WC3 - FFA Master S31 - Grand Final

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and final it is the FFA master season 31 grand final you mentioned on Twitter who will carve their name into the Hall of Fame of FFA high tech who are the four players here today yeah we have some old school some new school players in here quest being the most senior FFA player starting before 2010 I think 2000 run run about to sell 2006 he started playing and this is his fifth FML final and did not manage to win one yet and so this is his next chance and yeah he's a technical genius and interestingly he picked this map since he went into this final with the most points so he picked it although and froze marsh lands is the maps and the map and it was the competition map of the FML map contest and there were 10 maps quest was one of the judges and he voted it 7th place so yeah they didn't like that map and shafe was also a judge and he voted it first but yet quest picked it so that's very interesting and usually he shines on big maps and then we have shaved here from Germany not for us not far from us north of Hamburg he lives and he's also experienced a bit derpy sometimes and flies with very low FPS his laptop sucks he tells us since 2017 that he's going to buy a new one but he didn't so and he's reforge did wonders for him libel II yeah so he's still what race did he pick well he's not moving and now he's moving he depict human so we may see a lot of workshops then we have here in the bottom right mutant from Russia one on one players started FFA last season or at this season solid FFA and of last year and he plays very well a bit too Rambo sometimes still and we may see some legs here we'll see yeah I feel this is something we've seen more and more from for the Russian players we experienced that in one-on-one unfortunately as well so I'm not sure that is probable but on the other side neutrons from Russia as well I don't really know but yeah you mister or I rudely interrupted you before you had the chance to introduce the current reigning and defending FFA champion yeah Yonkers M who deserved ly one season 30 started playing FFA round around 2013 and he is super solid managed to win his semifinal in the in a bit of a nail-biter match and got under here so let's see if they let's see if they're going to play it now since he picked random I think as he always does it's not take it for granted that he will get under again so let's see oh you don't have a rule that he has to pick the race that he random we had it sometimes but and in this case we we would just allow him to go who ran him again like don't so high tack up Younker actually picked undead he did not random he chose undead oh really okay yeah I guess on a small map like this in a final maybe he's I mean at least he can't stand with this random race only like good players play random race statement then but I like that he pick on that right I think that undead is really good on this map and he may have feared that with orc while his orc is very strong on a smaller map like this he may be forced to engage with lower level hero levels and a smaller army composition and he may succumb to you know such as a rifle push from Neutron or some other kind of rush orc is more vulnerable in smaller Maps in the early game so undead may have been a safer choice here yeah I agree and let's see right maybe question sir quest has to restart his Warcraft I guess I don't know yeah you mentioned there that we had some of these ping recently and I'm not sure likely you would say okay it's not it won't help to just restart or restart the game but in some cases it did I'm not really sure if it's just like I mean of course is requesting a Rijo sty think we should honor that right and at least try to Rijos one time for him I'm fine we got time tonight yeah so and some players as like quest like you play like thousand games with the new hosting structure since 2018 and supply still don't understand how hosting works like that it's a server from Blizzard and that it doesn't matter who you're playing against and if you let's do it from scratch like we used to that we were lucky with our two semifinals we go into our second attempt of starting this game and this time quest let us know that everything is all right so all of our four finalists have wonderful conditions to go into the FFA master season 31 grand final boys introduced us to the map and the starting positions and what's going to happen so yeah it's a small map a new map really just created from by jolly velikiy the one of the popular map makers and just some weeks ago for the contest quest picked it and it's a map with not much gold it has I think less cold than almost any other map that we are playing regularly it has only one 156 K gold compared to for example fountain of mana which has 170 K another 4 player map so gold not really easy to get here you have three expansions where everyone has one free natural expansion without creep camp so as see here at the bottom left nice to get them without any creeping which is nice fun that and apart from that many green spots here I want to jump in real quick this is a unique free-for-all map and that there is no creeps on this natural expansion only four thousand gold right now but it's gonna be interesting to see these players build orders as you can see Juncker in the bottom left goes with the necro politics panshin quest interestingly enough has built two necropolises already in his mane for a total of three not sure if that's overkill but quest you know is one of the innovators on these undead build orders so it's pretty cool to see you under attack and he was the one picking of that map and high-tech you told me he is pretty creative when it comes to abusing maps yeah for sure like he's extremely good at finding stuff there no one ever find found like inhabiting islands with with infernal sand I think I told you I showed you the clip of their match on merggle oasis where there's no Zeppelin but he managed to with undead to get on an island in the corner by on summoning all buildings on the main map and then he used banshee to take over enemy enemy workers got an elf staff and ivory towers and yeah with that he got on an island so he's really he's really finding that kind of stuff on maps but not sure if there's that much stuff on this map I I don't know so just another another note here you see these three players are always all going for a really macro heavy build taking these expansions early a neutron on the other hand the more standard creeper out without actually taking this quick expansion you know there's pros and cons to doing that he's gonna be the first to grab the contested expansion between the yellow and pink player what is important and to be honest they're natural Expos are not contested so there is a train of thought that could make sense to not have to rush to get that expansion even though there is no creeps on there I like his call though to take the center Expo I think it's underrated you only have two of these neutral extensions here all other ex posts are basically in front of a player base so it's nice to get these contested expansions early and that's what he did in his long-form match on this map which he lost but I think it's a good call so I I think I would tend to do the same take it early although it's contested right I think I agree with you in that and this is an interesting map and that it's a four-way map but as you mentioned there's these two contested expansions on the north and the south so the map is not exactly balanced as to who your first opponent is gonna be it's pretty much gonna be determined unless something weird happens that yellow and pink will fight that blue and teal will fight it because of these contesting mansions in the middle so we'll see if that that ends up being the case so as we all know from Todd's Town Hall the humans have no chance as they're both fighting in undead yeah humans have a hard time against undead since they buffed dreadlord so really that's yeah human historically was a strongest race in FFA always due to flexibility masonry and mass TP and triple heroes in general of human are not bad with brilliance but since that buff of dreadlord became much more difficult for human against undead so since then human fell off a bit but it's still very strong and has a lot of different timings here and we'll see if I I don't really think a neutron will play as passively as he did in that semifinal I think he will play more aggressively again and try to go for an early push here talking about the unless real quick wish we saw how strong a dread Lord can be and young guys picking a dreadlock first on the other side my quest we see a death knight first can you go into like what are the pros and cons and what might be the reason for that sure yeah I mean a dreadlord is definitely gonna be the strongest undead hero by far after their buffs both against undead and against human dreadlords an interesting hero that as you level up sleep the mana cost actually goes down which of course is unique on addition to that carrion swarm can now hit mechanical units which helps a lot in free-for-all I see a lot of gyrocopters or I guess they're called flying machines now and sees engines now the disadvantage of going dreadlord first is of course you lose the early mobility of unholy aura so both options are very good it just kind of depends on the players preference and style I think quest style possibly with more hit-and-run and using the mobility the death knight may be a better choice but again just just contrasting styles I don't think one is necessarily better than the other we do see uncle going for this early red cam here which will be a very nice experiment I'm I think even better quest going into the center here with the guards which will if he manages to creepeth which seems very likely he will get that six level six permanent item the only one on the map so very nice to get it yeah if you play on debt on this map you should be rushing these dragons Quest is definitely doing that obviously he's gonna get a very early level up and strong item so last time on the second semi-final we saw a map with a lot of marketplace I think for now there's only one right so how hard are these battles for the high level items I would say no it's it depends really like it if you don't have guards you just don't have the chance to kill this bit I don't know I mean down the road like now the marketplace is open right and will will respawn good items yeah I think it plays a role but since players usually don't have that much gold you usually don't like you're not able to stack you heroes widely as you are on that harvest of sorrow map and it was sick semifinal so on this map it will not be like I I don't think the market will be really contested like unless there's one dominant player that manages to get way mobile and the others it's usually like you select your items more carefully than you would do on a bigger map with more gold I think that the marketplace is going to be important as high-tech said there's not as much gold on this map but of course there's only one market so players will be trying to you know get items before others importantly if you guys see here there's a watch reward which of course is permanent and non-disposable part of creeping it a quest also has a full vision for the rest of the game on this market not only to find these items but also any player that goes through they're really huge that there's a permanent word there now yeah we saw last time if I know how great the witchdoctor wards were already of course they have way more spam all right and to your point Remo looking in the marketplace the first big item that's come there there's the endurance or a which of course is a huge aura and there's no or player in this game so it'll be interesting to see which player possibly grabs that item first you know what I like a lot behind neutrons base because it was so lazy and didn't want to go for that on contestant natural quest Wow just put an acolyte there and just build the base right now I'm not sure mommy I I guess quest has I mean he has surely checked out neutrons map the match on on this map so I like he knows I guess he has just observed that that Neutron took it very very late in his first game so and for K like obviously I don't know like if the unsummoned and you just see the blight neutron could think that it was younger who my dad so Oh like if that if that gets through it could be really really nice for quest there would be another example of FFA being the Game of Thrones of warcraft 3 as one you will put it very very nicely so we're about maybe having a fight at the twelve o clock they're both seventy about seventy supply now quest levels two to almost three on that dreadful which is what you want to have while shave with this usual combo here MK Alchemist paladin not yet with a level see once and under at the bottom now neutron attacking but I don't really see him dealing much damage here bread Lord level for stealing a lot of damage to human ground and moving away is also not too easy due to the cluster rockets that we see interesting hero combo dreadlord king of tinker really nice yonkers own all-out anti-human with the tinker of course you should be able to use cluster rockets and carrion swarm against the human player already building abomination so it's not seen much at free-for-all obviously a very good start here even with the gargoyles against the human ground of Neutron pretty good so far the what elemental of the other kind of trouble for the guards but the rifles man they don't stand a chance DK is in trouble so neutral was trying to go for the gyro focus instead Archmage in trouble now himself oh well there's a coiled soon but I guess he has to get away try to go for the Archmage but now the MK has a bigger involve but yeah you're funny falling falling low on HP I will say that this hero compro while effective against mechanical units and ground army it's going to be susceptible against the human player if he's not eliminated obviously you cannot coil a tinker and heal the tinker you're also not gonna have lich which is important because he's not gonna have a ranged hero which is gonna make his or focus less effective on additional he's not gonna have much of a hero nuke i mean i guess he would but without a nova it's gonna be different so let's see if you can capitalize on the strengths of these heroes this unusual hero combo and you know how it turns out for him an endless swap shape is breaking this expo no way for quest to hold this i think he has a worm but he needs to get more before you can hold this instincts i think it's very important for the longevity of the game as this was quests v gold mine so shutting that down early it's pretty good we have another fight in the south at the tinker as you pointed out can't be coiled so susceptible to storm bolt and that's exactly what we saw right here only level two hero not that bad but yeah Janka weirdly wants his dread lord on level 5 and just mana potions over mana potions and yonkers in trouble guys he's got 60 food he's almost supply blocked his hero levels are lower Neutron coming in with five for one hero levels and a strong army here it's gonna be difficult for for yellow undead to survive i was quite impressed on how well he survived in the semi-final when i counted him out already oh we have another huge fight here once again a TP out by quest looks like the undead's are under heavy fire so far yes and look at look at a shape here guys going to a hundred food where quest has stayed under 80 food and the quick jump to too high upkeep is working out for the human player so Yonker the reigning champion down to 50 and newton just doesn't stop he continues this while we have another attack at the expansion but quest definitely wants to hold this gark start airing these dragon hawks apart for now shouldn't overcome it i guess but he still does we see barrett something we never see in one-on-one so nice they have it back once in a while yeah well i would like to see questo a little bit more kiting but you did find their Younker y'all curse in a tough spot like I said kind of unusual hero combo even unusual army composition going both gargoyles and abominations if he was gonna commit to abominations and tinker I would have liked them to see a more of a ground army with fiends and a bombs and statues instead of the set of the gargoyles lots of damage from the carrion swarm neutral losing quite some anti-air right here but still free damage up time for the mortals yeah I guess you can break this so it's looking really crummy for young correct killing the Paladin that was that's nice but it's going to lose this main base I guess not sure you can hold this lost the shop so normal mana potions and no more black citadel so not looking too good for him here and a nice hold from quest courses up against the wall destroyed Till's paladin also took him out of 100 food questions in the excellent spot now of course still mine neutrons mine and in a game like that and that like there's a rule in general to not piece in a four-way unless there's really one player who's tolling his enemy for a long time so it's getting too risky but usually you don't piece in for way because you will only save that fourth player and obviously it's bad for your own winning chances if you save a player in a full way because your own chances are better if one players out so in this situation I guess if shape and quest appeasing they're not they should not necessarily help Jonker but just either make sure Yonker yonkers defeated or just hoard 50 so that's what you would usually want to do in this situation and I guess Jonker is hoping for some help as he called that he's dead the Newton doesn't feed too much of him yeah you would hope that but if I I would say player Scott became more on erful in that regard and they tend to help more in the like when I started FFA which is not that long time ago but some years ago it was more more often the case that players will just kill you off just make sure they get some experience of you too so in this case if it was quest he would just walk down and kill the rest of yonkers units just to make sure you get some XP and maybe an expo here but we'll see all right so we saw a little question how much food shave has any answers with honesty building a little teammate so with combined forces defeat Neutron down the road so now the hoarding figure we see quest moving in here and he is attacking Neutron so it's good for good for younger in this in this situation yeah it's an interesting idea right and as you said it's usually not in the best interest to save the player but if quest can help out the undead player a little bit and really feed experience from Neutron not only does it make Neutron weaker in the late game but also Neutron is a cross spawned from quest so the chances of retaliation from Neutron is low in this case it may be a good calculated move to get some experience from Neutron right now and he got all his gold there on his eco lights on their mission like success succeeded with their mission so I was about to say like quest knows that Neutron has like 4 K gold less due to that taken natural yeah 200 IQ move right there from quest I was awesome I mean he still has since he lost this mid Expo so quest has pure gold and then Neutron has and then chef chef has so he really needed that but for that reason I think it would have been even more important for him potentially to get him gold mine from younger but it always feels bad like to finish someone who's not entirely bad but then again if someone says he's dead you should make sure that he's really dead so there's no reason really to keep someone barely alive in a game but that's why I still think it's questionable in this situation to help to help yaker but we'll see hey guys I want to take a second to give a shout out to the map maker jail velikiy is the map maker he is in the chat right now on the twitch chat with everybody he's made a number of maps for the competitive community including one on one and two on two Maps he wanted to note that this current state of the map is unfinished he has made some recent updates to the map including increasing the gold on these mines and some other various fixes to the map so look forward for an improved map going forward here and potentially more Maps missions from the mapmaker a jail velikiy it's pretty cig must cost a lot of time so big shout out to you were mad yeah we had a love nice maps in that map contest and we will see the winner walks slide on three three champions and yeah we will truly swap the maps after it like just have that's what we always had on on play if a letter to that we changed maps every now and then after the season so we'll see with Pat how how that will work but that we see some more of these nice new maps for sure and yeah I can only encourage everyone to to really just search for FFA and try not to get frustrated quickly reach out to any experience that have a player if you need some tips and it's it's very rewarding to winner to win an FFA even if it's more frustrating at the beginning then it's really a nice mode to just stick with and in the meantime yanker yeah now back on his own he got rep low level 5 but quest now back on shave here so he's up against Neutron again yeah Neutron I mean excuse me uh younger needs some mana potions on his dread Lord of course the carrion spam will hopefully bring the human back you should be able to survive this but yes I'd be trying to get a mana pot on his dread Lord Jakob trying to TP out in the north we saw safes expansion taken out as quest of course needs a little gold down the road with the main base where is it 3000 only the expansion 5 thousands not too much but they're continuing to fight each other and for neutron it's kind of an easy game so far yeah I mean he's getting not that much experience because obviously there's no gold for young her to really get a lot of Units here but it's so good for him because Neutron has this mid expose every minute that he can stick here on the left side his expo is happily mining here 5k left but there's not that much gold left for either of these pairs so will be interesting late-game usually it either a curates the game or it leads to one of these stalemates where no one is really able to fight anymore because no one has told especially if it's a long four ways so we will see how it goes at that sweet little level 6 4 Newton already he's still at around 80 young kind of breaking up keep at all because you can truly shape at a hundred quest at 66 that's a big fight right there okay so far looking pretty good for quest actually but how much the tanks still do against all these garlic's I think in the end they might win but let's see what the dreadlord is capable of sometime obviously nice carrion swarm rocks in but there was oh he has to mana potion that's all much damaged and almost level five dreadlords so just wait one more tank and that should be it here I guess if that since the DK is not there yeah exactly one extreme or than I needed like lucky for him that he pulled away the trap there DK and it's become the Lich stands right next to him Holy Light is not enough they have a chief will need to pull back here at some point yeah shave lost a lot like around thirty supply and press barely lost anything like a couple of guards but he saved a lot into stone form pretty impressed Yankel losses the dreadlord in the south s neutral relentlessly pushes it to his face as a tank now as well bases in absolute shambles yes three K gold which is more than either of these players in the north funnily but it's not yeah I mean what can you do I mean he could he can try to hide which I guess he might try and quest is moving down again I think the fact that quest took this gold mine was smart obviously but it doesn't it's not as impactful as this mine of course that Neutron has been mining since the very beginning of course he has a nice gold advantage both the top players are essentially broke so they will need to put attention on the human player and we see quests coming to engage right now and trying to weaken them here and that's how that's how you win an Li here in a game like that if you help someone two times at least for let's say 15 minutes that players prone you're probably not going to attack you but yeah eventually we'll see it's Yaka really and summoning everything yeah he is Wow so Yonkers out Yonkers on summoning has lost two buildings he could build a new one but I guess he is not so he's out wow we got a new champion tonight ladies and gentlemen yeah may be a bit premature to unsummon can't blame on though was a tough game for him and he accepted his defeat yeah I guess he could have stayed in game really if he like I think he I mean yeah curse sometimes just that kind of stuff and yeah I I guess my 3 K gold seeing if like usually if a player is just trying to finish you this 3k will not help you to stay alive but I think it's a bad call to really end someone with 3k gold here if you see quest helping because there's always a risk that another player is defeated quicker than you are and then one of the others might be relying on you so I think he could have stayed alive and level-5 dreadlord it's a nice basis to stay in the game I agree completely and even his main base has 5,000 gold in that gold mine he had acolytes down there I think he was frustrated and maybe tilted a little bit but yeah he definitely could have stayed in the game he had a chance I think it's good because there's more gold like long hallways have a tendency to to end up in a stalemate where no one's willing to move anymore like that there are more contested mines here or there is one more contested mind here in the bottom left and more gold for the other three players so I think from an observer perspective it can be good for the game to get into the three-way where plays place where players are more motivated to balance the game which you usually can do in a full way here is Neutron noticing there's someone mind is Expo and of course question doesn't need to be called out on it love it and if it is taking the bottom left yeah we we all kind of know that Neutron hasn't talent to tell people or get tilted themself that's one of the most entertaining features this one Fullman have I think it's very important for him to take that mine right because shave has like 2000 anime in and still 10k in the North plus he's smiling at his natural so did he stop mining for quite some time you mean shape in the center here yeah like that one changed like the owner of that center mine changed yeah four times so also the bottom right just like 3 KN well the nutrastim may have stopped yeah once he was in hundred I guess he may have stopped also in the main there's like 1.8 and neutrons already mined out yeah I guess yes yeah he must have stopped at some point smart boy yeah he was at a hundred when he attacked quest so made probably there yeah it can make sense it's always a bit of a risky call to go hundred on a small map like that and you really yeah on one hand you want to do that just to stay in the game but you always you lose so much gold and it's it's always a difficult call to decide because obviously you don't want to mine on hundred but you at some point you need some gold even if it's only very little gold because you don't mind or because you mine on high upkeep so can be a tricky call sometimes but yeah he's alive he made it into three-way shave always complaining that he's barely seeing stuff or barely can't move belly barely can move stuff because of his shitty computer and low FPS so ok guys we need some hardware sponsors for this FFA scene so the finalists can finally play with more than 15 FPS please don't tell them don't tell him he will only tell you how I you can't afford a computer he's just too lazy to buy one so before we go into this fight thank you exact for the sub Chozen de mass bears Steve Boynton has gifted us up to the map creator and for kpop has hopped as well thank you very much neutron getting his ass kicked here at this Expo Mound King guys and now shanks against tanks here it's a full surrounded this goldmine I'm not sure why you turn maybe he intended to take quest I guess there's no reason really for him to be up up to eight tanks right here I think yeah I'm not sure why he lost his hero I mean I wouldn't think that would be an intentional thing but it didn't heal him at all and quest us on 50 I quest always on 50 if you if you don't see quest out on the map you always know it's 50 like no player player is blatantly hoarding more more gold but I mean shave knows I'm not sure if if Neutron is better we're but Neutron is in a very good spot still several K gold and STP and still this like this midline almost empty but also he started lining the bottom left so I'm not sure they really estimate Neutron scold correctly I guess they should were that mid mind but to know now I think that quest thinks that he has less gold obviously because he took this expansion here but he does have a good amount of gold I'd say all three players are in a good position right now and you'll see you know throughout the game and especially in a threeway there's a lot of diplomacy going on here right and I've only one player wins the game that's gonna happen you know players you need to choose your fights wisely at times because you don't want to go into a fight you know if you're not gonna you know not for a purpose right whether it's to gain experience to gain gold or a combination of both if a player becomes too aggressive in a threeway I you know they may be the first fire out just from expending and kind of uh you know spending the resources right we seek quest spending a lot of his gold he has a pendant of mana and I think I think you were a little wrong we look at this DK right here we got a cut gas pipe we got a war song metal drums and we got a spell shield so there is quite some unit of that market place's yeah if you see spell shield I guess tea you buy it still no matter what and also it's just such a good item nothing's better than a pendant amana on a dreadlord you know of course with brilliance or as well really really going to be strong a fight against the human player with those items and we do see a messy P here against crest who is on fifty supply obviously and Neutron with ninety supply it so this could be a very devastating attack it's also very risky because once that undead main faults you are getting team for some time and if you I wanted to mention that on that gold estimated gold count if you see neutrons main base you know he has some gold and now he's going to get some damage off here main dad yeah I mean this main base is pretty weak so it's gonna die quickly god I love the aggressive move from Neutron mass TP starting the three way nice to see some action here no losing much killing some buildings so good call by a neutron to do that I think but also it needs to be prepare now to get team but as I mentioned if you look at neutrons main base with these towers you know on a map like that if someone builds these kind of that many towers here he has some gold like he has at least five K gold so they know they have to they have to be very careful of neutron with mass TP especially since Jeff has no mass TP and no transmute yet it's it's very risky here to deal with that mess TP all right news I'm trying to take out the Haunted goal that's actually working so another building here for pretty much free on the cost of a tank but I think you can't accept that I can't remember the last time had so few workshop okay let's count we have three oh that's it no really not many for him but yeah I guess no gold here and you're in a fire for neutrons I guess next round here Knight being ready would like to see a shape by quest but he's only getting it now so might be too late here yeah it's too late here we go here we go again he's calling for help lizard and tanks trying to destroy this main base once more at the time for the black student to fall finally there's no repair but Connie reads them it is not really on that main building now we switches it up and that's the kill so know what poses if he didn't have a backup tech which I don't think he has the quest is calling for the kill calling for help and ease supply block so this is a very critical face for him and on a small map like that there's just not much you can do if you don't have the gold really so he needs level six dreadlord and it's to win some time here here's one building that gives some supply the guards don't do anything then I get just shut down from the tank so he has to put them on the ground until they're healthy again and saves not coming in for the help at all well he's attacking Neutron though he will force try to force the TP but we'll take some time probably so quest down to move to buildings and is this the last act light for quest no he has one in the south ear last one so he needs to oh but that che that echo light survives even interesting it's not about hiding buildings and FFA as we know and neutrons this is army so he needs a bit of time here until you can master p losing full of towers before that and yeah shave here without lizard yeah without lizard chef as zero damage against these tanks yeah alchemist is a is a is a fun hero to pick for human and has good synergy with human because of acid bomb of course with siege engines and flying machines reduction in armor on air units is very good and transmit as good as well but you see when you're under level facing an arc media are such a disadvantage because neutron is going to have almost unlimited mana because there's brilliance aura and as high-tech mentioned blizzard is so good in human mirror against opposing tanks so it is gonna be difficult for shaped it to really win any skirmish or any fight for Neutron against Neutron here so shave has to team up with quest somehow to take out Neutron I guess to have a shot at least weaken him substantially like questing sometime here and they just need to get rid of neutrons Gold I think it's looking very very good if a neutron and they may have underestimated here the strength of this small map is playing well for Neutron to be aggressive here because he can't fight one on two because these players don't have big gold banks they don't have a lot of surface area at the high buildings that's gonna be easier to control and of course with mass TP making it more so who do you think indeed so instead of shaped by quest now I don't know oh this is a plan with one acolyte moving to the bottom left so obviously that correctly shave is the only one mining it's still four K in that mine well if he gets up to ten K I'm not sure I mean Neutron is 100 supply down to 3 K and Schafer's on 75 6 K so they're not that far apart so I still think Neutron is in a really good spot even if it gets a bit longer here but he needs to finish quest very quickly and something I don't like gear by Neutron is that he's not splitting his tanks he knows that quest is most likely on the left side somewhere so if he splits 2 tanks it should be almost enough to put heavy pressure on quest last buildings here and Chris is rebuilding so meanwhile sure if it's in a pretty nice spot here even though as I said his heroes aren't as good he's gonna have a tough time versus the human he does have a good amount of gold he is still mining this gold so as long as quest can survive and continue to weaken the army you know Neutron only has a level 3 paladin and he only has 3 K gold left right so yes he's 100 food but we're coming into the later stages the game seemingly already which this which is pretty cool and a bit of a contrast to some of the larger maps that we saw in the semi-final and he's getting caught off guard now without the tanks he can't fight these guards here and we see that he's losing at least two Griffins nice and that's level six for the dreadlord huge deal if you want to base race someone oh and here we are he missed the MK mess tipping back but not in time and there goes the MK and shave is the neutrons base wow that Neutron dad team is working out better than expected huge gold love of course with that MK revive down the road yeah I seemed a bit overwhelmed here and for a second getting attacked here with these tanks it's obviously not easy to keep all these tanks in in range for that nest EP so on a map like that if you're moving so started not to interrupt you but just to point out some good quests manipulation there a quest just killed two Griffins two tanks and his Mountain King huge hit two neutron and what does quest say in the chat t.t as if he's crying as if something at smart manipulation there and Oh huge on canceling the MK revived here although HR got not killed so that will delay the MK revived for quite some time unless he's claimed to Tavor in the the MK which I don't think he should but we'll see I mean he seems to go for it yeah and you don't have to cancel a hero in an altar before it's destroyed I'm not sure if maybe that's what he was thinking the peloton we get some backup he gets him back at the tavern so for some reason he wanted him back real quick Oh might get caught here oh oh yes okay takes a turn and m'kay level five now for shape which is a huge deal and yeah the last thing Neutron once here is to feed shave up to transmute which will be devastating for him on a map like this yeah it's pretty much endless gold income I can totally see what it's oh very Oh P here as well tank finds the twelve o'clock puts that on the pressure sure shave has to move back a little taking care of this yeah Neutron tavern the Mountain King as you said didn't need to do that could have just kept in the altar hen you're trying to start a to 2 point 4 K gold I do think at some point they yeah they made peace here at least quest I mean quest needs to stay under the radar either of these humans very dangerous for him although I think shave is a bit I don't think shave can easily easily fight quest here against these heroes unless you get level 6 MK I think it's difficult for shape but Jeff's main base is not that weak either yes some towers especially these cannon tell us very valuable against tanks so so while quest had his main base destroyed you guys can see that somewhat under the radar his hero levels are absolutely dominating compared to these other humans the ended' has triple six heroes both the humans paladin's are only level 3 quest can dominate and crush either these humans but we'll see if it comes down to a base race I actually like quest spot here with a pretty good amount of gold some acolytes and triple 6 heroes I think he also has the best inventory sorry no no no voice I totally agree I think quest now in a good spot I mean they the best chance probably at some point will be to base racism and once these tanks are gone and there's no more gold it can get even with mass TP can get very difficult to base razor let's say 777 on that or even 666 already not easy so we'll make it dicey here for the others at some point and it's always necessary come back so we'll see and yeah next attack you buy shave shave is parking six breakers in his base that on purpose or did he lost track no I guess he lost track okay I don't know it's quite a big part of his army actually alright lucky for a new trend and again I guess and now I think shave shoots just to to keep peace with quest I think shave should consider to give this Expo now with the last 1.5 page request I think that could be a smart call could also be a stupid one I don't know but just annoying like West's as we see crisis team running that goldmine and don't really want to deal with that [Music] haven't got a second spell shield on him as well on the cost of one okay getting closer to level six year level for paladin pretty big level up almost level three billions were leveled up as well Wow and all the Mountain King I'm not sure why he folded the paladin and not the Mk but slow anyone's esto no that's no slow you can staff the Mountain King in repulsion didn't use the staff wants to keep him here it's the holo light but not as rare yeah that's the downside like he really does he have the cap cast right now but there is one for sale now or that was one for sale one second ago now it's gone there's to spell shields on that paladin though interesting gives a special to the Mountain King he does definitely need that khadgar's pipe again even if he quits transmute he doesn't have brilliance or there's no man of fountains on this map and there's no khadgar's pipe so you know transmute can't can only be so effective questions following shaves orders a little bit of free damage it seems a bit undecided here you could have gone for that MK I guess but I'm not doing so [Music] so why he's getting a tag due to uh sticking out the last goldmine really 607 so it's not that bad I guess all the other gold mines are listed on the map are pretty much mined out and we see right here that's like the messy P was nice for us like this instant Master P and shapes main but that's something if this aggressive style with Master P with human always gets you teamed so if you are the first player to kill an entire main base the other two players will go on you so that's a reason why sometimes it can be the better call to try to weaken the player first and not like if a main base is not much and like doesn't have much value if that player has zero gold so can be better sometimes to just try to kill units instead of just trying to kill an entire main base so alright this could be a critical sequence here both still teaming up on Neutron take whoever castle here we have another mass TEP sacrificing his bait is quite a bit to just completely take out quest Daniel needs to needs to piece with crest here I think at some point yeah west can fight army here was a nice move from Neutron when you're getting teamed in your main if you mass CP and try to get someone a TP back of course it's gonna be effective we'll see if they continue to fight in air gauge here but do you think it's fair it's a good cold on your turn I think it's a bad pole he's losing his main base now and he's using this entire army so I'm not sure that's a good call I think he should piece with West here it's better for both of them might be yeah I think you're probably right quest calling good game of course he's uh not close to being defeated his armies still looking pretty powerful he could have slept that a.m. but he's not doing so and the neutron is trying to met up against this quest and I'm sure that's going to work out here so looking from each of these players perspectives here Neutron I think a bit of an experience is being shown in this game his aggressive is not aggression it's not exactly playing out maybe how I thought it would he's in a tough spot here I still has good Hero levels not much of a base not the best spot from quest you know obviously quest has great hero levels and a good free-for-all since he's in a very good spot here I'm from shave as you guys can see he still has 6k gold if I was shave right now I would be having a couple flying machines fly around the map and at least trying to scout out where these necropolises are if he doesn't know yet um if Neutron is eliminated and there's a chance that Neutron maybe will leave a little bit prematurely as well it's up to shave to go and just eliminate quest buildings so I would definitely be scouting this out if he if he hasn't already I think quest is the only one with the Zeppelin if I saw that right on the 9 o'clock position I scaled it a little bit across the map and I haven't seen anything a neutron is smart as well yeah now Jeff is hiding his units here in the top right which also as with many things in FFA can be good can be bad like it can can if players Scouts that you are hiding an army and in this case it might be easy to scale because they know he has an army that he has lost it can easily be turned against you because hiding armies is usually a sign of someone just trying to sneak to a victory so you will try to wheat in him and you tend to not trust the player that tried to hide an army one minute earlier so I'm not quite sure why he's doing that in this situation but I guess he just wants to like shave was attacking Neutron for very long now so he just wants to scout and maybe even get this get this expansion back here but there's not much gold left I think just 1k only 600 okay he was like everyone thinks he's dead or is manipulating a little their quest is III think maybe Neutron is under estimating shave here Neutron was just asking at least a minute ago was asking shape to team against quest while I think needs to be careful of shave to and let's see yeah shave will only be trolling here and quest is trying to just yeah just stay alive and and he's very small in this situation so would never trust would never trust would never trust quest here I would I would trust Neutron for sure I would never trust Neutron knowing this guy and having met him three times never ever but he plays pretty straight up just I mean if you look at his play style here he's not not chatting that much but he's chatting and I think he's playing a very obvious so it's pretty easy to to know what he's up to I'm not sure after the semi-final and my personal experience if I would trust Neutron I could have just scouted as 15 towers and you would have known that it's time to team that human but I keep I keep out of that discussion and also I'm not not in on that player so and and you know if I see a human with towers MSTP it's time to get rid of the towers at least like with towers MSTP there's just no way you can you can base raise a human but if a human has no towers it's much easier so that's always something I yeah I will get rid of towers humans are not allowed to have towers yeah I definitely wish we would have teamed the human player but he was a pretty heavy into manipulating and lying about his gold and things like that last game I guess is my point to maybe not necessarily trust his word here and now that teaming quest here interesting : Wow yeah shave is loving this it's pretty good for him I guess it can feel kinda confident with 6k too t-mod boo and then pick a dice and it's all is all ours as well quests down to 800 he has to go for the tavern he has no alter any more okay the mistake not to TP to this necropolis huh look like anyone's hesitant to give up like this neutron guarded as well he's gonna be food walk guys can't revive the death knight while he is yeah yeah and this is again this is I think not that bad for shave here yes yeah he's the only one with the main base I mentioned already in that mouse game if you're the only player with the main gate main base and if you have some gold and if you he will levels are somewhat okay it's usually a good spot to be in and they have never teamed che fat at this point although here one of this myth ex post so they should know that chick has some gold and I think quest was yeah Chris was trying to convince new Toronto to team shape yeah I mean he called him out on his lie pretty much immediately after save so they only have breakers yeah mate you're hiding in Neutron I don't know maybe didn't read it or didn't believe it or I don't know but he fell for it yeah but now strafe is attacking Neutron here and I mean that's a good I don't know it's it's tricky yeah because I also think chef could just stay another radar and hopeful neutron to defeat quest and quest will try to weaken neutron on the way but yeah there's no risk here good art which has no spell super evil potion and TP should be circumcised sequest is some time to rebuild a little yep he's getting the death knight back up here of course he had to sell some items to do so but he's still in a fine spot hopefully that's enough attention on him where he sees that two human players will go at it and quest will have an opportunity at the end but to high-tax point I mean shaf still has six K gold and a full main base yeah so he command base race he should be scouting these buildings request us as I mentioned that quest is still weakening Neutron here he has no reason to stop Neutron never gave him a reason to stop ready so Chris is just happily weakening Neutron here and just needs to hope that at some point Neutron will attack find her heart and and peace with him he can kill the Paladin County [Music] yes death no no he doesn't I don't know but a step of silence so you know silence the EM caves she can get away but he was stuck at this town hall for whatever reason he he got staffed there so the breakers could surround him but it was night it was hard to see the nettles next town hall so he has no castle anymore so getting the staff to the next one okay if you have no no main building that is higher higher checked than any other it will always get staff to the next building same with double-click TP and with Nigel staff who s seems to be a little angry with Neutron here yeah and I can't blame him then again the quest also and again I mean sometimes he will pretend to be emotional but in this case I can imagine he's really angry at a neutron 6 final cigs Lassa mmm yeah I mean chief has thrown much worse from much what I think in an in-house game recently with I think 25k gold against two players with 1k and for some reason he played he played very stupidly and lost game but I guess not looking back from here right you will mirror once again focus fire on this alchemist Podesta nail polish and acid pump once more and tyre is limited though but I don't the other side the Griffins can't really attacked the army only the heroes and twice the supply obviously for save so if there's something falling here is the question a lot of heal m'kay level six like that will be a huge make difference maker here against chief obvious once again holding light saving the alchemist but oh boy rather die than level six like yes whole life once more trying to get out stefson but that could be the paladin just dying yeah now the ash mate surrounded mass teleport there's no TP and he saves everything so far ice micro they're from Neutron use the correct staff on the correct hero and the stun before mass TP to save all three heroes could have been a disaster and neutron is getting the situation completely wrong he's writing all the time to shave that he needs to be careful of quest while he needs to realize that quays the that chief is the one being in the dominant spot here so he's not really I don't think he's really getting the situation here correctly I mean he's down to seven buildings or something soon he will be down to one and maybe that's the lack of experience in FFA competition and Quest is in the okay spot still he still has an acolyte each does gold for necropolis to the players they don't see a death knight but of course we see a death knight in the Zeppelin with his acolyte there if the human players can weaken each other enough you know quest still has a chance here but it's definitely looking like you know shaves in a good position right now yeah and it's at some point it will be for Neutron with despite mass CP you can't really leave your buildings anymore so it's getting the longer he waits the better it will get for shape here and a neutron is now across the map from shaves main base the main base he is he needs to weaken and I don't really see crest being in a good spot I think he's he has too many buildings to to survive against shave I mean I don't know but I don't really see quest winning this year he should in my eyes sell some of these items I think once on battledrums pretty useless if you only have one unit and three heroes so you should I think sell at least three of these items just to get gold for two or three necropolises yeah I think you're probably right he does have a number of gargoyles here but war drums isn't gonna make too much of a difference there interesting enough he's asking neutron for piece I think correctly to try to weaken some of shape space they haven't done that yet shave has gone under the radar thus far we'll see if they're gonna coordinate to we can shave space a little bit doesn't feel like it okay legs I have pretty low FPS to like the first game I ever have that low FPS and I'm not sure why that's the case hmm but I'm not sure maybe that was a hidden patch already I'm fine so far at least yeah the breaker transition seems pretty smart what can be done without it can't be bolted they can't be clapped it can't be carrying swarmed it up dad strong yeah I think it's a good call where these human here was it's nice to transition to to them you don't have a brilliant aura so you need to make sure that undead heroes maybe lose some of the mana so you don't have so you don't that was my Google now don't ya it don't face these underachievers for too long but now yeah we see there's just no way no way quest can stop these misspelled bikers here he hasn't dropped an infernal yet I would think that he'd be using the infernal obviously now but also to try to destroy some proxy buildings of the till human spell shield on both sides once again all three armies here now who's gonna team on whom yeah I think that's maybe a mistake here bye-bye safe to attack quest I think he should have tried to kill Neutron first Neutron was so passive here in the south and now they have some time and Jeff has no mass to piece so chef needs to walk across the mat now so I think he should have maybe tried to weaken Neutron a bit more to force Neutron to stay at his last building but we'll see I still think quests here with two buildings not in it not in a great spot and yeah this is looking like a possibly a pretty easy win for for shave flying under the radar I would like to see him maybe take some tanks and move him up to these buildings for some mass teleport and then after the mass teleport possibly engaged to try to destroy quest yeah and he's walking across the map again but he will meet at least Neutron here is there any real to raise the cooldown off for a spell shield yeah so yeah it's 30 seconds of 45 seconds yeah new king these Heroes is an issue and he's doing exactly what you say two tanks on the building mass teleport so oh boy Quest is alone against him almost getting his DK surrounded in quest must be like what the happening why are you just leaving me nan chef is killing this almost killing this last Griffon aviary but we can't afford that he has to drop the infernal doubt to just create some space and 3 minute cooldown now I think quest should consider two uses now they're pretty okay against pretty okay against these spell breakers so and now a neutron scouted the garlic so he knows yeah exactly now he knows the dark Alex left [Music] Nutan still doesn't believe that there's a hidden army for shape right he must know he saw these Griffins earlier and the dragon walks and he knows that he must know that no one ever killed himself I don't know I think he he had a gyro here at the at the top so I think he knows but I'm not sure safe trying to convince quest like better safe than sorry trying to convince quest to peace here obviously there's no reason to do so so quest will not agree to peace with Neutron and both yeah that's also an issue sometimes if two players that piece are both dead low on gold I can be forced to fight over in some cases fight over a stupid stupid amount of gold like 600 gold 500 gold not really worth fighting over how to maneuver now everything is attacking allies a little then more tanks coming to neutral yeah not poking into the base yet anything that can take out together just to force a little go little shave I need to try to kill the pellet and I guess but it's not easy and the spell sure that's still annoying yeah yeah Steph's everywhere so no healing on you anymore no forced to TP here but yeah he's okay but now the MK yeah so I wonder at this point the human player should probably bring his air units right I mean at this point they're gonna be teaming him I think that's been decided a no need to hide his army specifically that dragon Hawk would be huge to kill this one frost worm yeah from the dead player and chef is calling out Neutron like this is very obvious to have two tanks here close to quests last two buildings that's not going on scouted and you need to be very careful in FFA with with good players if like all these are signs of someone potentially trying to take you out Baxter yeah well you can't just leave two tanks close too close to these buildings so we see quest you're forcing these two tanks back I'm pretty much waiting oh yeah this doesn't really work and this is all great time for shave here who can I think you could even try to use this goal to 100 and just try to finish it he just saw that they have a very hard time teaming him and he could use that momentum now of them discussing stuff to just go hundred try to finish neutron and yeah but I guess he plays it safely and it's going to meet Neutron here in the center right stolen the Archmage there's no the in bull this TP should be safe like a shield again stumbled again damage still not enough so needs a stab that's a cool down forest I think if I was shave I would still pick up the cat gars pipe even though it's expensive yeah he did even better now yeah that was his biggest mistake in some of these recent games with this hero combo that he didn't pick up the Cutlass pipe it's so worth it you ran out of mana quickly with these heroes dress is getting some money back in a bit that's still so broke so block I personally think they they just neutron as a quest needs to invest too much time into convincing you to on to do something so that's all that's nice time for if you're safe right now like they should just focus not focus on chatting but just team that human main base for at least five minutes right now that's I think the only chance ready to put pressure on that human main base because we see right now Neutron is going to lose small buildings here potentially not the last ones but the bottom right pretty much completely mess teleport to the South Mountain King got level six finally [Music] I'm going to UT also for spell shield again rescuing what that takes forever so the shave skill healing spray with its Alchemist because I haven't seen healing spray or oh there it is okay I was about to say yes yes but I've only seen it once I think divine shield off is the next on wall Oh automates in trouble step out again so it's easy to say when we see the players gold counts but it would be nice to see shave build you know Griffins and maybe brill --this bring his air army because neutron is mass deepening to these buildings when he's coming with just breakers so he could potentially get him to mass TP and then come in with you know 80 to 100 food and cook including a bunch of Griffins and killed neutron right there and I believe that if Neutron lost one of his main heroes he may be apt to just gg and leave the game so that may be a winning move for shave right now and quest tries to convince him here to attack the the human main base but I think quest also could go on his own right now just send an infernal over and over and at least I mean has his skilled death and decay I guess he might have right if he has definite decay maybe he can gets off some damage here I mean at least you can force of his staff of that m'kay yeah he got that okay so this human base is untouched I think he has lost like one building here [Music] I'm pretty good guests but more more buildings of his are falling yeah not often do you see a three-way like this where one players main is just basically untouched and I think Neutron is is fearing quest too much obviously and definite decay now here so this is a nice death and decay but instant EP almost and not coiling potentially a mistake here not coiling the Lich but there he can get the way here try to stun can swap there's another interval or divine shield yeah that was and the pollen falls it's quite the big deal quest getting the dreadlord surrounded now they're TP oh yeah but only divine shield ever one right he has devotion never one so yes divine shield level one only so it's really not that long and here comes Neutron with the Mountain King nice opportunity here to maybe kill something but paladin for mana so you should focus the paladin now so hard to decide this a lot of healing there's a lot of staffs it also spell shields yeah yeah that special is super annoying to deal with I hate this sound like if you try to untangle something and it's like this this ping of that spell shield most annoying thing ever so we got six heroes now five of them can nuke can they do something or four of them can you this is what yeah this is I guess the best shot their best shot to finally deal some damage to the space so safe as sexy set a bit too careful with his hidden army I think he had a chance to finish the game like 5-10 minutes ago and now it's yeah he needs to withstand some of the steaming here he could still try to go for that no offense to them to push someone back but easier said than done this main base dies very quickly still if you let six heroes in your if you allow these six years to to team you at this point I wonder if shave for God about his air army not bringing it in yeah well yeah a lot of new karlitz well Holy Light against it they're silly healed scroll as well and the staff out once more I'm just gonna think it's phil has he would spare brackets no right no with priestess yeah definitely needs to bring in these air units here gonna be terrible if he loses his heroes losses altered ok infernal it's not doing too much here neutral one of his heroes is out as well quest diving deep because get that pallet events like ten thousands of damage raining on this fairly but he opens the bubble and then he's all safe for Cosmo done for the first time but he's surrounded so how can he get out there is a staff in ten in propulsion pop in opposed needs to pop this lower that's finally an execution of the Paladin so he gets what he wanted automates out as well teleport everywhere Chris may get that that's m'kay now no altar is no altar and and the supply block I know he was supplied locked the so this could yeah if you take too long and people can coordinate the teaming it's always devastated to have these six heroes against you if they have enough time and you don't have gold to pump units but yeah I totally agree with that but sexy in this case I think he should have used his units earlier he wouldn't have lost his hero here I believe kill the seed all right so mala hora is running for quest you still hanging around to check what safe is doing now yeah I think they should go again here these towers need to go and obviously shape is getting an Al Attar back but it will take some time until this this paladin returns and now your quest is going in here I guess the guard confirms the ear and something people asked in the twitch shed at least last week a lot like what's the price money just to mention that again that there is no prize money on FML but the Hall of Fame to get into the Hall of Fame of FML is probably more worth to many of these players then like 500 euros so way more probably so prize money usually not good to make FF a mattress better because players already are trying really hard so that's why we're usually out of tradition we don't have a prize pool to FML but just single cups who's the record holder who's like the most wins rectify one for seasons one under the Smurfs dark flame master and he he promised to to cast some of the matches in depth in that Cup that we are planning in in June and sweet he's a great caster so I think if he if you know doesn't forget his promise he would surely be a nice one to invite for an hour or two I guess that would be a delight for you for year of yours is he's pretty fun I hope we got time to do that June looking hot so far so they continued teaming up and shave was trying to save his air army so you didn't forget about it eventually maybe take out some units with it as some some buildings with it and paladin is not even halfway revived to shave needs to decide now does he want to try to offend this attack risking another hero loss or is it just trying to stay back and not yeah not lose a hero he's moving out these players are not punishing shave right now not using his air army doesn't have paladin uh he has time now to reach revive here and not sure why what's to Tron doing ah there is oh there's the I'm here yeah I totally missed that he has no shackle so it only storm bald a couple of attacks and it's now okay we go for this mountain King now there's the stop DK might be in trouble so is it to die for these human heroes against yeah but now the toys didn't try to snipe this Alchemist here paladin is about to come out guys so close where's the coil there we go alchemist dies DK has to be careful still level 7 on the dreadlord and paladin like two seconds too late seconds late he's no Gandalf man yeah so I think Chavous is just overthinking what he needs to be doing here not spending his gold not using his air army I mean he uses it but he's losing it now oh the God can still be shackled oh okay not too many of them and they both know like Neutron already knew that there were seven cards so I think it's time to stop I think quest should use them it's not worth getting teamed over seven guards if you have like hundreds apply maybe you don't want to show it early or you don't want to use it early Wow backstep here my quest me well they call them out in chat if you saw that Neutron agreed he said he saw the mass guards interesting that quest would attack him but I guess her and heard him to have those guards be revealed like you said I mean shave is still the threat right but uh after how the games been played maybe Neutron doesn't think so anymore and I don't really think I would I think it would be better for Christy even like if you if you say okay I kill my own GOx in front of you Oh sleep on the mass TP has to go for the real one there's another staff Mountain King should be safe Archmage teepees out neutron survives I think it would have been better for quest even to kill off say okay sorry I hit my guards I'm killing them myself if that makes you happy I think that would have been a better call here then backstabbing neutron because if once you like now Neutron will I don't think Neutron will piece quickly again but maybe he does he says quest go finish him yeah so maybe does and quest piecing gear with shave risky so I think quest must think that the shape really doesn't have gold and his army with his hero levels being triple seven and again with with shave sir I was only being five five four maybe he thinks he can he can stop tanks on his remaining buildings or win with a necropolises selling items around the map eventually you have to go for it right with them dad you can't just sit and wait for your buildings to be eliminated so it's interesting the choices that he's making now will see the effect that those have but too early in my eyes with shapes still having that many buildings I think mmm risky very risky call here and against a player like Neutron who is most likely going to seek revenge like neutron did not seem to be a super opportunistic player and usually against an extremely opportunistic player like myself you can attack and I will piece with you ten seconds after if it's like best for me but Neutron I don't believe World Peace quickly here to your point he's gonna suicide quest right now [Laughter] let's eat it I don't know if he knows about this I don't think Neutron knows about that based on which aid that's going to be this paladin he should split its heroes against oh yeah well that's appalling go on and that's mass teleport gone as well can't help against quest anymore yeah so we still see quest losing his necklace all of that here while he is killing the barracks of of Neutron and neutron will be revealed soon so Neutron is really you could say on this broadcast I mean I was reading his well done but he kind of saves them but the breakers there's no solution against the breakers another coil might oh my god the damage of the Mountain King now just twisting it around who's gonna die first MK gets out and the dread lot explodes into a thousand bad human they're well played and I guess that might be it here Neutron down to just four buildings has no worker here from what I see and he's out and he's on a suicide mission here so this back step was too early by quest and maybe a bit too impulsive so this is yeah it's got to be over guys right both Neutron and Quest are down a hero they don't hold have any hardly buildings and course did not make a friend of neutron who claims that you were not gonna win an FML final looks like it's over guys because you're too stupid is the reasoning for that the neutron was absolutely right Oh mess teleport canceled again is there even a TP no that's not I mean you can't still like I think in usually with other players maybe this is not a lost game for other players in you transposition I think like you have four buildings you can still matter you can still piece it's very unlikely that you win without a worker but you still have a chance like yes strong heroes and we have seen as we saw in that second semi you can easily win with one building if you protect them well and he even has this one farm here next to the lab so he has a chance but he needs two peas now and I just think shape takes too long for this decision-making here and it's easy easier to say from an ops perspective but I think he should just try to spend maybe a bit more gold just to finish it a bit quicker here but maybe he wants to save some gold to rebuy to see rose I mean he only has 15 FPS right so every decision takes a little longer that adds up this is cast this looks like the end no peasant anymore no we're right here right here you can make it I hope you couldn't make it no okay quest is gone neutrons farms still up but he knows where it is and kids do it quest is out and finally shape yeah signing up to an FML season after abandoning FML at least the official seasons forward for some seasons he's back and he he even skipped he even skipped round four and yet he managed to win this final pretty convincingly a couple of tiny mistakes but eventually he utilized neutrons weakness maybe in this situation to to weaken quest a bit too early and then yeah now being pretty silent and very comfortable spot here for him yeah I'd say the most probably the most unlikely list of winners in this game but made some good moves at the end and was smart and really was overlooked I think from the other players but he did what he need to do to win and congratulations to shave on his first FML victory congratulate yeah nice game shall we try to get him on yes yes microphone to work it's not always the case let's try yeah you have got the the group crown you can just drag him in we get the champion on the line if it does work let's see so from Germany defeating quest Neutron and Janka first time FML champion is safe how nice with 15fps and maybe needs to maybe he has to put that champagne bottle to the side yeah he writes me he needs a second voice micro yeah yeah sure oh yeah so this was a very I think it was a fun game I was a bit I wish it was a bit more open in the end and not so they and I it's always bad to see suicides because it's boring it's too like it's expectable or you yeah it kind of leads to one-sided situations but still for the most part it was a it was a very open and exciting game and we saw a bit of a smaller map and more quick game and on some of the in some of the previous matches and only lasted one hour 22 could have lasted or could have been over a bit quicker even on a map like that that little gold so I enjoy it I have a one who's very entertained by the suicide Neutron saying you're not winning because you're too stupid was absolutely wonderful and such a neutron thing to do I mean it's it's kind of nice that they show their personality and FFA as well side just being side the nicest guy ever Neutron being Neutron kind of like the opposite so that's nice that's a cool flavour to me it's a one-on-one person going into the FFA and and and seeing that but also kind kind of cool that the one-on-one guy didn't win to be honest not that I have anything against Neutron van it would be quite a shame if he starts to pick up FFA and just wins the entire thing glad that an FFA dude wins FFA that's how it's supposed to be for sure to some degree I agree I think it would have deserved I'm just trying to get shape into this voice chat again he is in the chat but let me quickly now you can just take a cept call or join call something that should be again yeah once you're added should be easily doable yeah he may be trying to configure his microphone right yeah chicken free-for-all how they're gonna have stylistic you know matchups but also personalities will clash and match up a certain way right kind of to your point of of Neutron and quest and just how the game played out and the other point that I want to recognize is that you know in free-for-all anybody can win right even the best ethanol players of all time you know their win rates are close to maybe 40 percent right and so it gives it gives hope that anybody can win right and if you're smart you make the right decisions in addition to having the skill as far as micro and macro you know you really do have to put everything together on the highest level and it's interesting to see you know obviously that that shave won this game because of a number of factors for sure and he joined the call is he able to use this microphone yeah that's a question can you hear me one moines champ are you feeling oh boy yeah well III feel super dirty from anything so much it's usually not my place i but i want to have a chance they are all very good in micro I will have a very passive and manage my ass often lie as much as I do have a shot at winning this Congrats how does it feel like finally after all these years if his muscle meat I didn't expect it but it it's great because I've been often being mocked by and no ex mostly for not winning FML while he did and now I can do that so yeah I'm happy about that that's like oh I I must say like wow i joined the season i didn't play the last season's and I wanted to play relax and the first round was like I didn't think of much I just played my style I didn't protect we brought mostly like before this final I was like super nervous I nearly didn't sleep last night was awake in the night saying okay maybe I can switch this and this and this and my crew broke because yesterday I was planning to play octa day then I was like no human is probably because more fun for me but human is a better winning race especially in ephemeris bass race and alchemist to level 6 transmute is so great and late-game especially on a map with Oh God so it was like a last minute change like I woke up to the north okay I'm gonna play human I had to prepare completely new creep road travel off of when I card from work and or was i nervous I really didn't expect it but yeah and just happy now and most importantly no excurrent fun of me anymore that's the rank one point yes hey shave I want to say congratulations man I'm happy to see you win this game here let me ask you just from a strategic standpoint it seemed like you were withholding using your air units and using the rest of your gold for some time was there were you a little bit nervous that the other players had gold were you trying to conceal your strength it was a bit of a risk that may have have come back to bite you just just curious on your strategy there um my biggest point was when I had both like I don't know four groups two Hawks or something and it was at a game stage where our West had like already triple six heroes or something simply don't have the FPS currently to micro these units against these zeros okay if I'm gonna use this it gonna die in like two to three seconds anyway I'd better pop them away and maybe in late games that might come in handy also of course I want to appear a little bit weaker than I asked and break a luckily sophomore for me because you can't eat those and what I really noticed this game is as although the army gets as that my micro gets like in terms of fps I'm able to control way more and usually even if I have a lot of gold I try to avoid 100 field simply cause my PC won't mean mic released so it was a little bit ok I'm if I use them now they're just gonna die I will save them for later on they have a purpose was afraid I wouldn't be able to micro them and of course yes as I said I wanted to appear a little bit weaker and then like him even if it's just for scouting or something arguments are always handy got it yeah I will say that that making the breakers of course was very good because they're magic immune obviously and you had a critical point at the end of the game where you bolted and surrounded quest dreadlord and he had an invulnerability repulsion he had a death coil but she read dot the dreadlord and tp'ed out your Mountain King that must have been a great moment for you I think that was definitely the the GG move right there yeah I got a little bit greedy there I opened up this around because I said okay if he pops the input port I'm gonna go for the death knight forgetting that the death knight had a shield I couldn't get thrown on the decay and I opened it up for the L I was already like oh but I managed to get a deal stuck again and he has it was a big danger again injure for me I believe at before Keywest worse food lock he couldn't remake him easily and dreadlord is such a great light game hero infernal for scouting for hero arena and I definitely was happy that I killed that one and I add as much as I could to straight go for cigarettes started to scout mess so I keep him supply block that he's never ever gonna go at red log back because he still had quite a stack inventory on his heroes and I was afraid LED and sullen and Ed for three or four minutes and somehow gets his Gretl back make sense that last question for me at least now that you are FML champion will you go for ranked 1 on were three champions pad FF a ladder coming out soon I wanted actually to take a little break from FFA after this but depending on how corona locked in and how the weather in northern Germany lost this summer I'm ending on being a better computer and I hope this gives me a lot of more and because right now it's always a little bit frustrating for me if I these games be cover because I have like slideshow and very big fights it's very frustrating for me and I lose fun in FFA from Thailand due to that but with a setup this should be doable and if I have Ted prepared and have a rainy summer as usual I will be noting this matter when you think maybe with your prize pool you know for FML you can't afford a new neo do you have any last questions so do you have any words for your final competitors now that you beat them pretty much without micro should they be scared of you for for the next season's what what I didn't understand was I can't say much to Jonker because nearly saw nothing of him the game and what I didn't understand was but maybe it was due to my lack of scouting is why Keywest helped him I mean Janka was on his side of the map he is the gold and it really in Chile in the final you want--if always like 25% chance of winning three ways where is 3% usually you want to let that player die and keywords would have been in a good spot to take his expansions then I didn't understand that move by Q West and a neutron was surprised that he a little penny for my opinion he's a great micro player we're strong but I did a lot of micro mistakes for his level of play I would say it lost the zero a couple of times I which was surprising me and he he did well he balanced the game well I would say he switched around he is to me it looked like he didn't lose his nurse I really try to find when you're a little bit when you play say for years you always try to outsmart your opponent I'd try to chat a lot and try to get neutral away from me when they tune want me and to watch Key West and I did the same to Key West like saying his mass farms and stuff and they boof and he had didn't buy this move knew I was talking and kept teaming me so that was a point had me a little bit worried and elsewise great it was a great game and it was not that long for FFA game I had a lot of fun I think despite a few micro I made plenty of micro mistakes but it's expected it's it was a great game it was fun we didn't sit him that much I believe later on in my opinion and it was fun to play with them and and I'm be happy to see their next season again super nice to have you on the show once again Congrats the championship there was my like one of my first FFA experience after last week and I once again had a blast super action-packed nice interaction between the players Neutron being neutron a champion without micro the Russian completely tilted about another Russian this is absolutely wonderful we absolutely love FFA so guys if you have any shoutouts any Twitter accounts and his dreams that you want to plug yes a chance starting with the champion do you have anything you want to promote it was just thanks for tuning in and I hope you all enjoy the game sexy where can people find you yeah we did enjoy the game and congratulations might which is twitch.tv slash FML underscore sexy and a high tech will give his as well just like on the semi-final videos I want to point out that look at the YouTube video that back to Warcraft will upload in the comment I'll put in our discord channel the FFA masters website and then of course a pad as I noted is adding free-for-all to the war three champions ladder it is going to be an active in community and competitive ladder I'm sure and and we're all very excited to do so so come join us come play some free-for-all and hope you enjoyed the game congratulations again to shave on season 31 champion high tech you being the admin and the guy who invited me where can people find you yeah also congratulations from my site you find me wherever those FFA so yeah follow us on Twitter TV v / FFA Masters League and as Lexi said we will post everything else into the youtube comments of respect Warcraft video and via ho I hope everyone's going to find some happiness sometimes drama in in FFA try it out and and don't get frustrated too quickly as a lot of depth and yeah thanks for yeah thanks for making this possible neo thanks for taking the time really really enjoy it a lot probably the best week for FFA really in at least like the last three years this was surely the best that's awesome guys it was a super blast being by your side learning so much about FFA you will do something in June and I surely hope that I will have the time to be with you either on your stream or here or whatever I can't get enough of FFA and I hope too many people will join at this quad many people will follow your streams and people will be craving for more so I guess we stay in touch and let people know when we continue this partnership let's do it thanks a lot wonderful have a great rest of the evening and weekend long weekend for some indeed enjoy Father's Day have a wonderful evening thanks for being with us and see you next time
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 20,518
Rating: 4.7852349 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 54sec (6234 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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