Why are these men screaming?? - Caja de Toques

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Honestly, Mehdi and Michael or Will need to collab

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/myname_isben 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Rectifier stands alert

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/E70M 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Electrocuting with unknown device, holding in both hands? That's definitely "how to get killed".

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MidasPL 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
have you guys ever been to an arcade that was meant to entertain your dead grandparents you'd be able to recognize them from the heavy use of pervert games boomer humor and the school shooting simulators before they became reality my favorite type of these games are the ones that are actually kind of dangerous the electrocution games not this one this is just a vibrator for your hands this sucks I do not like this game but if your goal is to get electrocuted there are machines out there that'll do it it's hard to come across these days but there are old machines that sense a phrases like electricity is life electricity is the silent physician cures all forms of muscular ills unfortunately the US over the turn of the century has been slathered in red tape that means no more electricity I have to turn to a nation that specializes in less red tape I'm talking about Mexico Mexico has a rich tradition of torturing the gringos that are vacationing in their country with a magical device known as Cod the tokus now I would have created one of these on my own but I'm not as smart as the Mexican people so I purchased one with the intention of torturing some gringos of my own my friends let's introduce our contestants either way you're British screaming in fun this is awful what's the what's the original game actually the game is just this the looser you grab it the less it hurts yeah well you need to drive it tight they're like what okay that's three that I'm not great at like an A one for okay who was this a for yeah oh oh oh oh my god oh okay okay okay that's a that's bad that's bad I feel like my wrist is like try try stretching them out if you can ah there's no straight arms oh I feels like my like tendons are short like I'm like the muscles in half I can't let go of it that was not good right now we're just crying we're cranking up to 200 yeah yeah this is where we were at before I'm usually like kind of tapped ooh you did that [ __ ] quit you little daddy said it was slippery how do you feel like you slam down to the sliding door how much do you you thought oh my fingers are slipping now you can do thing I got dirty the Hawks level next level yes seventh level are you serious you're making weight you know give me some time at seven I wanted like acclimate [Laughter] okay all right sounds good Clem ten nine I can see it all right he's good we're going you're doing pretty good better than Peter you might not be grabbing it hard enough [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] oh you want it so bad that's a name just try really hard [Laughter] that was impressive I mean I'm kind of going pretty steady you're all the way up to a three oh that's great oh one of my right hands about to fall out I don't think it feels like it I'm not making Apollo is it acclimating your fingers in nerve damage yeah the longer you stay there the less of a jolt but it still gets really bad when you step it up so if you're gonna go up why bother acclimating oh I see you turn the dial [Applause] Oh Chad my right arm is going to like ramble muscle it feels you know try a little stretch out try to stretch out yeah it feels like your muscles are chained just stretch up yeah stretch it just stretch it here I got a little exercise this banana no no he's acclimated oh you know what acclimated is such a relative term and it's like that's like my fingers are gonna break stop stop she faces though oh I should be like you know what up to a seven shut the [ __ ] up and ieave me can you even let go of them we'll just take him no 7n well he's not bring bring him back in yeah Oh cuz you wanna be glued to it we go to seven yeah you don't I'm trying yeah definitely turned off you want right John tell us what you're feeling oh these donut tables at the end soul [Music] yes but now three people are suffering yeah you might like crushing your hands [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like why would you let go you send it all don't like my hand like Road ah [ __ ] you [ __ ] your [ __ ] Mexican electrician magician toy you're a monster that's fun [Music]
Channel: iDubbbzTV
Views: 4,118,222
Rating: 4.9642186 out of 5
Keywords: why are these men screaming?, idubbbztv, game, caja de toques, electricity, arcade, penny arcade, old school, william osman, michael reeves, peter spriol, caja, de, toques, idubbbz
Id: Z7sas-mb_qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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