"Scientist" Attempts to Make Gourmet Bean Cups

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I don't know about y'all, but I know what I'm making for my next potluck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheTwitchy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its always good to see the top youtube minds tackling the hard questions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dmgctrl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Michael reeves roommate has joined the battle

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

William Beansman

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Huvudpersson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw this in my recommended feed earlier, and it made me love him even more.

PS no homo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WhenYouGetBeaned πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was excellent. I was fine up until the surprise cup which made me dry heave a bit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedSnt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

William Osman is jesus

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_shrimp_boi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes but no

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yeet-man-dan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm William Osman and welcome to the first episode of crapshoot cooking the show where we have no idea what we're cooking and no idea how to cook it that's why it's called crapshoot at least one of these things is used for cooking right is it this one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why today we're in the crapshoot kitchen making gourmet bean cups it's like the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup older brother but more delicious these bean cups will be made for James Alan McCune who posted the picture to Twitter that kind of I think he made the photo but it sort of took over the internet for a little bit and bothered a lot of people with just the image and I'm curious to see if we can bother him the maker of the image with a real version he can enjoy the candy that he's kind of tormented the internet way they got a lot of attention cameraman John and I went to the store to pick out a selection of beans it looks like baked beans maybe pinto beans can't really tell I thought we'd try a couple different variations we've got lima beans pork and beans barbecue beans refried beans and jelly beans one of these should be absolutely delicious if not all of them one thing I forgot to mention is that I have no idea what I'm doing or how we're gonna do this first thing we should do is just start opening the cans of beans that seems reasonable right pork and beans do you want to grab me a the can opener please cameraman John thank you very much so at this point in the process being a professional I'm obligated to tell you that we have a very important decision to make do we keep the juice or do we drain the juice we're gonna keep the juice draining the juice was a good choice after opening the can and dumping into a bowl we're gonna need to make a puck of beans just a little bit smaller than our bean cups molds which are just cupcake papers what do you call these baking cups I'm thinking we'll freeze them in either a solid sheet or kind of pre-made circular molds those are all things that we don't have thought through if we were gonna make round pucks so we can do the sheet and then try to like cut it out but I know that's gonna end poorly how do we make how do we do it so it's like a mold man I'm really being pushed to my culinary limits right now I'm gonna take some aluminum foil place you're measuring shot glass coupling I don't really know what you call this build-up mold around you hear anything or is it sound like a thunderstorm that's the stuff I think we got to like press it down you think that's good we can use the juice to kind of fill it out a little bit you're gonna want to put one to two scoops and because we're super lazy and have literally zero time since we wait to the last minute I have a special ingredient to help cool our beans down dry ice I'm going to put the bean puck onto the dry ice and hopefully within 20 to 30 hours the puck will be frozen solid well I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing I hope it works while our bean pucks are freezing let's do an impromptu review of the C relay found at the grocery store cinnamon toast crunch churros it's okay it's been less than 10 minutes and my pucks are already frozen oh that's really cold actually drawers falling apart so we're gonna want to double boil our chocolate this is the steel bowl I've been using to double boiled chocolate for a long long time a double boiling is simply the act of melting something over boiling water so you don't overheat it since water oh wait we have some science in here boiling water rule of thumb will not go above the boiling temperature you're dumping energy into the water to convert the steam to leave so it will maintain a constant temperature of just over 200 degrees Fahrenheit you can use it as a temperature regulator that temperature changes depending on pressure and there's probably other things that someone apparently you can overheat chocolate but cameraman John has done a wee bit of research and it says if you cool it down you can remelt it to get back to that nice smooth consistency oh this worked oh my god dude look at this look at that she's a beaut oh yes oh I just really badly want to take a bite but I'm I have to refrain we have to exercise self-control in the kitchen or you just getting away let's get this out onto a tray this is a combination of smells I don't entirely like [Music] we have a hot chocolate in the chocolate sack Oh chocolates hot when you melt it ah Oh Oh God Wow our cupcake tins in the cupcake tin holder is that what you call it and underneath all of it is a bluetooth speaker we're gonna play obnoxiously loud frequencies through I was thinking dubstep but I'm pretty sure the most horrific tone we could generate is really what we want now the idea behind this is to vibrate the chocolate ah oh it's not even oh it's so high [Music] God John it's not it's not it's not working you might just have to do the tap technique oh yeah the tap technique wears away better we should have just opened with that why didn't I go straight to the Bluetooth speaker we literally could have just shaken the thing put all this time into figuring out what frequency vibrated everything the most when all it really needed was a really good shake I thought I was a freaking genius everyone always thinks they know better and I think we learned a valuable lesson today that that is absolutely not true but I can tell you it's gonna happen as everyone's gonna think they know better than me but I'm trying to demonstrate that I thought I do better which means I think a lot of the time everything has been cooling we put more chocolate into the double boiler and it's time to piece everything together we've got our chocolate base we've got our bean cups see we have to trim them a little bit or we're gonna have a bad time we simply need to cover the top of each mold with more chocolate and we want it to reach deep into the sides so that we can fill up our mold appropriately that is it for now we will see you in about five seconds as we make our way down to Los Angeles to meet up with James Alan McCune I hope he likes it God that Gus Johnson guy oh my god that's like the big truck of camera lenses being cup of bean cup bean cup bean cup bean one to ten how excited everybody donal dude you have no idea you made that picture right I'm the bean cup chopped yeah where did you it was it's well done it's shameful because of how much time I spent it looks real thank you I spent a lot of effort learning how to do graphic design well I spent about three hours yesterday making a wide variety of being cups we spent three hours with you because I appreciate you trying to get the board out there that I'm the guy who did it well yeah so it's like and I when I saw that picture I did not think you did it because it just is one of those things that like exists on the internet that nobody gets credit for and people just recirculate so knowing you did it is amazing because you never really know where any of this stuff came from it's gonna be what's edged into my tombs done what I've done there's the the bean cup guy that's the guy that's the one who sits alone in his apartment did you ever think you'd be able to taste a one day think isn't the word you know I what's the most revolting thing I could possibly imagine it oh boy do we have a surprise real this looks really good dude it looks like it is shiny the bean juice is leaking at the bottom it smells mostly like chocolate like it yeah I hope you didn't think you were just gonna like look at it oh okay so real quick is this Bandcamp pork and beans we have like three did we have board five wait this is which one is it that's VanCamp pork and beans that sort of like it's not the Dukes recipe he's avoiding taking a bath in the future that's gonna cut this it the thing that I say I'm getting there guys down the road that I have been condemned for this is my plane trip or whatever that is okay before I get started I want to ask him how is this mouth is [Β __Β ] you don't have to swallow I know I think he's right it's just one of those things where it looks much grosser than it actually is because one of the flavors is just gonna completely swamp the other like the chocolates like you're gonna get like just mostly chocolate with just like bean flavor I think I think that's what's gonna happen do you ever did you do it just do it mm-hmm it's every check there's not good more the bean flavors coming through than I thought gotta get through feel the errand did over there and shout down you well we just we were there and so you've heard of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup right yeah are we rolling have you seen this picture oh come on yes I have well in this Tupperware I have a bean Cup I hate beans really thanks man don't do that [Music] I think you got the barbecue views we did we'd mislabeled them oh that's good vials who wants to try refried beans come on that's route evil I'm just proud of you I've never had a cold or beef everything wrong with beans and everything wrong with the beans it's canned beans how it's been no it's just like let's not worried mm-hmm what there's like the the lima bean just turned to like powder once I started chewing on oh yeah he eats like you eat a lot of Taco Bell oh yeah okay it looks like refried beans you know what it is I actually smells mostly like chocolate that's the word I think refried beans might have to be the worst it's like as close as you get like red bean paste but like the savory version of red bean paste that's so it's just terrible this one is jelly beans really you know like that yeah I'll take a little beat see of that forget my fingers oh my god by the actual pretty bad really that's worse than the actual beans right Aaron like this one you went into third Aaron's mania hole really so jelly beans are like rock hard it's been in the baking aisle and four-thirds yeah I got banana one that's pretty good Aaron whoa cotton candy popcorn banana you chosen black what do you regret this experience absolutely this was a disaster sir I am a worse person at the end of this are you excited to try all your future Photoshop creations good I know there's a couple of other ones you we're gonna like ruin everything he does is now gonna be changing because he knows someone's gonna try to make it for him cameraman John has revealed a final mystery cogs in there oh no please don't sorry for the trunk no I mean keep me - did this - I earned that you earned this but I thought would like to apologize don't what was a traumatizing experience here's how you make gourmet bean cups get a can of your favorite beans grab small squares of aluminum foil and form into mold just smaller than the cupcake tin put one small scoop of beans into each mold and place molds on top of dry ice to freeze melt milk chocolate and double boiler place foil baking cups into cupcake tin fill bottom of each baking cup with a small amount of milk chocolate place one frozen beaten cup on top of chocolate in baking cup melt additional chocolate fill remainder with chocolate and tamp baking tray until chocolate becomes level and fills all crevasses place in fridge to cool remove from fridge 10 minutes prior to serving for optimal beam texture and the winner of the inbred cat t-shirt is on the screen right here across my face cameraman John picked a comment and put it right here send an email bye
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,049,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, pastry chef, Bon AppΓ©tit, Bon Appetit, Claire Saffitz, Attempts to Make Gourmet, Gourmet, Binging With Babish, Babish, Andrew Rea, Brad, It's alive, Bean Cups, baked beans, beans and chocolate, bean chocolate, refried beans, recess peanutbutter cup
Id: yeoDYhm-jiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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