WC3 - Yule Cup 2: 12 Player FFA (ft. TH000, TeD, Infi, Fly100%)

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so six and six is done we're going into FFA we have a couple of players here the scoreboard in the upper right is unfortunately not 100% correct it tells us a lot of flex that are not playing so one two zero isn't playing grubby isn't playing as far as I know we got six out of 12 names in the upper left this gonna be a huge chaos and the colors aren't this is gonna be even more chaos but yeah we have reward here we have high tech here guide us through FFA guys so I I'm just curious if TD is TD or f TD is just a smurf of another player here on the on the observer fourth but yes somehow the names got replaced yeah by its placeholder names the question is that the colors remain the same I think it is done so you can't really team so you don't know who is who yeah it's pretty much aliasing we don't know who anybody is yeah no no usually they they on some other maps where they anonymize player names they use like some random animal names or whatever it's just funny that they took like pro player names in this case of some of the players that are in this game so you talked about this earlier diplomacy is what you call it does that mean that FFA is kind of like a risk will you make alliances and screw over other players no I mean that's not the case usually but in order to win like you can many other players so you can so temporary peace is allowed it's not pre teaming some players just play straight up and just go go for go for it and just win it and don't talk at all but others rely on on diplomacy more so there are different ways to - yeah B&Bs of turtles so if you want to be diplomatic diplomatic what does it mean doesn't mean you privately messaged play your green and say hey no how about like how does that work no private messaging is not allowed so you would just ask in a public chat if you like you can ask for peace with one player if you usually don't do that before the final 3-way but if there's one player who just stays on fifty supply or it's a lot of Gold and and the other two players are just fighting each other forever it's going to turn out turn into a free win for the whole egg player so that's why you try to balance games so usually if we play four ways it's like straight up one on one on both sides and then at some point if the first player gets defeated it's it's going to be a balancing game and everyone tries to get an edge by having most gold having the highest fewer levels or just being underestimated so but it's all happening in public jet okay be a little hard to follow for us as we don't see the chat or it's Chinese so how this game goes by the way is that there's a 60 minute time limit if the time limit is over the one with the most points wins I guess is that normal for FFA or do you fight until the end there are some some leagues that do that in our normal FML seasons we don't have a timer this season mattress last you usually like the average is 11.5 hours last season we had I think one match that lasted almost six hours there are exceptions especially if you have maps where people can take islands by cutting away trees but we try to prevent that like usually it gets exhausting especially for streamers and councilors after like the 2.5 our month but this these timers can take like the can take base races away which are like a great thing in FFA and much more common than in in one-on-one in 1v1 also the amount of gold in a gold mine is rarely very important outside of that in the main of course but the total amount of gold on the map normally doesn't really come into play is that important in FFA yeah for sure so there are smaller match met maps and bigger maps and some maps have too much gold so it always depends on the map but usually like it's not uncommon that players have more than 15 to 20 K gold so that's something you can that's an amount of code you can rebuild with multiple times and go back 200 supply in this match like it already turns out that we won't see this these high gold counts like we see fights everywhere on the map and only tier 1 units so far normally what we see that right is after a while some players are eliminated and then we're left with like four to five players Brad is that what we can expect here in in this match I mean at some point players will drop and I don't think many of these players here will try hard and just try to rebuild which is a nice thing in FFA because sometimes you get distracted and you can't finish the player you are like fighting against and that you've won against but you can't like hunt down all buildings because someone else attacks you but in this match I expect more players to just leave once they get defeated so yes I don't think it's really I think it will come down to three four players very quickly here well you guys looking by the way through some fights yeah I'm here at the the yellow expansion as well did you see the little critter abominations what No oh yeah I saw one here there's one it you won't see in a second don't think please sorry we have a lot of players here taking expansions if map certainly invites saying expose that's basically one outside your main right away and the brown or player here seems to be one of the only ones that hasn't got one yet and it gets canceled as well we all know how hard it is for to expand before tiny but outside of that almost everyone's got the second place the ABS it looks to me as if like especially the red and the pink players are playing like a more common FFA star so they prepare for the late game they try to hold some gold don't just break 50 supply quickly and they attack and get all their upgrades first like hunts for example are not really cost-efficient here so usually nothing that takes you to victory and orange is trying to steal the creepier at the left but a night of players not applied got it so how important are heroes versus units like in team games oftentimes at least to me it can feel like actually heroes of course a nice addition but in the end of the day you're gonna have like 90 supply or whatever and it's mostly Tier three and that's what's gonna carry you is that what it looks like or how is it as as long as all as long as all players have gold it's like a hundred supply armies that dominate everything and that that you need in order to really get experience on your heroes but late-game especially if you face like alchemists dark Rangers with transmute and and charm at some point units fall off and you want to have your high-level heroes and they can carry you through the late game but in FFA you always go for a triple hero and you usually want to creep to level I'd say like four three three is usually what you're able to creep creature before taking the first fight really and and try to get like three to four K bang until you really break break upkeep and go to go to a supply ten minutes into the game we have a first Zeppelin drop here between red and blue with hippo riders coming in keepers doing quite some damage with the bottom gonna be - or us later and maybe the walk seems to hold with the typical black master Shadowhunter combo at least in one-on-one and the off will have an alt also in a second so he has his fortress ready and that will make it much more difficult for this night of player to to fight this but purple is also joining the fight as it seems or not he's yeah he's undecided and a blue player prepared this expansion rather well by cancelling all the towers so would be easier to do but all right he's he's not going for it it's not pushing whatever a little harassed by the yellow human player going against Green how good is outraged by the way in everything thank you aura is great for heroes but when we get to 100 supply water elemental strip clean negligible right are you you won't go for or you will be skilled to Blizzard for sure but the three hero at like triple human hero with Archmage and Kay paladin is still considered one of the strongest MSTP probably especially on fitness there's bonus skill of them all and some players do know how to utilize it really well and it's it's almost unbeatable if you're up against just one player one enemy with master p.m. that make sense especially with her like 20 second cooldown so the light blue grayish players taking up orange at the moment kill the hero and now mass wyvern take out although it seems like the orcs are not doing too well so far I mean in the mirror there must be an orc winner bird there on the receiving end so for attack and light blue is on 52 supply so that's know where you want to be usually Oh twitch ad now he's 50 okay he uses better very nice that's periwinkles you guys periwinkle periwinkle a pop with your color names I'm being accurate yep ended on mana what what's brown doing in the middle he just left the pendant on man off men are in the middle for blue to take it away there was gonna be a lot of entangles I guess it's not much to spell there's no to spell actually button King could fall the damage output is a surprisingly night for me sip of the brownie so the keeper later on should be pretty trashed right this is ultimate good enough to make for up for his other trinkle it is amazing but usually you don't want it can be good but you want to add like a strength II rule usually so you so Panda keeper button and that order is considered to be one of the week one of the strongest FFA he will combos of all time one of the most classy one really yeah but in this order I'm not sure he will just die very quickly to this on that nuke I believe so orange lost his expansion first harassed by this periwinkle and then by Pink's that were combined to tag pretty much or pendulum attack and this blue night elf is seemingly everywhere he plays it a bit like leather games are often played so players are just rambling around attacking whatever they see and I think with with these many players it doesn't really matter but usually like the disadvantage if you team up accidentally team a player early is that somewhere on the map someone has just free rein you can just do whatever he wants so usually you just want to fight one player and not just randomly fight multiple players and on top all these players may want to attack you after that and you can't hold against three players usually so yeah blue really getting rekt here now fiends turning out to be pretty good against hippo riders headers actually good your internet buffet they they are if you have like you would damage usually with demon hunter they can be pretty good and also good anti anti air if you on a mount them horrible stats like for supply units no damage but they have good focus fire if you have if you have a demon hunter and Onaga for example they can deal decent damage and you are protected against air units because you can turn them into great anti-air units very quickly so they can be cost efficient at least until the early late-game so the for the auctions are looking a little bit rough red as well as orange don't have an expansion finally red is getting a tiny Great Hall it's a bit of an autumn or going on on the left hand side in the orange space he's looking the roughest right now out of all players 21 supply for the orange or if you may have our first exit here and I think the most important ones at the moment when there's a grave playing against Brown trying to hold the expansion is Brown but that doesn't seem to look too good by teal in his own main base so this attack yeah the MGS of the expansion the rest is harassing in the main gray has quite some problems here and Brown holds this for now okay shambles of well as it seems probably to supply only against 75 a crate finally did go back to TP to save his expansion kind of surprising up TP doubt so quickly with 4m geez maybe you could have killed that Expo but okay Expo does survive their fight a few mgs everywhere the green undead on the right hand side fighting against the yellow human right now but this is not only hippo riders so the fiends it's just basically pure fiends fighting against the very well around the army of the yellow human DK does get level 5 pretty strong coil with that pally and MK levels rather low not even in the back here if the back end piece of dark green are joining a friend to that thankfully knocked down before Mountain King falls to a carrion swarm still a thousand eight hundred goals could spent that needs some supply but AI combined attack right here we have and all the others now the other side it seems pink decided that it's not fair to team down orange so he went back and now started fighting against Brown here who has a hard time down to forty supply just 100 gold so it seems Brown might leave is the early or the the quickest player to get defeated here the horde are having a tough time man the poor orcs and everywhere in the north as well blue is once again attacking also has the lowest score purchased out of the entangle an orange is helping threat as it seems at least the black masters killing some trains here and purple just building whatever units like people going for mass bears hippos so purple about to attack someone here also goes for Camaros now in the meantime we have another AI attack by blue trying to take out the destroy so many mountain giants everywhere green trying to eliminate yellow and that works nicely Oh red is tapping out first so first player eliminated was the 12 o'clock red pork no idea who that was moon yeah first I guess Bulgarian moon with the means the brown survived longer than ran yeah but he will be out in a second unless pink gets attacked now in his main base and all editions with inner fireman and devotion or as well 13 are more easy maybe you can kill the Paladin finally no divine shield last second with 14 HP nice safe here towers don't do anything as well shadow I'm too dead and yeah Brown should be the one to follow ran into defeat and so so it's orange and orange interestingly like his expert was taken away by light blue but light blue getting attacked by purple now what a tea supply so purple in a decent spot here only level 1 Hannah but this is a scarier tech fall like blue here we've had only battling for the last 10 minutes but not purple right purple was left alone Green is storming forward towards light blue or whatever that is but against 4m jeez look at y equal supply and if you if you observe this match like you understand why many many people consider FFA like totally random but it's it's actually like this is as I said this is like looking a bit like a letter game no one really trying to take a long-term advantage here so usually like there are ways to like to to increase your winning chances in this in such a match but it's funny how many people are in the game is it it does it very sometimes have four sometimes six sometimes they like normal League FFA usually sticks to four players and six like you want to have an evil even numbers of four six or eight way is common and more than more than eight is like a very different kind of FFA already because it's just impossible to keep track on what happens on the other side of the map and FFA sense is very important in in FFA usually not just in order to have an idea what happens on the other side of the match and do not don't just yeah television on one thing so who's in trouble now I guess gray who is under attack by pink once again the Tier three human seems to be very strong and Yap taps out third player eliminated is gray and maybe dark green is following soon only 55 supply also playing against tier three human strong yeah he's looking really good up to three bases tons of gold he's got the shredder shredder is like mandatory in everything right yeah for sure and also green like light green in a very great spot here 5k gold and not being attacked right now and he has these levels like yes five almost level six DK levels for each level for dreadlord so if I five five four under this is amazing as DK old actually do something into you okay now you won't skill it usually so bad you don't even kill an epithet like at some point you have to obviously if you get closer to levels to ten at some point you have to but especially since most unless prefer mask ox late-game they like they just go for mask arcs and then a death pact is like a handy tool to keep your death cake decay you're like as guards doesn't that get countered by a lot of things mmm like you can kite very well with mascots triple hero so hippos are very dangerous obviously but you can just you can just Novus ROM mess air units out and especially since they buffed the swamp so heavily sorry there's a cool fight on the bottom right hand side yellow where's his dark green he wanted to mass teleport out but there was sleep from the dreadlord and now he's forced to fight because I guess he doesn't have a TV at least I don't see it nope was reliant on math teleport and that doesn't really work anymore but fight so he walks back lost a lot though and there was a nice tone here for for light green and the swamp with with a buff in 130 I think it was just became such a great tool for on that to fight humans against since they would since it works against gyros and tanks you know I did was I I know I know all and ads should be very thankful to you everywhere humans III don't think every human player will come Claire what would agree with that yeah it's okay and now humans got their new off and now pink on like green so pink just going from one base to another here but see what how this fight turns out so many hippos here can fight this dragon Hawks coming in damage but on the ground he's not focusing the dragon horse really he's focusing now he is a bit better but these simples will die he should has only one staff he could have stepped them out wasn't enough thank you so much tackle with inner fire the areas are so tanky if there's no way they should be winning this fight but perhaps the night of just coming back into this the MGS on the ground are completely untouchable for now and I guess a lot of ami died and now it's down to the heroes we have another fight here like three years or what it's dark green yellow and blue oh my then they're teaming up on dark green that's so bad and blue just got his own expansion killed by green here in the north but then green got attacked by purple so purple here fighting against green and that could be an interesting fight like bears are pretty strong against all these in heaven elbows and knees let's see how this goes war hit was coming in but there's almost no air this is math team to Panda focused and kikis out to green survives you one more Oh a little over five yeah that's powerful yeah and you see the new gyros here and at the bottom yellow having some jammers again against these hippos not sure that's a fine blue can take here oh nice torch yep exactly too close to tranquility but in tank here comes the gyros one weight in a fire rest is not for TP out you know actually has like no upgrades zeros there on the nights only 100 on the flying machines it's very unusual we have another fight by green it's a little bloodthirsty at the moment pushing into purple that's the best home you can get here like the home of XP all these hippos he should be able to kill three Nova swamp but mana burn here reducing its mana quite quickly well the ground a gift you have to fight soon demon hunter has the TP but doesn't use it there was quite a mistake maybe he was busy elsewhere with the hippo so so there's two chimps over to the other side killing the expansion the meantime and now the rest of the blue army is coming in with the hippo riders the keeper and the bottom chasing further double level fives on them but green undead falls back and is recovering I guess the heroes very low very cool to see that orange survived this somehow like he was tink down he was almost defeated and then like every kill happened and he managed to stay alive and now a fifth player joining here the fight and three TPL everyone's teaming up on this undead I mean he's super rich anyway so he can rebuild his army and the chosen go yep he was definitely the leader in this but a combined attack and he can't hold on any more Lich is down now and we have another fight of yellow versus dark green in the bottom oh that's a lot of gyros yep that's a lot of gyros not too many upgrades though trees got so much lumber comes better and everything he heard me good good good and blue is just trying to team other players he has it seems so he's never going for a single attack of someone who's not fighting yet but now he's getting attacked in his own mane and needs to take the fight against pink so there will be an interesting one mess anti-air against he's not a team why is the TTP wants to take up the expansion first does he have a TP yes he does yeah but why would he fight like stop fighting dark green now getting a technical language but now he teepees all right yes you have the hippos but definitely not with all of them it's not enough unload or is it there we go mass unload coming in now there's a lot of hypocrites fighting up against these Griffin's we have few skulls coming in m'kay in the front line very low HP to be careful of to loop through the tension big clap coming in right here against the arch on the ground but counter or in school as well and double level 6 mm 6 here tranquility is so good company canceled without storm both both heroes super low everything safe though but a lot of Griffin's dad for pink who again a super-rich and can pretty much rebuild right from the start and if you just drop 250 supplies so you'd take a alternate of green sorry to interrupt you here but it's got one night and won a ball game you got something at least yeah what worth it worth it nice carrion swarm know when to the caster's army is pretty much wrecked with us level two Dark Ritual no wait he has a only level one actually because of frost armoire but it can eat the a-bomb you can eat the enemy dead units for a lot of mana chasing further that should be oh my god yellows about to lose everything you might look oh my god that's war am almost barely makes it only barely makes it away but I don't think like drinkin finished the job yes he's getting attacked by a scary night of army and he has Staffel like ready so needs to be very careful here on like green could could be defeated quite quickly so as mentioned earlier camera skill base very easily the green had 8,000 gold not too long ago all of a sudden okay it's 6,000 still but he's under pressure yellow could strike back he's threatened by blue lost one expansion now yeah let's see how this fight off green against blue turns out I think a knight from a unit perspective the knight up should be in favor should be the favor here but the undead heroes are very scary if he manages to get over sleep here yes no mana that looks nuke and we have frenzy again counted by tranquility this is such a mad let's in trouble again and swap rockets level one tink I don't know how long he will survive and stuff back into the stuff well I don't know about that this expansion is already dead my friend but still looking for more kills I mean once something is web it dies rather quickly never 6 on the ledges well first his ultimate looked at effective in normal fights and in sales everything infernal in a second yeah I think the Night Elf a bit too greedy here I think at the end day he just has hippo writers I come back to my previous point yeah I think like the camera he needed one or two more cameras but like once they can grab a wet one by one it's just difficult to keep them alive so he needed to stay bit more defensively here but the undead Havering 11:6 on his dreadlock now so i guess he will use this infernal in a second just for entertainment purposes later blue-gray is about to be eliminated 22 supply only and no expansion anymore because it was taken out by and what was it maybe purple I'm not you know what orange orange returned a favor for the +36 with outer kodos this is pretty fun actually it's of course lots of chaos everywhere but it's fights everywhere as well for a play-by-play commentator that's the dream and pink trying to finish teal here at the bottom and demon hunter level 6 not sure if he uses ultimate yet but he tries to fight oh nice around here he will die no he won't fire level 6 for the Panda as well a lot of for the old hippos coming in or pink it's a lot of gyros though the annually is sick he's splitting the gyros so can't be attacked everywhere and he's not using his panda now yes but a bit too late life could have gotten off a nice breath here yeah before the split was pretty much perfect paladin in trouble she dies devotional has gone today demon hunter ultimate Saudi should be able to fight this up now Kali fought three periods of my penalty by the way but that's normal in FFA like you that's one of the more valuable items that ever paid so usually you want to have one or two parrots if I tell you superhero he was I'm two dies and metamorphosis form it's not a first on our back to walk upstream but I can count the occasions on one hand for sure and the path of a panda is level seven totally missed that he got level seven year and he's trying to fight with his entries here but he's getting a tech now in his main base by hit light green human here comes the attack from an undead and here we have a fight of blue versus pink once again with one chimera a like green and blue are just all over the map they if they seem to prefer fighting cross map but like win Scylla I mean blue still hasn't recovered at all from the Smackdown from green earlier he said only fifty supply not that much gold left and pink is coming in for the defense he's got the way bigger army and at this situation like it it's surely fun for us and I mean they play for fun too but in this situation it doesn't make any sense for blue to attack pink cross map like he has sin no gold he has no army and so you know as he can't fight him and it doesn't really help him to kill the pink expansion so he would have normally prepared all nice stuff all in blue main base he's trying to send off trying to send off purple here because all of it was about to fall it's most likely gonna be blue oh not canceling the expansion here couple try to extract the blue expansion while blue extension is still still up [Music] doctrine is losing quite a bit as well you plank to you now but he's lucky for him that that light green just changed target again so he's like a puppy just walking around and changing target so he's now on yellow killing the Paladin what the coil Nova carrion swarm 400 bye-bye yeah yeah yeah and he like Queen still hasn't uses in frontal yet right so on just a minute it's getting another base pink is pushing to light blue as well canceling this expansion Green actually doesn't have any income right now but he's so rich that it's okay he's I got five K gold I guess but five K gold died quite easily so five K gold is is like enough to get one one maja me but especially undead is so vulnerable against space harassment like and this this under base is so weak so these chimeras could kill it quite quickly and we see light blue teaming up with purple as it seems here so I'm not sure why maybe they pieced in the bottom right we have green versus pink this was the big boys playing but actually DK was low so green teepees back home where he is under siege from three different armies so how is he supposed to hold us now yeah he's he will die and it will what makes sense for one of these players to just push into the green main base and kill all these students like that's a big tome of experience here that you can get like level 7 level 6 6 so being purple and who has low levels I think should try to go for the undead he was here and he seems to do it green Grizzly on top of the leaderboard but I get that due to the golden rule again big stop finally but also a lot of chimera this Inferno could die quite quickly want to get the pan that was a little too late dread Lord in trouble ok he holds on against this but I mean there's three more armies coming all right in front let's see what you can do DK hexed right clicked backstabbed right link again and he dies due to the storm first you know dead in the Oregon as well and pink joining really really suspect oh my critical strike for three or four well yeah baby crazy pink joining from the back yeah all these gyros so sick guys there's a party and it's in greens main base everyone's invited yeah next player left here who was it who left it was duck green right yeah doctor in Jessica ooh the shadow hunter in danger here but should be able to get away it's baffling how he's still alive with his 22 supply no idea what else he has accepted the three heroes but no okay five peons of oh and here's one eight k 8k expansion still and as long as he's not going to be attacked by purple you should be fine just mining these seven cave or eight K almost on fifty spike oh and blue main base yep another fight theory is already done what we have stopped off with this little too ambitious bear the falling like flight against all that damage but steep he out stuff all is so powerful like you and he can't cancel it he has only demon hunter Penner so adding a keeper might make sense here or talents or whatever 348 grit just a second the army that's already out is not fighting back alright pink pudding into green main base right now only flying girls plus the heroes it's a Ledge by himself as the DK and read Lord of both Bench do we don't have taverns here we do have taverns here but you soft panda like five times maybe he comes just normally yeah you enter a cheat code and boom a panda appears only we have run a special map here you know it's all the Lich's in trouble though he's getting a bit of anti magic but it's only gonna last for so long to kill do it yeah kill steal level six and you said that Big Bad Voodoo is pretty damn good maybe not gonna try hero though right no not really at least he's getting his levels like he's seven six four so that's okay and blue against purple years next five and stuff up should be on cooldown still for another minute probably camara mera while purple is going into green space can he finally wipe them out looks like it DK is still not back carrion swarm does the little buddy also Falls that should be it then all these plate masters lurking around the map just looking for experience like orange light blue Blake masters everywhere here orange he's just been chillin he's like yeah you guys do your thing you know I'm just sitting over here collecting my gold coins building up my army look mats we have a very cool fan who just purchased four pieces of merchandise you're pretty awesome and I hope it's all hoodies and you're getting ready for winter so we will keep you warm but appreciate it man thanks so both orange has enough of the chilling times I wants to take naps like that 75 supply almost all the bets and like blue has no anti and not in bestiary so no way he can defend this he's trying to get bats now but TC plate masters on the prowl again back step down he goes but that's just so random like why did he why does he attack now like why not ten minutes ago to secure this additional expansion he didn't feel like it you know yeah well maybe maybe it's in fee after all talk again feet so again it's fair to say that greed is out but purple is helping a little by attacking into blue but still I think Green is entirely out of this game he revives as heroes sylvia in the middle but not sure how much he's once 1.7 K gold if you can't defend his main base here pink finds him though and the storm one of the law of mana to use so we have a night of Mara coming in again with stuff for the entangles are pretty good but in general blue only forty supply stop will has to carry a keepers actually surprisingly good because nobody gets to spell as it seems so it's hang us a thing but bottom is a trouble needs to go for that involved it doesn't do it Harlem just dies and the demon gets up to level 600 he's got the metamorph now yeah I don't even think he needs it anymore nightmare gets owned by purple and it's gonna be eliminating blue year it's got nothing left and usually you want an anti magic potion or for your potent search so she doesn't get attacked by chimeras master blade with 36 bonus damage by by blue is almost out but orange not following up is a tech here I'm not sure why he's still mining what's to hold on to his army until the very late stages but you could get another mine here like light blue has 5k gold in his expansion still and that expansion would be ready to be taken by orange blue is about to be wiped out it's only the keeper and something else and he's walking into Pink's arms maybe the Allies no no orange is in trouble thanks to a clap as well but runs away and the keeper survives again and now doctrine on pink here yeah oh and a swamp could come off against all these Charles yeah pentakill or something yeah no stumbled against it may be out of range not too sure we're getting close to the time limit actually 17 minutes remaining so all the players who are low in points kind of have to step up the game with eliminated a couple of other people it's looking very good for pink here he's followed in points by green and blue and blue and green are out right so it's looking great here for for pink they should team him now just for the points I wonder if they know the points good question yeah they won't but I mean at least orange and light blue should know that they can't be up on points so how do you get point section Oh first we have a fight here maybe that decides his entire today the gyros are quite her thanks to the Breath of Fire can you get some kills now he strikes again no this spell not level six pounder level six panda could change a lot due to cyclone but back to my question how do you get points I'm not sure what like what these points are they look a bit like total score maybe only unit plus hero score like of the that you would usually see in the end screen so not sure but I've assumed that's that's it what you see here chat just confirmed by the way that they see the points so there is always in to team up on pink now that's interesting at and thank you FK for the 19 monthly sir so for once nobody's fighting there's 100 left out in the world I mean pink we have pink versus purple 87 versus 80 I have cube now for the human going up to 90 units fully upgraded heroes all in level 5 at least metamorph should also be ready and now I wonder if the backstabbing is coming in yeah how do you feel about this kind of guy Thank You doc zero one six nine for the prime stop and now we have this big fight oh my god so many gyros no keeping out immediately how many years wanted all mics it wasn't too much it was like fifteen supply maybe how do you kill that many gyros like damaged stafa would have been like the perfect perfect thing but like you even a panda lose too much a toy did rebuild it everything so that's how you kill a lot of gyros another camera there's so many of them how many workers does he have 20 but my brother tipping out is Penna almost full man are still so he should try to get for some more summer breaths here a few pets coming in here like four beds of light blue orange still has a lot of bats and here's some bats as well we detonate them yep not saving them for the gyros but takes a couple can't get out to stop level three Remo oh yes baby five seconds son 6 second cooldown boys never heard about that and the killing spree continues purchase the hex though comes in with the star staff out dude if periwinkle wins this game I'm gonna lose my mind he's got a tiny great wall just currently sitting in his inventory by the way and orange blade master could go for the Panda here he does but pink is getting so far had in points so if I have to they must kill him somehow there will be their only chance I think and like I wonder what orange is up to I mean yes his army this army like forever does he know the game will be over in like 30 minutes so it's - so doesn't look good for purple we take it out bye-bye what's the call periwinkle yes so he doesn't mind anymore again yeah versus pink pink is getting pummeled in the last couple of minutes here but mass TP is definitely helping him out but that's too many hippogriffs you can't fight them like if programs dominate the air for teal and MGS on the ground the ground damage that he has is super low though orange is like the lamest player I've ever seen all he does Clegg Blademaster and chillin in his base being a little vacation there with his TV is level one [Laughter] but still alive works out crib and and it seems finally keel has recovered and now he's storming towards Purple's main I don't know why against trouble so decision making here he's walking across the entire map to reach Purple's main base while pink will be much closer here maybe he's scared he's going for a lung and for one last hoorah one last bit of glory because he's got no income he's got no cash this is all that he has all that he's gonna have apparently romantic is pink by the way so true of you times you down I'm reading a periwinkle let's go why is pink okay Ted is confused as well we have no idea who is ooh oh and pink approaching gyros versus Bad's justify the main again ten supply plus down but this is the end for the Shadowhunter most likely but it's pretty much only heroes right a couple Oh Dom Chris crits hex cred he forces the TP Oh could get off and on almost I thought he could get off or another bolt here oh and now orange I'm joining you finally orange is doing something or the TC about Tobias Tom coming into where's the he away he passes the TP but can't use it now he's stuck here without a TP or no periwinkles that's not good TC bought back Casa TP but the shuttle certainly gonna die stomp again blacklisted TC finally get close to level three all of a sudden if orange wins this that's so undeserved I don't think he can like at least at least not if things stays in this game oh they fight now pink versus poor or it's a cook decide to fight more level ups but he has no fats anymore and here comes the gyros against the wyvern that's the end for you my friend Cosmo Donna everything else going on it's almost the heroes left by themselves who's got more man out of Patty's got a ton of mana for he'll actually clap stomp old everything is being used gyros are useless breakers not much damage either the next to the fountain and uptime and he's joining with more wyverns the best idea maybe but the euros they certainly still look strong but it's just in ya infinitive infinitive mana for these human heroes so like he can stay in this forever like he won't die and I think the Shadowhunter without mana now is the next target here pink is broke though he's got nothing left for like for income forty supply that's it it's all he's gonna get it's only nine minutes and the other players are running out of co2 so if he cyclone who demon oh there's a mountain Giants around against these pandas and demon hunter fell and Purple's even will also fall the fire panda cannot attack at the moment but he's just trapped with these Mountain Giants in a fights oh boy it's only one player with incoming periwinkle out of the shadows he's back you want to get this shadow hunter mastered level eight purple save this dee would add to some out with the staff and now still ally and all these Mountain Giants might fall here there's one breath do too much though he has a teepee tio has a teepee here drunken ease misses a lot now and the kill from a mountainside gets them in the end when the staff was almost ready like on the Panda one more breath one more kill okay forty supply for pink we have pink pink of this I think but what the teal has so many hip holes like periwinkle tp'ing in trying to save the expansion there's a lot of bats all right more more kills he's down to 26 now and there is quite some mana remaining is he going for the Archmage now it looks like it oh he's got so much lockdown you can hex after this if he wants to three there's actually I am oh by the shadow also in trouble yeah no more having moderate link here is a big problem yes steps you forgot to use it you forgot to use a stripling you need my burner staffed out but how to get up with this mountain king now he has an envelope nice Evan seconds atole lied wasn't on cooldown anymore so it seems he just like didn't use it in time on the Archmage but it could ever win gold 336 wiry weasels so now they just have to wreck his base like you won't tap out right yeah I mean bring the base as well yeah it depends how seriously they take this I mean yes a level 6 paladin still so you can't just like I mean he I don't think they will be able to finish this main base in time right yeah I mean in theory I guess I know all the mountain Giants died right yeah only orange could let's see what orange does the orange could go for the main main base here but there's still a town hall in the other base as well so oh my god periwinkles from the jaws of defeat the clutches victory and do you see purple like purple panda going for pink also here so it seems they know is we have a late storm that certainly helps with the destruction of the base taking off the guard towers and now the bats can come in with a siege damage which was buffed for no reason just want to point that out since we don't have too many chance for that okay it's trying five minutes oh now it shows the real names by the way pink was fly light blue is dead why doesn't why doesn't change now like just so you can team someone for name or kiss baby name last five minutes yeah it's like a five minute warning or something so TD turned from yellow to two light blue yeah like the only interesting question is can he take out the bass yes bloodlust it's bad writers he's trying so hard but no one is helping right no one in the middle like the Purple Panda was helping and in the middle they are all fighting each other now here instead of killing the two remaining pink buildings outside of things mean so if pink can keep these two buildings alive he should be fine and he even has a worker so he could build some farm suit there so he's just running away at the moment Helen is hiding as well who's winning in the middle by the way I have no idea who purple is chapter you know Seany okay thanks didn't expect him of the laughs final five I think it might be wise of pink just to fly in with us gyros now just to sacrifice them like they're useless anyways and maybe he can reduce like this bet number yeah buy a few away now they all teaming teaming pink here Santa's coming in as well but they have to find the other two town halls I'm not sure they know and chalene Scout it like this one tell hall got revealed but I'm not sure about the other one everyone hates on pink W of Z with org so this base is wiped out he still has no goal to bother to but he has his paladin at a shop so you can sell items so smart by fly and that peasant that peasant is like mission impossible right now yeah he has two peasants like one in his former main base and one here in kills me but that's scouted like this one in kilts main may die exciting they're teaming Angeline with the wisp knows about the town hall and WFC is coming in it takes two minutes to get revealed right yeah so okay okay yes to make some farms though farms farms now yes yes what yeah but he needs to lucky just sold an item so he can build like some funds now underneath our continuing the sky demon after losing the demon until indeed and that's good for good for light blue points here like he's second and I mean he's second by far but like if he would kill someone you were seeing may even go up to the top of the board still there would be such a crazy let's go race there we go here Evangeline skill for that he can't serve out okay he's still far behind yeah that's not eight points here something should have this building in your town hall here and you okay the Town Hall it's getting wiped out now yes a second one is a new one to the left but if the bad somehow find it it's gonna die very fast but he then has a farm still in Till's main base sold pink has this I think one minute dude who knows like Angeline could just go back he could absolute right now kill that farm oh he saw it he did he did okay and pink down to two farms in a second here there's another one yeah he built another one so that's gone he won't be revealed wfz taps out didn't have the stomach for the last 30 seconds anymore and oh I think the points have a delayed yeah baby now no TV caught up oh is that I feel like the hero thanks to earth summoned fire ever nine Blademaster 6,000 point different so come on mirror-image ravage Oh dad wind walk little storm Panda and these that as well only earth is remaining nice lock one and whoa ping quits at the end but close race by Chad who caught up to like 5,000 points less than 5,000 points oh boy oh boy a lot of fun guys that was really cool what a comeback by Ted man yeah dude wait a minute if he gets that panda is that enough experience for first place no I don't think so but I think it would be still like three three thousand points probably we don't know too much as the other ones are still not revealed but interesting that green is still third place in points after being eliminated quite quickly that was fun one yeah so high tech in case people would love to see more FFA now when and where can they find yeah you can follow us on twitter v /f of a mess with sleek and also an FFA message calm and there are all links and upcoming matches that we will stream so everyone's free to join us on this court or FFA masters calm and playing games with us join us on letter so always looking for new talent yeah I guess it would be nice if you can provide the links in twitch ad and later send it to me so I can put them in the VOD description as well in case people are looking to sup on youtube so yeah FFA is definitely worth the following this was quite some advertisement for the game-mode yeah thanks I think it's great like obviously I I do enjoy FFA more regularly than YouTube but yeah but every once in a while it's so much fun like it's the same for the augury challenges with the three and three and four and four it's just yeah it's really fun that we mix it up from time to time awesome cool that was a nice breath of fresh air there was a level nine Blademaster India when he was down to like 15 supply or something 350 critical strikes oh baby that was sweet yeah that's the advantage of FFA like you have a bit more variety of heroes of unit combinations so there are some units that you rarely see in 101 but that you see on a daily basis in an FFA so it's a big big plus for sure alright yeah I think thanks for joining us I think without you we would have been completely lost in the broadcast here today and thanks for filling us in into some of the FFA specials that they are in this game mode is there anything I mean in the past two days we've had quite some news about reforged what is the biggest hope for the FFA community regarding reforged i think it's to see more players coming back and playing letter foremost but also to get some of features like not not necessarily graphics like I know we all everyone's interested to see new graphics but it's more like all these additional features rejoining like especially if we're talking about to our mattress disconnects are very painful so we connect features as we had on we three arena will be amazing so that there will be my biggest hope personally but yeah we'll see and like even if it takes another year or half a year to get it I yeah I'm happy to wait if it's if it's what we hope for all right then I guess we let you of the chain of the back to Warcraft chain thanks so much I hope a lot of people are following you do to this broadcast because you guys deserve it such longevity so much fun such dedication from the ever-famous League towards this beautiful mode have a wonderful evening hope we see each other soon one way or another thank you thanks for joining have a good wrestle for they buy my to buy I take what a nice guy for years fan of ours contributor helper supporter you name it remote amazing you don't have enough of Warcraft yet do you not even close I want more Warcraft and tonight we're gonna have more Warcraft because there's been this little competition going on once again on the hive workshop we had another map melee melee map contest and the contest for the map makers is over we have the top 5 Maps determined and those will be played in the hive Workshop Cup today is not that Cup but today is the first qualifier qualifier has started already so we missed a little bit of it but yeah still going on we still gonna have the later rounds and I'm gonna be covering that for you in yeah in just a moment neo has to say goodbye unfortunately has to do some real-life things like working and other annoying stuff like that but I'm gonna be here and we're gonna check out there's new maps alright
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 29,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: 7usUsVRVR1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 18sec (3918 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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