WC3 - Yule Cup #4 - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. LawLiet [NE]

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you'll cup for grand final the biggest Asian competition after a long long long while after the New Year's Cup and we have Russia vs. Korea happy verse Long Island said the Emperor is the big favorite with 75 percent of the votes he killed won 2-0 he killed Lin will he all kill newbee and win another Asian tournament or Neddy's after CC masters happy on a tear again we have seen this in Europe over and over where sometimes he wins whole tournaments and weekends without dropping a map he could win this tournament without dropping him at all ayats he has struggled a little bit more in the group D he was forced down to the lower bracket but now makes it to the final no Chinese in this final here you cup three went to colorful but only one Chinese player made here to the top aide and won 2-0 let's grand final another thing that keeps on happening in the you cup is night off vs. undead in the grand final this is the third out of four you'll cups where this is our grand final matchup won 2-0 won this tournament along with happy before and colorful and now happy as the chance to win it for a second time so it has no lied of course what is the opening build we saw a light play the warden really well against happy before but here it's a demon this time with a greedy creep at the Merc camp indeed a break so this gives us the time for some stats happy was on a 400 win streak since WGL summer all the way to you woke up too but the most recent encounter between the two was the CC Masters qualifier and their semi-final and their law Llyod - and oh and it was this legendary legendary game on twisted Meadows game of the year 2019 between these two guys I hope they can recreate the magic best-of-five for $2000 Thank You Lynn Jensen and please for the sub but now we go into this happy sees the acolyte sees the engine of war creep moves out with the DK will face a demon and goes for the shadow priest steals it delays the gold a little bit with this happy slowing down his tech trying to get the last hits doesn't get the first one pressuring the whist at the same time DK if he goes for coil here could look for some big kills but Lola gets quite a bit of this camp already cannon of energy for his demon hunter also killing the acolyte that's pretty much first blood but here is happy can't get another kill with the core I can't get the first kill with the coil mana burn right away saving bed with detonate against that wisp taking care of the skeletons and burns more mana really well played by the light despite the DK being aggressive perfect execution by the knight of gives him level two regardless cost him some whisper pair of course so his tech is gonna be slightly delayed but so is Happy's so this is a really good start for the light here on map one I think he couldn't get the entire camp and it's just two Cobalts can the korean do or foggy can't and to feed him in the best-of-five i like do you remember when happy lost the last best of five against the night off I don't I I don't yeah well it was a lost the best-of-seven against no light but there was 1.30 days I'm pretty sure all is not gonna play keeper once in this series never be suicide Wow and how he gets the berserker as well this is looking so good follow light but yeah boots for the decay ghouls moving out towards the Merc am this is how happy wants to catch up on creepin would be really hard to sniff out follow ya she sees that the boots are gone but it's way too far away no wisp to step on really and ghouls do the necessary damage to finish this in time the light seems a little blind at the moment oh he is coming in in time though should be able to get one ghoul over here but he wants to get the big last hit with the mana burn might be able to get it yeah just get it items in goes to have claws that's very nice but no level 2 yet that was big that was so big the biggest creep on this camp goes too long I it and this prevents level 2 he's playing this so well perfect opening by him in my opinion and then demon with boots I know I know guys and and he's creeping at the same time ancient of war and archers and berserkers still creeping this of course an echo I'll special more easily doable here and seeing how this game is shaping up so far this is a really good night off map if you play it like this for the Shadow Priests now happy aiming for the surround nose oh my god II almost say but know what coil opens up that surround skeletons can't hold it and snare on the fiend but more burns and that's the level 2 1 happy out of mana yeah couldn't close that surround hold it closed demon is too strong able to fight out law light creeping the merlocks in between all of this her ass yeah and now it's second here uptime normally that's Onaga and happy goes for boots but not for Naga himself I wonder is that just because I didn't have positioning on the map or that's weird normally Naga boots always means not a second yeah I mean he would have been late to the tavern anyway no I know who's facing a little free demon yeah and switch Naga really doesn't do well with this creeping this creeping is so insane level three prioritize creeping boots of speed pressure all I just doing a lot of things right now big involve found from the maids I happy dodges the Korean trying to get some experience in lots of you know of necromancy but that will end soon double or Tier three this is gonna be the gold standard build at the moment fifty supply bears then mountain giants double claws that's a lot of damage you can't go too heavy on dry it's against the Lich with this inventory and almost level three DK here as well alright now splitting up his forces Nagas solo creeping the ancient of war efficiency of course perfect as always good scalp I have he as well sees this and the meantime the demon is harassing very important level three boots and harass and of course burned over and over lightning is all Moloch creep interrupted and snare on this fiend so three damaged I guess it's fine small burns yeah and take the female of damage of course as you can see here but that's both heroes for the undead completely out of mana and guessing a bird on the statue as well because it's cheeky and just runs away with a piece Tier three finished plus 20 lips incoming DK gets level three here so happy is making progress as well we're already on the bear Tech close okay he has a depth ready waits with this law for the master and then it's a couple of seconds oh wow oh wow it's just insane battle line dude this map is so good follow it and I think Knight of all the matters up there check out this replay stuff to back to Warcraft so you get the replay and and study this and this is the build this is the build for a coil he's just jumping from one creep camp to another like a monkey in the jungle ultimate efficiency se say it's basically the perfect game so far by the lot but at the end of the day you still have to keep up with Happy's micro doesn't matter how good your Allah gave us yeah expansion by happy now is this already a sign of desperation or a sign that he feels like he needs to do some extraordinary moves +2 intelligence by the way from that title quite a bit recently but 39 supply that's super early master training finished demon at the main getting an orb 47 supply for him a really close level three I got is level three gets the end goal here on the map with only one shops there Stephane la lieth yep there is lots of gold in two items mana bird on the DK coil used before but happy completely out of mana all I it I think this is the time to fight right to bears what does he want to fight without mountain giant seems like the yes teens are in trouble can get to the shop can get a dust first mistake by the light forgetting about the dust one bear down so is the lit GP out takes the bear with them and the gold survive happy lost nothing look at the demon hunter look at the demon hunters rushing over but he's still late it's too late for the castle expose up in a bit of free damage this is a preparation for the Bears to come in but it's a cylinder amor love that addition the one last coil yields the lids to full there's a second mistake by the light he doesn't have a ball if she forgot about that like the dust he did get the dust now that's gonna be one fiend killed two but two fiends killed oh yeah you're right but also losing quite a bit of Units here himself DK dropping low frost armor kicks in and know this felt fork lightning almost killing it the bear fall these ghouls are putting in the work like crazy DK safe to the back is another fault lightning Omata is kinda lone naga has an in Bulleid still chasing in will now right-click in statue for the real forked lightning and that's the DK benched for a long time happy has the resources for tavern revived live in trouble explore yeah did boots still on the demon stops the chase deals with the army first destroyer now usually Happy's destroyer micro is outstanding out of this world that's the case yes well once that lid is this too ambitious he has a big in ball he can chase he is boots and he realized that himself now which has boots himself though these boots on the Lich are so damn good I think they were intended for the Nagas at the beginning of the game but now turning out to be really good on this niche as well dude what the hell is this game already this is Game one and this is fireworks how could happy greedy expand at 39 supply against the perfect early-game by Lola and he makes it work well the answer is pretty predictable one perfect micro the two fiend kills were big so that requires some resources fifty-two supply decay back I'm getting about abolish that was the biggest mistake by Lowell at this game might cost him the game he still doesn't have it he's still on researching what oh my it's it's so important also no wispies expanding now there's the irrelevant expansion now and morph into an arrow and a single narrow is such a massive help defensively okay Kevin because Kevin's wave was really good defensive happy with an abomination in the mixes well alongside all these goals can the Barefoot centers there's no solution against the frost armor as you say and when there's the slow from the frost arm or it's pretty easy to micro against that oh one teen dropping quite low but no kill no slope just microwave step or into the ground as well when a bomb is gonna fall but this one tanked so much damage absolutely this job and Happy's one kill away from level 4 DK by the way and then finally kills is gonna be even harder yeah but he's a wave quite a long time now and he can't get too many kills Lola it's still at 55 true but it's hard to push her and push into this Expo because of them does he have to he's countering spending looks for a bit of damage as much as you can do oh the ledge taking all damage happy they're a little too slow with the frost arm work if it does still alright forget a double kill over here gotta be careful with that Naga only a TP on her and of course staff this double staff save so much again well I'd lost the overview here didn't pop the dust this could have been two kills for him Naga Oh Steph out next one is coming in hectic hectic so two base to base soon I like this final already else yeah happy play duel here until this point ideally you want to have a Naga third or second but now might be too late yeah feels like it's too late with the heavy hitting demon hunter with forked lightning level two and because of that happy cannot really make use of the biggest under the late-game strength triple hero undead high-level like four three three four four three that is what often times wins you the game but this is a different kind of game this is echo isles very few creeps if he goes for a Naga there's no way to creeper ring off region scroll off healing and in wolf or happy but the next round of items might go till all I had he has no gold in wool is on cooldown anyway only a skull of healing available so there is by the way no I I was about to say no mountain giant transition but it's now so definitely not the time for long I had to push and what does happy do against the ultimate tanks and Walker up three and the bigger the armies become the more difficult micro against mg's is that will take some time until he's there 1 mg ok - ok 3 & 4 that's where it's at yeah well I was trying to buy time until that point but right now is when happy wants to strike he's got a healed scroll he's got an Amana potion so no I it's everything in range lose this one but to the main exposes the expansion and again item on happy double heels from mana potion allied could make another mg he's got 400 gold it takes a lot of time to build anyway nobody should have time with the bigger bit of going back and forth with repair and so on polish now by the way no more on this DK Stefan the Dryad Bears are hurt Mountain Giants calling some attention happy is not Mike ring against it he was focusing it for 3-4 seconds unusual no now running pass it now going towards the drive may of course die so quickly against these fiends 100 upgraded now as well it's a lot of damage on these fiends demon hunter killing one two more but there are seal Scrolls first one use second one is on cooldown now gone trouble o add the feed kill again just like against hawk yesterday coil and one fiend shot and that is game double kill for happy la light falling apart and the emperor is still undefeated in your cup for dude we're getting there we're getting to the point where the question is will happy win this tournament without dropping a map he might be able to do it but all I it still he's gonna have a word to say about that it looked very one side there towards the end but if this had just been 30 seconds later this push there would have been two mgs more follow Lydon this would have been a completely different story as we often times mentioned razor sharp these timings so crazy how happy with a 39 supply expansion is able to defend it seemingly easily but don't mix that up people that was not easy that is insanely hard to execute but happy is execution can be relied on even on Nettie's even with a 150 ping disadvantage yeah I'm so impressed of course by Happy's micro by Lola it's creeping they they're working into their strengths they're not trying to keep up with each other like look law light is not trying to add micro him Happy's not trying to out creep him they know exactly where they are the strongest and they're trying to abuse it to the absolute fullest kind of worried fall alive like this early was so good it was I think it was the perfect build I think echo oils because of that build if you play it like that just turned into a night off map in this matchup if it wasn't already second map AZ so we said he's not playing keeper if he plays keeper them probably here close ba a warden I know you're a big hater of that in that matchup but it's la lion so you never know alright also one of the players who gets too motivated quickly if things don't go his way that's not the case here it was pretty much the fight at the shop right that ya made the pendulum swing we're happy killed two archers and a dryad for only a tipi trade I think it was yeah the fact that he saved the ghouls like how was that even possible I don't know I don't have answers all right map to Amazonia Neil wants to see the warden will we see her keeper would greatly surprised me I think if he plays keeper he's just completely desperate oh that's the greedy ancient of war position law lie it oh and you know what there's a red dot on the mini-map yep happy tried this yesterday against one to zero on this map but the ancient of war was far away from the camp it didn't do anything this ghoul her ass opening and a happy was kind of behind after that opening already in the early game and what does it capitalize on that really well this is attention slipping by low-light I don't know or he just wants to be really greedy but maybe you shouldn't this turned out to be happy Senate opening if the National Wars canceled this is such a disaster here's the ghoul both camps could attack this and now okay he cancels the ancient immediately and he has no lumber for a second one oh that's so bad that's a disaster it doesn't work that often with this school but when it does the can decide games oh wow and that is the position where the agent of war should be I think he just kind of forgot oh my god it probably gets along well with a game of Thrones authors and now he's busy juggling the wisps little bits of gold and lumber of course delaying everything it's Adam hunter again but fighting uphill from minute one on literally minute one on happy with the triple necro again it's his thing man that's his new thing double necro he loves necropolis I wonder could you fit a scout acolyte into this build and then just plant a casual necro at the tavern or something that was pretty cool well there's no way the knight has to test time to ever kill that necropolis there's a neck won't even fit at the tavern man it's huge lightly she'll creep by happy by the way lots of support here thank you please Johnny B says dream final or what courageous shows a lot of love Thank You Death Note for the host for glory having 10 euros we love you and maxim Newfield make some new feet for the prime sub as well thanks guys Sola lied how can you sell with this disaster green eyes with detonate got rid of the Lightning shield creep there or at least the Lightning shield and that's gonna kill off one Google possibly should get it should right right he should but it's happy okay gets it here you almost blocked him with the activate that's goes second wow trap trying to fight out putting a lot of damage on this DK also force a lot of time of the ghouls further delaying the tech for happy wow this is gonna be such a late I don't know if it's definite made a big difference okay see back or what I think so slippers good TP is gone playing it on the edge with this ancient as well did he deny something no right did he I don't think so you come to the tech a good minute behind that of the night off that is a very unusual sight but of course is what an unusual opening there is boots time boots time absolutely with a handful of ghouls that happy has he can creep very well especially the Cobalts and the Renegades at the edges and that's exactly when the light is scouting for with the wisps smart wisp placement happy cannot fight here too low mana ghouls to hurt but I got two of the creeps here and it is also time where the demon is not creeping could try to go for the cobalt but why is he so hurt by the way I just crept the what's-his-name troll boots available for happy as well and dust Karthikeya - oh it's about to be finished naga again quite some bashes on taskmaster happy it's ready to engage Issy though against the naga another baby think he can trying to steal wait a minute did he know we didn't go one ghouls gonna die happy saw the TP by the way yeah bubbles and dust [Music] maybe that will cost him later there was a DK kill on Game one already so we have an ancient of lore up no money for the tier 3 but I think he will queue that next the creeping here by the line about to be level 3 really good items on dude have manner saying how long light is in this position after an early game that rectum almost every demon he knows the second here if I happy should be out now would love to see the demon now be aggressive again and that the Nagas solo crazy when the pollution demon moves over here 3 there's no chicks in here for happy yet not even cute oh yeah they're just gonna be so late it's the Naga Naga okay once you be able to make use of triple hero this time and the wisp scout again do it this year these wisps follow my ever so good he's happy in the top left and remember the teepee was forced if that was a creep Jack here this could be absolute disaster the light on the other side of the map though one of the demon hunter ready to engage lightning shield against the ghouls that hurts remove the major eye okay mana burn this could be one or two Gold's gets one lightning she'll still hurts him also the DK demon slight mistake there by happy there was one more ghoul loss than necessary but retreats in time before the Nagas and archers arrive again the greater mana and the bear transition slaughterhouse very late no statue at least I got level three but empty inventory on the DK forced to creep the Mara logs which never feels right because it gives another big of camp to your opponent and that is the renegade almost every single item here is good else these races is great oh maybe not so much against happy but still created tanki with ring with gloves with circlets to sit on the Nagas actually this demon is already super tanky rat spot ain't in the war efficiency again out standing lock thank you this is not the first time that a player has done this but it's been a long time since I saw it and this is just la lion it's before 10-minute red spot creep on a-z unbelievable despite this really unfortunate into what cancel to start this has turned out to be a really good early game for life but just like a coils at the end of the day you have to keep up with Happy's micro make exactly and foggy has been in this position and you know what broke fog is neck more than I can count great her mana potions and look what's in the inventory for the DK greater mana potion are in Jesus blessing happy once again that's about to come out happy does not want to look for a fight yet but in a second he will as now he gets the orb has the frenzy cool upgrade already and destroyer coming in in just a moment close to level 4 demon hunter 1 kill what's on metal drums are amazing by the way you have to plus 17 here we go can you kill the ghouls this time first ones down already dead level 2 evasion even level 4 so tanky happy should definitely not be focusing on that one but now I got in trouble already on both sides I guess Google's died to drop low one after the neck is getting taken out the bear is now in the back also looking towards the fiend some more killed there [ __ ] I think comes in ghouls and archers all eliminated and you reach for that Nagas know the Triads weren't getting their shots off oh the dry add dried flank this should be a fiend kill is going for the DK Lok Lak battle not standing range anymore the damage is too high Lich maybe has to pop the potion and that's supposed to not use in a big fight at the end of a fight okay little hell by the way shouldn't have happy tech at the middle necro or at the forward far forward necro it's a little thing but I think he should have would have been a more aggressive slow down there Mountain Giants no just pay us and riots and happy again expanding but the light is the first one to build a second place alright I wouldn't mind this game going to to base to base wouldn't mind the series to go forever constant challenges by both players new creep route of course unhappy side is the micro law lied running into the late game night of issue of things not starved he has really good items but he would love some more inventory space I guess he's gonna use like the one of the one of illusion on mountain giants is just insane he has to keep it for that I mean yeah that's gonna be destroyers into spell but still that's the spell that's not ending up on Raw and Ritu Expo canceled second try getting ready for the Mountain Time is long i it gonna engage the red camp kind of exposes you to creep jag always I used yep almost 250 city to finish doubles five dollars a month to control good scouting Navis almost empty except the rats but in the upper left happy cannot allow Lorelei to take this this was how he lost to foggy on this map with war song battle drums and fogies inventory and endurance or us I got a little bit far forward maybe Oh coil she's getting blood player owned riot in will transfer Stefan cooled out but okay close to level 40 K happy disengaging and just that little mistake knock out of position costs him an involuntary on a time for this exporter internal Wars in position little bit of a foggy play as well with the move well right next to the base bit of a back step right down folks fire on this drives is so hard but all the time he's spending on the dryads it's time for the Tree of Life yeah now let's do like to cancel this tree will be finishing but so might the Haunted goldmine pretty sure it will destroy us stealing murlocs and now the DK is one kill away from no four you just get another merlok I'm not 100 percent sure the illusions not used for mountain giants but rather scouting first mg is here more mgs will be coming soon yeah but not cute this will take some time so religion now sees the expansion do this this electrifying silence you know that there's tension in the air that you know that big stuff is about to happen and here we have to fight with the first abomination once again running past the demon looking towards the dryer in the back fiends now getting clawed by the by the Bears as well but only one mg this one really isn't doing so much just yet as we always say only with three mgs as it really started to come good it's this position like what's this position I'll all I it they kind of trade it so bear down level up on the Nagas but also down 50% is there dust this time no oh Dodge is the coil with an anvil now happy snag is in jeopardy so let's the Lich trying to fall one after the next the widget level 2 already frost armor can come in soon again mana burn comes when I don't seem to be a little bit low right there hectic fight to micro law light is losing everything he's down like what 15 supply here is revealed finally where the Bears they're all gone happy took them all out statue falling but the demon needs the healing Naga in trouble in will potion is that the demon answer dead no step these Boros how many saves have had been happening thanks to these burrows over and over becomes the reveal he's gonna get one kill but it's gonna cast another Drive this might cost two dryads he's just trading always and OH moon juice two of them empty the others are filled to the brim that's what there was a lot of supply for the Korean happy lost quite a bit there as well especially fiends well I guess only fiends happy at 50 comfortably an Arab tower up1 mg it's not enough yeah absolutely agree he means more this is risky really really really risky Happy's really no man on alcohol burns time to stack up team hunter close l5 as well by the way this could be level high no sir mana burn catches the corner bar port lightning before now happy is pretty much dry I'd love to see the demon go to the moon juice heal up once more and then perhaps look for engagements with another round of production all I it's so smart when to engage and when to move back 30 seconds more and he's gonna have another bear another mg and I think then it's time to fight 65 supply upgrades 100 plus the war song you've chosen the rune braces by the way turns out to be real good both players know this could be a big perhaps game deciding or a drop from this game love the mountain giant position one more creep for the level 5 huge focus on the demon but so it is on a little edge a little bit of feeling but he's just following him he's just following him there seems to be no Carl and never slow from the dryer that to quell level 5 from the demon and that's more kills following possibly no orb anymore for happy the first big mistake here by him not having an involved or anything ready to save the Lich and now it's cleanup time 3 mg so many taunts coming in over and over so much tankiness for the night of DK in a surround they're almost once getting [ __ ] warned war might be the TP for for the Nagas also in trouble no TP on her anymore fog light thing before happy TPS out saves know I hope that fiend and that must be the red camp now to a lie ok and that is level 5 Naga holding on to this potion of great amana until the very end of the game demon hunter moved away mountain Giants tactus I listen to horn ok ok happy and easy play against double aura AZ hates him and I guess he hates AZ but low light is not pushing time to lick the wounds first mountain giant literally 2 HP can't go any lower okay can go lower to one yeah how we're gonna heal that boy up yeah three reduce needs it on the Nagas first a little bit of time to breathe for happy which never got to level three by the way it's back though this game is not over it's 70 supply and happy it's hands I got four happy is close to four a little too cold arrow couldn't make a difference against the demon but now eighty supply 5/5 heroes my double aura so ten more and more upgrades for these dryads bears and mgs as well he's never forgetting about items never town portal on the Nagas staff in more potions three mountain giants and not going higher I like that at all if you really want to be safe you can go four but three should be enough three to four that's the sweet spot but you need some damage as well and the Nagas level five that fog lightning is gonna hurt even comes in for a bit of burn but every burn is returned with all of damage now that staff and distraction the light eighty supply - Oh upgrade part is so good it's so good of course the movement speed but it also helps a little bit against the disease Club for once the HP regen for ones that matters is noteworthy at least for a bombs wow that's really heavy for happy standards and classic happy he sells the altar for ninety gold Elya min maxing man I mean if he loses a hero now game is prolly over anyway there is one Nova earlier yeah he used it when the light was engaging before for like like doing the retreat I think that wasn't mistake but at least low light was forcing this post 204 happy as well how to deal with three mgs and 5000 HP main expired low light going for a super late-game ancient of wind telling from - are more during a hero focus just one fairy fire yeah like what else can make like hippos doesn't work against there's many things I mean there's no wet but he doesn't know we should happy and I upkeep wow that is so rare to see Maine gold mines expired the lights upgrades are getting crazy strong though three-one gonna finish soon love the defense upgrades now so engine off wind what is gonna bring ah okay nothing at the moment no camaras that's something we see quite a bit as well interesting that happy doesn't get ready for that so when is the time to go 200 supply happiest at 90 is this production a little late the nagas is on the other side of the map now the light sees the army coming as I go time to go back home okay now high up keep what is it hippos here we have the big fight huge front line demon hunted down to 50 percent fighting for the lives year a little bit of feeling can't reach now with the coil it's saved or bready nah got in trouble from the Korean is falling apart detonates now hippos now but what do you do if you don't have heroes floral I it he was waiting for the fault lightning to come out and then snap TP that greed might cost him the game the ultimate mistake down to 73 happy standing strong at 91 for a bomb still in a gigantic concave for fiends how to deal and the undead heroes of the prowl now yeah and guess what now it's five four three undead here levels Oh Lorelai it's such a good game for such a long time again and then that colossal mistake and you wanted no one is playing perfect games against happy Oh Kayla Llyod desperate times he has the backup tree of eternity but of course she has to defeat the undead first to establish that one Hippogriff taken out way way way too easy yeah the simple transition is not paying dividends at all no maybe gems would have been better against for a Bob's I definitely think so okay that frontline for happy yeah look at all this meat with ramen stinky and very tanky and ultimately successful that nades in the back but this is just justice just bears gone yeah the a bombs are soaking up all the damage and it's a lot so he's gonna drop in supply now but he needs a hero kill and how to get there metamorphosis is far away lit yeah is of course saved in will transferred well it's gonna be back soon and the fog lightning is gonna add in a lot of damage ultimate fighting spirit by law light as well but the mountain Giants at seven supply gone that's another seven supply vanishing in a second niche again a little bit exposed and it's the Nagas coming back is the Nagas coming back tree in this fight okay now guys about to be back but almost twice the supply for happy and now it's only one mg he doesn't tank anymore it's so easy to get to these dryers at this point four stacks used on the ground and they're all out of mana yeah yeah he detonated against that big time so that was great nah got back one Hail Mary but on what level five Nagas for happy can you get level six somehow I don't think so the demon had to staff down at rescue this time we're getting closer to level six but now there's a nova and happy with match points of the grand final has yet to lose another map is it seriously gonna happen is it really gonna win you a cup for without dropping a map he played against the world champ he played against the bronze medalist he played against the two-time world champion not that he has an easy grip China is learning what it's like to be a player in Europe you play your games and then at one point you lose to happy yeah it's like the old saying about Germany and football you know there's 22 players and they play for 90 minutes and at the end Germany wins it's the same with Warcraft and happy except that there's not 22 players that would be crazy dude they'll be pretty fun so map 3 twisted Meadows okay yeah that it's destined to happen isn't it happy la Llyod twisted Meadows happy vs. night off twisted meadows the grand final against moon this epic last time law light met with her with happy in CC masters we had to see this map I wonder what this question is on everyone's mind of course warden yes I know it has to be if something saves Lorelai it must be the ward it's destiny man this map this player what else I would love to see it as you said that was the game of the Year 2019 happy vs. Lala untwisted with low lights warden which was utter insanity admins are asking if the players need a break I know this is really really really stressful okay we get a little three minute break here in low-light asking for it it is three match points for the Emperor and vice world champ twisted Meadows could decide it all but it twisted its low light and 3511 people are screaming for a warden Lala it will you do us the favor let's all hope together the light gets summer camp spawn because we want to see more maps and he does so that's pretty good top left no lion happy in the bottom left diced I believe in the world yes demon hunter looked okay but not overwhelming just try I mean you are in a desperate position anyway you know you have to win three maps in a row against the monster that is happy what else just continue to play standard or yeah like standard in quotes because the light is playing insanely well as to just a few mistakes broke his neck twice if you play this map standard against normal happy play you know I mean you know what happens gonna play right it's gonna be DK fiends triple hero giving undead time and triple hero and twisted yes baby nice we get it this could be a celebration of this matchup one level seven level eight level nine not out of the question in this game but she needs to get to level six that is the big problem with the wood she can be super strong she can be winning games for you but she's hard to play she's hard to get online and she absolutely requires level six otherwise she's gonna be just a crutch sooner or later well happy lost heroes today so shadow strike might be an option happy Scouts for this creep and seize it we have seen crazy last hits against Lin can you do it again well I guess the Shadow Priests really important happy doesn't manage to steal this one the granite though almost game then okay DK comes in can he steal something with a coil there's skeletons but the wisps are here for detonate as well all the light gets pretty much everything only a wisp right yeah only was for happy oh the Shadow Priests would be nice kill Archer block nice by the light he's not giving up playing really well it feels like he resets his mind at the beginning of each game there's no frustration to be seen he's not getting any weaker he's not like slacking and not mid maxing enough anymore and that despite the great position he had in Game two and the kind of throw he went through that's promising to see I hope this will lead to a longer series here wardens progress pretty good but level 2 is not enough number three is not enough you need five six maybe even number seven it's a decent start of course happy with the second leg Rob Paulus again he didn't use a ghoul before yeah against the warden he does this quite a bit after the two cigarettes in that crow so that's if you lose a collides midtech it's not that expensive thank you for court hey God the five heroes it's how the back to Walker Olga made thy brains connected again so - mercenaries Millian has vision across the map moving over tier two a little later due to the mercenary camp oh that's more marks really strong early-mid game by l'a Lion the Merc careful so strong abusing the creep AI rock golem now not tossing any boulders and of mana stealing that will cloak little unfortunate with these items but yeah that is crazy level 3 again wait a minute players forces go through our camps give you level 3 maybe you need a little bit more you also killed one acolyte and maybe a few skeletons but Wow look at the creep route work camp in Toomer camp into bottom-right goldmine and a wisp is kind of close by maybe it's right next to it wow I mean at this point there's no doubt in anyone's mind that low light is the the greatest player when it comes to creeping ever yeah and like not even close alright this is so far behind items also not too great this moves towards the upper left just checked it out k2 tech done Expo on the way happy one day to multiple times but he feels against the warden you need to apply pressure and go for a big timing push before she's too high level so it's likely to expect that and around 50 supply maybe a little later happy will try to go for a kill out blowout attack he keeps on scouting but stops it's like seriously if he Scouts is early the bottom right expansion I don't know I don't know how I don't know why but it wouldn't surprise me that's just their insane level of play these days statue ledge happy getting ready oh no this garden there's nothing there dude I can't believe maybe it's not gonna go into the little corner it's nighttime exactly he sees it's crept though but does he this expansion building it here might save it at the end he has a tele staff as well but I mean he couldn't cancel the Expo at this point okay not 100% confirmed and even if he's pushing there well I'd click stand here in the upper left now I don't know if that's the right thing to do level four Klopas nine decent pendant from before of course awesome getting from four to five is really hard with creeps you have a heavy experience punished from neutrals note here three by the way just tear two dryers let's twist it right I don't think we will see open fights checking now but yeah very dry it heavy abby's levels pretty damn low so far 3 1 only it's gonna get the first big item over here belt might be useful against the warden and after this camp the waters gonna be almost level by so how does it feel to you let's have to know about the expo not so be Basque this is the wardens absolute dream so what happened pushing really early with only forty supply waiting for the dark Ranger there we go ancient of Warren not back in the base so close to five this is one skeleton level five right or very close ancient protector in the base la lie it knew one goal no blame level up this is risky no in Ville no potion at all nice safe on the Berserker full damage build and that's level five right here alright so now she starts to become good but no five is not necessarily enough that's gonna be a lot of damage certainly so dryads down as well silence as the warden runs in Polish it's a potion shadow strike on the DK abolish is not ready yet Expo starts to pay off slowly but steady lots of dry it's cute of course the whole different undead army as there's no mana burn lots most felt to use the safety was over oh the fan that was nice that's a fiend kill does he have revealed this time there's a whisper at the lab you should have it yep and that's more careful avoid but he's in trouble as well almost dying forced into the tepee that's three fiends I think you're happy denied the last one there with this full of corruption Oh [Music] from downtown baby the death knight no mercy no mercy rushes to the tavern ap taking out happy big steps towards a the perfect tournament why does this keep on happening take such a good game until the big mistake but this might not necessarily be a game losing mistake not just yet reveal again there ever feels takes out a fiend closer to six it's really hard to take out these buildings with this army it's only forty supplied the light is still a base up and he has a quite some gold checking for a counter expansion smart in this potion and in Valon the ward it's time to wreck acolytes she's super low Hannah though only has one spell to use three-unit in the base narrow tower every single bit - what's level six helps I guess when dome one number two numbers Oh almost three okay there's no blink by the way once happy back but I guess this army is enough reveal again against the borrowed fiend that's dude when he town portals home there's happy with his army all right what are you doing coils Ivanova ah there's nothing there's no shop there's nothing happy is just taking out one moon well after the next and now that the warden has tp'ed away he certainly knows there's an expansion and he can bring his army back together yeah maybe you shouldn't leave some units in the night that was a nice defense boy this warden kill again losing the heroes once again how does he make this one competitive once more level 6 has to be the only answer in wool shop in the North Ward riots find the fiends again another nothing needs to kill these fiends but Happy's protecting them 1000 called this is at least little time for the warden to move up north maybe even for a potion moon wells in the back are nice no von - fiend saving them already in this on the warden again to heal up at the moon will this will come as a surprise sheets to fiends I believe for the level up or that single a bomb no way she's a little more excuse me she was hired so two kills for the level of fields desperate it feels really desperate he has to engage otherwise he's losing the tech there we go for the DK fan of knives okay trying to force the town portal with Sol hero focused level 4 DK though you can go for death pack now if he wants this one level 5 is the only toys Epling comes in fiend kill now but so many dryads one more kill for level 6 one more how level 6 avatars ready lots of corpses the avatar how fast can he oh nice also distraction by the mountain giant this must be time to create some skeletons detonate mass detonate a mom falls where the spirits okay there we go well I'd with two potions both heroes for happy low he holds this somehow taken out dryads though and fiends both dying one after the next happy has one more coil but only one or the DK in trouble well he's still ticket statues yeah keep them safe man Oh barely barely happy had one hand and three fingers on the trophy the imaginary trophy happy does have death back by the way yes we level to aura it's the warden show now upgrades more dryads creeping doesn't do anything expo is still running but happy job he was kind of forced to do it as he lost it during Happy's push and that was like one position to put it happy goes in again almost ten supply lead now fall alive most importantly the in Avatar dodges the nuke but that was the interval gone very early dark Ranger nuke may be trying to take up the status but the warm right-click is not enough in the middle of everything for lightning where it doesn't do too much Mountain Giants soak up a lot of this attention glitch level three would be big he's close love how protected this avatar is by the way yeah in the decays almost out of mana that's the last coil warden is bursting through her mana as well getting rid of this abomination let's whoa GG it's not a clean tournament anymore how this game turned around with a single level of boy oh boy did Lal I'd have to work hard for that though for once the single mistake of the hero loss doesn't lose him the game the warden the warden does it is the warden the answer again not on too many Maps I believe but how does he not give up fighting law lion - Oh down against happy being pushed losing your hero but this going for the counter-attack staffing to the other side of the map with less than a hundred HP without a shop without a moon well there he finds a way really impressive twisted Meadows man next maps Northern Isles of course it is exactly Northern Isles and here you can play warden as well it's a little harder but it is possible no break no break at all Happy's living room always his losers map but warden is doable and Lolly it seems like his creep routes today are just even better than usual I don't know how that's possible but maybe he found something else here as well well I it's so prepared and he knows this map is coming yeah a grand final absolutely worth it worth its name mmm take some time to load in Oh disconnect join bug here rather have these bugs early and during the game yeah like Nettie's even does disconnect better than the American counterpart it was when they played here before it was warden and panda right in the CC master I think it was is that gonna be the strat here by law lion what does he fall back on the demon it didn't look bad with a demon honestly like he was very competitive for a long time and then there was the big mistake and then happy punished him again waiting for it it was warden only according to liqui pedia hmm I remember one game with the warden and Panda was looking somebody else perhaps it was okay what's the last met by the way tearing us is vetoed and LR is the last man I asked okay no ch again we're waiting for you my friend am I gonna miss this game dude come on now what's up of your connections it's open to working this time otherwise they might kick you out you don't want that no love this game come on Oh looks good though but now game over I don't know what's happening yeah you know that's three times a charm we're going to map number four once again waiting for you there you are and this should be fine then so happy up to Oh lead but Lala defended match ball number one claim twisted Meadows but now it's Happy's map choice Northern Isles and now everything is working alright thank goodness Matt for happy still on match point but the warden gave hope again to the lights it's gonna be warden again yes yes yes yes it would go any further to a swiss crown may die as well yeah I think so too I think this should be a warden but yeah as I said earlier it's not as easy as easy as on twisted meadows the double Merc the double Berserker helped out a ton therefore all I did the early and mid-game and we don't have any mercenaries on this map not a Zeppelin that's always helpful but first I mean we don't have to look at Happy's main that's for sure the love of his life back at it so what can happy do to punish this how can he stop the water from three can only really slow her down with a tusk our camp into green green green level three can really be denied but it can be delayed but we saw earlier never three warden didn't win the game not even level five warden was able to win the game it was the level six the ultimate and this was always true in this matchup against top unders you need the old otherwise you can't win and this is gonna be quite a bit harder to achieve on this map law lied once again will have to have an impeccable three bro he always has this is what the shop is about you start with an engine of war here hope for some mana then you will move over with a shop ready can he detonate against the skeletons that would be really nice I think he was [Music] ancient in trouble greater mana now we're talking happy got it twice today now it's time for the Koreans tech is gonna be a little bit delayed here with the early shop fall or live but it's definitely the right choice in my opinion needs to get this warden off to a great start and these items are exactly what he's looking for did this whisper the skeleton hiding behind the bench okay he's safe now warden is far away focusing on her own progress at least merlok so this is time for happy to treat this with a bunch of bulls and skeletons the guidance for happy big in walk okay can help against the warden pretty predictable early game by happy as always of course so long I was anticipating this for scouting fight with a whisk this whisk out got of Intel already still up big tonight what only loses more Intel yeah with this illusion he could pretty easily creep as natural actually but the warden goes out looking to be more aggressive the archers can creep the green with the ancient of war tele staff where to go though oh please the one shows herself attack is under siege he's gonna go the full damage build again it was a risk second Acropolis closer to your tool all night not making use of it but creeping at the same time waiting patiently waiting for happy to move out kills maybe oh she wouldn't need to go to blink for that I could blink shadow strike that the wait go okay it is happy sidestepping immediately so quick and oil long raids great saves and that's commitment to blink for a single acolyte kill which can be replaced anyways he doesn't even get it did he I got one okay I'm not sure about that choice this lack of fan is gonna be a big problem on tier 3 at least buying time for an expo tier 3 on the way very late riots [Music] illusion again so will happy fall for it it would stop creeping for a while but no one happy he's not keeping the Lich in the base you know okay tell us man at level three point three for the warden death Knight makes its way over and he scout this expansion there's no corpse here it's too late to cancel anything it doesn't make the trip over to the right it's dangerous conceal the Olga mange I certainly did the whistles to see it warden would like to have a word yeah Knights wisp scout again so who's gonna get it whoa whoa lie it I didn't went too happy though close was nine it's a very good item it's also very good experience trying to deny tanks a little bit too much maybe it's the rest of the camp going to happy and now it's daytime oh he popped him did he pop the moonstone so happy doesn't see the tree of life Behav that would be so sick I mean maybe it was just some wondrous moon like three moon worlds are empty third one doesn't look too good either and she loved was ready for the red spot but seriously his army is really small yeah and Happy's lining up the Tier three timing again ghouls coming fiends coming statues coming missing some goat oh he needs the orb and eat the dark Rangers before himsel the poor Sobi mask again Iren Jesus once game five with a greater mana at Sobi mask I can happy keeping the club by the way could save some heroes later literate plus 16 while early Mountain Giants very early Mountain Giants 34 supply mountain giant it saved about TM mg's plus the old yeah but the oldest man a song oh boy that's gonna be a hard push to hold all I gotta be a lot of spells in this push it again 43 supply first mg out riots reconnecting with this army where to fight close to the loss would be a dream it's blink shadow strike still no toll-free training getting a lot of free damage since one dried dead already the shops gonna fall Moon Wells exposed after see pushing in from the championship now one successful football is not going for the defense again losing quite some buildings Expo starts to mine now starts to pay off fully now oh happy kills the shop and that's the big difference to TM he does not allow an out of base shop anymore the line when do you come in here to engage second mg waiting for the dry it's and then that of the Dryad and then that's it I guess no moon juice no shop no production someone was even getting cancelled in the back well I'd patient the base is already in Chambal he's waiting for the perfect moment away from this feels like happy is getting a free win but of course all this stalling is for a reason it's gonna get one riot at one fiend once again looking for the stragglers but this is not steps towards level six not really heats you get to five first is so many kills away still moon well here preparing for a base race how about retraining with fan of knives okay it's time what's that Nate I like this only way you can win is if you drains the manor by happy but there's a mana stone there's a mana stone in deep dry it's falling traits at four ghouls not even saves the fiend this is like the campaign ending all the wisps against the enemy's heroes sweet coils there's still the mana stone and he's not saving any wisps mountain Giants carry this for now warden no impact ten of life's again but so far there were coils all the freaking time there is an inversion but how to heal warden it doesn't have link anymore so she needs to be careful the symbols almost over this tournament is almost over a happy pushing forward staff out now buying a little more time the light stays alive but on on life support the light is still mining has a shopback walked into the army again happy Falls back from the main expansion might be easier to kill and they'll shop here needs to get the Oba venom finally more damage he needs more damage more kills more experience more levels if he gets to 6 the light can still win this game four and a half only though I think there was no clarity but he's full mana anyway 400 gold what to do with it shop gone and that's of course no mountain giant creeping at the same time he knows at level five six is his only option the expo dies which is gonna be in just a few seconds silence on the wisp to prevent the dead now he's going to the main again and yell I could afford to give up the expansion but not the main he's very close to level 5 now at least buys the mana stone I like that full did he use the potion before yes he did mana regen is ultra sabi and mana stone but happy going for the throne last and for low-light focus on the warden is silence this fell against it fan of nice for how to healer it's only a TP moon well no juice is limited this seems to be the end o town portal now to get to the moon wells needs to heal up quickly but if she goes in again she might be dead now I'm trying to burn with the last bit of whis but the silence on the wisps again here's the detonate how much he caught there's no call anymore no spells anymore okay now that the man is gone perhaps allied can't go back in again yes more mana to use van it's this or the coil on the fiend and now warden is dry again how to heal dry it's falling fiend safe denies level 5 over and over and over desperate attempts but that's about it Frostmourne hungers happy doesn't because the championship goes to Russia one map loss only laa-laa tried at all but it's just happy you'll cup for champ you cup 2 and you look up for happy a monster doing it again so impressive the warden worth once when she did get to the old but without the old no chance wow this just keeps on impressing just keeps on impressing killing the entire team newbie in the round of 8 playoffs see many best players in the world just fell to happy like that is it do we need the tea ages and in fees again yeah I think we do too moon also can be putting up a good fight and Lin if he's in better shape but today and this whole tournament nobody was ready for heavy again on Chinese servers on Nettie's wow just wow there was a bit of a disappointing performance for happy at Dreamhack not even making it to the finals only into the top four for his standards that's really really a unusual yeah and now he's coming back strong again in an online tournament with a disadvantage compared to all the other players from Asia once again showing us showing the world just how strong he is the number one player on the walker 3.0 ranking will stay at number one will climb towards 2500 a low points would be the first one to crack it there was a glorious day of Warcraft today phenomenal absolutely yeah so have last couple of days you woke up was running for the entire yeah week so far in the last week and now we're gonna have one day off tomorrow Oh time to relax I do have some meetings but yeah a little bit thank you sloth for president we will be at rocket beans later starting at 5:00 time now Wow thank you what free station and do you for the great grade you'll come I hope we get more tournament announcements soon wgl qualifiers should start in maybe two weeks Saturday we have the global clan Cup where you can sign up for not happy because this either ranking is through the roof after this tournament but everyone who has a need Oh lower than 2100 can fight for $100 w3 il continues on Sunday as well so you shall not miss us for too long and tonight at 4 in one our Todd's Invitational starts so head over to twitch.tv slash Todd in a bit and if you're German or also if you're not women tuned into rocket beans later for the next edition of agendas Canada's vs. Moo problema for game oh are you you're nervous already near no I'm just exhausted [Laughter] are you gonna play before or no I have to cast okay well then here the do nots good priority if you want to support us feel free to follow us here on Twitch on YouTube on our social Facebook Twitter Instagram we have a discord come say hello she wants to support us financially there is a sub button there's a donation button and we have merchandise as well and an Amazon referral link since we're doing this full-time every single piece of support is appreciated so we can continue to bring you the best Warcraft probably of all time see you saturday
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 38,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: i4R01paSABs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 45sec (5505 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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