WC3 - WGL Summer '19 - WB SF (Group A): [UD] 120 vs. LawLiet [NE]

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gentlemen welcome back to the second game of a in the Walker league championships of this very very beautiful game neo Henryville live from Shanghai back to Warcraft represent and new me and Korea represent as well this slaw lion still failing to get the first big championships but it's getting close again the H&W masters silver medal is his she wants to claim the Frozen Throne at least me in the bag it's not gonna be easy so we saw in fee advantage the winners finals and his opponent is maybe the strongest undead in the world his teammate as you can see him here representing the Chinese clad newbie his opponent just won 2-0 and having the unfortunate yeah bad luck of having a bit of a injury now as well as you can see there on his left hand he had a bit of a faux pas with a bottle if I heard that right when he says the injury is somewhat painful but yeah won 2-0 now he has to make up for his last performance last wgl thinking back not a single on account of the groups neither did he obviously very disappointing there but his year so far hasn't been too bad winning the Euro Cup getting decent positioning at least elsewhere he is he has proven this year that he still want the scariest players in the world absolutely he is maybe the craziest micro in the entire scene oh boy this is already a match that could be a grand file and this is the round of 16 first round hope the group stage this is how packed this entire tournament is in the qualifiers both players didn't play to the fullest or at least didn't get the big results 1 to 0 was struggling with qualifying quite a bit low lie it had to like wait until the very last qualifier to make sure he's in so it's not like they're dominating it's not like they were getting these letter points every single month to establish them into the top six as a moon as a Lin as a focus as a life for example la lie it even was relegated to the open division one of those qualifiers but yeah now it's webcast it's still online though it's qualifiers I think a mindset for many of these top players is yeah maybe I'm not gonna be you know top 5 in the points but I'm definitely gonna make it come on I'm a mile I gonna get fewer points than colorful then fly probably not and at the end of the day they get in did getting pretty convincingly as far as mindsets go though for one to zero it seems like this way of thinking of not caring about too much can be a weakness and a strength for him losses don't affect him too much he is confident he goes into matters against his opponent knowing that he is not inferior but sometimes it turns to carelessness seemingly loll ayat what can we say about him he is a very jolly fellow but still no world champion it seems like it is so long overdue sometimes the performances from him are completely out of control and at the agent W he was so close at WGAL he never seems to make it all the way though that's true he's always stopped oftentimes even in the group stages but you know he in the entire qualifier race he didn't face a single undead which is of course not the same for the most successful wgl player ever two championships two silver medals for 1 to 0 only ths two championships as well but not the silver medal third one to zero has that is quite some time ago though as we pointed out group stage elimination last time in a group with reliance nobody really expected low light and focus to make it there with one two zero being the big favorite but yeah in group stages sometimes surprises happen here we have the map picks and bans what's out Amazonia and Northern Iowa won 2-0 concealed hills and equals four long I it interesting too bad echo I feel so this leaves us with last a future understand and won 2-0 picks yeah twisted meadows leaving us with a starting map of terrorists and I was amazed when I heard the first time from him that was after the you Cup final against in fee where he talked about the match after he had won when he was like yeah I was confident moving on the twist meadows my opinion that is the one map that favors under in that matter you know what yes exactly which is contrary to the belief of many other unmet players the opening for night off is hard yes but if it goes late twisted meadows moon meadows with a million expansions we've seen it a bunch of times but one to zero is so confident in this would be his losers pick who is advancing into the winners finals who is facing in fee it's either the Yule Cup champion won 2-0 or the ancient W masters runner-up lowly at Korea versus China the walk referee eternal battle and yeah this is the new generation of Warcraft meeting each other on terrorist and and it's tearing us and not the best warden map possible absolutely is without a question in this matchup at least against human perhaps at cause would be even better but here it must be TS but we haven't seen warden in a while in this matchup she seems pretty unreliable she gets level three she's strong there but she kind of has to be played solo and against that in the late game if you don't get level five and sometimes even if you do get level five a warden can only do so much you can use her spells users should have strikes finalize whatever it is but at one point she's gonna be out of mana and what does she do then she has no real right-click damage potential with an orb of venom it's kind of okay but not really the best a keeper of the Grove with an tangos pretty much always going to be ready but is there gonna be the hero pick this is the new patch ladies and gentlemen it's still a pretty new patch but it is 1.31 it's up 11.30 anymore it's not keeper dominated exclusively anymore yeah but the big open development that we've seen in pet 1.30 is the rise of the demon and especially against undead like mana burns against literature DK as an undead feels really really bad but not facing too many coil nova he has quite a few different things to choose from in the early game but as I pointed out as the map picks advanced law why is vetoing ik and in the past two month or so one two zero was always going for expansions on Echo and it was easy to counter with with detonates I not 100% sure if you should veto echo specifically against the fast expansion though I think echo don't you think it's one of the easiest Maps if you go instant expansion that is and yes you're right but one to zero point is that it tells from the map choosing you know that he is going to do that and then you can play around with a couple of wisps right at the creep and dispel the blight and make it a lot harder like moon and th did that to the fullest and worked out so long it's not a hard present reliable though sometimes the risk moves in and snare hits doesn't detonate sometimes on that cells the TP gets two skulls one that night is not enough sometimes a call comes detonate doesn't hit so I can understand him vetoing this especially if he fears the fast expansion which as you're completely said correctly what does your has been playing more and more happy as well by the way playing more and more expansions back in the olden day of 1.39 this was considered utterly impossible but the meta has changed Warcraft has changed a lot over the last couple of years and 1.31 our newest patch here is still being figured out one to zero he is only 22 years old he's only in the scene for four years this is really really young for a walker a free player he already has four Premier titles to his chest two-time GCSE and masters Coliseum last summer but since then no big accomplishment for him except of course the you'll come but there was like in tier 2 tournament and what's so fascinating is that despite being so young and despite being new in the scene he's already the 11th best earning Warcraft player of all time cracking the $100,000 mark just recently his forces are surpassing so many legendary players that is also a sign for the rise of Warcraft 3 again yeah he's definitely the most talented player we've seen in so many years there's other strong really new really young players life colorful huddling demon thing again come on and even I'm gonna admit link word right here but yeah 1 2 0 is the number one standout he's the one who has at times been looking much stronger than some of the others the older players TP being sold DK going for the sacrificial skull the upper left we see her the hero that mate Lal is so famous at WCA 2015 it is the ward again especially against Chinese players she worked out so well but what 2-0 cup the last hit showing why he has the best micro in the game which one did he get it wasn't a very big one yeah I think it was the level 3 guy yeah but yeah he got anything level 2 that's so big it looked so something yeah I looked for a moment that oh he may have gotten hit with a shadow priest actually if I was the air light I should have raised level 2 does get found here with the last creep being taken out Oh saves the wish this actually picked you this game is like three minutes old and we've seen two incredible moves this was into building saving it and here we go for the detonate again maybe against the blight no new yet and there we go against the skeletons not saving it for the skull this is pretty tough for all for what is zero as the warden comes in and of course she has 1005 important lasted right there that would have been level two for the DK would have made things much easier now we have link coming in there as well with the one of mana stealing is gonna be one more google dying but ghouls are kind of expendable in the early game at least in certain numbers losing one to the creeps though is not ideal was busy elsewhere what is chasing there was another cool kill right pretty sure there is gonna be one more and one to zero man he is in a world of trouble getting level two now for the aura and another kill for low light level two point six and this is exactly what you want with the warden play fast experience fast level three and the expansion is already at 50% and the tech is progressing as well now coming in with another mercenary to maybe get the acolyte or maybe prevent the ziggurat from coming up I love this early game for long ayat and this was a total if I can't write a four GU losses I said some are expendable but for losing four of them that is very painful indeed ziggurat cancelled as well known arrow coming up you're too soon and this one of massing is actually doing a great job for long ayat making sure there's no more coils and once again finding more cancels ghouls do come for the main so the skeletons don't have to defend by themselves and seems like the warden dropping solo will be forced to fall back here assume but this is all greatly delaying the expansion making it very expensive for one to 0 to get up a second base another good decision by the light I feel is to go for blink second he's not damaged greedy because you can chase cools a lot easier with shadow strikes you can pressure the DK a lot easier with search and strike that's usually sometimes the number one pick of skills in this matchup if you are not going for the mercenary camp for example but ghouls and one two zeros micro that just screams for surrounds and with blink you just get out of their stance teleportation now on the warden as well which I believe we're going to be seeing used a lot in this game we're starting to move into a two base versus two base game which as I was alluding earlier we never used to see this in the past it was always tier three rush by the undead feeling that they're so reliant on tier 3 tech orb and everything else that there was never a earlier expansions but the meta has changed the unders have adapted and now we even see these super fast tier 1 expansions which is also gonna mean though little lie is gonna have a massive tech advantage for a long time against the robot the mage I even more mana for her to use and the level three as you pointed out expansion is on the way so more creeping in this stage of the game follow light but also one to zero getting up to the level three and level tutorial finally the exposure and the guards have been buffed is there a chance to see this kind of forgotten unit for the undead in the hands of a Chinese hmm the warden is against small dog numbers she's pretty good with a fan of knives but once she gets really high gardna she doesn't actually do that much because it's unit capital six I think something like that which can sometimes they'll not be enough AoE against all the cogs but one two zero isn't really that big of a gargoyle player he's still not taking oh my god didn't get the lumber because of the early cool kill oh wow this is actually insanely late I thought he had started at one point but no he didn't seek tech there's no way you can do anything against the expansion candy I mean he has a couple of rules now but still some left in the main this is not recover though how many go did he bring five ghouls this is so much damage from this warning yeah I think it's cool spring splitters kind of cool one of them's gonna die two more are taking out the and tangling goldmine back there but the warden ready was the black fan of knives already level four and getting more kills and this level four kind of opens up the possibility of a second here you don't have to save your experience for the first unit anymore so many more killed through the ward is on fire and this is exactly how low line wants to play this is the game he wants high level warden to base versus to base let me get to level six ultimate coming or maybe even starving on lumber and a double crypt could mean gorgs could just mean mass fiends we've seen that as well I think God's is the only way to get back in this game like lame harass but that could be an alchemist /pan are coming in soon the warden already has the tele staff the warden is not gonna be too far away from our venom there's also still some archers that can be easily remade or berserkers yeah it's not gonna be easy but I think it's a lot easier than trying to get into feeds to viruses because then he has to take 3 or 3 booth with guards you don't really have to go to your three so maybe that is the resource he saves but especially the time shutting down the mining again maybe trying to make him like star for lumber he harassed the entangle goldmine a lot but it wouldn't be in time to send enough cogs over there to cancel it again that would of course be amazing if you could keep this from coming up for minutes and minutes but doesn't quite work out the tech is too late for that it is gonna be fiends no Gaga's here I think you have a valid point there though like if he suddenly goes to ten guards quickly with the income of his two basis 1 stats you want to heal scrolls that could be a big surprise push coming in with those guards but what if it doesn't work what if it gets slapped down what if there's too much stuff against it I think the fiends is going to be the more reliable late game play and the warden is gonna use her time to look for Mijares here we go 5 more dad big of a deal as 1 2 0 has a lot of old to work with and it has a second acropolis to get the acolytes back up again but you know it's also experienced caicos up to 5 and I love this ring of region actually again there's the towers don't do too much damage against the warden the ring helps against it quite nice and most importantly in buying time and note by the pandas creeping he knows he has a big tech advantage he's not creeping close to his own natural he's gripping close to the opponent's natural well later on the Lich would want to creep but now the creeps they are going to be gone and the second hero of the undead is gonna have a super tough time leveling for the first time a WGAL history the player purchased the dagger the new item in Warcraft 3 which gives if you deny a unit with it if you sacrifice human with an AoE healing two units surrounding that sacrifice unit healing overtime which isn't that much first a little bit more panda found most likely the best item possible the mana stone here loving law Alliance situation he's banking on a thousand gold not breaking upkeep one two zero goes into fiends no guard clay here so how strong is the Panda again your sources are under attack compared to a high level if the Panda hits his damage cap with his better fire it's always going to be a great manner to damage ratio I mean anti magic shell okay it's really wanna go anti magic crows painful kind of knifes again and here you see one of the big weaknesses of undead yes the back lights have been buffed significantly but still with mobile heroes it's extremely easy to harass the economy even after all the crafts after taking out the economy at the expansion now going into the main there is the fan of knives and the Breath of Fire did he just drop the robe of the Mater before using the spell before using the mana stone oh yeah did looking for a lot of her ass over here whoa triple kill almost with the Breath of Fire there's one more fan as well almost two more fans this is so expensive this is costing so much gold for one to zero at least he gets to creep I guess but this doesn't seem like a good trade this is level 5 for the warden in a second there's a boost by 1/2 is there a lot of repair in terms of wisp Nova gets rid of that but it's only piercing damage and coats the warden is very very hurt so has to heal up at the moon well super welts are not done yet the pandas awful oh jeez forces are under attack well I it gets too much damage here for the defense he's got a shop he's got my mana pots clarities make a level-five word there is a oe healing from the statues but I think it's too much a weed damage and not that much dps I wanted zero side still not being Tier three don't think these fiends have upgrades either you can destroy her now and look at the AoE Jesus kind of the deal Scrolls against that very rare for undead one getting more cute most likely coil arrives in time the berserker getting killed off the close to level four on the pen of the decays solo trying to do compared TP out gets to kill him the end and the level up for the legit big and important level up but another fiend traded for a dryad and loelai it can easily afford that with the expansion up as well he's breaking up keep now creeping even more to the level four four-and-a-half Panda and now what you zero is exactly that musician that you were talking about before she wants to go to the bottom left and preferred this behind an experienced but not quite that much the lips just three the decays almost five but yeah there's absolutely no neutrals anymore on the map if you discount disregard the little green ones which are lists and left over somewhere lit just getting quite powerful oh yeah double claw or gloves of haste shadow to Rotterdam at the super Lich but this is the strength of the reward now you can just rinse repeat this over and over blink harass and every killer is a little bit more experienced to get him closer to that so strong ultimate the Avatar vengeance and I can defend now with the rest of the army while the warden is doing her job one two zero once again in trying to push this little desperately baby the temple didn't pay off at all the lights already transitioning into fairy dragons quite a few bears good try and she has a well-rounded army to fight against yeah and perhaps the number is the most important thing 74 is just so much stuff right here then the light is bringing to the table oh it's a statute they're almost for free not quite now the Bears kind of lined up paying for Nova but Noah may have been on cooldown but again the AO is starting to stack up don't know if there's a you stroll on the other side there is not but there is a heel award the dagger don't forget about him another pickup for Lala it of course against this the daggers actually kind of nice Oh warden blinking forward taking out the Year award now completely out of mana but bling costs basically no man had only ten and gets away also against the upcoming destroyers no one is really floating in gold anymore Alya now at like 800 could go into more items maybe but he has pretty much everything he needs maybe an involution on the warden has a staff now first a bombs coming they are not that Sept of two area-of-effect yeah and it's gonna require more micro from the night off as well if he only has the Bears on a click they're gonna be stuck attacking the a bomb which is not very effective at all just gonna have to manually micro them so here are the banshees no master training okay just for anti magic and as you can see the spells Canon eat that another beam die but the Destroyer is safe to the back and that's coming in drunken haze Breath of Fire hitting so hard and there's of course only single targets heal that doesn't have too much against this eel Ward being immediately countered by a blink rightly taking up the statue as well this ward man what an MVP everything is orange oh excuse everything is red including that lid Carl arrives last second but for how much longer TV outro use bear fall from animals God how many more kills one trying to blink in gets one abomination and now we have 72 against 59 supply and still a thousand gold for the career why did he push there he hit the Banshee tech on the way I think he was standing at the bridge with only two banshees what if he waits a minute he's gonna have four more banshees and with six banshees you can basically anti-magic everything and then you're going up against a panda warden combo with anti magic that could have been promising but wonder there just keeps on taking these bad trades but that's all the thing like if you don't position yourself aggressively if you're just hang back this is gonna happen and this is gonna happen over and over this warden has caused so much economic damage in this game it's insane and you can see one of the strikes on the warden on this map of course so easy for her to blink into the economy of the expansion with his Little rivers on tearing us gets it easy gets out easy yeah there's no disabled for the undead you don't really want to go for dark grey Oh nobody wants to go dark Ranger to get high level decay at Lidge to maybe find success with a coral Nova combo against the Kiva because the warden is not the tank used here of course a lot of are more as you can see with 6.6 but on the HP front you know not too great but you need a little bit of preparation for that and what 2-0 is not getting that done and all but I think that this is one and only hope very interesting game so obviously low light has the level advantage now the experience advantage at least and he's got the supply lead right now he has been in control of this game for a while but let's say this game goes on for three more minutes without too much action and one two zero just get to his ID supply if both players get to the army that they want 80 versus 80 we're gonna have a full anti magic army potentially and how does that go I'm not sure we normally I'm just by the way one of the biggest fans of banshees in the game but in this matchup we see them only very very rarely that's the training coming from now and more damage against the Gould CEO for more experience but less impact I think it doesn't need too much lumber anymore ok here we go whoo whoo and the cooldown should be off in the second result we have another double or triple kill it should be that could be the level 6 right here how greedy is he the coil level 6 step out there's not enough damage to kill her after this coil dodge how much damage and the old now avatar vengeance makes things even worse for the undead one is it has to spend and spend and spend just to resupply his economy and Eliza has been sitting at 80 for so long getting Mountain giant tech ready and he must be a to two upgrades by this point not even actually might be the two two coming in now three two okay focusing heavy on the damage there but what does zero Scout at the upper-right expansion that l'Alliance ride with the destroyers so now that should be decent to force a light is close but with the day bomb it's not enough to kill them he sees okay there's not anti-magic my Breath of Fire kind of knives combo is not working that well anymore so he just lets to die knowing that there is no second expansion in a dark Ranger now for Laura Lyons ah to silence the possession I imagine at this point we do have master training yes smart play going into high up keep with that but Lala did have the resources to pull that off easily also one to zero one of the best players to use late coils if you can't prevent them that will result in one or two more kills of course it can be dispelled with destroyers but so does roar and reach you so you don't have infinite distil it's gonna be very hard to supply man who it's very hard to micro here for both these guys these armies have become massive there's so many units that need close attention for perfect usage focus fire kiting spells as well just dispels buffs everything pit lord coming in now that heroes rather easy to micro just put him in front use the howl that's it even I can do that maybe you should play dunya and the warden harass continued as it seems once again once again on our way across the map she doesn't need experience anymore to get the old 100 supply the night of army will be maxed out in a bit we haven't seen the avatar yet nope cookie blink right that would be is such a potentially massive throw oh my god this night was big against two of the Wiz but now there's no Nova anymore so I kind of like that play by law light sending in to whisper them three to four the noble but now he's abusing them Nova again there's no jet Nate's reward in the back getting rid of all the anti magic on the banshees they have to reapply it in both pop and the warden in the background they're looking for more stats because the Bears now find the connection towards the front line we have one two zero hiding away cutting back from this fight everything stopping off for one to zero here in front losing a bombs losing themes and the Panther with is getting more experience as well if he gets lower five not even anti-magic can save you against all the magic damage seventeen supply lead for the Korean who did not go into this as the big favorite it was a - too bad about the war that seems to be overwhelming still dryads are not falling at all brother fire catcher of the anti magic shell needs to follow up the Lich in the middle of all the Bears dropping but that's white Samana on this death Knights you use they are false stamping from the warden so more damage can be done with link and fan of knives riots trying to reach for the slow not the best damage dealers in the late game anymore but for the utility of the slow still very powerful along with the dispel of course against the curse you want them as well warden blinking forward looking for more kills even hiding now in the shadows no reveal right there how many heroes they wanted to bring by the way I feel like it wasn't that many but I'm not entirely certain but I it not expanding for the second time main goal mine is dry for him so it's to base versus one base for a little while for one to 0 using heal Scrolls now or by heals codes now making sure that there's no fiend hidden in the ground with that reveal where to go now oh god he's losing a lot of gold too high up Keith like barely an income right now oh that's gonna be a welcome find right here though booyah only getting one kill nice split by one to zero that was an invitation for war it's gonna get at least the one Oh once you get them both though that's one two zero want to expand again with his acolytes I wonder what I see 15 that too dangerous too risky he's getting back up to his ad supply the light is moving the tree of eternity to the upper right as it seems as you can see on the bridge now at almost a 12 o'clock position this red little dog should be it warden no it will potion live a dangerous life and once the zero is happening again this game is not over yet we take it to the fullest and will this effect law Llyod with this injured hand and one thing in the last big engagement was wisp detonates made a big difference right there now at the moment we have barely any whispers plus the dryads remember not the best damage dinos anymore so late into the game the heroes have to do it for the pandas almost level 5 we have mana flare form starting things off getting Webb to the ground but not getting taken out immediately the fiend damage will be coming in though over time and running away from the mana flare now warden in the back getting focused has to be careful no wait one hurt by the way and a lot of mana but here comes to Cordova blinks out that second almost the kill on the pit Lord so know how love Tara but he was out of fire anyway level 5 for the Panda now big in Bull has to use it soon it gets just the coil but is still alive and he's forcing him back there's no kiting anymore for one to zero he has to fight with what he has now or tap out but the warden can't get back in the panel came back get back in but the take a no TP for him anymore seems like this is gonna be his last end at the expansion deeming it so that he has to hold otherwise he doesn't have a chance but it's so many units still left remaining followed who is still in high up keep drunken Hey Oh panda and trouble Babu dark Ranger is there with the staff both heroes solo the dk1 can either the in propulsion is on the legend one to zero taps outlaw lion a long and exhausting game for the korean idol but he takes map number one wasn't easy he had to work hard but at the end of the day it is the kind of game and allied wants he wants to be on two bases if you had has to play against two base that's fine he has a high level warden he has two blinks all over the place all those economic kills on the Acolytes on the ghouls the two base play versus Nidal started becoming more popular from the on each side because of the keeper because you can't prevent his expansion and the keeper doesn't scale that well into the late game but the warden does she does very well with a double AOE there with the Panda the help from that second hero in short I don't know that going to base versus warden is gonna be ever a very good idea you see a little recap of that game and the highlight was [Music] all the time and we can see there once is here was just always struggling that dodge was so beautiful yeah he had everything under control and everything inside and not slipping too much just lost a couple of units of course to two against one to zero but it felt like he was in control almost the entire game after a very strong opening early game in an expansion the game didn't start off well with that little steal by one to zero but he got his revenge with lots and lots and lots of cool kills and he saw the warden early he had the Acolytes scout out he got the Shadow Priests so he saw the war and it's not like he went blindly for the expansion and then was surprised by the first year of choice that can sometimes be the case as well if you don't stop but he did know about it and I think this is just an opening you can't give a lie and you can't give him level for warden for free you can't give him this to base versus to base game where I would have loved to have a statistic there how much economic damaged if the warden deal yeah it must have been in the 1.5 km range probably more yeah with rebuilding acolytes with mining time loss is that very cetera of course it costs a little to use like clarity's but that's about it right you buy the staff that's an investment then clarity's and move I'll help you out it's not too much to invest in with the work play and now twisted meadows one two zeros pick against Knight oh yes kind of unheard of he's definitely the only on their player who dusters the one who seems to be favoring it the most certainly yeah twister can be a nightmare as we talked about earlier if you go to the late game if it once again becomes twenty minutes plus with high-level heroes with plenty of bases all over the place then it's really tough to deal again tonight up who is set up but in the early game it's really hard there's not a single safe camp on the map to creep for the night off if you disregard the green cams which aren't worth mention of war creep and perhaps this is where he's gonna straw a strength from one to zero getting off to a good start and not let loll I'd get into the position in the late game way wants to be sure he needs higher level heroes faster and that is definitely possible on twisted Meadows if there's not too many expansion will one to zero kept another bad start into wtl group stage and will law lie in advance to the winner's bracket final against ten feet this will be decided on twisted Meadows on map number two OC of course waiting in the lower brackets will be having a tough time there regardless of his opponent these are three favorites Lowell I'd won 2-0 and infeed and only two can make it out of group a obviously so here we go our second map loading in low-light looking confident looking strong looking comfortable as well that was with a warden on Terra not stand twisted Meadows is a different story can you pull off the head hero on this map very unlikely I would say maybe a keeper of the Grove or maybe the return to the tried-and-true demon hunter but we were talking like the past one and a half years how strong won 2-0 is against Night Elf right I mean everybody now we can say it was oppressed by Night Elf and keeper and Alchemist so all of the win rates against night I've dropped a bit but one to zero was at one point like 79% win rate or around eighty percent win rate against night off I'm not mistaken he dropped down to 67 percent against moon and Lorelei it and especially life like life eliminated him from next in the lower bracket round one that was quite unheard of of course he is still the best WGL player ever with two championships and two silver medals but yeah he has to show it once again that he's worthy I would love to tell you the first hero but the nice graphics lay over it at the moment but I would say it's a keeper of the Grove I think so too especially with the harder camp here as we can see the engine of war not being placed at the Noles which would be look like the old school position here we see the keeper or at the gold mines which is like this sneaky hidden position no he's going for the merchant which oh my god did not get scouted one two zero sent out double Scouts but he wasn't looking for the merchant that is a greedy camp that is a hard camp that we don't see often getting taken yeah but it's also not scouting the three o'clock position where night off tend to expand very early on as basically the first Cavaliers forces are under attack so I'm not such a big fan of the scouting he will see it soon I guess with the echo light jumping across one two zero now knows the starting position of the light he knows that he's top right the cool isn't checking the gold mine over there I thought he would but now he knows about the edge of war now we see that DK though is slower than the knight of hero by a couple of seconds the age of 100 that's not a good start of course no entangle can lock down these units and didn't go for the troll warlord first so that was still up for grabs the wisps now also up for grabs oh oh this is not looking like a good start for the Korean you see bringing in ghouls no he sends them back but maybe with skeletons he can kill the tension of water or repair it's too late and he can't get to the trees and eat them to heal this is no production wall I'll lie it and this one Archer might be falling dude oh my god this is such an eye-opening despite the late Scout 1 to 0 makes it work with only an acolyte of the DK not even chasing after the archer interestingly okay now he might be and here we see the big difficulty for nylon twist Meadows the early game low light though it's kind of his fault he took one of the hardest camps to attempt first and now the big lesson coming in with double detonate he can drain all of the mana for the DK he used to get one more detonate off though and he does know coil here to work with but mellitus what do they were so good in the last department not this time though he surrounded there there's the entangle again la-laaa taking revenge for the early game that wasn't too good the tree and block is still there Wow sweet he gets the archer at the end but loses the town portal what an action-packed early game the DK Cup the rope of the mage I though so the experience goes to the knight of the item goes no yeah yeah to the undead Archer also died that is the only Archer there is no anyone who suffered no he didn't okay DK is still healing up here but there's no entangle still and one to zero might know it is still the case and he sacrifices a collide with the sacrificial ritual dagger right there for a bit more healing as a keeper continues to pressure damage of course will cancel the healing oh but the staff over this is pretty cute this is all kind of cute but it's not gonna lead to finished soon so that means halls of the death slow I think the most important thing here is there's no level two for the keeper and there's no expansion for the night off so what is it or despite having this her DK can be satisfied with this early I'd love to know the tech here from the light should be much slower than the undetected cost three wisps earlier to repair here we see now the expansion and the tech is actually pretty fast by the light all things considered the hunters although a little late we don't focus special making it to Shanghai after all okay now that's the expansion but I think what 2-0 must be aware of this walk into the creeps needs levels as well it's not like he can just rush over to the right-hand side of the map he would lose too much time for that as the keeper would be leveling up so the row problem it's gonna be a great creep here for him if you can take it without interference and the keeper got it level two but now it's gonna be returning back to the side of the map never mind nah go with Boo Boo's okay that should be a lot of damage but now we have the unholy aura very helpful against the slow of the Naga blocks the way actually nicely done but there should be at least one kill more oh good damage here from the night of heroes but not the tank east if they get surrounded could be a quick kill or a TP forced at least first cool dies morn tangles it means more kills and this is kind of cool all right getting quite a bit done here with only two heroes two ghoul kills but that's not the only thing it's also slowing down the creeping tremendously and we have garg's well one guard at least for signal I did a double engine of lore oh wait what the Kieffer docked he had a TP did he get Bohnert baby yeah there's a hardest thing mother surprise Nova he wasn't anticipating the Lich probably I think that must be it but oh that's a big mistake that one hurts okay because now he can do nothing yes he has to creep up okay here we see it again the vision of no light and there was as he said this surprise Nova coming out of the dark and killing of that keeper of the Grove who is struggling hard with level 3 right now he needs to creep but it's so hard to do with the Naga only there's nothing to tank with basic except for the tree of life but no tree and spork it is no damage sources are under attack this will take a while of course one-two-zero knows and what is this pretty strong right now let's bring over the ghouls is at 37 supply against the laughable 24 and that is not recoverable anymore Jiji lal ayats gives up this map here a lot of things went wrong side off with the ancient of war which was a greedy choice in the first place I guess it is one too it was one two zeroes pic here perhaps expected to lose this / win this 5 yeah shake that off that can happen map like that this was completely a bit of an off game but that happens every no that was a really weird game after this long and skew shading level first map tear understand mistakes the early very good moves in the early though as well so this was not your normal cookie cutter game no side really it's really interesting how they deal with this both were trying to throw some curveball that curveballs was won 2-0 put the creeps out and doing some personnel Camberley then came the tag I was a little bit back and forth but yeah the killing blow was just nobody gets to keep her off the girlfriend without that first to it that stage of the game when it's so important to get the actual advantage and everything yeah that was just the neckbreaker absolutely after having fun blinds to find the early losing an ancient of war is a massive deal like there was no investment from the other side at all he wasn't coming in with one ghoul and he sent that back the DK and the skeletons killed the ancient of war and then you're stuck or no production until to to it's like you're vulnerable for so long expo was the Hail Mary play trying to pray for an opening or a way back into the late game but that was not allowed on to 0 once again successful untwisted making me think about perhaps reconsidering my latter vetoes at Remo now it's according to statistics in this tournament gargoyles have a 100% win rate him I recently casted shall wake up we saw torrents torrents have the head of one hopes Edwin riparian well shall we nothing compared to wtl but yeah interesting choice I want to zero there seeing that the CDC opening in him he has a lot of different weapons it is Arsenal very hard to predict what exactly he's going to play earlier we saw his fast expansion attempts on TS in the end didn't work twisted of course that's not a matter where fast expo is really a viable one wisp that made ruins your dreams and that's gonna be that for that strategy i have to be honest with you right now bro i forgot the third map i thought we could just talk over it because i forgot it too but you of course have have to put the knife now we're we're gonna be honest here but just had to wait a minute longer because we see it now map number three because lal is between low light and one to zero will we take this for or into the twenty minute and plus mark or 1 to 0 prussian again early on he wrote choices super interesting unit composition super interesting this is the deciding map and group a's winner bracket semifinal and it is our beloved map loss reviews where early expansion is absolutely possible from both sides but the ward [Music] possible on this man she is absolutely doable if you know it creeped out for her for level three Lafayette does that with an engine of war at the shop that must be the start I think or at least this must be the follow-up but I think it's highly unlikely to see that my pick here would be the third different first hero in three games my pick here is the D mater can stock up on Claus nicely can move from Camp to camp kind of well can also creep some cams without ancient of war even the natural the high priests but if you go keeper here it's actually easy to creep level three pretty easy as you can move with trance very simply from camped camp we're gonna have to keep it close up eye out here on the first year choice for the Niner for the under of course it should be DK but won't to 0 has been experimental the last couple of months with Lich with dread Lord but now in the serious game in the serious tournament audience looking at this as well no familiar faces so far but if you want to zero fans and emoji in the upper row no it's not yet we will see you later I guess so is this expansion or not is the question and what's the matter of here did we see the heroes already keeper oh keeper it is that's interesting it will be the keeper of the Grove here indeed we're smoothing out for the shout no acolyte Scout interestingly first time that we don't see an acolyte Scout only five echoes which ii should certainly mean no expansion okay so a little heavier on the ghouls and then no expansion attempt I was easily 100% sure but maybe the games against spoon and th when he was playing that'll have taught him a lesson that it's just too easy to cancel if there's good with detonates oh there is a little block he sees the inventory for ghouls moving out that's a lot of ghouls it's a real number doesn't censor that collide later I guess so skeletons mmm perhaps both getting detonated not quite Oh again with the save damn okay is he waiting for the blight or not I don't think he has the chance because there was the scent snare so at least to get rid of the skeletons but he needs a follow-up there's one wisp and maybe even another one this could be game right here will he get the last hit playing around it and the experience goes to the DK wanted oh god yeah the wisp gets ensnared again this is the trappers with the ensnare and you can still place a cigarette over there he needs this another whisper it's not coming you can't afford it after two is all for us around maybe squeezing through that little opening all right Plan B I guess we don't expand them question is did the light stick start the tech or not if he this is the late undead tech now of course it was supposed to be an expansion but too much pressure gives up on the idea if the lie detect normally still this is gonna be decent advantage for him moving into the mid game well if one to zero did not build a neck light and just faked this expansion he could still be ahead of tech I think he's a little behind we saw it now we saw that and the tech starting but it's basically neck and neck so low light as well delayed the ecstatic of his just slightly and again early pressure no expect for low light at this point what is zero is scouting for it but the light is dodging that currently just getting level two for himself with the tackle really good whisk users look at all the eyes on the map of our life yeah such a good idea whereas opponent is one to zero if wanted to go for a bit of evasion creeping right here doesn't want to run into this level to keeper with the entangle ghouls with that are an easy snack for him backed up by the archers but thanks to his wisps now he knows where the opponent is despite fact of how weird the screep brothers for the undead now he has the aura though making things a lot easier but one entangle should certainly mean one kill goes for the safe one with one to zero denies and the block coming out from the DK could be an opening now to surround the first here although now with skeletons here that's rather unlikely though to hold so only one ghoul lost that was denied that's totally fine good escape from one to zero and then we saw his incredible micro using his DK so nicely to just block the keeper to prevent entangle against more cooled and getting the last hit on the one Google that fell this is why he is the necromancer that brought on their natural now is being crept by the treants only fall alive this is going to be the expansion probably yes keeper is not really a hero you can play one base versus one base normally we say I might have almost never can play this on one base against under and with the keeper certainly he is just not strong enough in the late game once there are destroyers he is just too easily answered you need the numbers then Alchemist as well for acid forms speeds up the creeping on the other side we have one gark again and ancients of wind for the first time this is gonna be the mass air combo of hippo riders and fairy dragon that was the most popular build by far in 1.30 against undead but once you're now going dogs on one kripp we saw unless experimenting with guards quite a bit or 1.30 as well with expansions without expansions to your two-timing pushes Tier three timing pushes this canceled by the way it's a really big deal right now again no light needs this second base but if he is gonna get it it's gonna be much delayed at least to get some experience but yeah that cancel the expansion was like sixty percent done lost a lot of time here the devotion aura in case you're not watching to watch Walker was buffed so it cuts the - armor ofiove of corruption in half now granting to armor for the entire for the entire army which is out level three the keeper isn't better shape when we see the double crypt into slaughterhouse tier two scars almost finding the creep Jack there but it's nice time ultravision apparently exactly he actually doesn't have a hundred salt that don't need them of course for the hippo riders and here's the guard now and this is definitely gonna be another cancel this guard is so good just for scouting and to be annoying and he's canceling this again gonna cost him a couple of girls though at least two are gonna die oh by the Lich is coming in looking for some kills over zone with the coil Nova cancel the know whether I think just right pressure on this DK now trying to block and it's not enough though one two zero just walks it off chemical rage Hughes wants to commit further on the back of this third expansion attempt for the light keeper they're almost had enough mana or did for an entangle so D K had to back it up with the rest of the army now trying to do some creeping of his own so is one - they're really staying to you - here we have been seeing that a little bit more recently just a couple of ghouls against the archers and then the guards against the air but no it's gonna be tier three but that is truly late ok Ness it goes to 1 to 0 but the town pool has to be pulled as well last second 40 HP remaining where the 350 gold item is gone the rest of the creep spot goes to La liya to need several three on the alchemists I guess against the guards to be able to fight with the hippos against them for ISA 5 for both of them this will stay this way for 1 to 0 he kind of late with that Ziggy hard right so you really want the guards in high numbers you want to be the first one at 50 supply to dominate air with your Nova and with the guards against hippos who are usually stronger than the guards this throws him back a little your fight should belong to the Night Elf now but the Nova comes in and the first killer will almost be snag right there immediately one-for-one trade guard re against Hippogriff you know the ground is not the ghouls can't do anything it seems like trying to get this Berserker now is cause a great anti-air addition lich gets it through this a ghoul over it most likely what 2 zeros doing a good job in keeping this DK safe in the back but he's losing the air battle and this is absolutely not what you want you want to dominate you want to have like three to four guards more I think at this point he can already transition to fiends it's hard of course as they cost so much but how do you want to get the critical mass of cogs again I think he was just going down there looking for a cancel of the expansion but low lie with a good positioning kept that from happening a third time focus that was the second last coil most likely good microwave can get back into this air battle as that is only Hippogriff riders at the moment no hippogriffs doing a lot less damage especially in the air versus air battle that's the interesting interaction with people's nipple writers hypocrites by themselves kind of destroy air destroy guards tipo riders get completely annihilated of course there are more times and everything changed we should have some normal hippos left fighting two versus three right now it's not a fight what to do should but good time to get out and the coil ready as well and we can see the buff guards they are so fast right now in 1.31 the cost was reduced by 10 and the movement speed was increased as well so they are extremely fast with the aura from the DK now losing one Gardel to only the hero that was not absolutely perfect another block getting out of there with chemical rate but low mana on both sides and here's the feign transition and you need a high level acid bump against them because the piercing damage of hippo riders and faerie drugs and the damage in general is not enough to defeat fiends especially if you have a high level coil against it you also kind of wand mass fiends though to have focus fire potential of quickly taking out targets like web all the Hippogriff or Reiter's whatever it is then one or two volleys it dies then you kite back further but with Fein numbers being so low it's gonna be hard to pull off love this mutt golem by the way let me see in the overlay just a little more slow or slow in in general to pick up one hippo you can use that like two or three times he was pulling quite a few fiends actually now he has three does one to zero all I it not yet and upkeep you want to get to sixty supply possibly seventy as quickly as you can with this army everything is air so nothing is blocking each other really so you can attack everything at the same time especially if it's entangled that gives you suddenly pretty decent damage even if hippo riders don't have the best dps the first time in this tournament where it's really really close every single mistake could decide this winner bracket semifinal and in fees opponent and tang up used against this gark and whoops that breakfast for these here in the WCG qualifiers long I had to play Lucifer in the deciding match who goes to the regional qualifiers for Asia Pacific and Lal I'd was practicing with won 2-0 then around 50 games a day or so because WC Jesus was that important to him so of course they know each other inside out and they know their thought process especially in those long games now rat spot for won 2-0 is this turning into the super lich with a claw past 12 know what up coming at this point Lal I should have read the situation he hasn't seen the heroes for quite awhile he has only seen three to four goggles for a long time he must expect if not know that this is fiends and now he certainly knows getting one of his hippos web buds okay he's got the resources to spare law light now with the big army 65 supply for him but a lot of that is just hippogriffs can't attack the feet yeah there's no options to back it off right so can't do it something against the destroyer as well but this entangled goldmine is down good timing by one to zero wonder if he has a town portal again here comes the air army but there will be a lot of wept as well webbing and kiting one to zero certainly one of the best players in the world at that we stop tremendous performances by him with that previously but there's so many things you can with everything that Nova was big and he actually saved that destroyer with ease so we still have this fell against an tangled tree and dogs even survived at the feeds are the real threat but okay here we go first one down he pulls still raining their scroll of protection being used in the scroll healing has gone already as well and the Lich out of man are no more Nova from him unless there's gonna be some sacrifices but don't want to sacrifice the fiends too valuable one fiend over there coil it comes in too late as the fiend Falls and low light is moving forward look a little bit scary there with one two zeroes kiting game coming in once again in full force but now he's down to two fiends it surely has more entangle there is a corner that one feet but one in the back died low light lost like sixteen supply in this engagement though so he's down to no upkeep TPE out with that fairy dragon big big losses for the Korean you see it in the levels close to five four but at least the tree is still standing yeah and in this specific scenario mass fiends versus mass night off air it is possible to play on one base as undead if you have the micro to back it up for a while expansion the bottom right for one to zero wants to control that position so well that you can't expect expand on the hill there it's all about mana in this matchup on both sides if you don't have entangle and acid bomb you are not afraid at all and of course the other without his spells can't do much either Nova there into the backline takes out the Berserker and what does zero seems to be stabilizing now doesn't he absolutely but the tree ends are scouting this expansion now if they have a duration long enough and they do this is a tough spot for low light now which we were rocking the hot pace has to defend the expansion has to kill the expansion of one to zero the trains canceled by themselves much with the duration was it like 50% they got nerve so it's hard to estimate if that's enough or not but level 5 for the DK I'm not sure if it's coil or the aura one morphine will be falling here but denied with the Dark Ritual no experience gathered from the night of and low light is taking losses here as well losing a fairy dragon soon to be losing the Hippogriff after and that is the kiting that one to zero is known for but one more fiend will be dying down to only three now not that much piercing damage and you but also flaw lies forces a twin Lane he wants to win this fight he wants to force one to zero back and then cancel its expansion one to zero is actually the supply lead I'm pretty surprised to see that fiends are hurt single target feeling of course can't heal both at the same time but with this positioning but why it can't even reach for that another fairy dragon Goes Down this looks decent for one to zero I would say moving back to the hill statues constantly ready which isn't a little bit of trouble but souls the keeper of the rope no mana anymore if there's current Nova he's dead there's an inversion he uses that before the new comes in but the game is on a knife's edge right here all the heroes out of mana now but so many fiends still left and the web targets the fairies on the ground easy pickings now more and more fiends coming from the main some may have fallen but enough were there to replace them and now Lorelei it no longer does have the economic economic advantage he's falling apart the exponent the upper right is up there's blight now and the floodgates are open to kill the tree of life and maybe law lights winner's bracket run in the round of 16 the feat transition was seemingly on point doing more and more damage there's nothing all I can do at the moment with the 33 supply doesn't have a wart that can carry this game alone The Alchemist isn't strong enough and this tree of life is down for the fourth time GG won 2-0 vs. infi in the winner's bracket final in two days and we get a night off Mira in the lower bracket as Korea meet the USA law lion vs. OC for survival won 2-0 impressively coming back his fast expansion plans didn't work too well in the first map and gave up on them on in the third game No liberally I guess there was his beginning plan but then said okay too much pressure on me and then was able to do it with his army control on one base kind of what made him famous in the first place and now in the upper brackets well I'll of course still a chance in the lower Fairplay between them and one to zero finally getting a good start into the group stage again finally there when we expect him to be China today in Group A pretty dominant as they win both games here we will have of course a Chinese battle in two days but key play cancelling the expansion twice yes absolutely interesting build they're just the single crypt guards I think you call it the TBC build for a while and and I felt like you were kind of making fun of them sometimes that is an entirely different thing though because TBC is staying at one crypt gorks and he's fighting mass air with that and you can never get the numbers with one crib one to zero so okay I got that scout information I got that decent early-mid game boom slaughterhouse boom second crib boom guards had a decent time with the five six guards at the same time but then he saw okay these simple numbers are getting out of hand kind of lost that fight it was a fair trade but he lost to any guard should continue mass air game and then great timing for the transition into fiends and low light was not ready for that he had the acid bomb not a super high level he doesn't he had the 63 supply but it wasn't too powerful so I think in combination with an expansion timing the tradition into fiends was key for one to zero next to his great micro and the cool thing about that build actually is if you open up with this tier two guard play staying on to to a little bit and transitioning later you have the double crypts to replace those fiends once they start dying and a lot of fiends did die but there was enough gold there was enough production to keep on rallying out those fees hoo-boy one two zero on stage one mapper one series away from the top eight where he of course wants to be again after that devastating defeat against focus last wgl in the group stage so our friends of garland Harbor will mostly translate that on his blog Aragon Wong is here with us by the way maybe we can get an interview with him speaking of interviews in a few minutes we will have an interview up with OSI on our youtube channel youtube.com slash back to Warcraft in front and let's say in a very decent setting absolutely it's a pretty picture yes thank you very much for the $20 donation DC Duck 1000 for greetings from LA thanks for your hard work and making Walker three tournaments accessible and thank you all for so much for these masses of subs that are coming in we don't get a fee here for casting this so every single sub or donation or whatever helps us to keep this channel running we of course enjoy this time a lot with you guys almost 3,000 viewers here at wgl summer 2019 we're not done for the day we're halfway through but not done for the day we have European participation here it's focus versus cash in an orc mirror and the former world champion steps into the ring as well with th vs colourful and cash we saw him at last WGAL already he is always a promising player and not just that he always made other groups last wgl he is also a wild card like how's he gonna play the one reliable thing normally is that when he goes to China he doesn't flop he doesn't get top 8 normally he doesn't get top 4 or sometimes but he plays well every time and it seemed like he's always in contention for making it for almost getting through and with cash well specifically in the qualifier he's actually capable of off racing as well absolutely human Night Elf orc he can play everything and last time he was kind of annihilate by moon we gotta say moon playing mass chaos life like this this was moon that was moon hey that was moons tournament he was the best player by far he had to play against in fee as well and man in fee was sweating so much in that best-of-three cash came so close so definitely good chance but he's up against maybe today the best Hawk Murrow player in the world and that is focus yeah focus was extremely scary the last couple of months like April and May he was in my opinion look like the best player in the world but there was were a lot of wet dreams I was I was very very very impressed but I was already kind of seeing the writing on the wall focus has those times has those high points especially online where for a couple of weeks he's so strong and I was kind of afraid it's just gonna last and it might not here are the highlights from group a low-light words 1 2 0 we will be back in a bit with Group B stay tuned [Music]
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 15,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, Gold, League, WGL, Warcraft Gold, World, Championship, Groupstage, Ro16, Round of 16, WB Semifinal, Semi, Final, Semifinal, LawLiet, 120, eero, Lawliet vs, 120 vs, Lawliet vs. 120, 120 vs. LawLiet, undead, ud, nightelf, ne, Group A, Winnerbracket
Id: bS-REpd3jyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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