REMOTE CONTROL Shopping Cart (not Fortnite)

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👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Jussapitka 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
we're at the hacker house same place we almost died in that creepy basement what what that's the jet truck get out of the shopping cart okay oh yes Owen do you want to get in home see you it that's like less than me we're both too fat for this each car shall have a body that consists of one of the following eight children's right on toy or a recognizable portion thereof check something that looks like it could conceivably be or have been a children's right on toy I mean come on kids writing these things all the time right we're building a Power Wheels car for Maker Faire today is oh god what's today today's Wednesday dude my track of time has been like slipping is it Tuesday okay so we have Tuesday Wednesday Thursday okay that's actually a lot of time let's build a Power Wheels car [Music] the tonight now I don't know what happened we sort of get distracted very very easily well let's drill some holes we have an expert a resident expert you're gonna be our resident rule expert because we have literally no idea what no matter yeah nice I mean it's good it's an insult but it makes our life easier so I'm okay with it how fast you think we're gonna go with two hoverboard motors sounds actually good no is it not good how fast is your car go alright let's drill some holes how well do you know the rules because you do okay like is this any of this in like blatant violation already oh can we drill in here how do we do this I don't to make a mess on the floor you just get cardboard what do you do when you make giant misses again carriage where are you from wait was that that's England is that England is Australia that's a country oh I'm sorry hug it out alright let's go to the the garage the plan is real the old wheels out drill a hole big enough for this half-inch does it really matter this is pretty janky already so hammered or make it big girl the rivet out pull the wheel out drill this hole out we can use whatever hole we want we will use a piece of steel bolted on to here to lock on to the this.d shaft let's throw these out you want the biggest one you're gonna destroy my poor drill bit if I was we have any olive oil what the hell George you have an explanation or is this or one of those things it's alright no there's gotta be something oily here Peter spit on it no Peter I will hear it and I will no [Music] hair all hold dear [Music] you've violated my drill bit [Music] [Music] take measure says about five eighths how big of a hammer do we have here do you have any of those weird magic tricks up your sleeve 16-ounce hammer okay um well here we are with a drill you sure that's not the right size wow you've got a very good eye for shaft diameters [Music] what a rip here with a John no bottom what do you feel better now I actually think he may have done something yeah you did well everyone left I feel they realized there was actually not enough work for like six people [Music] we haven't found any oil yet how is it like no can of wd-40 or three-in-one in here you want to dig for some olive oil in the kitchen oh wait what's it [Music] why is everything okay nice nice no but we're not no no we have to look at the cart we have to be give up is the cart that looks super crooked Peter Peter yeah well not the important part I think you've missed every single time well we'll be right back after these messages folks all right that's my car I'm just kidding it doesn't matter yeah I'm serious dad no no I'm not even joking it doesn't matter at all you should see that and that's why you drive a crappy car folks yep oh there's sparks coming out of there Peter you just drilled into my Chuck you did so far off there pretty good start Peter got the whole lot crooked drill bits completely destroyed you're really gonna do that why not step up you want to break all my drill bits the only problem is this hole is about 1/8 inch taller than it needs to be what's our solution for that keep around anything an XP and just go around and around and around with around make it bigger I gotta go buy a new drill bit set now hey boss what's up Peter broke my drove it [Music] we got ourselves one Genki boy this one's immaculate and this one you look at that look how bad that is which one's the bad one this is the bedroom like flops all over the place Tara man John has gone to bed because it's like 2:00 in the morning Peter and Oscar are taping the ODE drive yeah the last-minute panic oh my god that is the greatest thing I'm so happy right now [Music] [Applause] wha-hey go Peter go oh we got three cameras now to capture this I just punch it to one whoa it is definitely at the point of scary pass so right now we're putting some resemblance of real safety on this because we have lipo batteries and because lipo batteries are scary we're putting a hard cutoff in line with the battery so we're going to use a secondary battery switch with a loop shorting the connector and a loop of wire rip it right off go team [Music] [Applause] we've a bottle of champagne to smasher over this thing no we can do that later I guess it doesn't like turning oh is that an errand just some motor controller air ah hi doggie and the board is doing like a safety shutoff yeah I think we have twice the braking power all right nerds let's go over the electronics and if we see a large dip in audience retention during this portion we're gonna do nothing but white hot knife videos for the next two months inside of here a brushless motor controller that is driving - hoverboard wheels and there are Hall effect sensors as feedback so it can spin at high torque at zero speed to lipo batteries are driving everything this is cutting the batteries off so that they aren't active when you pull this out in case something bad happens I can reach down and rip this out a transmitter just an RC transmitter RC receiver inside and that's it it's actually really really simple I'm an Oscar mix though drive cool beans alright let's go test this thing a night on the town during the day we're we going to grocery store feeling I think this is a bomb you know you have a box and wires and these brick looking things people are absolutely what if we put a big sign on it's just not a bomb hi mark I'm not controlling this I'll play chicken don't do this at home kids that's like we're at the grocery store it's not home safer Safeway Safeway let's go safe back do we just drive it around like a ghost or do I sit in it what are we doing oh we should just go shopping how about we just go shopping for the things we genuinely need like what do we need does anybody know what we need I have to pee really bad and this position is very uncomfortable hello could you help me ma'am reach that bag of potato chips that would be so happy thank you so much Oh to potently ranch no you didn't I saw it and grab this pack of string cheese I'll let you have one thank you what else do we need I want this if anyone is there an employee looking at us we had an accident [Music] we're public nuisances I used zero bags no I can carry it all in my cart thanks guys [Music] Peter you gotta go wait what transmitter oh my god we're going to make it hell we were there yes and we're there today we're supposed to do power wheel racing in like 20 minutes there's literally no way we're gonna make it to power racing I did but then I felt really I sort of I don't really value time I want to blame everyone out but it's like no I want there we go why do we always do this to ourselves I don't think we're gonna like be able to get in in any reasonable fashion and then make it fair hasn't even told us like where we're supposed to go I don't know the answers to come and so we're coming we don't even tell her Park we are absolutely 100% not making it to the power s and we're gonna have to figure out where we can race later screen Peter I have to keep track of everything no one ever drives anything it's always me driving the whole slave show I love our first drill problems we're like freaking out about trying to get to make it fair on time so that we can race our electric shopping cart we're about 20 minutes late to the fire wheel case there's hopefully ten minutes left I don't know if it's individual I don't know what it is but Oscar thinks he fixed the problem where the he was throwing an air which was turning the cart off and meaning we couldn't stop and he also gave us an extra like how many am visited before I don't know like 10 or 15 he gave me put it up to 25 so this thing is like significantly more power now are you playing pokemons a few seconds two seconds can she do it later right oh it is individual oh I don't have anything elbow pads huh mistakes were made I think I'm gonna go throw up we got here I think yes the time let me realize we left everything we need in the car I also think that we might not actually have time I think you actually get missing I think you're just for this so you have to the car is like a quarter-mile away we're try to explain you guys like what's going on with the problems they don't really know what's going on I can tell you what I'm doing and that it's trying to make this car has less dangerous as least dangerous not dangerous it's not going to be not dangerous but we'll try to get it to somewhat safe safest safety is relative Wow hey you know what I think we're gonna make it up good news everyone we're gonna be able to do the thing I think they're gonna scar looks pretty complicated there's more wires in it than we have well we started trying to game the fuse so that we needed speed sensors brake sensors power sensors current sensors both centers are you supposed to have a fuse yeah we have to have a fuse all right it has to be like a 30 amp fuse we are using small wires as our foods no god no we got a helmet dude we're ready they're like rock and roll should we gear up and go practice do you have like epic montage music right now [Music] Oh God we're signed up for something called the moxie and there's something right now and that's no what am I you just have to convince a bunch of kids to give you points all right I got a couple ideas no idea what I'm doing Oh where's my ten dollars we're gonna bribe the kid can you hear me it's all foggy wait we gotta do the GoPro thing pop wheelies thing about kids yes I brought money I thought that might work it does it does but if there's multiple kids how do I split ten dollars I just rip in half and give it to him gonna have a hard time they're gonna write you out of time and I have to stay in the car with you oh really you really do whatever you want the promise I don't know what I want and yeah really weird tan lines I think it's nothing like yeah yeah what's wrong with a shopping cart they're saying that like it's a bad thing minute is this where the bribes are $5 for each of you and - can't - that's right your very own making a deal there all I ask for is literally nothing you can just have it I don't even need points gentleman [Music] did I do I'm supposed to do felt like I had no idea what I was doing go out there blind annoying what are the rules who are these people why are there children it smells really good that I actually like I'd like a nice lemon lemon lemon you sit right now and you can't even tell when they scrape against the helmet because you know it just leaves a yellow mark we can make some lemonade yes this thing does not dry well [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for letting me part of the helmet no problem 10 out of 10 no perfect score 2 o'clock is a sprint race it's 40 laps ok and then 40 laps I barely made one and then four o'clock does a 50 lap one and then tomorrow there's a 90 minute one there's a chance we try to do it the 2040 lap yeah all right all right let's go make some lemonade nope nope nope nope no more power we were racing I think that's enough but we did win second place in the moxie for a perfect score I'm not sure how you get first place with a perfect score but anyways leave a comment if this video is way too long we have a comment if you want some cat twos and we'll see you next time man this is a really long video
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,866,240
Rating: 4.9544849 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, hacker house, hacking, shopping cart, shopping kart, grocery cart, remote control, remote controlled, rc, electric, hoverboard, motorized shopping cart, hub motor, odrive, mark rober, power racing series, powerwheels, power wheels, stem, steam, prank, makerfaire, david dobrik, WE SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS
Id: 5mcqKcdu2uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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