How Much Electricity Can 1000 Lemons Make?

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William rules!!!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/stupidrobotfighting 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

awesome shirt

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dfwupvotememenopoltc 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Seems like they should have been able to do better than one AA battery with 2k lemons.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StructuralE 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm William Osmond and when life gives you lemons mark Rober calls you and says make me a giant lemon battery anyways let's get a lemon so we can test out a lemon battery kids science kit that we buy there's a truck coming looking at us like what are we doing we're making Internet videos we already played the kids science kit so it's kind of already put together in gross-looking William you might be asking what in the world are you gonna do the lemon batteries you pirate the title actually already so you know we're gonna do I am not good at multitasking we want to try and make lemonade using power from lemons to squeeze a lemon they really are not that smells good just like fresh citrusy but how does a lemon battery work well I will tell you this it's not actually powered by lemons it's oh my god there's too many wires it's powered by a chemical reaction between copper and zinc the lemon is simply part of a reaction between metals I'm not a chemist oh so I don't really want to explain too many things because I know I'm gonna say something wrong well I'm sorry short this lemon is totally powering a clock right now how much power is this lemon battery generating that's the question we need to find out spoilers not not much it's a very bad battery which is going to cause us a lot of problems we've got a current meter here my Johnny won Jimmy solid and grab the multimeter it's the yellow thing I think you should be next to the other camera yes that's it perfect thank you actually how many volts does a lemon battery met and what does that mean Oh point nine oh wow that's a lot actually I was expecting less what we're gonna do next is measure how much short-circuit current point three milliamps but it's slowly going down because the battery can't keep up with it point two milliamps let's compare it to a double-a four point eight amps the double-a battery puts out twenty four thousand times more current than the lemon battery that's how bad lemon batteries are do we need ten thousand lemons to power our lemon squeezing machine or do we need how many lemons do we need to make a lemon battery big enough to power our lemon squeezing machine or do we have to cheat the lemon squeezing machine so that we can use left lemon batteries boom this is our model of a lemon battery the internal resistance is basically how fast the battery can produce electricity imagine you have a bag of cats you got a bag with two openings right and on this side you have a small man who's shoving cats in so you can measure that I'm not sure I tried explaining internal battery resistance the cameraman John but he wasn't getting it we found a couple kids or three kids to be exact we're making a lemon battery by the way we've actually already made it you see this clock is that exciting if I turn this way it looks like head up and down shaking if you have a battery oh this is not gonna go well so imagine that you're riding your bike and your bike is up in the air the tire is not touching the ground and you can pedal and it's really easy to pedal right oh no you see the problem is I'd be like I start to explain the analogy but then the setup doesn't make any sense so what we're trying to do is figure out how much power a lemon battery mase because we need to make lemonade in the machine to make lemonade needs power but to figure out how many batteries we need lemon batteries it is we need to calculate how much power a lemon battery can generate to calculate how much power a lemon battery can generate we can draw a simple circuit of a battery which if everyone can see is a simple resistor and another resistor and effectuates has two resistors and there's some voltage too but that's not important oh no and that gives us a pretty good idea of what the power of our lemon battery is and how many lemons we need to make oh wait we don't make the lemons the trees do and then we just steal them how many lemon batteries we need to make in order to power our lemon squeezer that's what we're doing did I did I tell you guys oh yeah we're trying to squeeze a lemon using lemon power did I [Music] how do i I don't understand what I'm doing wrong doing to see my spreadsheet more information of my blog but we can calculate that the internal resistance of the second like the better lemon battery with the plates is about a thousand ohms which is significantly better that means we have a possibility of generating wait a second this will maybe help us figure out how many lemon batteries we need to make to get where we want to go the internal resistance of one of those cells is about a thousand ohms so bla bla bla we will you believe booboo be bubbly we want that number to be as low as possible you get that number to go lower we add more cells together in parallel imagine you had a giant lemon that could cover the entire surface area of that copper strip or what we can do is have a bunch of smaller lemons that fit on to the copper and zinc plate that will give us a lower internal resistance which means the chemistry can happen faster which means we can have more electricity traveling through our lemon squeezing machine 56 cells together so the most efficient power transfer would it be about thirteen milliwatts geez that's pretty bad this work we sort of told mark with relatively high confidence we could make this work and I like having problems that are open-ended where failure is an option but this whole thing is set up to actually make it kind of work I guess let me show you my other table really quick all right let's go back to the spreadsheet you know let's go to Fry's let's buy a motor and then we can go to a hot dog and get Costco we need as much of a gear reduction as possible and so I think we're literally gonna just buy all of these and hope for the best and actually I know it's marks video to like show a different like orders of magnitude of generating power but solar panel included for this one output one volt at 75 mil amps that's literally what we're trying to do with like a hundred lemons we got the planetary gear we got the whatever that is we got the whatever that is and I think that's good enough that doesn't help us cameraman John it's a dinosaur model we should probably go and work on this no we were gonna say that we like bite off more than we can chew and then we're gonna get a Costco hot dog and take too big of a bite into it as like an analogy I really really hope that we're able to piece this thing together and I'm concerned that hi mark how's it going good we know exactly what we're doing we're driving to LA right now to pick up two really expensive sheets of zinc 2 really expensive sheets of copper to go in water jet them and the guy who sells the zinc said that he would wait for us like an hour we're buying saying we're buying copper we're making a giant lemon battery microbrews not gonna hate us and we totally fail and none of this works sorry mark hello I called about getting two sheets of zinc also is anybody to cut them in half [Music] the most efficient method of doing things is to do first and think later I'm not really sure what I'm getting it but long story short those Inc we got does not fit in the car so we had to ask them to cut it in half I don't think they're super stoked with us sorry it's fine it's yeah yeah this car has seen better days good call right yes okay everything's going as planned now we got to rush over to industrial metal supply and buy copper it's kind of funny they're being really careful with the zinc because it's it's like you can ding it and scratch it easily it's okay we're just gonna shove a bunch of lemons on to it that's $800 worth is eggs bad we're here check it out you might to be discreet I doubt no one's happy when we film so just pretend like you're taking pictures of birds can I place an order here how do I I get them cut in half cut them in half hotdogs way I feel like we're in the doctor's office waiting for an appointment but nope we gotta wait for our copper sheets did another woman's boyfriend husband or boyfriend get you pregnant and you want to prove it with UNICEF that show is still on the Maury show you need a quarter here's four quarters we have to go take this to the waterjet cut a bunch of pieces oh we didn't this is embarrassing why would you sign up to be on a show like this we're supposed to get four pieces that's two pieces and I really hope that that's not what that cost because if two pieces cost that okay okay I'm right they're wrong we didn't want like a cut up we wanted just to cut it in half because we can't fit it in my car otherwise so I'm pretty sure having a small car as so far cost us about an hour what does that mean you buy a bigger car we just get two of them and glue them together be careful this step will slice your hands open oh my god hello this aliens what up aliens how they hung up would you consider yourself a lemon battery expert yes this seems like it's renewable energy solar power dirt powered what else goes into plants Oh max makes really appointment matters here is surface area max a chemist yes I knows what he's talking about yes thanks max thanks max what's all over the front of yours stained you look like a gaster ologist what the but doctor ecology so you're saying someone with a GI tract problem couldn't do that to a lab coat hello welcome to a place that I have friends at and that's what we're gonna waterjet it and then they're also gonna help us with a lemon battery I think that's all the details what's going to give you the peak current I'm just trying to make mark Rover not angry at me well that's unavoidable I think we all seen your videos yeah the idea of really Mossman is great but William Osmond in real life is significantly more miserable how would you compare what we mods been in real life versus William Osmond in the videos oh they're both equally fun and equally ineffectual what husband in real life is great yeah for fun doesn't get it done the videos they work no the videos are like a product of that okay videos are an observation they're outside you're saying it's about the adventure and not about the product you're not helping on you with my like future job prospects or on YouTube collapses from underneath us that's right and they're gonna point out this video you're out of control James you got a jacket covered in poop no it's wood stain what are we doing science we're now in a science well I pulled out pull out pull up let's put them closer together in the science it's just to let the audience oh that's where families come from okay have we determined anything or we just sticking our hands and lemon juice the amount of juice we can get in contact with the plates does regulate the reaction [Music] what time is it it's waterjet time what kind of musics on this one what would happen if you put apple juice in it instead of water is apple juice incompressible [Music] Wow already is a thousand more of these how many lemons did Mark say we were getting was it 600 lemons do we want to cut them in half we're trying to figure out the best orientations of lemon so what the lemon halves what happens when you kind of shove it on there they kind of juice themselves and fall apart and you don't end up with good contact on the metal we're thinking if you leave the lemon hole and just shove the probe into the side of it like so and pull that out you can kind of use the lemon to seal the probe and in the serrations sort of let you dig this into the lemon we either need to buy a lot more lemons or [Applause] parks will fall through if you don't catch them it's like fishing oh good that's all scrap the get to the clapper and here is the current pile of zinc and copper it's 1:45 almost 2:00 now it's 150 thanks for helping James good luck yeah I got a doctor's appointment in like four hours I have to travel okay bye I'm gonna die just watering my zinc and copper on a lovely Saturday after it's very hot actually I got it are you ready to build a giant lemon battery [Music] it's the one box 11 many boxes 11 how is this supposed to get we're gonna need a hammer I think marks neighbors ever get really confused as to what's going on next door we have enough zinc and copper for eleven hundred and seventy something let me hey Mark we're on our own camera John we've been abandoned two pieces of wood piece of copper yes a hammer it in come on out mark I see you there you can't hide oh yeah how does how many lemons doing it for the world record is it nice and air-conditioned in there this is a very big very expensive lemon battery mark gave us a budget and we blew a path it's okay that is it I hope it's okay maybe Mark hates us now and then just kind of easy hammer taps and it just I mean you could push it by hand but then you're like it's kind of sharp and you'll just you'll bleed everywhere and you don't want blood on your lemon it's all maybe blood works blood lemons that's actually a thing well not the lemons but like the battery like a blood battery [Music] that's a lot a lot of racks would you say that they're nice racks action yeah he said yeah like all these amazing lemons and a lot of them are really small but what grade are they and when you say it drag it out they are say say that there be lemons one of the most obvious signs of the be lemons is they'll be surrounded by bees [Music] when you don't know what you need you buy one of everything oh god the blow dart actually but you can't not wear it otherwise I'm not sure how much is it we've explained how well we explained it you pull the weight up and this is locked in place by the motor unclamp the output string and it pulls the lemon juicing mechanism whatever that is because we haven't exactly this headed yet all we have to do is make sure every single cell is touching every other cell and the good touch no bad touch and this is no touch it's the combination of series in parallel parallel parallel parallel parallel parallel and we would add them all up in series so you'd get the current from one entire cell and then the voltage from all the cell's together the problem with that is that would put our like positive terminal over there and our negative terminal over there so then we have to run a wire over there and so I decided to rewire it and take probably twice as much time by jumping from parallel parallel to parallel parallel [Music] as long as it works will be great how often do things go wrong you guys [Music] are we about to spend like 30 minutes or an hour shoving lemons on an hour yet gum in your teeth you could have said that when we started filming I don't think I've been chewing you brush your teeth yeah I did and mr. Marsh by only got you to come today it's okay is more like broccoli accepting the angry yeah but let's check ourselves I think we only had how many problems three shorts or four shorts and they were all they were on the lemons you were putting on 4.85 volts and short-circuit current of 350 milliamps and dropping if this doesn't spin we're kind of screwed oh my god yes it's so cool this is literally being driven by this wall of lemons oh my god this is so exciting let me get my probe we can measure the current and the voltage and see what power we're generating wait mark you have a gerbil no no a gerbil there's a project I've always wanted to do involving a hamster so what was your confidence level and actually having this whole thing of work before we showed it was like a William production yeah was it really did you at some point have doubt where you're just like oh god I've made a huge mistake no I these things you always assume don't work I mean this sumption was I would have to do okay but it was like if I let you down it would just be more work for you yeah also can we talk about your Amazon basic purchasing history everything here is labeled Amazon basic like what is the canopy still out the folding canopy is Amazon basic the keyboard and mouse in there and was on basic like I have seen well I didn't even know they sold this much Amazon especially the canopy alright what's the setup we got a motor we got two three pulleys so get that one bound up so we got to fix that and there's a clamp on the rope so what happens is that motor will turn on pull that pulley in which will lift the lemon bag without moving the right squeeze it what do you call this pulley all the way really close to the motor this is really cool I was worried that the load would be too much but it it's actually coming off the ground right now [Music] three-two-one yeah boy oh it fell off the pulley why does it follow up the please reset we cheated this time though because we it did it once yeah how much juice do that [Music] Mark's video your video that you made with us because you were here the whole time audience we power a supercar that had a powering a supercar with all these lemons your video is going to demonstrate how terrible our video is go so but eliminated we have left go sell it here we go 20 lemons you need eliminated look we even have lemon hats where I'll take a little yarmulke lemon cut there's no customers mark why are there no pests
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,755,982
Rating: 4.9301229 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, mark rober, lemon battery, science fair, world record, giant lemon battery, copper zinc, lemon, guinness world record, worlds biggest lemon battery, water jet, stem, steam, science, engineering, maker, diy, lemonade, electricity, electronics, best science fair projects, lemonade machine
Id: oa5MRqrEdJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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