Grubby | Warcraft 3 TFT | 1.30 | 4v4 on Twilight Ruins - 4v4 Tryhard

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do it human on that night of human we have no twerk Twilight ruins oh sorry for your miss click frosty 39 host teaser so Twilight ruins huh Cindy the tank sorry very mistake thank you for serving Oh a stigma what is that precious what keybinds would you recommend for noobs despite hero one units and buildings and barracks I mean the very definition of noobs is that you won't be able to follow what I'm saying if you would have good control groups then you would not be a noob so I would recommend you to copy the pros as best as you can so for me it's alter five barracks three Town Hall four heroes and units one and then range units on to and then at tier two I changed my unit producing structures all to four so I no longer have Town Hall on a binder that's fine because alters always next to it anyway so I just go to my alter double-click and then use my town hall for peasant production and then three becomes my caster units six is always my warm ale for upgrades this here looks pretty tough I don't think that's a soft-shell crab if you know what I mean I thought that was a keeper of the Copic I'll be back later when you soak this summoning silliness it's not having blue red by the way puke good this is awkward to get their blood all right right they need to work if I go then or this well what do you need ready for nicer on creeps what the hell is this - acolytes waiting just in case okay it's expanding never mind I'm sorry I was judgmental and I will I will look better next time learn from my mistake I see give your allies the benefit of the doubt and people in general he's very good guy this storm River necrolyte is very likely to cost but less than Chain Lightning the moment he sees you be careful is a warlock like extreme potency it's like you build this camp as we say in Dutch this camp is not for the cats these need for the push means is scary not easy [Music] well easy job's done well easy no one has any lumber for me just checking where's the shop let's do with the thicker lights mute or what [Music] hey grubby just expressing my appreciation Wow Wow thank you very much Patito point taken you are saying what do you do this again sometime yeah you ruined my wall off but it should usually not be done anyway at 44 I guess so it's okay demon hunter Oh Oh [Music] [Music] we're getting a little bit close to the point where people's armies are going to explode and be quite threatening my allies have very little aggression on the opponent like I'm getting attacked and fighting all the time but my allies no nothing about any of these explosions and I guess it's just cuz I'm on the side can do thank you very much [Music] paladin epic music kill all the footmen experience experience just stop focusing I'm gonna ignore that okay I'm not going to clear their expansions for them that's that's helping them [Music] just farming abominations up at us and it's working - what - to our bones no wonder he's just you're wicked present destruction is here all part of the plan to give dread Lord is infernal you know what I've had it I'm gonna go bring some towers to stun start my theme song bringing the tourists seeing this in the club all eyes on us all eyes on us oh hey ho hey ho spaghetti oh nice if someone else is defending me for once they merely stucked himself again you can count on red beets yeah I thank you so much awesome I can I can tell you that Jesse's been very very fun all right I'll help you help me after all it's time so hey where's everything just order to my Bayesian died what a hero story will never be told I don't think you should be focusing my ArcheAge is that how you played it against the other dude it's not gonna fly for me bro I can apply why is this level one dude focusing my dudes like why specifically that expansion that's the one he can't accept us to have why why specifically that one wha hey maybe you help sometime it's just been camping all over for one making all these destroys apples with great city so hoping what's in your name knock man help us sometime what's your name bro oh he'll feel time to get some steam tanks to it oh my goodness come on dude hey more subdued spine collapse thank you dude oh my god thing oh my god did you see that where am i thanks anyway there's one nice I have all the venom and corruption so I didn't need to get the bad one okay they lost tippy okay I lost something too that's Marcia our forces I won't do this going ham sahami dude it shall be done oh nice he helped me so where's the rest of my stuff notoriously little creepy huh [Applause] people just don't stop biting might give him a bit of gold I am gonna something what it's very scary no back back back you devil are you crazy it's a three-man army okay too I love our corruption dude oh my kids oh my goodness album dudes we need to we need your abomination against these twenty chimeras I'm gonna kill trip door guy maybe he will back off back off dude [Music] new problem I'm over here that's my charlie No oh yes yes yes let's the opponent I lost something but not everything which is nice I hate losing everything that's so terribly final how much gold outfits but you can count on me let's make a sheep or a crab whatever people I think I should continue attacking the undead I'll make one flying machine as well in a while and I believe I need a flying machine you can count on me I can see shades [Music] thank you Oh a thunder Cup level one no one there [Music] [Music] humbly for winning we had so much big losses it's not over yet because some dude still has an extremely scary army over killing more bases [Music] nice job crabby OTP let's see how it goes Oh Hunter King was totally not there hello triple worm oh no problem of course yeah let's play another pro Vitor no problem man thank you so where's my krabby did it go here oh how did it go here oh here it is this crap please not crap [Music] I love it orb of corruption and Orbison [Music] [Music] how do you secure okay what happens I'm gonna get more Griffin's because I think enemy heroes will be the key soon let's play let's pay a visit to the show if we can find it it's like Merc camps everywhere they really want us to buy my crew Cass wait there's no show either is at the side wall and a marketplace let's check it out [Music] unholy ARRA our thanks our healing six six one six six two the small army expelliarmus still need to shop [Music] I serve older believers where's my crab no that's a hermit crab where did I set my crowd oh there we go greetings friend can't escape the crab people oh this might be a mistake how much Expedia's gifts all right 1v all here we go and so say all of us just been hit banging hard too [Music] it shall be done did [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 104,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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