This Hat Screams And Coughs Smoke

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Ethan needs to get that benie and wear it ASAP. Will is just an awesome and positive person.

👍︎︎ 346 👤︎︎ u/vinelandfrenzy 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Would love to see him on the podcast.

👍︎︎ 402 👤︎︎ u/Jehyde95 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love William Osman, so sad about his house burning down :(

👍︎︎ 307 👤︎︎ u/sidcoqt 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I really hope Ethan sees this and picks the beanie up

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/FroschGames 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Losing a house to a fire is probably among the worst things that could happen to you, but he seems to be dealing with it in a healthy way.

I believe Cameraman John is the one who edits his videos (or perhaps I'm taking some credit from William). Regardless, it's excellent content that's easy to watch and somewhat technical.

I started watching him when he built the toast buttering robot and I've enjoyed seeing him grow his channel.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Uncle_Skeeter 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/jamievisive 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully it will have more success than the Casey Neistat hand

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/loics2 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I had never heard of William Osman until his house burned down, but his channel is now one of my favorites on YouTube. I wish he had more videos out as I am constantly re-watching all the old ones.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/chud2budthechud 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's an awesome video tbh and the project itself is so cool, especially since he rescued it from within the fire and stuff. I linked it in the Video Suggestion thread. cool cool

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/smekerell 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey welcome to the second episode of they didn't ask for it but we made it and sent it to them anyways otherwise known as today's project is an animatronic beanie for the Fupa king himself each each each in a tin of h3h3 thanks to these fantastic user suggestions you got a message it's from Derrick oh I also forgot to mention that this is gonna be a vaping beanie we sort of took all the suggestions and shoved them together so here's my bad beanie CAD model inside is about half of the CAD mo I haven't really messed with the smoke generation for the fake vaping but we have a little mouth a little Bluetooth speaker that we're just gonna plug in with an audio cable a fan that was gonna blow smoke out that I haven't figured out yet and a battery pack that provides the batteries the idea is to make it look kind of like this like hey it's me talking beanie and then it coughs and smoke flies out I don't what are we doing she would cut stuff does that mean it's laser time [Applause] I just remember out of wood or maybe we only had the big pieces left okay we might get lucky Oh daddy's hit you in the nuts I've flipped that jar out a little too fast sorry there cameraman John junior or senior no what's less weird just not saying anything at all sorry oh yeah as long as we don't botch this we're good so good thing ever fits a vent oh I just pushed it farther away see even if this place was clean I'd still have this problem did you get me the clock [Music] ah yes the fan every time this happens people always ask what it is and I always answer them the problem is no one ever remembers I don't answer you're lying to people that's that's the ventilation on Edward to the races some of these pieces came out pretty terrible like this one not sure what's up with that we could cut a new one but we're not I'm just gonna carve it out painlessly painfully painstakingly with an exacto knife I'm gonna cut it a new one I'll be back in a second [Applause] Oh coming in hot alright coming in cold cool beans so now we got to put it together and I don't know if that's gonna work which is the story of pretty much everything that if you want this leave a comment I'll throw a stamp on it and mail it to you I'll keep that over there on the ground that way I'm gonna lose it this goes there this goes there this goes there these go yeah I meet some dowel that's cool and some throw it there did you catch that thanks John you're real you're the best man do these shorts make my butt look fat nice I put the dowel here somewhere oh I threw it at you where did it go yeah whatever I'll get another piece of towel hey I'll make you a deal how about I'll keep doing this while you go get those two pieces over there if you don't you say no yeah I can't get Wu to come okay I should use that well I have it this is Fupa make me look fat hey kids it's me the inside of a talking peeny today we're gonna make a talking Queenie what's the next step should we try the SMAW and smoke now let's make some smoke [Music] we got lots of nichrome wire we're gonna try to make a like smoke effect to imitate vaping without using actual vape because drugs are bad okay right you're supposed to nod with me we're gonna take a piece of cotton we're gonna wrap some night from wire around it I just bought like a pack of different gauges because I don't really know what kind of thickness of wire we need I don't know I don't know I have no idea so let's just dip the cotton in some fog solution and then we're gonna just hook up to a battery I have you tried 12 volts do we want to be using fog juice it's fog juice different is there too much water in fog juice or something I don't really know where you're supposed to find glycerin in a grocery store I don't know afraid to ask you employees we found a in Aisle three I'm a completely different store general glycerin and this is some weird hippie vegetable glycerin hey actually it's kinda good we should see much smoked meat before she notices is that a good idea oh hey what's up we have never seen a fire like this coming over that hillside flames light up the sky about to burn the house down turn to your house needs like you burn this whole house down whoa that was weird we're at make Ventura local makerspace in Ventura they didn't burn down and they have a laser and we gotta pick back up on this project I actually grabbed it I had to reorder the sound board the speaker batteries it or a bunch of new Arduino I have like nothing it's actually really sad I don't have any tools or any supplies anymore so we basically have to steal from this place and then buy everything on Amazon and then wait a day or two hey Dave I was gone that's okay what we've got is a really bad ham trying to be nice Gallatin okay so cameraman John that's all so this is this whole thing is very annoying cameraman John animated like kind of sock puppet animation in After Effects two audio clips we didn't took those audio clips put them on this Adafruit sound effects board then I wrote some fancy Arduino code that takes his animations and place them back on a servo and then Arduino triggers the sound effect you know what this works right now good enough so let's see if we can like put the whole thing together I don't even have a computer so we're gonna like remodel some of this stuff I'm gonna have it but it's not set up because I don't how we're going to set it up I don't even have monitors anymore all I have it's the tower everything else is toast we got to figure out how to mount this here [Music] it's pleasure time only problem is I have no idea how this thing works this is giant control panel how convenient how do you turn the laser on yeah it should be [Music] we spent the past 30 minutes trying to put our laser part file onto the laser well I heard about the bird down ah got a flash drive we have a DXF file generated from fusion 360 and we import and nothing happens be a pouty child yeah what's this upper called laser crap and laser CAD oh it works I don't really know what I did differently thanks Paul you're the best oh yeah I just realized I have no idea how to use this software I shouldn't have hung up a bach right yeah do we just do what we always do just press button since you're happy oh dear I don't look right that's good we don't give up this this is new I would feel a little guilty but 3d printing carts free sweets a little scared of how people are gonna feel about this but I guess we'll see ok I gotta go to the mirror alright kids get ready get educated this isn't Arduino Uno this is an Adafruit sound board chairman John found some amazing clips of Ethan dying animated to the sounds inside of After Effects took those key frames stuck them on the Arduino wrote some firmware that interpolates between them and moves the servo motor the audio files are triggered on the sound board from the Arduino which plays on this bluetooth speaker the fan is continuously running because we're lazy a smoke generation is connected to these wires which then gets tapped to these big scary lithium-ion batteries didn't explain anything alright go to my blog if you want more detailed and code you guys are good nobody cares nobody gave us reactions we tried getting fake ranches I hope you carry thin because even my cat didn't care if you've got a suggestion for that and asked for but we made and said too many ways leave it in the comments and Ethan I don't know how to get a hold you so if you want this beanie I can't imagine you don't want this beanie let me know we're dependent [Music]
Channel: William Osman
Views: 2,813,664
Rating: 4.9570713 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, h3, h3h3, ethan, hila, h3h3productions, beanie, arduino, shitty robot, animatronic, tdafibwmiasitta, coughing beanie, cough
Id: 0Q0_xFYpYL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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