WC3 - Yule Cup 2: Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. 120 [UD]

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we're here the grand final of Yule cup - it's time to write history it's $4,200 for the winner 2,200 for the loser but money is for us at least the least important thing we have as you can see on the bottom happy verses 1 to 0 it is finally happening for the first time ever in a pro and competitive match / tournament it's also the first under mera final in a premier or in a major tournament in 12 years and this is how we got there one two zero through the upper part of the bracket after defeating moon in the group of death he to old sock he to ones in fee and now is in the grand final happy had a rough playoff performance to one against romantic to one against la Llyod now this is the best of five and yeah sorry for not being able to provide stats between the two this is the first time ever Russia versus China for the Yule Cup championship 82% win rate for happy land at Murrah 55 for 1 to 0 only this is certainly not his best matchup because for years and years and years he didn't need it there was wfz there was Lucifer and that's about it and now there's a new challenger in the Warcraft scene he's from Russia playing for lucky future and he spawns in the upper-right of last refuge in this juggernaut of a London Mira we have happy the Emperor facing one to zero the necromancer in the bottom left both are going for DK and fiend opening there's a lot at stake of course 1 to 0 representing newbie [Music] and yeah last refuge I haven't seen it on that mirror in quite some time and this is of course the best of five first to three wins the money wins the honor wins the first match over the tool it is really like this we have really had two undead players on a steer and they are without a doubt a steer this is of course a Chinese tournament this is a Chinese server happy is playing from home so the ping advantage is definitely with the Chinese but happy has shown that he didn't care about romantic he didn't care a get against law Llyod but in our net mera when everything is so close and clutch this might turn the tides in one position or another no ledge opening no dreadlords just DK and happy once this acolyte to be gone right away this is a mirror match Esmeraude as it gets what is it using a coil here to say if it's you're not happy as well the little later but yet DK scallops and aggression tear to check at the very same time same builds same idea same place of course they know each other from the Nerys ladder I mentioned this before their first encounter on that east letter was one of the highest clicked YouTube videos of all time head back to Warcraft YouTube and now the harass begins and one to zero is a link in a commanding position Heaphy is gonna have the upper hand here of course due to the nerubian tower loses a bit of gold here due to the acolyte shovel but now the nubian is there is not allowed to lose an acolyte very close if that happens one to zero is gonna have a huge gold League lead happy on points so far zero experience on the Chinese three skeletons killed for happy slight little Vantage and happy knowing this would happen having this sixth acolyte here of course for scouting you need it anyway to scout the builds of Europe and the first beam is out there's not much to do for one to zero but if he can prevent level 2 happy didn't even lose a single skeleton by the way that's pretty insane two rods left against one not forgetting that this is a little dance to start the best-of-five to put their feet in the water for a little okay how good are you today how aggressive are you today do you or do you do any mistakes here come with me fight me I know I'm better in an interview at wdl what 2-0 said happy has the micro I have the strategies and that might be right the strongest part for happy is definitely micro for one to zero it's a mix of both it's his versatility he's an all-round talent but with the strategies he's right he has a full toolbox of timings and creep routes and strategies in general so happy claims the next over you see you he's not losing that skeleton s well no not even to the creeps and he denies this one doesn't he you have to zero experience five minutes in and who is killing the act light to be able to get the lips and not provide oh now I got a second you saw it earlier most liked because you have the overlay and now got a second to put more pressure on him happy coming in for the kill it's a little too late first experience close of attack for the Nagas immediately he's waiting for his litter started now needs more coils this fiend is in danger there's no unholy aura so all the units are at the same speed DK is kind of lowers the coil cooldown ah oh this was maybe the ping here or just late three throwing the coil that he gets around us well able to fight out though and snare a little unlucky but selling time this was a big power spike for watching zero could use a coil no not getting it focusing on that fiend throwing up a force another coil here watch somewhat by one to zero that's alright throw one - too much and never end snare but he can't make use of that one to zeros behind in tech a little trade but these traits are way better what does it's gotta be careful tempo clock before the first Nova coil arrives again and he gets that fiend early lets arrives entry kill happy at 30 supply and not building a ziggurat now two at the same time oh this makes creeping heart this makes creeping real hard thank you geek off for the five euro donation HfG L let's hope both players have it happy the first to be at level two but good scouting by one to zero buy some time for the creep the brave little move nova lich gets it when of man are stealing nice but more damage from one two or the block by one to zero needs to kill the acolyte president CP yes it is as the naga i would have put it another right-click can he get the revenge girl on the feed that he received early and no very very tense moments here even before tier three which is an absolute necessity but happy portaling home in a good time when tier three was done above corruption gotta be super careful with this DK but he came falls he's dead like happy can just give up the game in almost like me coiled steel preventing Lich's level to what this can not happen again nope scroll of the bees how many destroyers will both players go will help you find the time to go to stress will you even go destroyers we have a temple of the Damned already but in only one base lits only a third hero players forces this is a liability for one to zero to have this Naga can't be coiled constantly needs potions and not having a high level Nova is not too easy the late-game fights will most likely be in favor of happy no creep Jack here once again to watch awards for one to zero about to expire though we have info potions on both sides two statues around we have mana stone one of the greatest items you can ever get mana regeneration and usable as a potion which is out above corruption there as well one two zero ghost destroyers he's completely skipping on banshees dark Ranger the normal try hero combo is up with this date I'm think he didn't see him here happy comes in for the creep Jack one fiend is heard we have a banshee ready I don't think so he invested so much gold into the banshee tech but it doesn't have it here decay dark Ranger joining we have forked lightning we have Nova both use coil should be ready there's an envelope on the lips as well must be safe yeah double level to me lot of the Rings as one to zero takes up two steps to almost nice damage calculation here now the Banshees come in and it was wise for happy to not start this fight against destroyers when they had mana they will of course still have mana with all the dispelled here as the ogre Magi is providing so many spells that he can eat damage on the lives on the other side flute Sobi mask row so be mask whoa with this mana regen bow Sobi mask on the lids mana stone on the decay Happy's items are good and banshees they should carry the late game what do you want to do with nova and fork lightning if there's an anti magic all the time [Music] I don't know last it again one to zero gets a lot of camps and he's expanding the areas happy doesn't have many eyes out on the map will be focused on the fights most likely three three two here an anti-magic sellers ready and that is such a damage reduction no TP risky play for the Chinese happy could storm the high ground now who's gonna get the ogre Lord would be the second one for one to zero but happy will not allowed this going for the Nagas right away there is a nimble potion decay in trouble being focused right click right click right click nothing to heal him except the one statue he's blocking a little over a little attracted to happy and one to zero backs off no destroyer for the Russian only banshees in quotes so what does it'll get that unholy aura of course not useful but it's more gold what does they were breaking up keep happy as well so many banshees is she too heavy on the banshees 0-0 tech on the fiends one one four one two zero already and this distraction is genius for the newbie player happy starting upgrades now of course the Banshee tech is really lumber heavy he has it though but we saw the first glimpse of the Naga pressure all finds an anchor that's of course helpful triple ring expos up happy with a counter expansion one to zero still has buddy at the mercenary camps to laugh but okay happy is the aggressor now but his army is in a little conga line we don't have mass destroys one to zero is so heavy on fiends it should be a damage advantage but the dark ranger has of course so much value with the silence can be dispelled three destroyers to spell a lot but not the entire attic shield know when to the backline where are the silences we don't see him yet double level up four one two zero big fight right here Lipton trouble has an invitation here comes the sadness dispelled immediately destroying focus fire nice fog lightning in the back level fall for the Nagas 58 supply only again 63 this expansion is paying off now as well doc train to catch the coil level three against several four one two zero seems to have the edge here thanks to you superior damage destroyer falls there anti magic shell could be recast but there's not too much Mara on the Banshees anymore of course curse doesn't do anything happy is losing the next feat no saves it with the coil destroyer number two is falling three is falling notice spell anymore now could be a great time for curse Happy's gotta be careful for the next Nova his numbers still dwindling buying time for the expansion he has no TP but a lot of cars due to the mana stone that he just consumed when tough man are stealing used on the decay to prevent the next coil but man 1 to zero is crushing this fight again coil arrives too late still above upkeep happy twelve supply down decay forced into the Invo he has to take like leave this fight immediately if the Naga can reach there's gonna be more killed sweet block so much damage raining down on the and happy is a world of trouble mara stone gone in wool gone and the levels are better for one to zero as well three three to only against four three three can you prolong this game can he make his heroes do the work doesn't look like it it does not look like it at all still an anvil here still two three intervals and the ankh another fiend dead one two zero is in full control and now pushing this expansion not only pushing killing it flits gotta carry a bit but it's only three and a half so we mask past the DK four more coils GG though one oh that was one-sided happy with the better items happy with the better late-game strategy but one to zero with with the timings and what to zero with the fight and this Naga play anta creepin helped him a lot to get superior levels even if the Naga was a liability even if he had no anti magic shell against the Nova nuke didn't matter in the end and so far the strategy of one to zero superior to happy you you and that naga did surprisingly well wasn't threatened too much but with these items should you you invest coil Nova you can't save your own unit with that coil that you throw there wasn't all there wasn't involved she wasn't a good position not that accessible to Fein shots and one to zero takes the first competitive match between these two but Happy's choice now concealed Hill you what is there were two maps lost in this entire tournament I'm not too sure how much gold he was mining from the expansion already the fact that happy scouted it so late made a difference that's for sure so one two zero two steps away from becoming a back-to-back you woke up champion but this is a lengthy series this is not match points yet this is the best of five we have a lot of storylines and comebacks in lengthy series but so far one to zero doesn't look too threatened he's in the upper right he's in the lead and I wonder if both players are going for the same builds again CAH a very big map I would be very surprised to see you later ah Sh but is the time for dreadlords offensive ziggurat for one to zero not parked in the back deaf night it is indefinite on the other side as well and both are going for fiends again the standard build no big surprise factor on a big map like this you get an early or you can get an early advantage at the fountains with an early web on tier 2 to claim the dragons so will we have some deviation the late like from the mid collected early game was exactly mirror it was thoughtful thought the exact same thing by both players very different from the mid game on one two zeros pushed with the Naga was very successful in the upper left-hand side of last refuge both are insane at stealing elastics happy not trying it 1 2 0 not trying it nope gloves of haste here versus gloves of haste here as mirrored as it gets once more no skeletons they don't have to be careful they don't have to invest coils to get the last hits here both invest a little damage as well on that DK 2 2 on the way happy a little later also no second ziggurat for him and very standard creep routes to secure level 2 no aggression very unhappy like but such an easy level to route especially with skeletons that kind of an invitation for this Scouts are ok but yeah we're just warming up everybody we're just warming up for the big big big late games happy had some like he's not the undefeatable Emperor anymore that he was after WGAL where people thought it's just impossible to take seriousness of him losing to romantic losing to th losing to fly now maybe one to zero fluoride was closed today was it two and one Thorazine got close Hawk up close but an undead mera we couldn't really imagine that went to zero has a history of being beaten in on that Mara by Lucifer by WFD feels like he never put much detail into this matchup was one surprised by possession by Lucifer in nwl I think level three for the Russian or earlier one to zero is following thank you be Shonen for the three euros if you could look like you or Remo why would she choose Remo I got my nose get my forehead you know there's a lot of reasons to look like you he's just gifted and it's alright so this time lit by one to zero solo creep on the DJ hey just slapping the item which can be a game winner losing a lot of HP add to tango how great more movement speed always amazing this fiend though shouldn't lose the feed-forward one two zero is coming at everything's hard he wanted to go for the fountain but there is no way to this fountain the Chinese wall built by one to zero fiend hurt lips is he finally they're about to step out of the outside it's again a push before happy gets his lit now on blight though more region Anton Django more attacks beat lynches out first Nova belongs to happy and he might get a kill with this but there's plenty of coils Thank You Metzger for the 28-month reset ok question said how we split the money of one doesn't solo cast we split everything doesn't matter one does a solo cast or not everything is split tiered back to walk rest so happy again stuck at 31200 will move to the back not losing it pressure on that fiend how many coils all four coil thefts and latias but same for what for happy and he wants his fiend so bad that's more damage but this is a Tier three tech on the way and very hurt acolytes already Nova gets one I guess that's you have still fight I just have still five left and even saves the school that was a previously heard it's a lot of gold of course will force one to zero into a TP and he lost one fiend already will this be worth it in the end for the Chinese is the question three fiends ahead he must get some acolytes but I guess happy it's just not allowing this so five echo lights mining that's the most important thing about this push the second most important thing about this push is happy killed a fiend the third most important thing or maybe even the most important thing is that he's getting the statue and what a block by happy Frost wants to do the job with the double aura no chance one two zero big losses six supply but oh I completely did not see this that's the reason his tier 3 is so late that is again an early expansion by one to zero it's happy scouting this happy no thank you very much for the 10 euro donation b2w 24/7 great nickname 10 euros up day at work Warcraft 3 go amuse me what we'll do hopefully okay happy nose happy new and happy nose and he's pushing one to zero not on summoning there's not much damage he's a little late dad was not much gold mine let's compare the gold mines around 8,500 gold but one to zero use the TP happy still holding on to it that was a good trade I think okay Khan get rid of the Haunted all itches expose has good damage though we can mass mana and the great amana not sure if happy can fight against this nice nova little too late here I think happy yes I mean it's so far away dark Ranger comes and that could turn the fight with the silence with well-timed silences to prevent coiled and again he's going for the acolytes again he he can't counter expand the middle is still occupied the bottom right is still occupied he has to go for the halted and he does this will buy him time and 250 gold gone he doesn't even have have to use the TP this is so freakishly strong by happy [Music] he's not feeling pressured at all as it seen he saw the big mana but once the dark Ranger came in he was like okay all right man let's fight and second big item on this map to the Russian as well it's of Quel'Thalas a little bit more damage but what is zero is not getting an item here this is a little bit inefficient he has the Acolytes but he is so short on goals are under attack goes for web goes for upgrades happy again zero zero temple of the dam first and this time destroy upgrade from one to zero is so late with the expansion being kicked happy sends a ghoul to kill the necropolis sweet crossing a reaction third item goes to 2 1 to 0 ok could be a big one with flute mistake here not focusing this red drake rune prices Oh amazing as well but happy is diving for the base there's no TP right and not sure if Yuri bought it first acolyte down level for my god happy is smashing this game he had no TP acolytes running to half his army won 2-0 pausing the game it was a cat again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] of course it is he should just lock her away in Grand Finals when it's about $4,000 don't you think here we go fifty supply against 48 hero levels close to four to two same here but he got the level two it's no Dark Ritual shop controlled by happy I guess dust and an involved no haunted goldmine he doesn't have to attack this now he's not under pressure he's going for Banshee master training what was he greedy he doesn't want to break up Keith doesn't want to pay taxes still the great amount of this item can decide fights ladies and gentlemen dark Ranger level to finally go Father could die for the temple and get a banshee advantage then we have a fight fifty-fifty 1 to 0 with an attack upgrade but he misses the first coil happy gets it despite 1 to 0 using a Nova oh wow that's a great start for the Russian both of great items just on the opposite one for mana 1 for survivability do we have a banshee finally the banshees always arrived too late he went through the full Banshee tax before building one and he's still refusing to break up keep even though it's going for the Acolytes now one more shock let's just learn to fight you could both be cut off DK in the forefront no Karl possible this fiends most likely dead happy with a great micro using a healed stroll instead of the coil due to the silence and more kilts for happy another fiend add one to zero miss positioning his fiends their silence was decent coil not used but what is the koala war morphine's falling and happy with the way better fight he's not using it for an expansion he's not using it to break up keep but this is a lot of gold that goes into items again Lich even footing dark Ranger slightly happy happy dominating position once a zero is trying to get some creep spots done parry up man but town portal this must be a town portal one two zero can never fight this yep TP out can't use a coil you though nowhere did enough silence okay nicely done by one Suzuno happy the scout he sees the acolyte moving will he see no he won't see the hotter gold mine but isn't it time for happy to break up keep it absolutely is up to sixty do we finally get banshees yes at least one and this is the big consumable for happy and the expansion for happy and broken upkeep for happy and big experience for the lips he sends both heroes away before killing the rock golem that's close to three is three and a greater healing point let's cut level 3 as well skeletons making their way over what did he want to like what's his plan to expand in the middle not possible we have another fight ten supply lead almost went to zero no TP couldn't afford it I'm taking the creeps nice but the ancient Django is still such an advantage one two zero can't really run away because happy is always faster no in volt is it available okay in book is available six seven hundred gold from one to zero as well happy to o upgrades both of them actually but of course more attacks be done happy side acolyte confirms Expo but it's too late war this necro fault wanted 0 can follow up and upkeep must break now not killing it doesn't know necropolis will it finish before wanted zeros push we want to 0 TP back I think he has to kill this first but on what cost acolytes falling more skeletons massive training done anti magic fear he's getting rid of the Crypt who is he is he yes he is big one will he jump right on top of him yep he's preventing the retreat if there's no TP anti-magic shell everywhere nobody can't really find a target fiend is getting killed on both sides statue little out of the fight easy to neut perhaps you easily retreated his fiends into the backline over again right clicks coin arrives in time split-second oh my god this one was about to die happy is losing a couple of Units here I guess I was a little premature wanted to throw something takes up the banshee and another theme for happy a14 supply lead and he saved his Expo one to zero not able to take out the whole to talk - happy did prior time for acolytes now and more creeping dark Ranger level 3 as well more and more and more advantages for the Russian but one to zero wants to fight again - one upgrade now 304 to zero that costs so much no one has a TP greater - alone one to zero greater healing unhappy in will post as well on dark Ranger and lit Jiji he can't find a solution he can't break the expansion as good as won 2:0 was a last refuge as good was happy on concealed Hill and that was important because there was his map we have an equalizer we are one one now of course going to one two zeros map first map his favorite map in this grand final you so close that this was so ambitious if I want to zero to go for this early expansion not sure if he has to be so greedy if it works it wins him the game so it's always easy to say after a game and in game 2-1 the expansion was a lot later of course but going for him one of the game in this game happy scouted it or went for it killed it immediately there was a lot of gold never went anywhere and happy knowing exactly when to push maybe happy needed one match to warm up and to analyze his opponent same could be said for what is there although happy taking some time to join this game darius ok the overall score is now 1 1 in matches between 1 to 0 and happy we will take the lead again could be a back and forth back and forth but whoever wins this map has the match points and it is Amazonia here from one of the biggest maps to one of the smallest maps if not the smallest map happy in the blue in the upper adds one to zero in the bottom left so do we have special tactics now will we see a lich we see a dread Lord thank you dr. Thomas Miranda a comedian for the tier 1 sub nail-biting game so glad I followed you guys for such a long time moved to Zurich for the master stud he's got a job so I can stop guilt freeze or years of beer thanks so much man hope you enjoy Siri that's a great airport if I'm not mistaken so far so standard decay decay okay that kind of surprises me I expected a literature from what 2-0 3,000 life viewers on a Friday afternoon that is surreal happy the first winner the first Western winner of the world championship wgl want to 0 the first undead to ever win wgl and the first undead since Ted to win a premier tournament Thank You Felix and row for the four month three sir so tetran build on both sides no one going for the lab full of aiming for the trolls so it's not risky they're sharing the map at the moment cloak of shadows can be real nice acolyte gets distract from the trapper who was moved away by happy to catch less damage what cobalt now getting one it's getting just one to zero no he's going for the same okay but hey but what is it was faster that is pathetic no sorry little confused happy blue one to zero rat get it in your head okay we're getting little to hear your protection for one to zero will it be stolen no item goes to happy as well Circle up another donation you guys don't stop do you Frank Rorschach for five heroes is it possible that you make a fun match against grub here after the tournament and another five heroes by a warm thanks for the emotions and if I will ever be fired because of watching Walker three at the office please bring the five super specs of course man just let us know did I miss anything I'd deny something could be yeah I think one to zero denied the big creep because happy will be level three and what does Ursula it's the green one okay who that takes one to zero longer has great inventory though attack speed for the ledge damage for alleged more damage for the ledge and more intelligence of course as well tech wise happy seems a little ahead oh no sniping the wizard once I heard of the same like these creep routes seem set in stone it's a couple of happy still has the green spot remaining both with the boots which I like so an aura or sob mask will not decide this yet maybe one of them is going for the red spots earlier little itch wait Weiss what is your soul fast with everything delicious a lot faster for the Chinese happy miss reading the situation a little gets his shop stolen Wow but if he gets a consumable I mean he's not getting experience on the lid with this but he steals from the biggest camp of one-two-zero site and the biggest item but now how to get out there slow there's an snare or off this not good has to TP out right away it puts a little more damage on to that DK the fiend is dad thanks to the Nova and again it's the one glitch that arrives earlier that gets to know about that kills the feed happy what now slaughterhouse finished at the same time TP gone doesn't need experience on the ledge what is the response to a creeping solo negative Scouts and tries to laughter with this DK wild village is creeping not too much to gain here but delay Nova and sup they're all experience to village sheer as well no thank you for glory heaven you don't stop as well huh five euros thank you so both consumables for happy it's no big mana in volunteering great against the nuke though so far happy played pretty much the exact same build on both matches DK rich dark Ranger and early banshees and we see the early banshees again so can someone finally steal something thank you face face their fake face for the t1 sir against five zero zero zero zero one two zero gets more experience of the map and the big tome for the lips plus sixteen pretty much and close to level three happy is in no position to fight it for a moment and or put change that will the dark Ranger lit lucky what is your little too late for the first time wait for the first time and we have same hero combo maybe on so another fight both heaven or happy is definitely behind shop control by one to zero as well I have no idea how happy wants to fight this but apparently he does and he's almost getting the fiend switches to target a little too early happy loser sad fiend and the car arrives or this fiend will fall though so he gets the revenge kill but how to follow it up needs to go back can't lose the statue back up again late temple that's the one big difference between them the timing of the temple and upgrades most of the time we have 300 e for one to zero last game so close to a level 3 let's happy or both actually next killers level 3 he continues to fight next creep is level 3 big advantage for one to zero now how does happy want to fight this DK comes in for the block I can see a Nova coming in that's what's gonna hurt this definitely fiends killed here and he continues to lose fiends absence of banshees happy is diving deep for this girl who silence a little too late Lynch level three now finally but his fades are just getting rekt he lost almost every single one of them the stack is another range of the heroes the cannon healer good Carl good focus he's walking through the entire undead army and his DK has nothing anymore loses the statue what is here another fiend kill the coil right before the nola but in the end is just killing them that was not your time to fight but it was great map positioning by one-two-zero what was happy supposed to do now fighting into the base though oh oh no man focus again the silence just a split second too late before using the car but there needs to be a potion of some sort otherwise the Dark Reign double fault continues to Porsche and click and the feed charts arrived happy is losing his support hero of the disabler and even his mane doesn't seems to be helping him his DK is stuck wanted zero blocks him away from the shop that's genius the Banshees they have almost no mana but they help but they help no expansion this time a third of a level on the DK 1/4 on the level on the lid and the dark Ranger is gone trying to surround the slits incredibly hard who the solution getting rid of it nice Kenny nuke this decayed to force the TP dark Ranger back but how to save the DK himself needs a potion accept shots arriving last-second pose and swaps the TP keeps his this map alive whoa-ho-ho but he got pretty much pummeled in this fight thank you very much Cheverus five heroes greetings from the US it's 10:45 a.m. here I'm supposed to be at work can't miss happy verses 1 to 0 though keep being the best channel on twitch you lovely lovely person so more experienced 4 1 2 0 rad spot for happy this reeks of desperation and if this is scouted but it's not both are going for the right spot hefty invests in two units and lacks 1 to 0 going for destroy upgrade master training for banshees happy has only a desk we always mention how one 2-0 loss Liane done that neuro to Lucifer because of possession maybe it's the other way around helm of Valor one of the worst items for happy on the other side this could be a big advantage Thank You smoothly for the 15-month freeze up hello fella ok these items the biggest items are the same good for balance of course close to college experience close to three dark Ranger or not even for not close to four and that with all the penalty on the dock range of 1 to zero has all the advantages that you can get in and on that note thank you captain danger for the prime sub what can happy do there's nothing to creep anymore creep Jax don't work too old for happy to all for one to zero he's not out tacking him he needs to hope for mistakes of one to zero but today it's not many mistakes if any magic almost everywhere when two zero knows where his opponent is knows what's going on in the base again the skeletons are everywhere happy is counting for an expansion the first time where one to zero is not going for it but he goes for abomination is it the first big kill or it's actually not much healing here and there is a big entry kill for happy gotta be careful with that dark range a little far forward banshees on both sides happy losing that fiend again and all the coil ripes too later on both sides it's a slaughter actually two fiends they're an abomination not nothing to rescue you're really so happy can you smash the spiders you need fiends hurt this one saved he's standing in the middle of one two zeros army how is that supposed to work again out of range from the statues the anti magic was good there's curse everywhere but destroy upgrade is finished does he want to go for it to get to go for the dispel not sure if happy has to destroy upgrade at all [Music] ten supply ten supply look at the number of fiends happy has a lot of banshees but it's for fiends versus one now two one two zero is controlling every position of every fight and again with this position can go to the shop and happy Conn mana potion even all love display if he is catching up a little experience though the winner of w-league Europe but he needs the advantage of his own base but I think even that can't really help him he has 350 gold 51 supply not ideal of course ok now he's a know up keep getting the fiend revenge cure not really he can't get the kills any more using coils on low mana banshees not too sure we will see posession finally there's no master for happy it must come from 1 to 0 who's killing one fiend after the next even a happy face this is impressive he earned his way into this position from pretty much moment 1 of this map on and we have match points for 1 to 0 to 1 smashing happy back this is so momentum based every single map for a second in the upper left I thought maybe happy can start a turnaround you with this abomination kill with the first fiend kill but one to zero knew we could trade new he took out a lot more fiends knew he had more mana for pretty much everything he wanted to use in the end and that is match points 2 & 1 4 1 2 0 thank you very much trapezoid for the three euros hello future people watching the best of the best Bulgaria loves you thank you very much hope to see a new season of the Bulgarian League soon and I'll be red thank you for your prime sub so this is Happy's last map choice the neutral map was the first one so if this is going to be a 2-2 map number five will be played on one two zeros turf you what's fun to see that also some coils of one-two-zero are slightly delayed at missing some times he's not untouchable we saw that on ch were happy just found the best you greetings from cooker the Chinese community leader who are so excited about this as well so I wonder what this next map is game is hosted we will see it in a second ts is still in TM echo and Northern Isles two of them are vetoed so TM would be very random because of a lot of item drops there and bad creeping early on mm-hmm then it depends like Tara doesn't Northern Isles decent for expansions echo and see that haenyeo my girlfriend Jaclyn is listening to the stream it likes your voice can you say hi Jaclyn for her hi Jaclyn always pleasing our fans as good as we can that's the first time I hear someone liking my voice usually I only get bad comments put some more bait into your voice your voice is so annoying so mapusaurus did again waiting for the invite the admin we hosted twist it whoa okay this can go into every possible direction fun fact the first match I ever casted in my life was happy in a nun net mirror on twisted it's not gonna be my last game that's for sure but it's nice to see twelve years without an and admiral final could end now if one to zero wins the next map both pay us already happy since WGAL wasn't able to win Chinese competition wasn't able to win BRE see wasn't able to go to next so what now will he get closer and still fail or will he force game number 5 we have both players starting in the upper left we saw that undead can creep the Golem right from the start sort Poppaea dropped the video to us I would be so surprised to see it here though but match points it is so one more map claim twisted and you claim you'll Cup for the second time in a row and get $4,200 1 2 0 in the upper left happy in the upper right ok no one is going for the lab creep so will we see something else here I highly doubt it again aggressive ziggurat for one to zero but we haven't seen happy being aggressive once right not early not really no dives we have once again DK DK no one is trolling this series no one is giving up on the core Leonora so the reason why I say this is random is the for lab spots who drop auras like flute vamp devotion and so we masks and everything that plus the two merchants who drop the same and the red spots drop spell shield step of silence mana pendants items decide a lot in on that Mara one to zero closer to the mark which gives you a consumable happy with two of the power-ups closer to them I would say it's a little advantage for watching a player's forces are under it so little green spot from one to zero over very casual happy though he plays it differently he is aggressive for the first time he is going for the base for the first time Tech has started if he gets the single kill that's big I think there was no scouting I'm not too sure I collide juggling starts damage is spread okay it should be an easy defense it's already a little gold and forces coils only what skills actually coiling a skeleton because he was full mana anyway and that is an acolyte kill see really at four I think he is that's gigantic then if you get the second one that's even bigger okay yeah at the fifth one coming but if this one falls one two zero oh happy there's one more role of necromancy and one more coil but happy backs up backs off the scout acolyte is gone he's really trying to get the sack life and there is no Carl anymore this time he is Oh is he is he yes he is two acolytes down in tech if he gets a third one it's pretty much GG right here he's moving so well will he die again oh so close my god on the edge on the edge she's blocking doesn't work he's juggling it in again but Frostmourne hungers will it be trapped by the cards no first fiends arrived it's and it's a disaster for one two zero to X less in tech that's 150 gold let's compare the gold might already 10350 it's a town portal already plus the 150 gold he needs it's 500 gold and Counting for once he's aggressive for once he's not focusing on creeping and T surprises 1 2 0 who did great with the movement not great enough keeps on being aggressive with the thief they're getting slow now but 1 2 0 is busy anyway happy just wants to keep up the pressure three killed but that's it unholy aura for the Chinese and happy backs off so did he replace them all soon we can do this this is definitely the tech advantage for happy and then if he finds a novel corruption push timing to be very devious he's forcing more mining time before Tier three relentless nine seven 500 600 yep that's definitely a Late Late Late Late Late one two zero tech he's focusing on creeping now super risky very greedy but very rewarding as well double claw [Music] happy sacrificing his DK progress for economy and technologies coming out and he's died oh he cancels the jack this is already worth it if this is a teleportal doesn't matter if he gets out level on the DK doesn't matter the tech is 6 g percent ahead Wow nothing but Wow this is the ruthless aggression happy and the DK was low he's going for more right clicks the skeletons are here as well it's not focusing on it he's focusing on the Acolytes to prevent the tech once more Lich can't follow this up 66 HP only he starts the tech again he doesn't have a backup acolyte okay but now the skeletons can't reach chopping off more HP of the DK just a little bit actually more than just a little bit normal damage pretty good but yeah now the region kicks it and happy needs to power creep he came waiting for the orb that increases the power of creep of course as well for fiends goldmine difference again we have to check this all the time 8750 800 gold now and he's not using the TPS that's so big but now is the time for the great Amata again that could bring him back into the game and of course selling a lot of items that he doesn't need insane damage on this little stove I want to zero that could could be a big advantage late-game we go temple again one two zero is now at 50% time which will be stronger he's not strong about higher level flute damage on ranged units that's the Lich that's the fiends that's destroyers that's banshees it's close to level three as well again cutting a lot of corners with this creeping for him so we mask oh but red spot for Hefner spell shield step of silence pendant of energy that's what we want pop of darkness not really what you want adept training for the anti magic okay forty supply only in the first red spot loss that was one two zeros red spot the positioning of happy greedy but I guess very much controlled he knew that one two zero is still waiting for the Tier three he's faster and everything he does ten supply lead and they're just creeping counterclockwise if this continues happy gets this this this this and this where's one 2-0 going this one's gone this one's gone you can go to his expansion here but either nice cuppa happy he isn't either goes into Happy's main which yeah that's it but even then Happy's gonna force him back and then he can creep clockwise ended up energy nice for happy banshees are here TP comes in progressive or not yes once this Nova gets the Nova silence on the DK no coil possible first Fein taking out [Music] Oh half he has to go for the right-hand side of the map now and one to zero I'm not sure if he knows that a lot of stuff is gone on the left-hand side but happy as along readers flow should he push now in there's still no temple and he has the Banshee at a depth advantage would be big and he's going for the acolytes again the Lich is hungry TP are in though to be dangerous automatic shell is on nice silence on all three heroes how did that happen really but there's no interval on the DK he's got a TP out soon I guess Nova here and silence says well Oh big nope on the decayed no TP anymore he came I won 2-0 is about to fall feed shots arrived is he's sure that he kills it is he sure that he kills it no 9 HP but how does he want to get back into the fight no coil at the moment long range from distance can he just die for it whoa happy either unlucky with the damage roll or miscalculating I rise to tour the Nova happy to fiends heard glitch very aggressive not putting any focus on the D candy Morris once the themes gone wants to lower the damage and he has a 2/3 attack up great advantage to o+ the flute he must own every single fight and so far he does you never kill another skeleton super helpful nova forces some micro but Lich's hurt as well what does he was struggling happy about to 4th game 5 but there we go again a Yule cup that goes full distance it was a best-of-seven between 1 to 0 and infi in march and now it's a full out best of 5 between the two best and net in the world oh my god happy on his map he's just dominating on CH on twisted crazy when 2:0 was doing his best to micro against the harass but too many skeletons - well-executed if that was Happy's game plan all along he was pretty lucky with the starting position that was an invitation to do that but two accolades during tech unbelievable and the decision the decision will be made on the map on the very first map they played against each other I think there was terrorist and the match on Nettie's letter that everyone was raving about happened here Fonterra nest and the match the best-of-five the tournament will be decided on Terra nest and one map for $4,200 one map to decide the first undead Mira final in 12 years one map to decide the first-ever professional competitive series between the two best undead players in the world let's see you you the final chains of this series no ups bug no lag no nothing just everything working Game five it's on this is what we wanted this is what this community today deserves if you look at the upper-right you know exactly what I'm talking about happy was hella crazy on twisted and ch1 to zero seemed almost untouchable on what was it the other two maps now we end up here we end up here we're expansions are the easiest one to zero played a lot of dreadlord and it's a double ziggurat the screams for a dread lord [Music] if he's not already here someone call sight this is a normal build by happy he's not going for anything different it's a DK okay DK double cigarette no dreadlord kind of a shame but this has done no Ted fees this is DK goals in the final game he's switching it up happy sees it early 1 2 0 is not scouting at all he has no idea what happy is doing now that he sees the acolyte he will most likely know that it's standard but ok he's now confirming the hero I guess I'm happy what's his game plan little green into middle to get level 2 and steal experience from neutral ground the acolyte does not see if it's decay or DL good ok so fast expansion let's go there's an additional acolyte you know happy is losing the acolyte most likely that's the first blood reapz get it though no no additional experience happy has to be careful to not get surrounded oh one two zero is going away from the expansion creep only to the cobalt that already delays his game plan happy is the first to tech and one to zero stacking as well faking the expansion or as a little Plan B ah coil too late way too late actually could've been a fake out as well detect earlier with ghouls but no this is definitely an advantage for happy first car went into nowhere it's a bigger fish to fry here with the trolls layers forces are under attack there's no progress on this whoa this is such a risky position wait some damage who's gonna get the big one happy way to early this time helping one to zero speed up this attack he doesn't even need a coil this one goes to the Russian though prevents level 2 for now yes of course two more to use first fiend is coming in without aura they are very slow and I'm not sure if that was a mistake he needs exceptional movement now to dodge this around whoa okay happens level two thanks to the skeleton but he could get off or ah now this is so risky good block against the DK he wants this around he wants his TP it's so stressful for both players right now once he needs to get this now that's the purpose of the ghouls have you again too late was it I'm not too sure I think it was Wow thank you nem 182 415 dollar donation 200 euros for this stream already I am baffled and Kyle thank you for buying a little bit of our merch going all out and buying stuff I should have gotten long ago celebrating how historic this game is absolutely love you guys you are very correct my man this is an historic encounter between one to zero and happy of players forces are under attack the Russian God quite some stuff done and he continues to be greedy and trying to get neutral creeps which is what what to do is doing it well level 2 for happy graveyard coming now but like after the tiered Freitag Wow interesting Oh balls are hurt they were all attacking frost are more creeps happy with the blocks happy with the kill happy with the level to check again very fast is lit a lot faster everything is faster for happen monkey zero is running into creeps also not so great this school opening didn't work out for one to zero I think it's pretty safe to say lots of class here today on this map which is out slaughterhouse comparison it's done already one two zero was focusing on the Tier three tech a lot trying to get it out there fast as possible maybe useful room bracers Oh amazing lips level two no level three when one two zero is but he misses the coil first statue on the Russian side for fiends versus for my god happy is creeping like rabid Wolverine sniping items everywhere getting hard for what to do to get something done oh no surround possible I feel like happy isn't one to do his head feels like he always anticipates the next move so he's always there maybe three can't fight again dark Ranger again no surprise anymore thank you Harlequin for the prime sub-niches God and the ghouls can make a difference in damage in the first fight with frenzy needs to know about them lips I guess won't be level three before the fight and the big item at the mercenary camps not allowed to deny it and he doesn't invoke person good leave it on the ground boom one two zero has a history of not picking up items players forces are under attack this is only level one oh okay that's a level difference that's an entire level difference and happy he keeps on creeping better some of the Magi he's still holds on like he still has the safety mercenary camp that he can go for after a lost fight or bad trade what after a town portal went to zero getting level two dr. ames are getting level two these are big upgrades speaking of upgrades teens only now zero zero for both sides who's gonna get the renegade wizard for big consumable on the map level three oh this is big this is a gigantic advantage for the Russians and he has so much mana and so much damage Happy's Lich is a beast he's getting the big mana this is one of the best possible outcomes for the mid game for happy in the final game of the tournament levels good items great still a lot of ghouls and one two zeros army Lich can't really connect the position who his forces are split half the army is not in this fight healing what I want to 0 must be canceled soon the destroyers are falling I guess on both sides Nova hits the fiends happy are you supposed to take this fight I'm not too sure but the destroyer falls on both sides of 5 supply gone the ghouls are chasing this fiend so hard 1 to 0 taps out now that the army is reunited nobody hits these goons how many can you kill only one but now it's exactly who he chases I don't think so that's exactly what I meant like you can still go for the Mersenne you can but be safe now or just be super aggressive to zero with more supply but I guess worse huh me three three two he's stealing the Sasquatch in front of one two zeroes home and most like not only that but the interval as well yep on the lids but happy expanse too early for that one two zeros coming across happy nose but you can dive first echo lights again kind of a distraction what to do leave this expansion alone gets a revenge for the Sasquatch as level three is so close but look at Happy's lips look at the dark Ranger this is a lot of skeletons the necromancer is getting neck romanced but TP should force account TP no interception it can actually just walk away with this expansion unpunished he's about to lose another acolyte okay taking care of it and we'll still a book of the dead maybe you should have used it as well you used to pick manna by the way didn't mention this both Lich's have good damage happy once this trip over 49 treats not enough time for the expansion and no catch in this army of course no Crypt Lord no disable at all Nova on an illusion it's a lot of tiny little bits that go into Happy's favor sign is on the D case we can't call the Lich at the moment half a level ahead dr. angel level three four one two zero not the case for happy ok comparison good for one to zero as well so the only advantage is the Lich and now banshees once more banshees with adept with anti magic 3 Nova's for 1 to 0 to Nova's for happy but happiest the expo happy this is exactly what happy wants he's mining from two bases little skirmishes no big traits just a little focus here focus their retreat he'll focus new coil retreat and happy is getting an advantage by the second destroyer for one to zero falls once again five supply down doctor and if I happy finally finds level three silence is on the DK camp Carl Mike won 2-0 Book of the Dead on happy side he wants this fight now next destroy I have to be more gets a lot of mana thanks to this happy a delicious dad happy is the strongest on that mirror player in the world and with yoke up to dethrones won 2-0 takes $4,200 and is the first Westerner to win a Chinese major tournament what a control what a performance with the worst ping there is no question anymore that happy is the best mirror player in the world and he again against all odds romantics tanks weren't able to beat him la la it's warden wasn't able to beat him and won 2-0 with wasn't able to beat him here anyway this game went in favor of happy 4-minute two and a half on when won 2-0 couldn't get the expo up because of this her ass was forced into the Kobalt camp already couldn't go for the planned Expo or the plant Expo creep and from that moment on happy was able to get fiends no surrounds on them no nukes anywhere he leveled like a madman in the upper right and got the advantage slowly but steady the fights on the bridge to secure the expansion god-tier on that play he took it took him a while but he figured one to zero out in the past in the last two games for sure 3200 people we're witnessing history happy takes the first series against 1 to 0 is the undead king the Emperor not only winning offline tournaments in China now winning online tournaments as well and what a big moment that must be for him after three losses in a row finally the undefeatable champion again your cup is an undead hands first one goes to one to zero second one has an undead Moreau final with happy claiming it what a tournament this was crazy thank you huzzah for the 19-month resub and okapi Digga for 25 months happy number one undead worldwide and caps looks like it ave emperor in spammed in chat right now who's going crazy and i love it the Westerner the Russian is on top of the Warcraft world once again and that's big the question who's better one to zero and happy at least for the undead Mira and at least for today we finally have an answer and the answer is happy we are not finished with this day we go into - cup but I need a little break to catch some food and I am a little overwhelmed by your dad and your support and you being so happy this this is special this is very special if you enjoyed it feel free to follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram join up this Court if you missed the game someone to catch up on it join us on YouTube follow us here on Twitch if you want to support us financially then feel free to leave us a donation and so many people have done today every single one helps every small one helps you can stop here if you want the replays of this historic tournament we have them all on our discord where you get them as a sub we have merchandise as well we have an Amazon ref link which helps us out a lot of you buy something at Amazon use our link and we get a share so 15 minute break here on back to Warcraft and then hive Workshop Cup the Warcraft hype doesn't end here not with 3,000 viewers Oh No thank you slick 133 7 for the 10 month Risa and yeah you crazy CN a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 35,264
Rating: 4.8924732 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: Vst_wFHtqmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 12sec (5772 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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