes everybody don't look up come over here corbin who filled that with gravel wow on the bottom of it there's a clue there's a clue michael's going at it with an exacto knife which i think is exactly exactly what we needed should we go inside and look at it yeah let's go in the house and take a look and see what we get all right let's go i think it's a statue maybe where did corbin go but no it's a phone it's a phone call ct phone because it's a statue hello a statue oh that's dirty oh it is it is a statue with another pouch of coins here is that a treasure chest by its feet it is this is a pirate man pirate boy pirate boy with one eyelashes it's a boy that's sending to his pirate dad that's that little boy is finding the treasure for that his dad's pirates yeah i think that we should raise the stakes as if a ship were making wakes mustn't wander do not roam another clue inside the home below the stairs under the floor the boards peel up revealing more interesting it has that symbol on it it does have that symbol on it right there flip it over is there anything on the other side blow the stairs under the floor the boards peel up revealing more below the floor revealing more i just lift up this carpet yeah do the corner yeah that is a square i have a feeling like we're going to be getting a lot more dirty oh this is moving it's not right here it's over here is it yeah it's over it's over here so i gotta move so we gotta move all that stuff too that stuff i need a little flashlight this looks like your specialty michael i'll dip a child in there okay fly fly all right who wants to go in there i will do you want to sure or corbin corbin gets too dusty you can't breathe it no you yeah corbin you're probably too scared huh james doesn't want to go back you don't want to do it well you better and corbin you can't because you've been starting to cough a lot i love you though it's just because you have asthma okay going in you're so brave i like exploring creepy places sometimes all right michael come on down not happening you are you have to come down i'm pretty sure there's a little door oh my goodness this reminds me of zelda michael you have to come at least come down and see i'm sending james all right what do you think good james not scared at all now yeah do you want to hold this flashlight for me yes all right okay you know what i'll tell you what i'll come down all right you guys don't even know there's like oh it's so big there's a balancer in there there's a balancer oh whoa okay michael here i'll go over there okay let's read a clue down there no it's way too dusty here hold this okay it's got a school on it rebecca i want you to start reading clues looking for black widows you're not going to see any why because there aren't any why because i said so all right let's read clues i'm too tall to be down in this tiny room all right you guys don't even know this is a glass box okay dead men tail no tails what what there's a berry man in here one is three the other five get this right to stay alive taking in and pouring out get it from a water spout in order to unlock this door you will need an even four pour the water and down the chute balance the scale retrieve the loot there's a scale in there there's a big one the skill retrieves the loot you don't have to know i'm like on my abs i'm literally crunching my abs just to even sit right here right now no i can't sit up straight because my head is too tall three this one says three what does that one say five three and five well if there's one in there and this is full of water i'm guessing i don't think i'm ever getting back out of here are you okay are you gonna be something looks like a sword it looks like a scale what did it say wait give the flashlight we have a flashlight like put it close up to the screen oh look if you pour water in that it goes all the way into the thing back there oh there's a little two what this pours the water inside there it does but why would i need three and five exactly i don't know read the clue again here let me shine the light closer i want to see what's in there you can see there's like a little bowl in there and there's a a metal pipe that goes all the way up to here why is it dangerous it says get this right to stay alive uh where's the other clue here's the mirror oh whoa what what is it there's dynamite what okay i'm getting out of here no there's nothing bad in here yeah there's not spiders or dynamite look at the scale that's why you have to get it right right there so we are supposed to put the water in the right amount or else it will touch the bomb the lever and push it down it's connected to that love dynamite are we really gonna die i don't think so we have to do it right and then up there there's another clue and i bet you when we get it right it's gonna open up that door that's next to ryan right there because i can't get it open let's reread this clue one more time one is three the other five so which one is three and this one do we have to choose one get this right to stay alive taking it in and pouring out get it from a water spout well i'm gonna do three first just to make sure in order to unlock this door you will need an even four oh pour the water down the chute balance the scale retrieve the loot this is a riddle i heard this riddle before have you yes i don't remember how to do it though do we have to put in all four at once because if you fill that with five uh-huh and then you pour three into there you gotta leave two behind so if you fill that if you do that twice that will be four is there enough water to do that twice i'm sure that there is so if i fill this up all the way yep that's five and then there it's going in we need four we need two more that was only two we need two more okay so let's dump that double three or you can dump the three back into the five oh yeah cause you just have to fill up the fight again yeah we just have to fill up the five again and then fill up the three again and you've got two more it worked it's balanced you should be able to open the door now right it's almost open it worked it opened it opened no more dynamite people is there wow yes there is something to grab there's a clue i feel like indiana jones right now all right let's look at this clip i'll take it you get the uh money i'm stealing all the money well we got the letter right yeah i got it right here yeah let's read it all right michael dandruff okay what's it say so i've really been trying to figure out this clue and i cannot figure it out rebecca i think i really need your help on this one okay what is it i can't figure it out at all let me read it an attic vault within a slumber a table in a tomb of lumber westward of the chimney stack a prying bar is what you lack it's on attic in the attic so in the attic chimney i'll need a prime bar with colonel mustard and the candlestick so in the attic we'll need a prying bar a table in a tomb of lumber crying bar is what you lack but first a lock review a clue pressing down and then go through the writing desk without a raven they never font is what we're craving never and newer a newer font is what we're craving a writing desk without a raven let's just go upstairs and look in the attic okay but wait there's more what even it's just a picture let's go in the attic all right time to go back up in the attic again the chimney is right here okay a prying bar is what we like does that open up let's move all the stuff out of the way and check all right hi i hope this is right whoa it's safe is it a safe i think it is pull out that clue and read it all right when the dial has been aligned press down the brass and then you'll find the handle turns with gentle ease i hope this helped noblesse oblige so we need to line it how do we figure out how to align it is this a key we have to put in the cipher to know how to align it okay i went and got this clue this is the clue that we did before do you remember this one yeah but it said use the clue before or something like that yeah so this one right here it says review a clue i think this might be the clue that we have to review okay let's try reordering that to match this okay 26 11. now try to open it oh ah it worked yes wow that's awesome oh it's windy in there so then we're going back to this clue the writing desk without a raven a newer font is what we're craving all right new mark do you want to get a shot in there i will but i'm going to get in all the way first okay it's a that's a big attic that's a lot of space it is this is huge in here okay this is not got a raven is what we're craving i think this is like a i'm gonna grab it i'm gonna just grab this and bring it into the attic is that the only thing in there i think so okay i'm being careful bringing it down check it out i think this might be the treasure okay becca you dug around in that attic so you get to do the honors oh wow oh it's got a typewriter a stained glass window of the southern sun behind the pans behind the pane you will find this one i know which one that is we have a stained glass window in this i'm gonna shut that just so that the kids can't get to it that behind the southern sun and look it's even a sun and this is on the south and we only have two stained glass windows i think so i'm just gonna try and open it yes behind it you can open it on the outside all right try opening it oh there's something in there i see it but i need you because you're tall okay you're so handsome and tall see there's times when it's good for me that i'm short and there's times where it's good that is true okay let's go inside let's go inside let's go look at it it's like i think it's one of a it's an old star wars toy just kidding no i think it's one of those things with the white toppings that are tucked and the stage coach i think it's that hey move your food or it's gonna get dust in it but it's a baby carriage oh wow no it's interesting it's a toy he's expecting a train i see oh there's like a hot pup pad it's like a blanket a little baby blanket oh wow wow don't look up her dress i'm looking for a clue you never know where you might find the clue oh wow there's nothing in here did you look at all the wrappings maybe it was something in one of those or was it up in there left by itself maybe it might have been in there by itself okay it seems that maybe we missed a clue i'm gonna take another look in here do you guys see anything there it is i can see it got it i'll drink i'll take it here corbin don't breathe the dust okay take it in the house they get the mom there was something with it there was it was underneath here let me read it the treasure longing to be free within this doll you'll find the key what oh wait wait wait wait i totally saw something weird in here in the basement eastern wall moving stone to heed the call a gilded door to guard the way the fork and handle plain as day will pull apart and form a key before the door will open free and then the treasure you will see what the doll holds a key oh oh you just took that doll's innards out oh just like in that video what this was just like it stuck in its mouth this the show oh yeah this is the girl from the circus she swallowed a sword treasure wanting to be free within this doll you'll find the key the basement eastern wall okay leaving stone to heed the call you know we're at eastern wall base yes down there there's one oh eastern walls go go into the basement and then go to the yes moving stone to heed the call oh a gilded door to guard the way the fork and handle plain as day is it this fork the one not a fork yeah it's the freak let's just go downstairs let's go in the basement okay look all right here oh do we have the key i have the key okay both of the treasure longing to be free within this doll you'll find the key in the basement eastern wall moving stone to heed the call do that so go into the basement is that the first that's the treasure we will see this time i think we're getting close we've been at this for over seven hours i know so so i'm getting excited at the prospect of maybe getting close to the end okay so this is the the basement huh let's go all right and shut the door that might be where the okay what did it say again in the basement eastern wall that's the eastern wall moving stone to heed the call we have to move that stone okay this rock is what we have to move first and then we can figure out the rest of the clues okay let's let's figure out a way to move these rocks then rebecca did you notice x marks the spot oh and the wire that's really funny so we've all got gloves and we're gonna see if we can get this thing opened up we can get all these rocks out of the way here we have a a line what is this called production line we're handing the rocks back and forth to each other these are some big rocks yeah i'll let you guys know when we're done i can't breathe in there it's too thick yeah yeah it is really sick uh this camera is really dusty all right well we got all the rocks out of there now we're going to pry off some of the boards and see what's behind it we're all taking a breather because it's dusty very very dusty right you shake off see wow we just took all of this out of the basement all right well let's continue with the treasure hunt okay let's do it let's head back down here and finish this thing come on in guys come on in it's so cool it's really cool all right i'm anxious to see what's behind this wall so we got rid of all the rocks let's pull out these boards and see what's hanging out behind them we have a crowbar i do have a curl party whoa what is that holy cow look at the symbol it's the same symbol wow i'm gonna pass this back jessica can you take it nails on it be careful what up and over door a door what is that oh my goodness i have the key in my pocket i think this is going to be my favorite thing of the trip fork and handle bended knee pull apart use as key [Applause] hey read this fork and handle bended knee pull apart use as key use as the key bended knee so i'm guessing you have to get bend down on one down on the knee handle i've got the fork and handle here whoa just hold it straight forward whoa i just pulled the fork apart what do you think is behind this door ellie treasure [Applause] oh there's like deadbolt things all over the place look there's a hook i don't like them it's [Music] okay i got that one the top one that's it then we get to see what's behind this door you guys ready yeah yeah becca do you want to go in we're a caveman wow you have touched the forbidden treasure oh should we open up the treasure chest you guys yeah oh wow ryan's got the big lights this is the way to do it all right that's good leave it right there okay i see this i decided oh my goodness this thing i've never seen anything like this before ready wow there is another clue oh my goodness the end or the beginning is this like a nautilus shell or something oh my goodness you may have thought this was the end but now the rules i will bend the time is now to start anew with this chest a brand new clue oh my goodness we gotta take this home we gotta look through it and find the next clue hey ryan brought the show i brought the show he did yes good job and he brought us the old clue okay this is the clue that we found in the first treasure chest that led us to the second treasure hunt you guys remember this one yeah and it was close it was all curled up yeah and then here is the clue this is the clue that we found in the second treasure chest that let us know it's a it's like a shell the end or the beginning you may have thought this was the end but now the rules i will bend the time is now to start anew within this chest a brand new clue look start is underlined it's like the beginning yeah start the end the end is underlined too and then it has this image of a shell start beginning and then it has underlined the beginning again and this doesn't make any sense except that inside the chest there was this start the beginning of this show whoa is there something wait wait yeah oh some sort of a ring did you see that rebecca [Music] what's that this fell out it has engravings on it i want to see if there's anything else oh yeah it has stuff written all over it can i read it no there's nothing else in there this is the only thing yeah so that's cool and this are the same thing oh yeah do you see it yeah and this was inside the treasure chest but we didn't even make any connection like i didn't even realize that this had anything else in it this whole time all these years that just makes me think we really need to look at all of the stuff in there closer oh wow what does it say babe oh i don't even know where the beginning is it has letters or something okay the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash 11 vents from left to right here's the clue i chose to write out out like outside the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash 11 vents from left to right here's the clue i chose to write in the last treasure hunt there was a clue in one of the vents that was the 11th vent from the one out there oh there's like a whole bunch of events out there and there's eleven events out there okay do you remember trash i chose to write out which means i think it's outside okay i think james might be right there are more events up there in the all right let's go 11 vents from left to right here's the clue i chose to write out the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash you guys believe that this is leading us back to this house because this was found inside the treasure of the last house if we do find something here i will be blown away because that means it will have been here for i don't even know how many years and that means that we did the entire last treasure hunt we lived here for years and we never found it this whatever this is leading to and i don't even know if it's here it could be at a totally different house yeah except for the fact that it says to come back to start anew and it had underlined start five six seven man i will be shocked if there's more to find one two three four five one two three four five there are eleven six seven eight nine ten 11. if the last treasure really does lead us back to this house i will be so shocked that means that that means that somebody else could have found this this isn't even our house that means somebody else could have found this okay let's just let's just check and see because it might not even be at this house this clue says 11 vents from left to right i know so 11 vents from left to right 11 vents from left to right this door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cats hey we're out at the store we see some trash is it in the vent or is it in the trap [Music] trash isn't stationary that moves oh there's one in that one too oh i don't think that's anything yeah i see something so the beginning of this i believe the beginning of this happens right after the cold hard cash line so that means that the the clue starts with the word 11 vents from left to right here's the clue i chose to write out the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cat wait so r11 vents from left to right but it doesn't necessarily say that we need to look in the vents it just says we see some trash leading leading to some cold hard cash so how is there trash leading to cash out the door well this is cash this is cash that's true yeah and i love this cash oh what i told you i told you something was in there i surprised it from the same guy see that are you kidding me this was here the whole time we never moved no we didn't i just saw this and i was like well maybe people use this as like a trash can or maybe people throw trash in it or something there's trash in it i can't even believe it i i feel like i just had the wind knocked out of me this is crazy you guys i can't believe this cold hard cash early 1900 really yeah like when this house was built probably i think this house was built right like during world war two this set up it says it's fragile i hope it doesn't break if that's a really fragile old box it has an arrow this nose this proves it that this means that the second treasure hunt was leading back to this house oh my goodness and we didn't even know it's [Music] it's pointing up because that's the right that's so don't don't tip it at all yeah and look look at that image right there yep symbol it's the same symbol i already saw the name julie handle with care up and don't let's get out just says the same thing is this is this a treasure chest i don't know or it might be a clue ever since we lived here we didn't even know i know it's fragile [Music] i hope what if it is a giant trick box i don't know hang on maybe we're just supposed to break it that's what the old crates used to oh my man dad you're so strong thanks i will oh well we have to do it very carefully whatever we do okay i don't want to make a mess here on the patio maybe we'll take it in the grass yeah let's put it in the garden or something be very careful about me over there too ellie i hope there's no spiders in here oh this is so old this would be like the perfect living space for spiders i thought that was wait is it what is that i don't know what is that oh i could see through it i could see through it i think it might be glass there's a hole right here i think it's glass okay i don't want to break it it looks exactly like that it looks like a jar yeah it looks there's nothing else in here it's not that i can see the dust on camera it's very dusty oh man i hope we didn't throw anything out when we weren't out you okay yeah just hit this tree i see there's something in it oh wow there's a quill poking in a paper i think it's it's glass it looks like you can see straight it looks exactly like the other clue that oh yeah do you remember and we had to chill to reveal yeah we had to chill the revolution that looks like really old tape that's like coming off this has been preserved so there's no dust that's so weird it says sugar cookies ingredients that is so yummy this is sugar cookies ingredients two and three quarter cup all-purpose flour one teaspoon baking powder one cup butter softened one and a half cups white sugar one egg one teaspoon vanilla extract stir flour baking soda and baking powder cream together butter and sugar until smooth beat in egg and vanilla blend together all ingredients place an oven safe tray and bake at 4 25 for eight to ten minutes but and the quill is just you recognize this same setup from the first treasure hunt and we had to put it in the freezer and then it revealed the secret message yeah do you remember i want to put in the freezer let's go put it in the freezer what oh i see something i can too so instead of freezing this what if we heat this oh it might not if it doesn't maybe it's just something to catch i don't think this is going to fit oh i don't want to break it though well maybe we open it and just put in the paper no we can take these out this oven is a gloss top oven what if we just set it on there that is perfect it said it was underlined bake and it has a circle what if what if this is supposed to fit here perfectly right it does it fits perfectly in this spot what oh what does the thing say wait if we put the little thing in what if it shatters the glass or something i'm gonna 4 25 for 10 minutes or whatever guys i think it will melt i don't think it will melt it's made of metal and glass which are both heatable whoa whoa it's not even warm in here yet you don't bake sugar cookies at 4 25 it will absolutely burn them okay that means that this recipe is completely made up and it's supposed to be baked at 4 25. 4 25 start that's gonna be so hot and that will break the glass you're worried about the glass breaking i guarantee 425 will break it what if we took the glass off and just put that in you insist it just pop up it works whoa put it back in it oh it's hot hang on oh it's very hot on the bottom okay yeah okay i'm afraid it's gonna get too hot becca look at this this is crazy this pillow just watch it and see what happens it's like blowing the words are disappearing are you kidding me no i'm not even kidding you hang on the words are disappeared oh they're coming back it as it's getting hot the words are disappearing they changed [Applause] you have matches right yeah there are matches here what if we use the matches instead i'm really afraid of burning this oh is this not actually not paper i would feel a lot more comfortable putting a flame under it than actually boiling it in the oven because i don't want to that thing right there is so hot is it there is heat coming from the bottom and the top and i don't want this to burst into fire well i think we can just take off that this is really scary i just realized something do you remember the first treasure hunt we had to chill to reveal the clue now this time we have to heat to reveal the clue it's like the flip-flop it's the opposite it's working go ahead hold it over just don't let it burn that's gonna work wait look at the back i think i see words starting i can't see i do whoa what i can see them now i know i told you i could see them there is there for you to do what about the other shoe downstairs ceiling time well spent southeast bedroom broken vent there is more for you to do what about the other shoe downstairs ceiling time well spent southeast bedroom broken vent oh yeah i can read it really good what so i think it's in there let's broken vent yeah i don't think it means the other drawer but it but that's where this is where we fire the first shoe so it makes sense why you would want to look here for the second shoe what about the other shoe downstairs ceiling time well spent dumpster ceiling time well spent east bedroom broken south i don't east that's that bedroom southeast not northeast south east bedroom broken vent broken van it says that it's in the ceiling so it's either that or not under this light there's a spiderweb celsius bedroom broken vents that's gotta be an event in the ceiling do you see something yes there is something in there i have a great idea it might just be the vent that i'm seeing but i do think that there's something up there it might be a little too big oh this will this will probably work oh i got this one maybe the garage has a screwdriver yes let's go check the storage room right here it might have something we found this little piece of metal is it too thick is it working dad slowly good dad yay you're so sweet charlie i found a screw and i'm using a screw to unscrew another screw hey we'll figure it out one way or another with this empty house that is just working i'm getting this one anyway oh this is cool we got the second one that means we only have one screw left that we need but that one's totally covered in paint okay he was twist it or can it not be twisted we still need to take off that one will this help it is okay we just got the last screw off oh that's weird what i don't know i'm like i'm afraid i'm afraid i don't wanna i don't want bugs wait maybe we have to pull this whole thing out this will come off if this is unpinched there is i think there is another shoe in there i just need to get these these other nails and these screws on down here it's falling here [Music] is are you kidding me what it's a giant walnut wallet oh [Music] oh look how dusty it is it weighs so much here becca feel how heavy it is oh yeah that's really did you hear that oh money is that money i think that's money i shake it was shaking and then it was it was oh do we have to does it have to be shattered it's not opening i know what we could do look it could go like this maybe here i don't want to break it in here let's go outside yeah that was so crazy the shoe the nuts in the shoe and now the shoe nuts shoes and the nuts or something's in the nuts it sounds like money or beads or something okay i'm gonna drop it you're gonna break it oh money in dollars what's inside here i don't know oh dollar bills we learned from the last time to break it in a box yes we did not break it somewhere else should we do it right here you know what else we did right here we unrolled that metal yes i remember i'm guessing this is a shoe oh i think it is dirty laundry all around there is something to be found southern cubby break the back you will find the clue you lack the laundry room isn't ours now so they if it was it probably would be dirty and we've done it before we've broken a wall in the basement break the back you will find the crew you like spoon cubby i know i think i know where it's at wait okay come with me wait a minute oh becca look look at this what read the note again read the note whoa do you see what i see so the dirty laundry all around there is something to be found southern cubby break the back you will find the clue you lack southern cubby i think this one looks like so now go down oh yeah there's a big difference you can see there's a false wall here yeah we never noticed that the whole time we live okay did you hear that it was like there's something back there i'm just afraid there might be something in there that could be broken yeah but look if i can yeah that's what i'm trying to see if i can get something like a screwdriver or something to stick up in here there's a little tiny gap i don't know it's so stuck okay [Music] stick this through the side and then drag it down and then it could get stuck [Music] careful don't hurt yourself it's so hard i don't know becca we'll try there was a force there oh whoa how that i cannot believe that secret compartment was there this whole time oh wait wait let's go in the other room okay good idea this is so dusty the clue what there's like spindles here the clue one zero zero four two zero zero five three zero zero six jackpot what the heck this is so weird morse code and braille 1.42.5 3.6 one two three four five jackpot oh wait a minute there was this too what is this this note was inside [Applause] [Music] this here going to be labor intensive i can tell we've got to figure it out though yeah okay i figured it out really come here take a look so here is what we have to read it's a combination of morse code and braille creating one word so we've got one two three four letters one two letters one two three letters so there's multiple letters this is a phrase or a sentence or something but these is a a b b c c so it's explaining what's braille and what's morse code morse code on so the key is along the outside the key is along the outside edge exactly okay so then this four dials you've got this one that turns the inner dial and this one turns the outside dial and then this one turns the this dial right here and then the outs it inner dials okay so i think if we have i think we have to get everything lined up properly for the for this to unlock or open up or something maybe you can make a word i need to decipher this this clue to know what what it says do we have a pencil um no but we have a phone i can probably write it on a phone okay guys check it out so this is morse code for l this is braille for o this is morse code for o this is braille for k so i figured out the word first word is look the next word is two the and and i'm just kind of working on the rest so i'm making progress i think i'm doing like all of the same yeah so if i see an o then i'm like okay maybe there's maybe there's another o let's see that there was another o right there there's another o right there a a there's a e there's another e there's another e so yeah i'm just trying to kind of piece it together as quick as possible and that that process is fastest so there's a morse code a braille the morse code b braille exactly so i got to figure out what this phrase is and i don't know how it coincides with this but somehow it does and i just have to figure it out hey i finished decoding it it says look to the beam of sunlight a beld oh maybe that is supposed to be you a bulb will never burn bright look to the beam of sunlight a bulb will never burn bright check belb see what that says i did i double checked it really yeah dash dot dot dot is b dash dash dat dot dash is e yeah that's e right l dot dash dot dot so beld belt look to the beam of sunlight a build will never burn bright i'm not really sure what that means there's a bunch of weird things here and i can't quite figure out i don't know if this is right but oh it's telling me how to read the message maybe morse code in braille and it has one two three four five six and it's showing me an image of braille and then it's showing me one two three four five six and showing me it's telling me how to take the the six and how they write them out this way does that make sense okay which i already figured that out okay i think this is really just telling me how to read it really yeah i think so jackpot maybe it doesn't come apart yeah maybe it doesn't maybe the whole purpose of this is to help me learn how to decode this which i think i kind of already figured out but what's the bottom thing i think it's showing me because when i was looking at this first i went one two three four five six and that was wrong so i went one two three four five six which is the same as this i think this is just telling me how to read oh okay which is ultimately the same as what this is saying okay same same thing so maybe this is the clue look to the beam of sunlight a bell will never burn bright i might be wrong i have no idea i'm just going to check i think that that might have been a misspelled word i think i was supposed to say bulb instead of beld but there's some beams out here on the back patio these beams right here and if you look up i think if you look up to the beams then there's the sunlight maybe this these are the beams that it's talking about and it says a bulb will never burn bright maybe it's talking about one of these there's a bulb inside that one maybe one of them doesn't work oh there's a bulb right there i've never ever noticed that you have yeah i noticed i think i could see something in it yeah i never noticed that my the whole life we lived here i never even noticed this bulb and look it's right on the beam becca there's a beam here and if you look up toward the beam of sunlight there's a bulb here that i've never even noticed because i don't think it works and it says the bulb will never burn bright there's something in it there is something in it do you think i'm right did you ever notice that before i never noticed that bulb i didn't notice that before i'm gonna i'm gonna push you up higher oh yeah she can't see she won't be able to reach it [Applause] oh twist it twist it yeah that way twist it and don't drop it how are you doing that i got it she got it good job i got it there's something inside of it there it is i was right i was like there's no way i'm right i just have a hunch i just have to check it out whoa shaking right now because i i don't like i can't do this but i did it you did okay i think ellie should be the one to get to break down yeah wait break it wait it has something in it does it unscrew oh wait can i try it i don't think so i don't think we can hit him it would work just as well oh just throw it in the garbage can i have an idea it didn't break can i hit it you can cry it's not breaking that's like a serious serious bulb it is unscrewing can i do it that came off really easily oh you almost got it that was the perfectly protected place like that it would never even nobody would even notice yeah you almost got it good job careful not to break it for more than what you thought careful don't rip it all right becca what does it say in a cupboard the room of wooden floor up by the ceiling and near the door cupboard wooden floor this is not a wooden floor this is a tile floor this is a wooden floor it says in a cupboard the room of wooden floor up by the ceiling and near the door i found it what is this oh my goodness guys look up there [Music] inside the cupboard i [Music] [Music] really got it in there good yeah and i would have never seen this in a million years nope walk away you did and i was like i'm not convinced there we go all right we got it it feels like a book sounds like a book what is it in search of treasure by horatio auger jr that was probably there since years oh yeah it was for sure all right so all we got was a book well where's the clue oh you just didn't even open up the first page [Music] 1907. 1997. this is a very old there's something on there i saw it oh my goodness it says comcast internet are you kidding me i saw it and then you didn't see it and then i saw it okay christmas [Music] 1907 is how old this is yeah so becca look this is page number line number word number does that sound familiar oh does it sound familiar page number line number word number right so go to page 48. okay we need somebody to write what is that oh there's something in it a washer washer line 12 and 11 12. word for infinite infinite one two three four five six seven eight quest infinite quest yeah i'm already ringing bells let's let's let let's get the rest of the message before we say what we think it is okay good job corbin okay page 219 okay for you guys sake we're gonna skip to the end of this clue it's done do you want to read it infinite quest beyond heaven's book keeper extend find secret bound vessel do you guys have any ideas [Music] um i think you know where we going we're going downstairs to where the book is because i think it's called infinite quest it's not it's called eternal quest but eternal and infinite of the same meaning we're looking for eternal quest the book which opens up the book case in ryan's old room arnold quest yes oh and somebody broke this wait wait wait read it oh there's something on it find the rope and play find the rope and pull see when i when it fell down i didn't think twice about it but then it said heaven's keeper or whatever but it has it said look to the heavens yeah what is it read it again corbin extend find secret bound vessels so you're right find the rope and pull here's the book eternal quest if we open this up and look behind there find the rope oh that is so freaky oh dear flashlight okay who wants to go up in there not me james volunteers whoa great boy let's let james go first becca you want to help him in there actually should go in there we have to find the rope and pull right infinite quest beyond heaven's bookkeeper extend find secret bound vessel so somewhere in here we have to find the rope and pull and i think if we find the rope and pull we'll find the secret bound vessel but you're gonna have to film whatever you find might be you might get real dirty can you fit a light oh yeah he needs the light a ginormous one a rope a big one okay i can stand here and hold this open with my head oh that's perfect actually james is just trying to squeeze in there they'll hold the flashlight oh i was not expecting that oh my goodness yeah you could probably get out you probably don't even need to be in there yeah you can get out we can pull it yeah get up come on out james there's gonna be a lot of dust in there and i don't want you to get sick so come on out and we'll pull it i got you i got you good job james you found the rope buddy is it heavy it looks so whoa that's so old oh it's brilliant stuff in [Music] that's a long run [Music] [Applause] wow is that all that's in there the dust is bad everybody has allergies really bad everybody go upstairs go upstairs oh man that was so cool i did not even see that rope i was looking in there with a flashlight and everything and it wasn't until james went in there and pulled it that i actually saw it is there anything else in there no no there's gotta be no here maybe i'll look under his head can i see wait look under the tape it looks no wait wait wait wait we gotta check there's nails on the bone is there more in the bag or in the rope i did look in the bag briefly okay and i did not see anything else yeah there's a whole bunch of money all wadded up in there we're gonna go look back down and see if there's more i wonder if maybe there's something bound inside there oh cause the clue said bound did you look in here and and was that book the only thing in here i see glass do you see that oh i do i told you there was more how that's the bound vessel you just have to unroll it yes oh i i can grab it i can i can hold it but yucky i can touch it i think i might know where some wire cutters are no water in the garage wait is there something in the room yeah it's glass i could get it out i don't know if you can [Music] yes i don't want to break it though it's like long jacket yeah i don't want to break it though it's that one oh yeah it's a bottle let's try pulling it out you got the cork off can you pull it the rest of the way ah i think you can you got it are you okay yeah okay come on we don't even need them corbin got it out and the cap pops off too whoa good job dude oh there's a chain on it oh has a school ship thing i did not notice that could it slip off like this might be able to oh yeah leave it to mom to figure it out it's a mat it's a mat wait a map yeah hallelujah two to you flew suit your flute we found a package in a shoot it's a pretty cool one too pretty cold one we found a package in a chute i think i know where it is it's a pretty cool one too also as i was down there there was a vent that i saw in that place and you can follow through it in there oh right there because i saw it it was right there it's got a package in the chute it's a pretty cool one too is it right there is that a cool shoe that's so cool [Music] oh that's a slug here's a coal shoe but it doesn't look anything like the picture guys what if it's been cemented shot from when the treasure hunt was created is there any other place that has a pole shoot oh no becca this room just is locked right here is there a shoe behind any of these bushes do you know there is another way to get to inside here it's through the bedroom door in the basement and did we look under here no because no one wants to get in there grandma mom let's go thank you grandma i mean ellie so are you gonna go in there it's about time you get your hands dirty well then we need you to go in behind all these bushes to make sure there's no chute back there it could be in the basement we can go look in that storage room we found a packaging shoe i think this is what the image i think this is what the shoot looks like oh i have an idea oh i don't know what i know what to do that was halfway covered outside okay yeah it was buried in the cement that's what i said so we couldn't get into it from that way right yeah we can't but we've got to be able to get to it from this way [Music] is this the other side of the shoe so is it behind that cardboard maybe it got covered up when they put in the shelving but it's boarded off in like that exact spot right careful there's a whole bunch of cardboard back here charlie i don't want you to get stepped on are you trying to move the cardboard yeah dad there's game cards oh okay i don't think can you move that cardboard this is where the shoot is isn't it i think so it's gotta be because it's close to where the window let me go knock on the outside of it yeah this thing's solid in there whatever was back there is completely uncovered now we might have to break the wall but i don't want to break a wall unless we know we're in the right spot we might have to break it from that side because it's going to be very tricky to have to like get squeezed in there right the only hesitation i have is that that shoot doesn't look anything like the picture half covered coal shoot is looks exactly like that but it's covered in cement so that means that down here you can see the half of it yeah we can see half of it outside hiding behind this cardboard we have to get out it's hollow at least whoa okay i'm so afraid of spiders ouch whoa i see i see a package oh my gosh there are so many spider webs look at all those no come over here oh that is freaky can't even see it it's not focusing oh i see that package i'm gonna try and get this oh those spiderwebs are so gnarly do you see the back wait no no look at her i do i can't see it's covered in spider webs i feel like i need to get out of here i can hardly handle that okay let's get it done okay whoa good job guys i'm so amazed we got it this was probably put here before the cement the clue was definitely put in here before the schmidt was put here because look this meant is pretty like newer and that is what matches the picture which is so interesting because then it was shut off and it could have never been found ever again but only because we had that map could we even have known that it was in here can you see it yep so shifting it to the side probably unlocks something else this thing is gorgeous hinges right here it's quite heavy too so james figured out that this will be pushed this way and then what happens wait wait wait wait wait before you rip it all off let's look at it it looks like it's floating that's so cool but the sword is inside of a sheath or something so here this this can come off that can happen sometimes can you slide that out no it was already broken like that all right let's open up the letter wow that is so cool it's a very beautiful box etsy teensy secret hid in a water spout if the rain came down it wouldn't wash it out it couldn't wash it out i know where it is if the rain came down it couldn't wash it out so there's something a ansi teensy secret hid in a water spout if the rain came down it couldn't wash it out nothing's underlined i think we just need to look at all the water spouts okay are there any there is a water spout right here oh this is a gutter but it's not a water spout oh yeah here's the water spout what is that i've never i never noticed that either it's painted the color of the house it looks like a can you can be able to pull it off and there's like a little um space you can like put your hand in can you you've almost got it oh there's a spider falling up don't worry about that just keep going i'm just grabbing you better yeah good whoa oh you did it whoa shaking he's so scared good job is that it yep that's got to be it no way is that it well how do we open it uh let me go inside the house and see if there's a can opener oh maybe there is it is okay let's try i'll go get it oh yeah i think it is working keep going oh maybe you have to do it like that cuts open the can in a different way wait it might not have been open all the way dad you're the best strong man i don't think it was opened all the way open up the other side i got a little bit too ambitious and ended up breaking one half of the can so they're opening up from the other end hoping that we can get it open right the first time this time whoa [Applause] that is cool wow open it up buddy that's kind of easy is there anything else in there all right oh okay let me look at is there any more whoa guys look at this yep there you go corbin pull that out what was this it was this was with that i think you wrapped this around it and it reveals a message if written read sideways you get what i'm saying it wraps around the log and reveals the message that way that is very cool i'm going to like tell you what you do grass pain of a shadow box [Music] you'll find a cracked clue that blows my mind under on stairs you'll find a crack there's only stairs one character that is the coolest clue i love that clue hang on i gotta get a picture of that that is so in our first treasure hunt we found that mirror yeah i remember that doesn't it say something about a mirror this closet is also under stairs i don't think it's just though it might not be cracking clue it's gotta be in the other one because we would have noticed it in this one maybe it would be too easy to find i think okay all right james is to go take a look see if you can find something i couldn't find anything is there any further instruction i feel like we're kind of looking blindly because we're not fully understanding the truth the clue for a crack that'll blow your mind blow a mind oh i think we can move it no over there and then take it out from there it does remind us of something good job guys blow a mind it said it reminds me of something oh that came right off yeah that's cool it's like the same thing from in the second treasure hunt we did when in mount pleasant when there was like diamonds and stuff well look that symbol is on here too but wait a minute it's backwards we mirrored said something okay i'm going to read it oh you moved it around yeah it said something about mirrored [Music] wait a minute i said that can slide off there's a mirror under it there's a mirror in here mirrored glass pane of a shadow mirrored glass pane of a shadow there's a mirror on the bottom so you could just go like this this is it the this is the shadow box there's a mirrored glass pane inside mirrored glass pane of a shadow box hidden so this clue literally told us exactly what we would find yes as you're looking at it here is backwards but when you look at it in the mirror the symbol is not backwards i wonder if we actually have to solve this message through the mirror and not this way and here's the key check if i can see another thing this is the message i think we need to decode and i think this is the key that tells us how to decode it and the side with the dot on it is the ones that have a dot on the inside of these letters right but this side doesn't have dots on it so that's the ones that don't have dots so the first word the first letter is r the first letter is r because this is the side with the dot okay then the next one doesn't have a dot and i think it's e e because it's a closed yes it's a closed triangle so r e and then open triangle no dot d d red r red cool and then and then another d red d o o d is it an r r red door red door a red door so then there's you know where red door is we do know where our red door is okay what do the next two words say because that might give us more [Music] information [Music] red door under under what one more word yep o-o-r so red door under floor red door under floor [Music] so james you hop in here and unlock the patio there's the porch door right there so you're gonna have to jump in here and unlock that for us okay i've been in here before so i'm not scared can i go guys okay let's go but this is a board we can just lift it up so we won't have to go in there under floor oh do you think it's just under this board yeah under a floor okay hang on remember the magic thing i do okay um grass shavings from lawn mowers being stored in here do you see it nothing maybe it is inside the door we lifted that for nothing you might be inside the door okay let's open up the door oh my goodness somebody's good i'm a little bit nervous so we got to go down in this creepy tiny room again yeah i want to like put my hair in a ponytail or something to hide it from the spiderweb yeah you don't want to catch anything on the way down there oh i see something oh you see something here grab the camera here take this tomorrow whoa maybe no dig dig it just says what was it under four wonders floor might be under here i have a shirt it said under floor this doesn't make any sense unless wait what's this do you think it's possible somebody else found it already i don't know wait that would be really sad if they did looks like there's some stuff in here maybe there's been people in here you know what maybe i can use this maybe we can dig [Music] that's definitely hidden [Music] is there a shovel or something i just had an idea the clue said underfloor not underground well because you're under the house the floor is technically above your head yeah flew under floor we're under the floor you guys are under the floor so the floor is up the ground is below well i always thought it was interesting that it said under floor not underground no i don't see i think this is the toilet actually i don't know i don't know how it's done okay this is the perfectest place for me to see today is that mom yeah what are we looking for yeah what if there's a brick a loose brick oh this is the perfect place for me to stand up if there's another loose brick on this house that's interesting hey guys we've been down looking inside of this basement for a long time i'm convinced that whatever was hidden here at one point has already been found and i don't know if this was the final treasure or not but i'm not seeing anything i'm looking everywhere for some said some sort of a clue or direction um i'm not seeing anything we've been looking here down here for a long time it's really crowded and really uncomfortable down here and the sun is starting to set too yeah the sun is going down it's it's like 8 30 so it's almost sunset and we're still not seeing anything so let's just um i don't know what else to do i don't want to pull out all the insulation but there is some wiring holding up some of this insulation but i don't know if if there's a reason for that that might be the only clue i don't know i'm just stumped guys i'd hate for this to be the dead end this probably is the dead end are you kidding me what am i crazy or is that a symbol i did not say that wait a minute oh there is a symbol oh there's wood there's a hidden compartment thing that is the symbol that's the treasure hunt symbol that we always see oh wait careful it will have to be pulled down okay that side yeah look if you can you can see that's a wood compartment right there i totally saw that i'm like i didn't even realize that it was shaped do we need a screwdriver maybe ew yuck i don't like pretty insulation yeah there is a compartment here but we need another screwdriver oh there's this screwdriver go get us the screwdriver it's in the house it's in the bedroom i think where we had the vent in the ceiling do you see something you can be able to pull it oh what the heck wait thing up here it looks like what happened i pinched it did you hear it clicking yeah yeah maybe there's two i need i need more hands maybe we need to screw that back in can we do that oh you'd have to hold this up if you're screwing it there we go oh what is that oh wow oh my goodness i thought we were never going to get that show what it is so the switch i thought that this would fall down when i moved this edge but by pushing the switch then you have to pull it out you have to pull this out yeah anyway it's a pain okay let's get out of this dark dark dungeon it's so uncomfortable look at what we found guys i guess yeah somehow we have to get it open let's go back in the house okay let's see this thing bring it over here see what do we got here we got a box it's like a rectangular box with some sort of hole here in the middle oh there's a key and the key and a key hole it won't reach into the keyhole it looks like this it's never the obvious way even though i always want it to be the obvious way i agree how old are we get over there guys it's getting late i have an idea like this yeah i already tried that somehow squeezed this into without getting in there too let's do this i think mom figured it out did you have it did you think so okay didn't we have to do this with one of our escape phones does that look familiar let mom try to see if she can figure it out if it's something to do with over the top let's make it more worse that's making it worse i feel like with these types of things you have to make it more worse before you can make it better you never got to try it okay this is like a weird kind of change all right it's a master you better get it i can already see how i can too what finally oh my goodness okay i was starting to wonder if it wasn't even supposed to work oh my goodness that took way too long no it won't turn away there we go that looks like money it might be different that looks like money remember when i said faith try faith what is that it looks like a princess castle or something can you see it is it more than a five little word now yeah now it's a six little one that looks like money doesn't it did this paper yeah it does look like money i'll look it up proverbs 3 13. nothing else in there it's just an emblem yeah that's the bottom remember when i said faith with the last our first oh whatever it is then it was right and then i'm like can't be free do something different it has six this time happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that gives us understanding wisdom through wisdom i was gonna say try with them okay okay where do we start here's where you put it was it it's off one tough one there you go is there something in it it feels like something it's a key that was it that was the only thing it's a magnet it's a magnet a key yeah a little tiny glue charlie hold this one let us find where the we began aloft in the attic a loft in the attic there's a school mom there's two skulls at the ends okay hold it let us end where we began a loft in the attic above a fan we began the first clue of the last treasure hunt was in the attic over there oh that's so much better than last time when you were on my shoulders i don't think it was me on your shoulders was it yeah or at least i lifted you up maybe oh it is i never noticed that before we could have done a remodel and had like another whole huge attic space hey we could have had a whole nother room added into our house have you ever looked up here before no i never have what is that what is what what is that there's something covered how are we gonna get that out of here what if that's it what is that what if that's what what if that is the thing the first treasure was in the basement under the garage what if this is the next treasure above the house in the attic because everything's been kind of a flip-flop almost like a mirror image that might be the treasure that might be it honestly i don't know what else that could be but i really hope it's not like let me help you out i just found a light in the attic hey oh that's way better the question is where can i step that i won't die wherever there's a to wait is that sturdy i don't know if i trust what yeah no what what's your what your right foot is on is that sturdy yeah it's more sturdy than this thing okay that is huge how did they even get this up here look at that hole versus that it's huge oh yeah this little hole hi james hi guys stay down there it's dangerous up here okay what is that oh whoa goodness it's a chest we found it it's a chest okay becca i have the key i have the key let's look inside that's it there's the there's the keyhole right there in the front this is it becca this is the treasure this is the final this is the final treasure what happened i dropped it are you kidding me yeah you are you little always always with the pranks always with the sneaky just open it already we went in it went it in it popped open okay gotta put it in my pocket so i don't actually drop it oh my goodness becca i think this is the final treasure i cannot believe this was up here the whole time i never looked in this attic none of us did because this was here [Applause] before you walk away
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 168,754
Rating: 4.8648939 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunt, treasure chest, real treasure hunt, epic treasure hunt, the movie, epic treasure hunt the movie, epic treasure hunt trilogy, epic treasure hunt full episodes, full movie, treasure hunt the movie, real treasure, the beach house, beach family, beach house treasure, beach house, beach house treasure hunt, best treasure hunt, real treasure found, we found a treasure, real treasure chest
Id: nE0Yo5xdspA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 10sec (11170 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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