We Built A Squirrel Car To Spy On Squirrels

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A video of great scientific value, I guess. it is unfortunate that you had to buy a murdered squirrel off Ebay but science must be served. Perhaps you went wrong on body language - maybe your dead squirrel's movements were actually saying "Help! I'm dead and stuck on a fake rock!" And I know squirrels are fast but the ones around here don't go 50 MPH making a whirring sound, (and this isn't helped by the fact that you guys can't drive for shit). Thanks and keep up the,,uh,...work.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FogeyDotage 📅︎︎ May 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Wow what a horrific scene Mandy I hope it doesn't take those kids too long to clean up all that blood what an inspirational story you're watching BNN broken news network and coming up next we have some of breaking news we're going live to the field with reporter Danny who's going to tell you about a story that's quite nuts take it away Danny so in I'd really like to know more about your conservation efforts and what you've done up to this point to preserve the squirrel population oh yeah well I could talk all day about that I think if we all get a little closer to nature not each other uh-huh we might actually come to understand it a little bit better uh-huh and then do you understand a little bit more about ourselves yeah I'm standing here with local man Ian hello wow what a nice young man Danny so what kind of story do you have for us today ian is really interested in conserving the squirrel population it means a lot to him we're here to protect squirrels save them and relocate them I think it's important that we start treating the scrolls with a little bit more respect here what kind of mean things are people doing to the squirrels what are people doing to the squirrels they're feeding the squirrels bread all sorts of starches fattens them up it's not nutritious I give them sometimes I'll just cheese and crackers give it to the squirrel all right off the bat it's not good for everyone out there if you want to breed a healthy population of squirrels you're gonna want to feed them frozen cut up grapes no cheese and crackers fantastic story coming up next an extremely awkward transition so what exactly is the problem we're trying to solve today well I have a program on my show called save the squirrels initiative the point of the initiative is to save the squirrels he's super fat I don't know what he's been eating loose talons my biggest problem is these squirrels my area hate people I hope you ready for freedom but they don't need to be afraid of me I only relocate them I don't do any of the bad stuff but you they are afraid of you because of other people their profile man you've been profiled the old white man who goes out of Reds property with his big gut hanging out they were talking about you know knows my neighbors he looks very similar to me when I go out there in my pop this is an actual person yes I don't think they can distinguish too well between us I can kind of peek around corners and see them but as soon as like any more than a sliver of my eyes is it actually that yes immediately that's why I have to use the trail cams I need something a little bit easier so we can go to the squirrels and they're not afraid of it and they're not afraid maybe like some sort of National Geographic car with a squirrel on tops like the squirrels mobile we get an RC car a remote-control car and build a fake rock over it we can make it kind of like a battle bot we're the rock we train the neighbor to be afraid of the squirrel just like shoots spit at the neighbor okay back on the rock is a palpable idea right I think I can live with that so this is the car base we're gonna use yesterday I machined these brackets for it on the CNC router cameraman John do you want to go build the rock for this Ian and I will compile information of what the rock should look like to blend in with the environment go team [Music] I mean what about something like this no that's not that's not quite right just like Southern California wrong what address what's the address [Music] this rock is actually called potato chip rock you're not gonna like kind of like that like a granite countertop yeah really yeah Oh Thank You Cameron John let's bring the it's celluclay so we need to paint it like a rock ever painted oh yeah no I could do this okay all right perfect we're gonna mix the black and the white okay oh wow it's 2019 guys too much whiter George black choose your work too much black more well you fina Courage the Cowardly Dog yeah yeah it's kind of terrified me as a kid go around that episode we're like they get turned into babies courage has to like make her macaroni and cheese I need what kind of painting experience do you have I did sell a painting a very abstract painting when I was a young entrepreneur I sold on eBay for $10 hey man 10 bucks is 10 bucks was with shipping or without shipping uh without shipping okay shipping was like 15 [Music] what were you gonna do before you to Irie this like when I played World of Warcraft I had a Russian friend named Al leg he was an electricians apprentice and I just thought that was the funniest thing to be an electricians apprentice because he was that for like three years and I was like at what point are you feeling anything you find on the internet about you can't that looks like a rock that's been splattered with paint oh I have an idea [Applause] [Music] oh sure you take like this the Han Solo Carbonite it sound effects and did we do that no it was just me okay should we see what it looks like with a squirrel on top yeah how do we lead into the fact that we bought a taxidermy squirrel and eBay or did I just do it this squirrel was ethically sourced that's what the seller said yeah it was that this squirrel was ethically sourced like yeah it died of natural causes no no no no the squirrel with whatever's in here was ethically sourced does this count as recycling or upcycling this sounds so retaining this and it's got like a fat eBay logo on the front of the box I have this fear that it's a lie it's gonna bite me oh my god wait it doesn't even look that weird kind of disappointed it wasn't like a Best Buy the next step - uh-oh will ya the robotic squirrel playing meeting sounds out of its Bluetooth feature soon you will be free to roam but first it's not everyday we did some real science on the William Osmond channel the fog is rolling in which is perfect for the creepy atmosphere we want for the squirrel car what are we doing did I say science yeah it's science science and horror they're combining right now can we talk about the definition of science really quick what Adam Savage say as long as you write it down it cites someone get a note pay I have the remote for the car so I'll be driving the car around I'll be controlling the squirrels movement and the squirrels sentence should we take a look under the hood let's take a look under the hood under the hood we got a piece of plywood glued to the cardboard shell with a battery pack RC receiver and servo motor the servo motor is connected with a paper clip to this piece of wood that the squirrel is zip tied to alex' it's like what are you gonna do screw or glue the squirrel down like the car has a GoPro and Bluetooth speaker attached otherwise it's a completely stock RC car and you can make this at home you can substitute the $300 let's put the hood back on and deliver the bait and female squirrel in heat like I see like three or four over there Oh God we should have picked the more expensive car now that we're paying traps the plan is I'm going to play the sounds we've got squirrel in heat sounds and we're gonna do some movement all right I don't see anything quite yet there's a little bit of movement but I'm pretty sure it's definitely just the wind oh we're standing right in the same line of smell we just invent a new science term I told you we do science here line of smell I wish me get closer but the problems are really stuck in this yeah [Music] perfect you're a beacon live going on yeah they know science is happening you guys trying to stay away all right here we go we're doing the call you notice how like the cattails look exactly like this curled hair like it blends in with the pants who are in the right biome we're gonna have to get desperate before we words like sings growth literally I know like and now they're they're just gone it's too cold there in the squirrel holes and a squirrel in heat and a pile of peanuts is not enough to bring them out even though the aggressive one with the big all right another day as quickly as they had appeared the squirrels had vanished into their burrows for the night and escaped from this corner however many creatures still lingered above ignorant to the heartless mechanical squirrel and join robot with wheels terrorizing the park [Laughter] [Music] okay so those two trees on the actual sport you see there's like six trees Michael so the two trees on the Left that's why I said to the left it's right there it's right there [Music] [Laughter] well yeah just come back tomorrow after a night of rest our heroes were in high hopes ready to film squirrels in the wild I don't I don't know do you think they know it's a dead squirrel just like think about we're doing like in a human perspective like we've taken a human who killed them and stuff them it was like prop them up and play like screaming at me doesn't seem to be working I can't imagine why we need like some some squirrel year and like something or something to like give it an appropriate scent because maybe there's something about it smelling weird that I think it's I think it's a moral problem with us and not with squirrels okay like we're like overzealous well I mean again you're wanting to put urine on the squad like we're already trying like we've literally given it like maybe three minutes mm-hmm just like a very valid point yeah what we've noticed is the instant we show up with a car all the squirrels we've seen immediately leave I accidentally just played some sort of Amazon review of the squirrel product people using it review phase here today we're closing schools no I we put food out that ain't working these squirrels are just not single and ready to mingle new plan is to see that one right behind you yeah or drive it at full speed all right denna did [Music] if you see me scaring this girl's away so we figured we might as well scare the younger people hey the apex predators I think assessing the situation what we're about to see is a final standoff against the apex predator and it's basically a wild durable it's just munching away on some nuts and the apex predator not fast enough unfortunately another day without a meal okay folks we weren't successful and we've tried a lot of different things and we're sad the goal was to at least attract growth to the card and I think what we've done is exactly the opposite maybe we should talk to someone who has more experience dealing with like captive squirrels who understands the behavior a little better I don't know I thought I was a lot more educated on this topic than I actually am guide received so many tweets saying man you're so smart mmm you're so hyper smart you know so much about squirrels did it kind of feel like a knockdown yeah I'm a bit humbled I do have squirrels at my house as you know and with no people around put up the trail cam and see if there is an actual genuine reaction room the squirrels do it you're gonna finish that [Music] said he wasn't gonna finish the pie so you can split the pie Oh excellent
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,243,164
Rating: 4.9527678 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, idubbbz, idubbbztv, idubbbztv2, save the squirrels initiative, stsi, squirrels, robot spy, animal camera, stem, steam, engineering, science, robotics, robot, remote controlled squirrel, rc, taxidermy
Id: 0L7xgsP06js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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